The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, September 25, 1904, Comic Section, Image 27

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The An lerican Public Sckool System V. I
by w. a. Beent,
Brttala suable iMimit .
-OTHINQ has impressed me mart
taring war frequsnt visits to
America Uu tbs ni t
thusieam which prevails ta rs-
Card to education.
America, as a imt damoeratlo souu-
tn th-world that . upon her common
school rtiU um rounoauon or im nu
welfare wf her community, and um fact
that Um child Of tha millionaire sad of
ths artleaa are educated aids toy side,
and that aa Amerioea nua has to apolo
gue if be Modi his chyd to any other
chooL because ha la doing- something
un-American, la ta my opinion ona of
' Um btu factors 1 maintaining nor rani
I shall not Toadllr forgot UM ImproS
sloa that thU produced a poo the
first tlmo I went OTr a great ptbllo
ohool Ul Boston. To an English woman
aocustotned, to Um eeparatlon of tlimi,
la mat tars aduoatlonal aa well aa ao
rtal. I realised strongly tho greet bond
that tho eherlng of aduoatlonal sdvsn
tagos must neoeesertly briny about, and
how conducive it ahould bo to a com
moa onderatandlng between capital and
lihiw from the vary fact that tho child
of um mlllhand can bo found atdo by aid
' la tha sohool with Um child of Um em
ployer. ' Another faatura which aacaaamrtly Im
, pressse tha Bna-iiah obaarvar to the co
education of tha eexee. Thla ay stem haa
- boon vary pithily aumaMd up aa bain
' "pxeforrod to any otbar beosuee. f1ret,1t
- a natural. It la tha ordinary structure of
tho family and aoolaty, it la ouatomarr,
because It la la harmony with tha hablta
and sentiments of rery-day ,lf" ond
tha lawa of tha atata; rt ia impartial, ba
oauaa tt off ara to tha ana aax Um asms
opportunity for suKurs that tho othor
, enjoys. It la aoonomleal because It uaaa
Um aohool funds to tha bast advantage.
It Is convenient both -for support and
la assigning grading, toechlug and dle
'slpllne, and It la beneflolal to mind a,
morels, hablta and tho development of
pupils." --. 4
Another fearors which commands tt
sslf to ma moat strongly In tha Amert
: oaa system Is tha promlnanoa given to
ths womaa aduoator. Sixty-eight par
sent of tha whola of ths taachlns ataff,
from tha primary sohooU to tha unlver
gltlee, ara woman, , ,
Tba aaeond potnt which to my mind Is
oaoaUant la tha aooial standing which
. a given to teacher. Nothing- la mora
raswttabU than tha chum Una draws to
THRRB ara many secret saetouss
la Europe, but without a doubt
ths Mafia of Italy la ths worst
of all, for Its members openly
defy tha Uvwa of God and man with an
impunity that essiim iiwiradlbls to ths
Mth century.
Murders, thefts sad arson are to them
tnoideata, not crimes, while even the
saacUty sf family Ufa lb invaded If so
tho Mafia wills 1L
Ths Mafia la aot a ehlM sf today,
but a hoary old blackguard of ages, who
got- mora thaa too years baa wrought
havoo with Um morals of Italy and her
people. ...
gtrango though ft may seam, this
dread organisation had Its- origin In a
perfectly togitlmats souros. At grow up
in glrtly. where ths people from time
immemorial have always boon opposed
to arbitrary government, fighting la
tura again ths armed f oreea of. the
Arabs, tha Normans, ths French, ths
Bpenleb, and. last of sll. tho Bcrbona.
Consequently, after centuries of fight
. iMtinot orew un among
thorn, and culminated la tho formation"
f a society to protect new mw
sgainet sll recognised authority. This
society, being unable to meet Its masters
in ths open field, resorted to thieving.
satsaalnn4- and axsoo to ashlers its
bJnot. '
When ths people had as foreign mas
ters to murder, too baser sort began to
pillage their weaker countrymen, who.
fssleted by ths author! tiea, essayed to
punish tha avU-doars. Ths result was
just ths oontrary to what had been ex
pected, ss all ths malefactors in ths
laland formed them eel vee into a eeoret
society for mutual protection. Thus did
the Mafia see the light of day. Its In
fluence soon spread, and sow uxteods to
all porta of Italy.
