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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1905)
THi "OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 28. 1905. GOLDEN DALCI FOR f.IAE VCODTO TAKE WHY NOT; RENT AiPIANO Special Inducements at tilers : "Today and Tomorrow ' " Y Y. n LACERATED HEART -AfFAIR TO SENATE ' Quarter-Million Breach of Prom ' ise Suit Ends In r Corri- Plates Nemesis Will Endeavor to " Have Millers Consular Ap- T3romfer"for-sr5tn- ' v pojhtm4n-Rwj4i 2: BURNING LOVE-LETTERS .lEFECTED-SETTLEMENT - Marriage Broken Off Because .ride..toBeJasNot Mem v ' bar of Four Hundred. . - J (Journal Sped! Bervlee.) - vent the publication of aavern.1 hundred gushing love letters. Multimillionaire 'William Gould Brokaw baa effected a compromise .with MjfcjCatherlne Polllon, the beautiful widow -who sued"htnTf or "breach of promise., .The amount ef the settlement 1 pot given.- .- Wb.en.ihe suit wi, first brought It la aaaerted . that Brokaw "offered Mr. Polllon $60,000 If ahe would consent to ' drop It Mrs. Polllon declined to settle, ; saying-. "1 want air the world to know .that the man who waa my promised ' husband, alnd known in all my circles as " such, refused to marry me because lie claimed Ms father and alster objected to hls,unftn" with a simple home body like myself, and desired him to-wed one of.fba - Four Hundred." -1 Mrs. Polllon demanded 1150.000 as bslra -for Brokaw'a failure to 'fulfill his prom Ue. She said that -she had' hundreds of letters to prove his . endearing - ao - oualntance and that Brokaw waa deeply '. la love-with her..' Brokaw denied that Tie ever premised tn mnrrr-'Mrs JPTlllTn . The couple met In If 00 and the woman , alleges that an agreement . of marriage waa entered Into .and the ceremony -was to have been performed in 103. -During the-three years of their engage.- illecea, Mr .Brokaw paid her conatant attention when he waa In town, and when he was out of town . telegrams and talks over the telephone were daily occurrences. There are 144 love letters which the - attorneys for the plaintiff were ready to suhniiraa evidence. ilfTBrokaw la " " heir to $4,000,000 from his mother. He - Is a clubman, yachtsman,-automoblliat papers) announced av monin ago mat ne waa going to marry Miss Clara Howard of an old Washington famny. Mr. Bro kaw'a flratwlfe was Miss Coralle CoU rderfT niece of the late Frederick Condert; . the famous lawyer. . , . .Mrs. Polllon Is a, strikingly-beautiful .woman, petite and. plump. Bhe la the - daughter- of the-4ate Henry ; Polllon, a wealthy merchant of Troy? Hotel Portl and R atei 1 On awount of the Impression thafTiag t fceen .prevalent- In .different cities re garding the exorbitant rates that are to be charged by khe hotels In Portland during the Lewis and dark expoaltion. i tj t ha irotel Portland and Ita pianypatnmaxdtdgem Jtadhle-UoXy -Bttblish the rates hat will undeviatlng- . ly .prevail at the HotelPortlajiddurng ,the aald exposition. . r. . Keoms -wjlt -be charged for at the ftW"!rW Htertsy far - one peraon. the hlgheat priced room in .' the hotel being $1.60, which Includea a bathroom. Pricea In our cafe are as - reaaonable as in any restaurant of our - city, end the service is second to none in. the United Statee. ' . No change whatever on .rates to com " (nerclal men. - " : ; . . . H. C BOWERS. Manager. ;. : oLTaina. to oxubBBATB. ' ' (Sperist nitpttck to The Joeraal.) Ji'j Orympla. Wash., May. Olympla's popular... aubacrlptlon for .a three days' celebration, beginning July 4, i has reached $3,000. There will be a flre V ntn' tournament In which EI ma. Che : halls, Centralla and Aberdeen teams will ' take part. A large number of Indiana . will be here with their ponlea, to race ? f or the purses offered. , i the" heallngrttalsamio -virtues of orway pin "are- concentrated-In 1 1 ... w Wood'a TJorway Plne Hyrup, na ' ture'a own remedy for roughs and colds. Zt&x ' Straw 7? .l-llr-S:! i r. l7A' YYi'Y-YY7-$5 -II vv-'iciilYTr ,11 -y.u Ssimm9J Dosel IbDatt &i0) ji,...:...