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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1905)
ohegom Sunday joutjjal, pohtl.iid! cui.'Day nor.i.TTO, ArrjL ::. ;. M IfiDICEEflTS - GRATIFIES CASTRO VOTED IN CTAflA i r y " '.Venezuelan President Unfriendly United States ' Federal Grand i Grand Jury Returns Thirty- ;: Xi ,X ,Hvt 7 True : Bills. : jXi $ k tile to Minister. :;;, v x& "4 leMSsaiei 11 n - - ' ' T'" .,,7 Q ''r XXjtfXX XjXXXrM COMING HOME LOADED :XX . Tp PROVE ALL CHARGES .:'' A:'V' 1. "' V',- InUresting Situation Faced by CUte Department In Con-! , . 'X ; flict of Officials. X. '' - 1 y . (I.tmUI Pupates bLue Wlr to The Jorl) Washington. April . Herbert Bowen, 'mlslster to Vesesuela, was recalled today by this goverhmsnt and this will bo a source of great gratlHoatlon to President -Castro. Tho auto deportment does not '.'regard Mr. Bowen as absolutely out of tho diplomatic service, but ho is iout of V the, legation at Caracas. - . V . ' : It la said that tho stats department la holding open' plaoo tot Mr. Bowen, J conditional on- his clearing himself, bot ' tho Impression la becoming general that ... bo will not again hold a placo of proml (nenoe In tho diplomatic service. Mr. Bowen la to bo aucceeded by W. W. ''. Russell, minister to Colombia. He served (for-a long time aa first oecreUry of tho rvsnesuelan legation unaer jar. aa minuter to VeneauoUk Minister uar Mtt to Puini will succeed Mr. Russell. while tho Chile rx it la still vacant. It lla said that the shifting In these poata .between Brasil and Mexico mates a. hew appointment, pernapa two, leaaioie mnu that John Hicks, formerly- minister to Itra, will got the Chile post and that a placo will be,ovldod for Amoa Parker ; Wilder of uahkosn.. , , There la understood to be a treat deal -fof- significance la the appointment ot W; IW. Russell aa minister -4w-Vnesula at this time. Ho issaid to bo an inti mate friend ot Mr. Loomis and It Is well known that.aa soon as Minister Bowen leaves Mr. Russell will bo called on to tell all that Its can And out abouteimj motive f Minister Bowen In trans mlttlng tho .antl-Loomln : charges to Washlna-ton. . Thus. whlls Mr. Bowen and Mr. Loomis are arging the face to faco. before Secretary Taft or before tho president himself. Mr. Rus sell will bo sending his contributions of evidence as If from a disinterested party. - j So fsr the ststo department appears to have aooeptetLMr. Loomis" statement las oorroct In every particular and has .'therefore .acted In Such a way aa to .., tapreaolon that Minister J Bowen la the man under the cloud. j Nevertheless. Minister Bowen has sent on information 'which demanda what nla-ht bo called a trial before tho pres ,Sdent There Is not tho slightest. whls- - per yetiss to what wUl bo done to Mr. Loomis if Minister Bowen should show good cause tor sending charges. : Tho case la tho moot Interesting that has aver been before -the department . Caatro does not like Loomis and ha la Utterly hostile to Bowen, ir no nss any documents it Is not known what . v" whim ha would toko, whether ho would -. suppress them to hurt Minister Bowen or make than public so as to hurt Mr, ' . . .it la reports that Senor Yberra, . . Tonesuelaa minister ox xoreign auaira, ..has already professed not to know any ... thing about chocks or documents which r were said to have boon lit tho posses- sion of President Caatro. - It aeema poaaibls now that Mr. Loom . 