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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1905)
THll OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING MAY 28. 1S03. 1 . 1 TOWN TOPICS J t-t rt of Virginia" mptrt. "Blow for Blow" tiraad Vaadertlle Bter ........ ...a..... Vaoderllle . Bakw .......... ,... .....VauaarUle 1 'vinuiium in , wmrr mniuup arm competition at the Hill Military acade my laat evening, Dean Haya of Mora, carried, off the gold medal and Harry "Bchwart orv-PolBn4r--brway .Jhe . V silver trophy offered by the academy - management. "The exercises opened with dross parade,-followed by battalion i . -drill, an exhibition drill 4y aompanlea, " and then the ttnpetittTartHr About .'SO Btuda4vtooK part In the final con Tteat. and were dismissed., one by1 one, " , until only Haya and Schwarts remained .1 In Una. The exhibition was. wltneaaed br a large number ot t rlenda and rela. . tlvea nf the cadets and former atudenta at the academy. . -Judge Alfred B. Boars, Jr has sued the county for HOI. which aliagea la due him aa part of the $1,000 tncreaae 1 1n salary allowed by the legislature to . , be paid by the' county. When the legla latur enacted the (1,00 lncreaaa la '" for Multnomah county circuit court ' 'Judaea, an emergency clauae waa' at tached. which the county court refused recognise, and the trial of the suit - will ' determine whether Jr-ot "tne emergency clause" should nave been re--i-"."garded ;ag applying to the law In quea : tlon... .In the erent Judge Bears wins - the suit, the three other judges will be ' paid m like amount. : . V' B B. Carver, whom the governor of """"Missouri' appointed as a oommissloner to look after the Missouri exmoii ii ui """" Lewis and Clark exposition, has arrived. "accompanied by his wife, and the Mts '. , sourl society of Oregon will give a re ceptlon in their honor this evening, at ' the Chamber of Commerce. Addresses will be made by off iclala of the society. 7I and by Mr. Oarver and Jtobertus Love, a Missouri poet laureate, who hers with "--'. the publicity department of the expo sition. Mr. Oarver 'has a Missouri's , repreaentatlv at a number or expoai tione in tbU country and abroad. Are you partioulart We nav partle- -,ular things for particular people, open - ;an account with us and your famHyjwlU : enlov the beat foods the world affords. .-. Out service Is perfect, four deliveries -a th and soutaf-anga-Ttoget chairman; Miss Weidler. street.' besides It laa-great Xleaauis-tp buy-yotir"atablaa where cieaquness is saeaThoroTi chases, large sales guarantea you fresh - .- Kooda all the time. - F. Dresser at Co. Seventh and Washington streets; Eaat - - Fifteenth and Broadway, 1 When. yottl feel. the need of a tonic a bracer, there la notnmg iik gooa liquor to do It When -rou have taken -i-eold -and are- threatened-with- grip Of . pneumonia, taken quickly, our A. I). O. Rye Whiakey will stop the chills -and save your life. If you need anything In the line of wines and liquors, call Main ZS2S and your order will be deliv ered free to your address. .13. Germanus. the family liquor dealer, SZi Morrlaon "rr-evaratrcmeatlon.: wer -discussed -In formally at yesterday's meeting of the . - llome.Training association. Mrs. P.