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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1905)
44tlte;M.. 7 V s"r-: i w" u ?. - - , Procilnint' Hanccnj Tlzvr I.T,trt:r V.rcs: Price I list Centered." ' "Or' Mt i ' V. 7A .a I u w y ) 7F '. njii;.. Poycott on American Products ( Said to Ce More Cevere : -1 : Cable Disappoint COLUMSIA SALMON PACK ' UIS REPORTED SHORTER Fair Run Early In Scasor) a Help, Btot ' e t- ir-ll. e.ll' H7U Abater watcrws v aiy ouwm Rules Lower on-6roalle Export W Flour Demand. 4 rroBt Street. "Aag. I fb .srtBetpaJ fe tan of. th Portland WBe.e w dr are: fcr. Vow whole! ulmoit price. Be of Colombia h!bi 1 Heavy demand taown ta ow pal. :'bilY,tor'""fi''''r-"ttrip. - ; Ulllatuff tlrm with upplla abort. 'Wheat drop with le denwad, . , Chin boycott bmmw eerlou. ' Mlir tnt Itwtgga-aed. poultrf ' ,-Ktw .: cut price are etng mo. a.: Better uipullc bowa la tomatoes. rrtak (Mat mrkt r firm. torn aalaa ( ho pa ara sed. "' 4 , ,, t Ckinaaa yoyeett Is Mere sari. ., -Too that an lad ta believe that the Chi. MM bo resit aa Americas produote aot t tl err woold change tbair mlnde If they i wara engaged la tha .si port now Mtne at tha- preeent aaomrpt. To the aiportere the are etrenoon time. Ha la bavtiig eoaaldera- ble dlfflcnlty la eecurlng bla rappUm la tha " flrat plaea at prleaa that will allow Ma ta da a profitable bualne, while attar ba get at v atocka ka run up against a atoaa wall tha Chinese wall la, othrr word and la anabki . 'ta da baalaaaa la that dtractlaa. A proml. sent eaporter wba waatad - ta know exactly - what tha- alwatlon we an. tha other aide " ) reteraay Beat tha following abla ta a Btarji ' - Inportar o Hoofkootf -Wbat-aaMMn -ol floor and at what pried caa Foa da baataaaa for Saptaaibar-Oetobar deltrarffv Tha aaawar, -. a( which tha following la praetteailj a aopy. atataarad tha maa oa thla aldat "Caa't w , , joar floar at any prloa. Boreott tea " Locally tha floar aaarkat ramaiai vtl Mjulct i with practically aa aalaa of Importance. Kaw crop prima lor dotoaatta ' trada hata, aot rot , -o boaa aamad but It la tha Jarn-ra) eplntoa that tha will follow tha toad -t tha cat ta axporta and drop about 19 and 19 ceatf a bar- ral. v ' , i ' ' Wbaa Prioaa ara Saw AaJa, , Tha lull in tha demand for flout aaa caoaad aft II another devllaa la tha arlra at wheat. Mlllora ara Bow anaklna bide radically I , caata buahel andor Jeraiar ajoutatloaa .and eoma Vttla-baaloaa la reported. Only a few can- of aew .wheat bare yet arrived la tale marker and tha eolnnie la nor eiptcted to get keeey eneah vatll arooad aptrtaer 1 . ta , , t-g'f grinding , The aew raluee offered today, t PerUaad, are Clan, 70c) Bed Haaalaa, OTe; bloaatam, tic; Willamette valley, T5c. Oa a cravat of the abort eupply. Talley grade caa- ' tlmiea ta ba tha hlgbeet ta tha BMrkat. V The following ra porta of the hrit In the ""tdlnlTbOreatOB1 f from" Tka "lead! , that cltfi N , Wniladi Wlllaby baa flnlahed barreattng 140 aerea at wheat oa bla ranch nortbeeat of Iowa. ' aad foporta an arrrafa of 40 baahekrpar aera. . rrlea brother cropped a bent SS-mbela -t wheat per aera frel4f- aTer-a 4 J'ald. bat larking aem 10' VAhala' af the aerea tber reached laet fear. Tweaty acren at bar lee a encaged about To boabala. --s--- j ' Aaaong the opa bareeated ' be Warrea Una.', aatflt la tba Weatoa aelgbborbood Were tha, following: I T.McPride, 080 aaeka of from 100 aeraa, aa aacaa ox aarjey from.. 1 , acne: fbrl Wllka, T10 aacka of enlba; wheat' rroia M aeraa: O. at. Rlchaaoad, '" " sVaao aacaa of wheat from 180 acrea. - Henry WaddlagheB bad 100 aerra at wheat v at bla place aontb of towa which aearaged abent dd-baahela per acre, - deaplta the- fact that reach o( It had fallen and eoald ant " : ba eared by tha header, Thla wheat will ba atlllaed for bag, feed by Mr. Waddlnghaak He had JO jcrea of barley which, areraged SO bnabela: rr ; "''' 't' jv't- .Wheat at Turner Dree. fares aorth of tow ',la aveacta above 40 baabela. i- I k. I. Mclntyra cropped i.SOO aaeka of wheat from lao jcrca at hu place north 'mt town. t v.ialaa. a la venorta4 hart. !::': Lata Venorte ta Tba Journal from tba lower aad allodia Columbia atate that the na of ealmon la sow- rery light and that the pack , ' during tha preaent aeaann will be much at a ' dlaappolntneot. At flrat It'waa believed that 'v the pack would" enow a eonalderabla tnrreaae , - aver laet aeeaon on aacoant at the fair-re e ; early end the longer aeaaon. flince Animal " , l.boTcralir-JAC.berji;bnr one at. tw : daft that any. ma 'Of caaaequeaca,. hao: beea , repnrted and 'pachera aaaert that tha total 1 , pack df tha pear, will be allgbtly below that '. . of tba prevlouB eeaeoa.' The aew pHcea af - , wholeeala grow eta la printed today. ' . J" ctta feaa ta Jtrr dad , Xgga. ;. The tone of tba pooltry aad egg market eon. , ttnaea to lmnrore. altbongh there le bat aligbl ? cbaacaln tha Itata.. . Becelpta -af eay are , ennetdarablr ' amaller and ta not eoenlng I '' anlte aa faaL'. Demand la bath Unaa-la allgbtlf i lmnroted, - f J :'- . . ' t The bolter Market ta anlet with the market i j on tha fence. Dealer eoutlooe to bay epar Cheeae la quoted vert firm and arleea ara . generally H cent autnerwt jx centa for twine F . 