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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1905)
TOWN , TOMIGHI f AMUMEBTi. ..."Lost 'and Wm" ninplre,,....., Bur ....... Urand ...... baker ...VA .. Womb i Iterance .-... Vaudevlllt ...-rr.;,. Vaudeville .......... VauUoTllle - Jives the Memorial day address aiKi FnT Biiephem will read Lincoln Gettysburg -iwh,--ae exercises to b held .this" year 'in Monument square. Thar will be simple musical proa-ram, and the march lo the' cemetery will beOmlftedr owing - . to the advanced age of many "Of . the soldlsrs and their wives. A general yjj committee for Portland- a.r A.' R. ;posts bas been appointed to arrange for the Decoration of the graves and for eer- -ffoes-atLune Fir cemelciy. The rot Jowlng will have charge:" Commander of: the "dayrpanlar C)ar1rrwnlor--Tlce commander, F. H. Shepherd; 'Junior vice commander, A, C. Bloan; chaplain, Rev, Henry Bnrden: officer of the day, F. B. Nealei officer of -the guard. F. -A." Cole man adjutant R. A. Wohlforth; chair man In the -cemateryi X B, foss. -ix. 'The, Admen's association Is making '. preparations for the "reception of the delegates to the I'solne eoast advert Is " tug men's convention,, to be held In Port land In July. The California, delega ;VpitBhouifl.atome met. down the river by a. committee, 1 whose duty It will be to point put tha : various Interesting points on-the route. s All meetings of the association, will-be held at- the .exposition - grounds, - and rm li y - to da y there-will e side, trips up and down the country .for the enter, 'talnment of the visitors. At the .meet- --lJir last night W, Cooper Morris--dls- ousaed "Advertising as a Bank Builder, T and John J. Johnek spoke on "Copy for the Printer. There was general dls s . cusslon.of.fake advertising tfnd the best . . means of getting rid of the nulsancew The successful applicants for - post tlona as . engineers In .the; city service who paused the municipal el vlh service examinations are a follows: Fire de- Tmrtment -Q"E. Wood. Edward. M.Lanv- and W. , Q.l Randall. Engineers- in the ' city hall Emll Vollmer. M. Moran, D, .K. Smock and Edward E, Coblne. Hoist- ng engineers, wster department Harry ' TraJtToSpnTfii"eeTs, cTty -engineer's do- pa'tment Leonids C. Fones, John M. Davis. ' WUlIantHaatlngsr Clifford " K. Kones, Leonidas D. Bosworth.. Charles F. King; and George-w," Hayes. That the death of Martin Toomey, aged 1 years, wpq died yesterday after . noon at his home, & Bell wood street, Alblna, wss due to an accident Is the r. opinion PtoroneiFlnteyrwhoTnadeTB thorough examination of - the--circumstances surrounding the death. No ln "quest will be held and the funeral of ...the lad w-IU take place at 19 o'clock to morrow morning from 8t Mary's. church, Alblna. If the authorities are able to discover who .sold the boy liquor they will be prosecuted. W - ' ' ' Suit has been filed by Mrs. K. C. ' Sprugue '..against " the Oregon Wster Pnww tt Railway-company J!ojt5tfij:8J-1 lor injuries sustained Dy lue auegea neglect of the company by loosening . planks In the pavement while It was en- - i maged In repair work at East .Water and - East - Morrison streets. Mrs. Bprague waa dVIVIns In s buggy when a loose plank flew up. causing "her Morse."r to ureal loose . vmJ -in uamcps, ana - throwing her to tWe street,' . s'thlsf-TOJrt -Presiding Judge Fraser announced the personnel of the committee selected by him to drsft resolutions -regarding the desth of, United' States '-District J udge-Cbarles-B-BeUlnger, ss follows- Cyrus A. - Dolph, the oldest- surviving -is w-Trtnrnof-tjd gelHngehalr-f man; rreperics: v. noiman. governor Ueorge E. Chamberlain,, Mayor Ooorge lr -1 1 1 1 . t .. , Wfe i ' ji, TTjiiinui. viiu tfuiin aw? unno. , A dinner . was given at the Arlington ; club yesterday- In nonor of ' John W, - Terkes,. commissioner of Internal reye- I y nuej innae present were J. Ainswoctn, B. Wilcox, A. L.. M1P.S, W. D. Wheel w r Igh t, Ds vld M; - pii n ne, '7W, "D."Ten ton and .H. W. Oobde.The guest Is enjoy ing a boat ride on the Columbia river today, and . tomorrow will leave for the sound. -ij i The North Pacific 8. S. company's steamship- Roanoke, 1,400 tons, is the only