-A. yattnllo, Mr. Alvln 8. Hawk, and Mm uE. C . Clement led )he dlacusaloSCrPn such questions as these: "Are Temper and Nervousness Identical." ' "How ' Should Slowness In a Child Be Cor TitdTrinorWhat Is the Best Way-tort Stop Undesirable Habit In Children r Bids were opened yesterday by the fire committee of the-uelty exeoutlve board for MOO feet bf IH-lnch cotton " bos for the Bellwood Volunteer depart ment. They were aa follows: A. O. ' J-ong. 0 cents a foot; Crane company, 10 cents; Paclflo Coast. Rubber (company, rtb -cents. -Each bidder had a different brand of hose, and the matter was taken under consideration until the meeting of the board. Last Seaside excursion. Sunday, May I, for $1.60, via the A. ds C railroad. Oct your tickets at 14 1 Alder street any - day during the week and avoid ' the rush at the Union depot Sunday morning.' A ticket assures a seat, a ' good time and a square deal for every' body. Ticket sales limited to seating . capacity of train. - -,t "Sweet Boss of Oregon," a senti mental ballad published by - Dibble Smltu. has made a substantial hit, especially In this city, where Thomas - W. Ray of the Lyric theatre has Intro duced It as an Illustrated song. The words and music are by Orr O. Smith, Portland man, and In all respects the piece haa merit. . A " most enjoyable excursion will be . given next Sunday, May 18. by the Sons terman to Jja'es ismna. Hieamer I 'end verge leave root or Juaer sireet at :!() a. m. Round trip 7ie, children 16c . . ... . . . . Dancing and refreshments on board. i The gentlewomen should read care "fully the market page of today's Jour nal, for It's In these, columns that econ- t ..Mklul with fll-anlln... mw.A large saving can be mads In purchas ing the Sunday dinner. Don't fait to ask for Lewis and Clark Fair Guide. - Savings Bank department, ' Title Guarantee tt Trust company, 7 Chamber, of Commerce. ' Bank open Sat " nrday evenlnga, ( to 1 o'clock, to re ceive deposits. -it Tourists, as well as city people, finan cially embarrassed, will And the Port . land Loan Office, 74 Third street, the . safest and moat reliable place- to trans act trielr business. Rates reasonable. ' We ar still fitting those f 1.B0 glasses - for 1. If you need glasses It will bs to your interest to call on Metser Jt Co., Jewelers and opticians. Ill Sixth street. At the First Presbyterian churoh last 'evening' a" large audience-observed the 400th anniversary of the birth of John rsMxszassagBBEissxxz: VTHEIDENNX HAT We have Secured the agency for this wcll-knewn hat and shall be pleated - to demorrr strata the fact that we've a' hat to please you. COME AND SEE Hwttt.Drtdlay O Co. - XAStBOAfBiaa . ,: 34a' Washington Strwt ' . - m e'lairo) exaaTac. ltUi OOTilEAIilll PJans to Make This Year's. Pio neer Day Greatest in His tory of Association.-- OVER A THQUSAND WILL, UTJEN D J-JN EB.AN QUET Woman- Ar9""WorIcing - Earnestly r and Enthusiastically for Sue - ' cess of the Affair - - :- ; : - : Pioneer day, which comes on June 15, wUlthls jrearbea red letter oacaalon. A very targe attenaanca is expected un account of the exposition. The woman auxiliary to the Pioneer association Is preparing for a banquet to be given at the Armory that evening, and covers will be laid for over 1,000 guests, ' The auxiliary met at the h6me of the chairman. Mrs. C M. cartwrlght, .and committees were appointed to look after the necessary preparation Jtwaa - ar - ranged to -bave-Sr Separate- table ' for pioneers over. 100 years old, of whom there are several, who will be. honored guests Several , tables will be glyen to those over "0. and fully 10 who have reached t are expected. Eaoh table will ba-ln oharg of one woman and her as- sistants, and to them win be given ruii freedom In decorating, and there will be much competition among the, various committees, The decorations about the room will be in charge of a special com mlttee. v Mrs. Cartwrlght - wishes all woman wha will 1vm oaIial aalada. meats or bread to communicate with her as soon as possible. v N Miss 8. O. Cosgrove and Miss Mary McKay were yesterday appointed gen era! committee on tables. ; Other com mlttMfl ... mm fnllnarfl ' ' Booth No. 1K bread and cake - Miss' Naanla