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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1905)
t:S cr-icbii - sui:DAY:jour.:rALr 7 rc:rrLA:riy.-su:iDAY I morhino. UAncii 18, 1SC5. II 71 rolsmki ...... r.mykn ljrrt lirsse: ........ Kiktt ......... Jtu ( Are" , -"Ths Uoooahlaer's Dsaghtar' Ik CBdTT Vlle" VtuderllN) Bur . YsUOSTUIt The divorce secured last Thursday at i : . Astoria by Mrs. Kben IP. Parker la de "clarcd by bar attorney, John P. Logan, to ba on of tha quickest on record. Just .10 minutes elapsed between the filing of the complaint In the circuit court and the Tendering of the decree by Judge Mo , ; .Bride., E. F. Parker, the defendant In the proceedings, Is the proprietor of the , Parker house at Astoria. ' His wife sued for divorce on trie ground of desertion. , 'Before the complaint wee -tiled the hus f - ' band and wife reached . an - Agreement whereby be was to turn over to her a ' considerable part of his property and to '. offer-no opposition to the divorce. These terms were agreed upon at I o'clock In - the afternoon. JO minutes sufficed to - -draw the complaint and reach the court' - 'house, and 10 minutes later the decree of divorce bad been entered. Parker ap peared In court, no .that the service of .summons was renaerea unnecessary. Charles Allsky. a local United -States : Immigration agent, returned 1 yesterday .from New York. Thla waa' the first . 'time be had ever been, oft the Paciflo ' coast He states that he only saw one fault with the "metropolis It has no " Ivewls and Clark fair advertising matter on exhibition. -During hla etay c-f three rinva thera he never heard the fair men . . t toned, and he thinks the members of the - publicity bureau ougbt to do something to enlighten the people of that city eon cerntng the great event. He declares that the people of Chicago know about It.. He stopped there a sbort time, and pouters announcing the attractions to be at the fstr could Je seen ell over the city. . Many people"wlth whom he talked, there said that they wero planning to take In the exposition. . - r . J Mr. Mary Osborn Pouthlt today placed her contract with Anderson, Duntway r publlahlng company for 10.000 copies of 8ojUvenlr of Western Women." This Is enmniiatlon. collected by Mrs. Pouthlt i of .writings from many- of the leading - .women Of the Factno coast,, ana inciuau anecdotes, of great men and women, -stories, annem. ooems. and much that is of interest to the west. Mrs. Pouthlt has contributed reminiscences of early pioneer life, as have many others. There .are I pages of Illustrations and two ' . colored plates of . Mount .' Rainier - and -Crater lake. The book, will be out on - May 1. and Mrs. Don t hit expects to find a ready demand for It. as she has al , ' ready - tOO subscriptions. Bbe arranged the collection chiefly for Its value as a -souvenir of the fair.;, '.. ,.;' A new paper devoted to the Interests of the Brewers and Wholesale' Liquor Healers' association, will make Its first annssrance . next ' Monday. It Is to be knnsra aa The Liberal and will be pub lished on the th and . 10th of each month. The paper will be the official -'organ' of the, liquor 'dealers' association, under whoae management It will be pub lished. A. C. Croft on Is to have the . Immediate direction of - the paper.- I a politics The Liberal is to be non-partisan .and, its aim will be to advocate and pre- . tect the liquor Interests throughout, the . state. , -, TheVW.-C. T. IT. of University ; Park . held a parlor meeting Friday evening At the. residence of Mr. Coon. Excellent addresses were delivered by W. J. Peddl- ixird. , Mr. Coon and Mr.. Dotsen. their , s-eneral theme being "Law and Order." ' . The enforcement or tne curiew iaw was , discussed and -several mualosl numbers .were given by Mrs. Price, . Mrs. - is. . u tLane and D. B, Morgan. ' AV large party ot Raymond Whit comb excursionists arrived in the oity lust nlsht and registered at tne port- : land. They wiH spend tha day. looking over the fair grounds and other points of interest, with a boat-ride on tne river in troaiect The viaitors are from vari- oua points In New .England, Illinois and Missouri. . ; , " t Former residents of Wisconsin . and mmhrs of tha old Badger society are reoueated to attend a meeting to be h.M in Elks' hall, in the Marquam -tnilMlna. Wednesday evening. March 22, st o'clock. A large and enthualastlc aatherlng Is expected. Let no Wlscon- , stnlte fall to attend. Steamship Roanoke,. 