steamship running to Von Angeles, railing at .Coos- bay, Eureka and San Francisco, giving passengers a view of the const en rout Sails .Saturday, May" 20, from Columbia dock No. 1. Ticket office 261 Washington street, Harry Young, agent.' .'Phone Main 688, -The stltion of John Wohlgemuth for permission to change his name to John Walton was allowed by County Judge f Weoster' yesterday a t ternootv ln -bla petition Wohlgemuth said hla name was ' hard to pronounce, and he had long been 'known to his friends and acquaintances as Walton. " - - " ' -- - ' SO.tOO Immigrants Wanted To locste along the. Oregon Water rower A Rail way company's line between Portland and Estscsda. For Information Inquire of the Oregon Water Power Townsite company, 114 First street. Phone, Main 'The will of Dennis Wllmott-Crowley ti. was filed for probate In the county court --yesterday - The estate, valued -at- 42,- - 080, la bequeatnoa to tne w,kiow, Anna . vr rwi. I' I'll -e". .. : - 'V!tamer South ay leaves Wedt eve. Vor San Francisco,' cabin,12; steerage, . 18; Los Angerrs, cabin, $21. 60; steerage, IIS. C. H. Thompson, iyrent, 12 Third -street.- " ''r -v- -; .. ; J, 11,000 rewsrd for anjr adulterations found In Oregon Grape or Paclflo Cream. Senator Mitchell, es-Senator Thurston end Collectors of Internal Revenue Tor- OF MEN'S -. WE'VE AN EI-EOA NT - I.INB. THEY'RE THE ' ; j- JPROPER- THINO THIS . SEASON; TOO. tt'.-.v, jrj;.-f.: . :-:,!Lr:50c- V; Also ( Cheaper One's and Better :. t: :--t:.', . pnes. .. - - ; ... hi ii- i L 1Hy i . . , I, Hwett, Crtd!ay O Co. s A. ! '". - aUsiuasBxaV:' t . SS Wathlnzion Sttwt " VEAB SSAIIO TRXATXt. Fcy Hose IsraiPAIGIIf CIWIHS TEEK Chairman r Montague ; Selects Headquarters, and Lays Plans 7" for Mayoralty-Fight. ISSUES ON WHICH THE CONTEST IS TO BE FOUCHT Administration's lncompetency, and . Negligence1 to : Be Put qMareiyBefoeVoters- Rlchard Montagus, chslrmaiT of the lemocratlo city , central committee, has headquarters In the building on Sixth street, between Washington snd Stark street, where formerly, was Mer rill': cyclery. On the second floor' is a room tt by 40 feet, which will be par titioned into two or three offices. - Chairman . Montague has' not yet cnosen nia. secretary,; but will do so In a euy or two. Since consenting to lesd- the , tight In the city campaign Mr. Mon tague has been busy preparing; his plans d Bct-ta'belngr"aetlve "work "at; once. Only " 30 days, remain, be fore election and ao time will be lost In beginning the campaign to. convince the voterl: of the need of supporting candidates that stand for Improvement m the- municipal f airs. . ' . vJt la now conceded that the issue on mayor will be fought out by Mayor WU- ;1lam-thd "prr'tane-tintheTtittestlon- Indorsement or . disapprobation., of. the policies of the incumbent. It la inti mated that the poaitlon to . be assumed j by the. Jne workers will be that the olty charter Invosia the ofnoe of mayor with - ample power to, enable him to , compel proper 2 observance of the law and the faithful fulfillment of all contracts for municipal work. It -will be contended that evasion -of resoonsl - bllity---nil-: nor" oa'perm It ted. bu t - that the campaign will bring out the" Im perative necessity on the part of the Williams forces of espousing- the acts of the . executive- departments of the government,.: or... confessliiK Js.Uura in That the demand for betterment-In civic conditions Is growing stronger Is apparent ' to .the politicians, and as proof It Is - cited that lnr most of the wards Independent movements have been started for the . nomination - of candi dates against tffose. whd"were"iielected by the ' Llquory Dealers' association for the council ana, me executive depart ments. ' - we areace to race witittne suei of whether or, not the ticket named by the liquor dealers shall be elected and dominate the city governmeUr," eeld - politician today. '"Coupled with this Is theT.pther-i.Jasue Jollied " before the prlmariea as to whether or not the ad ministration of the past three years Baa been , faithful In the discharge of its duty,' and why tfiere has been such a carnival -of contract ' manipulation and such a flagrant 'wasting of the people's money. " The tutiavtt. tiiese questions determined without eva slon, and wffl not be diverted to the consideration of other-martera that ars not germane to . the central thought In this fight."