The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 01, 1904, Image 4

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    Editorial Page of TKe Journal
Published every evening ( except Sunday ) and every Sunday morning at
r I MIERE is only one ground upon
to enter the Tanner creek
is entitled even to a semblance of justification
and that is that the original job was so badly done there
is danger of the sewer caving in, thus inflicting damage
on private property and leaving the city liable for heavy
damage suits. The mayor's attempt to throw discredit
upon the report of the experts is purely an afterthought
which does him discredit. Neither the city engineer nor
the contractor made the feeblest attempt to deny a sin
gle asserted fart. When the matter was laid before the
city engineer all he found to say was that he couldn't
deny anything there stated, sufficient justification of it
self to have warranted his immediate suspension for,' if
jobbery of that sort was being turned out under his very
eyes and he had on his Own personal knowledge recom
mended its acceptance, he was precisely the man. who
should not have been kept in that
But the mayor thought otherwise and decided to hold
in office the engineer and assistant engineer who are to
thoroughly discredited that no taxpayer can longer have
any confidence in their certification while some of the.
banks, it is said, have simply gone out of the business
of advancing money on any city contracts. But he has
gone even further and has assumed the right to permit
the defaulting contractor to go into the sewer and make
certain repairs in order to "protect hit own interests,"
when so far as anybody can see the only interests that
really need protection are those of the taxpayers who
have been so shamelessly defrauded by the work done
by the contractor and accepted by the
mendation of the engineer. When
teen done over again in a way to pass muster, which is
the only way in which it can now be done, the mayor
proposes to employ another commission of engineers to
go into the sewer and make another report against which neither the
contractor could say a word, is now
picion to the mayor who seems very
cerned in protecting the interests of the contractor than
the interests of the men who foot the bills for the sewer
work. - .
But, as we have said, if thera is a shadow of justifica
tion for permitting anyone under the circumstances to
go into the sewer to make the repairs tha very last man
who should have been permitted to enter is the con
tractor under whose contract the crooked work has been
M there was. nothing else to it but that, the mayor has
made himself the target of criticisms under, which an
honest man must writhe.
MOST .thc milk sold in Portland is puce and of
good Quality. Yet watchfulness and care on
the part of the public, acting through the
proper official channels or agancies, must be con
stantly exercised; for pure, unadulterated milk is one
of our very important necessities.
Every large city has had troubles
mint, but most of them have finally succeeded in obtain
ing it. Yet in one day last week 15 dealers in adulter
ated milk were fined $720 in a New York court. One of
them had to pay $150. The judge served them right.
A baby fed on milk that is mostly water starves.
Water is good in its way, but it cannot take the' place of
niHk. and selling whitened water ought to be a peni
tentiary offense.
A rich man of New York city, Mr. Nathan Straus, hss
made a business of supplying many people of that city
with pure milk. He sees to it that a very large num
ber of poor children get such milk, and at cost, or less.
This is charitable fad of his, and one of the most ad
mirable ones that of which we know.
Portland is not a very big city, yet it needs and de
mands an immense amount of milk, cream and butter,
which dairy products fortunately, are mostly supplied
by the immediate surrounding country. The dairymen
of this county have an organization that keeps Up the
prices of their product to reasonable figures, and as
sures them a Irving profit. People of the city do not
object to paying tht prices demanded for milk and
cream, but they have a right to insist that these pro
ducts should be clean, pure, and unadulterated. We be
lieve they are, as a rule; but it is necessary to keep
watch, and be on guard, against a possible and oc
casional dishonest dairyman.
Pure milk is one of a city's prime necessities. We can
better afford the adulteration of any other food than
milk. We believe we have a good man on guard in the
person of Commissioner Bailey.
"These trials in Portland are altogether proper. But
, they do not go to the heart of the business. They touch
only the limbs and the outward flourishes. A few paltry
uvarter sections are nothing. The thousands and mil
lions of acres, on schemes of "base" or 'lieu" lands,
worked under forms of law, constitute the real griev
ance. The Orcgonian. .
Have a little patience; for the first time something is
being done in this direction. It was necessary to make
a start; a real start has been made. Only the compara
tively small fish are yet involved, but the logical ten
dency is upward and that the government is not in the
bv sin ess of shielding favorites, however high placed, is
When Roosevelt Is Inaugurated on
March 4, 19 of., he will be the second
president with a mustache. Cleveland
was the first.
Whatever the presidency of this coun
try has done for the Incumbents, it haa
not been productive of beards.
The first four ehlef executives were
as clean shaven as Benedictine friars.
