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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1905)
V ' r f ',...- . , ' .. ." "A ' ' ' ' - - - . ' ml. j i c ' : - I . : v - VOL. IV. NO. JI - POIiTLAND, OICO!I. MONDAY EVENING, ; APKIL 17, ' FOUUTSSN vPAGSS. tra EZ COLLMGU IGf PLAN f J. mi 3 ' Uk', Ml LcDt cl Get Rich Quick Frcny in Syndicate Is In 5:!;ty Vcdt " . r Money located after : A SIX YEARS' SEARCH Three Hundred Thousand Dollars Discovered Hidden Away by Swindlers . for Their T Use In Futures T' s..', s. ' (Joaraal Special nervtea.1 : New York. April XT. Three hundred thoueand dollere of - the notorioue Franklin yndleate'r-.oot. baa been Jo ciM In -a eafe deposit vault la New York city after a la yeera' eeareh. ' - Five persons knew , the exact where aboute of -the treasure. One la John B. Lord, th truatee in -bankruptcy ;f or th creditor of William, F. MUlefe "get-rlch-qulck" con earn, anothar -la .the i manager of thvdepoaed company and tha thraa othereare detectives whom Mr. Lord . haa emraged tot guard .tha Vaults, ao that ,the; money would not ' disappear. - : , . - - . Mrs. Bather I Blake.- tha mother. of Edward BchlaaalBKar, who waa In the rraat awlndla -with MlUer and Robert A. Amnion, haa tha key to tha vault, but doea not kaow xatly where tha .vault, la altuatad. i : r ' 'J: Tha flfht to i poaeaaaion ot ma treasure wUl come up In " the United - SUtea ' dlatriofr-oourt - thla waak.-and .thouaanda tot tha dupea of the Miller bubble may coma Into their own afc-aln. Tha franklin ayndloata failed In Nov- - amber. 18. after a earaar ft about elht montha. r- The police ' raided the quartern of the ayaateate-arreeted a i brother of the Dromoter. - William 9. J i Miller, and eecured about $.0 caah ' taken ' In durn tha day. and' which waa found aeoreted . under the apart- menta of Hlaa Oorley. l4 Fiord atreet . ' The plan on which the conoern worked ; waa the promlaa of , 10 per cent week . dtvldenda to invaatora. . Miller, the pro : moter. waa but I SI years of ace. He '. began In a email tray locating hla of . flees among the poorer claaaea In Bropk ' lm making a feature of the acceptance of email Bums of money for Investmenta from poor people. ) HU adrertlaeipente 'claimed that by Inelde tips on the'atock market he waa ible to reap large and quick proflta, of which he waa, willing tn n a lure-a nercentaca to hla clients. He paid the Interest on the principal each week ana Ma Business incram ' to great proportion!. By extensive ad vertlslng he managed to attract dally to hla office hundreds of people who gathered In a long line, or fought with - each other for the opportunity to band , f out their saving. Durlng the.week pro ceeding the raid Miller received dally . deposits aggregating from $10,000 to 140.000. . , v . ' . ' ",,'!' 1 .- WnllaM eheim Kla Idea. ! . The orlnclnal of the endlaaa Chain da- r veloped by Miller depended upon the fact that old customers were given a commis sion of I par cant upon newdepoalta ' which they aacured. Those who were ' drawing this Income of S per cent be came walking advertlsementa of tha Franklin Syndicate. The amount of in tercet, I0 per cent a year, promised haa never been exceeded In. the hlatorjr of get-rlch-qulck concerna.-1 v' '. The booka of the syndicate ahow that between October 14, and November If. . MlUer ' received 180.000, and '.from August 1 to tha time the syndicate was ; closed,- leaa than four montha, the re celpta exceeded (1,000,000. "She police said that they found drafts which led them to believe that $3,400,000 had been collected i from Miller by hie dupes, which would indicate that MlUer had kept and made way with about $1,700, 000. , ., -.