--- - - :. -.- By he end or this wees: - in cam palgn.wUl be .lp -ful swlnjgr. snd both parties to the controversy wili ie1h te tck -tf the t!ontBrwttlir pla ns "Tald and workers aaslgned- to their duties. kesTand tunn are viewing the sights of : the Columbia river today from the deoKs of the, Charles R.8pencer, A-'large I number of railroad conductors ana their wives are passengers on the' boat 1 " I x ars Trtfll "(Itonr those for II.,', If you need glaaaea It will be tb L", 4.n.a . ... i We clean and pre. yor clothes and shin. youV shoe5 for $1.00 per month. nlnu. Tailoring Co, 47 W.shlngtoa Ma,n !l4v t.; T"T , ,1 Try amearwBOUtTnMt at the Vege tarian cafe, 106 Sixth street--Li Ansley Printing Co.. ISO Oak. UNCLE SAM'S (AIDS TO ULIIIRI llllllin I. 1 UIV UUUbK I UUUIH niVIIIIU I 1 1 1 w II Lblt f I ft. PJfi--7. Tf .t.iY.' States district court, the district at tomey, the commissioner, the marshal Snd the United States railway mall ser vice will be established - in their new quartera- In -the remodeled postof f loA -LbitlldlnvThe removal Is being has- tened and -the juIpmenT-6rTnese-or-1 flees is being put " In place In the new rooms as rapidly aathe painters and in side finishers give way. The removal of the postofflce will follow Immediately, and by. June 1 the entire building will be occupied. - - "' - 1 The ..building will not be formally turned over by the contractors to Su perintendent Ball until some time in July. The . contractors have until the middle of Aotjuet to complete tha Work, under their' contract, but they are ahead of time, and will get through two or three weeks before the limit expires. The - final work is being done i6n the floors and Interior woodwork, workmen sre installing .the- electric elevator.- plumbers are putting In. modern lava tories on t,he second floor and In the basement, and the lawns about the building are being seeded. . v OXBafAK BTAITOBZJVTXa aCBIITXBTQS. The Opening service of the German evangelistic - meetings was a splendid sXicoess, Ths beautiful new Congrega tional churchy on Stanton, street . was packed and nine churches were repre sented.,' Thje i staging wss excellent. Isldor Srhlel rendered a solo with Ilna effect ) Evangelist H. B. . Roller could not reach-the city In time to preaeh at this meeting, so the Rev, August W. Reinhard, - pastor of the Zion Presby terian church, spoke In his place. ', . HOTEL ARRIVALS, At the In. serial I. T. Barnee. Lone sjixrh. California: J. r, Murh.-k and M. Trarers and wife, Krattlei Mrs. Williamson, Oltqna; Mr. Peodletttu: O. IV.TOoMf.T Ban rraartaeo) WiH- msram,, fendietoiR T. p. Barn, gap Fran riaenl Walteri L. Toose. ' Woodburn. Oihm: it. u. wi nana, umas ror; ira arb, Balaai; Mrt rrancla t: Bailey Hlllahnro; I. D.' . aaaW. B. UfOfOrt'. I'laita., Indus Territory; J. D. Byrne and wife, Ban FraneMW. ' At the Perkins j; w. Taeoma: B. B. Morford. Oakland: Janws' !. Ban Wan. rbteo; Howard Oakland, Ureat FalU, Montana; M. c oresoeT, Knsenurg; I "Wiley, Wallo wa; B. B. KJnimena. Pomerny, . Waahtnctimi P.i H. Johnston I Hnfur; B. P. Lena nil a. Tha DallMa; -W. k MnlUgan. Hpokane. At the Poflfand A. Pulllmn. M. D. Chen, R. Br t-haepeU, S. P..OItterman, H. T. Wallla M. U. Mis-den. S. E. Ballla, ('. V. 'Wlrkland and wife and t. M. (nimble, all of New York; ( . H Bell, Ira Bronann. W. .W. Read and H. 1. Thomaa, all of Seattle H. I. Lanman. Linrtnnatli O. U Ort-r. Philadelphia; r. C. Brandahaars snd r.. tamer, ef Kan rraa- rlttv: I. i. hill, t'hleasoi A. I Rlimr, Wahlnston. IHatrli-t f flnmhla( T, J. -VTt Oakland; William M'llllraj and t, P. Brow pittwe, laaada; X. i., Mauser rettta. THE lEGON '-DAILY JOURNAL. C PORTLAND,, TU Takes your choice from our splendid new assortment of Art-Squares BALANCE,: $1 A WEEK Hundred Patterns, great va riety, all sizes, latest designs. YOU'LL BUY! IF : YOU SEE 'EMr X ::. :; .,-: :.:v---!. Formerly New York FurnU ; -rture Company. " 184-6 FIRST STREET. " MCMORIAI nAY flF THF l .w.t. WOODMEN OF THE W0BJ.P Sunday," June 4, will be observed In this city as memorial day by ths Wood men. of the World. . A general commit- dec meeting has Ueeu UeTfl for1 "the pur pose Tf arranging the details and pre paring a program. The' following camps I tondelrclgwrarTepresented: Astra, Portland, Royal, Oregon, SacSlawear, Ar- outua, winona Mount yj aDor. weDioot, Portland, Aina j'rosperity, rrospect, i aeorgeWss4jt side snd Rose City, A. -13. Bar bur wss elected chairman ne 'h. i ftMMitti.iM ji. secretary, nand - JW. Booth treasurer. 