Taylor. . chairman: booth meats, fish . and salad, Mrs. John, W. Mlnto, chairman; booth I, milk, oreara and cheese, Mrs. Q. A. Morton, chair man; booth 4, butter and cheeae, Mlas Agnes M. Jackaon. chairman and Mre. A. J. Van Waaeenhover, asslatant; booth; (. Mrs. H. K. McClure. MrsRS. Mc Leran: decorating committee. Miss Myr- Mlss Haael Weidier; Koee booth. Miss Hazel Weidler. ' Miss Helen McE wan, Mlss'WeldlerrMIss HcrCyfsITrinces Warren. Aids, George and Lewis Free man, Robert Msrsh; - Bimeon Reed Winch and M. McClura The tablaawiii be :attandedZfcy"lR following ladles: No. 1. lira. Qeorge Ijimberson.' ilrs.-AMulr.-Mlaa Clara Teal, M,las Barah Barker No. 2, Mrs. W. Jj. airewater, Mra s. k. Liinthlcum. Mlas Clementina Wilson. Miss Emma Falling No. X, Mra. L. Allen Lewis, Mra J. Wss ley Ladd, Mra Helen Xadd Corbett, Miss Ballle Lewis; No. 4. Mrs. J. W. Cook. Mlsa. Elva Humason. Miss 'Clarissa wi- ley MlsaJeasle FarreUNo. 6. Mra. J, C Moreiand. Mrs. W. Ii. i-enton. Mies Anna- Farrell. Mlas Carlotta Parker; No. 4, Mra E. Hamilton, Miss Falling. Miss Canby.MIaa Kate Falling; No. T. Mrs. Hasrlet MoArthur, Mra George Taylor, Mra L. L. Peterson. Miss Margaret Cat line; No. t, Mrs. A. B. Croasman. Mra J. M.-Freman,-MlJaUy: Freeman. Mra WTK HarderrtrMrrrti.--1ttlis, Mrs. M--J Marab, Mra.C, Wt Shermaa. Mra M. A- M. Aahlev: No. 10. Mra W. &. IUson..Mrs. W. E. Robertson, Miss Alice Sibson, Miss Nan Robertson r No, 11. Mra , George Weidler. Mrs. Robert Lewis, Miss Charlotte Sherlock. Mis Hasel Weidler; No. 12. Mrs. H. H. Northrup. Miss A. Atwood, Mrs. Harold Rloe, Miss Whldden; No. 1. Mrs. J. K. Gill, Mra John Gill, Miss Frances Gill, Mrs. T. T. Strain; No. 14, Miss Kate Holman, Mrs. Charlos , T. Kamm, Mra Rusaell E. Bewail. Mlas Caroline Kamm; No. IS.. Mra IL a Gila, Mra Kate Bing ham, Miss Frances Warren; No. it, Mra M. a George, Mrs. I. W. Pratt, Miss Florence Qeorge; Miss Gertrude Pratt No. 17, Mra Grace Watt Ross, Mrs. Mil ton Smith, Mlsa Agnes Watt, Miss Ruth Smith: No. IS, Mra H. B. Nichols, Mra June Ordway, Mra Minnie Price. Miss Jean Blauson. Reserve tables No. 1. Mra Robert Porter. Mra T. T. Struble. Miss Helena Humason, Miss Marguerite Wiley; No. z, Mra Charles Holman. Mra H. R. McCully, Mra H. W. Ogllabee, Miss Myrtle Moffat t; No. I, Mra J. A. Btrowbrldge, Miss M. Btrowbrldga kno The-audltorhinv-was decorated with flowera, and planta " Dr. Edgar P. Hill presided. The program Included psalm singing by the congregation, and addresses by Dr. E. L. House, John Bain. Dr. J. R. "WUaon and W. t. Wheelwright. , W;C Prultt leaves Tuesday to as sum the position of manager of the Baker Clty.X)ally Trlbnna,a publication to be established by cltlxens of Bsker City who have formed a stock -eompany and taken over the plant of the Daily Herald. Th Herald was started by Let son Balllet. the mining operator, was later in the-control of Charles F. H11L and has now been acquired by the new corporation.. Mr. Prultt will remain In Baker City until fall, coming to Port land for the law examinations of Juns 7, and , Judge Sears this morning denied the motion to set aside the verdict In the case of th Oregon Round Lumber com pany- against Lr-X- Paulsen,- and - with held his decision in the case of A. J. pelts against 11 L, Stephenson an.4 I others. Involving the Scott Fotel man agement. - .