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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1905)
' - - - '-... . s- j v ...1. . J wwr 1-- TQK3,:3GHINCW,SI T 3n s Summer Suits ior Cc. T SUMMER VACATION SUPPLI ES .The glad vacation ilaysara here ajxln J thA asj:on when ears' tire of city noises, and eyes turri longingly toward" green country fields, dashing surf or yon mountain topsTthat stand and beckon us from almost any directionjo ward which the gaze may tend from this grand vantage point of Portland There's many a need to be supplied for your trip. ) .Lean on this store for them alL. We are equally well equipped to" furrusbth. seaside cottage or mountain bungalow with housekeeping necessities and pretty adornments as theownhouses. Everything for home use or personal wear of any member of the familymen's clothing exceptedis here In extra plentiful as sortments and gloriously generous hosings. A splendid array of special values for tomorrow, 'specially adapted .for the vacation season and the wantTcTxptionrisltors. -1 Keep the store at your elbow while away the best Mail Order service on the coast is at your, service and the privilege of all special sale prices belongs jequally to US VSratinniar mnA fVi ti.iKhnnii ' ' '. ' . . x -.. .- " - - v- I TKI KST WATEl 11 TK WCZID .Water you can drink,"" Years ago there stood in frOhtot Independence haV- a fount 7 that bore tha legend rWater we MAY drink."; Irwat ; very rich in color, a fact no doubtwhich prompted the old-time minstrel, Hughey Dougherty, to say that "What' the town needs is water we CAN, drink." That's the sort youll find here at our store; drinking : founts of pure, cold, sparkling , "Bull Run", water-i best in the world.'; It's a hobby of ours to only have the best of everything. You're welcome to our rest rooms and writing nooks Second Floor, t Lavatories 7"- Second FloorXInformation and checking bureaus First Floors Three mammoth elevators, largest on the - coast. Bring your lunch and enjoy it on the Fifth T Floor In the cool, roomy, airy hroch room tree. ' A delicious lunch on Second Floor at popular prices In the "Tea Room.. 'Free phones and best free delivery Service in the dtyCheck your parcels and write your .:. letters hew ; Welcomel - vi -.u.i--; . mm rem vaoattow Wa am vn or maxb a iunoi-ii ion ob assaab. ': Via SmIi Hi t ssita Alslis Tlist Wut. Summer ShirtpjstTtitterriale Dainty, pretty witcheries, real band-embroidered. Read the re- ductlons . '" r'1-' II U Waist Petterna. iMdil at........ ......1....84.TB II. 01 Wslst Patterns. Bpecial t.....;...'......,...t.).M,Q, wiiii miinn. opecuu ai. .... ..a,o.v Waist Patterns. Special at...... ...,.,......2.00 Waist Pattern. Special at..... ....82.T8 II.M. "Valet Patterns. Special at................. ...... .82.28 tLIt Waist Patterns. Special st..,...,;i.,... .,..$2.00 soess.m was sTurrs baboaxvs. r (.tot yarda new Whit Good, auoh aa Jacquard lHquee. Fancy -Duck suitings, Paris- Moussellnes, Lace Lawns. Persian Molts and Mercerised Madras; values up to lie. yard.' AU t,.per ''yard y .......,, . . ... w. ... ............ . IS? Mchair lustre. Etamli-VoUes, Organdies and Batistes, In . values to Ita All at. per yard.....,.'