1 . Ll.. AkK . . . . . "' Iran? ' - '- " . - " .... , leoia . latWe af Rope Are Beperted.- There' wai enme little baelneaa In tba hop market yeaterday afternoon and a few ealet ara reported made aroond forater ajuotatlona. 1 The crop la reported allahtly ltef no ae- mant -nf tbd amletnr. Ire report to The Journal from Woodhorn aad from - California atate that tba report of a very abort eroa ' rmhtlahed In a notnlna paper ara. much eng. gerated aad were for the purpnee af etlffeatng ' the' Bucket for IBOe'e ' aad helping boidera te eell out.. Te report la printed elaewhere.. , . , Today'e - whaleul ,' qootatlooa, . aa rerlaed, are-aa-followar. - - n . '.. ' -v.' '' j. ..wrata, Flaor and aad.; t ' WnlATf-Contrart. 1009 Mew. "club, 'foe) , Bed Ruaalan, 6Tc; blueatem. T4e; valley, TV. V BAB LEY reed, 21.Mtt2J.00i tolled: (2X.S0 . 023.00; brewing, I22.50Q23.00. 4 gMjir-Wbobi, .recked. 2.0 act tea. ItyR tl.M per ewt. . , '. OATS New Na. while, IM.OOi gray. BM.OO. , - - ' . rLODB teeterB . Oregon pateata.. fd.fMMI d.H: ' atralghU. $1.75; eiporta, . $S.e0t.Sj , valley. H :. fr. . Kk.v-00 10. A4.a : fare, tela,- dJI.noT bale, IX. TS. " .. . ' . IflLUTUFra Braa, 120.00 per ton; mid. ."Aline, $28.00: ahott. eouatry, $U,00 etty, $2100: chop. 118.00. ' .. . H A I Produce ra" price Timothy. Wlllaaiett valley, fancy,, fit. Otl: ordinary, 110 00 11.60) ' ' etatern Oregon. $1100: rolled, $11.00: clover, .4 eS.OUttf.eO; grain. $9.00 j cheat, s.00(it0. ' Batter, Egg dad Beato. v BIJTTRfi rATrlweet, tie; eonr, IMHc. ' . BUTT"aClty ereamary, beet. Oc ( eecood ' , trade, 7Hc; oatalda fancy, 87Hi ordinary, . v lie: ator. 19c. -' . t , ' . , E)(iaV We. 1 freak rfgoa, candled,' t3H; ( aaatem, 90e. . f '. -: Newl'nll cream. twln,' ,tlHej noun 'America;., mtci fenwnr, aaac rot it r oateaene,- rnueo, ajuae- bena. lamella net Ibr ronatere. old, 10c Ihi young, Mtilftc per lb; brollera, KWtloc per lb: fryere,14Vi)loo Ibr dock, Ulftc lb; geeae, h'ABw pa. u,, tarkeya, lattlla per lb; dreeeed. -ButlXSc per Ibr $00- pee doa. - -''"'--, Wool aad'Xld.-' , ' HOPi Contract, - 1CXV Oroo, lcl Waab, Inttoa, muwiec!.-1(K4 ' crop, lTMOlad tot tholre: at)ji7e for arlmea aaa medluma. . .WKl-iao ri. caller, eoerae ta medtaah t4H',"9HCj ana, Mi;J eaatera, la. i.'.e, ' ' . w . . KOIIAIB Wnarinal. tOOITe." HKCPbKIN'vbneanng, lSfflJO . abort wml, -' TOtf Wof medioal wool, .g0C0c ten) weal, V bur- tl.00 each. -i TALLOW Prime, per tb' iOUi ! Be. 'jk aad 'gVeaee. t'OtM,, . . . , i . .'. 'CMTTIfl liAPK SffSHtf per lb, . . . - MDES-TDry h.d-a. l"l in an a a, I lSe per l ii'K fa. t, u if lb. I : ' r f l, k , e- r ( Fa. Idllc: 'f . .. l , U tut at eter, H -4 Wcc::2ccay phices' i:j ' : , ; 1 THE VISEAT L'.Ar.XET . Sent Dec . . a .81 4 . ' ta Hd 1.184 ,.;.$ W V'.M -.84 H -...;. Chicago t ... - .(64 Minneapolis ... Liverpool . . ... Ban Tranclaco. Milwaukee .... Nw Tor...... Duluth . i . , Kansaa Cily... a TH4 ."leiVaB .87HA ,8HB " '''., H; 60 ta 00 Iba. 8c: aader 80 lb ad tew. 8JMe etaca and bulla. oand.. t7ei kip. 18 to M Iba, 5c: eouad, 10 to 14 Km, 81 8Hc: calf, eoond. tinder 10 lb. U011"i a?eea (aeeelled), le per lb lea) Cull, le per lb leeei honeblde. aaltoL each. 1.J..79: dry. each, tl.OOQl SOI eolt bide, each, a80oo goat aktaa. aommo. each. lOf.lAc) AHora. with wool aa. aaeb, tBctl, S . 'i - Trulta aad Tagetaklee. TOTATOts Oregon. TBc car Iota, eOtJOSe ch: wt, 8c. ' ' ONIONS New Oregoa yellow Danvera. 11.80; nana wall, ai.ov; garlic, we per to. faocy, $2.00; orange, late Valencia. $2.704 0o; banana. 6c lb; lemon) .choice. 89.80 best hi fancy, 88.00 par, hoi: lima. Mutcaa. o ,P 100: pineapple, $3.90 per doe; pearhea, Aab land fancy. 8e; other dlatHct. 80dUc; plum. 75eJ$l,JS per crate; aantalonpca, , $ l onatjoo per crate; Idaho . autmeg. )2.00il 80 per 'crate; watermelon, Oregoa. $14; Califor nia. fl.00tjl.29 per cwt: grtpea, Oregon, 8uclaj0; Callforhlar ll.Sttl .89 Pr"! ner, California. 