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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1905)
, l, t: V ' x xi t 1 vl, . ra ti crot - r ti va U bates oc - - . -J '. ' I ... ,.f . t I -n--'"- bus a frw f I K..v till it nel. aa tine man a i a cot ret art tn com i,. or r J. not. la 11 L. .ly to untU am - t I e been m tor eom -n ;.vf v ,' .' ILL t , Water Power Used , to Aetata J: urcs v.ccd c:oo a-z y NOW THING OF THE PACT Columbia Moat Exttnshrely Da ' velopad ' Mina In tha' Clu ; Mountain Mineral ione. ... ' . (Baoaal Mustek e The JearaeL) i ',.;-4 - gumpter. Or April 1Maneger F. a 'BailUe. of til Columbia, baa completed ..-''the water power and eompreaeed air . plant erected oa rrait creek. abort dle . ' '. ' fane below the Ooloond mine. An air " .'' pip baa Ma laid Xrom thla plant to tb : hoist at. tbo collar ( the mala abaft. S''vand the mora economical energy la to '" .. supplant ataam la all parte of tba do velopment and staking equipment Tba t .Columbia haa water power, applied di .'' reotly. for tha .le-etemp mill, bat baa vf been using ataam for many years at tb . hoist, and .for" this anrloa alone th ,- , wood bUl waa baary. Br taking up tba . wataca f Pratt craak immediately be . :; low tb old' plant and at a point not iX Interfering. wth the diversion of th ' North Pole, power la aaoarad for tha : lataat Installation, which la aald to b , sufficient for tb hoist and targe oom-j.--, preuor just pat la. '-''. - " -" Tha Columbia put la a battery af 11 . water Leyner drtlla a few years ago, - bat baa lately ba supplanting thee ; . - with ' a-' complete Ins-eraoll-Bergeant plant Tb eompreaaor la of tbla make, h and wtU be of a capacity to actual . Bereral mora drlUa than tba goaaage . meat baa -been using la former work. The' workings of thla mine, embracing ; ' seven abaft levels wtth extensive drift lng on each, and four -long adit drift. Mare the' moat extensive of tba dlatrtot ''- The Colombia haa dona tba deepeat abaft : h .mlalna; In aaatera Ongoa. ear tb work ef the Booaaaa, which baa a verUoal haft 1.S0O feet. By drlfUna; from tha . v- lowaat abaft level of the Columbia on t der tha apex of th dhrlda between Fmlt aad Bl Cracker m eelra. a depth of 1.S0O 'Tp- to LI 09 feet la bad. which la donbUeaa th sreataat Tertleal depth attained by any mine worktaga af th dlatrtot, ; , X TIME FOR MINING MEN 'v: fit J jTQlORK is umiteo v:.";'. .. :L -i-- . i V - . -""But two mora m6ntba remain for com pleting th mineral exhibit. Th vari "XToua alate that wlU exhibit at tba Lewie and Clark fair tbla year hare been get , ting , their collection of mineral In r ahap for a grand ahowing. . Oragoa will ,mak th greataat effort in th atata'a ' exlatance to display mineral raaouroe to i -adYantaae. All who deelr to get their . ' erea in th afralng baUdmg will bava to make baata. If tb apaelmana bava not been gathered yL Bnpertntendent MtK lia. of tba Oregoa asbiblt. will probably commence arranging nl apecuaeaa ay May 1, after which hi time will be folly taken la thla feature of tba work. - . Tha Brttiab Colombia Prorlneial Mta trig aoaoclatloa aaeured perm leal on from the. govarnmaat to make aa elaborate exhibit her. California contemplate bringing a -erxperb coueotloa - of era Idaho win anew a maaa of rock that haa made that etata famoua aa a producer ef eilrer, lead and geM. Utah a recent plana are amid to embraee aa aapedally fine or collection. Mlaeownara of Ketchikan. Juneau and the Tnkon dl trlota ef Alaaka aia working to bring to thla city aom of tba ftaeat ore ew taken from that territory, with tba mor etrlklng placer gold exhlblta. Wash ington and Montana will be rapreaented heavily. . Tber la aaauranea that the . mining building win b typical of tb .'mineral faaonreeg of th eoaal, aad - peclally tha aorthweet. - V' In view ef thla genera Interact and ' tha farther fact of heavy, attendance of ' ' it men during tha aeaaon.who will be look- . Ing up m literal reeoureaa, Oregon aa In-J ' mg men reaiis me uhwiit vt oeaur . ring thamaelvea. . But tb ' time -la Uav . jited. It will be necieeary for ail who l have not' gathered' their mineral to do ao'In a brief period aad get their proeV 'ucta bera cuiokly. 