..... .....1B trat8armpgftd SIlV Mled -Crepons; Pftoted Nets, Dotted Mtilla, Silk Ginghams and Enibrolderea Vollr AU jaow apra 11,101 yards Danish Ooth, all colorant taehec wide half wool. per yard i....TrrtlJH Bed Spreads, rood crochet Spreads, medium weight tor lunmlrr - many handsome patterns: Special at SB Fins Maraellla. Bed spreads,, extra large, handsome rataed pat . terns; Il.tO vslue. Special at 4... .f 2.25 iu OBB nn pay pob vabub som osra kat bbbb . . ,'.,.TO SVT-0 ON BVTI TOMOBBOW. -., Bleached XJnan Table Damask, 1 1 Inches wide, no dressing and excellent wearing quality: per yard S8 Bleached Unen Napkins, fall dinner else and many handsome patterns) value , Special, per dosen". .82.25 Richardson's Linen Sheetings, Just lav woven of round thread, . greatly In "demand now for shirtwaists and linen suits, pure fla. . ; "r 1 i ' ' IH yards wide, per yard ...........P..lf 2.00 yards -wide, per yard ........ ..........i.....2.50 asnwita auaxas raw momrJr. Jiist imaaina mtttnar away .to the beach or 'mountains with a ipihefi-aupply of underwear 1 1 Think of tha assortments you'd have to pick f rom snd-the prices you'd have to pay the small country rihopksepers! . Here's ,theinousr8ferode. - seven numbers radlcaUy. redued.-;: V'. :..:. -T7 WomenTs"eredewhUe cotton tTnion8iHta. low neck. aleeveiess7kMjengtb, halt . open front; rtgulaf Tlo ijuallty. SpedaVr Going Camping? - i . Or maybe you expect some vacation visitors and are short of Manketa. At any rate you'll need an extra pair later on. or an Iron Bed for that "spare room." Better buy while prices are down this way.--; . :OVBTBI,PtOO TBEBBB BXBVATOBS, ,' Oenulne Pendleton Woolen Mills Blankets, plain gray, all wool, full alse v " Beguar valttt. Rpeclal at. pair.. w.... (2.T5 ' ' Regular $5.50 vaua. Bpeotal at, pair..,,. ............ .$3.25 Sliver gray Blankets, very fine fleece wool; 5.5 value.--- fi pedal. -r- pair t , nv . , niiynt,, .-, l i., , , t .. ....... .$3.50 .,..-;; : ' tSTBSAB? All-Wool Shawls, plain colors and fancy plaids; $ value, ' )ror ... J. a.5 'CO VOX OOVBBS. Regular alia Couch Coven; good valut. . Special at.05.S6 ' . -XB0B BBSS) SlfcOe BBBS, S.tS. ' ' 'v Whits Enameled Iron Beds,, brass trlmnied. full or three quarter else, bra as top rail, brass spindles, an elegant design; splen ' .- did Ill.Ott value. SpeoUl at BB.T5 "NicNacks" You'll Need To take along ln your "grip" when you start en the outing.' Trifles but mighty inconvenient to be out of Just when you ' ;need 'em. -At Special Prices tomorrow. T--, PlOOB.,:. v-.;;',;. Fancy Bilk Oafler Elastic ruffled, all colors ;' llo quality, pei yard '. ... . , . , , ... ... . .. ,i . ; , .124 Linen Mats Dress Shields, light and absorbent, stse I; regularly ' lie- Special,' pair -........,.... .19 . Large alse cubes Toilet Pins, assorted ses and colors; lto value. . i Special .' ................. ,..Bv Heavy wire aaeorted Invisible Hairpins; value, Its box. k Special. - box . w..w....v.i.i.........,..i..,..,t..v. .......... .B4 ""Extra quality' wood-back Nail Brushes; S6o value, each.., .164 laiiuicna irveains konoi, sssortes colors jeo value, eacn..XO0 Theatrical Cold Cream and Bkln Pood, one half pound tins; value --. lto. . . Special .......... . ................. , , w . 