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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1905)
oreoon daily jc:..;x tc7.7u::d. i-.;xsay jrgi have a for-wool in the rrease, and for scoured. When sooired in Oretoa the wl(ht f th wool i reduced to,? par cent, and it 1 more profitable to BAILWAY AGEfiTS TO oour it bar and ship the clean wool But the eastern bouses were anxious to pave thareot on hand at th mill im mediately. Thaquality of eastern and central Oregon wools U gradually Im proving. One lot tMs year at laalko : Misceaneous lot of food T vocaI and instrumental '-; Sheet Mosic " v',. t : . QregonV Total JWoftLCiip J E brought a fraction over H cents, wn National Association Will Discuss lamett valley wool ar quoted at IT 5 '-CtdEhicJck. bff .CbURTNEY'S a timated at Nearly Sixteen, cent. y - - , . ' Many Pertinent Questions at Regular Session. COMMERCIAL CLUB WILL, 'T -Broadly speaking, the wool-arrowing Mllllnn PAilw('- inoaitry In Oregon Is doomed to ae creas because of th natural encroach ment of seUlera," said Mr. Gray. Th -'.' ;--.'-..,'' -. cattlemen ar bitterly opposed to heep. ONE THIRD GOES THROUGH SHANIKO TO THE MARKET .-''v.-' - ' '" "- -,.. IW 1' - . '..'., j . rr.' ' fVrces"Are JExtjraoVdinarilj. High - and Demand Is Insistent - ; Tf5i From the . East-Mf-- and tbey help to discourage the Industry, Tbe taking ap of land and cultivating th soli where sheep formerly ranged h-limiting th-graslng -ground. . Th , ; ENTERTAIN DELEGATES result wlU - bth breeding ' finer train of sheep and raising of Higher priced , woola." ... , wc...,. Program Prepared for Important OonvehtionJWhIch.Will,Last tt;v:" ' for. Three Days. r - Music Storel.- FRANK SITERA DROWNS t . 80 FIFTH STREET ti: L . m..CV JULY l...'i ' ., t . . ...... ' . JN LAKE AT THE FAIR - Th total wool tlfpln'Oregoh thi year Is eetUnated at from lS.000.tOO to II.- " AAA AAA Konixla A W.A Atlll AMA trill! 0a? it la dMtyered throng Snanlko to th euUn market- At th annual al Just bald at flnanlka-warehouses number of new eastern buyers attended, And th wool brought aztraordlnarr high prices, the. figures -averaging about J0 centa 1 .par pound. ,. .'"".' f , "There, 'were over tOOOOa, pouada old. and about 1S0.00O pounds of wool -TmiJBnha3aaoB-Jif lha growere." - aatd Oharlo JkJry. traveling agent for lha Northweatern. who yent from Port- lana to atiena me-eaie, -iran uctp and wool combined mora taea41.OQ0.9O0 has been disbursed through Shanlko thla year. Th aprlng sale of ahaep to thi . eastern market yielded about f 180,000, nd the sal of wool 4 M0.00- TTT ' Ha aaya if earloada of shepwere v -shipped from Bhanlko thla spring. ; The - tacreaae of sheep thla year was un lambing aeaaonr-Many grewer y they '.they have bad 100 per cant increaee of their -herds- - f be sheep are billed to " Omaha, Kansas City. ' Bt Joseph and v. oiner poiua.r dul many, are sioppeo, en ' - rout - and i grased- In-rWyoralng - or Colorado and then? forwarded to to parser aa ia sivca. - - , - Wool I delivered to tbe warehoaaea .- . , 1 1 t W 1 a. 1 . k welchlna; J 50 to COO pounda, "In th Teaact Thla maana th woolj Jn tbt condition It waa whan removed from the back of th eheep heavy with eand, y;reae and dirt. ..There are ecourlnc plant at Pendleton and Tb Dalleat but little of th woo) wa sent for acourlne; thla eeaaon. Much of It haa in former . years been bought by mill at Paaaiac New Jersey, but they rot little of tbla yeara crop. Moat of it was taken by Boston house. The freight rate from -Bhanlko to New Enlend point U ILII Frank 81Ura, a waiter at th , Bis marck cafe on th Trail at th exposition, aas drowned In Ouild' lake last night. H had been riding In a email boat with Julius Glasel, another waiter, : and at tempted to land oa the" bridge below, th