J. Q. Adams wss tha first to break the
rule, but he was not a full bearded
president. His facial growth of hair
hardly came up to what are usually
termed aids whiskers, but they were a
trifle more expansive than the Scotch
Presbyterian type.
When ha retired the beardless presi
dent oaaie In again with Jackson, but
his successor, Vsn Buren, brought to
the White House almost an aaact pat
tern of the whiskers grown by J. Q.
William Henry Harrison again set the
beardless face. The seven who csSns
after were clean shaven.
When Mr. Lincoln was elected there
was not a hair on his face, hut before
he finished his first terra ha wore s
sparse beard, with clean shaven upper
Hp. one of the authenticated stories is
that he did this to please a child.
(I rant was the first president with
full abort beard. His Immediate suc
cessor. Mayes, was the drat to wear full,
long whiskers, covering his shirt front.
Uerfleid also wore a full heard, but It
was leas luxuriant tha that of Hayes
Arthur, who was the meat correct
dresser ef all the presidents, was the
atresia, Portland, Oregon.
becoming manifest,
in due time.
which permission
sewer to do repairs
very good
and those of us
chance was.
without the help
important position
was the original
parent there is no
city on the recom
parties a new day
all this work has
From the very
report. The ong
engineer nor the
for a Democratic
an object of sus
much more con
The last election
first principles and
they will eventually
plan laid down with
statesman, Senator
and It openly and
in obtaining pure
Candidate Polk
souri. 'So did the News and the Journal. The Inter
Ocean is a strict, straight, party organ, but it has the
least city circulation of any Chicago newspaper worth
mentioning. The Chronicle, that tried to build itself up
by pretending to be Democratic when it was really Re
publican, finally became ashamed of itself, and acknowl
edged itself a "yellow dog" supporter of anything labeled
Republican. But it has only a small circulation in the
city and suburbs, as compared with the News, strictly
independent and impartial, or the Tribune, Republican,
but that dares to oppose an unfit Republican candidate.
All this is here stated in the nature of a suggestion to
some of our esteemed Republican contemporaries the
Salem Statesman, for instance
We are all desiring, or professing to desire, better
municipal government, ability coupled with cleanliness
in municipal service And as practical, grown-up and
possibly gray-headed men we know that politics should
cut no figure whatever in municipal service that it
should be wholly a business matter that in electing a
councilman, an assessor, an auditor, a mayor even, pol
itics should cut no more figure than religion or com
plexion. Yet we find our friends, the Salem Statesman, the
Roseburg Plaindealer, the Albany Herald, and the Pen
dleton Tribune, while agreeing with these propositions
eleven months in the year, turn around and make them
selves ridiculous by shouting "vote the ticket; vote it
straight; don't scratch; don't discriminate," whenever a
city or county election takes place.
The Journal suggests this to n esteemed contem
poraries: Stand by your party in national affairs if you
think it important to do so; even stand by Binger if you
believe it important to have a Republican majority in
congress though the Chicago Tribune wouldn't do so
but when it comes to local officers, support the best
Down an unfit man if he comes up on your ticket.
The people's business is becoming too important to be
turned over to political grafters of any party.
In a word, the newspapers ought to be the leaders and
teachers in political independence, and in the growing
demand for pure, capable and unpnrchasable public
service, not aiders and abetters of such crimes.
The man is important; his party name is unimportant.
Gradually we are learning this lesson.
first In the list to grow the Burnslde
type of whiskers.
Benjamin Harrison's beard was full,
with a slight tendency to curl at the
end, and was tinged with gray.
After Cleveland the clean shaven face
returned with McKtnley. The mustache
came In for the second time when Roose
velt succeeded.
Most of the presidents were bounti
fully supplied with hair on top of their
heads. The two Adsmses were the first
to show a alight tendency to baldness'.
Vsn Buren was bald on the forehead.
Garfield was similarly marked
POIk was the first snd only president
who wore his hair In the ante-bellum
southern styls. It was long and reached
back from the rent, over his ears.
Buchanan was the first and only one,
so far, to wesr the top roach.
' 'levels nd in returning to his second
administration showed a tendency to
baldness. McKlnley was not noticeably
blessed With a heavy growth.
But no baldheaded man. aa the term
Is understood, haa yet been president
of the United States.
From the Chicago Tribune.
Americans who are loud In their
boasts that snobbishness Is practically
unknown In this country will be rudely
Jarrd at the smiling report of the man
ager of a great hotel recently opened In
New York.
