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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1905)
, ';:.' ' Ti: CI3C3II DAILY JSUHITAL, ronTLAHDr?FIUDAY CVSNIKO, UAlXII 17. UCJ. ' .fc' . nosieryon V VHUNDRXDS OF NOTAEL3 VALUES IN THE ' WOMEN'S . ; Knitwear and ops FIRST FLOOR. , v: Titer la Umoit no restriction In choice, so great. Is the a sortment of 'styles shown. The beat mills In the werld hare aent us their finest produc tion and most superlative val ue. Indeed, aome of the open ing value are reajjy phenom enalthe prioes. cannot be duplicated elsewhere on l value. For the remainder of the week we quote: Women's White " Lisle Vesta, . the' "Merode," high neck. , long aieevea, low neck, short , . and o sleeves, with ankle .' ' and knee length tlghtav to match, , L00 quality; .each . . 664 . Women's Black Gauss : Lisle Hose, imported, lew , 'spliced beel, double sole, French toe, values 0e i' pair; special r .......... ...... 254 ; CHILDREN'S BLACK 'FINB-RIBBBD Li.CE- - - ' STRIPED LISLE HOSE. . ' Btse ( to ttf, tie values, for. .194 Slae f and 7. Mc, values, for. pair....... 224 Slse $ to I. llo values, for, pair... ............ .25 v ; I - - B0T8. -vhtE WAIST8. , Russian Blouse and Fauntleroy styles, embroidery . i edging and. embroidery ' insertion - j,; " trimming, beauties. ' 15c vain for...'. ...... ........ 504 76e value for ......604 Boys' Fin Pique Waists, white ground, with fine . stripe of black, pink or blue, white sailor collar - with five rows fine braid trimming. 11.10 qual- . ty fl.l. Boys' Fin White Pique Waists, fancy stripes, wMte pique sailor collar, figured and striped, white tie. v- $1.00 quality; each ..... ..... Boys Russian Blouse Waists 'and Medium Blue afcd Tan Waists, neat pretty stripes, 76o quality; spe- t clal,eacti.. J-5 Children's Whit Swiss Ribbed Long-81ev Testa and Spring, V4UeS w imu, Jt mu m xmow, my-m., I pair. ..25a) GREAT SALE BOT8" FINE BLOUSE WAISTS S THIS SALE 13 - ON THE FINEST ASSORT' KENT OF WAISTS WB HAVE IN THE ,,' i STORE AND IS WORTHY TOUR n - : . IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. ... ,.- - SATURDAY QUOTATIONS ON Pequdt Sheetings A Uttk Lower Than the ; -:; -y.:t' "LowcsT j-y '-. , ' :;. 7 FTRST FLOOB--IX5ME8TIC AISLE. , r' "PBQTJOT SHEETINGS.,,. . Housekeepers will kindly compare them with else- o . where heralded stuff that minor . , stores call "cheap. , , .' v -v , Brown.' Bleached. - , v Yard. Yard. '" 41-Inch Pequot Sheetings.. ....... lOtte) , . l-lnch Pequot Sheetlnga...... ; llHe' 66-lrx-h Pequot Bbeetlnf. , v .... .. .' 14 ,0-4. Tqwet Weeiit." 4Hw -sHr M raqioi bhhiuvi.ii awns' ao-nr? ' f-4 Pequot Sheetings T 18Mt t4"t'i 1M pequot BbeeOngs 20)4 2254 4 Great Annual March Sale of , giiiKitcheliiE ' Fufflishirigs I MM I ft rfT!-. -eam M I ft r-fTTf'-- J' " ef t. i 7 In The Third Floor . i Shops Everything ' for th kitchen, pantry and general housework; "nothing but worth-owning mer chandise no trash admitted. Tin Dish Pans, 10-qt slse; special sale price. a.214 n. -i ii I anla orlce. each .;..i....3e hFrylng Pans, 10H-ln. slse; special ...........154 Bauce Pans. 1-qt. siser special, mcn. ........ .. .jlw Steamer. Na i special prtce; each.... a5 Dust Pans; special price, each ' Covered Chamber Palla; special, each. ........ .364 Dairy Pans. l-qt. slse; special, each. ........... ..8f Coffee Pots. J-qt- slse; special, each 104 Galvanised Wash Tubs; special, each.v ''Sr? .t w a -. nl ah ................ .SKeT Onnmir Bottom. Wash Boilers; each T84 Six Dnsen Clothes Pins; special at.. ..64 Mop Sticks;, special at, each Mop Cottons; special at, each ..1D X'lothes Wringer, with wood frame, guaran- teed; special at, each .....fl.T Wire Clothes Lines; special at. each. 1J Cotton Clothes Lines; special, each.... Chair JSeats: speclal-at. each .................... ..84 Garden Spades; special at, each ...... Garden-Trowels; speclal at, each ........i.. .3F Brooms, good quality: special, each i 254 Rcrtibblna- Brushes; special, each 74 Frying Pans. lOtt-in. slse, ,wlta cold handles; .. special, each ' .......154 Granite Iron Sauce Pane, t-qt slse; special at, . each t i.. ........ .-...254 GranM Iron Pudding Pans, 4-qt slse; special at, each ..... v 'l Cake Turners; special at, each - .......54 Wire Potato Mashers; special, each ;. ............ 3 Chopping Knives; special at, each ..,...4 QUICK-MEAL STEEL RANGES : AT. SPECIAL PRICES. HAYTLAND CHINA DINNER SETS AT ONE THIRD , off Regular prices. v, r H A V I L.A ND CHINA OINn BR K T B , J ni.v ..'i4tt Mid trlmmlnn. 0-Pleee Bet, our I31.IS valu.....i.....22.44l 100-PI ere SeU. our 146.15 value Ill-Piece Sets, our 5.TI value... 933.84 HA VI LAND CHINA DINNER 8ETS. Very daintily decorated, with gold edges, handle and knobs.- . ' r "lO-Pi'c Sets, our valufr.V.. .827.20 100-Plec Set, our $4175 valu 839.00 llJ-Plec Set, our f(t.2l valu .944.20 ' The Quality Shop 'anmt Sire A D i -ve ' r THE LEADHs'Q STORE OF THE LARGEST STOCSS ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE This Store Qoscs Sjaturday,' as : WcU; Eacl; of the aias Join Hands With First of a New Season's Shows in a Grand Carnival of Saturday Style Selling Spring music fills the air' in one grand anthem. The theme is "Authoritative Fashion," "Latest Style Modes". "Newest Dress Themes," but underlying it all is the strong tone of genuine bargainsof loweit prices in the city on dependable merchandise. It's a genuine pleas ure to through the store these spring days; at every turn new beauties greet the eye. Here is a vast gallery-Tan exposition on a grand scale of the world's best products. The highest development 'of . art in merchandise conjuring surrounds one at every step. . An .enthusiast would spend Hours in studying tne new euects, tne new aesigns m laoncs, ice na cainty rmoroiucucs, vuc 'ments and pretty hata-nuid we might go on with mentions until we filled a page but, after all, a study of the PRICE TICKETS is what interest the great majority. Below you may read of what a few have to tell Remember the store closes daily, Saturday included at 6 p. m. In the Women's Apparel Salons Largest and Foremost Suit and Cloak Store West of Chicago Second Floor Grand Saions r . Best - Suits We've Ever Had Are Here Suits that-rival and In om way surpass onr best efforts since we opened this store. The brain of th V v designer, perhaps unwittingly, has pat into concrete form, shape And oolor eotnblnattona that are rare and srtlstio exj different from the everyday sort that they mean everything to the wenan who weara . tbem. If you. ilk your hundred of isUr. want something different, you will come here. Just aa they . eome her for it And tb prices are- lower. Yesterday we saw In another ator window a suit that was . " the exact replica of one we have marked B3B.OO. it was maraea seo.vv. wouian i you aa soon save that tl.0T It's seldom. Indeed, that the duplicate ot a suit of ours la shown elsewhere in town; but, as In thl cas. when It la, H aeUs for. less her.- . .1.;..::: NEW STREET SUITS . ' i In Jacket Eton. Blouse and Tight-Fitting Effect, in material of Homespun. Serge. Cheviot. Panne Cheviots. Broadcloths. Panama Cloth. Mohair and Handsome Ezclualv Pattern in Mannish Mixtures. A full color line, embracing Blue, Grays, Brown. Oreens, Tsns, Blacks, Mixture and the Ultra-Fash ; , totiahle Shepherd Plaids and Olfecks. The price rang is wide. No matter whether It's the modest Tailored Suit at ........... . .s.. ................. . . . r .812.50. Or th mere elaborat grade ranging along by easy price steps to the aristocrat at $1.25.00 vnis btttt ra npaT a its it Tnr , illt'C.II. ' T ... 