1a and Mr. Bowen may both bold their placea. In whatever way the president r acta, there will bo a protest from the friends of the official, who It will bo claimed has been agfrlovod by presl dentlal -actlcm. ' ' ' . ; " Mr. Bo won nay reach Washington .. aboof Mar t. Bowen la full cf -fighting blood and - ft ta to be ssume that Jtiowlll coma loaded with aU tho proof bo can accu- ... mulato. HI head depends on tho snow pulled everything near down with hlnv CURZON IS PROMPT IN V . AIDING INDIA'S VICTIMS (Ceorrlsht Bwnt Hews larvife. hy LeeeedM ; Wire te The feeraaL : Calcutta, Aprtl .. Lord Curson'a prompt action In offering to be re- sponsible financially for tho medical at tendance of alt those injured by the earthquake ta Simla and vicinity has mrouaod tho enthusiasm . of tho native , newspapers, who have never liked Lord xCvrson and have always condemned him and bis administration as being fatim Ical to tho boat interesta of India but they have always had a tender, side for -.'Ladv Carson. ' . .' The viceroy wfll soon start em a Ions; tour, visiting Poona, ,L.ucimow,; Agra, IXlhl and Meemt Your Lcjnscs Ground ' on , . , the Premises ' This means tS ' same as an insur-: ance to your yis- ion, - for it i pro- TUcts it agalniitair possible defects ' cominp; ; from the "ready made" lens. Then again' " you are certain of -accuracy in the ' filling of the cor rection and this brings positive ' satisfaction. It will pay you to CONSULT . OUR ottician" c rv x NAMES WITHHELD UNTIL WARRANTS ARE- ISSUED Crimes Include'Murder, Forgery, LV m Mjt ; ; i . . woumerjeiung ana rvu- ; ; mofed Land Frauds.; ,: (Speelal Dispatch te The Jooraat) Helena, Mont. April J 9. After a sea. slo of 19 days the United States grand jury cams into court-this afternoon and Foreman Waiter Ray Church reported 15 Indictments, , Many names aro. being withheld -until bench warrants oan bo Issued upon tho parties Indicted.' ' ' ' The moat important of the cases In which the Indictment was made publlo is that of the United States' against John Tally, chsrged with murder. Trtlly. who w member of tho Twenty fourth Infantry at Fort Missoula, ! killed a comrade, Thomas " Kennedy. on the iron Missoula military reservation, on October 18, 10I. , The state courts as sumed jurisdiction and Tully wa tried and convicted of murder la the tint ds greo. ' : Ho appealed to tho supreme court, i when th ease . was fought on the contention that the state Courts had no lurladlction.' . . I It was contended by the ataU that tho spot OH. which tho crime was com mitted was not within tho boundaries of tho military . ressrvatlohj although within what waa commonly supposed to be a part ot tho reservation, the claim being that thers. had been an error on tho part of the government In tho loca tion of one of its buildings on a school section belonging tto tha-state. 't -II . 1 - The supremo court decided in (favor at - tha Attt mnAmttm mMmiMaii. i. Tull. was then arrested by tho United States authorities and committed to i Jkll at Helena to await tho action of the grand Jury.- In TallyVs oass' bail -was reifueed. - An indictment waa founa agalhat F. C Flnkbelnsr, who Is aecused of "rais ing" a- fl silver eerUfloaU to 110. at Boseman, and attempting to pass It. i Other Indictments were found as fol-, ows: v Robert J. Hamilton, larceny of Celts; Frank) Perkins, - mailing obscene letter; James Donnls and John Batsman, larceny;. Cheater A.