There la a sumptuous room Irt this
hotel thst rents st the rste of 1125 a
day. It is the most expensive hotel
The Journal Building, Fifth and Yamhill
Keep cool and all things will come
OM WATSON is a man of brilliant, energy and a
fighter. But he is taking on the tone
of a disappointed man in speaking since the elec
tion. There was no time, we suppose, that he had any
hope of electing the Populist ticket; that was even less
in the cards than the election of the Democratic ticket
who were a little biased during the cam
paign surely realize now how worse than hopeless the
By what strange process of mental legerdemain he
seeks to connect Bryan with the plutocratic crowd which
stood back of Parker even he might find it difficult to
explain. At the outset it was intended to elect Parker
of Bryan or any of his friends and. this
theory of the campaign. It speedily
underwent a radical change, however, and in the course
of a little while help front every quarter was not only
accepted thankfully, but eagerely sought. But salt
couldn't save the ticket. As a matter of fact the national
Democratic party is now in better shape than it has been
for half a dozen years past. It has been proven to the
satisfaction of every one that it cannot be saved by those
who were its enemies in two campaigns; it is equally ap
hope for it except in so far as it rep
resents the thoughts, aspirations and hopes of the masses
o: the people. When everybody is forced to realize that
there is no room in this country for two Republican
for the Democratic party has dawned
beginning, the two parties have been
diametrically opposed; the attempt to merge them dis
mally failed even though they maintained separate
names. If the people wanted Republican policies they
wanted the name to go with them; they refused to stand
has drawn the line sharply enough
for any one to see it. All that is needed is for the
Democrats to take the hint thus conveyed, to get back to
to stay with them. In that way
win four years hence if President
Roosevelt is shortsighted enough to follow the tariff
such confidence by that able Oregon
Charles W. Fulton of Astoria. -
the hi newspapers of Chicago are
very admirable concerns in more than one re
spect, and, especially in the matter of politics.
They are notably independent, and refuse to support the
candidates of any party unless they are personally
The Chicago Tribune is an outspoken Republican
paper, and very energetically and ably supported Presi
dent Roosevelt in the late campaign; yet it refused to
support some disreputable characters for congress on
the Republican ticket, notably Lprrimer and Madden,
enthusiastically supported Democratic
over in the neighboring state of Mis
room In the United States. There are
sullss that coat a good deal more money
per diem in hotels, but no one room
that costs as much.
This 1125s day room was widely ad
vsrtlsed and talked about when the great
new hotel opened its doors. It was
pictured In the newspapers, and de
scribed down to the lsst detail. Word
as to thst room went ail over the United
The msnager of this hotel was ssked
how he was making out with his 1126
a day room.
"Well." he replied, "If you want to
occupy it for a day or so you'll have to
give me at least four months' notice. It
Is already booked, for one day terms,
for thst period of time, snd bookings
are coming In f ram all parts of ths
United States every day."
That hundred and a quarter a day I
room hasn t been vacant a single day
or r.lght since the hotel opened. The
people who occupy the room for a day
are splurging visitors, who simply "want
to have the name" of having staked
themselvea to a one room shelter st ths
rate of 1126 for twenty-four hours' oc
cupancy of It.
Consideration Tot tha Pastor.
From ths Chicago Tribune
"I hsven't seen you st our morning
service for several Sundays, Brother
Hsrdesty." said the Rev Dr. Fourthly.
"I know it. doctor," said Brother
Hsrdesty. with sn spologetlc cough; "but
ths fact Is thst whsn I go to sleep I
snore ss loudly that It distracts ths at
tention of ths congregation.''
1 . Sma11 Ckane
one month of leap year left.
Have you bought that Christmas pres
ent yetT t
Port Arthur We think you'll have to
rail, after au.
November was quite a decent, com
fortable month, after all.
The word winter haa no terrors for
the citizen of western Oregon.
How would It do to banish Puter,
Watson, et 1 , to township seven-'leven
for lire7
Russia is for peace aa soon
licks Japan but that may be
time hence.
aa she
a Ions:
Carnegie says universal peace will
prevail after the year 3000. Certainly,
we will all be very peaceful then.
Douglas, Folk and Johnson are won
derlng what they will do with their Re
publican legislatures. They, might con
suit George Chamberlain. He seems to
have got along rather smoothly.
We don't doubt that Mr. D. R. Fran
cis Is very glad tha St. Louis fair is
over at laat. He has borne a heavy
strain for many months and must need
a rest. St. Louts, by the way, owes
him more than It will ever pay him.
Some "papers talk very nicely and
laeiy about tariff reform, and non
partisan service In cities, and so forth.
when no election is pending or neat
but always urge readers when the time
ana tne test come to vote the Repub
lican ticket straight, yellow dogs and all
Salem Statesman: An Indiana aur
geon found the heart of a patient in his
stomach. For generations housewives
have known that the heart of the aver
age man la reached only after first
prowling through the stomach. This is
no new discovery.