Ita influence on polities to eeMWmoua,
yet It la not a purely poliuoal organisa
tion, nor a purely criminal oaa It has
no paid official a, no oommltfaes, ao
elected chiefs, but la their plaos a aya
tam somewhat akin to Freemasonry
without Its formalities whereby Its
members attain a oertaln position of
eminence among their fallows by senior
ity sr deeds accounted useful to ths
brotherhood. '
la each tows there la a parson mutu
ally recognised as ths emtoaary between
ths "brothers" and tho higher powers,
who In Important oases advise what
methods are to be pursued, whereas fn
minor ones each member uaaa hia awn
discretion, knowing quits well that
should occasion arise be will receive as
olatanos from headquarters.
Where theee headquarters are no one
knows except ths intermlsaary In each
town. They may one day be at Palermo
and tha next at Turin.
Before a man oaa Join ths Mafia be
has to go through a aeries of otriot pro
bationary trials, whereby ha Is tested In
hundreds of ways as to hia fltneaa for
tha "rod mantle. as tho Slclllsns call it.
Then, whoa ho has aatlsfled hia Judges
that he la worthy of membership, he la
Initiated toto the dread fraternity.
Tha oeremony ta ahort hut terrible, aa
ths man, after smearing aa Image sf his
JAPAN haa become known mors and
mors to ths Americans snd Euro
peans rsosnUy snd ths novel Japan
m giving way to ths real Japan.
It ta, however, sn anqueeUonsbls fact
that mlaoonoeptlond shout her people
are still held by them, even by these
who claim to know sll ttungs Japaneee
A gross, and, t am vary aorry to aay,
deep-rooted misconception ts that Japan
has sprung at a single leap from seml
barbarlsm to ths civilisation of today
that the hermit nation had beea dream
ing, separated from tho world for thou
sands of years -that ths door waa in
trusively opened by Commodore Parry
only 40 years ago, and that ths atmo
sphere of tho occidental civilisation has
flueaUy blows Into the oountry Bines
then. Up to that tlma ths Islanders
had beea entirely Ignorant and unoul
..mI anlvknowlnei how to make tea
(Qmut. 100a,
1 yrT
I .i.J '.'-;;..' :-V H. rivbrsdale coghlan v -...-
and how to arrsaga powers. Such
England. Tha board oahool teachers,
who. ara teftnltsty bat tar aduoatad than
tha aona and daughters of profoaalonal
man, ara not placed on a aortal equality
with clergymen and doctora and their
famlltaa; In a am all village, for Instance,
tha schoolmaster, who probably knowa,
with tba exception of tho elergyman.
mora, thasv any ana la tha plaos, la atin
Admitted to UM snored praelnott of
try soolotev :
Thla la dlaaatrous la Its sffaota: for.
11a It may aa aald that tha aduoatad
man or woman oaraa UtUo for tha 00
tloa or Intaroat of thoaa who may oon
aldar UMmaalToa aoo tally bu parlor, but
who ara aduoatlonally Inferior, at tha
aama tlma It has a daterrant affaet on
many who would otharwlsa parhapa
adopt tha oalrlnC) and jrho might ba wall
flltM for It by lnharitad eultura.
MoraoTsr. X think It atrlkaa at tha root
of Um rani prlaolpla whleh-haa boilt up
tha Amartoaa achool. foa tha- publlo
- . (OepyrifM, WH, ar W. B. BeereM '
ELECTRICITY w able to tear ths
atoms and oorpuacleo of matter
apart, transport them to a 41a
taaes sad build them UP into
new forms and comMaatlona. . Or It oaa
reduce metals from ores to a pure eta.
d K also sepsrstas bmuus zrom encn
other. Alt gold has traeaa ef platinum
along 'with It In tha ores. And gold
usually takes up soma or in is wnen re
duood. and many specimens of the yel
low metal Include the - One metals
Iridium and palladium. But so matter
how minute the quantities may be, elec
tric Mirrenta drag them apart sad de
posit each abeolutely purs.
Ail are rsmiliar wun eisexro-pmiins,
where base metale ara spread over with
thin nlma off gold or silver. The usual
way for many years was to suspend tho
article to be plated In a bath In a plating
h.n nil what are called convection
flows of electricity have been' made to
tear off oorpuacles ol gold, convey mem
In delicate epray through the sir and
plaster them with great force against
any other metal - or auoetance. xne
coating oaa be mods exoeeeively thla or
as heavy as desired.