25 WTitte Wax Paper, for wrapping lunches; -14 sheets for..... 44 Beet quality Crepe Paper Napkins; value (to per Special, tar lot qk -PlaylnaCardt. bs oualltyenamel; tlovalue. Special, Vmv. i. 17 Writing Paper In boxes; good 25a value; per bex..,,,...,..l04 "THE DIFFERENT STORE 1.; '" Scuyenirs; The largest assortment and best-by-far ; variety- of pretty and unique Souvenirs in the city. All the latest novelties embracing Spoons, Fobs and Pocket Pieces, Post Cards, Picture; Leather and; Paper Ar ticles, China and .Glass Pieces, Indian Blankets etc AlTat our famous fractional prices."---- - ; :-:0S :v.J l I nr.ix I I - . f., II M I IH'U t I X VL .. 1 1 o uymi 1 in - i DettcfSPrdvide tlMaWngs bfio Nev Frock or Gown ,r BBBSB OOPS BAXOBaV-SOTJTal ABTTBX TZBST 1XOOB , Parka ps you've tlmet1naksth goods up before you start for the summer reeort Perhape you will provide eewing for time 'that might hang heavy on your hands. - "All play and Tio wprk," etc. It'a aure twtlt pay you to lay by values like these, even io the Fail and Winter Dresses. . Suoh values are rare. : OS VOZSB. Black only. t-lnch AM-Wool VoQa, fast black; regular f valoe. Bpecial. only, yard ... .". . . . . .2 .......... .$1.2X BBSTB CO&OBSB SBBSS wOOOS. XCAXP PBXOB. - 1,000 yards of new 1101 Dress Goods, the odd plecesfremuthla, season's selling, to be' closed out at exactly half price. Novelty Mohairs In Checks, Striped and Changeable Colorings, fins Suit, rasa in new awwq x.1 Lwim una Auporcea nvTwtiy rvaca uti" toss . - -j"' grades foi..4,.,..,,...,...Bl.2B-' ti.80 grades for ....t.Sl.OO 11.10 grades-tor... i..., ...TB . . " jl.eograaeslor . . . ..iw.i....tOt oo graaea lor ....... .....1.. . Regular ll.SI values In It-Inch All-Wool Panamas, Vofles-4 :- Shadow Checks, all In neat novelty weaves, every wanted color " to chooee from. Bpecial only, per yard ............ ......TB4 Av Bcvylor Wonderful VnSiwear per suit 534 Women's white cotton Union Suits, - soft and fine, Seng and short sleeves or - sleeveless, extra silk trimming; regular quality.. Special, per suit. T64 tyePsafasas) Same . In sxtra large slses. sleeveless, per . . . . -aU . ; 7... . . i . .7;.;p:B34) ""Same In extras' large sixes, with long sleeves. per suit .084 Women's Merode white lisle TJhlotf Suits, low necky sleeveless, knee length, halt -wjppen front, extra, silk trimmed; regular price 11.16. Bpecial at, per suit, ..fl.OB , ' Women's ' Merode silk ' and ; cotton Union . Suits. . high neck, with- long or short ' -1' sleeves, . low neck, sleevelees and ankle length; regular ll.TI quality. Special, per -'"suit ...... ..'.,.' p.' . .B1.39 Women's white" Merode . Summer wetghb wool and cotton Union Suits, long sleeves, ankle length: regular 11.50 'quality. Bpe- ..V9 ST 1 eUl, per suit Sensational Selling of Silk Suitings STXX STOBB . SOffBB AJmX TZBST PXOOB. ; ' 'Here's the wanted fabrics for just the' Suits women need for vacation or Exposition wear.---The prices command ready re sponse from dressy and economically-minded women-folk. $16.66 5i!k Suit Patterns for $6.85- . Silks In all" the newest weaves and colors.' Every yard shown is a Ittl style. . Spools! price for week, . Particularly good offer ings tomorrow in Suit lengths. ? ..,.- , .-.w-,-.