Isn't this, from the Minneapolis Trlb
une, nearly a case of less majeste? "Far
be It from us to reflect unduly on any
bright, impulsive young American wo
man, but we begin to suspect that Miss
Roosevelt is becoming 'a trifle head
strong and in danger of being utterly
spoiled.'' . .
Oregon Sidelights
All Oregon towns are growing.
Now, December, don't be too rude.
One thing that Oregon badly needs is
more laying hens.
New settlers are
nearly all well
pleased with Oregon.
Every Oregon county should be well
represented at the 1906 fair.
An Unusual number of young people
are getting married in La Grande six
coupiea last wee.
When they have a dance In Lakeview,
they dancs all night, till broad daylight,
and don't go home till morning.
Irrigation will work great wonde:
or what would havs aesmsd wonders a
few years ago in Eastern Oregon.
Ths Rossburg Plaindealer Justifies
turkey-stealing when the birda are not
os bought for leaa than It cants a
Only two criminal cases have come up
in ths local court in Lakeview during
tha paat six months. Pretty good peo
ple over there, after alt.
Important news Item from Dolph In
the Tillamook Independent: The elec
tion passed off very quietly In Dolph.
Soma went wet, and will remain so for
a while.
Amity Advance: Ths editor and fam
ily acknowledge sn invitation to tsrke
Thanksgiving dinner with Rev. and Mrs.
J. H, Douglas, which waa accepted and
appreciated far mors than these simple
words express. Ths hoataas haa certain
ly established her reputation aa a cull
nary artist of tha first class with tha
editor and family.
Condon Tlmea: The Morrow county
courthouse cost the taxpayers 66.tsi0.10.
Thay havs a fins courthouse, and com
parisons are odious, ws "know; but Gil
liam county haa a fine, well-furnished
courthouse that cost ths taxpayers 217,
000. Kvently Gilliam's county OOUrt
has studied closely tha principle of
financial economy.
Lake view Herald: Sometimes It la
rather nlos to be a newspaper man, and
at other tlmea It la not nearly ao nice.
Laat Tuesday waa one of those nles
times. F. L Ross called on us, and, be
sides trestlng the office to applaa and a
fins brand of cldsr, ho left some of ths
good, hard stuff. Such things, however,
do not happen very often in a printer's
I. N. Bare, of the I m nana, while con
fined In the city Jail at Joseph, either
accidentally or intentionally aet firs to
the building and came near burning him
self snd the grester part of the town.
A strong wind was blowing at the time,
and had the firs got a greater start
several blocka of the town would have
been destroyed. In fact, he and the
town had a Bare escape.
Prose song of the Bend Mullet In Did
any country sver have finer weather
than ths Deschutes valley? Ths con
trast of this season with that of a year
ago Is quits msrked, but ws are assured
by old residents that this fsll rather
than last Is ths type of ths season on ths
Deschutes l-ast November nearly a
foot of snow fell on the 6th. This year
there have been but two really froaty
nights up to this data.
Prlnsvllle Review: At last we havs
the assurance that Crooked rlvsr will do
no more damage while on Its snnusl
rsmpags to tha south approach to the
truss bridge that cams so near being
cleaned out in laat spring's freshet The
county court haa awarded to Ed Harbin
ths contract to preaerve tha approach
agalnat all floods for the next five years
and will allow him the aum of 1460 for
his services.
Tillamook Independent: The fellow
who wrote up Tlllamok county for ths
Evening Telegram evidently believes
that whsn hs does tell a lis ha should
tsll ths kind that nseds no label. He
says thst ths county Is blessed with
6,000 school children, snd thst 800 bush
els of potatoes are raised to ths acre.
We know that our DeODle ara a-nnd
stock, snd that our soil Is the rlchsst
in mi suiiu, uui wny snuuia a man lis
about It T
The Rarest
American Books
From ths New Tork Sun.
"I sm often asked." said a New York
bookseller, "which Is ths rarest Araer
lean book.
"It la a puzzling question to snawer
for a dossn different works might be
named for example, the folio edition
of the Columbus lattsr, the only known
copy of which is In ths Lenox library
on Fifth svenue, or Bayard's' Journal
(New York: William Bradford, lCtl)
the first book printed In this city, long
supposed to be lost, but unearthed by
an American girl In 1901 among Gov.
Fletcher's papers In the archives of the
Public Record office In London, where
a unique copy had rested in obscurity
since it was forwarded by the New
York governor 211 years ago.
To my mind, the rarest American
book la the New England Primer, tho
little Bible of New England,' aa It has
been called, which is so rars that the
earliest printed editions have vanished
no one knowing, Indeed, when and where
the first edition was actually issued.
