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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1905)
ti:z daily ' jouniAL,: ; c il.".: . w.v. l. . .. .IE DEAL TO .y.AII,TiESAYS Albee Files Declaration as jidldate for Mayoralty Nomination , r 1L STAND FOR THE "V . ENFORCEMENT'OF LAW H: i Large Following v and " la . C " oice of Municipal Associa Ation for the Office. ". tforcement ot the U and square t4 (or every nan. la the -platform on which H. K. Albee will stand In hit flsftttfor nomination for the office of - mayor ea the Republican ticket Ib ' i fllfcj hla daclaratlon to enter tha pri maries today, with tha city auditor. Mr. Albee baa large following, hav -lng baen Indorsee aa tba candidate (or II. R. Albee.. mayor by tha Municipal association two - weeks ago. Ho was advised by many not, to enter tba primaries, but to ran independent' but after conferences with many friends ha decided to place hla name before tha people (or -nomination on tbe RepahMeaa ticket. Hla declare . tlon f Mliyrr AJbee, reside at No. 7 Has. cock street, and my poet office address is Portland, or. I am a duly registered member of the Republican party. If I , am dominated (or the office of mayor at tbe primary nominating election, to be held la tbe city of Portland tbe th day of May. ltos, I will accept tha nomina tlon and will not withdraw, and If I am elected I win qualify aa such oft! . ear. - . . ' ' - - "If I am nominated and elected I will. iring my term of office, give my best .'oris to the city's Interests; conduct e business of tha city on strictly islness llness use every endeavor to event 'politics from entering -Into the ty a business transactions; appoint ana lain only men who will endeavor to llo- out tbe prlnclplea herein men ioned. and who consider tha oath .of office something- more than a mere form. 1 1 will aim to personally know conditions as they exist, applying remedies, where necessary., with Impartiality and fair ness. In short, I ' will sincerely and honestly follow my platform of - en forcement of law and a square deal (or , every man. A '"" " It la my desire that tha words "en forceanent of law and a square deal for every man" be printed on tbe nominal - Ing ballot. -- w. S. Hufford of SSI Sherman street asnlras to represent tha nf th ward In the city council 1 He announced his can aMEcvtaaay by Ollua his notleo ot In ' tentlon to go bef ord the primaries for th i' oo the Atapuonoaa ncsew 'ARbED TROOPS MAY -r-j.v'tCOKE INTO THE STATE - -, Armed troops have been granted1 per , mission to enter the boundaries of this - state during the Lewis and Clark fair. Ah order granting such permission has ' Just been Issued by Adj.-Gen. W. E, Fln- tset of tbe Oregon National guard. . The 'otjer follows:.." ..." Permlsslon Is granted to organise. 1 tiua of the organised mllttla of the re " . jeective states, territories, and tha 1 is let of Columbia to enter within the krders ( toe state of Oregon, armed id equipped, en route to .and returning lorn the Lewis and Clark centennial ex- - tuition." - - ';'. gThe order tisa the ofBclarHlgnatare of ieneral Flnser. " . " VXthczt Cost. -: fa-dar for a lie. est of gkfa ts Tritsit ntsm. . ave clear, healthy acalnw beautlfuL iwjr aaini Misuriani nair. peadruff. Falling Hair and all diseases Of scalp, skin and Mood are due to germs. And SklaheeUlBi Tresktsseat Is the only , safe, oulck. permanent, economical euro. Jo prove Its merits we will give you absolutely FREIa the Bret set of Bkla keatth TrMtaseat if you will nse It, ' kiabealth Trewtaseat oomrists ' at lURJ-lNA SOAP medicated, deodona. Ins, germicidal, fragrant; best for bath, tojlrt, nursery, scalp, hslr snd for baby. KlN HEALTH OlNTMENT-lnfalllble Cerm-klller and Skin Healer. For all sla soreness. A sovereign remedy for IHt. Sortena. soothes and heals. AKINHKAL.TH TABLKT8 Vrfetabla, rbecolate-cnated. Destroy ail disease mi crobes, purify and vitalise tha blond. IF you have never tried Skle.bee.ltn Tveaimeat. send ua this coupon and we wig mall you ja order on your druggist for a