'After tb aupertn t tendent baa outlined Ala plana according - ' to tha dr la eight, be will be rehiotant , V to alter them meterUlly to accommodate j' lata arrivals;- - . , '.'There haa" beti .a aptrttad effort to 1 ",. "have mining Intereat organise for mor v effectual work tbia year. A number of . operator Intend to be her a portion of ;. th aaaaon. and either in peraon, or by . - repreaentattv moat at tha tuna. Many ' other operator would Ilk to aae tha ; atrangara vialting tba fair aeeommodat . ad la every meaaora peaaibl and receive each Information aa they desire. The ' auneiintendenta of th varloua ' axhlbtta wUl find It difficult ta perfnn all of , tbla work, and it le the deaira of mln- Ing In tereata that their effort be eup ' pleatanted. ' Tbera will be rapreaanta - tiva of other mining organixatlona here - during tba fair. ' Boom place that ooald V be called headaaarter for Oregon mln- ing men and where visitor could be re ' oelved baa been pronounced almost a nr U ; ceaslty. ...-,... . In view af these condition th local ? mtatng men are endeavoring to gat In : cloeer totach for tba year at least. Ea- , thar throagh -th present aaaoclatJoa or j otberwiaa they feel that they should be able ta raoerv tbetr guests. Inquiry la being made In the variooa dtatrtcts aa . - to what all operator think, aad wbetber , they deetre ta get la shape for th work -,.' a . j ; .1 . 'J: :'! CROSSCUTTINQ'VEIN SYSTEM ATTHE RED BOY v . .(tgetlat majateh te The Seeraal.) ;t - Orantta Or.. April ' 1. Dsvelopmerit at th Red Boy is yet-confined to tb i'ifep 13 WORTHY il TRIAL Asic your grocer for a cam ' and be cenrinced that there is net! -rj hzitzi cr prrtr at any r'tti v the water power plant giving v ew v fa tb mao, tinea . T, eroaaout la being driven ta open , the Concord vein oa the Red Boy level, and later the HeUen. Neither of theae veins, which war explored la the old Con cord work'nga, has. ever been touched J at depth. Tha Conoord had a targe ahoot wcucn ia not nsv greaa wogia nw th surfao. bat the majukgeroest ta con fident that this or body. will prov aa Important part of th mine' a re serves when , explored at the depth Of the present work.- ' , ' , Manaaar John Thomson Is still ing aa th proposition of boll ding tba hydra-electarlo . plant, using tb Olive lak water system where th atorage basts has been completed and aurveye bava been mad for- th pip Una. Those In touch wtth th company believe that thla work, will .be completed tb present year, t -,J; - y --x.- PATENT FEEDERS ARE ' m IN USE AT THE GtfANBY . ,, ,,V; , . - ,; , (Saedal Dlaaetch te The Jeeraat) . . Phoenix, B. C, AprO L roar of th patent furnao feeders at the Graaby have been nut ta oommfasion, and tha other two will be ready 'for usaoon. Tbaa charging device are tha patent of Superintendent Hodges, who econ omies have steadily brought tha coat ef smelting at tha Oransy dawn ta ta world' record. : . - , Threa-motora ar used oa th charg ing floor. - each drawing tw faedara. The feeders; bearing th furnace charge f or and fuel, -ax run Into the furnace and dumped wbers desired. On motor with lta tw feeders 1 capable af at tending two furnaces. Th management nrononnoea tha work a positive aueoaea, and there is general praise for thla last product af th inveatlv mind ox th supr!ntadnv - " ,v s ' i- ',''' mU IITIItt pmsT. ' (Speelal Manatee te The aaraaL) Bumnter. Or.. Aprflr 1. Arrangenjents bava been oomplited for driving too feet of tha lower Imperial drift at th Im perlal property. Cable Cove, Thla tunnel has a length of nearly 00 feet, and tha 100-foot extension win open th or ahoot. that haa been atoped ta upper workings, and which haa been explored by a .wins af M fee In depth below th mala level. Tha additional work was arranged for Immediately, f allowing the visit to the mine of President Alexander EL Sibley of Detroit, who la at .the head ef the concern backing the presn Imperial management. Mr. Bib ley was at tba property for a abort time, and expressed full satisfaction with the result ' af winter work as he through, this .city, aa -rout bom. aSABT TO