'The services will be held at the- Mar- qusm Grand theatre, and ajmuslcal pro gram appropriate to the occasion will be-rondereoV. The- program committee consists of -C;C. Bradley,- C. A. Elliott, A. w, Schmall, Mrs;' Hayes, Miss JSmma Gilpin and Mr Randal. ' : Dr. F. Burgette Short will deliver a memorial address, and GovemcV Cham berlain will be the speaker of the tere will be no PBXdl QSJH mittees anpointed at-the- meeting- sfst of the following: Printing W.-W. Mcintosh, J. A. Bush. O. W. Funk,-H. I Day -arid J.-AV-Rogers, - Ritual C. A. Elliott.; GeorsS Funk an J. A.- Snow. Decoration's M. T. Woodard, H. R-Nw. hurv 1 w TtrtrOtxHntr " Mm Roth Mla VsHanrMlct " - flAILflOAD-FIGURES SHQWLiaEARNIWGS A highly prosperous ' condition of transcontinental railway lines Is shown byrffPenTofflL'lai u-puita. The Ujilua acino's March statement -ahows an in- J ..... .fh ;th. Prying Apr,, i I gro8sT arning increata ji.-o&.uuo, ana i "o" .V ' 1 S) i AAA CcvelFs 'VeVem on junS4 its to 8nay. Clsckan nrW.'i.rperT;nrtSon'd. daUdjMelnlg-Crop. In December 1, 1900. and that holders oft wtth.undlng con. the old bonds ma'y eichange them -for the new at par, - by psytng 4.68 cssh I for each 11.000 of tha oonds -called for redemntion. .l- v""" - 1 Innllnflnn ha been made bv tha Ore-I gon'Bhort Un. to the New York rock exchange to Mfst 145,000.000 refunding T .i. . , . , nn'V.hMMf v.- . ' 1 xyuo, r7.. r ? . . , - ' . I The Northern pacific's I P'tal tock has again Deen llsted on the New York stock exchange. The eompany'a latest balance sheet shows that the value of the Northern Pacific's half Interest In the 1.076,116 shares of stock of the "Chicago," Burlington - phlIomathrBentonwunty,-W. It QulncjL railroad system, owned bV theloolos Cloudy, with showers; too cool SortnirnT hernand thertrcincf Placed at 10M1..01. A jointly. Is atatemeni months prior to March 1 shows gross I, earnings of 33.71.4, an increaae of I SDOUl IZ.VVV.trpo ' over ine same perioa In 104. The surplus Is I4.ltl.001. as sgatnat $!,19J.IJ1 a year ago. ' . - i i m i ' Concrete Fireproof Building. Concrete' 'fireproof building material s I Construction company at East Sixth and structlng a building at Union avenue snd Bast Oak, streets for -Councilman John. P. Sharkey . and- invltea . any interested in a modern fireproof build lng that will be better and cheaper than brick to call at their office, room 701 Chamber of Commerce building, where further Information -will . be cheerfully given there. Phone Main 180. r Wedding Qifts Yes, we all haje to try our t hand at pleasing the bride- to-be, and we WOULDN'T - fail topleaseforrworlds. Iin't' that So ? ; ( :; r:.Well, theVnext- time you have, an occasion of this kind arise just come right down to our store and let us help you out. f Some, one wilj . carry pleasant thoughts of you On their honeymoon. . A,N.Wr.ght v ' - rxa low, nwxtsa.' V'293;M0RR1S0N STRET7 SAYS IT IS TOO Climatic Conditions Past Week i, Unfavorable for - Rapid Lirowtn of Crops. GOOD RAINS FELL JUST WHEN MOSTLY NEEDED Condition of Craiji Crop Satis - factory Hops Continue Very-Uneven. - latest crop report by A. 3. Wollaber, tctlng section director." ;The weather during the - past , week was showery and too cool for crops to make .satisfactory advancement., Oood rains fell In all sections' of the state, those occurring In the western portion Deing espeoially copious and tlnfely. tlnues satisfactory. There are riome omibinU , 6 ' f afl whey f urtilnf xUgy confined principally to that sown" on new . land. Rye, oats and barley, are do-' lng nicely, while spring wheat has stooled well and Is very promising. Hops continue uneven and the cqol weather has retarded growth- In some portion of Polk county the second -training of tha vines Is In' progress. - Meadow grass, clover and pastures are growing rapidly. Alfalfa 1s backwawTTindirllghtrflTst crop is Indicated. Gardens, potatoes, corn, sugar beets, field onions and beans are growing slowly, and warm, sunshiny weather is. needed before these crops can resume- their normal grow th Corn Is coming up quite evenly and enough rain his fallen to Insure ' a good beslthy stand. Dairy -snd range stock continue In fine condition. 