full also bet. and will pay the drug gist ourvlvea for It. . It's rRafl girt to orov the wonder (ul powers or Aktaaslta ffreeUaseat aa a skin, . acalo and blood elesnaer, a, 1 comBlazion. hand and hair beantlller. Cat Ct TtlJ Ccspoa. m est tee steaks sad mefl te the Page Bey aj.risliMs Co., Itewats, Mew atf eawaee Is eve tried rMaaealth Teei . set If a wm aesd aw a le. sst taw 1 wul ass U. ....... ... ..... '' ' ' fell eaf es, a , CaV. Feartk ILIOi'lS CF FEET OF LUOBER TAHTED Government Open Bids for Sup f P'yinS Building Material for ' J, ; j ; the Philippine. ; ONLY ONE PORTLAND ?r: FIRM WANTS CONTRACT Agrees to Sell Fir at About Thir .t teen Dollars and a Half , ' it Thousand. , ; At noon today bide were opened In tha auartermasters offices at Portland. r Seattle and San Francisco (or furnish' Ing 1,150.001 feet of lumber for ship ment to tha Philippines. Only one bid was received at Portland, and It came from tba Eastern A Western Lumber company, which screed to supply the material In accordance with tha specif 1 cations at tba rate of $11.45 a thousand (eat. It was stipulated la the bid. how erer, that If merchantable flooring ware required tha price would be U.a thousand. - The company a trees to furnish lum bar at tha rata of 300,000 feet a day. and to begin delivery In It days, from the data of the awarding of tba contract. clause states that the bid la subject to acceptance, not later than. .If-., day t from tha data It was opened, and tha entire quantity of lumbar must be accepted and received within four months from the placing-of th order, . .,, , i Tha material is required by tha gov eminent for tha aemodaltng-ef a number of Spanish buildings In tha province of Mindanao and Jolo. two veaseia win probably be needed ; to. transport the shipment -. ''.-,-'' ; SOUND IN THE LEAD. Feodsvaff Saismeats There Axe ' Tkaa Those from VortlaaA,' Statistics compiled by tha' merchants' exchange show that there was not pound of wheat exported In March either from Portland or Fuget sound. Mow sr. Portland sent 111.M4 bushels of tha cereal to California ports, while tbe sound snipped but 1,M bushels to points down the coast. For (be corresponding period last year the local exporters dispatched lll.0Jf bushels ( wheat to Europe and let.lll bushels to California. Puget , sound firms made no. shipments to foreign ports in March last year, but la the same period sent llJ.Mt bushels to Cali fornia. 1 .. While Portland la far In tbe lead so far the wheat exports are concerned. Seattle and Tacoma made a bolter ahow- lng In the (lour line. Including that sent to California, tba sound ports shipped 17.811 barrels of the product during the month, aa against 7I.4Z1 bar' rels dispatched from Portland. From tbla port T,1M barrels went to the orient, and tba balance to San Francisco and San Pedro." In tbe preceding March Itl.tM barrels of - floar -war ahipped from the Willamette river metropolis, while the sound had 114, 40 barrels to her credit.' By reducing the wheat to flour measure the total number of bar- rels , shipped from Portland for ' tha month which closed yesterday amounts to 4Sl.sl4, compared with 4T,Ji bar rels sent from tba Fuget sound porta. So the sound Is In tbs lead so far as tha foodstuff shipments go by 4(,IM barrels. DOCK IMPROVEMENTS. Piupeiti Seeds Holstta Ma- -' ; tihlaaif and Freight Beeaa. ; Substantial Improvements to be made at tha Harrlmaa docks In the near fu ture will greatly simplify the work of loading-and discharging freight. Qen oral Manager Scbwertn of Ban Fran cisco la expected to arrive ut a week or so, when plans for the contemplated lm provemente will be arranged. Hoisting machinery capable of lifting ana swing lng It tons will be placed on tbe Albtna dock. : . ..J.