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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1905)
c I :;,vvj:l?c53;Sless:i cn Tit: 9 C-i;::tj Ur.:.::i- trawtrci to Growth cf rc"Ic Cct, lit rrVKts Eeea I':-r fa V,1kh Tclctl s-i'Lc'.rr Leiiars : - Handled t' t Immigration Qai;n. United States Senator J Charles IX fietrlch at Nebraska, who la attend4 the Trans-Ml!.tpplComra"ercUll con gress, op pome I .ral at legislation or any interferon. 4 by atate commlaalon or court with the transcontinental rail -way, and favors modifying the laws governing the admission of Chines to this country.' - In an Interview today he expressed himself vigorously in support of the two positions. . . , "One treat - drawback to the develop ment or the Paclflo coast." said he, "Is the fact that political and labor leaders . Have been unwisely and unjustly harsh in handling the Chtness Question, Tbey . have materially Injured tha transporta tion .interests of tha Pacific ocean. La bor unlona demand that, every menial service must be performed by Ameri cana. Now I have such a high regard '. f or the character and ability of Amer- deans that. I could find better employ ,' ment for them 'than doing such work '' as tha ehespest oriental laborer could V s well do. ' v . . , ."Ships should be free to employ orl- fentsl labor and - transcontlnentsl eom- parilea should not be hampered by any '. Interstate or state railway commission or court. -i - v-- - - -s, , .. . ' ;.' The Bato-Making Town. -: I am opposed to granting rate-mak-, Ing power, to the interstate commission. : I believe It Is absolutely Impracticable under present conditions, for the reason that every state haa rate-making and taxing power, and any change in tha schedule of rates' Imposed by any Stat .', would upset, snd .destroy what might : seem an equitable rata Imposed by the Interstate commlaalon. ; "The aurplua wealth of the middle Vest ha bean it ability to transport . products to seaports at leas than half :. the rat pro rata that- was paid by states nearer the destination. This has .been the on caus that operated to .build the fruit trad for the Paclflo -coast, for you have shipped fruit to ' the east and competed - with Florida. , which waa about one third as far away from tha markets." - . , Senator Dietrich has been prominent l .befoja-th. country a J.he,advocsta of a plan to maintain- In 0Eor more places " In the orient a permanent- exposition .where -American, goods and local prod- that this wouldforwerdthe commercial ' Interest, of the United States, and la , urging the, federal government to. act la ? that direction. . '. ' - , . . ' : Hi would have bonded Warehouses " maintained by this counliyTlntl'orelga ' norta. where American 'goods- eouia ' oe .ui.t..iuvmini.Miit to. the ewiwrt . anVT Wiijulji'Jjay xt5iajyji, wharfage , facilities. , k ,- . , . ;-- . Maklna- Market ' lm the ' Orient. "" Havlne- traveled through 1 the- orient : Senator Dietrich sUte that he knows . that American commerce la much ham pared by . the tnonopoly of docks , by foreign cOnntrlea. and he has proposed '- -this plan to remove the handicap under wMrh the merchants of thla nation have ' run tha commercial race with those of Europe." " " ) . -..,'. ' t The- Nebxaakan has been In Alaska; " where b looked Into condition with an ' y to evolving a plan for the proper : governing of the territory, and counsel the creation of a commission Of six for this purpose, wun ne t invt Alaska as IU Breeldlng' of ficer. . ."Another thing." ald . Senator Diet rich, "with regard to our northern ter ritory. -la th need f better transpor tstlon. I am urging tha federal govern ' ment to aid th conatructton of a rall- road from Valdes to Eagle, and believe that auch a Toad would command th . entire trad of th Tukon Valley. Any . on who will study th map. or who haa gone over that region as I have, knows that Eaale la at th lower and of a atretch of th Tukon which Is open SO oava loneer In the fall- and earlier In ' jthe spring thsn th remainder of th river. Therefor - railroad to Eagle ' would command tha trad of Pawaon. United States , Senator; Charlea Henry Dietrich of Nebratka. as wen as that ofth Tanana river, Wher are to be Immense mines of cop per, gold, sliver and other Tnetais. - . 