- Bond, opening a letter and embezzling a check; Joajeph Antelope, larceny of cow; Martin Scott, Introducing ., wiitsky . into - reservation; Louis Cuslno, selling whisky to Indians; Thomas Jefferson- taking a letter with a check sent by the United States gov ernment to Tbomaa Jefferorrat Kalis pell ; Thomas . Jeffers. forgery in con nection with the same case;' Nellie Leary, robbing tho United States malls at SUvar; Daniel J. and Nellie Lesry. conspiracy . to rob tho-malls; John R. Preaslsr. having In hla possession 10 counterfeit silver! dollars. In Missoula county ;-William " L. Clarke, ' passing fit counterfeit gold pieces - at Orest Fairs; Frank Boysen, passing counter feit gold pieces; William L. Clarke and Frank Boyaefl, having In their posses sion 1 counterfeit gold pieces: Fred Hand, seUlitg whisky ttf Indians: Charles 8. Smith, pttastng counterfeit money, -Sixteen of tho indictments aro said t refer- to land frauds and -aensational arrests sre expected. CURSES THOSE WHO EFFECT HIS RESCUE Inflicted Wounds.. - - (Bpeeltt Dteyateh te The ioorwl.) Butte,.- Mont, Aprtl 9. Hanrlnr by the left leg out of a window of the third floor of th Owsley block, with blood streaming front wounds Inflicted by him self with a rusty, dull knife, Jos Cran berry, a miner, cursed ths men who at tempted to savo him from death this morning and struck eavagely at his res cuers with ths knife with which ha bad stabbed himself, and which he had IP clasped In his hand until hs dropped It from sheer weakness, ths weapon falling to tho. street below. Gran berry tried Jto take tils life by slashing himself across ths wrist with a knife and later by plunging It Into hla heart and then. when bystanders attempted to rescue him. by throwing himself out of the win dow. Oranberry e foot caught In the drapery . and Oe borne Fenton and two officers grasped him by tho -left leg. All . hands hslped drag him In, . while ths officers at ths city halU half a block away, were treated to - the peculiar speotaclo of a bleeding form hanging far above their heads. i Despondency over' 111 health Is be lieved to hsve prompted Granberry to at tempt suicide. Hs refuses to talk except to cures that his efforts at self-destruc tion was a failure. '' WEST BESTS THE EAST " -IN COLLEGIATE MEET (serial DtaMteh by Leaeea Wire te The Jearaal) Philadelphia.- Aprtl . Two new world's records and sensational per formances, in nearly every one. of ths vents jnarked.thSrfnultoflns.Ptnn.-4 sylvanla carnival in Franklin Held this afternoon. In tho four-mile relay race for thS championship ot America the university of Michigan Won for ths third time in succession, setting a. new. mark of It minutes and SM aeeoflds, sa aver age of 4 mlnutea and M aeconda fir each mile. ' - ' ; ' .. Tho aacond world mark to be bettered was In the discus throw, which again went to Micblgam. Oarretta hurled the missile 13t feet and inch, Although this beata ths world's record It ; was not allowed to stand, because ths judges detected some faulty eotistrnotion la th discus which ths Michigan man used. Nearly all ot ths big contests were a flght between ths esst and ths west, la which the west had decidedly tho bet ter Of tho gmUr-r------- SCHOOL LAND BOARD -H CLERK' FILES" REPORT ' ' (aperta! XMspateh te The JoaraaL) , ( Salem, Or., April tt-O. O. Brown, clerk of ths school land board, filed hla report for Aprtl yeeterdaf. It shows a total receipt for tho month of 121, 174. JJ, divided aa follows: School fund prlsclpaL 111.70.11; foreclosures. St.T:t.04; school land Interest, 14.41f.71; rents, St.721.TS; agricultural college fund '- 'and principal and Interest. .