Thus eloth or lace cam oe -piarea
favorite saint with blood drawn from
hia body, sets ths imago sa flea and
takes Um following oath:
"I swear oa my honor to be faithful
to the brotherhood. As this saint and
ths drops of myhlood ara destroyed, so
ll I shed all m flood for the frater
nity; and ss thoaa dahea and thla blood
oan hover bo reetored, so can I never be
come free from thla brothsrhood.-
But this to not sll; for, drawing re
volver, he shoots at a crucifix, thereby
showing hia wUlitumcee to klU hia near
est relation If so oommsnded. Thaa ths
oercraony of InlUaUon to finished.
Hia asms Is not written la any local
record, but la sent to headqoartara.
where by mouth It la oommunicated to
ths various Mafloei to ths districts
where the now member lives. Theee in
itiate him Into the various signs sad or
dinances of vthe brotherhood. If ba to
unfaithful to tha oauss a dacgec quickly
shuts hia mouth forever. '
Ths bond that anltes the Marios! Is
not a political one, for Republicans sad
Royalists are. among Its members; to
not a religious one, for Catholics and
Protestants, Atheists and Mussulmans
embrace its oread; It la not a social one.
for nob lee and peaaanto, bankers and
journal lata, lawyers and artlaana obey
Its laws. Tho bond that Joins this bet
erogeneoua mass of humanity to one of
reciprocal liability.
If a member commit a crime be knows
that he will be supported by men ta all
branches of life who will pause at noth
ing td outwit lust Ice. In political mat
ter also tho members bind themeelveb
together, frequently changing Um whole
character of an election If they desire
one of their members to besoms a dep
uty. Then, again, whan one of their
members starts a saw business, they
will flock round him aad purchase goods
from his shop.
Ths Mafia Is not, tt muat be dearly
understood, a society sf brigands In ths
ordinary sense sf the word, for tt does
not confine iteslf to attacks oa the Indi
vidual, but at tlmea makes war on ths
community, such as raising the price of
provisions at the risk of starving the
populace, ao that ita latereeted mcmbera
may profit thereby.
It will allow any one of its members
to cheat ss much ss It llkaa, so long sa
he to fair to hia fellow members, but
ahould ho be found guilty sf unfair deal
ing with a brother, ho Immediately pays
tha penalty of death.
. Ita greatest power, however. Is ta ths
protection of Its members from punish
ment for crimes committed. The Judge
on the bench, the prosecuting counsel
and tha gendarmes- may be Mafloei. so
powerful In sll branches of society Is
ths sect. A short time ago a foul mur
der was committed la broad daylight la
one of ths chief streets of Palermo. Ths
criminal was caught red-handed, but
managed to break away from tha poMoo
and dart dowa a narrow allay.
A veritable steeplechase followed, aa
oa tha cry of "Mafloal" being raised the
polios found their way Impeded by peo
ple throwing chairn. tables snd anything
they oould lay their hands an out sc um
windows . a
to bs ths notion ehsrishel by. ths
They rssogntae that ta Japan oommon
aohool boys snd girls understand hard
literary and sclenUflo lessons well thai
Kant and Spencer ara read by them
without touch difficulty. It eaa ba aald
without exaggeration that ths Japan
ese eobolara have made many worthy
dlaooveriea aad inventions in ths purs
and applied sciences, although the awd
arn ooloncss had beea absolutely un
known ts them until tt years ago, ho
tha Bumber sf scholar pursuing soton
ttfte studies has boon wary small.
Professor Beaiys, who threw toaeh
light Into tha study of earthquakes snd
volcanoes) Professor Mftoukuri, who has
made great discovert ee In embryology of
reptiles: Profeeeere Kitaeots and Ogata,
who both stand as authorities of bao
teriolcgy theee are not only ths re
nowned scholars of Japan, hut ths dls
ttoguiahsd sotsattoto of ths world aleo.