77 T : r-. 4. NEW SHIRTWAIST SUITS (VERY MODISH) Handsome KeW Shirtwaist Buita, Silk, Wool and Alpaca, la Green. Blue, Bed. Black and Gray. Values AV TV flXO.VU from, suit . : . NEW SPRING COATS snrin Prmtm In Tan. Covert Cheviot and Broadlothj with or without collars, plain and fancy stitched earn, trimmed with velvet etc, .Values from, each, ......87.60 TO 832.S0 '. .' ; TAN COVERT JACKETS ' ' i Plain and Fancy Trimmed Jacket, with collars or eollarleaa, strapped seams. Val- ' ues from, each I ........-i-f 12.50 f 38.50 NEW SPRING WAISTS WOMEN'S APPAREL SHOP 2d Floor ' New Spring Waists, in all the late materials, Whit. Polka Dot, Striped. Checked. Plaids and Dark Mix tures; Negligee Shirts includedln all the new shade. 'Value from, each... 81.QO Q TJO School of ' Domestic Science Tea Room and Floor. L -ir Auspices Portland Y. W. C. A. MENU FOR SATURDAY. MARCH 18. Tea Y ?T: .' Coffee ' , Chocolate . " , Milk Served in Bottles ' ' :.y . .' BouiBon - Chicken Salad; Curried Eggs Tea Room Curried Eggs ". ' Plain Omelette ' " Boston Brown Bread ; . J : Ham 'Sandwiches Hot Rusks; Bread and Butter Mariner Tea Cakes Saturday in the Shoe Store ' On th "Fair-Way Wt Annex Firet Floor. Childrea and Misscslire Catered ; , to Espedalry V THINK OF BCTTNO IS.OO SHOES FOR T A PAIR. Then com in and satisfy the footwear need of the Children and Misses today and while th shoe , ,. last at th1! enormous reduction. rLo money r ' Well. If hardly' probable that we don't But we've a quantity of these ' shoe that mnt be cleaned out thl week to make room for incom ing goods. All th stylish sort of leather are in cluded, embracing vicl kid. vlcl calf, box calf and tan vicL Both lace and button style are ln eluded. The cheapest shoe in the lot. sold readily and was a anlendlrf valne at 11.00. Other run aa ' "hlgh aa 100. and every shoe a guaranteed worth. We have -filled two large table with- the ehoa. i - and shall offer them today and until sold at th absurdly low price of. the pair ..T9 Curtains ME BIO SPBC1A1, SALE 'OF SINOLE PAIR LOTS Fourth Floor House furnishing Shops.. Every single pair lot of Lac Curtain In the house Is Included In this sal. Sample pair of Brussels, Irish Point, Renaissance, Arabian, Cluny. Cable Net Ruffle Net etc somewhat mussed from handling, but not damaged in the slightest, de " gree ail go at Just half regular prices a Tol-" .low: ; . Our tSOO valu; special price, pair. ....... ..Sl.OO Our 1100 value; special price, pair.;. ..flJtO Our $4.00 value; special price, pair 82.00 Our $1.00 value; special price, pair... ...... .2.50 Our $7.00 value;; special price, pair. ....... ..$3.50 Up to $10.00 value for, pair 810.OO A7 Saturday" Sale of Mohairs tlN DRJCSS OOOD8 8ALON8 BEcSsV TLOOTL - This Is a Mohair Spring Plain Mohairs, Checked Mohair. Melange Mohair.' Shadow Mohair are meager outline of th new one that keep oomlng into tb Dree Oood Salons. The' finest ' Mohaljs are from Bradford. England, and we've a large showing of these splendid weave. Th great demand can't help reaping a -scarcity among th beat coloring and styles. Stocks are at their high-water mark of completeness Just now at this store. No stingy, meager showing, but a generous, , bountiful feast and such values! Readl NEW $1.10 MOHAIRS, $1.11 YARD. . Our regular $110 value In a large assortment of col ors and pattern; special, per yard ... $1.21 Our regular $1.71 value In all th new colors and de sign; special, for per yard $1.46 .Our' regular $2.00 value In brown, navy, green. cadet, gray and tan, all th newest pattern to choose from; special for, per yard..