--i- A':-' 'J -i FIRST MSTEE: : In buying Meh's . Hats or Fuinish-; ings of any kind : is to sccurfc the proper quality that is, the kind that Twill look well and wear well. . The next, ; to get them , at ) the right rprice. You will find he. pleasing ' combi: nation oright quality and prices here. ROBINSON C& CO. HOTEL PERKINS BLDG. nOSPITALS FILLED VITII CELEBRITIES No Wreck tn American History Ever Injured 80 Many f " Famous ' People.". ; XX DISTINGUISHED TOURISTS ! v X NARROWLY ESCAPE DEATH Among Those in Smash-Up Were Seth Low, Robert Treat Paine , and St. Clair . McKelway. (Boeelal tHepstea by Leased Wire te The lesraal) QreenTllle. & C AprU . No wroclt In ths history of American railroading, evst-brosght Jn to. hospital. juch-a. num ber of, distinguished men and women s-thatrof-tho- R.a-Ogden "spoclat tm ths Southern railway. Four dead all of them train employes and a number of Injured aro tho victims, and that this list Is not one to snoot tno country is dus to tho fact thst most of tho dis tinguished tourists - remained lata la the sleeplng, bertha. . .-r. Andrew S. Draper,- commissioner of state education of New York, former president of tho University ot Illinois, was one of those on ths train. He and his wifs narrowly escaped injury, St. Clair McKelway. editor of ths Brooklyn Eagle, one of the moat noted American journalists, waa seriously urt . .i ' .' - ' ' : Professor Henry W. Farnham. of Tals r....i -, iiaralnj.-f M.ari Inlnrlea and his wlfs was also hurt. Many others of the party wars sruisoa and shaken up. , - Ths accident occurroa at 7:i o-cioca In ths morning, when tho Ogden special crasbsd Into- a switch engine in tno ysrds Just outside tho city. Tbo train was carrying a party of guests and Waa chartered by Mr. Ogden. ..-, Tho dead are: - - - Charles M. Coopa. tf agman. J. LUUe (negro), employed in dining ear. . . ' . W. Cunnnlnga (negro), employed in dining car. ' i . J. F. Hayns tnegro;, cmpioyea J am- lng car. -v A, V J :' ;'. Ths Injuard are: , , r R. M. Ogden, secretary to R. C Og den. wrlat broken. -. Dr. Dreher, i of - Boanoks college. brulaed. . ' - Mrs. Thorp daughter of the late Henry W. Longfellow, also bruised. Tourist Agent jonn Mcwoy, cm in ins head. - .'...-'-' ; - W, G Ksrshaw, .. slectrician. Jersey City, scalp wemnda. , SW-;ialr- MoKel way adltor otxna Brooklyn.. FAgU. . PCkwrencild-jmI suffsred other injuries. professor Henry tt- Mmnaffl. or Tale unlrerslty, bead brulaed and arm broksn. I Mrs. Henry W. rarnham, shoulder and arm injured. Engineer Hunter, arm and leg Broken. Professor Henry W. '. Farnham, of Tale university, was among those most seriously hurt. His head was bruised and arm broke! Mrs. Farnham was hurt on ths should or and arm. In Jumping. Engineer int er broke hla leg and arm. St. Clair McKelway, adltor Of the Brooklyn' Eagle, who was i in ths for ward dining car. .waa pinioned under ths timbers." Hs wss dragged from under the beams when tho flames wsrs reach ing him. Us wss unconscious but soon revived. . His 'back waa wrenched. . Among tho passengers on ths train were Charles - a -Aycochv former- gov ernor of North Carolina; Dr. A. S. Drap er, New ' Tork atate oommlssloner of education; Dwight Ksllngg, ths Rev. Dr. Arthur B. Klnaolvlng: Seth Low, form er mayor of New Tork city; Robert Treat Pains nd George Poster Pea- body. ' .; -. - . '. ' :'' : j, Paisfaily Pas Petehed. . v Prom the Cleveland Plain Dealer. . "I sea thst ths battleship Minnesota Is to ts Christened with mineral watsr. IThjt ,Pt BuUts.ll J41nnesods,wstsr r rAInl A Fntrtlntt ' ' Weighs only 1 Ibov tho tightest weight ofany tthaUntlal camera, - Fitted with tho aow TMdk for focussing with tUms. - ' - , ' ' Adjustable speed aswm to mm ttoasaadth of seeoad. Speed .plainly . Brtlllant rvrs!Jls Ftodsr pm Ukw ' jjtaawlatMra oa msra No i. around glass.. ." ,r ' - ' , ' - InsUn taoeona film onload Instantaneous load-Ca unload and load la broad daylight, wtsaowt wastlag tJaaaa Bo ttlstlact an improvement thst : any on using ordinary samaras wfll find ths greatest satisfaction in this . now sflulpmeat ' k ' -,,v - Double Rapid Rectilinear leases, each lena, tested by ah expert before -.and after fitting. . -.