-., '."''rTBun nocmmam moon. ..'''";;; '. OkvSmtt Pa Mens, In the durable mohair warp silks. II yards to - each pattern, in navy,; royal, resedas, browns and greens Begular price, ''per pattern .tlt.Ot Special price, per pattern. , ... $6.85 BUk Salt Pattens, In chiffon taffetas, "chiffon faille taffetas - Loulslnes. meaaallnes and mohair warp alike, all In the newest '. . ltoi styles. . These are in tana, browns, greens, grays, navy, 'reds, cadet,, etc. -;. ,v - ' -' ;. ; v . ,- - ' -i Begular price, per 11-yard pattern .......... Special price, per lt-yard pattern ...B12.4B Every kind of competition distanced.' No other houie can ap proach these values. All 11 Inches wide . ' ' Begular I0o grade. Special, per yard. ...... ,?...3tt4 Begular too grade. , Bpecial, per yard..L., ............ ...474 Begular lie grade.,- Bpecial. per yard.i-. .644 nsuiar fnav, njmwi, pir rara,,.. .,,..7SS Begular 11.11 grade.- Bpecial, per yard ................... .86 stegutar 1.X3 BtAOB AXXi PVBB UU TAPPBVA. .' ;- It-lnoh, regular price fl.TI. Reduced to. per yard...,. -,,.81. 48 t-lnchl regular price II. It. Reduced to per yard. .... ,i .81.36 tt-lnch; regular price 11. Is. Bedueed to, per yard. ...... .$1.19 IT-lnrh; regular pries tilt.' Reduced to. per yard. ..894 tt-lnch; regulsr price" Bedueed to, per yard .....794 It-Inch regular prtoe te, per yard. .i i. .694 SUITS SUITED FOR FALIyEAR,.TOO.; Grand Salons Second Floor. Handsome, dressy, lightweight' and medium-weight rwoolen materials, fust Cs , suits women want for vacation or town wear. JWhat will you do when the wini . s veers around so that you get the sweep full off the snow-cspped mountains or tha white-crested breakers along the Itorm-swept shore?: Shiver? Catch cold? Spc'.l theyacation by "getting down sick? Be sensible in season kalong one cf;. these suits atThalf "price-youH need one or 'more for fall wear, anyway.- The -f t :StylereJthenewest, and sUpleTJhey're indeed thenieded suitt at a half their. Z ordmarjMnodest pricerlldesirable colbrscliidedThe besrproductions of America a leading man tailors : NO5tAT EXACTLONETTALF MARKED PRICE. $15.00 Suits novvfgo ior7?r7.50 $18.00 Suits now go for i $8.00 $H.50 'SuiU nOw go for.,.;.r $8.75 $2O.0OJ5uits now o for.'.'. . .S 10.00 $25UJ(luit$jriow go.for. . . : ; .$12.50- - $35.00 Suits now go for . . ; $17.50 -$40.0fr-SuitJiQw eo for. . ; , . .S20.C0 ' $50.00' Suits nwotBrTT $25X3 i $75.00 Suit's now golfo? , . ; $37.50 r PORTIONATE REDUCTIOl rrice All yuvnvui uvuwvvu )-, 4 iTan CovertBand Black Cloths Indiepensable for evening .wear in town or but. i.- reduced' T5.-..,;- .-.;."vii:' "Ttt. -7$6.5a Jackets will be sold for. : .iZTeXr $435tt ackets-will. be sold foriTrsv.t..';. . , r $5.63 ackets.will be sold .for, , . .; . r77r$3ul5 ackets-will be sold for.;;,,..,..,... 87.50 ackets-will be- sold for... . .-. , . .Trrr-$D5 ackets will be sold for; ..810.50 ackets will be sold for ;rmvrreU1.25 Proportionate price cuts on entire stock of Women's Coats ; values ranging upward ot siw. -s. : - $7JiO .$8.60 $10.00 $12.50 $14.00' $15.00 Pruniags OlfrSmarUviJciJk Skirts selling at $4.50 -now .Vvt Skirts sellinff. at $5.00 now;;'.'r.': -Skirfs felling afl$5.50 now.v; 'f; ; v. iv.- rSi Skirt selling ateow ut o.ttiig at tpv.uv iiuw,,-ru. ........ cr Skirtsjelling-At '$7-50 nowiIt.4. -.Skirts jelling at $80Tiow, . . : Skirts sellror at $10 now.... LmA all prices upE6"$28.5a Btlthe same rate of re- ductt LAD'tS VHITE AND C0L0ID SUMMER 5KatWAIST SWTS SPtqAL ; ATTONf OIJDTtf CFP -r 'mm .. -: P 1 . 