-'. - There Is alas talk of bulMtng a track from the main railroad to the outer edge of the same dock, so that ears loaded with heavy machinery can be run to the side of a shin. At present there is an opening through the dock sufficiently Wide to permit of -the building of such road, and Its entire length would bo only about 100 yards. With this ar rangement carried out It is claimed that freight could be placed aboard a vessel almost twice as quickly aa under the present method- and aa extra hauling; of It would be saved At the Ainsworth dock tha company la considering the advisability of cover ing a driveway bow back of the struc ture and Including It In the building. It Is 20 feet wide and SO feat long, which would provide Just i that much more apace tn which to store freight During the past (ew months the dock has been crowded with goods of every description, and It Is stated that mora space is ab solutely necessary. . ,!..' STEAMER WANTED. iff Salpmea of Flour fog Japan, But ' ; ;' are War of nwatmg Xt. V"; ;) T. M. Stevens s Co. and Balfour, Outhrie A Co. have a cargo of flour (or shipment to Japan, and are negotiating for a steamer, r be Portland 4V Asiatic Steamship company has been figuring on taking care of the business, but it appears -that General Manager 8chwerln does not oars to take the matter upfor some inexplicable reason, - If the Portland as Asiatic people do not promise to supply-tonnage tola af ternoon It la said to- be certain that the exporters will close a deal for a. vessel at once.' It Is explained that there is a steamer on the coast, or will be soon, that can be chartered at a reasonable rate. Her Identity wul not yet be dis closed. . . The exporters have a sufficient amount of floor engaged to fill a 4.000- ton freighter. It la impossible to ship It by way of the sound for tha reason that all of the space on tba steamers scheduled to sail next month has been engaged.--,--- - ti"r-. "" WATERFRONT EXCITEMENT. Book ' Alawet OoQuyasa . aad BoDnr ' " sarl Bang' Bows BoMsesv ' tToder the weight of the cement which was removed from tha steamer Harold Dollar and placed on the upper floor of tbe structure, the Stephenson dock, at the foot of Main street, slmost col lapsed yesterday. The huge beams be gan to crash and tbe longshoremen and othera ran (or places of safety. For tunately, alter sagging a few inches. tbe floor remained Intact. Had It fallen the men and cement would have fallen together II feet, and undoubtedly several lives -would have been lost. f It was decided to discharge the Bal ance of the staamer'e eargo at Colum bia dock No. 1. but the crew failed to ship a four-Inch haueer made fast to a autac from tha bow of theLoUax Xba hauser parted and. the steamer almost ran Into a boethouee which was lying Juat below.' Sbe was got under control In the nick of time, ee several fatalities would have resulted had she struck the boethouee, v whtch, had a number.'- of people on board. . Tbe steamer finished discharging the. cement and (a at the Portland mill receiving lumber. . y CHINESE CO ON BUFORD. , , . : . . . . '' . ft, V .-. ... f might From Transport Baraslds Ware . ,' , Shipped to Manila Today. Under guard of J. Tappan. head watchman In tha Immigration service at Tacema. eight Chinese arrived from the sound Ibis morning to take passage on the transport Buford .for Manna, The men were sailors on the United Statea cable shin Burnside. recently ar rived at Tacoma, and which has been taken out of - commission. . The sailor were discharged, aa they had signed a Manila with the understanding that they were to make the round trip and be paid off at that place a question arose aa to whether the men couia oe aeni io run land and returned on the Buford. It was finally decided that the procedure would be legal. The other sailors on tbe Burnalda are Filipinos, who also arrived this morning to take passage on the transport, which sailed at noon with the Nineteenth Infantry. There waa no question raised concerning' the legality of their making tbe trip in this manner. The baggage of the troopers going out on" the' Buford measures leg tons,' anl tha lumber ahlpment approxlmaua 451, 00 (eet.