aTTABT ; (asocial Pwpetea Ut Tk JoaraaL) ' Baker City, APrU L Manager J. W. Bagbas, ef the Soalty company, operat ing in the Quartsburg district, of Grant county, states that tha five-stamp mill of thla property is to be started soon. Most - ef . the development prosecuted daring the winter has been, en the Ore gon claim, where th rata la strong aad the showing of ore. la said to be as good aa that found en the Colorado. There Is enough ore In eight' to keep the milling plant, busy for the season, aad the maaagemeat Intends to keep up steady ahlpmeata ef crude era aad con centrate. ,; - .:,..;,, Ml, TRADE 1URK LAW SIS NOW IN OPERATION Additional Advantasee ' and Meant of Protection Provided I (ap RmieM. Instml aaarwaewai iwepwP aa aevii assavsj , - T Ce9Mataaal ateaBsml ftvigeanv) Washington, D. C, April 1. The new law authorising the registration of trade marks and providing for their protection. which went Into operation today, marks the' consummation of-an' effort en the part of -'business men of the United States covering ' a period ' of It or 1 yeara. -- m'.-.- v- lar.aa even longer period tha matter haa, been agitated tn Ooagraaa. Since 1179 the matter of revising aad modify ing tha laws relating to trade marks haa bean before the national leglalativa body tn one form or other. - Under an act of lttt. President McKlnley appointed com- aalss loners to revise aad amend the trade mark laws. Tbla commission, composed of JTaads Forbes, Judge reter a. Qroaa- cap and Arthur P. Greeley, made aa elaborate and, exhaustive report on the subject of trade inarka, and prepared the bill which became a law today. . : Tha measure, before It waa submitted te congress at the beginning of the last session, revolted the approval of prac tically all the business organisations tn this country. - JTtom a commercial stand point the new regulations ar of wide lo tereat. . i . " .':).. - 4 ' -' :'r -.. Th new Jaw saves all th right of th trade mark owner aa they have here tofore existed, and offers additional ad vantages aad means of protection. (1) It permits the registration of all trade marks used In Interstate oorcmeroe; (1) tt puts all controversies growing out of trad maiks , used ta Interstate com merce within the jurisdiction of ,tbe United states courts til it permits the registration of every trade mark now tn aae, whether It compUea with, tbo tech nical rules at the patent office or not, provided the mark ha been In as 10 yearst (4) It provides a remedy by way of injunction, actual damages, punitive damages, and profits derived from In fringement, aa well as the destruction of Infringing labels, marks and packages; ) every unlawful aae af the registered trade mark, whether on the very goods themselves, or oa advertising . matter, signs, receptacles, or other veaaela, will Constitute and Infringement;- (() the government charge for aegistratioa of each trade mark la lit. - - r s. .r.aA TTOaT, OOsTTBaTTZOsT. " (oedal Dkaatek a Tee Jearaal) V Dayton. Or, April 1. The Tarn hill oooaty Sunday school convention that convened here Thursday eloeed yester day afternoon, . Although the weather waa unfavorable, delegate were here President. Morse from Portland, adver tised for Thursday evening, waa - de layed by a railroad accident at - Bber wood, but spoke yesterday. . -AJTOI Ueersal it asrvke.! . Copenhagent' - April ' I-Throughout Denmark literary exercises will be held tomorrow to mark the centenary of the birth of lisps Christian Andereeaknowa the world ever for hla celebrated "fairy tale." He waa bera at Odenee oa April I, ltd. aad the Inhabitant of his native to will, of eeurae, pay spwlal. honor 1 1 r--mory. A tablet already exists i i i.etli f the" home of his chlld- V. There is no case on record ef a cold . remlting in Pneumonia, or other serious long trouble, after Fcljy8 Hooey auad Tar had been taken. - v -:..;' "'J It arill care the most obethiate rackin; couth, ' and heals "aad Strengthens the longs, : ; Foieya lloney npA Tar has cared many , cases of incipient Coasumption and erea la the last stages will always gire comJort and relief. rv , a y . ' ' H v.; v i? Foley's HoneV and