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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1905)
chzcon daily jou:;::ai; rcr.TLA::. . Sjgsgjsgil fOD&S MARKETS ,. -i.- .Crl a .--- I iii Boteeed at tlM eoetofeco of IWmart.. far traaapertsitoa tAtwyJh the ! class Matter. .. IMui fur tangle coptos: Mr . pegs paper..! tout; IS la N pages. 4 44 iim mm.- - ."''1 PdltoriaT Boom - KJ bailees Ottos...... f"" " nintl ABTZKTIBXXS lMWtAIlT-Treetoad-Beogamla Special tta' AlJ. lea i..7.irL TEm Xerki Iribaae ,JMille- 1M be Ug, Chicago. .vv A,. v. . arMcuraov bath. , , v . . tnm t Charter. ' Til tally Joaraat. erIU Sunday. 1 " Th Dally Journal, 1 year.. IM Dallr JcmL with Buadar. f njoatl $1.80 , 6.04 BT6 . ih ueuy voet-eai, a saoatns... lbs Dally Jwml, with Sunday, jii vaiiy eooraet, aiu. T H. In. 1 i,w ttu.ii. . ZL isy, 1 ssoath.. TH Dally, per week, swUvered. . Bnaday The Uaiir. aat week, delivered. IW js eaeopted ...,.....? Sam by MaiL ' 2a Sail Journal, wttk Sued. 1 year v. a aft fUiiy eeoraai. I yesr.... VUZl.i. a Tl The Dally Jovwl, with Sunday, Besetae. J" Tha VmUr JaunwL BMBlDa. ".riJ Taa ially Joirul, ilh Sanaa , - laa Dally iNaraal, moolaa... .....," Taa jJally.Juarnak WIU Huaoay. t awota.. Jba IMIy Jaaraal. 1 aoa(a... w Taa Sauday Joaraai. 1 r fS Taa Saaaay JaaraaL awatba. "" Taa amk-Waakly Jaaraalr .',, T Anot-WacklT jaoraal. ta aaa( ' ' aara txaiw. Illuitnud. tall aufkat ra- mjttaacaa akoald to nada by drifts, -t' akea. axpnaa ardara aad aaull aaaoaaM ata ctakl. ta 1 aad at o.t jjgjj,, ' . 0. Bac Ml. PortUa; Or. - " a-uv IUI III JODKJIAI, MAT Taa Joaraai aa batfoud aa, Mat tba btilHK-. IUAUO H. Baltar ft Oct W. aV - latyr. , - '-, . ' CHiCAOO Patafaoa Maw aoataaa, lit DMf DtNVER. COCO. Kandrlck ttook ' BtaMaaary t coatpauy; klil OeraMeantk atraati aUack. 8litretk and Cartla atrwtt. DUN8HU1B, CAU J.! McCarralla.' -JUNfc.AU. ALlSkA coatoto- Book atara. ,: KANfeAl CITV Vaa Now Nawa aoaipoay. ' UM ANGkUC8 B. r. eardaor. 2nd Joa - a-xiat atroKt oUnr tuiaaa, au doath lortMf atrart. - JdlSMtAPUUS hL J. Karauack. td tVatk TMrd atrrot. - Kt w VORK CITf BfaaUae'a. fjajod aqwra. '-iEN -0la. Kawa eempaay. bmAHJk atiilard-Hotel Neva ata ad; alogaalh btatioarry conDaay. ixm Kraa atraat. ' AI.T LA KB CJTT Krtyoa Hotel aa atajrd: tuna Braa.. Wast aaeoad airaat. aoatk. ST. Loii'IO Pbllla Boadnr. did Laaoat atraat; E. T. Jtt. 8ft Ollva aaroat. . . -A UASiHHCO Mi. K. Ardlac Patae . Tiawa .od. and lOMUWarkot atrart; OoW- aailtk Bros.. Z0 Batter atraat. aad Balnt Fraarla hotel ; Koator A Oroar. rarry baild Ofi; N. Wboatley. SDd KatasM atroat. BEAtTLB Balalar flraad Mawa ataadi Caatan Noara-coajDaay.. ' PIOKANB. WAIq. Joka W. flarbaa A Ca. TACOHA. WA8H. Ceatrtl Heme aaaaaayt HH Taeoosa New atsae. . ' Vl loAIA.B. C VkrtorU Book A Btatleeary , ; ttwat may. ' . ,.: " j ; AVOTeOaT, AALtt TOMOBJIOW.- , v! - By jf. Wllaoa. t Poplr.atraat'(talJl,a . addition. -O. W.vP. ears) at la. j- Bala at ruralahlaca X reaidoaeet I. T. Wllaoa, sac tloaeer. ' ' -1 v . 1 . By Portia sd Aartloa roeaas, at 10 d. a. Bala af famitato, earpeta, ate, . C,- .U Pord, ant- 'IbTb. t."K."llajaa. 41ashlptto atraet. eoraer Klarratb at W a. . Bala et kouaraold furalturr. . L. It. eilaaaa. anrtloBaar. , WIATHgl P0BT. Hbsrp freata erf ar red tkfct BMrnln( la Or om, Waakhtatea and . aertbera Idake. Tbey were arareded yaaterday by food raloa la aontk easier Wsablaf'"" "nIrl .ou'h eaetera ' Idaao. , Mala la alae-eeaaetad Is St eada. I Ub, Arlaoaa aad New Mexlea and at aeattered aUeea la tba adddle .Mlalsslnpl Taller- aad the lower lake reBioa,. atesry anew baa aeearred la aaatera Celarade. W yarning, weetera Nebraaka aad weatera Booth Dakota. . Tba ladlratloaa are (at (air weatbr In this dbitriet Taesday. CeodltJaoa are .(aeorabla ( fro la at-at toataht tn Oreana. Waabluftoa and Idsaa, esrept tba asatbeaatara aortloa of tba fatter state. . ; v---. ,r ' ' " atMUAwi Mcnrm.'' ,,; - i Flanaaa Bardt. tli; etnaai Kraarbet, 31 '. u Si. KlBhea, Tl; Mildred Olntber, 1. Uk W. Hoodley. 21 i Bdna B. llsblrtorat, 11 Uaetd K(aaer, 30; Mary Kbert, S& - Lmbi B. Lvni. ; Lea Caaoa. X3. . , ' "weddisf Carda, W. O. imJtb A Ca.'. Wash. tectaa Mag., ear. rearth ssd Wssblaftoa ata. 1 , , BntTatB. :;'- ; '.',...: KTtlBKRT April A. to Mr. aad Mr. Oeorfa W. Neibert. 12i Kastt atreet; a danabter. M1IJ KK April a. to Mr. aad Mr. Altea t. Miller. inM Clerelatid aeeaoe; a eons BCH El DEM AN April , t Mr. aad Mrs. Johs Brbeldaasaa, KM Kast Twelfth atraat, anrtb; WII.TTaMS AarH ' re Mr.' and Mrs. K. J. WHUsnrs, Prsaioat ureal; a aaa, , 00TAaiOTra CIlEAItB." i '-;' TrBt-April' T. Jesa K. BUC lowjoy street; dlpktberta. a.EMON'HON April S. , Teddy OrmeBSSa, J88 . . East Buraalda atreet: mrsslea. , ... ... .SEATXA. ' GBF.r April . Elijah Oreea. 'aged T years, at tiood aemaritin, hospital: cause, senile pnenamala. Burial at Powell's cemetery. CttNKEV April T. Banala ii. Coakey, aged dl years, at Hi. Vincent a hoapltal; caaaa, tumor. Burial at ladependeaee. Or., POVB April ' T, Aid ward p. ' Doee, aged- 04 i . yeere, si Qood Baauirltaa - hvapltal; cause, , llrlght'a dlaeaaa. . . Hurls', at Jadeaendeaca, . lr. - ,:- - -OlJtBB April S. Arthur B. Olees. aged M years, st eead Baawntaa aoepttal; cause, ap- 6JIO April S. Wong Bbo, aged M years, at 2M hlsdlana atreett canaa. berala.. Burial at Leas Pit .cemetery. ... Crematorlnm ea Oregoa City ear Has, ' Bellwend: niodeea. adentllle. .aomoleta. T Aaalts W; children, 2S. . Visitors b a. si. te p. m. Portland iMtaatloa sassilillus, Portland, Oregoa. ,........, ,.,, - . The Edward Bolmaa Undertaking eom ruaerai oireexers ass easosi mars, street. Psoas 60T. J. ' P. rtsley A Bon, fanersl dlreetsra aad eaibslawrs. earner Third and Madam streets, (trace at ceamty coroner. lelepboaa Mala e. . Panaral wreaths and cat IVrwers a epedalty at Rose City Ureeaeoues, Twatyateond aad fast Merrtaoa, epp. cemetery, n BEAl EST ATX TBABITXAa. Oeargla ls.kson aad hasbaad te a. ay. , vaw, piece property beginning Sn feet ' -north nf arettbeast cvreer block A iamea V" iehns' addition ,...,..,....., .,..$1,500 II. C. iMnsrd te M. A., Slbsea, part let . , 4. Palatine Hill lo H. P. I'aratejis snd fife to . B. dlye Vmer lot 4, black 1, MoataellU ....... 