atatrway. noar ' th cafe.' " . Sltera stood up whan th boat touched the landing, and reached over to catch hold of the bridge, the walk. of. which i f ourfeCab6vt the water. A ha did so be pushed the boat from under htm, and -fell ln to th lake. wblcU ig between sia; and eight feet deep there and full of. -weeds. - It 'is tappoaed ' he became eqtaggled in the weeda. for th body did not tvn, i.. W..v ; " ' ' John Bias,; another waiter ' ani an expert swimmer, responded ' to - O lasers cries for help and dived In after Sltera. Ha - Anally-: succeeded, in finding , and bringing Ut' body to the surfs o. ; ,- Captain Clark and hi crew from th government llfesavlng station, with the ldrnsrurr. Spencer from" the -Emergency hospital, worked for' two hours trying to revive the man, but 4lr efforts .were oselees- The body waa removed to the hospital and from ther takn to, the morru. . - -" ':.,. '- , Sltera waa 17 years of age and oame to thla city rm Omaha. Nebraska. He had b it employed at the BUmarck lor avral week. --,-- j T-sxetlTe Brone ' Qulslns. the" world-wide Oald cnr,"-TBivs tbe eases.' Cell for tbe full bbm sad look for eke slgaatare ef K. w. wreTe...a5c A v. ...j, '-r-ff-r; . TJtnhtherla relieved In twenty minute. Almost miraculous. Dr- Thomas' Eo- lectrlo OIL At any drug atore. A afne4 Oanaed Allan A Lewla Beat Brand. BXOB XS BO OOaTJrvBTAUB AITfi - '.'at rmm mam TOa no tnu OM "ff '"""-" hot somiuryT as ' . '-" .. j..'":.'-'?r V v IS rNobby Oxfords Vc Sell at $3.50 And while they ar handsome to look upon, they ar at the ssm time dursble and aatlsfylny to th pars a wall as to th mind. ' W cheerfully recommend these phoes Tor summer wear. v tITS StyKsh Kcttloton 05:0 W ;v 56.00: Men's . Shocs :3 Embody most of th perfection of th bat make of the country and will be found as nearly correct In last and atock aa th beat of footwear haa vr yet been found to be. " The ultra fashionable ar th gentlemen :rwho buy these goods. "-.- t j "r.. ,V-.. i' -, ; -'.. WB OAABT A ZJUaOB BTOOaT 4tT VABXZOBABU SOI -v.r Md rt,. 171 WiAliiw,i1rNL Bat. Third aad Boartk. Trt. Xood 74. Local ' -committee - ar ' prepakng to receive th National Associatloa of Rait way Agent, which will ponvn at th AmiicHL Inn July IT, for a three day' ntk. , win K. nve in a special iram juir n, ana wm,i,, b entertained that vnlng at th Com mercial club. Th morning hour of th opening day will be occppled with apCha"-of-irl meaytlnv-rTrldwt20od of to exposition. Preeldent Cake of th Commercial olub. and A. I Craig, gen rat passenger agent oi tne vregon nair road A Navigation company, Reaponses will be mad by. A. M. Cleland. general passenger agent Northern Pacific. B. K. Hooper, .general passenger agent Den ver nio orande, and other. Th eon- large dealer la hops, ststed today , that the grower of the Bllverton region In hi fTP'nlirihari tBkn t-ifl'nt pr"uton vent Ion will deal with subject present-J to prevent severe Injury to th crop ed by the following members! O. F. Rummel of " Burlington, low. accountant for th Burlington, will dls- ouaaTNeed of uniform accounting meth ods' E. r. Saur-of the Vandalla line. Efflngham.'llllnols, Th most affective mean of reducing errors In handling less than carload freight"; w. H. Cary, Frisco - srstem: 'Armory," Mlsslsslpiil, "Does the railway agent receive th rec ognition he deserves compared to other departments V l C C Ooss of the I. M. A- .. lilttl Rock. Arkansas. "I norease in tonnage per car I. C Ls merchandlee vs. decrease in coat- par ton handling '; W. ft Kerr of the Baltimore A Ohio, Newark,. Ohio, . "Moat practical method for adjusting and handling claims"; J. M. Hudgena-of th Louisvlll A Naah- vlll,'8tamps, Arkansas, "Importance of which ad vara' feeling of tja public agalnat railroads may be