Tar gwea quick relief to Dtthma sufierers, as it relieves the diSctxh breath be at once. Remember the najne-FoIVg Honey and Tar tad refase substitutes that ' cost yon tho same as the genuine. Do not take chances ' with : some aoJaMsra preparation. : : Contains no bptateav - 7 t " tzrii c! Tcrri! j ta - N.'Jackaoa of Danvflla, JJJ wrttaw: "Mr danthter had a severe attack of La Gripp aad a tarribl coagh en her tsngt, W tried a great many remedies Without rebef. She tried Foley's Hooey aad Tar, which cored bar. She haa sag baaa tfoeUM wtth aeaafh hca,M. t u Polar k Co.. Cbicaso. J Daaa. Iad. Gentlcenea:--Foksy'f Honey and Tar Cured ma of Coasumption after I bad suffered two years ana was almost das perate. Thro phrstciana failed to fva toe any relief and the last one aald he could do me no food. I tried. aHineet rrery mediciae I heard teU of without bene&t, nntil Foley's Honey aad Taf was recemm ended to me. -Its effect right from the start waa magical. , I Improved steadily from the first doe and am now sound aad wall, and think Foley Honey and Tar is a God-eend to people with Throat ana uug xrea tele. Yours very truly, - MRS. MAAY AMBROSE. Three slses 25c, 60c, SIM.4;'' The 60 cent size conuins two and o'be-half time as much as the small size and the 1.00 bottle al most six times as much."" '. : .. .' Clark On. CORPORATIONS WILL . J HAVE TO PAY, TOO Lands - to Be Uncovered in the South Portland Aaseaae ment District. j If the reeommendationa ef tbe street committee of the , city council are adopted by the council, the assessment of coats of the all big Alls in South Portland, amounting, to about fl20,eo, will be rescinded aad the districts wlU be extended to Include the same terri tory aa that cf tbe JTirst and , Front street bridge assessments, The exten sion of the assessment district will in. elude about 10 aorea ef land belonging to the Oregon Railroad Navigation company, aad th Southern Pacific com pany, and will make tha burden much lighter on the smaller property-owners. A delegation ef South Portland cltl sens, beaded by Mark CNelli. appeared before the committee yesterday after noon, and stated the grievances of tbe Interested property-owners. - a heated discussion followed and the-actions ef the council In the proceedings relating to the nlle were eeverely criticised. -- CounoUman Zimmermen. Sharkey aad Merrill stated that they thought JLhe dlatrtcta to be assessed for tbe nils end bridges- ware the same, and were sur prlaad te learn that the elatricta for the Oils did aot include territory equal la yamount te that of the bridges. - Dan 4... Malarkey. representing tnt Trinidad Asphalt company, asked the committee te take proceed Inge ta opea the specification a for street Improve taent for competitive bidding. ' The mat ter was referred to the elty engineer. who will prepare specifications allowing different oompaniee to bid on all bitum inous and bitallthlo peveraeata, - - , I lf - , . . MelUn'a Food - ' an Infant food without an equal except Mother's Milk. A food that feeds, a food that give satisfaction, a food that ha bean used Cor many wears with beat results, a food that makee th habits grow strong. Send -tot free sampl. . . ': ,. , . ret'. feed b fhe ef IT laate teeXwkLa received the C-ai tpZ. !- kl ; -mmt eweed efjhe Lee tea i, -- k e, ((.Leaie, i-rri. ta ; :3TC:3 SYT.W? Mtaaesl aylhVeaof oessrsfOr eaew ' aulldrasT wails Ttblmxtor ew rirTeeia. 1 U ewwhsa Me eaild, seTtos ehegasu.aUm all pets, eares wind cello, aad la la best Bsamlrtnsdiarrtae. twgjiTT-nva ctm a Bwttijl , ;. .,,"1;-;: i e ,, ' . mm A;1 '. ..." U i--.j;': I ' lEMXt ASSOCIATION CF '.; ''::v:-''!sv'!i ; :'"V:y' v:'-.; '" V v' j -r 1 1 1 1 i 7 i i it z. i i I I i I i i . iv: -i EXOTIH! i'r ,.-.'..' i . Ai rl: ET IS - ' .. k ' .i - '" i' V ' ' ' ' SJaaaw , KQ' nr . (0 nVi (- thtm - 3 I- KHU;i,r I .f. 'V.i ' ... i! rVv:,,''v:.-,v r.-;:'':!4:;.v::5;v;.-y-'. i '.Vj. ('.' :": V; v'v"'v,iv''". M-i-:.,i'v.l: - :y'f ' :y' ; v.i;.; -';;,.-. V. ' -v- : '-..i... ' 4- -T" r- .:. eVG? OHuOHEr ESv7 ALK, ?r .: : . - . '-i.- ; "', J - ' , " s ..." y-..,. .it. , ;- ' n , VG, (0 , S V t iixrs rrro co, rrt, rir i.j