2-00j Oregon, 11.000 1.80 pet box; black berrlee, $1.79tlt.U0 eaaabea. $10oi 150 per do. ' VK0BTABI.e8 Tarnlpa, Bow. tl-OO carrol,, 81.0OJ1.2S per ark; beet. 11.009 l.U pea each; Occgoa radUhea, 89o per deal eabbaa. Oreaoa, eojl7&c per cwt; green pe opera, 600c per hot; local tomato, 0if 76c; pamnlpa, I1.0U4B1.28; atrlng bean. 8(3c; cauliflower. T9o par doa; rhubarb, fa per lb; boreeradUli, 12e lb: artlebokee. 4nn0e per doa; botbouee lettuce, B0(76c: bead lettuce, 19c pet doa; green anion, lOtlliW V oe: aplaacb, 8e per lb; greea corn, 81.00 par aack; pea. 8c per lb: cucumber. We par aac; celery, Colorado. 89et htcal, 66e per doa i, aggpUat, 83.00 per .cret. v. - -t DRIED r-RUlTB Anhlaa. eranorated. tOV act lb: anrlcota. Heft" pet lbi aacka.. M per lb lea: naaebaa. 81 pet lb: near. -per rb: prnnee, Italia. ts.4e .er lb; French. 8ua4tt per lbi fUa. California Mark, tetstt per lb; California white. par lbi plum, pitted. ace lb: date. BOW"". Bar )b tarda. 81,80 Bar Jo-lb baavj. , OT0WiMj attaea St9 ' ITJOAB Bach ' bail, i Cube. 88. T8; powdered, 88.00; fruit granulated, $5.60! dry granulated. $3.50;" Conf. A. 89.90; beet granulated, tJ vO; extra C, $800; goldea C-4.0t 0 yellow, 14.80: bbla, luo. bhl 25c, box 80 advaac en aack beam, leaa oe per ewt tar aaaa. 1$ tar: mania. 14ai9e aaa lb, I10NET--48 per arata. COrKSE Package brand. 18.88- - . ' HALT fine Bala. 3. 8. 4a. 8a, If. , tl.80: table, dairy. 60a. $11.00; l00a.lO.T8t Im ported Liverpool. 60. 817.00! 100. $18,30; U4. 818.00: extra tin, bbla. Sr. 8a. 10. l4.50tT5.ftOt balk. 320 lb. 84.00O6.U0: wcka, 80a. nHe, . "AtT Coaree Half rroond. lOOfc per ton. (7.00; 80a, o-r ton. $7.50; Uvenmoi lamn roebj, 16.60 per tont 80-lb rock. $7.0oi tnba. 8S.76. (Above Price apply te aalea of Ire tha car lota. Car lota at eoeelal arkaa aabjact t rit national. ., v. . , . . ;' . ARA lit BA(TU!a!cnrta. Ttta.'" ' ' ' . RICH Imperial Japan. Ne. I. c! 10. 1. BMe: New Orlcaa head. ! AJax. 4ct Cro- BEANS flmall whit. tl4V(e: lara wMr. tUe: pink. fiSci bayoafAc: Um, Uexlcan red, i . NUTS Peeaute. 7c tambea. V4 par Tb! raw. 8)10 per lb: moated. 1 coreanaU. n0e per deal wahrat. 14018 par lb: pin et-eatrmr. eaaten.. IRffltec ner lbi Braall note. 160 per "Ibr fltbeiU Mlte pet lb; fari Parana. IfaiSe: aliraada. IxaiBa bat Bx . Balata. Coal 011a. a----- - ItOPR Pure Manila. , 14c: etaadard. , 13H: alaal. 10c: ltele bread almj. fji'n pat eal: water white, tro bbla. 18 . par eni; 18 aa Ball:beadUgbt. JWrda. af. GASOLINE M-de.- raea. 83 Bar gall troa bbla. 2Ac per gal: a tore, eaaa. 24 H pat gal: Iron bbla. I8e ner gal. ' f ." .' BKNZINB 83-dea. aaaa. to par gal: troa 8b'r 1u.c rr gal. . TURPENTINE In re ara. ada per gal: wooden bbla. 88c per galf Iron bbla, 3 per gal, m WHITB LEAD Toa lota, TU per lbs 800-tb lata. 71 ner lb: lean Iota. Bo per lb. .. WIRE NAItS-Praorat bee at $2.70. ' UNBRED OIL Pare raw. ta bbla. ET pat ftl; caeca. Tie pet gal; gonaiua kettle belled. com. TOe ner gal: bbla. doe per gal: ctoI cake, car lot. 620.00 per toa: lee the car 'ota. (30.00 per toa. ' ' . v u ' ' BUafcK Vwh aa FravUlmm. : :i "' ' VRBftn MEAT front atreet Beaf ateeea, 6e8c per Tb; pork, block, IHWSe per lb; peel, era, TVktJBc per lb; ball. 4Vu5o per lb; cow, 49 per lb: mutton, 8Wt27Ho per lb; lamb with petta. Hc per lb; -veal. xtra.7icj ordinary, 6Hi7e per lb; poor. 8 per lb. , HAMH. BAX.ON. ETO. Portland aack tocall feama. 10 toTd lb. 13He per lb; late M 1M. UMe per lbi 18 te 80 lb. I8e per Jh: enttace. per lb; break faat bacon, 1401 Bt lb; picnic. r net Hi: reaular ahort clear, an moked. 10 P tb; anroked, l4e pet lb; clear back. Bnamoked. 10e lb; amoked, 11 per lb: Union totte. 10 to 18 In, onamoked. 8 per lb: amoked 8 Per lb; clear belli, aa. amoketl. 11 per lbt amoked. 12a pat lb: noni- EoCAXi lTB&-Krttla leaf. 10a, UU PT IflT 8. 104e pet lb; 60-lbr Una, 10o par lb; ate in raadcred , 10. Wi4 pet )b; , 6a, ' 10 TanNITO EAtMON-rombbi river 1-lb talli 1.0; t-lb talbi, $2.T0; fancy, Mb fUta. 81.80; H-lb fancy flat. 61.19; fancy 1-lb or ale, $2.79; Alaeka tafia, plak. dftaaOOaS rad. 840: aaaUaal ta. tall. 82.00, riHH Rock and, te net Thr fJoornVr. 8 net Rt; halibut, H per lb; rraba, $1.90 par do; Ktrlned baa. I2M net ' lb; aatflab. 7 pet lb; ealmon. Chinook. SaSVe Tb; ateelheade, TVko per lb; btuebacka, 6e per lb; herring, oa per lb; anlea. Ac per lb: ahrlmna. 10a per lbt perch, 9e par lb: abad, pet lbi re aba, be par lb; hid roe. 80c per lb: black end. Te pet lb: ellrer melt, 7e per lb; tobeter. 