1.400 tons, sails for San Francisco, Los Angeles, Coos Kit and Eureka. March 11. 7 p. m., from t Columbia dock No. 1. ' Round trip Los ' Anaeles- S42.t0: San Francisco, 125.60. Ticket office 2H Washington street Harry Toung. agent ' r iO.OOO Immigrants Wanted To locate . .t the Oresron Wate power Han way company's line between Portland and Estacada. For Information Inquire of tha Oregon Water Power Townatte company, 114 First street ' Phone, Main : To thO ReUll Orocer Do not let the downtown dealer serve your customers with msnlelne. Get It by phoning Main 02. We guarantee aale of first ease of 1 dosen. Our salesmen are overrun wun -orders and will get to you later. Estacada - Offers Opportunities 1 to .manufacturers . which means millions nt dollars if nronerly handled. For In formation Inquire of the Oregon .Water Power Townslte company, 114 First street . Phone, Main 11. ,, , , - Professor Eaton's dancing school. Classes Monday and Thursday evenings at Arlon halt Beginners takes at any timet i Six assistant teachers. ' Private leaaons dally at halL Spectators invited. 'Phone West 1040. t pi -. - Dan Mc Allen has received so fa the greatest number of votea in the contest 1 for the blackthorn cane which Is being DEAFNESS : k Positively Cured Now, and right here In our office, whllo wa are only giving free test treatments, i to acquaint you with the Instruments, . which are home treatments, when you purchase the maglo MASSACON.- - Mica nr ajtd tbt rax ajtd uis ' Til TTXMOM1AJJI OT ' TOVa tUTiUJS. i The ACOtJSTICONS for Incurablea to hear wrth, are charms. No talking to only One person,' but a roomful, aa with haturtl ears, and can have the use of both hands. rind Oraadaia'S rtetara U 'low Town,, a Window Hutchison Accustic Co. oxrm orrtoa asbbuiss zs w m. st ceas i;ext .;:;ini The Oregon, at Seventh and Stark Streets, in the Hands . ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT , ROOMS IN THE STRUCTURE Many Flats, Houses and Large Business Buildings in Course 'of Construction. - The Hotel Oregon.' at Seventh and Stark streets, will be, completed and djr for occupancy about April 14, Carpenters, plasterers, plumbers and ele vator-construction men are Busy, under direction - of Architect D. L. Williams, and the' work Is being pushed with a view to the earliest possible opening. Cbsrles Wright, a Belllngham cannery man, of the Wrlght-Hutchjnson Hotel company, lesaeea of . the , hotel, is In Portland to superintend the furnishing. ' The hotel will have 101 rooms, and will be finely finished. It will cost about 110,000, The main lobby.- front- ng Seventh street,, win be-tsxT feet. The ladles' entrance and cafe wilt also be on this street ' The building Is brick, seven stories. Including a basement, that will Contain a dining-room 10X41 feet, and a kitchen.' The. hotel will be Mb charger of M. C Dickinson, landlord of the Hotel Byrne at Belllngham. Hi is said to be an experienced manager. The current report that Allan Wright, of the Portland hotel, would be connected witn the management of the Oregon la an error. . i t - ' "Many people have come to see me in regard to matters concerning the new Hotel Oregon, and I would like to have It understood that I anr not u rigni Mr. Wrtght," ha said. The. new hotel i is built by Chinese capital, supplied by a corporation known as the American uotei company. Plans .are being drawn by Lewis Allen for ' the six-story building to be erected by Charles Sweeny for Tull A Oibbs at" the comer of Seventh and Morrison streets. The boHdtngrwiU be 00x100. with an L 60x100 extending throuah to Yamhill street. ' It will be of brick, with' heavy-mill construction, and will cost above 110,000. Work will be commenced as soon as the plans can -be completed and contracts let t The same architects have let a con tract to-Felix Flnley for erecting a band- some dwelling for Frank u. oibbs at the center of Tillamook and seventeenth straits.' Irrlnrton. . " Rtchsrd Martin la making plans ror four flats to be built by Tbomaa Statter at the corner of Fifteenth and Marsnau streets. . ., H. J. Hefty is planning a residence for J. Heller In Oak Grove. Four flats are being planned ny u. at. Pierce for ' construction on Hoiiaday avenue near First street and the same architect is - drawlngv plans - ror - tnree residences to be built by Robert Smith at the corner of East Eighth and Thomp son streets. ' held under the auspices of . the Michael navitt branch of the United Irish league of Portland, to raise money for the home rtrt fitni( The cane, which la very valu able, is on exhibition at Woodard. Clarke Co. s store. - Jfiacn neuroi im nuKhiut. 