A few collectors think that the first
edition wae printed in Cambridge, Mass.,
in 1668. basing their belief on a state
ment made by Marmaduke Johnson, a
printer In that town, who was suroroonrj
before tha general court in Boston In
September... IMS, to give an account of
the books he had lately printed. In
Johnson's answer, to the council he
stated that 'he had printed the primer:
and thla work may have been the long
loat first edition of the book. No copy,
however, haa ever bean found.
"The late Paul Lelcestsr Ford, who
published In 1897 an authoritative ac
count of the New England Primer, be
lieved that the flret edition was printed
in Boston about 20 years later by Ben
Jamin Harris, a Protestant publisher
who came from London to Boston about
tha year 1686. and there began to mcks
and m" books.
"Some time between 1687 and 1690 Mr.
Foru fixed upon aa the date of the first
lasus of the Immortal primer. Of
"second Impression, enlarged,' thera
the satisfactory proof of an advertiss-
rr.ent, sn almanac laausd In 1690 an
nouncing that such an edition 'is now
In the 1 ress, sbd will suddenly be ex
"Harris had already published in Eng
nd The Protestant Tutor,' which
seems to have been the legitimate pre-
decetis of ths Nsw England Primer,
and It Is a fair assumption that h
changed ths name and out down tha
slse of the 'Tutor' to meet in a busi
nesslike way the pride and purses of
New England.
"The advertisement unearthed by Mr.
Ford is the emy proof of Harris' con
nection with the New England Primer.
for all tli editions issued by him have
disappeared. Ths earliest extant dl-
lon which he could discover bears the
date of 1727, having been printed in
Boston in that year by Kneeiand A
Green. The next edition known to him
waa dated 1727, tha next 1786 and the
next 1762.
Since Mr. Ford's tragic death con
tain research on the part or cree-l
ora haa brought to light other editions.
lthougb none bearing a date prior to
1 727 4ms been found. The list of known
editions rHrted before the American
revolution row Includes the following
1. Boston. 1727, printed by Kneeiand
A Green. One copy known the one In
ths Lenox library, lacking four leaves.
f. Boston, 1726,- printed by T. Fleet.
Not known to Ford. One copy known.
In a private library In Brooklyn.
S. Boston. 1T27, printed by T. Fleet.
One copy known. In tha library of the
late Cornel lua Vanderbilt.
4. Boston, 1728, printed by T. Fleet.
One copy known, in a private library In
I. Boston, 1 746, printed by Rogers at
Fowls. Not known to Ford. One copy
known. In a prlvata library in Brooklyn.
(. Germantown, Pa., 1764. printed by
Christopher Bauer. Jr. Not known to
Ford. One copy known, until recently In
the possession of a New Tork Arm of
rare book dealers.
T. Boston, 17(1, printed by D. and J.
Kneeiand. Not known to Ford. One
copy known, in a private library In Boa
ton. 8. Boston. 17(2, printed by 8. Adams.
Ons copy known. In a private library In
9. Boston, 17(2, printed by T. and J.
Fleet. Not known to Ford. One copy
known, in tha private library of the
lata Bishop Hurst.
10. Boston, 17(7, printed by W. Mc
Alpine. Not known to Ford. Ons copy
known, until recently In ths possession
Of a Now Tork firm of rare book dealers.
II. Boston. 17(8, printed by John Per
kins. Ons copy known. In ths prlvata
library of ths lata Cornelius Vander
bilt. 12. Boston. 1770, printed by William
McAlplns. Two copies known one In
the Vanderbilt library and one in a pri
vate library in Hartford. Conn.
12. Boston. 1770, printed by John
Boyle. One copy known, in a public
library In New England.
14. Boston, 1770, printed by John Per
kins. Not known to Ford. One copy
known, which was sold In Boston lsst
spring for 8140.
16. Boston, 1771, printed by John Per
kins. Not, known to Ford. One copy
known, in the private library of the lata
Bishop Hurst.
16. Boston, 1771, prlntsd by Thomas
Lsvsrstt. One copy known, In tha pri
vate library of the lata Blahop Hurst.
17. Boston, 1771, printed by Kneeiand
A Adams. Not known to Ford. Ons
copy known. In the library of the lata
Bishop Hurst.
18. Boston. 1771, "sold by ths Printer
and Bookseller " One copy known, la a
public library In New England.
It. Boston, 1774, printed by John
Boyle. Not known to Ford. Ons copy
known, which wss sold in Boston laat
20. Providence, R. i 1776. printed by
John Waterman. Two copies known
one In the Lenox Library and ons In a
private library at Hartford. Conn.