1.100 , Ckerirf ta H. C. Uwoard et aL, do acres eectloa A township , 1 . south, rang I eest ..... ....... I jap Ciiteerslty Land company te i. Leach, . 1 acre la D. H. Boathmayd doaatloa laad '," ' ' : claim , im Kmily I.. Bewmsa et el. to O. W. Korea , and wife, tots T-10. iorlaslr, block B. tnllege Piece 1,056 Oelleae Endowment aesorlatlna ta O. W. , . . Pores and wife, Ms 37-90, InclaatTe,, ' block Br tWIege Plaee--r,, -T3 , .... . gofl Octree W. Perce aad wife to t. W. Perce, . undtrlded I T Interest In O. W. Poree aad wire doaatloa uaa cisms, aad other . property 11. B. Ynung .and wife to B. Kretsrh. man. kite 0, snd ' T, block IM, , tlewb . mta a, ana ' I, phci izb, , uaoea bn , v. g,S00 eltr ljad cotnpaiiy e ,L. Martin,' , . It aad 11 black m, talTerslty sooitinn LnlTerelt Psrt M. . . r'--'' ,4. ...... ' dOO name. I riecu, anmiowtrstor. te T. Walker, west H lot s, block V, city. t.lOS Th"dre K, Force et si. to i, W. Porce, ; lb seres la J. H. Hwltsler sad O. W. - Korea and wife doaatloa land claim ... ' I llaanah peltry and wife te 1. W. Pores ' S sad wife doaatloa land claim ......... 8,500 Oeerae . Perce aad wife te O. P. Pa tea. Tli3 acrea la I. R. bwltaler aad " . W. Pare and wife doaatloa laad claim ....... U,M0 IVIet View Besl f.tste ensnpesy tn J.' . . . Hsaks, let 10, block-JO,, Potnt - tlew ....... as Aiie .H. Teaaaaini aaa nuanana to rort lasd, , Vaaosaeet. A AU eoha AaUraaA PRICES IN POULTRY ARE SENSATIONAL ' - v. Receipts Arf Small and Demand Excited at a Material Afl- r . ;- vance 1 In " Figures. -5 vf . . JOBBERS ARE FIGHTING X , . r FOR FRUIT JAR TRADE Eggs AreFirmer and Show Small Advance Butter Weaker 1 and Goes Down. ' Proat Street 'April 10. Tea' principal lea tares of tba forties, wholesale aurkou te day ara:'.' ''. i . ,. ' ,:'-(.. Prices la poultry aeaaatloaal. r right la oa la (rait Jan. , - Kirs are droer.ell sroond. . - Csllforols steatner arrtrea. . . Car Csnfornla cabbaaa tai - Btsawbarrlea ara eery doll. , Balatoa receipts bra haaeler. t ' Potataaa and batons booatlnc - . Batter msrket weaker aad dowa. Hop rrop proapeeta aeeay better, r W bears eoodllkia eery food. , ' . ; . Wsaa la PaaJtor aaaaUaaal. ' . K.n la tbV biatory of tba local predate aiarket haa there been sack A atreagta to the poultry aiarket aa that aow fbows. Of eoarae, Torelpta o aoaltry at tbla time otto year, wbda h -Beaa-ara-laylnc. are always l .1 w... . .s . the broom mail. e lit" - nn. w.. T" Jrtr- aanlloeiaK. Despite tha fact that .prices ra eery bl(b aU tbronsh tba krl market, tba trade la Terr aaslona te bay, and tkle eauaea prices ea lancy aeae we" -'---ld.eenta a pound this roornlnf . Becelpu tpoay were Tory, eweii, wi " today aa Monday., tba drat of the week, the demand was besiy. .There ",'V entMi tone to .toe uenj ' . . li V. 1 1 nn . T It, . ... aseee aao pnere are pisv -r- ,7 : In moderate supfly would And d Boot call at taa. eery top iiiiw. , ... y. Kft sUrkat la Firmer all Areaaa. --Ther wee taaproeed teeUad la tha an market today. The receipts coetlsne aalta liberal. It deauad was better aad prices are nnglut- between 17 aad Id costs a doaaa. Oold atoraca operators are still la awslness. l. a - .k. jmIH atnpeee aaaiu neaa will be Tery merh veerdoaa during tb; preaeat aesaoa eToiyuaw. wee.iMj t eccouat vt the high prlcas which ruled durlof tba paat season. These htfh artcea ware brane-ht about by tbs Uck .at supplies, sbd aot by say lwresse U tha daatand. y, . ridht U Oa Xarirait- iafa.'"V' ;.t' ' There la a deree djtht aa amonc tbs eartom local tobbera for coatrol e( tba (rait Jar auar aaaa of tills territory dorlPB taa present sea oa. . Beeeral secret eata baea bsea mada la tbe qaotatlons, but today there was a publle decline o( 10 cents oa pints aad auartsaad . . l i . ii . km wisa. Tbeas te coats ve. a""" " . z: Oearas ara practically 00 cents lower tbaa tboee of tba preetous aeasos.' Tba new price are: Plnta. $6 7B oarta. 9.46i halt fsllons. M R-l . M M . IMllV to USt tST- rltary aorth of Win lock aor west a Pasco. Jtap Crop Prespocta Beear aeTser. , If tba ether bop dHtrlrta af tbe. state srs looklnc as wall aa AarorC aad reporta say that they are. tha chances ara focd Iter a hop crop ta tba self-boor hood at 13.000 aad lftu.600 belea for this atate dnrtat tba eomlnf eeeraa. Tbs vlnea are aU aooktna healthy aad ara crowinc (est. Their growth a) sboat a BMMtb' uaeaa ox preraxs. wmwanm. - -ket tehaulet, bat Arm. H. H. Placa. af laaaa . .a At ' -amasUI 'iBl aaaatktts. IMCfM m BI HB, OI A a ub, ' ' JottrMl mm TticV tn rtffffw to hop . . l il.t.Ua tsmdl kAria-hT M . . aa UssffasmrlllaTi Br VT Lh, -t tk.e d ha anmPBTabdV if- BPdMaSraal feTAal Such quieter. Kow will aaalyaa this sale ana eee new boimv m t..i The smsll lot la oaeatloat a erery v the iMoeaat lot arowa Araund Botterllla last year. ad Tl market was ooomuui ia ww - offered tor this particular crop wss 2 eeau, - m i - aurkee... If the hat hrouaht 33fe cents oa tba same basis of Tslns (hot re bona would be worth today at )eest' rents. ' Notwltkataadlrf tba Interior qaallty. bowwrer. this sane 38-bals lot was Immediate. ly turned orer tu another dealer st s kaod some nrodt. Tbla amall traaesctloa will prob ably he rlred by tbs bears ta aB asetWma of tba country, and la a iew days ths sale will manlfy antll It wlU dot be 29 bales af olnsTy' hip." bst IK or 1,000 bales at choice goods at 2tt cents. . : . ' "Absnt . week ago- a eabla-waa reeareed IP Taenma from Lqadaa ta tba effect", teat ikiI. Herat waa dectarlng tnera "tne mer- ess msrket la dameraUaed. I eaa oaf freely la Oregpa rbotce gosaa at eenie. . rempatvT. 90Tt.Ka feet sections V aa alTld sdd 15, township I aorlh. rang Thomas K. Psweett and wlfs tp 1. K. ' Johaaon. aormeaai " block 28. James Johns' sddttloa, i- , . tmm a . neetbweat end Bald . 7..... ........ 1600 p. M. "BVTBobarta"'aad buabaad te I. B. Bnrdra.- lota f-ld, locloalre, block Hunters addltkm ...j... ............. ; BOO Albert Gamma ii to A. Wppel and utlfa. - . eaat lota and d. block tXi. BoUa- day addltloa .................".....1.000 Eat her Ooodmaa et al. to J. Ooodman at ; al.. 80x50 feet beginning TO fact eaat at i northeast eoraer block 108. Coach sd- dltloa ...., ..'..........