10 cents. The res alt or tne contest; to-dato follows: Dan McAllen,- 17: Laiwrence Shanahan, 155: John Man nine. 110: M. i. Malley. 100: John B. Woods, II; Charles) Duggan, 7. , (Meamer Nome City for Ban Fran Cisco direct sails from coucn street dock Monday. .March 20, at p. m. Fare, lit cabin. $S seeono-cjass. meais and berth included. F. P. Baomgartner, agent Main Hl.. Tuit Black Cockef spaniel, female; 4 v. am. knmM to the name DI Blossle; went, astray in city Park. SunJ day; reward ror ner- recovery.. Flanders street between Twentieth and Twenty-first . J ...;J1.Jr , ,;.!,,., , Baseball! Baseball!! . . - ; y This afternoon 2:10 p. mL - Twenty-fourth and Vaughn,' :-, -- Admission 25 cents. Strong semi-professional teams. Schlllers vs. East Portland." '. ' 'i via vl ' H vKtenle Home Treatment for the permanent cure or au remaie trou hiea. Ldv nhvsldan in cnarge, con. anitstion and examination rrea. wince hours, a. m. to P. m.j 1 Lewis bldg. Tha eieeant new steamer - Northland sails ' direct for' San Francisco Monday evening. Cabin, 112; steerage. It; meals and. berth Included. C. H. , Thompson, agent 121 Third street Krneat Thomnson ' Beton 4 o'clock matinee tomorrow at the Marquam nrand. Admission IB cents to alt In the evening at ociock. mces eve. 75o andOU. 11 I n Sunday trolley trip to Estacada, round trt 7i cents. Hotel now open, cars every two hours from First and Alder streets. j. k Kansas Society Charter member- Gentlemen and saies mwt your rm R. W. Traver. organiser, at Ml Washington, street . rin to EaUcada for your Sunday out- ins-. Round-trln rate 76 cents. Phone Exchange 47 for departure of cars. .Wisconsin society. Former residents of Wisconsin are requested to enroll at office of H.L. Powers, Chamber of commerce. , Dentist's or pbysicisn's furniture for sale, offices for rent.' u . journal. . Dr. I M. Thornton, dentist 101 Mar quam building. Phons Main fS4. AnMey's dlspUy, Pfunders, Id and Oak As "your. "grocer for Golden Cheddar. ; Orpheum, vaudeville, burlesque, erne. WOODMEN WILL BE HERE BY THOUSANDS - Portland will soon be the mecca fr Woodmen of the Wbrid who will gather to take part In the , initiatory, services March 17, when nearly 1,000 candldatea wilt be made members of tbs order. Ap proximately 1.000 candidates have been secured as the result of the campaign Ibat has been under way for severs! months. The exercises were to have occurred a month ago. but - were postponed be cause of the death of F. A. Falkenburg. head consul of the Paclfla, Jurisdiction. The celebration- will consist ot parades. J banquets and entertainments. From every town and hasalet in Ore gon, and Indeed from the whole north west. Woodmen will come to Portland on that date. - Members and those to bt Initiated will be occompanled by their families, .and tha city will be filled with ff To Climb the : y;M Ladder of Life the saving Tiablt is of the greates assistance, it is mm iuoo success Itself. Put aside some of your savlnga every week and It will row aa your ateps mount upward, so that when your opportunity pre sents itself, capital will be et your disposal.