- - Hatra you seen the line line of buck skin money belts ' carried In stock by Albert Bernl, the druggist. Second and Washington T Th safest way to carry youf money, and protects against loss from - pickpockets and "holdups." Memorial servloes for veterans of th Spanish-American war -Will be held on Sunday evening at th Calvary Pres byterian church, Eleventh and Oar streets. Camps Toung and Vsnvllle will unit for th service. We clean and press', your clothes and shin your shoes for-11.00 per month. Unique Tailoring Co-' 147 Wsshlncton. Msln 114. . - . - . , . .Th Oregon,, Portland' nsw and mod em hotel. Is receiving guesta Corner Seventh and Stark streets. ! ' Ths" 'flew Hotel Oregon, corns? Sev enth, and Stark streets, has hot and oold running water 'and long distance tele phones In every, room. i Tonight Grand Either and ball at Arlon hall. 7 Ansley Printing Co, . . MXjrnsoTAws to saxr. . The Minnesota society' will meet In th Chamber of Commerce hall. Chamber of Commerce building, tomorrow night. Monarch over pain. - Burn., cuts, Pr. drug eoncert ISO Oak. ' pralns. . etlne-n. Jnntant relief. Thomas' Evlcctrlc UU. .. At anjr ator. ( . . . WAKEFIELD VAS : r KICKED PARTfiER So Says Bridges, 'Suing for Profits on Construction of - Drydock. CONTRACTOR'S BITTER IGKTJLiCpURTS Witness .Says He Was Present When Pool Waa . Formed j r in Restaurant, i -.'L. J. B. Bridres. plaintiff In the suit on trial asalnst Robert Wakefield. before Judge ClelanoT to recover prorws tTigeaT to have accrued to th Arm In building the Portland drydock, la contending that If, there was a pool of contractors he wss pot a party to It, but that Wakefield was the one who arranged it.. He says he was Ignorant of such a plan and makes It one of the principal features of his case. - f - - Wakeneld avers that he and Bridges made a contract which provided that the latter should see other contractors, ana secure their agreement to kid In a man, ner to permit Wakefield to get the con tract, and was to pay Joseph Patjuet. J, EL Bennett and Sydney Smyth $1,000 each, as compensation for their bidding higher than Wakefield. " In behalf of Bridges, Charles Nelson. a contractor. In the Portland Shlpbulid lng company,- testified that he. bid for the contract, and that he waa not asked to bid high to '.let Wakefield have the work, although he admitted that he was present at ths meeting at the Quelle, when the contractors, according to evidence adduced by Wakefield, met and. arranged their bids so aa to have. that of Mr. Wakefield the lowest. Edward MrGloln. assistant bookkeeper for Wakefield, swore that he heard Bridges ask the chief bookkeeper. A. C. U. Berry, when " Paqtiot and Bennett were to receive their money, as they were Insisting on getting it. BAPTISTS MAY HOLD EXT'MEETINC-HERE DfW.- Whttcomb- Brougher Pre sented Invitatiorjuof Portland to Convention. i. ; Revj J.WThltcomb 'BroughenT pastor of the White Temple., reached home this morning, after aif absence of three week-In the east. -He- is enthuslaatlo over the gteat meetings held In Kansas City -and Bt. Louis by the Bsptlsta I The sessions In StLoule- were-of un usual interest ana ur. urougner oeiieves that In two or three respects .they were epoch-making. T Hewni describe theae meetings in detail next Sunday' morning and- evening. - ... - Thennlon" -of northern-and -aoulhern Baptists : In thi general- convention of American Baptists marks a. transition In the work bf ths Baptlat denomination nf thts pmnrtry that will fee f ar-reaohlns In Its -effecta The-ytanntng of a great svanaellsUo and Bible conference cam: palgn was another, advance step taken. It is generally understood that Dr. Cor nelius Woelfkln of New York, one of the moat noted Bible teachers In America, will be th superintendent of this de partment. Tha west was welLrepresented at th convention. .All the Pacific coaat states had delegates there, and j the following represented Oregonr Rev. J. F. Day, Newberg; Rev. L. W. Riley. McMlnn- vUleu. Rev. M. M. Bledsoe,- Rev. O. A. Wooddy. Mr. H. W. Stone, Miss C. O, Mlllspaugh and Dr. Brougher, of Port' land. One of the sessions