-. $1.54 Result of L C School Y?te at 10 ft rc.t rvr 'Today -V Reginald Carter, bell boy The Norton ...... . ..... 74,430 Arthur Taylor, M. ft A. Shogren. . 71,184 Mae Hughes, Knight's Shoe Co. . 61,253 Either Carlson, Mason, Ehrman ft ' Co............ i... ....... 18,774 Chas. Adler, Woodard, Clarke ft Co. .......................... 17,470 Guy De Pue, Portland . Delivery ...Co. 14,091 :. 257,204 Scattering ................. ..r. 40,858 Total ..................... . . .298,062 A Sensational Sale of Undermuslins at Half-Price IN THE ANNEX SAXONS SECOND FLOOR. On of those fortnnate trad chance that only com rarely greet you tomorrow. For Saturday only, we offer a splendid sample line of Women' Muslin Undergarment at HALF their " regular price. There'll be a rush be early, for though th lot Is large early choosers wilt "get the reddest cherries" aa usual. . " ; " 1 . W were fortuned to secure a sample line of Mualla Underwear at ONE HALF OFF regular prices. There la only one garment of a style In Oowna. Corset Covers. Drawers, -Chemises and Petticoats. Had w purchased them at regular coat wed have to double the price for profit Be our partner In thl deaL We dlvid the-profit with yoti.AU. th garment In thl lot at ONE HALF PRICE. V Another of Thccs Tczlzx CIIJ. - ; Daya in ths ' Millinery y Salons Tonwrrow ' :;.. WEST ANNEX SECOND , FLOOR. ' We've newer' had so many Children Hat as this spring or ao pretty. Beams aa.thougn all of Portland's lassie were turning to thl tor for their ' new - hat. Must be they v heard of the unuaoal attention our buyer and makers have given to getting together this . season . . the largest and handsomest stocks of Children's Hat ever shown by any millinery house In (he weet. We' appreciate the business brought us by the young folk and show it In our generous new stocks now ready two for every' one that any other millinery atore In the eity can ahow: prettier and more exclusive styles. What else? Oh. yest P r 1 e lower than else where, as . ever. - A hint. Children' Splendid Quality Straw Sailors, with rolling brim snd in all wanted colors. . Adapted for wear of lad or lassie a' big assortment at, each : . . . ... .:.2B Children's Pretty. New Fancy Straw Sailor. In all ' .colors, and silk ribbon bands. .............. .49 Children' Fins Jap Straw Sailors, in whit with , pretty colored bands 7r7 Mlssea and Children' Fancy Plalded . Straw Sailor great valu at... 98 Fine Milan Straw Sailor ' at f 1.98 $2.49 and f 3.00 A splendid - line of Tam-o'-Shanters and Jaunty caps..-. ......TB to 93.00 And the best values in th city at each, price. Special Spring Cleanup , y Sale of . -r'-: Jewelry" .'. 'J ' FIRST FLOOR WEST ANNEX. . CUT STEEL BEADED CHATELAINE PURSES, with oxide chain and hooks , ,,.;.,. Oar $2.00 value; special for I day only, at, each Our ll-H value; special for S day only at,, each. 55 0 Our lie value; ipeclal for I day only at, each. .45) Our 7(e value; special for S days only at, each. .354? Our tie value; special for 1 daya only at. each. .204? OXIDE CHAIN CHATELAINE BAQS Our 'll.St -value; special clean-up price, each. . ,'. . . .504? OXIDE AND GERMAN SILVER CHATELAINE BAO TOPS Our $S.OO value; special clean-up aale - price, each .984 OXIDE AND T3ILT GATE BAG TOPS Our 4 So value; special ciean-up sal price, each.... 5) NICKLB PLATED OPERA. GLASSES Our 11.00 ' . value; special clean-up sal prtee, each.. -. .35) FANOT