-. . - - ' Froflta Baoratona. Miller reported at the, time that he had started In bualneaa with a capital of $60: Within two weeks preceding the raid he aent $4S,000,to relatives In Ger many and a day or two before he with drew $180,000 . from the Wella-Fargo bank,' which he had on deposit . February -t, 1(00, Miller surrendered to .the . police and was locked up, and .May $0 he waa given a sentence of 10 years In Blng Blng prison, but was par doned a few months ago by Governor 'lilgglna on account of hla health. The real man behind the- Franklin syndicate Is said to be William E. De laney, king of awlndlera, who originated and engineered the Fund W. fraud In Chicago, the Stock and Grain exchanao tn Flttaburg, tha Dean swindle, which v wae the Fund W. over again In New York, -.y ,." s -t -i VANDERBILT PERFECTS , r A NEW INVENTION -.r ". , ) ' -:; : '.: :r ." ' IJoaretl Special am ilct.) . New York. April IT. Following the line of hla former lnventlona rand uaeful improvemente for locomotive, CoroHlmi Vanderbllt baa juat received from the patent office at Waahlngtoti .1 patent en a ateam generating appllanca which ; .a aaeerte will in ES particular waya work to advantage In boiler eonet ruction. The device haa for Ita general obiect tha eon atructlon to Increase the efficiency of lo comotive ateam enainae. ' All the claims advanced bv Vomler tilt were allowed by the patent orflcaT Mechanics are at work In th"ltorcrs locomotive worka turning out loco motlvee with tha Vanderbllt ateam gen erating appliance. According ' to teats ' It la aald tha new generator will affect t m great eavlng ot fuel. ' ,. - .. ., . - J Ften i Pctterscn Agein Pro- v clcias Iler Innocence ; cf Kurder; ' ; YIFLTOF CAESAR TOUNGi ? DROPS HER PROSECUTION ..-.,. .... ' ' ' j Letter Received by Portland Woman. From , Wlfe,6f a Dead I Bookmaker' Announces ' ( Withdrawal FromrCase;- "' ' (Jearaal. Saeelal aww. 1- - ." f New York. April . 17. The third trial of Nan Patteraon, the former Florodora girl, on the charge of murdering Caeaar loung. the bookmaker, opened this morning t la f Recorder' Gofra . court. xoung waa murdered laat June. Mlaa Patterson waa Immediately arreated ana haa atnee : been- held - prisoner at- the Tombs. Har first trial last autumn waa brought abruptly to a cloae by the 111 neaa of t iurer.'- On tier second trial laat December the jury ' disagreed. ' - Nan . Patterson, 'accompanied by her father, arrived early. . She looka prettier wen over anoj- aeoiarea ana la In excel lent apliita. She was brought over from the Tombe to the prisoner's pen -la the courc Duuaiug at i o'clock. , She re fused to be .Interviewed excent tn uv that aha waa Innocent, and expected to be acquitted. . ..- ' A special panel of 110 talesmen waa aummoned : from whlbh to . aelect ; the jury.' The cotirtroom waa 'crowded with spectators, and many were turned away. It la expected that aeveral daya wUl be occupied and aeveral venirea exaauated before the Jury la completed '' . ; ' The oaae waa. adjourned until tomor row, pending 'certain Injunction prooeed Inga brought by counsel for J. Morgan Smith' to securs the return of Bmlth's lettera seised by Assistant District At torney Clnclnnatt- . . It- la aald . that .Uyman Stern, the pawnbroker from whom It la aUegad tha pistol .with which Young waa killed waa bought., haa s been Unable to, Identify Smith.. .The proeeeutlon -la much cha- giined over the developmenta regarding the Smiths, and It la not expected that either of them will be called as wit nesses." , ' v Counsel for ' Mlaa 1 Patterson opposed the motion for an adjournment, but' Re corder Goff granted the postponement on the statement of the prosecution that the lettera In queatlon were valuable as evidence In tlfe case agalnat Miss ' Pat terson. -.'V 1 '.' : - ' While these proceedings were going cm. counsel for i. Morman Smith ap peared - before J uat Ice - Footer of the court of general aesslona to argue a mo tion to Inspect - the mlnutea of . tha grand Jury... Couneel . for Smith J an- (Continued on Page Two.) ' BOARD -r I Board of Oovtrnora of tbe Portland Otorf t W. Haxen. Second row ;.;..' -IIarl( L; W, JJclmSn. Tom w. ' m., A ' . . . . I J vv- "Sff,., M,ti UWr a, SJMMWHAa- 1 m JB j ' ' "7 Cottcrtaunan "Blnfer Hermann. ROOSEVEl gamp:in:s0Vv , 'J .' 