1 ' I S.J -. i . : I weeping Clearance of v Women's- Uirmuslins: EVERY PIECE IN THE HOUSE REDUCED. Women who are , particular In underwear selections may with ' profit to themselves hoose fromour stocks be fore departing on their sum. oner trips. Such opportunity - as this-jgul have flown ere the owr,aJn' opens again, setter come-lnt , morrow. :. ' borne-: numbers may not last longer. Re- " member entire - stock - re- -f dueed. - Special mentions: Ladies' Skirts of fine whltej materials, trimmed in a great - variety ot styles of flouncesT edged : withvaLJPoint de Paris, Cluny or Maltese, Laces or Fine Embroideries Jiegular prices... 65c $1.00 $1.50 $2.2$ $2.75to $45'0O. Special prices. . . .Bsc 85c S1.S5 $1.84 $3.12 to $39.50 TOOWNS. madeTf-jnuslin, . Nainsook r and cambric. tnmmcd - inembroidery, laces, hemstitching,' high, low, round or square neck includine the new ilip - oyer; long elbow and wide kimono stylesleeves- Regular prices.. V. 50c 75c $1.00 $1.50 $2.50 to $20.00 Special prices.... . 42c 63c 85c $li5 $2.19 to $17.60 DRAWERSrof samelmatcrial as labove," trimmed in" v Swiss dr- Hamburg embroidery, , dainty laces and i ribbon ; " " .- . -! , '' Ttegular prices. ....... .25c 50c 60c 85c $f.00 to $9.50 Special pricei.. ....... .Xlc 4Zc 80c 72c Wc to $8.35 LADIES' CORSET COVERS; of fine cambric and Nainsook,, tight fitting, French full front or without -shoulder straps 'for evening wear, trimmed in an al most endless variety of styles , . , , Regular pricesT.rsU. ,25c 35c 50c 75c $1.00 to $9.00 Special prices...... r... 21c 80c 42c 63c 85c to $7.90 LADIES' SHORT AND LONG CHEMISE, round or . low square neck, trimmed in embroidery or lace in ' - sertipn and edging - ;--. :4.v ;. RegulaMmeesvvTT-: 50c-85e' $1.00- $1.35 $2.00 to $9.0fr Special prices. ..... .42c 72c 85c $1.15 $1.69 to $7.88 LADIES' KNEE PETTICOATS of cambric or Nain - sook, made very full, trimmed in lace or embroidery ' - or hemstitching and tucks , V Regular prices.... i..... 65c $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 to $6.00 Special prices; ,i,.......85c 85c $1.05 $1.25 tojW 7 AU Our Chifdren's Muslin Underwear Reduced." -All Qur Fine-Hand-Made French Lingerie Reduced. TThe "Men's ; Exchanged Is where men of ' dressy , inclinations and prudent propensities exchange a- little small crrange for the smartest things In male toggery shown In Portland. plenty of new "rtxlns" for vaca tlos or business wear at special price's for tomorrow. Tv sum sixxm, yt. ' , ' -V Hen's Golf Shirts, all this season's goods.' correct styles. cood coloru broken, llr.te not. alL alxea but what re-let will 1 - be closed out at choice ror ........T94 '.'.-VV - '--. WOKWSiaJa, lSe.7 ' TT'" ! Men's Necliwear, Teckt and FouMn-Hands; SSe and lto -values. . Extra special at 194 r;.,' - ' MOB,'lSs. '' -' ' ' Men's fashioned seamless Half ,Hov J"sncy striped; best lie value. Special, pair ....... .......... ....... ....,., 184 ", . v, BIO' OWT8 xm vnnviiB. Twd styles in Men's TJnderwesr one pure white mesh, the other dark Oxrord gray line striped baihriggan: the beat 19c values. Special, per garment t . . . . t.... , .. ,354 Cooper's eerier needle, glove-fitting. ieraey-rlbbM Belbeiggsn Shirts and "Drawers, good blue shade; our regular 11.11 rr - ments. - Special, per garment ; .s .......... .T. . .CH4 I Thought I Could See the Fair iwithout a Guided said a lady who hadwalked clear back to the "Guide headauarters Just to purchase the much-needed book, but I'cannolt find a heard my friends