TOP HAT PINS Our. See value; special clean-up aale price, each. ...20) PEACOCK ETE AND JEWEL TOP HAT PINS Our , - too vain; special clean-up sale price, each. ,-29) Our Otis value: special clean-up sal price, each... 35) PEARL NECKLACES Oar lie value ( special ctean- . ',. up sale price, each 204 PEARL NECKLACES Two Strands Our ISc value; ' special clean-up sal price, each.... .9 TURQUOISE NECKLACES Our Ho valne; special ; clean-up ai price, each..,.......,.. ..20e TURQUOISE NECKLACES Three Strand Oar Ota vain; special clean-up j prtee, each .354? WHISK BROOMS With ' silver mounted, ebonled handles, our t Jo value; special clean-up sal price, each le PORTLAND SOUVENIR FLAG PINS Our ltd value; special clean-up sale price, each 204? CLOTH BRUSHES Real sbosy. Sliver moantedV-our $!. value; special clean-up sal price, each.. 98 , EMERT BAGS Sterling., UTr . mounted, our tto. value; special at. each. .15) MEN'S DRESSING COMBS Ebony, sliver mounted. our tfo value; special at, each..... 23e) LADIES' DRESSING COMBS Shell, sterling mount ed. our 11.11 value; special at, each. ....... 65) GERMAN SILVER CHAIN CHATELAINE FXTRSKB Our fit to 11 value; special at, eacli...,95.00 Oar 4.4t to $ value; special at, each.. 2.60 Oar 11.70 value; special at, each...,.....T5e) SHOE HORNS Ebonold bandies; special at. each. 54 CIGARETTE CASES Of. oxide metaL value to 11.00; special at, each .......50) SHOE HORNS with sterling stiver handle, also BUT ' TON HOOKS. CURLING IRONS. BLOTTERS. ' i CUTICLE KNIVES, etc, oar 8lo value; special at. j- each 15) " STERLING STLVER-GRIP TAGS With , leather trap, our Ste valu; special at, each......,.19) Our 40c value; special at, each. ......... !-254) . Our $100 value; special at, each..... 65d STERLING SILVER I HANDLE EMBROIDERY SCISSORS Our 75o vain; peclal at, pair. ,.45 Our lo value; special at. pair 50) Oar 10a valu; special at. pair ......... .....29) STERLING SILVER-POCKET r COMBS Our S0c value; special at, each.. 25) STERLING SILVER GARTER BUCKLES Our.tSe Vain; special at, each. ........ . .-55) Oar I0o value; special at, ach.............39 STERLING SILVER POCKET KNIVES. BLADES Our fl.00 valu; special at, each... ..59 Our (So value; special at, each. .......... .35) . (Our ISo value; (4 blade) special at. ach....454) BLACK SILK WATCH GUARD Our Jic valu; spe v clal at, each 15) STERLING SILVER HAIR PIN BOXES Our 11.80 value; special at. each ........90) FANCT SILVER AND TURQUOISE BRACELETS Value to 10c; special at, each. .......... .19) STERLING SILVER BRACELETS Our $l.l value; special st, each .694 STERLING SILVER BABT BRACELETS Our 00a value; special at, each........... -354 BAND RINGS Plain or chased. 14-k gold-filled. ui J0ovalue; special at, each. ... ..5 354 FANCT GOLD' NECKLACES With pendant Jewels, our tio value; special. at, each. ......... ..494 WATCHES Nlckle plated, guaranteed for one year.; special sale price, each. .....754 FANCT RHINESTONE BROOCH PINS Our I5e value; special at. each ........... .20 Our lie value; special at, each....... 394 PEARL AND JET STICK PIN SETS 4 In at. our llo value; special at, the set-.T?xrrrr., . . . .) JEWELED B A B- PINS Assorted setting, our I la value; special at, each ...194 ENAMEL BEAUTT PINS Two In Mt, our See Vlu special at, set 154 BLUE ENAMEL BEAUTT FIN SETS 4 pin In set. our lie "value; special at, tb t...........204 JEWELED BELT PINS Our Jle valae; special at 154 STERLINO SILVER STICK PINS Our II value; i special at, each ..................,. FANCT GILT AND OXIDE BELT BUCKLES As sorted pattern-' , . ... Our llo valu; special at each. IT Our llo value; special at, each. " Our lie valu; special C each. , .... . . i