1 ' t: - (Jeerael pedal Serrlea) - ' ' 1 Olenwood Springs. CoL, April 17j Seo- retary Loeb haa not communicated with the president . alncek Saturday morning, when the etart waa made. The report that the president killed a large brown bear on Saturday., afternoon , naa - not been -erlfled here. ? -, ; A fierce bllasard la reported to hav raged-at Camp Roosevelt yesterday, preventing any one from ' venturing out of doors. Tha greater part of the day waa apent by the president and party around camp-Area telling hunting yarns. Henry Doepler, a ranchman who Uvea eight mllea from - Roosevelta camp,, ar rived In town this morning and reports OF GOV&RNORS Commercial Club: ; Retdinf from left to right Top row- L.' R. Fields, Edward Ehrman, treagurer j R. L. Steven. W. K aeland, ecretur; H. If. Rkhardsea. nutnuiit VbatMhrEkm ti,-:A;. V-j J-X .-- -;." .'i- 'i ''t "' '-f S . . f V'-s v i j ;. - T MOVES ; a heavy enow. haa fallen that' la deep. The prealdent'a camp la being moved eouthward to get away from the snow. The chances are 'that the next fortnight will , be devoted to Hon and bob eat hunting. It waa announced that In addition to a vlalt to . Denver . the president haa accepted ' Invitation to three functions In Chicago. Theae will be only formal affaire on the homeward trlp.v. i s .: ;;V-,r-; f--'T tM-rv- Ranchmen report' that' the' aupply of game thla year la uncommonly largo and the extreme cold weather In the. moun tains haa driven the panthers and bob eats Into the valley ranches, ao that the president la really helping the farm era OF THE PORTLAND COMMERCIAL CLUB Ccrressno Accused in Lend FrcudCesesPre-; ;sents .a Decrrer." HENEY. AND BENNETT r - CLASH OVER THE LAW 14 1.: w Argument; Continued This After nopjv Edwin MaysJohn Hall, T. 1 8. J Potter, 1 W. N. Jones and Others Are Arraigned -t tr - ' Opposing couneel'1' tn the land ' fraud eases - crossed swords this morning be fore a throng which filled Judge Bellin ger's court room to overflowing. Among thoee present were many of tha defend ants, .Including Senator Mitchell, . Con gressmen Hermann and Wllllamaon and former United States Diatrlot Attorney John Hall. - The bar . waa represented by a number of the-leading attorneys of thla city and of the stats, and the court room waa well filled long before the hour' for the proceedings to begin, h ' It waa the first appearance of Con gressman ' Blnger Hermann In court elnce he was thrloe indicted by -.the federal 'grand Jury. ' Mr, Hermann was arraigned, and through 'hie - attorneya. Senator Simon' and John M- Oearin, he filed demurrers to the lndlotmenta. It waa further atipnlated that If Senator Mitchell should be successful in his effort to Invalidate the 'prooeedlngs' of the grand . Jury, Mr. Hermann, shall benefit tharebyaa-he, would it h H had tiled pleaa la abatement. .;.. - Othara JLiMlfmed. 1 . A At number of other'1 defendant were also arraigned.' Edwin- Mays, Indicted for complicity In the operation of tha Butte Creek Land A Lumber company, pleaded not guilty. The same plea was entered by John Hall a to the Indict ment, charging htm with illegally feno- Ing government land, and to tha Indict ment charging him with eon spiring to obatruot ' Justice - and to 'Intimidate Heney while- the -latter, was conducting the grand Jury Investigation. Hall Wed a plea in' abatement. Pleas in abatement were filed In behalf of Wlllard N., Jones and Thaddeua B. Potter by their attor ney,' S. B. Huston, and- the aame action was taken by Elmer K. Brown. , Daniel Clark, - Indicted with Jones and Potter for alleged frauds la the fllletg Indian reserve, pleaded not guilty. ... . . (. i, Interest at the morning eesalon. en tered largely In the expected argument of counsel upon the . objection raised by Senator iMttchell'a attorneya to the validity of the grand Jury's proecedlnga and to the right of Francla J. Heney to act In - the capacity ot . United States district attorney. If the contention of the defence - should - be auatalned, the (Continued on Page Two.) - s R. B. Miller, Robert Ctiutij, A. Cake, preeident; J. II. Tkttctef, ;,.J':V:-l U . ; '.,'.'