- , FAIR MAID NOT DOWNCAST --BYFAILURr OF LAWSUIT Claims Nomination of Defend- ant Was Made in Payment for Steanng-tove-VettipTsT: 'tWaihlngtoa ftmre (it The .rest i-f rWgBntngtdn, D. C. May . When Private Secretary William Loeb. Jr, allpped around Omaha and thua evaded Mae Wood and fcer knight, -the deputy sheriff. It looked to the casual observer as ' though the lady'a proposed lawsuit agalnsTMrri-oeb, Consul-OenacaL Wynne and Consul Miller waa a closed Incident. But those, who : are . familiar with the various charges of which Mlaa Wood falla to aecura-an, airing la. J.ha-courts aay that there la some chance of hav ing them considered in that dark-lantern court, the executive session of the United States ' senate. Miss Wood's story, told less hysterical ly than she herself - would recite It, is that Senator Piatt, -wheh somewhat love alck, wrote her a number of allly letters, in which he mixed affection and politics Indiscriminately. -? Miss. Wood, .with an eye to - the future monetary value of Piatt's 'letters, aaved -them, and waa about: to publish them In book form under the title, "The Love Letters of a Boss." at what she considered a. timely 1 moment, which was Just prior to Sena tor Platt'a expected marriage to a lady other - than Mlas Wood. I twa ktthattlmely-momentlhat. one or -the defendants In Mlaa Wood projected lawsuit. Mr. J". Martin Mil ler, made his appearance in the little comedy. . Mr. Miller, in addition to be ing a newspaper correspondent. ' waa a publls&er of flUlck-iieUlng subscription books, lie had written and published a history of -China during the period of the Boxer troubles, and was the au thor of a hlatory of Theodore Koose- velt. JUUatY Bdltsd-Xettacvv- As Miss Wood tells the storv, she con .erred with Miller about her proposed book,-and Mr.-Mlllerr-havinsrhad--RierT- ence as a publisher, and recognising the great nnaciat . auccee which -- would surely attend the publlcatton,-offered to Become a partner In tha enternrlae Miss Wood waa t furnish -the orta-tnala o the iovo tetters wiltten by "Senator nan ana Miner waa to edit them, get inem- into, proper, shape Sot publication. have aome of them photographed and attend to the details of getting out the book. But. according to Mlas Wood's story. Miller double-crossed her. and In doing-thls-she says he was aided and gbenedbythrt jwlckea "jj" an1 me aamaging cunieuis of tar PlatrTei- tera.'.. -: - ': V Wynne and Loeb- were both noli t in. I friends of Senator Piatt and, according to the atory Mlas Wood haa told to or- thePlatt letters and prevent :-tbelr irwn oeinaaicioiea."xne con spiracy succeeded, and. when Mlaa Wood Woke MP aha hsd-s Memory only of the love sentences and political aphorisms or tne amiable senator, a swiftly dis solving -dream of several hundred thou sand dollars from, the Bale of "The Cbve toners or ,-a joss," and - much" hatred for Miller, Wynne and Loeb. i. Ohargas la Senate. ' " Out of all thla comes the suit of Miss Wod versus J. Martin Miller. Robert J. Wynne end William Loeb, Jr., which haa furnished food for funny paragraphs In nearly every newspaper office in the country. Loeb evaded service, Wynne is about to return to London, and Miller Is on the continent. The lawsuit la a closed Incident, but Mlaa Wood has ad vised her friends here that ahe haa more cards In her hand. - The recent appoint ment of . Miller as United Btatea conaul nt Aix la Chapel le, aha says, waa made through the influence of Piatt" as pay mentifor the aervlces rendered him by Miller in getting possession of the love Iettera7-T Miller's appointment waa a recess one and when congress convenes he-must :PaoamrIHIat Undoubtedly th motttxclutlv $tyl of all Summer Hat, ind ytt A most popular, mipc laity with young mn, Uth Panama. Its I aunty, rustle stylo Imparts an air of eoolnoss and comfort. ttl most-smrvlcoabto-foeSum' mor outing sports.' Bmcausm of tho unlimited - shapes Its . ex mrpltabttlty pmtm withstand renovation perhaps mora than any other Hat made. to' $12.50 SPLIKSTRAWS $1.00 to $6.00 I Just-Received - - --ji Shipment ofJtdva$ee: ' Styles tn Soth Soft and " Derby jqVLTMOM AH S3. 