of the con vention was devoted to the considera tion of the work In the west Dr. Brougher presented an invitation to ths nsxt convention to meet in Portland, it la customary to refer all Invitations to the executive committee, but at the close of Dr. Brougher s address, th conven tlon voted practically unanimoualy, that It desired the exeoutlve committee to choose Portland. It Is not absolutely certain, however, that the executive committee will follow out these Instruo, ttons. - -l: Div-Broughe was- greatlydelighted with his trip, but had to leave before the convention was over. In order to be pres ent at a great social and reception at his church tonight. Dr. Brougher preached last Sunday morning for the Delmar Avenue :.Baptlatchurcn.Bt. Louis.' Rev. Bledsoe was the preacher for the Union M. E. church, the largest Methodisthureh!nnhclty Dr-1 Wooddy oocupled-th'-pulplt- of one of the most Important Christian cnurcnes In the city. He goes on from St. Louis to London to- attsnd th World's Bap tlst congress. v You'll Have to Hurry If you wish to secure your share of th bargains at th big sai or tne bos ton Store's Doomed- Stock. In the hands of the -world' greatest bargain givers, G. W. Groves Co. . High grade dry roods, furnishings for men and women. coats, capes,, jackets, boys' clothing, etc., are being sold for- less than cost of the raw material. The stock Is doomed and must o before June 1". no matter what 1 . the price may ba ost no longer gauges selling prleea- Every counter. very aisle Is full of bargains, and thousands of satisfied customer can attest to the fact that , every article advartlsed haa been, placed on sale. Our loss Is heavy, the benefit Is youra Now Is the time to take advantage of this wonderful oppor tunity. Be on hand tomorrow. Saturday morning, at . o'clock sharp to particl pate In th many (remarkable bargains which will be displayed ror your beneiit G. W. GROVES CO., Th Boston Store, Cor, First and Salmon Street . - - f v ?ProducertoConsumer ' - - , i . ' 7- Per Ton. ROLLED BARLKT .....S23.S0 Choice Feed Oats.1. 29.50 Rolled Oats ............30.00 Whole Corn ........... .1 12S.OO Cracked Corn ,.;,vr-...V'.H26.00 - Middlings - r,.l 1'2.4Q: Short ,.......! I21.50 Bran ....( H9.501 Wheat . ........ I28.SO -Dairy Chop ........... .111 T.OO Timothy Hay I....1 117.00 Idaho Timothy Hay ItlS.OO Alfalfa Hay ........... .$11.00 For delivery add, 80c per ton. Above Fries Ar" "Honey water." PACIFIC GRAIN CO. , '- Telephone Main S20T. . . Oor. Thlrteaatk aa Kearaey St.. HO TROUBLE AT ALL- TO HANDLE-CROWD Streetcar Company Is Making Many ; Improvements for Ac commodation of Visitors. NEW UNES BEING LAID NEAR -THE EXPOSITION Half-Minute Service Is Promised Between Business Section :.. and the Gates. . :. . . According to Charles F. ijwlgert, vie nreeldent of the Port In nil' Consolidated - RtiXytty co,npany. the atTeeTcarTIhea of this city will be so equipped when th exposition open that from 0,000 to (0,000 people can b handled dally without, inconvenience. To this end the company -la expending .about 1200,000 for equipment,, new lines and alterations At various points on ths street rail wsy system, workmen are laying rails and Improving old roadbeds. For a hslf mile this side Of the, fair grounds there are tracks everywhere, snd frogs and switches have become so numerous as to - confound even the streetcar men. All of theae alterations were necessary to a good service, according to Mr. Swi gert, - and he declares his intention of making that service, perfect. -"By- four-Mnes: the fair grounds may be reached," said the vice-president "These are the two Washington street lines Twenty-third and Sixteenth street cars and the Morrlaon street and 8 