reversed"; B. B. Flack, cashier of the Vandalla. Effingham, Illinois. "Legislation and It effect on car service and weighing and Inspection bureaus , vv. (J. Clark. Ut ile .Rock, Arkansas, .'Coat of transfer ring carload freighttransfer platform vs. transfer tracks": A- N. Delta. Clave- land, Ohio, agent B. A O. and CT.aT, War - railroad to award prise - to agent upon their merit, be an Incentive to make them more) loyal to dutyr'i J. W. Spoors-Memphis, agent Western Railway assooUt ion, lnter- cheng of freight trafflo between steam road and alectrie lines." Returning eastward after th eon- ventlon Jtho delegate will take a trio oa the Columbia river a far as Th Dalles and board their special train there, SATURDAY'S PROGRAM ' ?.U AT THE EXPOSITION Tomorrow will b a peiai day at th expo! Uon for Lawlatoa. ' Golden, Kamloops. -Ashcreft and Tale. Follow ing la the order for th 4ayr' m. Concert, De Capri o1! admin istration band, Manufacturer building. 1 p. m. Kllpatiick s bloyelartda down flight of sups on Trait . :: S:I0 p. m. Orand-conoert by Uber- Itl'lMind-eUitajid..- 1 1 -:0'p. m United States Wesaving service exhibition on lake. . I p. m. Paeino Northwest association championship meet, , stadium. Adminis tration band In attendance. i p. m. Kilpatrick'a automobil dash down '140-foot Inolin on Trail. 7:19 i p. m. Boxing championship. Auditorium - . t , , .-, '. p. m. Grand concert by Ltbarati' band, bandstand. - i , .. . k p. ra. Kllpatrick' bicycl rid down flight of talr on , Trait- . ' - . - p. ra. Grand electrical illumination. :I0 to 1 p. nv Moving picture ex hibition. exposition scenes, - Official Photographer' tnflId1nrr-!rT .-r " SILVERTON GROWERS - SPRAY THEIR HOPS Dav Vauhrt" ays the Crop -frWilT Be targe In That Re- r gion This-Year. I . ... 1 . . Ml, umvw v RUuu u& . Oil vcruLin, from lloe. They had learned what to use in spraying, he aaid, and were diligent la applying it; , r-r- - "Judging ' from the present condition of hops,'' said Mr. Vaughn, "th crop will be heavy, ,' I believe the growers ar instructed In the means to kill, thapr hop-Ilea, and from my observation are using all reasonable Industry .in apply, lng remedial agent. Unless something unforeseen arises, 'the. crops' of ' the Bllverton diatrlot will b heavy,' and with a - good Pricey the men who own bopyarda wjll be in" in me -'In other respects th Bllverton coun try la prosperous ' and wJll mark down th Lewis and Clark ' exposition year .a on of the "bet e ver.' .-The people are loyal to tba.expoaHionM.tooi Wa people the railway agents aa -dlum--threh ttp-tbe'-vHe7-'thlnk-trrstthe rfalr will do much for the state and ar working to secure our' share of the beneflts. W ar building-many structures -and li vary way. th. toWnv and ;- surrounding region are forging ahead. ' Bllverton 1 waking 'up and expects to be on of th best town in western. Oregon,". t ; ... SATURDAY-SEASIDE-SUNDAY ... ,K '.-;-v.-;. .xi TwDay Excaraloo IUta.---". See th Ma! Via th' A. a' C R, R. Round- trip - only - $1.0. Ticket good Saturday morning 11 nv or 1:10 p. m. returning leave Seaside Sunday S p. m. Spend a two-day vacation at Port-. land's popular summer resort and Bjoy th surf bathing.' boating ; and fishing. Ample hotel accommodation at reason able rate tot all. ' Further Informa tion at 141 Alder treet Phon Mala o. HIvee- ar a terrible torment to the little folks, and to some older ones. Kasuy cured. Dotn i . ointment never fall, v Instant relief, permanent cur. At any drug store. 60 cents. I'r ' - ": 1 lV'e.-ftlJ'.'NJgl iT - " -V - . "good drcurastances A large vanetyrto select from. ,;-ify x Da4- n1iiar-i 4-V.aa' W-JlJ: iWhen'iYamSIt L-awca 11. 11, 1 1 ie.j 1 m 1 1, ,Mi,.a,,iism,anai.i nHTr in ii .1 wWn'...'. ", , ey V- THIRD AND OAK .';.,.) .".'7-;. '"': ., ; ' ' V-.' '.;'''., Allan A Mwls Beat Brand. - :...' ' . ii';'. 