- This bank accepts deposits of II and upward and pays 4 per cent a: compound OregQ SayingsBank t 6th and Morrison DAUGHTER OF FIRST i MAYQ3 ON THE STAGE Mr. W. Elliott, Nee O'Bry'ant, - to AppeaHn vaudeville 1 1 tit . Baktr. -V T'" In the vaudeville team', of ; vocaiiau and harpists known' as, the - Elliotts. which will appear at the Baker theatre Ufa. W. J. Elliott, tomorrow afternoon and all week, there la a' daughter ' of the first mayor of Portland. vHer name Is ' Mrs. W. X Elliott It used to- be Miss O'Bryant for her father was H. P. O'Bryant who la remembered only by pioneers of this locality. ' a The Elliotts have been very suco ful In vaudeville in the eastern cities, and will probably create a splendid Ira pression here.. Mr. Elliott hss been In Portland 'for two weeks making pre pa rations for - their appearance before the local public. Doctor CompajatiYeMediirAe Dr. C E. Brown, the well . known veterinarian, of 217 Bumslde, In con. nectlon with his advertisement, which will be found .In' our classified columns. adds to his many degrees, D. C'-M. As the abbreviation' may need some expla nation.- our readers will oe pieaseo to learn that the aame signifies Doctor of Comparative Medicine. - It Is a, well established fact tnai norses ana , aogs, from an anatomical and physiological atsndnolnt compare- closely with the human family and therefore a close knowledge of comparative medicine Is essential In the proper treatment of the mmmmmmmmmmmmmm lr s- . --' M.nce noctnr-Ttrownlrim.-waa the first authorised, lecturer a kn tha above course of stuJIsVTforrTOlUfllllWtlllll 'W'WlWgk 111 HUB which entitles him to the degree of D. c w nr. Brown is a skillful and suc cessful veterinary surgeon and la Juetly entitled to the large practice with whic be ! surrounded. Ahout five t years ago there waa small, ordinary shoe store In Tyler Woodward's block at First and Yamhill streets. John Dellar was the owner. ftoAit- new : developments r came -about Mr. Dellsr being naturally an energetic merchant, saw his wsy to broaden and Increase his business. Having gret confidence in Mr. Dellar, Mr. Woodward, the landlord, spent IS, 009, In Improve ments: .one Changs bamr'the enlarging . ii ahnw . windows of French plat glass lrr which . to display goods. It was at this time the hustling proprietor purchased and added, to his shoe, stock a complete line of men's and boys' clothing snd furnishings. . With the combined stock an unusual trade became a reality. This enabled Mr. Dellar to rtnand. and the Increased trade made It necessary to seek additional space. t then Mr. Dellar Introduced him self to H. Breeman, the owner of the store at Third and Davis streets, form erly occupied by B. Bromberger. JMjik Ing the corner sn. excellent one, i or good rellablo etore.. Mr. Dellar , soon closed a deal securing ths store for his purpose, , Mr. Dellar has had extensive Improve menta made- to thla property, and to make everything harmonloua will, carry nnthine- but a first-class line ot men and boys' clothing and furnishings and a s-eneral line of shoes, or course, m Dellar announces that he will treat his patrons with all possible courtesy and they will enjoy the - same . reasonable nrlcea In his new place as at tha old .tore at First snd Yimhlll streets. Mnoiuslnn Mr. Dellar thanks all tits patrons for their past patronage and for their assistance in aiain mm 10 duuh THE GOVERfirJENT The O. R. A N. C. Will Not Ob; struct Irrigation Plans in Washington., SURVEYS FIGURE ON : LINE THROUGH COULEE .''... '" Manager .VVorthington Expects if Track Is Moved Company, Will Be Reimbursed. Civil ane-lneera. sent out by the gen eral manager of the Harriman lines In Oregon, have made a aurvey, and veri fied an estimate of cost Of a proposed change of the route of tha Oregon Rail road . eV Navigation companra una through the Washtucna coulee In southeastern Washington,- Their work has given rise to a rumor that the com pany Is planning to make the change. order that a reservoir may am ouu structed in the eoulee by the govern ment reclamation bureau, which has niNil an the irrlaatlnc Of about 100.- 000 aeree or arid lana in mat psxt tha stale. Manager B. A. Worthlflgton, who has Just returned from a. trip of inspection the Washington lines of the com pany, states that he la not aaviaea oi any Intention on the part -of the com-, depart from the policy outlined by hia predecessor, K. K. Calvin, re garding the proposition-to move the O. R. c N. company's tracxa to tne omer side of the coulee.