-. t. l.avO Hannah Miller at aU te P. Nelson, parcel land section 3d. . towaahlp 1 aorth, ' rana 1 weat ......... ...e.. .. 1 P.". Brink and wife te C. B. Bchllek.1 ela-T Vt al.T kit IV Mor Uncola Park Aaaes -..-....... L . ' . A. Qlbbeard aad wife ta J. U llerach-. ner, tot a, bmcb a. mooti d . , Boaeymaa Truat company to W ,. . Orrene. tat , 23. block 1. Wood law a - Heights .. 0 Mary B. Hart aad buabaad to . Karalg, ; lota Id aad 17, block 4. Bralnard ..... IM Warrea I. Burdea and wife te the pub- . lie. aorth 20 feet lot IB. block 1 Mount Xabor vuis anae... t. A. Higglns te U A. Rutherford, lota . Id aad 10, Oloca ii, avinsci -r ...... 0. M. Lnyd sad wife to O. MlUaehiln. north 30 feet Jot J block I, .Albtnaj Homestead i... C. H. Korell and wife ta J. K. Plyaa.., lot JL block 207. Ooneh addltloa . . . . . l.0 1. B. Wllsoo to C H. Korsll, lot S, -block ai7, Osoch iddltloa MBO atobert Brunka te B. P. Lewie, t acres , secttoa 17. township 1 aouta. rsogs .1 eset ........... .........'.......-......,'.I0 0. Andersoa and wife to, P. A Tarbell, lot a. block SO. Piedmont ............. Balph C. Nowland te 0. Asdersoo, .lot ,. block a, IMednioat ............... Charms Knrts and wife to II. t Bmlth.' lots and 4. block 10, Central Alblns. e k. a T.rhell la D. L. Ror. lot A 250 800 block . Piedmont ..............I..... 1 1. L. Hartmsn et al., to J. Br don. lots . ,14 snd id, block 20, St. eohaa . lielghta . -J addltloa - eeae estate from th Title ouaraatee a Trasi aaayt Chamber ac commerce auiMiag. ' r . amBnre pibmita tOMMASN April . B. $. ' Roasmas, booth, Tburmaa betweea Twenty-dftbsnd Twenty. alitb streete; coat, A30. TOROUPhV AprH . r. W. Torgler. dwaMlnc, , Bast Bslmoa between Tweatletb aad Twenty- drat streetsi cast, 2,220. - TORMUCR April ft, P. W. Torgler. dwelling, Beet Halmen, between Twentieth aad Twenty. drat streets; eost, ILBNO. CAI.ANIiRB April A P. A. Cshtader, dwelllag, Broadway between Poarteeath and FtfteentA atreeta; coat, dl.ano. . . . . COPI'lN April ft, E. Coffin, stand, Tharaua . betweea Twcaty-etxta and Tweaty-eerenth atreeta: cost, :- WATMOS April ft, Mr. O. Watson, repairs In dwelling, Cl(hteeatb..betweea Thormaa aad I'nabur streets;, cost, e-M. BAlllI April A Nash ' Bros, " fw ' dwelllnea, Msst Krerett betweee Thirtieth aad Iklrty ret atreets: eest, IS.AIO. HALL April A A. O. Hsll, Bats, Bearer be tweea Twenty-inira , aaa J westy-rourtk elreeta; coat. 13.0UO. AKAMcVllt- Anrll ft, C. W. Adanaoe, repairs t store, Tw.Bly-elith between Thsrmaa and ' rpebar streets:-met, $d.00i. . LA rtl April . B. A. Lsdd, repair to dec 11 1 nr. , Past Msrrlsoa street arai loloa teaaoe; post, ' $29.-.-. ., ',-.'... ;. -.'V aa barer at any price.' Tbla to a aampld af U false aaws that la being dlaaemlaatad. d.OOd Bales la Vaiklagtaa, 'la Waahtaetan. tbaee ara about A000 balaa of bona la arvwera' pus aaaa tea aad theaa bops ara la tha bands of oca who are faith aad strong of finances. If taa grower. f .other aeetlona hold ss urell aad aa long as the Weening loa growers, there will be tha earn gaaatlty of hops oa tba coast la July that there br today, unless the price advances materially la th meantime. Reporta from all .seetiana of tha world Indicate that growers srs Armor folders today tbas - they bare been at any time daring the present eem- pelgn. Tbsy realise well that n ury per mit their eoBuaoa oncmy. tha -saon seuere,. te wla that time tha future of tha hop-grow Ing hualneea will be Jeopardised, aa th preaeat tactics will be pursued ; BTery year. -Murtaga It Ibrn, ?: '' 's Tm mailt hnhllahed eoveenment'S St tntka regarding' the caasamptloa of hops la tba United Mtatea a now eoaciualealy that tha brewers of the djalted Btstea consumed last year, 10OS-19O4, 210,000 bales of hops, sad at the present rate of ' taereaae the consumption this year - will reach 27,000 pales. These I) seres ara derived -from tba awora atate- menta of brewers aad era. therefore, hao- Intelr correct., Now. . If wa grew ta 1004 iaw.noo bales. Imnm-ted 1.1.000 bales, and e ported up to date do. 000 bales. It eaa readily be aaaa that wt ara abort of our require ments anaaethlng Ilka bales, and this doss not Uka late eonslderatloa tba bona seed for yeaat, dyes.- whisky. : patent medicines, i to., which anwuata ta no Inconsiderable qual ity, , aad the further probable Importing:, of hops to Eaglsnd.", - , ' Pets toes aad Osleaa Booming. . t 4 Tbere la a much better feaUng . la1 both potatoes and - anions. ; Tha supplies ef tbe former hare become so short la this state that Colorado s tucks are new oa their .way her for local coaaumptloa. . Tha eaton sup plies remaining la this atate ara eery small, and are la few hands. At ehlpplng polatav dl aad 11.06 per hundred prounda to being agreed for fancy potatoes, while onions sold Am eeaterdae betweea dealers at A4.2A. ' Today's who leas Is guotstlooa, a rerlsed, ar aa 'follow: , ' , y Arala. PWar and aA. - . WHEAT Nominal) dab and red, BSei hlaa U96t0ne. ..U.v H7SMHe. BABUCVPeed. dSAaOi roiled. Ae4.00; braw- . COBSWbol. $24.50; tracked. A&M 'pat toa. . ,-i .... KYB fl-Af pr ewt, ' .- , rjATB No. 1 white. 12. 00; gray., mm. FLOUA Casters Oregoa Patents, ai.AS; atralgbts. $SJ; exports,; Tailey. MlLLBTUPeA Braa, lit 00 per ' tout mld dltnga. fa.00; shorts, aoaatrp, (2300; chop, 118.00. . . . ,, ' HAT Timothy; Willamette valley,' faaey, 113.001 ordlaary, 112.00; eaatera Oragoa, I1A00; mlied, 112 00; ciorer, fll.OO; grsin, AU.0O; cheat, til.OO. .i . j. ' T Batter, Sgga aad Poultry. BPTTKB PAT Bweet. Jdci sour. Ate.1-. ' BL'TTKB lty creamery, beat, ar.r 27 Vic; sec- sea graae, c; outsioe rsncy. sotjl c, oral, aery. 26c; , California, 2"ee store, 16lc v KtXilt No. 1 fresh Oregoa, 17Viloc. CUKJSrJB New Pull cream, twin. Ids! Young Aaaertcs, ITOlfVte; eestara. )0OUe; Callfurala,' lftet Uboadar. Ida. J- POULTRY Chicken, mlaad. lee. per . Ib: hens. 15tgl5Va. par lb; -roosters, - old, lee per lb: yooai. lc par lb: broiler. 4.ftOXA0e per dua; fryers, 18c per lb; ducks, alUMHta.00 per. dua; geeae, datOc per lb; turkeya,. IT Id lee per lb; dressed, 20ttUVa per Ibf Souabs, 2.nvt.w per aoa. v.j. Hoys, Wool aad Xldea. v HOPA Oootrsct, laoa, l17e; 1804 arop, v20e for choice; Sot324. fay primes aad aardlama. . . v WOOL loot clip, etlley, coarse ta BMdluss, UtJlOei. Aaa, 2U4jZ3e eastera Oregoa, : 164) 17c. v- 1 1..