.,. '. . v .;, .' i. ' , UnreIstcrcdCen't Pertlc ipate InriasrieVlln--der Certificate Act S EMINENT, ATTORNEY -7, ? r. ,SAYS LAW'IS'SOUND Declares It Impossible to Dodge New ; Primary.! Act's , Pc-.',;-txi Visions and Gives , - His -Reasons. . . i , , ' "N01 court of standing . would s hold that, under the' direct primary nomina tion law elector not registered prior to April 1 1 as to . party affiliations could legally vote by certificate la the primaries f or the nomination of candl dataa," aald an eminent Jurist today. . 1 believe that the intent, of the direct nominations law la so plain, and the understating of It by the court, the people and . tha men who drafted It ao dear,' that, were a queatlon raised a to the ; right of eleotoro ' to i vote la the prlmariee by certificate ot ala free holders according to the old. lav, the decision, must be that they have no auch right."; '.'',.'! - ''V-- 'V. i. This Is In ana war to the contention that one provision ot the new law gives voter the right to take part in the primaries, even though not registered aa to party afflltatlona, and this clause la cited in support of their contention- -. "Provided, that nothing In thla law shall ha conatrued to deprive any elector of the right to register ana vote at any primary nominating election required by thla law on hla complying with the spe cial provisions ot thla law in the aame manner that be la permitted by the gen eral lawa to regtater and vote at a gen eral election." --f- - : '-. ' "' - The quoted clause la the closing lan guage of section (I, which aaya: "No-elector shall be oualifled to vote nor permuted to .vote at any auch pri mary nominating election, and It ahall bs unlawful for htm to orxer to oo so, unless, he ahall be registered a above required a a member of one ot the po litical parties choosing and nominating it Candida tea for pub Ho office under the provlalona of this law at auoa primary nominating election." ' "Registered aa required above" refers to the plain provision that the elector who votes In a primary ahall nave been restate red by the county clerk as to party affiliation within 10 day preced- ina tba aleotton. ... ' r. ---.. "Were such a question to be raised." aald the Jurist already quoted, "the court would turn to the title of the law, which reads: 'Applying to aald primary nominating electlona ao far aa the earn are not In conflict with the provlalona of this law, and a cn aame may be , (Continued on Page Two.) . 12 .T.iih, R. F. Trxsl, V.'. C. Ccm, viae-pretlJtnt; 2 Ci.r. Lower row : . . . .' ; . , '. '.-it. , t - Japanese Are Reported to Have Seized Rcsslin ; , Supply Ships. TO STORM VLADIVOSTOK BEFORE FLEETS ARRIVAL! Oyama Rushing Armies to Cap ture Northern Fortress Ere ' Rojestvensky Can Reach ; Port Jews. Fleeing " (Jeeraal apadal lerviea) London, April 17. A dispatch to Reu. : tor from Saigon aaya that the Japanese hav captured a large number of col lier along the coast . .,;,-'"".:;. ..:;- - A dispatch from Hongkong say that , a portion of the Russian squadron waa' acq Sunday in Turan bay. ISO mUea north of Kamranh bay. - A measage to Lloyds from Slngaor aaya that the German steamer Devowon ge report, paaalng the Russian fleet' on the morning of April 14 about lati tude It degree north. The vessel were lying to at tha time. - r A Hongkong dispatch states that the steamer BrynbUde. which haa