- Personally he poes not Intend to modify the company's po sition In tha matter. ' - -We are not obstructionists, nno win accede to the governments wishes in ha matter if it will make provision to cover the expense the company would,, be put to In making the' change oi route," he said. ."But we 00 nor, reel that it la reasonable to ask the com pany to expend 1350.000, without any return for the money. I think there is approximately 10 miles of the track that wonld have to oe taaen out. ana new route provided- on the other side of the eoulee. We would be perfectly rllllne- for the government to oo tne work and nlace our tracks In a post tinn that would give us facilities equally as nai aa we now have there, and pro vide some meana oy wnicn connection could be had with the people on the op posite side, where there are now aooui 40.000 acres of land under cultivation. I think a ferry could be established that arould take care: of this business, and give tbeae people connection with,' the railroad If located on the other side of the proposed reservoir. - In short ths railway company win Ing to change the tracks and establish the ferry if the government win con tract to reimburse It for the actual out lay of- money, or it is willing mat ins government shall do the work. It aid in other Quarters that Chief Engl neer Newell of the reclamation service waa disposed to be arbitrary lrr dealing 1th the Question, ana neia mat- tn eomnanv should stand the entire expens on the ground that it wouia in time oe more than reimbursed by the increased business that would come from tne reclamation of lands to be Irrigated In the country tributary to the O. R.. N, lines.. It is, believed that with diplo matic handling a compromise mignt oe reached by which both' aldea would, see tha advaaUsa in carrying forward the nronosed Irrigation scheme. , . c . Concerning the company's reported in tention to extend the line, from. Lewis- ton to Riparis, Mr. Worthlngton states that there is no likelihood of the exten sion of the road at thla time, although surveyors have recently been over the route. Mr. Worthlngton waa accompanied on the trip Into -Washington by his wife and two daughters., whom he has Just brought from ChfcagS. They have-taken apartmenta .at .the Jlobart -Curtis. KIMBALL TO LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Edward A, Kimball. C 0. D.. member of the Christian Science board of lee ttireshtp of the First Church of Christ Scientist Boston, will lecture in fort- land under the ausploes or the enne ttan Science chnrcnea. of th day evening, April 1. at the Marquam theatre. Mr. Kimball is a persons student snd close fr.end ot Rev. Msry Baker Eddy, founder and leader of Chrrstlan Science, and has been prominently Identified with the movement as practitioner, - teacher and lecturer for a number of years. He is therefore well qualified, by reason of his wide experience,, to speak with no uncertain' understanding upon the sub- lect he presents. This will be alt. a-imosu s secona visit to Portland, he having lectured here about seven years ago, and at that northwest section. MAXJTLY : MOsTAlV. R. M.-Mack and X W. Milne of Hills bora are registered at the Perkins. Miss Chisbolm of Seattle Is a guest at the Imoerial. . Mr. and Mrs. Ed son M. Rowley of Van conver, Wash., are guests at the Impe rial. - ' - Chester A. Inskeep and Miss Bessie Inskeep of McMlnnvllle are gueet at the Perkins. - State Flah Warden H. O. Van Dusen of Astoria Is registered at the Impe rial. Mrs. William Dutcher and daughter, of Aberdeen, Wash., axe guests at the rer klna R. W. Jones of McMlnnvllle la at the Perkins. , r Dr. Oeorge E. Coghill of Pactflo unl mrsitv is ree-tatered at the Imperial.' W. H. Davis of Albany Is at the Im periaL Robert Toung of Tacoma la a guest a tha Portland. . Mr. and Mrs. Frederlo Mottel of Ta Mime ara in the City. .. Mr. and Mra. W. Eckstein of Seattle n meats at the Portland hotel.' A. B. Cousin came In last night from Hal Ice. Or. . , ' John Healy, a prominent mining per ator of Alaska, Is In the city. ... WHERE TO PINE. " All the delicacies of the season at the Portland restaurant. Private apartments for parties, 0S Washington, near ruin. The Calumet 14t Seventh street, near Morrison, serves an exceptionally fine dinner on Sundays. Fifty cents. PACIFIC m yjrooPomATB. The Paciflo Miner Publishing company was incoroorated yesterday by I'hli Bates. W. D. B. Dodson snd A. H. Wll leL with a canlta! of St.000. The Pa clflc Miner has been published for three rears by Mr. Mates, and will be atrength ened by the formation of the corpora I ' . 