- , - MOHAIR Nominal. 0tjS2He. . SHSKI'BKINb Ahearlng, lb20e; short wool, fo:iue; aacdlum wool, (OfJMto; . king wool, aOcUfl.OD each. . -- ' . - TALLOW Print, par ta. dBt No. J aad grease, 2c2Vle. CHITT1M BABK404M -par ' s, buylag Pnce. . Ice. . HIDEa-ry hide. Na. 1, IB lb aad up told per lb; jury kip, Na. 1. d to Id Iba HIDES vtf hides. Ba.'l, la iba had up, twajiaba lc c: dry calf. No. 1. aadar ft lb. 1041 18c: drf salted bides, ateers, eound. do taa a over, IVktl V4c: ao to 00 iba, hubviei under 60 ba sud cows, 0Vc; Btagsl and halls, aoaad. JTc: Hp, 1 to 80 Iba, ic; aoaad, 10 ta 14 lbs. 8J We; calf, aoaad, aadoy 10 lbs. V.OUc: greea tunaaueoi, is per in teeaj cuiia, je per m ssss; horse hidea. salted, each. ei.A34Jl.T5: dry, each, .31.0001.50; eolt bides, each. 2SoOe; goat skine, com moo, earn, iuejioc; evogora, nltb wool on. each. Sbrdtfl.OO. . - . . IraMa aad Yagataalaa. . POT ATOCa Best oregoa. gl.0043I.10; ear lota. t. o. h. eouBBry. II. oo: second a-rsde. liabc sack; boring, car lotB,-ftOWc: Bsrly Kose, a1.tsJCji.im4 aweets, seat, i.oOafl.w; crated, 11.75: new Csllforala. 4c per lb. ON10N8f4.00t4.BO, buyers' prices, country, e4.0ot4.10; AasU-sUa, H-0A00; gsxlic, l 10rBkXH FBUITA Applaa, extra fancy, ft 1.50; fancy Oreana, 75uta5e Dor bast cheaa aradee. oOiUTSe per boa: araages. aaraL (2. 00 it 2. M pox; japseese orsngea. ouaooe noa: aaaaaaa, tViUft per lb; lemoaa, enolca. 32.75 per box; faner. 33.00 ner bos: tunes. Msajcaa. aba ear 100; pineapples. 34.00(15. oo: erubarrlaa, aaat era. lii.oo per not: uauioraia 33.00 per crate. , BHaieriJ-,BJB awraipe. loayeue per . saeai earnu. 31.00djl.10 per sack; beets. 31.3s par ears! ttreawa rsuisaea xoe par 00a caonag. Oreena. ... . , nee evrt: fUfomln. gl.laell 1st lettuce, hothouse, per crate; greea peppers. 7e per lb: Chill peppers, Ida per ta; celery. - 30.7564.00 , per crstej - tomatoes. ritnaa,. so 00; ataxics. az.sncja.aoi parsnips. 3LOOil.x5; pie plant, as per box; string beans, 12o ' nojlflowet. Ore gaav dlJloe) 1 0; . flffee-in 0 a par crate; rhubarb. Be per lb; past pk Ins. 1 per b7 horseradVsh, 7tee par lb; aprouta, dc; ertieboaea, auajiae per aoa; antnooss e trace, ll.604gl.7S per bos-, Oregoa radlshea, 3&O40S per dua;- gresa onions, 4oe-Ber -Vm: aaparagua, I0e par lb; aplnach, 75 per hex; . anuaaa. le aee ta. .-.. ..... BBIEO rdriTSr-AprleS, seaporsted. TCJ gar lb; .aprioote, Hle par lo; sacks, !, per lb less; pescnaa, aaiat per id; pears, 1 per ta; prunes. Its I lis, 3Mt4Ue per lb; Preach, 3Ht4e per ta; flg. CaUforala black, hatawe ner Ih' California White. Bar tal plums, pitted. par Jb; dates, golden. At per ta tarda. 3 1.60 par 15-lh bos. , Araaarim. Beta, . Xte. BDOAB Back heals Cebe. fd.20 powdered. 30.05; fruit granulated. 30.06: dry graacUted, 35.06: beet erssuleted. to. 65: sxtra C. 36.45: gold C 5.e5 bbls. 10c; 14 able. 25c: boxes, fiu adraaca oa each Deals, laoa 25 par ewt for cash. 16 data: aaa Die. lit 10 par Bh : HONEY 14 Vies 15. . ,. t COPrEB Package breads. 314.33. - AALT Ptaa Belas. As, At, 4a. 6a. 10a. ll.dBt fable, .dairy, 60s, dlLOO; 100a, 310,76r Im ported Ueerpooir BOa, dlT.00; 100a, 318.50; 224a. 310.00: extra flaa. bbls. Is. 3s. As. 10s. t4.60as no? bulk, 320 iba, 34.004) 5. 00; sacks, os, dfiflode. BAL.T ooerae liair greono, itna, pur n, 37.00: 60s. per toa. 37.60; Liverpool, lamp rock. 31 A 50 ner ton: 60-lb rock. 37.00: 100a. 3A7A ( Above prices apply te salea af Mat than car Iota. Car lots at special pel era aabject te Ouo- toathmal. GRAIN BARB Calcutta. 6.TBld.00 per 100. - KICB Imperial Janaa, Ns. 1. 4 tie: No. A 4c; new- yneaeaa, - aeaa, ewajsv, aiuja, emv, Creole, 4c' . - BEANS BmsTI white, 4c: large white, met pink. 3ttet bayou, 33.00; Ltmss, ds; Maxlcsa reds, Te. - , NUTS Peinnts, THf juaboa, e per re; w. 4JI0 per lb: roasted. I cocoa sets, tiBOe aer doe; walnuts, 14Qloe per lb; pin nuts, lOtsllc par lb; hickory nut. 10 per In; cbestauta. eastern. 1 Oct Inc. per lb: Bra all nuts. 15c par lb; filberts, 154f 10 per ta; rsncy pecana, 144JIV per Ibt almoads. 13Q16 r ta. swata, osai wua, na - R0PB Pur Manila. 14c; standard. llt; slaal, 10 e: lstle bread sfeal, . COAL OIL- Pearl or Antral Pases, tit aar gai; water waite. Iron bbls, ioye per gsi; wooden. IT -aer sal: headlisht. litre deg. caeas. BSC per gsl; Iron bbls, Idfte per gsL OaJtOIJ MB Kn-dce eaaea. g2e ner rail troa bbls, 2de per' gsl; stov, caaaa, 24 e par gal; Iron bbls. lse per gsL 1' TURPENTINE la esses, A3 pat. gal; bMs, 3 per gsL . ' v . i BBNEINB 6S-deg' eases S3 aar gat, Iron bbia isug per g,i7 , - WHiTat i.r.An Toa iota, th or wt 6O0-13 ta. Ti r-er lb: leas lots, ft per Tb. . , , WIRE rt Al I Jl Present beee at 33 00. UbRRED OIL Pure raw to hols, dl par 11: eaaea. 00 nor gsl-deaalM AetUa belled, eases. de per gal; hbla. tat per gsl; ground cake, car Iota. 120.00 per toa; leas tbas car tots. e.v per toa. . . Meat. Pish and Prevloleaa. - PRESS MBATB Prfjnt atreet Beef, steers. 45toe per lb; pork, block.. TOT He per lb: packers, 7DTVt per lb; bulK 34e per. lb: cow a, 84)4c per h( . mutton. Q7a and Ismbs with . pelts. 32.ooci3.Ou:' veal. extra, ditTc; ardlaary. 6c per to; poor, llAMS, BACON. sTTC. Portland sack (local) hare.. 16 te 14 lbs. 12c per lb: 14 to Id Iba, is per in; in m m ids, iao per in; ootti c POT lb; bee k feet bacon. I2ctlae nee nlcnlc. Ae aer lb: reenlsr ab:t eLaare. em. smoked, ie per. lb; smoked, lotic per lb; deer eersa, sneraoseu, ve per lot SBaoBeu. joe per lb: I'utoa batta. 10 to IS Iba, ana looked, a aer lb: smoked. Oe aer Ibt clear bellies, aa. amobed. lie nee lht amoked. the eee Ih. LOCAL f.ABD Kettle leaf. 10s 10' aer Tb; 6a, I0V, per lb; IW Ib tins.1 lot. per lb; steam renrWed. 10. IS' ner lb; As. par lb: tnhe. t per Ibi 6a, t( per Ih. ' V.'ithtr Cir.i"-cn Art , liiil for Cynttr Crops Throughout th Northwest Locks Like a Rscord Cre&icor in Hop Production. SECKliTIES DAD - BIG RISE TCDAY Big Railroad Pool Advances Five ana an tightrt ppints in , Session. - . PACIFIC MAIL ONE QF . THE BULL FEATURES TTT"i '-l ' -Anaconda. Atchison - and Am'al- ' gamated Among Strong 0nes. j ADVANCES. Anaconda ........ JH Atcblaoa, com .... IV Great Westerd I1L Central ... e ... m ic .... l3 AlCUIBOB, Dia Alloa Manhattan .... Mex. Central ... : Norfolk A Weat .. Ben. Steel, pfd . .TT (ana diss Pae Loula. , A Nash. ,. . 4, MlaourlPe ,.. Vt HU L. A S. tY p. 4k U. P., pm- ..r.- 4 Leather, . eom...... i Leather, ptd ..... XSs Pacta Mall lv Bock Island, bid.. 'sesae at recto Anuilgaamted Brooklya .....7. 8U Paul .,. 1 2t Klbber . OOod ' ..... yk Kabber Oood Rubber, com ...... H North. Baourltlea .. 0 LOSSES. ti,X.r'H a eA Tl Sugar ,i.v.,, Car A round!. P .. - Erie, com TT...... , 4s N. T. Central Oat. A Weat Peamivlvanla Rep. Steak cam .. , H Bock Is.. 00m , ... S. P., com Brie, za pro . . Krle.lst pfd... Besdlng BnMlter, com Bait. A Ohio .. HteeL com Steel, pfd Month, kv r.. com .. . Voto. fcouta aa Teaa.. Cost IVk Wtll Btreet. New Tork. April 10. Oa -th curb today Northern Securities hsd a sensational advance. The market opened atrong at 144 4- and closed at 100, a net advance for tbe day of 36J2tt. Oa tba exchange most of tha list wsa showing a good advance at th doee. ' Tbe bull features were Aaacoada, Amalgamated, Paclnn Mall. TJnlted 8tatea Leather aad Bub bar Uoods. Texas A PaclBc atoa bad a good gala. '.".-- : Today a .official atork market: ' , i "' DESCBIPTION.. t Anaeoada Mining Oo Amal. Copper Co...., 12254 atcntaoa. com, do preferred. 10s 102 Am. Oar A Pound., eom. 40 i 0m uo peoierrea.v . Am. Augar, com... . ... . Am. kuuelt,, omnme. - da preferred.......... Baltimore A Ohio, com. do preferred.......... Brooklyn Bapld Transit. Canadian PaclAe, com... Chi. A Alton, eom...... do preferred ChL A Ut. West., com.. CM.', Mil. - A Ut. Paal... ChL, A North., coat..... ChL Terminal By Cheaapeske A Ohio...... Colo. Pucl A Iran. com. UK! Jim 143 14314 1151 tl 124K 1 4 ltWV 10054 T0I4. . . . 00 16841 15a w 41 a di 2sU 2844 1TS 1T8I4 1243 Com. South., com....... da 2d preferred....... do lat preferred...... Delausre A Hudson.... Oebk, Laeka. A West.. Brie, rmj7r . do 3d preferred....... do 1st prefered...... Illlnoie Central 48 80C 101 V, 14l4 1122 1? Lealavina A Naahvllle.. Metre. Xtreet By.....,., leialbr)4 Mexican Central By... M., St. P. A BM. M...4 da preferred. ........ Missouri PaoAe. ...... M., A. A T,. oam..... QO ptfaWTfffle e e Aa-T. New York Central., Norfolk A Weatera, osta North AaMTlcaa N. y.. Oat. A West... PaaaayrvaBla 1 By...... P. O.i-L. A C. Cs 20141 4Ta ioaii ion 81 44 0044 100 m ooh 148 H 110 Preaaad Bteel Oar, eom.. 4214; oo preierea. ......... Psclflc htaii Steam. 0.. Beading, earn... ....... do 2d preferred...... ' do let preferred...... Ben. lroa A StaaL com do preferred......... Back lelaad, cam ., do preferred. ......... Biwoe uerait,,,.,..., 00 preferred......... Southern By., com ' do preferred Souther Pacloc. do preferred,...,..,. - A 9A MMt ... V4 dd f do 1st nref erred..... St L. A S. W., com..x da preferred. TnsrA Pacific........ Teaa. Coal A lroa.;.... T.. St. I A W., com., do preferred......... Cnloa Psclflc. eom. ... . do aref erred .....,... . . 01 V laoH v u. n. imunt. awes...., do preferred,.,...,.,. Vt A. Knbber,eoa.....y 0 4414. 4414 2t4 ew tw iiwiwi ..... .... C. A Bleed... Co., com., do nref erred ........ L Ill 11710104 37 8T14 37 101 Vi 101 , 101)4 WIseonaIn Central, om. 00 pnrerrea..,, Western Cnlou Tela... Wabasb, : mm,.1,,.,,,,. oa prererreq. 40141 40141.40 . Total ealea for day. lHLSOO shares. CaU awnar 314 per cent. . .. ,;. ' xesoris lmmre irocn.' Ssa Prsactocay April 10. Oeaing morslng aes- 1 - . Bid. Montaaa ....... 33.86 Midway 1.02 McNanaard ..... .48 Belmont 1.36 North Star .... .04 Rescue ........ ,13 Oold Mt ....... .18 Jim Alutlar .... .81 Bed Top ....... j .80 OoldAeld ...... .Tl . Sandstorm . . ... ..B5 Bsndetnrm, Ex . .18 Cssh Boy ...... .25 Horn Stake ..4 .22 Bid, .13 ..... .27 e .33 1 Mobswk IMtle .. Kendall . .1 .0 ' Oolnmbta Mt ... .4A .01 Jamba Ex ..... .20 Black Butte' .... .41 Hllver Pick ... .22 Hold. Anchor .. 1.1214 nay u nrics ... ,mn lOphlr, Ton ..... '.40B O. Bull Prog ... .88 ma mono, r leia . ,0 1 . : COltBTOCg atJBTBA BTOOBA. ,!v, Saa Pranctsco, April 1A OfSctol cloaUg Bon tag aeaaton: . ,:e'-.'' " Bin. I ' . ; Bid. pAulltea ..!..... .8014 Savaga ' .. .86 Potoat ,.l. .14 Cntoa Cea .a Yellow Jacket . .23 Belcher ........ .36 Cob. Cal.-Y.... t-00 ' OprU 11.20 laledonla Mrxiraa .64 ' Eicheouer -i.. .00 J.frj ..86 ; Hale A Norcross .Vt" (Vm. Aad ...... Scorpio 3 . ;Wr' faraiga Copper ltsrnsts. ' New Tork. April 10. Havre aad Hamburg coffee, 14 point up; Rio recelpta, l,m batra: Hantns, s, Ota) bags; msrket taactlva, 1UO aotata tower. !' -t SterUag Batoa, '- ',,.' New Tork. ' April 10. Sterling ' "rafesr J TV Bind, 4Hd.goetefi.40; aO dsysft 484.6043434.00. vosiXAjrs jaw. siATuiXaTi;:V.-. riearltwr ....... ........ A.,.I,078.2T41 Bslaaces . ......................... , 102,042.30 1.861 Aft tsito, ftRO: fsaep Mb tata, 31.00: is tsnry Bats. 1 xs; s uiis la. Dink. gsiOOe: red. SlAOi anaalaai 02. Av tall. 33 08. . - , PI8H Bock end. T per Tb; AosnnVrs. 3c per B: halibut. T14 per Ih; crabs, 31.26 per striped baas, I0A) lte par lb cab Sab, Te per Tb; salmon, ehlneek. lxrt ateelheads, per Ih; frosea allveealdea, Tc per tt: herring, 6 per lb; soles, . Se per tb; shrimps, loe per B: shad, dreeeed. ear Ih: peeeh. 6 per lb; chad roe, per Th: shad, a per lb; black cod. aer lb; Columbia river smeltv 6 pee lb; allver aatett, 6a per tal tohetera, 12V4C! fresh msekerel. Be per lb; rrawtah, Joe par doa Bounders, 6 par tal Star .on, Te per rb. , OYSTERS Shea Iwatar bay, .par sal, 3J.35 per aark, Te per Ih. . . - 1 CLAMS Hard abelL aar aaa. 32.001 Jama. 32.00 per hu. . tLG3S-I,'l T(lE.f,AYC?ra Chicagr Market Drops One and , a Half Under End of Pre- vious Session. SAVED FROM BOTTOM BY ; RALLY AT THE CLOSE SnowV Report of Improved Crop a Bearish Feature of ' 1 1 . Day. '1 . 1 , 4 TODAY'S WHEAT MA B KET. Open Close , Cloa .Loss Today. 