"Certainly the New England Primer Is
ths rarest American book. Here we have
20 editions printed before the Revolu
tionary days, snd, with two excsptlons,
each edition la reproaentad today by a
unique copy,
"Notwithstanding ths most careful
aearch by a multitude of investigators
In all ranks of life, and the moat ex
pensive advertising, perhaps, ever given
to sny book In ths reading columns of
hundreds of newspapers all over tha
United States, no more than this score
of edttlona ara extant at the present
time. -l.
"It la easy to understsnd how the
early editions have disappeared. All
collectors know how difficult It Is t j
find old school books, snd ths Nsw En
gland Primer, which waa used both ss a
text book for primary training and aa
an elementary spiritual guide, Waa lit
erally thumbed out of existence.
'The value of copies bearing early
dates la wonderfully high. In 187(. when
little attention was paid to tha book,
tha Lenox library gave 86 for a eopy of
the edition of 1727, the earliest known.
Two yssrs ago
firm of rare book
oeaiers in mis city gave 61.600 for a
copy of ths edition of 1786, tha second
earliest known, selllna- it at a cons Id
erabls advance on that aum to a prlvata
collector In Brooklyn.
"No oodv of an earlv edition has oc
curred for sals in ths open market for
a long period, and the auction value of
such a copy Is difficult to esttmsts. 11
would assuredly bring a long price I
ths auction room, for thla little book,
ones disregarded aa a worthless trifle, la
now prised aa tha rarest American
December 1. The wind was from ths
northwest, and the whole party engaged
in picketing the fort. About 10 o ciock
the half-brother of the man who had
been killed, came to Inform us that six
Sharhaa or Chaysnns Indiana had ar
rived, bringing s pipe of peace, and that
their nation waa three days' march be
hind them. Three Pawnees had accom
panied the Sharhaa, and the Manaans.
being afraid of the Sharhaa on aocoui
of their being at peace with tho Sioux,
wlahed to put them and the three Paw
nees to death; but the chiefs had for
bidden It, as It would be contrary to our
wishes. We gave him a preaent of to
bacco, and although from his conuextlon
1th the sufferer he was more em
bittered agalnat tha Pawnees than sny
other Mandan, yet he seemed perfectly
satisfied with our pacific counsels ana
advice. The Mandana, we observed, call
all tha Rlcaraa by ths nams of Pawneea,
the name of Rlcaraa being that by wnicn
tho nation distinguishes Itself.
in the evening ws were visited by a
Mr. jienaeraon, wno came rrom ine nun
son Bay company to trada with ths
Mlnnetarce. He had been about eight
days on hta route, in a direction nearly
south, snd brought with him tobacco
beads, and other merchandise to trade
for furs, and a few guna which ara to
be exchanged for horses.
row ja
Correspondsncs of ths New Tork Sua
The news that A. F. Jaurette. an
American clttsen. la to bo expelled from
Venesuela did not surprise anybody at
the stats department. The report of his
latest dismissal waa merely the repe
tition of an old story.
Every American who visits Caracas
geta acquainted with Jaurett. Ha la a'
good man to know, not only for his per
sonal characteristics but because he is
always Invaluable in an emergency.
Does ths Amsrican need money.' Jau
rett will find a way of getting It for
him. Would ha like to see the real
society of Caracas? Jaurett will In
troduce him If Jaurett la satisfied that
ha Is all right. Ia ths government
suspicious that ths American has revo
lutionary designs? Jaurett will fix It
with fne ministry.
Jaurett is one of the editors or tne
Venezuelan Herald, a Caracas newspaper
printed In English and Spanish. Hs Is
also the correspondent of a great many
newspapers In Europe and America.
When English. German anil Italian
suuadrons were blockading Venezuelan
ports .three years ago and the Ayes u.fl
republic, Jaurett .had . a;, monopoly 'for a,
time of supplying news to nearly alt the
big papers of thla ocuntry and the conti
nent of Europe. "A few hundred ' mora
for the poor Jaurett," he would say aa
ha deposited each of tha many drafts
that came to him from newspaper busi
ness offices. Hs waxed fat on his work.
Tha policy of his Caracas paper waa In
accord with that of the Venezuelan gov
ernment and Jaurstt waa a favorite in
official circles. Everything waa coming
hta way.