1 Reports relative - to the fruit cirbp continues Very conflicting. In some lo calities whole orchards seem to be bare of '.fruit, -while others near by, Indicate fairly good yields.. This is also true of Individual .trees, some, being wadset "with . fruit, while " ethers have none. Prunes, peaches and early cherries have suffered most, however, while other i tree fruit promises fair results. ' .. ..v . ckaa Slstrlot. irble, Columbia county, S.- Welter Weather-shuwery tint verr cold -tooj cold for gardens;, ground In goodTcondl- flon for plowing, also-for transplanting I cabbage: soma fruit dropplng-pasturea . Warrenton," Clataop count, R. A. Aih bott Rainy week; crops of alt kinds making rapid growth; stoclt doing well; milch cows-have gained since the rain; grass and oats dolnr welk garden 4ruck now doing-finely; fruit will-be a fair cropT a little sheep shearing done. ,J Minerva. Xane county) U C. Ackerley rSSF .h? ?J. : "-::,.;r;n r impaoo,- Dbuglaa eounty. Ernest Bal- Aqrrt-llrtMtir mill ami oloudv. with 1 some, cold rain; very- little, sunshine; grass growing good; a few early pota- toea up ana-jinderculllvaUoni cattle .In -rood condition: cowa alvlha a good flow i m ... . - , a ; i l miiK gBrwnB an in una irowun wgjju tifui upply-of rln h flUn; gram andnrraltinniKffiggSTOttrtrbwtn fannlnw an tl ir rinnA m Aatf. BiM Ba f ahlASl . 9 T .. . , ... growing nleelytoeietttnswywtt supply Increasing; prunes dropping; cat erpillara rery nnmerous:.-.yruIt - is pectea w o. m. . . " Z". J1ZZ ...... growing crops; ,7ock In fine condition; iamb crop good. Willamette Talley. ClackanyaS county, P. R. is in gooa conoiiion, noi- considerable, cold : rain, stopped the growth of vegeUbles w-" """" v- Forest Grove, Washington-county, S. IT, Tk f h. wau.i i. . . ... . nas increased ine aireaax nam pioapan i for good cropsifruit ha. not set so fuU ss to lv. tha best yield; strawberries k-,.,..n. n otnen- hnna mikin remit I Mth - ---. -- I r - layion, mmniij cuwiir, wn a much needed rain reu on weanes- day. avoninav-otherwlse cloudy and cold; crops have been practically at a stand- still for about two weeks; apples-set light, not over half a - crop Indicated; pastures good; stock looks well. -- - f of-ef stanorr-t .he,p .hearing In progress; spring crop. Monmouth, Tolk eounty, J. H. Morah Weather cold and showery; too cold for rapid growth; some wheat getting yellow: oats and grasses doing well. Liberty. Marion county, x. c. uavia- eon Weather COrtl , and cloud; with light showers; more sunshine needed; grain generally looking well; gardens 1.1. . .vna,h- nmna xron lll probably be larger than ast year; light r" ,.,... Za .tr..h.rri: .tork doing well; soma shearing donei Shedds. Linn county. J. S...0. Powell . I Week rool and ahowety, aome hall; spring grain behented by cool' weather, but fall grain needs more sunshine; some wheat heading; early potatoes look well; fruit jinevenl some trees weH filled, while others are nearly bare. ypiinrfteld.-Lawe oouniy.J-C.-Bra tain Cloudy, with frequent ' showers; very beneflclat to crops; hops not look ing quite so - well owlnr: to- cloudy weather: gardens look fair; hay and grass making good growth. ; t ; , - ' Bouthera Orsrott, .. . Looking Glass, Douglas county, George Marsh-Weather showery and too Cold for rapld-tgrowth; paaturage Improved by rains; too cold for corn and gardens; warmer weather snd? sunshine- needed for alt crops; early -oats heading all grain looks welt i , Wellen. ' Jackson county. II. von der Hellen Weather -. showery - an it cool. beneficial -to-ialt-eropat-enough rsln to Insure a good stand of corn, which will 11 come up with the return of warm seasonable weather; i gardens, potatoes arid range grass growing well. - - Althouse. Josephine county, W. L. Babcock Weather cool and , showery; sharp