- ; ; , ALONG THE WATERFRONT; r The steamer lone wUl be laid off In a few dava to be aiven a general over hauling. . and the Jessie HarklnarwUl so oa tha Waahousal run.. - Next Monday tbe steamer Charles R. Spencer will be placed on The Dalits route In opposition to the ttsguiator una. Captain Spencer has appointed Soott 8 wetland aa local agent of tha vessel. Hla office will be at tbe Washington street dock. ' ' Tonight the gasoline schooner Chetoo wUl sail for Rogue river wth 40 tons .ilu.... anf will fmtrh wiyiiuwti.uw. ". " - a eareo of froaen Salmon. i . Lumber laden for San Pedro tha bark' en tine Katie FUcklnger left thla morn ing. The American ahip Berlin ten ax tbe same time, bound for Nushagak. Alaska, where she will remain during the salmon fishing season. . Tha ablp C. F. Bargee nt will leave for tie same point In a few days. ' Among the freight taken out by the St Paul which sailed last night for Baa Francisco, were three carloads of Colo rado potatoes. - wat xv c Tnrfttt received a tele gram thla morning from the Rlsdon Iron works of Ban Francisco stating that work on the dredge Chinook had been completed satisfactorily.. .As has not1 been . determined - whether to bring the .Chinook to the Columbia river or let her remain Idle at tha Bay city, xne vessel will not be operated at the bar thla season. -a " Captains Edwards and Fuller are In specting tha Steamers xtusuer ana woun McCrmcken today. "- - Tbe steamer Cash will oe rtttod wiu a new propeller, nne M ownea oy cap tain Weir, who operates her In the gen eral towing trade. . MARINE. NOTES. Astoria. April Arrived ' down at 4:10 last night, schooner O. W. Watson. Sailed at 10:11 a. m. Oerman steamer Arabia, for Hongkong aad way porta, and schooner O. W. Watson, (or. San Pedro. 1 ' " ' ' ,' - Astoria. March II. Sailed at II a. m. schooner 8. T. Alexander, for San Pedro. San Francisco. March II.- Arrived at lt:lS p. m, steamer George Loomls, from Portland. Astoria. April 1. Condition of the bar at I a. m., moderate; wind, aoutbweat. - - alanJw - BOAjroxa ajt An oU-ourning plant will be Installed In the ateamer Roanoke, which piles be tween this city and Loa Angeles. Tba vessel will leave (or the north tn a few day a, and ona of the passengers from Ban Francisco will -be Charles P. Doe, tha owner. While here ho will probably determine whether or not the plant will be installed at Portland. There Is talk ot converting the- Roanoke Into en ex clusive - passenger boat, and bava her make port-of-entry calls at only San Francisco and Los Angeles. If this Is dons a small steamer will be operated by Mr, Ie to trfct rt ft tttt EultM cooa Bay traoo. - ,r Wm ASKS $25,000.. F OR LOSING HUSBAND "W v. . i Mrsv Delia A. Keen Sues Former Husband's Wife for Alienat or 'n8 H' Affections. (Seeelal PUaalek te Tee Tsarael.) - Hlllaboro. Or.. April 1. Tbe ISCOOO damage suit brought by Mrs. Delia A. Keen agsi&st Mrs. Susan Keea (or alien ating her husband's affections is now on trial In tbe circuit court here. - According to the evidence submitted. Mrs. Delia Keen and her husband lived happily together near the house where Susan Reynolds (now Mrs. Susan Keen) and her husband were living, until tha death of Mr. Reynolds, when' tbe hus band of tbe plaintiff became Infatuated with the -.defendant and. neglected nia home and family. ' ' Witnesses sUted that as often as four or five times a day Mrs. Reynolds would sit on - Mr. Keen'a lap, call hla "sweet heart,'' and that he would reply, calling her hla ,deer" 'darllng'r and "pet.' These-demonstrations of mutual affec tion were made publicly, and frequently Mr. Keen would accompany Mrs. Reyn olds op trips to Portland or eastern ore eon. v- . -' ' ' ' i - -' ' Accompanying the growtn ox nis iovs for Mrs, Reynolds, eviaenoe was intro duced showing that cruelty supplanted love toward hla own wife, Delia, and that he frequently beat her with a strap, choked and mistreated her In other ways, eventually compelling her to se cure a divorce. -, ". - : Six months after the divorce was granted the defendant married Mr. Keen. TRYING TO GET PARDON FOR FRANK M' DA NIELS -. mi" j ' Strong 'pressure has been brought te bear on Governor Chamberlain to par don Frank McDanlda, who