19c; treeb mackerel, 8 per lbt erawfleh. xftc pat deal floonder, 6 per lb: atnraeon. T per Tb. . ' - 0XBTER9 ehoalwatar bay. , Bar -gal, $1S9 Bar aack. 88.78. CLAMS Hard balt par baa. 83.001 raaat tlama, 62.00 pat box, a n . i. , ' ., , WOODBURN-GERVAIS .HOGS LOOKING FULL v. ,. -,?.V'i-!:t . ,8pedl Dteaatcb t Tb JnomaLI ' ' . Oervala, Or.. Angr-16. It la aafortaaat thai re porta, ara circulating to tb affect that hi certain oectlon tb hop crop la la bad ebapa. Bach hi not the can. . It kt reported that around Oarvt). Wood bum and St. Paol tba crop w very abort, ete. Thla I aot an.' Thar will lie aa away , bale to tha aera aa aeneL and K b knowa that tb grower are making preparation for ' aa large a- crop yield aa neual aad ara going to employ a mock-blp aa heretofore. Reliable eat Una tea ara made as all yarde and they ebow healthy coadltloa af affair aa ta yield and other coadltloa. ' Tb atkttaka hi aude by many of comparing tb apland with - tha lowland yarde. Thla la not a fair eomparkna by Bay mean. ' Again, ther la quite . 'dis crepancy aa te tb amonnt of arree la rultrr. tlon and tb general averega yield pet acre. Placing tb a create at 38.000 acrea, and an average yield of four and an half bale per acre, will produce a remit equal te 112,000 bale, or area agreeing that four bale aqoaia tub aver yield, wa (till bar lOo.ono bale. A matter of fact, tber are fall 38,000 acre m hope at thla time, ' (errata grower report that many application are being receleed from plckera Baking to be retained an their Hat thai year. Indication Ira tbat ther will be no ahorteg of picker, flrower, ton, ara dlaenealng tb adTlMblllty of picking by weight, and many will try tnte plan thla year.' A law baa been paaaed making mm w not"" iw w poena. . m price wlU be $1 per 100 Bnonda by weight arltb 40 With 40 tba boa. to 40 centa wnere picking m oone b the nna Jnet how the plckera will tab to weight pick In) la a problem te ba aolved. O row era claim that tha weighing proceee hi fair to both, while IB tba peat tb ether plan worked a bardaula an the grower. .1 . Picking will commence aboat th flrat Mon day In September nd from that ' time anill th 10th of tha month tha yard will ba hi full force.. It may be a trifle later,- all tf which will depend poa weatbet condition. l -j. . . n; ------r-i . BtlBTT Of TOmtOlBV , ' (BpeeUl Dunitch to The JoaruL) Bnaebnrg, Or.," Aug. IS. Tb gmwera of to ma tore ara ahlpplng heavily bow, the crop com ing oa la a aplenrtld manner, klnat of ta tomatoe are ent to Portland and Willamette valley pnlnta. , The) Petite prune crop et tb county I do tug well, being much better than flrat expected, though other prune' r a fall, ar. , i , " . a - ? - , , CHifci GALL i: .. m CIRCLES Primary Wheat Markets Are Showing Decided Improve- ... - ment In Tone Today. . M. J U b CABLE WAS MORE ' v HOPEFUL DURING DAY roasiblllty of Light Froat la Spring; Wheat Country ' Cauees Moderate " Short Cpver Irg All Options Show a Gain Corn Spurts.." WEDNESDAY'S WHEAT . MARKET. " Claae - ' Wed. "ept,. ,. .02 De...,,..t.H M May,....,.... JwJ , Oaln Cloee Wed. Tear Ago I .81H $ .00H 8108 .824 .109 .89 Vi .W 1-06T i (rnrnlabed by Overbeck. Start Cook Oa.) ' ' Chlccgo, Aug. 10. Tb primary wheat mar ket report a little better feeling la cub cir cle. Today' market waa a repetition of recent area lone, only a little Improvement waa ahowa la the tendency, Tber maid more af tdhv poaftloa to boy wheat on aaey epota. Cable war eapeclally helpful, aad tba poaalbtllty of th prediction, of light froat la put of tba eprtng wheat aoantry raad anoderar abort covering.: Tba market bontbraea te ba a fairly good trading affair, but Iba fact tbat wheat (bowing aaore atubborane during the paat two or three aeaaJon ta making om convarta w tb buU W, . ....... , ;,- r-'":i. . . Sparta la 0am ltatkt.::- 1 .' Tba weather- tbroaaboat the can belt la bat little anconragemeat te tba bulla and, notwlth- tndlnar tb lare reeelnta. tha market aaamed firm. Trad, however, la not very octree," the market being anhject te occaalonal aparta. - Oata ara dull and anuitereetlng, with na change In price. Bpeenlatlv condition eeem anchanged. It la alow ka the trading market. la provkrtona th pcaltive market aaned aff almoat from' th atart on proflt-tektng,r the aackera controlling the 1roetteo. - ' Tba - following official quotation ara fur Blabad by Ovrbck. Starr 4 Cook company: . . . WHEAT. ,, 1 OlMS. : High. Low.: - Cine.' Aug.... ,.$..... i $.. I .81SN nept Dee.. ... ;B1 ...'.B2A. ... .mZm - i . . .-. mn -. . .81 . ,; .2 ,, .'i&V .'iV! Old Sept, . ..824 .5.114 Old Dec.. ..48 . ..4 May. ....14 .44 . .; : ' .62' 5 .eflt 4414B ; it '1 : OATS.' I Kept .151 -V Dec.,.'.., ' .6T4 ' V: .27 : May,' 181 ' ' MESS POBK. Rf)t..., 14 M Oct..... 14.8T Jan..,.,. 1SJ0 , Sept..'.,, T.72 Act, a t. .- 14.88 14.20 14.42 . 1430 13.20 18 JO LARD.' li T.6T T 87 7.7T- T.2S ' 7 23 14.20 14.80 16.20 T.8T . - 7.77 73 1 . 8 .00 ' a7 aaa...... SHORT BIBS. Sept..... Oct 8.T1 . S.78 -. S.80. 