frost Thursday morning; nearly all fruit killed; grain Snd grass making slew growth: the rains have" kept the top of ; the ground moist. . - Oolamka mire Talley. - The ralle,-Waco county, A. Urou- hart Weather cool and showety, with considerable high wind; strawberries and peas ready for marketing. Lexington. Morrow county, Edwin R. Beach Btronk and cold west - winds, with occasional drops of rain! sit Vege tation, fruit Included, doing well; late sown spring grain and some patches of winter" grain did not' come up well; all winter grain on knot's froaen ooti . Kent. Sherman -county. Eva E. Bethers One Bhersln during the week; crops look well; If cloudy weather cpntlnues rlBOJ. JL" I Y M Vv W ' Grayl Hair " Natural- Color Free. I WANT to place In the bands of la the -lesst Interfere with, carllng; of very persoa whose hair is turning: washing; the bsir. r - "T ' - -BTsya free sample bottle pf Mary it U arntld sOmnlant to tha acalp t T. Goldman's HairRestoror, Uasins-tta hair's natural oils t I do this as proof there could be no In this preparation. natr, as our scoooi rTiysioiogies nseq B. . . . . H.' . . , - " rf-otet fWJaUlion:cfIteiris the best proof of what I claica little pigmentary glands. If pigment gap it ihansted-prematarely or late. Mk yott to WM ,t f.irly, paying strict the half becoWea colOTleiWor rX attetftIoa to "IreTtTSnT"- Whenryotl Tho only -way ' to" bring- your hair back realise that yoa are regaining a bealdty to its Original color and gloss is to and hndsom head of bait ytm will bo . restore tha natural pigment.-' . ld you took the trouble to write me. .-. ?u ' VTery self-respecting -tn as eTbou sands o women --haTO wiftten woman the idea of dyeing tb bair is ne in doubt as to the powerdrmy wpttlsive." T "'. - - restorative to do what I promise fot"it,T -- -- - They have later assured ma of their" The idea of restoring it by gjvjng new nrprise and satisfaction that a remedy life and gecrettoni -terthr pigmentary couid h, produced tnat would really glandg ia quite a; different thtng-a : bring" the hair back ' to its original natural and proper enre. . : t ; r ' -V . ' beauty in such a natural, healthful way., z How Mary T; Goldman Hair Restorer fhe business world today objects to doeg this and restores gray and faded - hair. ManyenTnot only Jor hair to if .natural color la from one appearances, but topbtaln better com- week to two how. without coloring mercial chances, have nsed my restore, matter or sediment, it will give you tive and have found' it the secret 'of "bright, gioisy locks in ; place of! gray yrM apiwance. f . and color leas ones, is one of the marvels - i- , i ii-HJ . of modern medicine. Wr Ui " ; That it does do this, I have we. P' "e at once, enwgh to reoro . Beans of prooT . - -ona r ol :Jto it. original -f-"" 'I' colerand health. Bar snra to merttfrtil "Js'yaraYWa aoolv Is not SticCvnor creasv does1 not itain tEesktn or tcalp and does not Woodacd, Clarke k Got and all leading stores. long there Js some fear of wire worms, "Lorw,'-,e crop proapects are good. ,, PTdlen,T?m't",1f " ntyr""Il7'l; Jy'r;f thtr with; sotmr high wheat an' barieTVrongSlowry? bu"i well: summer fallowing completed Platean egiov Joseph.jWaNowa county. W. H. Robins Week cool with lots ofr rain grain etrowlng ... alowly; -meadowa "and range l Krau nmnar. nnw WB.rm sxiinair-i inat f r, r " ' 7V. j-!--- ' Walter oouHty,- K. Fiahetw. r eeme froM, enough -to-IU Ties: spples and pears not Cold-week t t tUTivT'hmrri mm nnl -tax4 . 1 - ww. ily'sltrwnr "- a retarded-P3rj;cooi- weather; snow con yr" tlnues In the mountains, so the prospect foa lrrlaatlon water la noW ood. sstm. showing aI'V iniwtn. ourgaruons at-arstan- VT bte?: '"muh grain were ,never -better; muchmore grass than-usual at thls time of year; hay -crop sttould be above average; cherries were badly damaged by. frost; apple orchards are covered with bloom and appear uninjured. ' - New Pine Creek, Lake 'countyYA. M. SmlthrsCold and atormy "fore-partr of week, with some enow and hall; latter part 'warm and pleasant; precipitation or ttenent to araln and meartnwar rnilt - -;t ; . r . ' . KZ?olZ,m- Bartlett and PPW" .C riemisn iseauiy pears aoout aa large as STREET WORK WILL BE