was con victed six yeara ago of the murder of Claire Adetlatde ' Fitch. McDanlels 1 serving a l-year sentence, and la ssid now to be In such poor health that ha maynot live to complete hla service. Relatives are securing signatures to a petition, and tba Inditing of many let ters to the , governor,' asking commuta tion of the sentence. - r - Among those who have signed are H. W. Stone.' H. W. Ooddard, Ogleaby Young. Slg Hlchel, J. V. Beach.' W. T. Vaughn, V. K. Strode, Dan McAllen. C II. Jackson. Jr. W. (1 reaves, A. F. Flegel, H. R. Albee. R. E. Moody. J. M. Lmix. JJaavi. Moore, A, U-0penoarf R-Jk. JVU- t. Xcttca Pc.y-,.-v Dentin '-. SP1U atOBBSBOV aTT." known the world over, are tha only dentists la Portland havtnx tnla world renowned 1 painless system - (or extract ing, filling, or crowning teeto. wtth nut naln. '- , . . Have your teeth extracted - without pain and replaced with now same day. Anwar SILVER FILLIK5S. ,,,:.........oM GOLD FILLINOS......Tft4 to $1.00 IS TO 110 OQU) ' 3 CROWNS ....3-0O to f"5.00 FULL 8BT TB2BJTH. ......... . ,4-ft.OO ' We have a specialist In charge of each department Best artificial teeth makera, beet crown aad bridge work men and gold fillers la tbe worUL , CmOWaT AJTO wZIKIB WOBJC ' v v. .A FBOZA&TB-. -,-. . . Give as a call aad you wtn find we do Just as we advertise. , n OUS, TBZBB AJTB stsTCTasTLe Boston Painless Dentists . teiM BCOBBTBOaT ST. ' 1 t Orm. Males ft Fiank aad Old Fessesl - Hours 1:11 a. m. to p av Sunday, :I0 a. m. to 11:10 p. m. , .Te be ssure yea are ta the rkfM plaee come la and get bottle of Dr. IV X oraver toota powaar free, Quiet and" restful, convenient ta Four stomach funny ex-' prisalon-to use. conveolant to your stomach means . perfect - assimilation; that mean feet digestion. . II cents Paokage. .-y. A ' ; ' AT ALL PROCESS. v. ' v ., . ... f .... A. F. SrfENSSON C0n CSCXESS 11 aad U. asS Waaaiagtaa St. Hooaea arwt lota In alt Mni f K. viiT. momy 10 joaa on cuy real es tate. ' Collections In United Statea and Kurope. Special attention to collection of Inberltancoa and settling of estates in curopeaa eoaoinea. oott S711. - Bronaugh's Addition Choice lotktadng last 24th street, between East Everett and East QUsan, at reasonable . prices- i "Jsr y:::7z.;. ., WAKEFIELD, FRIES CO, 339 Sbxrk Strsat Poooe Mala 14 ; aa offer Sot tba eae suits yoai easy iimis or . biff gaieoaal fog aaah e ' half eaah. Oan at phone ' Txdoa lSeX - Oa laoaa Soott ear Uaa at aaah. -' vllle ssaatoa. OffsM as ' -:--' tans . There Ms a chance for a good Invest ment, a like of which will hanllv re turn In your lifetime. 200 feet front in center -01 xniro street. 100 reet deep, with all the buildings thereon, for 1215, 000, on easy terms. Don't miss to in vestigate this. , .' son, W. W. Robinson, Charles Coopey, O. C Moser. Sanford WhIUng. C. K. Rumelln. John Bain. Mra. Millie Trum bull and Phil Metschan. Letters have been written by D. Solla Cohen. W. T. Vaughn, R. D. Inman, W. M. Davis, C H. Jackson and William Frasler who stales that he thought McDanlels not guilty nt ine iime ei ine inai. ' - Russell JO. SewalL then district attor ney, refused to sign the application (or tbe pardon... '. - -.''-..'..,,: WINDOW SMASHED AND VUQUOB CARRIED AWAY ,. - . i ,, ... , ,,'A .:. ' ' (Special Dispatch te Tbe toarast) ' Sheridan, Or.. April 1-The front win dow in Andy Groff a saloon was broken laat night aad several bottles of whisky aosiraciea. . Two Indiana, Frank and Felix waeh- eno, were arrested en suspicion. - Hev oral of tha bottles were found on their persons, and their condition was suite suspicious, -both . being drunk. Frank was recently a Chemawa student , ' ' i i .. - Fref erred SSeek Oaaaed AUea Lewis' Best Brand. OF Chimney Pfoa. Flpe, Flre- Proollng, Irrn c. Dram Tlla Bnlldlns Bu xinca. r me juuung, vitnnea nv lag Brick..' . . . t ,y ) , . , , ' Disaoad Hrkk Co. - X Offlf snd Yard Foot Ankeny St,, Portland, Or. Phone Main Ilk. raaraatood fa wsa yeara. T . , . ', ' t ages i kws saeaa, eae - T-eoexs,oaeg room h ona is, . sa eoasplsas aad