30.0114 .oiivt : : ,J0 Today. ,...1,414 i.... .8714 ..V .8254 Today. ' Sat. I1.I4H 11.1614 May July ..... September .m44A .el I be h ' Chics go. April 10 Tbs Minneapolis cash Wheat market . to very attest 1. factory. To Bouthsraat rash markets ar dull aad lower. Larg recelpta are taking th edge oa the deaiaad. Berrbur a little show of strength at the opening the market ahewad a dowa. war a tenaency TBroagn taa aeaaioa, aevemp trr Into a fata sited selling nsovement Just be fore tha close oa which a new tow record wss mad tor tha deferred futures. A little rally lu tba later dealings Saved th market from closing at the bottom. Th' eoatlaaed ine Weather and aeavtneae af tha May opt toa un doubtedly were largely ' reaponalbto for thlk drags-tug tendency as waa asm Saow'e crop report for April, which makes the conditio for winter wheat SO per cent agalaat 00.1 per rent a year ago, and BS per cent ta his report last Oeceanber. . Tha deferred futures hava bad a kmg continued decllae with ecareely any ran. V , ... ,,. . ... .. . ,; , , ... , ' Cera - Cheeked Vy Wheat, -Tb dragging-teadancy af wbeat undoubtedly held Cbra la check. Th feeling prevslto that with tba oDenlur ef narlaaUon local atacka will decrease rapufly. Parmera are taking ad- vsBtage ox taa spieaaia: conditioaa ana ao aot ace is I be surprised. Small receipts, wa feeL would stimulate tb cash demand aad bring higher -artewe. la tha speculative autrket. , Today's official marksts: . -v . ( t. ' WHEAT. Onea. Hleh. Isrw. $ 114 ... .084 .81V Close. 1.1444 -V- .3A44A May.....$ 1.1414 A l id - .ft744 .OS COBB. July.. ... ,87i. hep I, April. 4T14N .48 ..4744B May,. Jut.. Sept.. .4714 . 48. ' .4714 .4737 '. . .48 . ..4744 .474 . ' .48- . .474 .4T Msy;. July., v;.-r'.o ,sni4 . . .3 im 1AVA tearo rusl.'. May.... 12 0 . 1X.86 , 1JA0 July.. ,.v 13.0714 -18.10 18.06 ' -A - - AahBO. V :e April... .... T.1214N May.,.,.- 7.2214 T.A5- . T.20 '.5-e T.2214 July... 7.40 . T.U4 . T.40 . T.40 dept.. May.. July.. T .65 ,- T.10B T.86 -T-Mlb SHORT BIBA T.10 T.121, , MS"' T.32V : T.S6 . . T-3214 Sept.'. MARKET HEAVY WITH .OFFERINGS LIGHT Ban Praactoca, April 10. B. ' P. Hattoa A Co. say; The wheat market was heavy with tba eCertag light by the outsider. Th large Interests supported tbe .market and It closed steady. Largs holders feel conSdeat af their position and do aot feel tocllaad ta dlepsee af their huldUgs at this level. Tber to aa noticeable change la th cash altaatloa. In barley the May traa weak, oa good re ports from th country. December eras steady. Teday'a efdclal 11 So a. m. market: ... . . . . WHEAT. . ' Oaem , High. '. Law. fay 31 4414 11.4414 $1.4414 Kaoembsr ... 1.20- -l.2 . '1.2S14 BABLKY. ' Ctoaa. H.44U . 2tl4 Map ......... 1.1314 , 1.1514 1.1541 1.154. eww. .naia a. 0014 CxUCAAO CASat SXAXB. Cblcsga, April 1A 4asb Wheat: ' ' ' Bat Bid. $l.i14 1.06 . "11414 1.00 1.1014 1.10" Bid. Aa. ; No. No. Na.. No. No. Na.. No. i S ........31.10 $1.18 ' 10614 ; lit . J 06 1.13 . Lis - 1.00 S bard...., S hard..... 1 north era S northern S spring.. .... 1.14 .... 1.00 .... 1.10 1.06 .... l.OO 1.0S PAHtABT, ABlPalXBTS AJTO tTUUKAwtxa, ' Chleapa, April 10. Prli latary . race u Today.- racalntat ) Jar. leer Are. Raah. n. Wheat ... ................ 40.000 , , 416.000 Corn ;....:. T64.000 . 374,000 Khlpmeuta: . ... . . Wheat ...i........'...:.....3St0r 1HS.000 w", ,,M'.',"'.,.",we ti,uuv ciesrasces; rwue, a.MW barrels; cam. WOIXITB, AEAnl TTATAtf. caieage, AprH , 10. Orsla Visible aapply ef , ; i-;--?..' ,-'-'' .Today. Tear Age.. ""lac. ' . Bush. Bdsh. , 'Bush. Wheat .-. 31,007.009 3i.1w1.00o '- 617.000 Cora .......... 8.8eJ0,000 0,605. la a) C19.000 Oati ......... .16,14,00 ;i0,342.000 8. 277. OUO UTIIPOOL OBATJI JtAAKXT. t-;'-; Tiverraml,; April '10. Oose: Sfacat May, I14A 44d higher; July. 144 higher. Cora May, 14d down; July, unchanged. TS14A 44d higher; July. 144 higher. -?...:.' Oatoage wraiaahr lto. Chleage, April 10. Orala ear lata: - ; Oera. Orads. Bat. Wheat ................ 87 0 ' 83 ; Cora .. i .......... ,. .347 4 SO .' 41A Osta -.................. 50 s ' ' 64 1304. 121 1 4rrakt Tisfalat : .-Chics go,. April, lOAmerlcaa grala vtatbls supply. -V--., .- t , ,. Wheat Decrease bf .830.000 boehela fem litcreaaa of .............lHO.iaa) buahela Oats Decrease af ......... .....gud.OOO hsahela HEAVY DOWNPOUR IS 4; ; HELP TO THE' CROPS v..-;.:-y--: v. - v , . (Spedal Dispatch te The Journal.) ' Wall Walla, Wash, April , lO Ieeter. day whs .a relay day la the Walla Walla valley, a downpour being maintained for sev eral hour. Early In th morning th shower began, and it continued without . Interruption until well la tb. evening. , Th amount of predpltatlne was la exceea et that ef say day this year.'.-. ' r Parmera were pleased tn are tb aeoletur cam at this time, ss seeding Is over and ta some p la nee tba soli waa very dry. lAte eprlng seeding waa coming oa slowly, becaaae at tbe abortage- of moietiire, and th aeaaoa wsa rapidly pawing. , l.'ntll pestcrday a de ar lency of nearly two Inches waa recorded la tha normal molstur at this aecttoa. There la still a alight deBcteuey. With a few days of bright, warm aanehlae vegetstlna will take en a etraag growth aad. tba backwardness which haa characterlotd this spring will ala- IMMt . .... .... TODAY'S PRICES IN : :: r THE WHEAT MARKET , ' Ma y Option ; Monday. Baturday. .$1.14H ll-l 7a 14d t Ts d , . i.4H -v 1.43 , Chicago Liverpool 4 4an Francisco 4. JrlUwaukee ... 4 . 8t COBIB .... ..t$ 4 Kanaas city. 4 hew Tork... . -v., 4 1 Per cental. , dh ,. . , .3214 .$434 .... 1.08H' ,l.eiAB " 4 44l( I kv...-r ..II..J ',' .. , ' - e . (Bneclal J-aMi to Th Joaraai.) 4 ' CuitaA. V,an..' AorU. 10. Tho 4 Alnd of - tha- Whitman county d 4 farmer Im raattng ca ay thaao d dp 'days of alternata rain, aunahlna d 4 and snow. Ta works of aprlnB- d t .llko weather , through FooruAryv 4 nd early Alarcb. were mada ax- d 4 cellent use of and practically 4 4, all gprinc plowing is flpl"ha4 and 4 4 thd ground lies ready for seed d 4 and already much seeding has i 4 d bean done, particularly In tne ep 4 waatani section or .tna poumy. 4 Tha molatura which the . Palouae 4 eountry recently got was n eaaea 4 to lnaure-a good crop a,nd now . every condition la just wnai. t 4 .should ba,' ,; .. .v- :.- 4 The fall wheat, of which there 4 la an unuaually larg acreage. 