curs. People arriving at the depot can get on the M car and for one far be deposited at the main entrance. This wiU be by a circuitous route, it 1 true, but if It becomes necessary we will run the Sixteenth, street cars to the depot ' -"We will maintain H" half-minute service-between the. "business district and the fair grounds,, and can Increase this If necessary. At leaat 126 cars will be trsed on the vsrlous lines running to the main entrance.1;-" -. Mr. Bwlgert s attention was called to the fact that many complaints are heard on account of the streetcsrs hsving no guard rails, As the a passenger may step off the wrong side immediately In front of a a wl the parallel trark. There are narrow es- capea dally and the prediction Is heard that unless the company makes the neo. essar j. Improvement, wHh a half-minute service on tha double track lines, many lives may be lost during the fair season The conductors are supposed to watch the-aecnncl trark for -punishing i-art DUt mis ts ODViously impossible when he Is collecting fares. By way of reply, Mr." Swigert said: ' ' - .-. -v "That Is an1 old,:worn-out subject Until 10 years ago the cars were equipped with side rails, and the people. jnsieaa or going to tne nearest- curb, would walk atound the rear and of the car from which they hurt Hghtftrt entl get rignt in tne way of others. After three -had been killed In- preclselyjthlg manner, rhetsfty-couhcIT. repealed the guard rail ordinance, and requested us to remove the rails, which we did." V i- Great preparations are made for the farewell musical which will be given at tne. eaivatton Army hall. 1211 First street, tomorrow evening. Major and airs, riynn ana tneir musical-family will assist, and will be assisted by sev eral local talented musicians. Tha program) is a very good one, and every pne Is1 Invited to attend. " Refreshments will be served. 1AT THE THEATRES rr Opening of the Belasco. Tt dOOt. Of thBllea Immmtrm will K. throws ope to the pubUe tomorrow evenlnc. Ttaeflnt kill to t presented by the new BelMco Stock compear will bm DitiA ui.m . rer-popular pltj, "rhm Utmrl of sUrrUad." company has ba la active rtbaaraal th past wevk. and seenle artlaU and carpenter hare been working al(ht and da In order to complete the haary production Mceaaaty for this play. The aal ot seats, both at th. s.,.. otac of th tbeatr and to Itolly Vardea candj- mti ma y Hla Advance Sale for Olcott. w Next Monday swrnlnx st 10 e'eiark ih .a. vane sai vl aau elll ons for tha maanlft. cant produetios of Aug uatua Pltou's baautlfnl romanue oouMOy era ma. -a - ttomance of- Ath lone," which will b tha atlrictloa at Um llartiaam Orand thaatr But Wednesday. Thar. day and Friday sights, when th.aatre-goars will have an opportunity te again aa iTiatinrrr iu uiLiuiaaqoa atore or an earlr nvrlod. When th plar u flrat produced Is New York it raa ror nearly tit month to -tvrr- bual s, and la th part of Dick Ronrane Mr. ukvu eeorao a trmnao 1 hit. Th eons written by Mr. Olcott are a atroos faatara of tii proanction ana mcinas ss popular ballad. - jay nua iriaa Hoaa." At the Empire. Tbt Kmplr has always bees knows sa tha uxm pieaaantiy niaatea summer theatr In Portland. Th stock company now nlarlns at popular sommer prleea and offering excellent attractions earn wek Is evidently what th pub lie want sow. This weak th wall knows comedy drama, -Blow for .Blow," -Is - being piajaa. a,iumi wywtj mmj ac ID amplr. smning pcrurmaac at s:io e clock. - ledum Actregg at Grind. Malnaa. tb Indian aetre. at tha Orand theatr, ha become, tb talk of th town, and omrradly so. th b the brlfhteat' apd moat attraetlT dramatla psrsonality that has aver appar oa tb stag of tha Grand theatr. 