saoden, ; Ptaks rfeaosa asoaad an 1 -' thsaa e-vet aad xoaka su ksat CAPITAL e;ttt:tttt . - a , 10,000 Z want to ten yoo that I am Era believer In enthusiasm. Harnanity requires it Enthosiaatn is the moving spirit of this earth. Oregon would never have been populated without the enthusiastic pioneers poshing stars and stripes float only, because of the enthusiastic spirit of its detadem 7 Life is a real, all from the cradle to the grave, without the opposite, sorrow. without the sweet , Oisappointxnent end beart-ecbea are but the appetlrers for. the real, keen enjoyment of those who are ? finally succeesfuL ; AH can be effort 'try. , . - - Give me the maif at all times with enthoaiasm, to the man 1 a' ai ' e ' " ' X wno mopes ana gropes or is a t tidal wave of reform in our city, benenctai efiect tor, an time m were made while busily engaged in writing out deeds' to Wal-'j nut Park property by Central Office, Walnut park,.Cor. Alberta and WClams avenue,' Z ,:;.,s- or my suburban office, 303 Charnher of Ccmmerce 7 -Send for Walnut Park Hap and FoMer.. -"'' t V FOR SALE REAL ESTATE S1700 Hawthorne ava. near EL ttth cottage, i rooms, first -class plumbing and everything up to date; Only tO a ume. -. a si,. . v 83000 v Sannyslde, N. B. cor. E. Main and 71. sin il, large 101 uuf xoar ana wew house t rooms, bath, full basement. streets Improved, dose to car Unoa. . a. 11.) :-, ;' - .52200- Two fine lots In the beet part of H. Portland, close to K. Morrison St. ear line and within easy: walking die tan oa of tha business center, tin r, see. --y 81000 Two fuH Iota. 100x100 foot each. N.. B. cor. JL Pine and 1 10th eta. 81000 Two fine building Iota. lOOxlM feet ft. K. cor. B. Fine and H4 lU sta. (K. F. 1U.) ' . .... S33UO - - ' M. K. iw Tas-smrt and B f th sta- lot i 0x100 feet, and ftrst-ciaas avadera resi dence, hath, full basement, brick foun dation, elecmo ngnia, speaaing taosa, good cam. , to. r. .) 81500 Fine kt on Larrabee at. xlH feet. I miflutaar walk from seeet usage; splendid view of river and harbor. (H. WmteM avaL. near Haaonek at- tOxlOt feet and eouago e rooms, earn. . iuim is a very preuy piaoa ana aesiraaie aoma yo. sa : v.. , . . , '. j.n . ; Sehurler sC bet. lth and Mot sta, fix 100 feet and handsome boose rooms. grata, basement, furnace, etc KtL 1H.) Morris st.. near Union ave- largo lot BOxltt feet, house f rooms, furnace, run basement; terma one third cash, balance oa time. , (A. lit.) ' ...-r. - 81800 v - Wtnianrs awe. aad Alberta, at. tevleo feet, and new oottase rooms, pantry, gas and sewer. (All.) 82100 ; 1 thdan srre-, near Falling -. Mxle test and noose l rooms, oeui. ew. i. e. 81600 ' TTnlon ova," near Beech st, feot aad oottage e rooms, gas.-, i. ee. ait ts above mentioned Brooei are good value (or the price riven. We can arrange for easy terms on most of tbem. v-.-. . The Title Guarantee "'t-;&:Trust;Ca;I Ducinccs and Real Estate Chances wawt f Mia, doing 1M cash per day., see us regaraing uta. - T in aa estab lished and profitable business; $660 pool will oe taaea xrom toe pronts of the business. WTATTKAJTr i and Lunch Counter; good location. UVBU, (0.000 capacity, with timber lands ana logging ouinw , . sVaJTSS tn tracts of 110 acres up to 40,00 acres la block. BMS AJTD awaaeflS tracts on easy terma Wa have a large list to se lect from. - ;. .'.:', '..' XOWB on easy monthly i payments. Boomlng-bouses In some ot the best locations in the city. JgoOK new modern bouse, at Anabel. oa ear unci easy -umat r house, at Stewart lot 10x100, Price &$ 60 down, 10 per month. r-SVOOat house, bow, on car tine f ISO, ,." half cash. , ., ,( ' Lots In Archer Place and Anabel on monthly paymanU of 15. . y Stevensca r BroT7n Co. ' SM BTAJkB Sncoesso ra to Paclflc Land Investment Co Hcrtcr Viov: Soe aad ap fot lota bridge, ea aad iranes ': S4SaTTABX aea steel ' ,. ' : j .. SmfluG : forward, (acts all darters. The continuous batUe, eojf-ed la by i There could be no happiness No life without death; no bitter . T uccessful if they with determined .i, .,' -? , ' ,- k .