00 HATS r liver a Carload of Pianos Dally Now Rates ?3 aJitotttlxJJpai We have two carloads of the wonder falTiew Pianola pianos en route to Port-J land. A few of them are sold to be de livered on, arrival, but most of them will be placed on our retail floors first thins; next week. .- ' - 4 TliMe.aj-e-.alaa. eight more carloads of pianos and two. carloads or organa aus here for us at about the aame time. 1 We are. therefore. Dartlcularly anx ious to dlsDoae of ujuuntef Our proa TO stock of pianos as possible oerore these new shipments come In, especially since our wholesale warehouse Is now nearly filled to overflowing. -' We propose to-Tent at least A carload of fine new pianos each day-for Xhe next three or four days, and are prepared to mate extraordinary concessions to liable homes -wanting to rent a flrst- claaa. Piano. Rates, from $3 inth t is up. , Iso cartage charge If Inatrumen kept longer than aix months, cartage charge one way -only If -rented three months. Pianos tuned free and deliv ered 'the-sme-'ay-heT-,-re-'-rdere Eilera piano iloune, corner of Eight and Washington. - $61 Washington la the number. - ' again be' appointed and come" iip for confirmation. And here Is where Mae will get her revenge. Bhe lntenda nlic Ing before the senate all the details of the conspiracy in which Millers Wynne auu imvo are reporiea o nave engaged. and mienas also to mow that the con aular' Job given Miller was his quid pro quo. Having shown the senate all thla, aha confidently expecta that the senate will not confirm Miller's noml nation and that Wynne and Loeb will stand properly rebuked until ahe gets s opportunity to hale them into court- TO AGITATE AGAINST, -GOVERNMENT CONTROL Railroads Start in to Manufac iture Public Opinion by' Aid ofJJterature."" JjurmLSperlil Herrlce 1 CL 'hlcago, May H. Alarmed at . the agitation in - favor of arovermnnit control of rates. Iht railroad intereata have embarked In a campaign of educa tlonwhlch la .of ,. national -aoopo- and wnicn will cost man) millions. The edu catlonal work will be conducted throuah me medium' or two large bureaua, at New York and Chicago, both of which Will have branch organisation in other large cities. The New York and Chi cago bureaihac-enta are now touiina- the country m search of information regard ing tne conditions an. engaged In sending forth, tona of lltera. iura ana preparing for mora.. the enterprise which la. vat .not knm4 uy any- aeriniie name, and which aome call the Industrial . atatlatlcal bureau, haa the direct backing f the presidents all the rallroads-tztatJ tutted fiiates. The worltJif the bureau wni h an. compllahed largely through the employ ment - or actiye.jejrapBpa men. The pnrpoae ia to send such men to every state In the unlota and keep them travel ing and talking with .every one who cornea in contact with the , rmWmmA. t 1 . 11 , . uviuoiniir ji iB presumed to nr the people that any abuaea will be cor- recxeo. 1 . . . . MEDICAL ATTENTION FOR RAILROADERS' FAMILIES . (Journal Special gar.iM. Omaha, May 2.