8b auy aomlnat- th littl olay. "Tha Heart of s GlrL" Next wek tb Orand will have 4ha Mlnauel Malda that ba made sack s sit all ever th country. At the Baker. t Tie Mil at thj Baker thl week Is s real traat. It eootalna some acts that are seldom 1 Is coaat vaadavtlle boose. Tb corned t sot ot Blmosaa ss ward, for tnatanre, I en that comes direct from- the Klth elrcan snd what susht be tarmad a . "real" - vaodmtu act. Th other are np t tb Baker'a standard. Ercry aftarnoua st 1:30 o'clock, Tnlng st 1:80 and ' clock. At the Lyjlc OmwAVd bona nlxhtlr" spplan4 the T.'rrlr ftork rompanr's prod net km of "Th Heart of Virginia." The parts are in th bands of capa ble people, the staging fcr srallent and th play tells an Interesting story. Krery after nooa at :BO o'clock, aad srery arming at 0 and e'clock. r ' , A Wicked Wornan. Tk Mry"ef "A Wicked Womas." -which will ns st th Empire Sunday afternoon, treats of en woman's at I la sod schemes to dtmy the bapptneae ef hoabaad snd wlfa. aad being no natural snd tne to everyday Ufa, wilt ha loss, cepacia 1 interest erery one. . ' Clever Bill at Sur. . Klsht ns te th ml note Is every particular la tb vandeTlll show at tb Star thle week. The Hat M yo things Is larc and there la end lea onastlty ef Blrta. BMlodiL sod uiriaeat, . ,....,.' ., , Div VanDykc In Tkf. . . Jun Alvmbmr of SCRIDHER'S MAGAZINE charmingly . describes . a visit to the homcslofWordsworthand Xoleridge-in-a-sketchentitled QuantocK Htlls,,'''' seven illustrations including pic tures of the homes of Coleridge and Wordsworth. Five, capital short stories in ber. . ...... .... 23 Cmf at all MWMtand Now in Portland ! Wti. R. B. Webber The great ' historical TRIBE READER and discoverer of the. tribes of Israel, at Allsky building,' , room 20; "corner Mor rison and Third streets, WILL and CAN trsck your descent from Abraham, and tell your tribe free for a few day' te Introduce" this most Interesting and won. derful history ..through a .FIXED LAW ah has DISCOVERED. 1! WTLTWOKAM TOttt, JTlnrteenth and Chapmaa Bta. PORTLAND Vi4"": OAKLAND TUT 43,' ai, ts, S. ST, SS. -Game called :S0 o'clock. - ttuudays,s:20 general Admlssiea, Bo. ChUdrea. lflo. - Orandstand 'or ladleerfree every day but Sundays and holidays; men Sic. uauies asy rTiaay. . IHrertlea 10IS TTEB WTSfW" COMaXZ Marquam Grand Tuesday, Ha30 SALS 0 BBATS SATCBDAT, MAT ST. BELASCO TH Taltbooa Mala . (11. (Formerly Columbia Theatre) ltli snd Wlh Beslnnlas Saturdar ETeninc. May 27. Rasu. lar Matin 8atnrday aqd Se4ay. Spatial Maun iwanj. stay su, icuratioB Vmj. ' By Bptclal Arrangement with tb Astber. Darid Belasco, The Heart of Maryland Tlrat Apptararm in Portland ef the Belaiee sioca uonpaay.. Prli .venint. He T5e matin. IB te eo, at now mIHdc. hht "ths cunmt," Olyd Titok's maatarplao. StAR THEATRE NEXT, WEEK :.. Bzermiiia momdatjxat ia, THS GREAT AKD ONLT John L. Sullivan THacos"T-ircrjT FIGHT ON THS BIOOBAPH, ---' -an n ; . 9-LEADI1NG VAUDEVILLE FEATl'RES-9 ETCBXTHIMO KEW.' . "r All Pravtoaa Records Brokea 8H0WS--S:S0 to 4:80. T:0 to 10:BO. . MARQUAM TJiI?w' IJS" Marrlaoo II treat Betwma Blxth and Saranth. M01TDAT BTOKT, MAT , IWI. UOTUBB ABD IU.VBTBATXO TITW. Russian-Japanese War ' " ' By Bohert t Thins. Collier's Weekly's Famous War Corraanosdaat. "-" Popular Brlcaa Adalu 80c, rhlldran SSt.' .- IdSuci Bl Opens Saturday. . . EMPIRS V..db,chma Mlltoa 'W.Saaman. Baldnt Manager.1 - Teaterday'S record Packed f' breathls room twice. Kmulr 8luck-.C4mpaBxln.-th grl S-act eomedr-arama. "BtOW rOB BLOW.