aohool rn Amorloa laoaraatas ths amar
Icaa apirlt as doaa nothing olaa. It la
Um grant national quagtton, and tha pao
pla. bavins takan tt Into thatr band a,
hara lifted It out of all narrow, aaotar
tan or political taauaa. Xndead, I Tan
tura to any that If thla apirlt wars mora
prsvalant la England many of tba graat
aat dlfflcultlaa which baaat our oduoa
Uonal auaatloa would ba gona,
Ths mathoda,of tha American acbool
ayatam ara tha moat admlrabla In tba
world. 'Tha quaatlon of dlartnllna la
mora thoroughly, understood thara than
In any pthar oountry- Tha taachar la
now mm Ion car an autocrat, whosa m
Uvaa ara navar auppoaad to ba undar
stood by hia puplla, but rathar ha la a
friand who taachaa by auggsatlon and
axplanation and takes a pride In Identi
fying himself with tha feelings and un
deretandinga of hia elaaa,
Dlaclpllna fn eonarqnane has not
oeaeed to exist, but on the contrary tba
with gold, sod ths precious metal can ba
forced Into tho text ore in 'intricate de
si gne of great beauty. So sloth of gold
may ha made with all tha gold la sight,
not hidden In tha Interior of the threads.
Leather, wood. . paper, fvory, ate, eaa1
aleo ba plated. '
Ia metallurgy ths moat aatonatvs tm
provementa are la sight from ths use ef
Induced electricity. Xf a ootl of wire
Is placed around another, then If a cur
rent Is paaaed through one. there will
be a current Induced in the other with no
oonnecUoa between them. All the wires
may be wrapped with allk, to be In
sulated. ' Now aa elect rlo furneee haa been
mads which utilises tha ara Itself as a
aubetftuta for one af tha ecus. No ear
rant la sent into tha era, aa before, but
la Induced therein with rapid reduction.
That wonderful process of making re-'
fined emclble tool steel oaa be dupli
cated at reduced cost. Ia fact, lmprove
menta In the manufacture of steel ara of
vast importance now.
Copper and sine have been extracted
from their orea by means of Induced
electricity at muob lower ooat than be
fore known. Aluminum oxldea ara
mixed with coke, Itself a sonduntor.
Ths man escaped, and to this day be
has never been apprehended, si though
ths police know bis Whereabouts. They
dare not arrest him. . . They fear tba
As to its political toftuence, sak aa
Italian ths aacret of Crispi'a success, and
he will toll you to tws words, "The
(Osayrlget, S94. by W. B. BearaC)
ITH a publlo school system
oovenns almost ths entire
territory of ' ths United,
Btstos of America, and fur-
niahing tha opportunity for Instruction
to sll elaaeoa of our people, U ta a sig
nificant fact that millions of dollars
ara expended annually to the support of
dlauaettvoly Christian schools. .-
Ths wonder hi that such sn sxpsndl
ture should be made by a people ao
given to tha love and worship of money.
Thla fact shows that, despite the atheto
tic and eoml-athelstle sentiment so prev
alent, ths Asm rices people are not yet
ready to give up ths Bible, their belief
in Ood, and their bops sf Immortality.
Tho common sense of our people accords
with the conclusions of the deepest
thinkers of our age; they reject ths dan
gerous fallacy that we can have moral
ity without religion. Vstn at tempt I As
well try to bind a Bsngsl tiger with
silken thread.
Tho Babel tower of a godless veduca
tion oan rise only high enough to catch
the retributive lightnings that always
flesh forth to destroy thosO who persist
la Um mad none of trying to put asunder
what Ood haa inseparably joined to
gether. There eaa be no morality worth
the name which is net based oa a reoog
niuon of Ood and aoass sc aooouata-
butty to Hun. , .
In tho language ef a noted Chrlsttaa
aduoator: "In a Christian land morality
divorced from religion Is ths emptiest
of sll ths empty names by which a de
ceitful philosophy has Minded and cor
rupted too world." Thla truth la also
expressed ta Washtngton'S fa re weir ad
dress to which there ara other sugges
tions that It would bo well for the
American people to ramemher at ths
present tlma.
Under our constitution tt Is evident
that ths state oan not undertake to teach
religion. The frame ra of our govern
ment were- particularly careful to guard
themselves and their posterity from tho
evils which have always resulted from
the union of church and atata. The cor
ruption of religion and ths disorganisa
tion of' tha civil government Inevitably
follow. la theory wa era committed to
a total Separation of church and state.
A Misc
A young Japanese by tha name of R.
Nakajlma studied at Tale and graduated
from that university with high honors
about It years ago, and he Is now a
professor of ths Tokto university. Tha
flritietem of Kant'a philosophy, which
wss written by him as hia theala for hia
degree, wss ao profound snd accurate
that tha faculty and members sf ths
college were quits surprised st tt.