rVIGOROUSLY. PUSHED A contract for the Improvement of Twenty-third street, between Washing ton and Thurman streets, a distance of 1 1 1 Jblocks, jwlth macadamjavment,was '' tTJVJ. V. utlve board to the Paclflo Bridge com- j pany fo 5,04.70-Tha- bid was 4 within 10 per. cent of the estimate of the costs-made by City Engineer Wan ser. Other bids for the work .were receivea irom uie uiamona nana com pany. K.tOO; J. R. O'Nell. (7.004. . Qeorge W. Simons,' manager of the Pacific Bridge company, was Instructed to proceed immediately with the lm- provement. . The property owners de sired to have the street , paved before ! the exposition opened, but the work was delayed because on former occasions th,e bids for the contract were too high and the executive board refused to let the contract. , ' : City Engineer Wsnter notified the board that he would soon- be In a posi tion 'to secure crushed rock for. much iessr-thsjthL.cltynQw Jays for It. ; . RAILROAD WILL BRING TRAIN-LOADS OF TOURISTS 8. A. Hutchinson,' Chicago manager of the tourist department of the Chicago ft Northwestern, has closed a contract -with the American inn at the exposition grounds, for - accommodation . oC four Prpiuceri to Consumer - We desire td call the attWhtldri of large consumer of feed and hay In this city, and in the surrounding country, to the following prices. Own- ' lng and -operating an Interior warehouse system - and. eliminating tVe middle man's profit, we feel thst these prices, must appeal to all inter-' :.,estedr- . - - .1 . J :'!' '.'-, . "l" '! i - Per tori..: . ' w - ROLliRDt BARt.teT, 0-Ib sacks 1 ... A ; . . . . . . . . . f 23.50 CHOICH WABHINOTON-FJCKU OATS . .v. ........... , 20.OO ROLLED OATS (nothing but oats) ................... 2.5 22, SHBLLKIT COFy j ............. ....,,..... 2K.OO 'f .CRACKRD rOriN'-, l.f rr, viTi, i , , i , ,ii.immim. itfl.OO ,. ' .MIDDLINOS. 0's ....... .iS. 26. SO SHORTS, JO'S ... '. ....... . t ... ..... . ; .; .. 21. BO r BRAN. 0's and 19. BO , WHEAT, No. t aub or Red................ ............ 2H.OO ' KA8TERM 'WAHHINOTON . TIMOTHY HAT .......... 1T.OO , IDAHO TIMOTHY HAY i ....... . 1S.OO , ALFALFA HAY 7.... v ...... ..TV ....... '.U.. ll.SO" . rom-ssivztxat, !aob boo nm voir. , ; .- . pacific chain cor.iPAriY Thlrteanta and Keejaey1 B'lreets1"lhone Main BS07. Restored to ... . .... . -: ' '"' I advertising- etatement. Remember I deliver dlrpctty to yoa a free sample - J . I . Dottle- pi tms DS4r restorer, which la ortbis blr restorer, which is is true. hair. Address MARY T. (inLDM AN. u ftnMm.n Bnilin. St. Paul. Minn. For aala by ! .....I. forced Sale on Shoes ' We hava prepared quite a big stock of Men's and 'Ladles' Tan. Patent Leather and Vict Kid 8loes snd Oxfords.' - We right season. That's why we cut the prices on them-in time, such as f 4.00 apd 15.00 values forfl.75, $2.50 and" 3.SO. Regular 8umTOer Carai7'B1ioetflt Sl.OO. H1.25 ad 1.507J : -Ulg BHvtiiavon (BtrU'-BhoeS and-Sllo- 1perSi 2,0Q nd j.6 values or 1.QQ If 1.25 and $ f.50T I - " JMn jthd Jput bjugf in yptt.getj'out. Spring. SuitT-op JCualLand jPactaHat I of- Sh'rt.T come .and 'see us. We' will wrvtryOnrne tlrtra Tm her-prtw"1rpt!0n1s parlson to hlfth-rent stores' prices.- J0HNiDELLAR AT "TWO STORES. rirst and Yamhill and Third and Davis. Dr. B. E.- WRIGHT Til SCTElTlriO DEVTCST that relieves all pain In dentai.ppera- uona. - 3401, washlagtoa v. oox. BeveaU. Oradaats A marl ma ' School - of KlrkiTlll. Mo , Otteepathy, Osteopathic Pnyatrtan. AH Chronic and - 41n A Ablnftoa bMs. . n.K..iL. riMu.. I Jbl.rd k st., W'rtUrt-i, legion ana mars. ' - Portland. Without Droa, special tralnloads of S00 . tourists who will visit Portland in July and August "Each excursion will be high class, and In charge of experienced men and women," said W. A. .Cox. general agent for the Northwestern, "Tane will be chaperones, ladjles maids, and a complete- - retlnuo ttt servants, and these tourists will lark - nothing that will make their trip, to. the 'Lewis and Clark exposition interesting and . pleasant. They will spend two days at the exposi tion, a day on the Columbia riven, and a das sight-seeing In Portland," , - . The Northwestern has just Issued 800.000 copies jf ltsjfolder givlngjte; roundTlxip