Prior to that time Jaurett had been
frequently In trouble with the Venezu
elan authorities. Dispatches sent by
him to foreign newspapers were often
regarded' by tha government aa objec
tionable, and Jaurett was alwaya called
upon to explain. One American minister
to Caracas has said that much of his
work there waa to persuade ths authori
ties not to deport him. Ths breesy
newspaper man seemed to like worry
ing the powers that be. Ha said what
he thought and said it in vlgoroua lan
guage. One narrow escape from depor
tation did not deter him from risking
According to the Information received
by the state department. Jaurett'a latest
difficulty haa arisen from the publication
In hla paper of several articles In de
fense of the New Tork A Bsrmudes
company, whoae asphalt properties la
Venesuela were confiscated by ths gov
ernment President Castro is waging a bitter
war against ths company and Jaurett'a
attacks on hla course angered him. If
Jaurett Is actually deported, ha will go
probably to Curacao or soma nearby
place and wait there for a change In
the rather shaky Castro administration.
Then ha will return to Caracas to re
sume his lively career.
Jaurett'a father was a French en
gineer. The aon obtained American cit
izenship snd drifted to Caracas. Ha
was poor whsn hs reached there, but It
was not long before he became pros
perous. CALXYOaUriA'B
From the Sacramento Union.
A decade ago annual wheat shipments
from San Francisco sggrsgatlng 820,
000,000 a year and more were not un
common. But of late years shipments
have steadily decreaaed until for the
first nine months of ths prsasnt year
they aggregated only about 8800,000, aa
against 81. 880,000 for tha same period
laat year. To ths whsat shipments must
be added flour, but for ths first nlns
months of both 1903 and 1804 flour
shlpmsnts from San Francisco aggre
gated less than 88,200,000. Tha flgurea
show the extraordinary decline in Cali
fornia wheat shipments. In ths mean
time, Puget sound shipments have been
Increasing by leaps and bounds. For
ths first nlns months of 1908 the flour
shipped from Puget sound ports wss
valued at 84,412.649; for the same nine
months thla year the Puget sound ship
ments aggregated 84,116,182, showing
that Puget sound is beating California
two to one on flour shipments, moat of
wSto Is going to the orient.
But the showing Is not to the dis
advantage of California; It Indicates, In
fact, decided progress In the state's de
velopment. When San Francisco was
shipping 880,000,000 and more worth
of grain a year California was a land
of enormous grain fields, snd little else
In the agricultural or horticultural line.
Ths yeera during which California
wheat shipments havs declined have
witnessed the gradual cutting up of
the large wheat fields Into orchard and
garden tracts To be sure, wheat ship
ments have fallen away almost 820,
000.000 In value, but to take their place
have come shlpmsnts of vegetables, of
citrus fruits, of deciduous fruits, both
fresh snd dried, dairy products and tha
like. Lsst year, for example, from
orchards lying within a radlua of a hun
dred miles of Sacramento were shipped
deciduous fruits to the value of 210 -000.000.
which equals half tha falling
away In value of California's grain ship
ments. Added to this, the value of dried
deciduous fruits shipped, of vegetables,
of citrus fruits, and It will be seen that
California has not loat by sacrificing
her grain fislds for orchards and amali
farms. j
I , -
Lewis and Clark
I - y B
in the Northwest
(Emma Seek I e Marshall In Sunset Mag
aarne. )
Roaat turkey without cranberry sauce
In tha holiday season Is about as tame
aa roaat goose minus a dressing flavored
with saga and onions. Ths two articles
of food, are as closely allied on a bill
of fare aa pork and apple sauce, loa
cream and cake or coffee and doush-
nuta. and the poor wayfarer of ths slums
expects nis cranberry sauce with hla
Christmas turkey at, the charity dinner
Juat as confidently as doaa the trust
magnate In hla palatial home.
Yes, if either ons give a thoua-ht to
the home of tha berry 'It Is with a hasy
Idea of having heard It associated with
the name Cape Cod. Thua It la that
when a stranger pauaea in the markets
of the northwest cltlea to Inspect ths
trays of beautiful berries marked "Ore
gon cranberrlea." or "Washington cran
berrlea." the eager storekeeper speedily
assures him that tha local products are
just as nns ss ths Capo Cod berries:
not as largs. of course, but reallv of a.
better flavor." Cranberries are found In
the colder sections of ths northern hem
isphere wherever there ara paat bogs or
panuy marsnes. em tne Amsrican conti
nent they grow on tho shores of ths
Great Lakes and along tha Atlantic sea
board from Canada to Virginia, being
flneat, perhapa. In the neighborhood of
Cape Cod, while on tha ahorea of the
Pacific their habitat la western Oregon
and Washington.