arrived there from Bangkok, report that three Russian cruisers stopped her oa Friday. mile south of Cape Padaraa, and after searching the vessel allowed her to proceed .The captain counted II Rua slan warships, which appeared to be in good condition, ateamlng northeast at the rate of 10 knots. Cape Padaraa 1 11 : mile northeast of Saigon.. The course indicates that the fleet to headed for Formosa strait., v y- ? It la calculated at Tokto that -' the ' Ruaalaa equadron arrived at Kamranh bay at noon, April It, and therefore had been occupying the port for 41 hour whoa asea at nooa April 14. by the Ger man liner Prince Halnrioh. ... It la reported from Hongkong that a fight took place yesterday between the Japaneee and Ruesiaa scout cruiser di vision ' with considerable damage ' to both combataatav There 1 ao confirma tion of the rumor. - " A Toklo dispatch sUtea that the wa ter around the Pescadores where the Japanese have established a naval base, have been strewn with mines and ship ping la warned to keep away from the locality; It la aald that thousands of mines are being placed la the path ot Rojestvensky's fleet. According to the British admiralty' Information the 'Japanese have had aa observation equadron off Labuan. Brit ish Borneo, where they took the aame advantage of Brltlah . neutrality aa Rojeatvenaky -aid ot French neutrality at Madagascar. Thla equadron la be lieved to have been ordered to remain in touch with the Ruealane until they reach the strait of Formosa, where it 1 believed the battle will occur. It la not thought that Admiral Togo will dare to eend ships to Vladivostok, or leave vessels behind him to light the Russlana at that port. Japanese coaata and transports will have to shift for themselves until the naval battle 1 fought, aa Togo la reported to be con centrating all - hla atrongUt against Rojeetvenek-ra equadron. The principal coast cities of Japan are well protected by - forttncatlona and - the Ruaalaa cruisers at Vladivostok could not at tack them, but could - work havoc la Japanese chipping. - - The Russian . ships i have on board patent appllancea consisting of steel brushe attached to a sort of belly band which are uaed , very . effectively, la cleaning bottoma.' . ?.. . AGAINST VLADIVOSTOK. Oyama Beadta very Bffort t Take Fortress Before Fleet AZTivee. '. . ' ' (Jearaal SpeeUI gervlce.1 ' - ' London, April 11. Reporta from the front received, from Chines source lo usy confirm the Japanese movement now being made' agalnat Vladivostok. There la little doubt that Oyama plana to capture the tortreaa before the Kus alan fleet or any part of It can reach the port- . Military official are watching with keen Intereat the greatest strategy game Oft the war, which la now being played. The capture of Vladivostok would be tbo trump-card for Japan. Their, movement against tha plaoo la handicapped by the thawing of the soil and th muddtnese of the roads, but If they euceeed they will hav rendered uaeleea the Bait la equadron'a Journey and practically have that fleet at their mercy. If the land forces can capture Vladivostok before the aurvtvora of Rojestvensky's f.set get there, a great point will nave been scored. :."'". fv i ! New I expected at any time of tire arrival of Kamamura'a army before t city. , With Kamamura la Nogt, with hi i veterans of Port Arthur. En route t join them la a fresh army from Japan cf . to, 000, which haa been landed at Dainy within the laat weak.. . The Russlana have not a large garri son tn Vladivostok, most of tha tror- i having been aent to reinforce the m i army lit Manchuria, nor la tr r i strongly defended en the land St.. , i fortress 'having been planned ae v algh Impregnable against naval at:. . js ws Fxxa tiT ' (Jeamf IsmUI f Vienna. April IT. Ls ' smlgranta en routs to a rived at Oalats. All from central 1 f are flee"t ' which t X 1 V;'-STv' i