1 went over that country on norse- back and tried to learn at first hand the actual, condition.' As a result 1 ant urging tha government to extend aid to' the railroad 'proposed from Valdes, and believe that It will b th making of th 'Alaskan oountry;".. ...i-. glass wmm 1 nuiGii Easttrn Factories Shut Down, , ; and Price Goes : Up About : ; .Forty Per .Cent... .-'.;'; EXTEAOftbllTAIlY IE y v , ... ; US are offerinf aome extra , ordinary baxcaina Hn tfcls Eummer'i TA5S for 7omen. tTery pair U the latest style. The leathers and shapes and v colors are perfect. -"- ..,''-' ". ' yftLC TUTS W.I5' U C3.M TANS II t3.C3 TATS .t2JTAl?3 $U5 ss e3.i5r !7S t2.ES 1 !:3 $2.43 f ' BJS $U5 " J7. o ?. L A Li ' ri HOME ; GUILDERS WILL fEEtfFFECTaFRAtSE ;:V ' -.i.VtfO. Cembirte and Independents Suddenly rCease yiwlucUun, and ,Uie .yiaibie Sf.l.LL EOATS LUST CARRY -r 11FE PRESERVERS .H ' - . . . . j," .;''.- ;:;,tt; 6ne', to . Four 'Passengers,' , and Buoy and Line Among Pro- ? - ' visions of Ordinance. I - 'i Several amendments were mads) yes terday. bithJieaJlh.n.dLpollcftj:pmU-. tee of th. city council to th proposed ordinance ipreaoiibing requirements - for theprotectlon of life on launches jhat I this afternoon. ply , in . th - harbor, as the ordinance stands one life' buoy and line shall itk carried, on boat of II .feet or less'ln length; two on boats from ' II to si feet in length and. three on boats from - - i ' .' ..'- - :' v '." ' - . !'' '' . - V : v We have arranged- for fi notable Hat Sale, giving values never before offered in the city of Portland. - All the newest shapes, including the Alpine, Four-Dent, College Telescope, etcn in Blacks, Browns and Nutrias. Greatest Clothing House in the Northwest. :-'' ...... ) - .1 1 41 feet In length to II tons besides which each boat shall carry on life preserver for every four passengers and at least on light. i ' . i Owners of motor boats appeared be fore the . committee. Including Captain a C. Kellogg, Captain McKe and M. Merrill. Harbormaster Ben Biglln waa also present. , The proposed ordinance was dlacuaaad-thornughly, waa .de cided that on life preaerver for each passsnger on th smaller 'craft would take up so much room that there would be no plao to carry paasengers. It was slso argued, that life preservers would be of little us In case ot th sudden overturning of a boat. ., but that llf buoys and lines would be of great serv ice,, The boatmen argued against plao Ing a light on th mast, as it blinded ih navigator. ? , v. t, ' ' .' ?. ,"A river, captain told me th other evening," said CapUln Biglln, "that he was afraid to com Into th harbor at night because of th mosquito fleet, ss th small bpe.tsareao abundant on the river that great car Rad to be taken to prevent accidents. - It 1 my opinion tTiRt "TTi e" bos ts-sn onld"lje provided wliu -lights.' . '.: ; - . .'.-'-:-: ;' Th ordinance will go to the council . 'Accident com with distressing fre quency on th farm. Cutsr bruises, stings, sprains. Dr.- Thomas' Eclectrlo OH relieves th pain Instantly.. Never '. aafa without it- Vancouver Transportation -.Co. FOR V. Lock: Makes the round trip dally, except" Sunday, leaving "tayldr ; StreetD6ck" !..: 'i ..'. " , JjsjTr-ajeturijiiiam m. Supplyalla Irtto the' Hands' of a Few Conscienceless Jobber, ' Builders r confsonted. with, a . sensa tional ria in ,th price of . glass.' V To Introduce ih sunlight lfftc his hom th horn- builder -must -pay-from IS' to 4 per cent mora for the windows than they would .cost a' month ago laid down In Portland.,. Th reason given . Is .that th eastern glass factories ; be v Shut down at a time when there waa a short- age of glass lp the hands of 'Jobbers.: Various explanations are given - for this sction" by -the factories.' - A- glass manufactorers. .combine,., comprising about II of the largest factories In the country, undertook' soms years hgo to control the industry of tnl i country, under cover of a high protective, tariff that kept foreign glass out of reach of the American consumer. ? A number of Independent glass -factor) started, and have mad much trouble for the combine by cutting prices. , It la said that wheu a shut-dawn occurred - last year there waa so much glass on tha market' that prices went to th bottom-. . vs . This year the' reverse I ' tru. v The shut-down is made 'at. a time, when few eastern ' Jobbers "havS cornered the small supply of glass on hand, and they have sent ' prices '1 up to t figures nearly double the former schedule. Kvea at th sky-rocket' prices quoted today there are -very, limited quantities of sta- pl else of glaes to be had. ' Liocat deal era can ."fill amall orders, Tbut sr ' not soliciting large sales. . A,', greenhouse man who wishes to build a glaas struc ture at this time Is fortunate If he gets enough glsas for -the undertaking. At th F. K. Beach Is said th situation la mad unreasonably se ver -on - th - consumer .by-av lew'- cotv sclenceless Jobbers In " the east... who perceived the . situation .In' time ,to cor ner the glaas, end then shot the. price up, ' wringing golden tribute from every man In the oountry who has .prepared to build a houee thla fall;.-, A-window pane that cost tl centa a month ago now cost 10 cents. ; This 1 a aampl of the increase. In. prices..- The .staple elses ef glass are the 'highest -and scarcest- ' Flaher.: Thoraen Co, aay that while the advance haa bert nearly 40 pr cent, th price of glass- was-formerly too low. and that It Is not too-high at this time. They say th. worst feature of th sit uation Is scarcity of staple alses for building purpose,' and that , the high price would not materially affect build ing If there were plenty of glas to' b hsd. Mr. : Thoraen said: - . . W favor Independent " factories,' and buyee per cent of our glens from them- If a glass Tactory: could b established In Portland it would have the advantage of a fixed equity Of 10 per cent In the prlo. savsd from the ' freight rat for the long railroad haul' front the' east Such an-equity . would be- a Bne profit for a. factory and insure Its prosperity. If eultable sand could be found such a factory might be started here. There. Is sn Immense amount of glass consumed on thla cohst. Portland uses about 121 carloads annually, and sehdr to the east ern mills about $150,003 every yeer that might be kept at home. The ' Jobblsg' houses of this city would keep seversl factorlea busy.": '" ' - ';: t He eald the tariff. Is a,' useless, pro tection, ss the quality of American glaaa alone le sufficient to keep out foreign competition. Th 'Germ on glass factory product Is so fsr inferior to American glaas that It would not prove a serious factor In th msrket, even If admitted free, excepting at time when th Arr.r 1 en manufacturers pfsrtln extortion Are Yom Bm ilffliii ... ' '' .' - ; ' ; :..,'"'' v' '.vV. . v ' v . -V i: - : -iU'.V..'j .SltP-.-g .'; -. . ; .- .'V si ' - cm re'u;- ,?;.'. v, .'Vi' ! I;"':-'. 11 ' ? . :v 4?'f--..' .f " f yKA " - '"" '.'" ":' ."'- - v-' --V ' - V' :y, ; ,. ..;.''. j- .- ;. 'v,fVJi 1 - - : ii- . - j -'. ;j' '.' If you are,' see that your architect and builder make arrangements so that you can light, cook and heat with gas. No house is now complete without this arrangement. The ; ideal " Bouse ; should be piped for a gas range in the kitchen and ' a gas heater in the sitting room, as well as piped ; for gas lighting throughout the house. - ' r y ,.- ' .r;. - :; - , v . J ? ; . ,5 , ... After November 1 the price of gas per 1,000 cubidfeer"vnU'D'$1.15-Tietrs-rnAtes gas very much the cheapest method for lighting, cooking and heating. ' ' v;-; , Those who once use the gas range never go back to the old method of cooking, and those who once heat with gas will never do without one or two .'gas heaters around the house.' - People are now cooking with gas the entire year and if you have never tried it you' will be surprised how econom ical it is. f'r. .-- r '','' -;.-: '. ' ,;.i' V." ". v Use I ' THE PRICE lNOW INCLUDES INSTALLING. That Is, for the purchase price we will set up ready for use, which; . . -' includes a run of forty feet of pipe. ' On a cash sale or if you pay for it within thirty days we make you a discount of , ; a , .v v v - ten per cent. Where a fuelistub is already in the kitchen and no pipe is necessary a discount of twenty per cent is made.' '-. '" ' ' e '- -1 A . ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ''.'-"- ' ''! ' :.'"- -'' 'j' ; jau iixenange ana ict one pi our solicitors give you oiner lacts. .''''.. ' ', , . ... 't '..'""-.'" , '- I . . ' 1 .'-,' ''.''.. v .-'... , ' e 'ei ir r-e - I, - - -- Fifth and Yamhill Sfv a t;:.e fcy ereatlrg a shortage. - -