- ADMISBIOM IQ CKXTS Mannee ver; y day :!. granltgs st 1:19. M.rar ea eua4a ror ta prts. LYRIC THEATRE - Keating A flood.. Managers;-. : WZUC ITABTTBO MOVDAT. MAT St, - nThe Heart, off 4 -VlrKlnla' ' A aOTTTKXBW BOMABCI, roLLOw ths citowrs. ' ADM1BBI0B 10 10 ABT BSAT 1 BAKER THEATRE ' . Keating A Flood. Mere. KILIABLX TAVDXTIUS. - BTVOltDS ABD WHS ihswb rKAJixxiiT coiset boloiiit ADAMS BBOB. TH TWO XAkVIZt HXALIT HXA1IT. "OP TO TUB MIBUTI" jus -wiLsoa. ir BAXIKOOBATK rrles t Asailaaiea; OXT BIMI, Matlaa sad j sia(. . '...- BAWTHOaJTl TTB1ACX ' roKTLAKO Biioara Hum one. Take Portland Urlsht ear snd sat ft at Hawthorn Tarrac. a block tnm ear Un. K rnmning: siacuie etaTarar. mHnirtcnt taw la AaMrtca. Baa Vaatlfnl (ct of sowerrcl earrhlleht troai tae el lower. "T-" a. " . sa. . ABMlSSlOa'if VABTB,. i YSAYE Tan- Leather BAREFOOT SANPALS The proper for Children v We have an- exceptionally' large fine of this comfortable,., hot-weather footwea styles made on lasu patterned after nature sure to fit the foot comfortably-made of the very hist qualities of leather best Soles, best insoles, best counters, best in every re- spect 1 Pricesalzes 2 to 8, 75gL perpalr; sizes 8 to 1 1 . $ 1 .00 per pair; sizes -1! Jto 2; $ 1.25 pel! pair; sizes 2 to : d. 9 1 .75 per pairj . .Ours ;isthe only exclusive- children's !: -irr partment ia. Portlandthe entire second , '. '- '"" - '.r floor devoted i to. children's .shoes. Every - desirable t style in Boys', -Girls and Chil li- dren's Shoes and Oxfords is shown by us'; . - - ' : patent leathers, tans, white canvas and whit. -4uck.'' '- r KNIGHT'S , "" . ..'.. ' 1 Opposite Perkins Hotel - Cor. 5th And Wash. Sts. -The Sorosls. and Walk-Over Store. -COLUMBIA RIVER -SCENERY Spencer Line FastTSteamer Chas. R. Spencer Dally round trip to The Dalles from Washington street Sock at 7 a, m., except- Friday and Sun oay. - - Ta SwttawlaaS of Amarloa. . Kowt MCag-nifloent Bosnary la tk SUNDAY EXCURSIONS to-he fourmlllibn dollar - : Cascade Locks and Return Leaving foot of Washington street at s a. m.. arriving horn at , - t p. m. Round Trip Tickets l.00 9AIXT Tm TABUS.'1 r ... -(Exrcpt Bunday.) v'".' Heavy Figure Denote P. M. "'-' trp Trip. ' v Jowa Trip. Portland 1:01 Vancouver ...SiBS r:J8 Waahougal ; TOS -1 1 Jl Cascade lck.,.,.r,Sioa 1 1j1 Stevenson ,j ........ n.SiBa IB KM Csrson Bt40 18 White Salmon. ...... .. IAS 1 Hood River 4iS3 SSM , Lyle SM - Sax) t Th Dalle ......... .S:BO Seysyeat Bates. . tate, Time, .Telephone Main 1421. ' B. W. SFBBOBB, Ocneral Manager, Portland, Or. T H E; Q R A IN D A BrasMtle Basaatlsa . MAfPSA, The InAiss Arras ! "Th Been ef a Stri." Written Kaaaaially far atajnaa By 01 Aaad, TKS VAWZTBOB, WAL MAWTTtrtATOBB. wi, w- 'ias. ... . SASCT mictlirAA1.r; " "' THS ALYTBOs. : ' CHKTyHLI. THICK VIOtmiT. MB. JO! MU, 1 " .? BBABlIiauorg. -- BLAB1BB B BO. CONCBBT BVBBT F10KT. SUSta aTaXSZCX mxJt .. . . .. . . .. " ' .ltL12..: : . - - FIREWORKS We carry th largest stock ef fireworks In the northwest. tnanv rfaetured by the celebrated -. Rochester - Firework compaayv " ..New York. A large assortment of - exhibition sets - for town and city celebrations - from lit to tl.OOB per set. Also flags and bunting for fair opening decora- -tlona. . . , ' j Jspanese and Cblnes curls. msttlngs, etc YVTiolesal and. reUiL . .'j Andrew Kan & Co. sat vtOBBzaoB? st, . -f--' - eradaate . Aatertcaa - Bchooi mt . 0tasalky, .,.KJrksvlll,..Me. . Osteopathy na nmrtlit A mra eopafhlc Pkyatclan. AU Chroel ana '413 Ablngtoa bid. Third at., bet. Waa . lagtna and Stark. , fortlaB. . i. Bebailioas DkMraSr. tetontlBealty Traatad , Wltbeet Orsgs. ' Buy Where You Dp Cest Looking around for a Suit.' Top Cost, Pants, Hat, Shirt or Shoes, do got over look - - , John Dclhr'G Stereo Oa ta Craer Tlsr aad X' ' ""1 t aaa Ch Other oa to (.one I., i , . sad Bari. We elso carry s full ln nt I -' Shoea Cnmpsrlng other store' f tn ours ynt mti be aiirr r' V r savB'u'ouf fnli on v.i i eUavest al'i us. AND FLAGS ! - L.,