8.82 - - 6.88 . .. '-a7 -rmntABT sbaib MOTnrxxr. irhlcVSi. Anev'lS. Prlmarv reeelnta: " . ' ...Today. ..Tear Ago 1 . ' ' Bnah. Boali. .,.... T49 lM . LOIOJOO fCorn . ... ....i,,. 878,000 848,000 L- Hhlptnente: v - 7 - '- - --- - - Wheat ..... j..,.,. ...'... Bno.ono Cora , 408.000 807.000 - i lenrunceej rvneai. mw p wwii imt. 28,000 barrel; com, 119,000 baabel . 4 . 1 1 - --. CHI0A0O CASK WBXkX. ' - Obleago. Aog. la-Caab whaati . ) ' ;' . a. Bid' ' " An, -Wo. S red. ................... ..6 ,M. . f 4H No.' 8 red. a..-..,,. '.... ."" jm No. S hrd.. ,....,. .82 , .81 . No. S hard 1 ' 1 .8T No. S pclng. ...... ......... .88 y ... ,0t " SAB ntABOISCO OBAUf ItAXXXT, ' Baa ' rraaelac. Aug. 18. Official BMrntng cloat: j : . ...WHEAT. i . -.' .' si ' Itlh j. 7 Mm . Dmb..;.T$lJ $1 UM December ,.., 1JM 1.00 .8814 ' .88 UTUBOOl OEBIB MABBXT. Ltverpool. Aug. 16. noat: Wheat. I . .aA.u. wx . U A klarKan- Septaaa- 8JBr. DI-FT. xweayrwgMi-wa, ag. HOGS ARE FIR;.. AT RISE OF YESTERDAY ., . eaWBBBB8BBI BABBm BBBM bbBS) r r -f" - Receipts More Liberal But De . mand Takes Everything ' Many Goats Arrive In. ' Portland t'nloa Stackyarda, Aug, 1$ Llrv- : j.. .. v.'. . . - - . Boa Cattle Sheep- w Bjanax BaBtV mtltttninil"" - ; - Prevkma week A3 'iv ,27 .... Month ago Holiday. . . . . The ten ' of tb bog Market retam It former good feeling and all grade ara holding an to the top. Cattle ar good for beet, hot dull lor oramarr. ""J .T 7 i . . . ralvea la demand., Today 1ST goata and lgbt eatree aril,, ,u. . .,' - ' . .... Official prlcea for lltetocki, - ejoga wee, .wn" .. , bmckera and China fata, 8o.00tjd.20; atoekar and reeoere, fiw'.. M Cattle Beat aaatcra Oregoa terra. 82.000 8.29: light nd medrum ateera, 82.60t8.00; beet cow and heifer,- 82.2Rei8.60: -nld and light row. 61.60tt2.00: atocker . and feeder, $2 292.79: bulla. IM. ; Hneep Bt fancy a beep, $ OOfll.28; aw, $3.7BaR.OO; aprtn Umbo, 44Hc Calree Good real. 190 te 200 poaada, 69l roagh.aad baavy. 6C8HC. 't , COTTON IS SIXTEl . ; JO NINETEEN LOWER ; awniahed br Ovecback. Start 4 Coak Co.! ' New York, Ang. 19. Cotton fatarea cloand 18 to- 18 point lower, in cne neing eieeoy. Official quotatkme, furnlabed by , Orerbeck, Stan waa aompanr: ArutM Ml art TAdat - January .,....r...,102 1009 104S . 10414 rebruary ... .... ..... l04Ntjot) March ......'....,...1007 1071 11 AprU e..V...v....I"70 1070 lotto l04l9 Ml ...,.......r....M,F luimv.l Autnat ....1020 li2S 1010 lflnl ...e.bee .i. ....... 1028 lOM 1022 10141 14 October ........... .1042 1047 low.n2utu0 Nevembet ., ...1040 load O40 1(WiJm Ootmber .....,.. ' av-n. . llvtl Cettea Higher. ' ' Llvcrnonl, Aug. .1. Oottoh futarea closed ta 6. point aigner. . .. , , , ; llf TOBK COTTW atlBXXT. v-'. , -VW'i - eanaananamnam New Tort,"' Ang. 18. Oof fed fatore cloee 4 anrhanged to B !"" - -; Today'a afflclal coffee . markat I. ... .,.,.. s r. , ' Bid. A.k.K ; ... i Bid. Aab Jatmarr ...17 90 7.99IJnly ' I M 7 M . .i t an TndlAnraet .... T ral tin March ..... T.69 I.TO! Beptembat .. T.20 T.28 all t.70 T BOIOcrober .... T.40 a May ....... T.80 .6 Dacambet ,,. 1.4 1&Q Jan ...... 7 BO . .s, - ' v " w Tnrfe 'Caab Oaf feel . . New "Tork. Aug. 1-Cak cuflee: '"K, t w, e-Vf f wmuvi raw ' v DULLS Gil DEARS f.O QUARTER New Yprk Stock Market Has a Rising Ten'dency Right From the Start Today. -' y PRACTICALLY ALL THE , LIST CLOSES AT TOP Reading and Union Pacific Among the Lader Latter Shows Oaln of Two Points Former Two and Five Eighths' Higher Losses Few. , ' , ADVANCES. Amalgamated ...'...1 I Norfolk ' Atchlaoe ........... i N. X. Central...... -do pfd, HlOnt. Weateru.... Smelter iilntJrlTanla ....... do pfd .....,,. akcclflc Mall ....... ' Car roundry... Reading ,.8 Baltimore uidlock . IaUad . Colo, reel S do pfd 1 St. Paul .........ltt Bt. b B. W.,.,,1 c. a n. w... 14, Caeeapoake .......1H Colo. Bonthera ..... Hi : do 2-1 pfd I.,... Vf lVavar, pfl lean, .iibi . 1'nloo Paclfl Wla, central do pfd v.,.1 Free Hteel Car ,., I do nfd ......... ri .... .,.,.. a no so pro ....... do lat pfd ...... tlllaol T antral ...8 Bepablie Steel'..., do - pfd . ..v..-. Sontbern Padfle,... Texaa Paclfla..., l4ulvlll ...T..1U Ietropollta ...... S Ktl ..;?., 4 MlMoart Paclfla ...1 Steel .............. 'do pfd Rnger" . . . birUNit. Anacoada ......... UlCanndlaa Mt Dearer ............ VMxlcaa Central.,.. H People' Gaa ..... V Son t hern Hallway.. , Bubber ........... Hi . Wan Street. New York. Aag. 18. Th atbek aaarkat waa attractive for to ball !omeal only today, prlcea adranciag ' all through th aaamloa with acarcely any noticeable react loa. Practically every ateck oa tha markat waa trong.