-Tha trust t llM fW Blab and injured employee of the Union Pa cific, which waa abolished during the receivership 10 years ago. will be rei established on broader llnea. - Under the proposed system each employe will con tribute U centa per month to entitle )lm mraicai ana . Biirricai ' attenana ouiLum mna appliances ana the use m me company a noapitals.t with nursing. irew.i Aii uepenaeni members of the families of employee recdve the aame treatment at the expense of the service, tnta being the new feature. . . ; 1 I I -.. t Milan (Soft OF KLAMATH PROJECT Large Part of Land to Be IK rigated Is Constahtly Under Li Several Feet of Water. MANY EASTERNERS MAY' VISIT CRATER LAKE Upper Klamath Lake Furnishes Natural and -Inexhaustible Reservoir. WaxhinKton. May-J. Cratertalte, In Klamath county, Orrgnn, la llimJh I wonders of the wonderful west. This StranelrbeauUf ul body of water la In cluded In a national park, and though .t pr.nt It 1 nnt nn.lly trresBlMB, It I will rw a Mecca for many of the thouaands of eastern people who will visit the Lewla and Clark expoaltion at Portland thla summer. South of . Crater . laker: la - the : great Klamath country. Including parts of Klamath county, Oregon, and Blaktyou nd Modoc counties. California, a land of lakes and a territory of great possi bilities. The United States reclamation service hss found this section so prom iHlng that Its engineers are planning e drainage and Irrigation system to cover about , 260,000 acres, of excellent land.- Prominent features In the topography of this country are three large navigable lakes. Upper Klamath, fca-rrhg sn eleva tion of 4.141 feet; Lower Klamath, with n elevation of 4,084. feet, and Tute nr Rhett lake, with an elevation of 4.054 feet. From Clear lake,, a entailer body of water having an elevation of 4.S3J feet, Loat river, a considerable atream. wanders aimlessly through m. chain of fertile valleys until It empties Its waters Into Tula lake. , It la a unique feature 6f the Klamath reclamation project that of the 1S0.O00 acres to be irrigated at least half Is now constantly under water of a, depth" varying from one to It feet. -In all Irrigation works undertaken by the reclamation service, drainage accom paalea irrigation aa a vitally neceasary adiinct, but for half the lands In this project drainage muni for two or- three earn, precede Irrigation. It Is. pro- p)Sed"to drain off all the waters of Ixiwer Klamath lake and to uncover half tha lands In Tula lake. tfi. federal congress and the legislatures of Oregon nd California having given the neces sary permission to . the reclamation service.) .' The two states . end these lands, with tha exceptlcnr of the acreage now held In private ownershln. will be ubjeel to homestead (nrry "When ttirr-t oughly . drained and.teady foe CUltlvf tlon. . - - A greater part At the area. 190. COD cree, under tneKlamath project, will CASTOR I A lor Iafaats and Caildrsa. Dii Kind Yea Kits ktezji Ecrjht Bear th 6ignttiref UNIQUE FEATURE Unless other stores tn Portland have things in their sleeves no store to show the display of Straws and Panamas that we do. Genuine Panamas : : $5, $6.50, - r - rv i - .. -. . Chtna-SnHlnnfl -Sennit .Straws. Straw) Hats, plain Porto Mean PalmSylleatherweight: JmhaUonJanamas-!L50c and 75c WARM WEATHER HELPS Get Rid of Yout.CaUrrh by Uglng i . Hyomel Now. - Everyone who has catarrh should take advantage of the warm weather to get rid of this annoying and dis tressincr disease. The rieht treat ment, faithfully followed in May or June, will benefit htuch' more-tiuickly than in the winter and early spring. Do not try to cure catarrh of the head and throat by taking drugs into tne stomach, it canootf be ruied In that manner. The only way in which this too common disease can be cured is througn direct application that will kill tne germs of catarrh and prevent their growth. of treatment that accomplishes this. it is thesimplest most pleasant, and the onlv ahnolnte nire for rafirrh .,. h ever keen i.f i When using ! Ifvomei everv nar, t7T7ulcj1 - !P - r - y ; t P ticie or air tnat enters tne air oas sages of the throat