4 has com through the winter un 4 : scathed and gives promise of an 4, early narveat - ana- a pienteou 4 ' year. Much stubble ground was 4 sown east fall, which makes the 4 acreage larger man .uauai. ana 4 ; unleas tha. unforaeen - and un 4 uaual happens tba) crbp :, this d year will go on record as one 4 of tha biggest In the. history of d the 'Palouae, , This large acreage 4 , la also duo to the fact that on d aocount of the prospective good 4 prices comparatltcely few farm d era -sununer fallowed ' much of d ' their ground this year. It la b d lleved, by many that prices this d . year ; WlU be . even bettor than d they ..were last. ' , '' db ' In -addition to the ; excellent 4 grain prospecta. the outlook for ,d a a xruit crop is gooa. rrso. d ,, tically no damage ia reported to 4 . fruit, of any kind, with the pos- 4 , Bible exception of apricots, which d 4 - in some aections were slightly d 4 .damaged by. the February cold.,4 d ,. anap. However,- there will be a 4 ratr crop. The growing aeanon ' of another year begins with the ' e d beat of prospects for everything d d which fattens the " purse and 4 4 'cheers the heart or tne mouse d 4 - farmer and tradeaman. ; . . 4 d) d 4 d 4 ') 4 4 d 4 ABSENCE OF flOCS HELPS THE MARKET 3-......- . t 1 . . " ., '..-' $ Receipts of Late Have Been Very Small Tone in Sheep It -, Quite Good. - v Portlsad t'aloa Stackyard. April 1A Uve- ttock recrJpui . . . .. . , ... " " .' Hog.' Cattto. Bhs. Today ... aim , . ... Week kg ........... ..i..lSBT n'f fjg Previous week 00'- ... r With tb xcepttoa of BOS cattto there were no arrleale . la tb Uvcatock markets today. Tbe general abaeac of hog from th market during the paat week has baea a great help to taa tana ana prices are Being net store 1. Th arrivals af cattto today war larger thaa during aay recast period, bat the tone to good. Th demand la sheep m good. Official prices for llvestech: Hora Price nominal. Beet eastern Ore roe. 35.5OsrS.00; blockers aad t'hlaa fau. 30.26; storkers and feeders. 34.604J4.T6. V t aUle Beat eaatera Oregon steers, S4.2B: Ugbt aad medium steers, e3.60QA73: old sad light cows, 82 5t4j2.T5; atochsra aad feeders, 32. 00; bulbv. $l.Bu. . . -T Sheep Beet fancy sheep, $4 50d.00 awet, $4.Bft4.B0j, sprlag Uasba, 6 1441 sc. - .. , :;.:;.' . . xastikb lowx, .. Chicago, April 10, I.tveetork receipt : Chtoage .'..aH.Otsl J jB.OOoy' 2S.000 - nog. t-sitte. r. a aeaa ony ......... o.taai - 7.01s) Omaha 8,000 ' d.on - T.000 Huga Ope at d alow.- 6 tower, 'with 3,300 left ever; receipts a year ago were 22.000. Prices: Mixed sad huerhare. M.SScl&.dO: -antid heevv. 3S.5O43.6.00: rssja1i. ao.36st6.40: UxhL BAXual .".'. f . lllUO-IUV IDWir. ,e. ' M V COHON CLOSES DOWN AFTER EARLY RISE Mew Tork. Anrll 10. Dot ton futures ana Bed te S pel eta higher aad chmed 9 aotata dowa. Today a. ernoiai cot to market: . ( High Itrw; . , , Close. . 780 v 7N0jg ,T48 , T461 1 T3 1 T24vt v: ... - .' TMI56 ' T5d 7M57 i TIW .. T68a)uT , 70S 780407 ... H T7S4I75 Janaa ry . t..7T ..t..755 ,1 T4 . THT-. April . Toa 70s : T . TOO T8T May tone . . July ' . t....,...T5 Aucuat ...t...70 September ....707 Kovomber ft , . . . -Dacember ..'...781 780 ; . T774J7S Uvsrpeel fatten . xUrkst.' v:' ; htrvai i. Awll 10. Ootton fs tare- closed toady pt a pavsta Bigaar. . BTW TOKX 00ITX1 : IIAXXET, , Kaar Yerb. April 10, Coffee .future efoaed ancbangad to 10 aotnm higher. - . Today's afSHal aoffe market: " . -' -.( . .. Bid. Ash. I 1 Bid. Art. April -. 30.66 eeIOetebee .....37.10 $7.15 May ....... 0 09 d OBi November .. 7.16 T.20 iune ...... 0.70' A75I December .. T.SM T.Z6 iuly ...... 0.80 SSSIlsnaary- .... T.38 . T.S0 August ...t awu e.soirearuary T.S0 7.89 September 1.0 .1.4W March . T.33 T.40 v' Sew Tork Oaah Oaffaa,' " '-. -"t? ' New Tark, .April 10. Cash eoCee: .Ke. T Kto,a4c; bo- 4 Baataa. SS. . r. .'y'- V . .r L ;' yABCico too ax noau..-': Sde Wearier, April la st IOiJO a. ..; ,r ; j Contra Costa Water ...... -Loral stock! eloetBg ,. Be.-. Spring Valley Water ....r, 80 ' hfutnsl Klertrie ...............!. 1S44 , S. P. 0s A Stoctrto. , , Olant Powder 03 , , Hawaiian Corn ................... 80 Honohe duesr .................. 11 Hntcblusoa Sugar 174 . Makawell Sugar imt Pssnpaa Sngar .... ....-'.. 2St , lsska Pachers ...... SOVj. Phcillc HUto Tel.. ............. ..106 ' .. : f aoerosT oonu frotrxa. Boston, April 11 -Official (lea lag! '-i. .-. . ' "nio. - Allous $ 31.2S Arcadlsa , .... , 1.26 Atlsatle ..... . 10 28 Bingham .... MOO Copper Mt ... SA.00 Copper Bang. T7.26 Calumet . .... 070. 00 BM Old lom .1...S MAO psceola . , , . , ... , I arret yulBcy ...... t 100.00 Phoenix V.. a.oo rs'4 43.75 l:l. 00 A tTicuwrs" Daly West ... , 14.00 nreen Oold . . 6.S7H (freen Copper 30.00 ' j Mens ........ 10.50 Mohawk .,., ' 6X75 Utah Winona tola Royal U. S. Mining. 1 ' Lendea-Vew Tark Bugar. ' - ' KeW Tork, April 10. BeSnsd sngar steady aad sarbanged: London beet aachsaged. , 4 'd 4 4 444444 ' TBB BOWa ana s-swaawtuam wx , ey e aAarsera aadl waabara tmaMamtrm d printed la ' n murae ar - xa . a t JottrxaU ara rszslsked fcr Ore. d d aetok. aTtert tOOB ., Oe. OkA. 4 d easro atcwraV ef TxsWU BUtokeea, 4 AO Blf. SBwat. t . :y, . . . d 4.; .-.. i v.- 444d44d4ddeddd The Waahlngton - Poet credits Mc Mlnnvllle to "Wash." . Thd Post had better come to tbe falf. " ;- . , - OVERBECIC, OTARR ci COOKE CO. - sxernoerw t;nicago Hoard si Trade, v. , - amAjrar, ysvoriuijaTm, .oonoar, arocx-s ajtd aomaY.,;' , ;v r 101 Third Straec BleKay Building . PorUsnd. Or. .- -. Wa HO A BTTaUOTliT OOTaTaBTJOeTOaT SllanaTStM. -"' 1 Contlnso'm Markets by Private Wire., w4.s-.-.J w -J. , ,(. '...'. ,s. II i.UlJujjS' Think of good Meat, Freeh Vtj-. eubles and line uroceriss, -J tV.eS all tStta art tn11 tt t-.ri-i I tatate et tve, ;e. attvJI most reasont!e. They're never higher , than other prices and'' lore lniaree in . mrtat ' ctt't V.t AM. T. Wt .. ... . MW ...WW - ciau: , , . 1 , . . - .. ',. : , , ... " ., ' - i - : -C5f - - 'Bob No. 1 White or Tellow sfdearonL - , 11 hars Qood Laundry ,80a p. - - ' '.35s . , : Twe S-lb. pkgs. Oold Dust, , 'fit-' 154 .'V ,r.T,' 3ilt.pkg. Pyramid Washing Powder. ... . ,30? - v ' 19 pounds good Brokea Rlea,"'- T,Jba. good Eaatera Rolled Oats. , i W. ' - 10 c . Mb. can Solid Pack Eastern Tomatoes, ' , 15 , ' . r -. 1 cana Standard Tamalnaa; IKn aie ' -'20s- r- - , -j. Can Baker's or OhlrardolH's Cocoa.' 81.UO - l' IT pounds Dry Granulated "8ugar." S ' We deliver on Eat Side every day. Fellows Grocery Co. rhoaa Mala' a5S v m WsadUsfloa at.t eiTT xonexs. : AJaMatXBT , TO nuMTOOVT . 