ratesTrbm all principal cit ies of the middle west to Portland. Another ttew folder contains matter per taining to tha various conventions to be held here, and a list of the Portland hotels and rooming houses, with the rates to be charged by, each for the fair period. -v, . "' ii i . ... .,. : - - referre4 Stock- Oaamed Ofoods, Allen dt Lewis' Best Brand. OsteoDathv r , 1- . i-mammmjur hoPortlani PORTIANTS OREGON. . American Plan $3.00 Day end upward. . THSAKJDiRTEMTOR TOUR Mis AriLt (,umm::buai-v. r- - - tBAVELE.Ka ;, ' Speclsl rates made to famlllo , and single gentlemen A modern Turkish bath establlahotenl la the , - hotel. - , r- .M. 0. kOWXBSSfanafer. SUMMER RATES v. Hotel Estacada 5 j' i.n Ef 'yECyko&t APRifi aa LedclDg Bad Breakfait v.. ...,.$ l.Sl Koum and board per day. 1.6 Rouia and board per week. ...... .-, 1ft. OO Room and board per week (two pcrsoaa). Sa brcakfaat ............................... ,.M)' Dinnar -... ......4. '.. . 7S rii6wir"imer'r"ysi"B6rsamBts7" a speelal ticket. Including trolley trips .sail dinner. 1 T5. ' . -r A 'apantal Mt., binding troUey 'tripe ssd ana day's board. $.10. Tli-keta oo sale at the eompany'a office--- rnsT axd aldeb innn, Pbena or write 'ii B. MABTINEZ. Manaser. Hotel Eaton Oornar KorrUoa and Wast raxk Itiwata. - rTaadseoely raralabed, elegaatry eenlpped, flreproof. five -mloutea' walk frocs heart of bopping' and bualoeas dlatrlet, all larse, alrr, outside rooms, ateant bested, elactrlo llsnta telephone - In each apartment, etc. Larseeffteee, toamsHis. smokrDs-. -wrlthig.' Udlea' rereptlnn parlors.. Koobw reaarvad by mall or tetepbone. .t ... ,. . ; t ..- rrlvata eaulsaa aaeata trains aad staaaian. I Room Sl.OO to fS.OO a Day special Bates to OonmercUl Utn. ICRS. XAB ZATOV. frormarly of flotol -Badpath, Rpnkaae.) PALACE HOTEL Whether ha goee by land or sea, the traveler will find 4- sy-dllgbtful-trlptoBa Francisco, where he should atopy at the world-famed, Palace Hotel 0 z and enjoy its many artraa Uve features. For fuller Information - write to tha I'aiace. or see . T"4 -. . IT .0.'. JTBSStT ' at the Portland Informa tion and Booking; Agency, ;"" - I, i MAEQW T. lu-la, Bas. Hgr. Wednesday ZsealAg, May XT, 1(04. "' - -i - lOMtr-BBCITA tg inra.-;TjiJ xx. Bzanraxs x xzdobv. ColrBrTJatlrsgB;1 Awwripintttr Prleea Paripiet, fl; 'twrqaeti rlrele, 'TV; kal eo ar. Toe and SOe; boxes and toges, VT.60, Adrsaee sale of aeta will -npea tomorrow . mi .ton w. neaman. Reeionitt M tn.f-r. J U BMriU BTOCX COMPAATT. , rnwmui figii-i rwjl ' ADsuasiow; JQ CENTS Vatlnee arery day. :18; ereatng at 8:1. All this week anotker bla inrfML nark, ma ins noma , i .capaciiy-uw powarra act bialodrama, " A WOMAJTS atSTZVaX." - ' GRAND THEATitC - 1KB 0BAT BICHAKDB -" nUtrhless Male Houbrette. ' sTB. AVS XBI. LZB, """'" "Thoo Khalt t Steal:' - OXBZV MeXBIOHT JIAaTELOUS BEYMOUXS TEED AND LAZELLE i - MX. JOE BONMBaVjill " ' "" GBABDIBCOrE. LYRIC THEATRE Mtttf--riHU aftm - Week gtartfHg t K0V DAT. KAT ll. The Great American Comedy-Drama.. "UOST'AND WON" rOIXOW THB CBOWDS. Admlaalon: V 10a TO AMI BEAT loe BAKER THEATRE week comrxxonta mat it. Bailable Tsoderllle Keatlns at riood. lfcra. .BAKE OKCRE8TXA MILLER CO. ' 1 XT88 MAXDEN KELLT A CO. TEDDY 8IMONDB AND VAKD JEAN Wit BON ' , WOXWOOD'i COMEDY ACR0BATIO DTO MTBIOAX BENTLEY BAKEROORAPK Price of admission oee dime, matinee and nlskt StarTheatre essf -t rrnrs TAKcnjii tqwt ti ailkt T OTTO FIECHTI B TYROLEAN 0.UINTIT TOM MACK REIM CHILDREN ' KRETORE "B08C0E ARBUCKLI, " "TKZ OOUVTERrEITERB" ' Sbown by tbe Atamamne. Shews I SO, f:m, p. at. Admlaalno 10, Jr). -tne, - JOHN U SULLIVAN WEIlK MAY i. im m m mimmv ' HAWTHORN TERBACS ' rORTLAKS HEIGHTS Now epea. Take Portland Helfhta ear and get off at Hawthorn Terrace, one blnrk frota ear -Unw. No ellmMns. EWtrle slerator. . , Moat Das.ilfteent view la Am-rlrt. See. heanllM affect of powerful searvkllsUt boat top at tewar. Onea S a. m. t n. a. ADMISSION IS CENTS. - 1 BLAZIEB BROB. 1 1 CONCBRT RTRRY NIOHT. BW.S4S BtlBWSTPm Oftloe With Stay o Co, Toot ef Z0a. ola St, rboae Kala S. Slab Wood, pet lund........ Dry Slab Wood. "per load.;. Box Woodi per load. . CI. .1-1 Above prices do not apply to I-' rorlUnJ or in llitttht. in iriEli! t 1 ' :, f X . A