1'" VIEWING THE W.ORLD-FAMED . C0UJMWA RIVER. SCltNERY fefet From- Decks ofthe Palatial STEAMERS f' ww 1 w v f- Akt-i n r t . a ?.- r - : . MEALS ON BOARD i - .SEATS FOR EVERYBODY -'V - ; :"Steamer:leaves-AlderrStreetI)6ck:danyi(except : SundajdMonda v '-""'' -f,;' 'v' '' ' 'v-- '" :' "'. '. -',. '";:'""''.' ''"' '''-: ".'. '-'1 --' 1 ;v 'i.'- H 'A$ hundrtfds of visitors are making this trir daily, at is advisable to secure tickets r t in advance.vThe full capacity -of steam er for the Saturday trip already sold. ' Pea FULL nyOXMATlON CALL AT DOCK or PHON 2 MAJ74 914 1 f . - r.- ; -i v. , .. , i i.,, J . - " .-, SDSllSilliiiMiii t . ..' ' .' ... , ' . ; - . . ' ) . ' .- ' v.-' ,'.'. ! ' i.w.V' '- .' 1 . If there ie anything lacking in Wearing Apparel for the men and boys the opportunity la now offered to supply the , needs at ft great saving in price. Many broken line always priced reasonably lowafe now cut from Ven to Rfty per cent. ' mMmm - ar J ' r fh i I: ;'v '-:rf' Men's Fine Suits .-jj3 Fortunate is the man who" has J r waited until how to ouy his' clotfi jLJLritng, for such a chance to get sea-- eonaDie goods ot tne best makes and materials has' not appeared before this season. .'--'-'-'.- I 515 Suits . -59.75 510 Suits . 57.45 C7 Kt CitisCA QC c ; ii-'. v wMi -t ,'..'- tU J f Bttf look. In right away., a; th Boys Less MotheraViwe Twant;to 'impress upon you the fact that Our Boys department: iWell . prepared meet- your needs, and .at about 1 one half the price you'd pay else-' "-. "' . where.''!''!, ; : ' I'.-i't 55.00 Suit5,C4;00 030 Suits,' 52.00- 52.50 Smts, 52.00 '.,''-- . .... ... . . .'; All alae. I to IS yw. .If your bojr need a suit you can - bar It cheapest lit y. m n.wwi , .4,.'n;,.--. Pants: .Of fA gfj ilne patterns to choose from and pr ' feet in fit and wearing qualities - ' Men's $4.60 Pants.. V A.. . ... .7.3.85 : MenV $J,-5Q Pants rvvVvvv f . '. ; ; f3;00 'Men's .$2.50:Pantsir.'..l.'.f 195 Boys.' 50c Knee Pants W,y li.'. . . i .35 ShoH Reduced Having -a - large t stock 7 of - High Grade Shoes we ' are : prepared Vtb supply . your - ; needs. - Men's " $3 Shoes, good - leather, correct styles V the kind you'll buy again."" ' TT' Boys' $1 Shoes at.v; . v; ;v;7;1.3S ; Boys' $200. Shoes at"; it -.'.- BLACKS AND TANS. ' : Of All 53.00 Hats V No need to worry about your headgear there's nothing better to be had at $4 latest blocks and colors. " It fits your fea-; ; ; ; tures and head comfertably. Big lines of all kinds, of , Underwear, and : prices are reduced below, those for, like; -j": tjuality anywhere Irrthrxily. :t ,' Men's SOc Bajbriggan Shirts or Drawers--"--drawers are double seated etSSe Men's $1 sod $1.25 Under-Garments, lipht ' , or heavy,-wool br'mercerizedr.". . ,85e ; Money Savers 2l5c:SraVHats.:.vri.:;V'i5T :50cStraw-Hats.,U;.,-,...i ,, 25fi. $1.00 Straw Hats. ... ... ... . . , . - 50 $2.00 Straw Hats. . ;.. ;vv.fl.o5' v Get Your" Straw Hat fpr Half.: .fMenB'; $2.50.' and $2 Hats, broken 'l sizes t't .....(.., , . . . , . . ,. ,81.25 Handkerchiefs, nice linene, 2 for... .25 Hose,1 fancy and .plain,'. for men, 2 ? pairs ior , . . . . i , , ; . ..TTTir.ZSi 'Men's Sox, 3 pairs foV; , ;;.V.V. ; ,"r'..25 Ties, 75c and $1 kinds, l', ;, . . ; . . .V.55 50c, Ties . . . . .i . . . . , v .35y : t 'SvcHcstSlilfts -i .'.':.'..-. -Nowt -the-time to buy Shirta,--whtle-The Midsummer -Sale is on. ' Best-values in Men's $1 and $1.50 Shirts ti;f; 85 I Men's 60c and 75c Shirts . . ; . . ... C. '. 45 f Suit Cases ; -Without- doubt . the most . inw I porta nt r oating "requisite ell W: ' gradesj- all - good -r- 51.5Q!to 512 : IP NOT RIGHT WS JUJIK iT RIGHT MjtfsGlpvcsV' -We can supply youV heeds for :--y-uii occasions r 7; Hop-Pickers Gloves, pair.lC