0- ' lABT AXJOB traixr. - Notice k hereby gives that tba -Counetli ar tna city et rortiaad. uregoa, at a meeting viu aw tue via uay 01 April, tvuo, oeciarea . the . aaaeesmeat by ordinance Na. 14.630, for. taa impeovemeat or eaat Alder atreet, trt tha eaat line of Raat Thirty-eighth atraat ts th. wu Hu A ... TVl.t . I .W -.... . Sul, upoa each tot. part of lot and parcel of una, wnicn ara apecituy aaa pacuiuriy bab'thcr pabk addition'to bast' post. LAND BLOCK 8, tot T, C. T. Bowea. ub.6S 1 ' tot S, C. T. Bowea. tdS.TS; tot 0. V. T. ' . . see ea. Lt ta n .1.. v.. ri..k - SdO.30; lot 11. Oeorge M, Strsuaa, $60.30; o, - - 12. Georg M. Btrauas, Stst.33. .. BLOCK ., ' lot 1. Mary W. Burley7$d3.l8; tot S, Mary F.i Hurley, $3.SS: tot 3, Mary P.. Hurley, 304.3S: Joe e, u, vt, aaa margarex v . a ilea. sou. ns ; tot 8, O.. W. sad Margarat V. Altoa, 350.6s;. - - en a, u. w. aaa aurgaraa v. a.usa, ' Total. 3764. SL, . 1 . , ; A statemeat ef sforeeald sssesemeat kaa atea eaterea in ins voeaei-oi uif uen, and to aow due aad payable at the .afaew of the City. Tr reenter. In lawful ' money of tha . 1'utted State, -aad If aot paid within BO data from th ear of 'the notice such avoeeedlncd will be taken fur th collection f tb .an Be ea are pearl dsd By at tha Cite af Portland. The above asaeasaieat WW bear: lateresei 10 - days .after tbn.Srat pubUeattoa. of thl aotlc. ' . r f' ' TH08. C. - DEVLIN, r Aadltar ef rhe CHy of Portland. Oregoa. ' Portland, Oregoa. Date ef Brat aabUcatton, ttpni av. teve.. - . j. 1' ! 1 A1SIJBMASI V0B v XkTPBOTTJtlXr OPT N bast am.$im,'r;;: Notice Is hereby gives t that the fjbunetl ef the Cltf ef rertlsad, ueea-on, at a meeting held aa tha 5ih day of AnrlL IBas. declared th asareament br ordinance Na. 1A62S. fee the Imnroeemoat ef Beat A Met atreet, from - tba eaat tine ef raai inirty-iourru street to th west Haa ef Bunaystde Third Addltloa, la tha manner nroviojed br arainaaca no. it.. SIS. aoaa each tot. part of tot aad parrel , of . land, which ara apeciaUr aad peculiarly; heneflte ta It H rollowa. VIS! SUNN Y8IDB BLOCK S, tor 1. Bamuel Aadere aon. tor z. B. loom is. lot S. Mrs. belsna Mitchell. 3VX1; tot S, Aedrw " Nelson, 310.71; lot 0. Andrew Nelson. 315.03; ' lot 13. Andrew Netoon, 314 64; north 33 14 .feet of lot IS, Laula Caaey, 3u.lS: north : XK 1-1 feet of tot IX Leotss Casey. 31.16: west 3014 feet of sooth 00 3-3 feet of tot 12. W. 8. Drake, 3X1.05; east S reet of eeota " aa 1 feet nf tot 11. Ira O. Shatturk. 11.06: aouth SSS-S feet of lot Id, Ira O. Bhattack, ' 1IO aa. CROSIRB-r) ATtDITION BLOCK eVjtot T, T4. Smith, rza.ix; weat 10 fan ex n a, u. . Smith, $7.71; east 36 feet of tot 8, Jenntd C. Crnaler. 310.00; lot, . Bamuel u. amita. 321.10: . lot 10. Samuel H. Smith. 131T.T41 tot 11, . Lsretta M. Tsytor, $13.73; Vrt 13, Bamuel It. Smith. 127 30. - Sl'NNYHlD THIBD ADDITION BLOCK 04. . tot Id. Title Gusranees A Truat Company.) ': $2.03; lot 15, Title Onaraatee A Trust Comi- peay, u.oi i " v titea. tteareaitea aa traa tympany. su.uo. BTNKYSIDB BLOCK-B.- 333.36; tot 6. W. M. Moehle, 30.13; let 4. W. SB. luovnps ev.ei, wo , ... aa. attaeM w! 1.0b; lot W. W. M. MoebM, gil.oa; tot 114 at. moeBie. aituvii tot it,- aaDnao I . . e.e o. . u, ta - - si at A lit 14 1 cHIm KR a ADDITION BbUUK S. lot 1. Laura Break. 336 70: lot 3. Laura Break. 326.T3; lot A Laura Breehe. 314.401 lot 4. 'Iaaaa Vlnduva and Maurice Walton, $13.00; tot 3k, jnnn cppeviy. 31S.31I tot 0, O. Begtoter.; 8t'NNTSirK THIRD v ADDITION BLOCK 08, .lot 1. Title euarantee A Truat Cams aay. 12 00: tot L lalt Uuaraatee A Treat 1 (oe- ' pany., 3O.00: lot S. Title Onarantee 4 Truag Cueopaay. ao.o. Torsi, aeoi.iu. - - -A sutemeut ef afoveaald ssaesamest aaa been' eatered la the Docket of City Liens. aad to now. due aad payable at the office f the City Treasurer, in lawful money ef1 the' United State, and If not paid within So . davs from tha date af thto notice each prareedlBg will he - token for th collection of the asms ss are provided W . the -charter or th city or romana,', - -. The . aheea , aasesament will bear laterest 10 days after the - first Mbltcattoa) ef , this - THOB. C rBTLI!f, '. ''Auditor nf the fitr of Portlsnd. Oreana.' Portlsad. Oregoa. Date ef Brat public tloa. April io. laue. VPPLIJtTjrTAaT AsarssxxBT VOX . ZB ' v PBOTOfEBT Or SBO0BD STBEBT. Notlrb Is hereby given thst tha . Council ef tb City of Portland, Oregoa, at a meeting held eu the 6th day of AnrlL. 1006. declared the a at. aa meat by ordinance No. 14663. for the Imnrovrment of Second atreet, from tne, center line of Arthur street to the north Una nf Wood street In the manner provided by. ordl. nance No. l.TObJ. upon curb tot. part of tot and parcel of land, which are enecialt . and peculiarly benefited, to be aa follows, via: CAKtiTHKRS ADDITION to Cs rot hers addition ' lo the City of Portland BLOCK OS, tot 1, K. C, Smith, SSS.Bi; tot 2. B. C. Smith. " SSt.Sd: a parcel of land' lying between tb . north Irne of- Wood atreet and S line too , feel eouth ft aad parallel with the south line of Honker atreet aad between the west line of Serond street, end a lln' 100 feat weat thereof and parallel therewith, ...B. U. Smith.; total. 3311.08. V . A .atatemeat at aforesaid eeaoaasii at bad been entered In th Deehet et City Lleaa, aad la now due aad payable at etha office of th City Treasurer, In lawful money of the tailed State and if not paid within thirty days front tbe dste ef Ibis notice, each proceedings will be taken for th eol lectio of tha name aa ara provided by the charter ef the City, ef Pert, The above assets meet will bsaT' totereet 'tea days after th Srst puhltestton af thl notlcsv feui-iu r, ni,vt ... 1 .... .. . . . v. vuiun, ' Aadltne ef th City of portlsnd. Oregon. Date sf Srst publlcatloa, Portland, Oreeoa Aprll la. loot. VcTy--T- BOirsfnfuT. 3T0PB3FUJ aLOO. ' . f (gstabliabed 13.3.) ma An mtocx wmokwul ksooas 4, Srmuamd Ploc. ' ', csaiaaTat t rAnfatnui, Quick BervlcA RKrKRKNClrLAdd A cahrbw AX4iuji coiiumis mat 1-lh una. '. ---'....-...'if-.-.-.',,.----..' i) it-J. XUioo. BaaAera, saa ynited autos National Bank out PorUaad.. o ..- : ' . : ' ,v - , -. . v -