- I'nlon- pacific--waa a -eater with a rtaa of t, while Beading common na 2H. llllnot Central Bad a gala at S pblata and tha balllaha aa lionlavlll wa aboat , a pronounced with aa advance et 1 H polata. Official ' onotatlon tnralahed by Overback, Starr a Cook Co.: , ,; . . -.- t- ptSCBIPTION. Anaconda Mining Co, 116 .mil. supper ba,.,,,,. Atchlaon, com ,. do preferred.. ....... Am. Car a roundry, . do preferred..... rm. Sugar, com....... Am: Bmelt., com, ... do-- preferred, ...y... 121U2I vaKiroor m tioio, mo. Brooklyn Rapid Xranalt Canadian Pacific, com. Chicago a Alton, -com, do preferred 0. A O. W., com ChfJ, MU. 4 St. Paal. , C. a N. W, com...... Cheaapeaka Ohio...., Colo. Pnel a Iron. Colo. Bouthern du aactxid pi do flrat preferred vauwara m nwen.,,. t. K. o.. com...... do preferred, ........ Brie,' com. ,i. ...... , ., do aecoad .preferred. , , d? flrat preferred... Illlnobi Central......... 84H T8 5U 176 190 1H Loulerllle NaahvUla.. Met. St. By...... Manbanaa Ry.....w., Mexlcaa Central By.... Minn., St P. a St. If. Mhnmarl Padfle....,.-., Mt Ke wfc T. tMaaat a . A) ' pnfftrrat . ". i New York Central...... Northern Pacific 28 SB 141 140 10f)' 1(M 8B .71 194 72 Tl 199 194 218 211 Norfolk a Weatera, com 86 M 89 Norm American 100 1UU low 68 N. Y Ont. a Western 99 80 Penmtylvania By...... P. O. L. a a Co.... 144 148 109. 10S 109 V Preeaed StI Car, com 40 40 do preferred.......... Padfle Mall 8. S. Co... Beading, com.......... do coad preferred,,. do flrat preferred.... Be p. Iron a ftteeL. com. do preferred. i. ..'I..,. Bock Ielend- com...... do preferred.......... Southern By., com do preferred Souther Padfle St. L. a S. P.. 3d pfd. St. h. a B. W., common. do preferred . .."i ,..-, Texa a Padfl ,...'. Tenu. Coal a Iron Toledo, Ht. L. a W .. do preferred .., TJnloa Padfle, commoa. do preferred U. B. Bnbber, common. . do preferred ......... V. S. Steel Co., common. do preferred ......... Wheel, a Lake Krle, a.. do Id preferred ' do let preferred . lioSl 89 104 Wl. central. do preferred .... Weetera t'nloa Tel Wahaab. do preferred Rubber Good 86 Total aalea for the day, 840,800 brea. ; Money. 18 pet cent; call. 1Q1 per cent. f ) '.-t-0AK,axTTtate STOOTS,''?' ' Saa Prnclca, Ang. 18. Toaoaak atotka, af. xiciai enjee, . nnmini eraeioni -K Bid Bid. ' 14 Montana ......$ 8.16 Midway 1.80 McNamara ... .40 Belmont ...... .-1.48 Nnrth Htar . ... .00 Dtxl Kendall ., ,18 .IT .78' .14 .11 ; .82 .08 ' .82 ' .24 ,. .41 .oa ,. .07 1 . Molnmbla Mt.. IJumb ........ , Jnmb Flten... Sllret Pick ... Rem ,08 ( Hold Mountain. .11 Jim Butle .76 Toa. Nevnda.j, . .14 Ton. Eiten t oo Bed Top ...... . .86 Ooldflefd ' .96 Saadetorm . . . , .80 Sandatora fl, ,T Adam ....... .04 Mobawk .14 Buck Butt...' Ooldea Anchor." Kr O'Brien. i Toa. Ohio .... O. Bnll Prog., IHamondfleld .. Ine Star , ... Homeetak .... Ch Boy ..... ' SAX FBiBClSOO tOOaX STOCKS. Saa fYandaco, Aag, 16. Offidal cloee lag aeealoa: . .. . . . -. ., . Contra Coat Water.,!,.....,,.,. Spring Valley ,Wtr. 87 ' Mutual Blectrtc. 14 . ' S. P. Oh a Electric............... 72 Giant (Powder..... 72 Hawaiian Commercial ...87' Hnrwkea Sugar !. Aak. 41 72 U 72vJ Hntrhmaoa Bngar a 111 . Mbwn angar. ,... m t k d sb $ .Si' Onomea Bngar.. 87 S2 loo . A leak a Parker. Cal. rmit innem.. ,, Oceania Steamahlp. 6 . Pacific Coaat Borax ..,..,..,.161 pacific put Tclepbona..,.,., 102 combtocx Mnrmo rroexs. Sa ' rranel."-Ang. Id Comdock atocka. eilKUII we ernnt , Hid; , .2 . .Of Biilllo , .87 Belcher ....... ,16 ' Coo. CaLT 1 . Opblr .i....f.J' e.87 Caledonia ...... .40 I Meilcna ....... 129.. Bcorploa ....... .18 area Pntoel felon Con. ,... iui . Tello Jacket ,. .5 irirheaoer .40 t uai a Norcrun 1A6, PORTLAND BABI STATIirP. Clearing Balance 88A8.0O4 SJ ....... O0.002.W ' SterlBkt aUtot, . New Tort, Aug. 16. Sterling; raft: Vt- gaaad, 480. 70 j 80 dea, oa.l)k. 22V, 21 lfMVa 184 224V 223 67f 6814 40 4 'I a' eonaUlrBtlon demanded by tha careful buyof. Com hre for the good thing of the a eon.', Wa at alwaya th flrat te have It If tha quality la right. Croaaa aV BlackwaU's Klppr4 V Herring, t ting,, w T45d r . I tln ............. ....fl.2S . A. H. Smith's KJppi4 , Hrrln, tin ..,.20d $ tlflS ... e ...... .yX.AO Importod Bcotch Flnnon . 1rTdV . docks, tin ...,.....aOd Harrlnr with Tomato Btuca,. ' . tin ............. ,..J-0 Olive BtOffd with Calory, a nw . dllcacy, J bottl. ....... .257 Nw Homi-Mad JellUg, gla 10 F.Drcss2rfiCo. Portland's Greatest Grocery. : 7th and Washington Sts. East 15th and Broadway Sts. : . - --. .-: ;, asiav Or, ttrlmae arora, . v , OUtaop Bafc. nowrmro, monjan m 00 (EBtabllahad !