taiKing aDOUt. -iv,; ; ; i TI HATE TO ASK QUESTIONS ;hecausr people are not always poliie. They are rude sometimes, and direct me wrong. The 'GUIDE": directs you everywhere within the grounds. It saves your time and enables you to find the THINGS WORTH SEEING. r-Lr - ""The "GUIDE" sells fo 25 cenU everywhereT ..We can get you a Guide for 5 cents. With every sale of $1 or over we give a ticket good for 20 cents toward the purchase of the "Guide" when presented at its headquarters within the Exposition grounds.. ' - Vacation Sale of Ladies' Ffillsr : and Furnishings v ; ; tlMT TVOOK. .'".-v:.; . " Mind Tout : Tou'll regret net sharing such values when yon get .get caught away from homo end in need of Just suchr things ss we offer here tomorrow at special prices. ,; --- . ": '' FOB - TOSM ASfD &AOX? WAis-ft; ' ' :' - ' xairBsoxa vaxxsns auotiii sLax, nuom. 1 , Beautiful allover Vcnlse lace, in cream. reduceLJ;oexactly one half regular price - J J Regular prices, per yard. .ll.o $1.11 tl.l II Oo Reduced ' prices, per yard...,..'.....'.'.. SOe - gso TSe $1.0 oaMamio, srazsrsoos: airs nmi stm-ssmzs-bbizw. From I to 10 Inches .wide, cut one third to one half regular - price' - - - ' - ' Regulas llo-Embroideries. ipec at; atiiV.i-.i.-v.vw.i.,104 Regular :tle Rmbroldeflee. " Special at, . m-rm .'. ,,lHt . Regular llo Embroideries. Special at ......... . . .77T7TTv-Tl?0i Regular loo Embroideries. ' Special at. r.V.?'.244 . Qreat variety of new patterns to seleer-fromv-. .'" ( - s-raoxaju- aau oa baszas- aavM.muAnT ' Tour choice of several very pretty-styles In Linen Stocks, In -. color, with colored tlee; selling regularly at' 11.11 to Special at ....,.....i....x.....,v..,..fl.O s V . asrsaozDsaus rat rovas. Very pretty and especially adapted to hot weather wear; each .204 or 3 for B04 ThejeRoiosell rBXTOtr- M-fxJj-ramTsaxoirs ctoos-bl Jrcm ajrsa. Tit's different; narrow of brim and Well,, come, see 'em; they're saucy, trim, trig snd'eorrect. On -the polo order. The very ' .Istest and "swelleat" Hat for the 1101 Summer ' -gin . .....w .85.00 to 8 IO.OO But back to the Millinery of the dressier sort. .There's a wonderful demand Torhe "Maxlne Ell lot fa" eo we've gotten ready lot of beauties tor Thursday patron and ;" "i. y ,'- . AT A SPECIAL SALE-PRICE ! The beat values we've ever given that's saying and meaning a . lot 'They're prettily trimmed with ribbons and flowers, fins chip bodies with choice of black, brown blue or green braids. Special tomorrow at , , ,f2.0O . Plenty of Champagne I V - Shadea In' Shoes. . Wonderful bargains lit footwear for the vacationists and the 10 recognise the -snap of style posaessed r -O. W. K." Shoes and flock here In "big v numbers for genuine values. Special for tomorrow . J1 Women's Champagne Olbson Ties. wldd silk ribbon. llee,niiUtXJot.Xreneh.lieeliu. , thin or street soles; regular 14.00 value ' -"Tomorrow at ..,.....-...... .. .. 83.80 Women's brown undressed kid ;ltbsoB Ties"!' $160 regularly. Tomor' row ...4, .....82.68 .Woman's tan and black kid Half Shoes, turned solse; were II no, w Tomorrow buy them for . . t- .fi.eo Misses' and Children's- white canvas O ford a, Blucher sat, ribbon laces; selling right along at $l.l. Tomorrow ........ .fl .15 aaaaroo SvArals a lewin rmtcis tm ,.-r ,,waTAsrir- ran oo.-; tEADINQ "CONGRESS STCnn.' Ci: - pacifio coAsr-rcrrn; Tr