1 "' " '. New ten-room house in ' Irvington district. . southwest corner : Hancock street, and . Eait Twenty - sixth. Full quarter block; ;' street sewered, grad- " ed and grave ted; side walks and gas pipes "T laid." For sale on In- stallments. v B. M, LOMBARD 514 Chamber of Commerce. RETT Y. GIRLS HAVE NEW EXPERIENCE Miss Bratten and Miss Markham Get View of Life's Seamy V Side in Courtroom. When they went Into the police court yesterday to take stenographic notes of the testimony In an assault and bet-i tery case for Attorney W. T. Vaughs, Rose Bratten and Mabel Markham -found themselves in a new world. Before the astonished vision -of the two girls appeared sights the like of which they had never aeen before scenes -that caused them to gape in wonder. They were given seats at a table by Bailiff Dolts. Both were nervous, but Judge Hogue beamed ' benlgnantly on them and Deputy City Attorney Fill gerald spoke a few reaasurtng words. The first case called waa that of Ah Ylck, charged with carrying a butcher knife. The Chinese was led Into court and stationed at the end of -too table while both- girls were, making, prelim inary notes of what tbey had seen. As Miss Bratten raised her eyes ana caught sight of the. Chinese standing by her side, sbs gave, a slight scream and shrank away. Recovering her self possession, she started to take notes of the testimony, but in a lew minutes De- came so Interested that aha forgot why she had come Into court and listened with keen interest to the proceedings. Miss Msrkham had her book turned upside down, with a rubber band hold ing the leaves so that ah could not turn the pages. She endeavored to make the first few hieroglyphics with the rub ber end of her pencil. : i - Oh, yes, we- were much interested py what we saw." said one of the girls on leaving the court room. '"I don't think want to come here again, though." -Well " said the other. "I would have made my eacape right after that China man appeared if the passageway hadnt been so crowded. ELKS PREPARING FOR u , THEIR GRAND FAIR The members of the committee . who have- Jn charge ths - arrangements for the big Elks' fair, -to be held in the Armory In a few weeks, the proceeds to be devoted to the furnishing of the new building on Seventh and Stark streets, are tireless In their efforts to make It one of- the greatest events yet attempted in Portland. It la estimated that fully 120,000 worth of valuable articles will be disposed ;of, from pianos. buggies and cases of silverware, to a barrel of apples. Among the hundreds of beautiful dolls Is one valued at over 1500. This, doll ta five feet high. Is dressed ss a bride and Is In ' a bridal home fitted up with electric lights. -i Architects are at work oil plans for booths, which promise to excel In de sign and originality any ever seen at any fair. -. Two life memberships are to be voted for to be presented, to the Elks recelvln g ths highest nunib votes. ' Special preparations are being mads for the entertainment oft the pat rons. Mothers can have their babies checked. A popular price will be charged and two matinees are to be given, on Wednesday and Saturday. Dr. Broughefs topics today at the WhiU .TempJef Morning. The King's Business": night "Standing Pat or Showing the white Feather."" Baptism and special music SLEEP FOR SALE ALL THIS WEEK AT COVELL'S Mattress Talk We sell the South American Curled Hair, Pure Jap 8ilk Floss, Snow Drift Cotton Felt. Look in tht window and tee, ' . $1 Down; 50c a Week And your old mattress taken in exchange at a value of $1.00, no matter how bad it is. If the new one does not give satis faction, you can return it COVELL'S i ; 184-186 FIRST STREET -K Formerly New York Furniture Cat THE PLACE TO BUY FURNITURE ELECTRIC CC::.?AliY. PLANS I'lPltOVEr.EfJS Spending Huge SUms In Prep- aration for City's Growth After the Fair. It Is said the Portland General Elec- trlo company Is Investing a, sum , aggre gating more than S300.000 to Improve ments and enlargements la preparation for the Lewis and .Clark fair. I do not believe sll the sayings about 'grasping corporations are justlrmi, said 