- ., : ' uj ;V . - i Winner Aotomatlo Shnttsr, with Iria diaphragm. ' . f ' Tripod sockets for both vertical and hortaontal pictures. v Black Horoooe leather, fines grade.. v -,''''-' ' ' Selocted Mahogany had metal 3x4 Inches De veloplns ' Film of falr'bnll dings must be carefully handled to preserve ths details. We develop snd print our experts making a separata problem of each exposure, to get tha best result there is In It. 'Advertise the rolr X Photo Post Cards ; Post rarda Oa sensitised paper. Ideal for printing pictnrM f tho fair buUdlnga. About a eant Per Gr6sst ,$1.30 NON'CURUNGj FILMS ALL SIZES vl X '- Prescriptions Called PALOUSE PROJECT , IS HOW ASSURED Force' of Men Engaged In Pre- paratory Work for Immense X XX'k Irrigation Scheme. :-; MX Cf STATE UNDS WITHDRAWN FROM SALE Territory to Be Reclaimed Lies East of -Pasco- Few- Milea- . Frorrr Columbia River. ,!r (Sptetat DUpetah te' The JearaaL) Colfax, Wash., April . Ths Pa louse Irrigation project. Involving an expendi ture by the federal government of near ly $1,00$,00, and. the - reclamation of about JSS.0S0 acres of land la Whitman, Franklin and Walla Walla counties, is assured. Tho last obstacls has been re moved, and .ai force of mea Is now on gaged .la sinking test pits preparatory to acUvs ope ration a. One of ths prin cipal obstacles waa ths lack of power held by tho federal government to con demn land appropriate for Irrigation purposes. This wss remedied by- ths legislsturo, which passed a bin with drawing from sntry or sale all state lands within tho district to bo Improved, and Governor Mead withdrew sll the lands wed -by- tho State, of whatever Character. Appropriations of water will bo mads at once, covering all ths available sources of supply, principally ths Pslouse fiver, at about ths falls, on the main lino between Whitman and Adams counties. Ths government will take all tha water needed, store Jt la Im mense reservoirs- In tho Waahtucna cou lee, and thence distribute It over 100,000 aorta of sagebrush land north and oast of Pasco In ths counties named. For ths financial advantage of ths slats- the land will be held several years, and when ths Irrigation scheme Is wsU tos jof in Prirket A H5?rO v parts. and Printing t ,i : by Printing Your Own apiece when bought la tobs lota. . ; ; Per Dozen, 15c .: FOR THE DESK . $13.00 U... . fjat at am " & Agateiwveities Penholders, 50C Paper Knives, $1.30 down to 50c Bookmark, like cut, 50c for and Delivered under wsy snd ths prices warrant such action tha lands wilt .bo of fared for sals to settlers, thus prevenUng speculation In the state's property snd giving set tlers a chance to secure small holdings at fair prices. . , , i Ths federal governnient has with drawn lands - for - reservoir sites snd dams, while two sections or psrts of two sections have been held for townsltes. It Is understood thst tho troubla which hss delayed work of a preliminary char acter the removal of railroad tracks from, Wsshtucna coulee hss about been satisfactorily settled. Tbera are now funda sufficient to ' finish tho"work available, more than ti.OOs.OO being to tho eredlt of Washington In tho recla mation fund. . . ' Tho land to bo Irrigated Ilea north and east of Pasco, a few miles oast of ,., fAtmnMa