- ,( '.' , . '.v.. j. v,-- a ' t ' shaaa a . . e . ucjter. i ne present cmnusiasnc e cannot help but leave a lastms, Fortiana. : Tne aoove remans y ;t ..( ; ;, ,vj, . SAVINGS THE TITLE & TRUST COMPANY Accepts your deposit account subject to check and allows you three per sent In terest oa aauy oaianoea, Pava ifonr ner eont oa one no year eartifi eatea of deposit, not payable prior to mainruy. ; .- ,. , . . ' SIBBCTOR8: W. M. Ladd. T.-T. Burkhart - J. Tnorbura Ross. Frank M. Warren. ; Oeorge H. UHl. , Banking hoars: 10 a. m. to I p. Sat order a, 10 a m. te 11 noon; Saturday evenings, e to o'clock, : v 7 CHAMBBB OF OOMatERCB. POBTLAKD . a ; a ,(.' OBBOON. ARDMORE The most' desirable building'' site ' In Portland, surrounded by palatial homes, with aa ' unobstructed view of. our fs 1 mous mountains; tba only ex- cluslvely high-class resident ' fireperty supplied with bite-. Ithlo streets, cement side- ' walks. Bull Run water: sewer and gas laid to each lot Take Washington street ear to City -Park and get off at Park ave- ' ' nua, For plats and prtoea call -, oa or address. , . (t-;v.,,..- rr, Dnifion irrrir stitm WAKTKD--Hsatled by S Cexwoas, eae whs ass seoa nyiag io nut s an eat e( ai s.uT set new raea tiat tae Lara u It foe khn; sosm nfkt. inalo werkl vet sr. fame. . i. a. Saventb St. TOCNO atsa disteta sttaetlea la setsst seMke.per; eaa give ref K. mmr ssiptojscs sad keel reb aoaresi a so, ears Mnu rrSNOasAPHSS wist, paslaea: yesrf - psna is engiseenas soe rsineee wen; Me aaiaryt rslsieaws. . esse Jeermal. i BOOKKBBPBB weeld devote freaj eae te tferse kows each wees ear auring rureuuue; taerge ssssasssia. veu er sanrsae see ileum was. XOXmO sua benkkewer as Deal rttioai beat raffreecaa: send luMO: aadnetasd syetrsi taoraeskly. Address B as,. Joans!.' BOOKUEPEJt and ssa deetres si t frasi 1 e clock to 4, afterseoBS. .d W ., ears Jeans L - .. . CANADIAN aUaeed laker wants Job at eeee; WANTED Br baresr with 1H years' ecasrt. see. write aaeoipe acawsrt, Til fareett COIORKD suin wasts say klad of jase wiiusbm, sorts tueca sc. arroATioBS wAxrn-TafALx, 1 WAITTFO Posltfcm is wB atte BrsMlf Psoas Bood ef trait. - vau 2e&ft J0T3, pomncrN sawpiag, dosttog and tag. usioa we. ' ' AOZXTt WAxTZn. WAWTBD Qmi, lift agaeta te seO ear eteek; san-iara wm is nwiq flea and Orasosi usrtoa paid wnikljr. eattta feraiased free: Writs st enre mr sartinuan aad enstce ef tatrltsry. Oretoe nsrsary. Oa., Saless. Or. GOOD. Uve sgeats- wasted te sell lets ea sew. Masse la ess ei las esoiesil eeoeras el Portlasd. Address P. O. Bat TO, stty. WAjrrzs re tan loom-a an Berts ef the etty, Aeoif o usease.-l Df. bA'POglfJON AOOutntuJATieil BukaAU. IT TOO wast to teat yesr kuss'kwplsy nesas I ha tbem wtt tae lews a (lark rarslt Untm eassristtea, Ul North BUtk St. faeas atala Bai. - . .. . WAIfTrn TO BgWT aroesj keeesi asset be sear Twaety-rearta aee aavier sta., ear eancta; rest most be very reaaoasble. 77 aaesevelt. VANTKO To rent s 4-enen eettase er aeoesi at eaae. Asolr aw bsibmb et., sr Pkeoe stsls 1BML WAirTgrt-d e safsrBlsd irBisaee reai a saUe Cader eVeeflsa efjaJtewti sad Clark fkk Bp"" vr r V wants te the Ut , . T ' i sTTTTATTOV wTT3TXT SATe-Jr b mt . fawsafg . SHTiessay 1mh) U per Us sajat ' WrmfUflaalS au sansj Tt CtiTs set laa per nresa aors aa.'' - aeeata. w wiraees tmiMm MM ts M SITUS aTOXXCa, XBIMA UPOB MO. set, a a a, M. anted als (satsraaV . eveaias at I'eleek. a. A. am ill M. asralsDy hmtee. Br erear W. A. i. Uaaalea, asoretacy. . SUMNBa W. B. a MO. B. wests tbe tut I Ulra gtara,r sf each amtk ta L O. O. . hall, ear. Oru4 sve. aad L fiae st. Miaerra a. Parea. misl iiatL lea L BOTltUL ABIOAOi SOOTT DUKIWAT .wUl talk . iae innaaan er las laday eveaias st T:s at Bible saui BPtrlujl. ssewty, A O. B, w. kaO ' Washmgtoa West Park sta, - .fca,ai,,i',,'M issa aid venaw ' sins . eeet white tip te tell, aaswaia to BaaMot . Bafsea" aetara to Dr. tehee, headef Levajoy, aad receive reward. , - POtTND A . waeel; swasr eea have ssssJby ' siepsiu-sad period caet ef aer ee Worts. Vreat aad Brarvti . tli sa lit tiae Woraa, POOTTD A place