8. a. Reed, treasurer of the com pany. "Since the Inception of the fair the Portland General Electrto company has Invested, aa a result of that enter prise, more money than the state ef Oregon has lnveated in the fair. or course, -we expect that the equipment will be put to profitable service alter the fair, but the Investment provea the con fidence the company feela In the future growth of Portland." A franchise has oeen aaaaa oy lire company for use of the publlo hlghwaya in Clackamas county for conveying elec tric current from Oregon City to Ae ro ra, and franchises wlll be asaen lor similar uss of highways in other di rections and a far south as Salem, The comnany will build another generating plant on the east siae or tne river mi Willamette tails, ana extena nam ing and power aervlce to a number of cities in the Willamette valley. The work of construction will be commenced during the lew-water season In mid summer. The neer plant will start with 10,500 horsepower, and will be planned so that additional units can be installed as fast aa needed. ". 7 The Y. M. C. V Glee Club. arm ha aaalared hv Miss Ruth Eddlngs of Oberlln end Mr. Oeorge Lfeeter Paul of the Western Academy ef Music and Elocution in a concert to be given in the T. M. C. A. auditorium Tuesday, March II, at 1:11 p. m. The members of the club have been preparing for the past six months to give a concert and now feel they can offer something good to the public. Adnlts, Jc .and 5c; children, lie and I So. - Perfectly Strong Eyes: DO NOT CAUSE ANY trrORT IN SEEING but when youX eyes ache, feel ' tired after shopping, or doing ; close work. It is one. of Na-r ture's signs that help Is need ed. Don't negieet. these warn-. - ings. Consult our optician maybe the temporary use Of ; Glasaea may save much suffer - Ing and nerve strain. . AN-WRIGHT- 293n0RRIS0NT- Por Sale First Class MUlini Store Doing a very good business. - Only reason for selling owner leaving city. Price Very Reasonable . . Q-OOB Principals Only. Address for Pnrther Particulars . Dox C-M, Journal Office NOTICE AT A BAMAZX. REMOVAIL On or about the 1st of April we will move to our new and large quarters at 3SS Washington street, in the beautiful new six-story building on the corner of West Park and Washington -streets, on account of outgrowing ' our preaent place of business. For a short time only sny person holding a journal draphophone can get any outfit aa high aa 4.0 for II. 0 down and f 1.00 per week, allowing yon 15.00 on the little fellow. - errand Prise Parla, 100 Ooable Prise H tenia, 1004. ' , - COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., GEWL 128 DTIII1 . OVB ' SOROSIS OXFORDS Tand boots New Stylet ' for Spring handsome ' y models in patent leather, id kid and light ' calf ; skin also the new tan A : and champagne 'shades. KNIOTS "Opposite Perkins Hotel Closing Oiit Having a very large stock, of fine linen warp matting on band, we most positively close it oat to make room for enr new stock of goods to arrive, for the fair trad. ' We also have a large stock of new ' canton,- crepe and llnra em broidered patterns for bsdtea waists and dresses, poogee sllka snd other fine goods, soch aa grass linen, table center pieces, Japanese and Chinese latest novel ties, eurtoa, etc., at lowest prices. Andrew Kan I Ccv 287 MOIISON YcsJ Corsets Are Worn . .. . . Somewhat higher than last sen son's voirue. yet the new models can hardly be - considered hlgh . bust corsets. They create a hasu , tlful. curving waist, retaining the straight front effeet, A variety of these charming new models are shown, 'by i E. HUMMEL i 1H aTlsisnt Oradaate Aawrtesa ' thaeet et , . Kirksvtlle. Me, Osteopathy Jtt. VTLLXAK 0. TUCK. Osteaeethie PhysleUa, AU 415 AMagtee bht. mre St., bet. Wash, lagtoa us gtara. Pnrtlsad. eteetiaeaay TlHag r aDtnoas ef eehsie torthaw SiilWIias sails HiiiniSsi Sse aB psla. serai far ever smy Tn4. bsdy roeei TwggTTrvn turn a , rs'irnriiiriir r ririrrainririTisil ', POBTZJTS, OUOOBT. pxAoa ro Butchers Supplies Machinery end Fixtures , . Seueage Casing, Pore ) f. Spices, Daisy Drjr " i. . Air Coolers ,, S.Birl(cnvc!d Ccs The Lerr-t r.- ..'.".i:r ; c i C. C Matting Sale cm ' It. 1. WIGHT MAN, Agsnt .. . ax-bearers. Alo hla praaenjl Urge business. .