riv.r. h. ft forms ths division line between Franklin and Tak- Ima counties, a. reservoir win w structed with an outlet one mils oast ot ConsellT oa Isvol about sOO foot above tho sea: Ths (reservoir will carry 1 feet ot-watar. in. me opi pj i. wnrTS"oar HtnUe in length;-From It will run a series of mains and later sis covering fully 10M0O acres, reach Ing, it Is said, to Pasco, at tho Junction of tha Columbia and Snake rivers. At ths present time tho land is pro ducing rnothlng - but sagebrush and buncbgrass. but sfforts to P wheat havs not been entirely fruitless A rush, for ths land has already taken place...' ' - ." '? ' .. v.'' APPOINTS HOSTESS T - w F.OR SEATTLE WEK V (flneeUI Diepatch to The JesraaL) - Seattle, Waah., AprU 8fc Mayor Bal linger today appointed Mrs. Bdmund Bowden hostess for Seattle week at the Lewis and Clark exposition. Mrs, Bow dsn announces aa an executive commit tee Mrs. Hartwoll H. Depew, Mrs. W. A. Foster, Mrs. Homer M. HH1, Mrs. W. B. Judab and Mrs. George W. Brag don. - - ".. --t-t- - t : . ' : Xa ths X.oag Boa. - From ths Cleveland Pit In Dealer. "Madge gava up that English sari, didn't ehef" ' ' 1 "Tes, she's afttr a Russian count how.-" '. . ( - -WelL she'll probably tiatch htm If aht studies Oyama's Uctfck" I Every moment of - tHese clear 4 sorine days-Is precious for Camera . .ii (- work. Your own pictorial memen- of onr beautiful fair will be 'one your' most cherished possessions years when the exposition is but a memory. Pictures taken now will show detail clearer than any other time of year. 1 We unreservedly recommend the Ansco Camera as the best for ama teurs. That is , the! reason why we handle it' It's the lightest, simplest, r: with all of : the practical, up-to-date 1 . fittings. , r - v.,,. No: 3 Ansco Takes Pictures 4X5, j ;: "Special featurea cf our No. t Ansco camera aro ths hlgb-grads'Achro-: matta Lena, great depth of Tocua, and tho pasemtsd) fUaa ohasshsy fewad ta - ' no othsa asake) -of as in sis In use of this film chamber It la almost im , posslbls-to experience light-struck film, and owing jto Its working eon-' struction- tha film Is always kent In - Our No. , Ansco Is a rare combination of simplicity, durability and -utility, it Is-fitted with two tripod socketa and glssa view finders , for . taking ploturea either vertically or h or laon tally on tho plate, Tha eov- ' ering qualities of this lens are perfect, cutting clear .to tho edge of tha plats with tho largest stop. It haa tho rapid safety shutter, which can be quickly set so as to take instantaneous o time exposures. It is covered with seal grain leather and has finely lacquered trimmings. Carefully attached la , leather. handle , . , ; - , , , . . . .... -.. 1 i r . v. ; V. Only No. i ansco : x ; A u takes 3x3 Pictures . . ''. PAJWT TBZPOBS They tales oops than a Stogie. May Stationery - ' Eaton Hurlburt ' Papoterlea Latest Some new shades are: Gobelin. Oxford Oray. Swiss, Taffeta, AO eon. Mousselln d Parts, Tlntourln, Mull Chiffon, ; , :, Mayday i 7a st Ideal sowsnlra to - send beautUul- soft sffocta, Hf host, Axxnoxxm, ': ' ... ' 4 . JWE RENT CAMERAS 23c'a day and up: Z Comic Burnt Leather Post Card Hand work, la solors, varieties of pattsrna. .