It lr true that the berries grown on
the western coaat are smaller than those
of ths famous eastern cranberry
marshes, but this may be because ths In
dustry Is yet In Its Infancy, for it Is
only within the past few years that It
haa been considered in the light of aa
It hss slways been a well known fact
that the boga of Oregon and Waablngton
abounded In wild cranberries, but It wss
long before an adventuroua individual
waa found who. waa willing to take hla
life in his hand and make an experiment
to ascertain whether the bright hued
berries dotting ths trailing vines In tha
marshes were really fit for food or were
Juat tempting fruit sprssd broadcast
by the Death Angel to lure ths foolhardy.
When the conditions are right cran
berry culture la a paying business. Ths
berries, being firm, are good shippers,
and there Is little likelihood of loss In
transit. Nevertheless the Industry will
not Increase very rapidly until there ara
better and more dependable facilities for
freight transportation.
More attention la being paid to the
business of growing cranberries In Tilla
mook and Clatsop counties than In any
other section of Oregon, although C. D. -McFarlln
haa a very productive acreage
In cranberries in the vicinity of Marsh
field, In Coos county. Peat bogs ara
considered to bo best adapted to this
business. The bog must be drained to
M&Rf& ,he surface, and
wTTlcjt h cWWf7ln?ffe plant. ;
under cultivation if the best results sr
desired are then sst out. four in a hill.
about a foot apart. Plants yield most
abundantly from ths third to the tenth
year and will then- average 200 bushels
to the acre.
When It Is known that 8? 50 par
bushel is a good average price, the profit.
airer tne tttbt cost nas been rrmae up.
can easily be estimated. The first cost
ia really the only expense except pick
ing, and thla varies according to the
locality. Cranberry culture might b
called a one-man industry, sine ons
man can easily handle a ten acre marsh,
except during harvest, whan ha secures
hslp from tha adjacsnt ranches or from
the Indiana.
Picking beglna early In October and
lasts from two to three weeks. Ths
same method of harvesting la In vogue
on many of tha marshes that la used in
th east A rake shaped Implement,
called a cranberry gatherer, Is used to
raise ths vlnss and collect the berries
in a bag or box attached to the rake-
but some growers prefer to hire
all the pickers they can get and let them
plok by hand In tha same primitive way
that strawberries or any other small
fruit is picked. As the bogs are kapt
drained all aummer. It will readily be
seen that thera la little discomfort at
tending picking. When the season Is
over the water la turned on the vines
and they ara kept flooded all winter.
The harvest sssson Is really a plcnlo
aaon for the pickers, particularly If
tha weather la pleasant, which It usually
Is st that tlms of year. Camping out In
the order of life and conviviality la the
feature of the evenings. Who shall say
What romances have their beginnings
and their endings during these seasons
of outdoor companionship, what heart
burnings and Jealousies are engendered;
what revelattona of character made?
There la ilttle of frivolity and urban ex
citement In the Uvea of tha ranchers of
the coaat counties, but heart interest,
with its attendant delight and tortures,
Is as strong. If not stronger, her aa In
metropolitan centers, and it may be that
the sauce that gives relish to ths mis
anthropic old bachelor's Christmas tur
ky waa th Joint picking of a pair of
hands on a distant peat bog, that pauaed
often' In the course of tha work to in
dulge In a surreptitious pressure that
ssld more then words could have dona.
Hooks women teachers like:
"How to B a Gentleman." by Marga
ret Haley.
'How to Propose," by Catherine Gog
gln. "Little Algy's Tea Party."
"Fldo and tho Torch Light"
"Santa and the Gas Man "
"Eva and ths Moon."
"Queen Bess and Her Doll."
"Memories of Lincoln Park."
Booka men teachers like:
"Her Guilty Crtms."
"Drug from Her Bed and Struck with
a Stab Knife."
"Mead wood Dick, th Tlghtrop
"Alone In St. Louis."
"Ons Night In Ten Bar Rooms "
"Carter Harrison's Secret."
"Ed I .a birr, or th Boy Campaign sr."
I wish ws had mora msn teaching
literature In the schools. Women, ss a
rule, do not like vigorous stories which
contain some element of blood snd thun
dsr. I used to think that "Jack, th
Qlsnt Killer" might corrupt a child, but
I do not think ao now. Women are
afraid of physical horror, and in thla
respect we find men's taats in literature
mors heroic. Prof. W. D. McCllntock
of the University of Chicago.
From the Wasco News
Th wis are slready casting shout
for a man to beat Governor Chamber
lsln. If th Republicans put up the
right kind of a man he will be elected,
but th party managers will do well to
remember th lesson of ths last stats
election. Ths people of Oregon are
past swallowing yellow dog st ths
diction of ths bosses. Chsmberlsln hss
made a good officer, and unless ss good
or better man is put on ths Republican
ticket, hs will be r-elscUd,