and head and goes into the lung.v-is charged withjhcal nigTalsams that-kill the catarrhal germs and soothes and allays all ir ritation. . The first day g use of Hyomei will show" decided improvement, and in a short time, especially if used at this season-of the year, there will be no further trouble from catarrh: - You take no risk in buying Hyomei. The complete outfit' costs, but . one dollar, and if after using you can say that the treatment has not heped you, Woodard, Clarke & Co. will return your money. . be Irrigated with water drawn from Up pee Klamath lake, a natural ami 1 tn exhaustiblereservoir. No atorage dam la required here, the lake having a suf ficiently higher-elevation than the lands to We watered. About (0.000 acrea will ba watered from Clear lake. In Califor nia, oc from Horsefly reservoir, situated in Oregon. . Of the now dry-lands under the project only a few thousand acres are publlo landa. - The greater part of the lands In private ownerattlp Is held in largetraota Tmd7-uhder thepVnvlaIdhs of the reclamation act, these landa must be sold In small lots, aa one person can purchase water for no more than 140 acres. The Klamath Water Users' associa tion, a corporation of land owners with a capital -stock of i J. 000.000, has been Organised VT cooperate with and aaalst tha reclamation aervlce. The ofllce-f the association - la at .' Klamath Falla. Oregon, the - county .. Mat of Klamatn county. -The Klamath effuntry is now without I. Immediate railroad connection, but two companies have gven assurances that they will begin lrnmedtate--eontructlon of to cntinectuXlamath Falla with tHe'SoOThernTPitctflc- line, running between" 8an Francisco and Portland, y The land owners have found It neces aary. owing to the lack of transports tlon facilities, to confine themselves to tha cattle industry and the cultivation of hay. Alfalfa yields from four to five tons per acre. - The lands produce heavy crop of grain, apples, peers, plums, cherries and peaches, and the smaller fruits are auccessfully grown.. Sugar beets raised aa an experiment ehow a high percentage of sugar. Most of the vegetables and especially onion and potatoes; yield bountifully. 'The, streams and lakna abound with trout. whi)4 'din ke of every .kind and Igeeae tcmpth . hunuman, . . '.' ,. I $7.50, $9, ?10; $12.50, ' . ----- - : ' $1, $1.50, $1.75, $2r$2.50, p, $3J50, or square Fancy- ColleflC:Bands .Wkat . , We repeat our Bargain Stool - - f j i or Saturday. They're made - H --r" 7 1 , of hardwood - and 1 covered 11 ; ,- h 10-ounce duck, a 40c , "y' j -r"' " 1 U 0NK DAY ONLY " ONE DISH fTTTm SAUCERS fv' ' -V". ' A Only li , -r - - - zi -; r- I I jPV ! A t T f A ii v .rrA- n ,:.i II - AT. '" )" -" BOTS' AN! GIBU WiTCI SUNDAY ADV. TI0 IATE A tUIJS C0.MW6 f ff Tl J, WBAI B0 TBEJt llTTEJti UAM 101...... Y e J lie AT3 TA'.-LC has begun - $15, $18. $25 ,- i $4 and $5 $3.50, $4 and $5r and $3.50 - r 50c Aaotker rortlaad Uat Bayg Akomt Casey's Rheumatic Cure n. world' umt cure ror Shenxaausa. - John H. Caaey Medicine Co., Spokane, Wash. Deer Sirs: I waa taken down about the flrat of May with inflammatory rheumatism; waa very bad. I could not wait on myaelf. I waa ad vised to try thla new remedy called I'aney'a Rheumatic Cure, and after uaing one bottle I . could get up and dreaa mxaelC I am now able to walk around town. I am not suffering any pain now.- and I expect to be able to return to work aoon.- I shall always recommend this med icine to my friends. OMAR KL1.M. Barnes Market, 105 Third St. II. AO per bottle. Sold and guaranteed by Watts A Matthleti. 275 Russell at.: Woodard, (larks A Co., Fourth and Washington sts. ; Skldmore Prug Co., 151 Third St.; Albina Pharmacy,. 110 Russell street. CAMP Saturday "From 6 to ip P.M. la. Sprt- tag, serry disk aaa Maeera. e wladow display. , -- ... ;, - 'O'Y