-;. .; . ixi25lCen1tMM We Accept Canadian yiohey at Par PENDLETON GAMBLERS , HUNTING NEW MECCA Efforts of ; Law Enforcement League Bear Fruit and Town r I Is Closed Permanently,. (Iseelal fJIepatck te The JearsaL) ": Pendleton, OS., April . Pendleton Is now a closed towij. " All", gambling was ordered estopped by tha. marshal today and . gamblers were ' told ths ' move Is permanent and that they cannot resume under the present -regime. This action was decided upon by ths' police commit tee last night and la ths result of senti ment sgalnat an open town aroused by ths . efforts of the . Kast jOregonlaa . and ths Law Enforcement league. Tho coun cil had previously., been, aoathetlojtttd also District Attorney JPhjglpWAll para phernalia' Is being : J-emoved from ths saloobs. About ISA gamblers and boosters ars affected and are leaving on all trains, many for Nevada. Heretofore they have been Sned 1100 monthly and run openly. Saloons will close on Sunday from 1 o'clock a. m. te 4 -o'clock p. m. The grand Jury will meet In I una and In dictments are expected - against the gamblers then.. '--,, . ' ADMIRAL MELVILLE'S TALK CRITICISED BY OFFICERS (Special ptspatch by Leased Wire te The lesrssl) -Washington,-Aprtl Jf.ThvTC hat been much criticism among naval of fleers of Admiral Melvllle'a comments In 'public speeches In Philadelphia on ths use of ths navy and ths administration's foreign policies. "Ths comments," officers say, "mads by Admiral Melville ars ths more startling because thsy corns from an of ficer who should have bad in his time enough experisnos In -Washington to know Just how far bs might go in pub lic criticism, of thS president" It Is understood that tha secretary of ths navy has been advised that It would ba proper for ths department to take soma notice of Rear Admiral Melvllle'a remarks. If for' no other reason than thst such comments may bs discouraged. If l X v' - . 37.50 oerfect tension. .00 art metal light hardly larger ahapea. Colors PHOTO OLOTM, " .' XT' Esst Las tort no . Cloth wonderfully o. Mo, and .. -t r-i-'f XAXP-rosra, Txnax, jjrra. ths 'secretary acts It win be on tha ap proval ot ths president " Rear Admiral Melville wss for a long time In charge Of tho naval buerau of steam engineering and was ths originator of ths Melville Arctic expedition. - ;'; ; ;-fcJ' INSPECTORS SUED FOR . DAMAGES BY CHINESE (speclil Dispatch te Tke JoaraaL) ' Seattle, Wash., April 2. Chin Nlng. Chin Kau and Oon Leun, three China men arrested for .being illegally In ths United States, and who were acquitted today, filed suite -in ths superior court to recover $2,000 each .from Immigra tion Inspectors Hamer, Lynch, Wells, Ellis and Oaftney and damages for falss srrest This Is ths beginning of a movement on the part.. of tbo tongs to stop what thsy 'claim la promiscuous arrests of their countrymen.- Oe He, hesd of tho Wa Chong company, haa gone to Wash lngto. to T.Uy tha ijaattar -bsf orethe Chinese minister and stop ths practice. WILL ALLOW NO. SHEEP i ' TO CROSS RESERVATION , (Rpedal DUpsteh te TSe JeorsaLl Pendleton, April !. Instructions have- been received by Major J. J. Mc Koln, scent on tho Umatilla reserva tion, from ths secretary of ths Interior for ths formsr to enforce sll rules cf ths department regarding trespassing on ths reservation. As a result no sheep may -be -taken across -the reservs this season unless a test esse -bo brought by ths sheepmen and won by thorn In ths courts. v. ' ' Ths Instructions tinhe ageuli doubt.. vaa vn,v in n.wvr iu ww recent letier from Senator Fulton to -ths department? asking that sheep bo allowed to cross. tots rom oooossa. - - aecl.1Dtao.trS ta Te Jaernst) Oregon aty, April . The total vote to dsts for ths goddess (. liberty for ths Fourth of July celebration at Oregon City Is as follows: ... .V Miss Wla Luts ........ Sf Miss Bernlce Kelly .' M Miss Ooodfellow i.,' ' l Miss Ethel Albright.. "M ToUl , Ct. -, , m - w . . . i. a; -T- 50 $5 j..;ai x. i r---