$$$- . WaTJM AaTB STOOZ SBOl ' Booaa 4, ttroua Snoov, OaUltBSB OI" OO TOO UTE TO CUSSIFY MT Lady's openfaaa gold watch atlk fob ana enaia. ax lair grounae lueeaay, aeia, liberal reward. Hotel Bellevne, 40 Salmon at. LIGHT SALMON PACK FOR PUGET SOUND FISHERIES :'' (SpecUl Dlapateb. in Tb leacaaLI Seattls, Wash., Aug. It. Th salmon run is ovsr and tonight new pries lists will ba sent out - to th trad in the United State and foreign countries. On Puset sound ths total ' pack ' 1" given as 606.000 oases, or 49 per cent short of what It was four years ago and this sams amount short At ..ths antici pated pack on which labor eontracta werw made at th opening of th season. Ths sockaye list will be even higher than It was last year, which being tha fourth In diminishing runs, is usually connlrlnracl tor, notch. V .. ' . The list of this rrade'wlll probably be: Flats, 61.60; tans, 61 26; halt-pound cans, fl. Four years ago ths lint were: cans, 0c. HIGHWAYMAN WOUNDS OFFICER AT EUGENE - ' . . (Special Dispatch te Tb JoanwLl 1 Eugen. Or.. . Aug. 16. Last nlaht shortly after 1:1 o'clock a Ion bandit entered ths Hoffman hotel, situated on Ninth end Wlllemette streets, and or dered the night clerk to open the cash realstsr snd deliver the' money. , The clerk' rfud to open It," saying that the proprietor had th keys. Th thug then demanded tha clerk's money, but secured nothing,, and after threatening th , boy tb tnan left and when near th court houaa met Offloer Farrington. Tha robber opened fire. Bring three shots, ons wounding ths of fleer. In th left hip. Th robber ecapd by way of ths rail road yard a. There is no clue. The of ficer's condition la not serious. , , r Takam te Batons SskooL Spaelal Oapatcb ta The JoaraaL) I Eugene. Or, Aug. It. Edward Mulkay. an orphan li year old. was yesterday afternoon taken . to ths state reform school st Balcm.. The boy waa recently implicated in to noldup and robbery of a negro tramp Bare, but was relessed upon promise of good behavior. Bine then h has been living en a farm It miles southwest of bare. Th farmer turned htm over to the authorltlea. . ''.!'"''''-' TB anaseai Trtplsts. ,.;Vw r Did you notice tha picture of tho Mason triplet In th Mallln's Pood sx hlblt in th Agricultural building at th Lewis and Clark exposition T Those three boys were raised on Mellln's Food snd ar now 16 years old turdy, rug ged boys and so much alike that fsw can tall . them apart. - Mallln's Food makss . healthy children, . and - rugged, strong boys and men, Low Excursion Rates to tht East. 4 On sale August St and JSf-slso Sep tember 1, 8, t, 18, It and 17, th Rock Island railway will ssll round trip tick ets to sastern points at greatly reduced rates. For full partleu lara . call on or address A. K. McDonald, general agent, 140 Third atiwt,.rtian1I-Oreavn.---r'' ytfy'S: Hello, Bill! : r : h-1 '. This meana you! Hav you lnclndl tn. Tavern in your schsm for a good time on Rika' day? Bay, If you haven't you'd better get' busy. It Is opposlts ths Orsgontan building.. . NOTED HOP DEALER - PAYS VISIT TO CITY : ! PtacM hi town. Tn noted hop factor of Iba City ef Peettny la Visiting wltb rrbnMla. He wa around tbe belvedere title anwnlng aad, deeplt bkt plea tbat a bad practically retlrK from bnelneea klmeelf and tbat bla aona bad fall charge of tb firm, be waa tbe -center el ttraettna asHmg tb hopmea. Those tbat can dnw from 8lee to attend tbe Kike' cele bration forgot for s eMoent their Band aad. In fact, everytblng except tbat Ftncn area here. The anted epecuutnr. dcaplte bla age of 71 year, recent ly made s trip throngb tb bop yard of W a an In ton and report tb crop Ibere a very good. 11a will remain kt tb city for a. few day. - t .; ;,f-i;.l Mm ooypiB noat"tf''- f . Beaton, Aeg. 18 Official copper ckoe: , Bid. I . ,-..- Bin. Allooea' 84 lHa Harrot K4 ' Atlantic ..... IT. 7a Blnghant .... 80.60 CaL a Aria... W.0 Calumet .... Pboenls 1.00 Qnlncy ......a 108.00 Kkaaae ..... T.60 . Tamarack .... ISOoo Centennial 14.76 ao.o Trinity 7 S(V I'nlted ....... . 84.76 Conner Beea. Daly Weat ... Rlttr .v...,,.. 1400 t.60 Victoria . a 76 Winona ..,,.. .18 St tireene ..... Vaaa 1., - a i. I4.7H iiw Is Wolrerla, .... II 8.M 14.00 64 to tab ..J.,... i 1 S. Mlatag. S oyal ........ 1 j t. a Jioisi.l eT.Uta , - f ' I - : Dr. W. ''Norton Davis. . ALL NERVOUS, BLOOD, SKIN AWD PRIVATE DISEASES OF MEN ... - -.- ' " - - , . ... ', 4 '.t.';.. ... - ... '. ... i .. - X . , - Throogh our vaat axpertanea as gpoclallstg w ara able to rnaka a foil 'and early cur In the trouble In tho majority of loa lance where tha ordinary practitioner fall to rollov.