ts save hair saU vaoa asa ratsrsed asass dsy. Pta dfe. Pertlaad Owlsd Hah factory, BrrrrsB a aeon MirmMi ' i fa OerkaX Teehaieal ee TliaaaiSsi Xik ' We smart sssinataiit - V - OrSre asaa. , - -. Aaalataat beokkelare usaarai eraee ciras. Hetal carta. BaUroad efrka. i.OrrasiuadsBt sJsrks,. - Aeeoaataats. . T. avaanBCkvelMaa " Casalars. . ;, aalpplng . Bawy euvks, - ' "' Bllll efc-ka... clrka. Oeaaral elcrwaL tareraleaL I . Apply BUklNaao slBM'g CXJUAlNa H(f Ok. sweia acair MOC-, Bft sd SC. rerl oe aad dlstHseuas depot for larse xaecsrtac SMI a; salary flat fm bmoII BiiaislssTim, Apnueaat Bnst beve geoi ref. Bspt at Was TwaUtk el WAJITBP Aapaas aavteg go ts ae ts vert I j In a safe, SMsd bauaMa propoeltkia, se I PerUaad. sad waa wwaM be salaried w I awa, (at ft east aad eoiek reuiraa, . Ti is m with rite Wltkeat A 3s. cass Joersal. . WANTS D tUa ta leera berber trades I veak- ,iWM, pn.iiwssi saaraaieea; vaiuaa) etraee : walU Isaralagi wriU for terns. IMar'S Barber OsUeae. s Clay st,. eaa Fraadsse. OOOD , rnt tarsal bsasrsBes .selleltar w salad; raraseeB nqaired; salary sad etaa eqaal te 7 per asaacb faarsBtsed. . Bast Beiawst st. Bast Lbl. - - Call sed. iliflgflsA' SIS amsl be m Jbaesal Eg k aeesrs a)sa..ssstwa, . ' a. a. , wu rearaal Sul m. you eaa eara fas ts gra see week if to eea J sail the east aealtb eaa aeeuMax iisanasi m ea the toerkst, Usioa eUUos, 01 MaraasBi bid. at seesare far Ufa soiMlaM WIU seed nlvf naraatetd by Uerla Baa . talk H ever wttb fedgar H. Beak, 1 Okas- ! BTNarNUa-TbsreBghly ewapsteat ' reUable aiasni er eieeineei engmeer, eapasie lag aay atss pkwt. W la, jsare Um WB waat 4 ex reaslig sssa pnae Lasksa. . suans iBlsaij.. , Oa, Saaslea, Or. WANTBOA sesd an stsra sa. aixar a e nmt WAMTKO S av 0 ejnaii jaia Bed - st the Watts MarMe Works, Tse Dailaa, Or. OOOD drag eastataat wasted: la raade Drag Oa, la Orsass, Or stTOCXOTJTTBB waatsd. Apply aMs S. Bret, 10 TBIrd St. WAPTD liBaa ts toara barter tredoi weeks eoeiplotat taltloa earaed walls Mora ubji kali Si las, auaiearias aad feekU sue. sae la i weeks; (poelal tarsM sew. Write Molar System Oollese. Bsa traaaaios. ' WANTRO ObS Udlea Is anal tatr aasMS aa a pastel ssd resolve s soe Olhaoa girl hraorh rree;. boibibs io sou yea. . tart BMd woor Imm is a i toppty Co., Ink .. a, u PABTT te 'Uke ears ef sman reeailas la- seed weidoBie seetleai aewly famlsBad. give expwlsoee aad rrtorinaas te A Sk, ears Jiw sal. !...,: WANTED Toeas Isdr tveowrlter sad "leX rapner; srat snow soBniaiag aeoai Boeptag. uii 73 mti SU , . ' LAD11BV-Kara 30 per koadred wrltlac ahort Kitora; escsxie sot apes oartiope. . Aaartcsa Belt Work. BaUvla. 111. WAMTKD Led Who has capital to bmst. A BS, ear . LA DISS oar bsm ea aae.vMltlag at, pestpeld. Beral Oard Oa.. Btratfwi WANTS DladT ei geoa seoree.- Adontas A. aa, oaraai. WAKTED HlddhMBOd wewaa t keep taswor v v ears AoBraal, - WaafrTTl aTTBTTyjXAJOWTTa, -7:".' WATCH aad ekiek Inseraaee for firm repelr- ' leg; say wath repalrvd Tor xso; Imtirvd (last all aerldoata for one ya, rnehidlng . , first repalrsi dsek. flM. Ill RUtk st., ear Wasklagtsa. Clerks sailed lor sad se llrared. .XeL Mala 17. ' "" " " , '; j' m PotrtAirrt'Auc-noit ntxmt bam ar- - tklag., Pbsse Mela Mb, at Ul glrst at , . . ' . . v " . , v - a '- . . WANTED More sprartsC whlttwaehln) tk eoly fasoiine eoaiiiroai.s sir sarajls mill oa the i. a. u. Mori-aa m CO., piu Mllwsafcle at Pkeee Bast sal 7. I BUT effle stan4 sad rei llads. P. X. Clark1 Asettoa faraltare ef all art. d Wsshlagtea St., spa. eld espoaltlea kid. BinBBKT prlcss paid for w.s'1 rastit In. sboM asd bats t M Nor la Third. ' Miack WM. Order proaptly atuod. rattf rlotk. Psooa atusdod to. WANTED A babr girl that sever nina. with llfRt BUT BBS BIB 7a. MMliS SUCBS, BU0 rflS Pertlasd Bowweleeelet O.; kooeseiassiBg; jaaitar service. Faee Mala . LATB esrtaiH laondarvd at bMae) ftrstlaas Mr, lea bmis. rsoee vsios ih. HOB.T ORDER PrlBtlnt Hoe r-f. J.-ltrdsr,- cir IMS. aeeond ssd waniaioo sis. WANTE1V-Dark cm kstrblag Barl lisvel, uretbasi, . OaB st S la evwnag, er BtesresrtoafSl