- . ' :- STOMACH, HEART, LIVER, KIDNET. BLtADTjER, TWROAT AND NERVE TROTJT1LES ar very quickly rllvd and a pannanont cura . mada In aU curable eaaaa. W frankly tell you If your caae. la inourabla. "We will bav no pron mony oxcpt fog benefltg mcelwed. . , ,; , . I Dr. VV. Norton Davis & Co. are an aaaoclatlon of amtnent phyalclang, exrMerleneed ajHrgeon and x - part spoetallata, with abundant capital, atebllsbad In 1$8.. for tho pur- poaa of treaUna ,. , , ,, . ' ' s - ' ", au ormasui antoiaijc. avbii trrmaicAi; Dnrum or , Thy will accept no can for treatment except cartaln that thy can effact a euro, nor will they make any charge in can of fallura. . ; Pr, W. Norton Davis Co, ar undoubtedly tb areatast authorities eft 'l-.'",.;'. i J. ..' SISmaSB B OB" Mil t Irrthw United Btatos.- Thay ar tha founders of th only system of treat ment which will cur apnnatorrloea. 1m potency and other forms of sx - ual weakness, with any degree of certainty. Thla Is a system of hemes treatment which locally stimulates the prostata aland,. A similar metnuJ Is now mployd by nearly every specialist of not In America. ...v... s , f TWB stBAaW2fJ- '. why "weak mn" ar frequently not cured IS because th troubls ts eom- fillcated with "dlsoaaes Of th p rotate gland." or with "urethral obetroe- -Ion.'' Pur treatment cures where others fail. wa vmm a cbatok . .a m. --. . . i" ,....: var roaxia nun. .. . .. i mada of mdlcatd oocoa butter," which dissolves readily at th tempera-, T ".VTIkS- ti,i- a...ll. naaaa tho amalleat obatructlon Without X pain. It heals th inflammation and removes thw eonpreatlon and swell- T JngT Th remedy reaches th waknd "seminal ducts," heals thsm snd J stc-ps unnatural dralne. In mot cases Internal mdlr-ln 1 iwqnlred also. 4 Th -crayon" Is only uaed In complicated cases.,, Th patient plac It 2 without any troubl at night by mean ' ' Oaa-roorth Blse. ' which is mad of hard rubber and la similar to a syringe. Thuav without 'any troubl whatever, th healinr process goes onwhlls you slem.. This lk also th most successful method known of treating .'Tre auant and Painful Urination of Men." - W prwserltrs- for each individual cas. using many fJIfferent formulas In crayons. If you hav uaed a almllar treatment, do not be dlscouragsd rpraXdSf. but If you cannot call, writs ua, St1?!: n ompHc-tid 'e. Btrtct f t confidence observed. Plain nvelope used In all oorrspondsnc. In truotlv book for man sent free, sccuraly eld. : wa OTJAmAJmtai av cuunjm wrwmT an in iraTsnTAn ea . ... . ,..,- CXAJtOB WO TMM. . ..... : - .. oowaTOTaTATzo rBn. .1 AM corrsspondenoa Is aac redly confldsntlaL - ' . Offlc hours 8 r bv to t p-m.. and, I. to ... Sundays and. Hplldays, JO Offlcsa in Van Noy Hotel. ItVk. vvvwinf IKS" Zaitewiuka xrrt. Tboad' U Perttond and all over the aarthwMt caa teeOfy to ear great aad - axaaipie GONORRHOEA: May be etteaded with tb gtravret compile, tlon If neglected ar Improperly treated. W hav a apeeln treatment which cure Saickly, aafaly aad paltlaly.- --- - I another acquired die, the tavtge at wblrb when fnlly develoned B P deecrlbe. Wbea It bow by akla ernptlon lebr aorea ra atoath ea throat It horror are already begna. Wa fely ad tbo. agbly care yoa aad a lnerl poeioos are employed. i VaRICOCELE and . HYDROCELE ? r. treat and car, set by tba alt anrgiral Btocednre, bnt by a palnleaa met bod aotely oar ewe. We Ukewb will cura yoa and v yo the Battering aeaoeUted wltb Barren DahUity, Ix Manejoa. Impotency, SperaMtorrbo ,Beotarnal Emieatena, Fre. aiatnr Deellne, tea ef Meawry, Eaergy aad Ambition In tb brtefeat tlai It can be dene aad wa loser yo fa and aealtlv cure. CeaMltattoa and aiamlnatloa free. Writ fnt aysiptoat blank and book It yoa eaaaot call. ...... OfSca Roar: I a. a. to I . a. Boa day. 10 te IS.. t ST..LOVIS : Midlcat and Surglcal - DISPENSARY Oat. fit aad TuniW it., 1-ortlaad, Or. " For modern dental work. World-r- , . Downed specialists. . Lowsst prlca sonslstsnt with firtt-elaas .work, - -r; -, - , .. . V':'.? vVoo to the ' - 1 -: ? NEW YORK DENTISTS y rOtTBTS aUTO MOBBTSOsT ITS. . ' Opaa day and night, from t:lt tw raw ... ntU. ft sv av . .. . eHicHrSTTK'a saiaiLisiu - 'BAFB. .) . iirw-tel aaedun BaCaa e ea Imtae. . tm4 4. m a. Ta-. M re nam., aaty a - w rkt-airA,ya, 2smbers Chlct ' . .,:d t - . I TEETH m BSBSnaahaiBH J y at y. . . f in I- - art. 1 ,IM M Bvate k 4 . aliln .. a-aakeem ae J J l rf-ma. .r . X t a oi . 61TbIATUB 3' 4 e Third BU Corner Pine, "Portland. Or. A HAPPY ;AtJtCHATu Is h who enjoys th possssslon ' a full Jin ot too ha from our si rlor stock. Whether for the car; ter, the metal worker or th chtnlst, our fine tool, mad, by best manufacturer In the eou ar of urpalng)y tin qu. snd alwaya give tba. utmost a, faction. ' . " , " AVERY & CO. as rarjiTf mtzxr, ., ,-, Betwosa Mae and am i-r i v. .:v..-, ji6 I tsi-wt) Ce Te a. J L V t fiZIaa jLaCTCI. IjliitlL'X" R I 1 .' -mr-- V13C won a,f" J (!L lb r " V'V ' j f T