Many young Japanese soms to Amer
ica and go to Europe to study. There
appears to bs no American oollego where
Japaneee eannot be found. The dif
ficulties they hsvs ta coming hara to
study are In a nders tending and using
English practically. - As this to' over
come their sbuitles are shows.
It may pot bs sles to talk much about
ths good things of one's country, but I
am sow ander ths necessity of telling
tho facta Can a race, who hsvs been
entirely ignorant and uncultured, bs ab
ruptly followed by their
children glva thatr alleglaaoa far mora
readily to a man or womaa whom they
realise to be in full eyntpathy with
thameclvae, and they begla to under
stand why It la that obedience la a neo
eaaary virtue and that their eaa aim
ought to be to derlva the greataat poeei
bla benefit from the prlrllegea of acbooL
Again. 1 think that the true patriot lam
la better taught In tha American aohool
than, la any other. .-The foot that tha
American flag wsvea over every achool
houae; that the children ara taught to
aalute the flag; that Um national conge
ara part of tha aohool curriculum; that
annlveresiiee ara celebrated la commem
orating tba great hletorls sventa of the
oountry, are In tbemaelvea a liberal edu
cation la national feeling.''
I was much Unpreeeed at Boston by
tha way In which tha alien ao soon aa
slmllatee the sense of American eltlsen
hip, that to tha many who come core
and etrloken to find new. hope sad a new
Winders of . Electro -
meetrieltr la than applied sad ths whits
OmxaI POOfcl ex9PwBxiexc '
The art af handling - all -hinds ef
metal la being changed throughout the
world. Thus hi South Africa Is 1101
thara wars extenelve applications of
electricity hi tha gold mines. Look at
this result. tta.SIT ounces of tslUngs'
wers treated and .Its ounces ef
strictly purs gold secured. Thla would
have all gone to waste before tha dla
oovery of this new process.
: Not toss remarkable than work with
metals si ths transmutation ef matter
la other branches of elect ro-chemloal
activity. Vast quantities of nitro-bea-mna
ara changed to aniline by ths mys
terious agency electricity. -t
All have seen the splendors sf ths
co lore assumed by aniline. A wonder
appears In this process that haa baffled
all chemists to explain" oatslyali. Thla
Is where a substance seta up chemical
action la others production of aniline.
But the lead la not acted upon Itself,
and Is one sf ths ehlef myaterlee of na
ture. Thus a chunk or plate of lead
near tha .nltro-benxlne whoa tho elec
tricity la acting, will facilitate tha pro
duction of aniline. But the lead la not
effected. Many eases are knows where
- Vag rerfeottoa helgwt.
Vaau ae farther
Timely V
and X haps we shall aever depart from tt
ia praeuos.
But ws are eommlrteeL-te what ts
nailed ths American publlo school sys
tem, and we must take It as it laat
least for ths sreeeat. 'Under ths opera
tion of thla ayatam the educatlea of our
children Is tot out as a government con
tract. Taxed Indirectly for ths support of
the public schools, the parent haa but
little realisation of ownership In them
snd feels but slightly any sense of re
sponsibility for their management. Di
rect taxation Is a potent stimulant to
vigilance on tha part of taxpayers aad
eonsequeaUy It m also a stimulant to
economy snd fidelity on tho part of pub
llo servants. ? .
Tha accessary limitations of a stats
school ayatam need not be insisted on
In this connection. -These limitations
grow out of the aim pie foot that ths
field Is sorrowed by constitutional re
strictions. The inevitable snd Invincible
disabilities muat ba accepted. Wa will
try to be thankful that they are aot
As matters new atsnd tho publlo
schools furnish tho only mease by which
the maiosa oan obtain the rudiments of
learning. Almoet anything la better
than the Ignorance which ia the hotbed
of all that is vile aad dark and saages-
But ths Mas most be drawn aoene
whers dlsttooUy. Beginning with ths
primary grades, and ending with the
grammar aohoola. may do for tho pros
unt. ss wa are dealing with actual eon
dlttona. not amusing ourselves with
Uteorixtngs. '
Fathers snd mothers Ore ths world's
first teachers, and ought to be the best
Ths work of religious instruction ahould
begla ta tho family circle aad should be
coeval with the daw of intellect The
groundwork of every child's moral char
acter ahould ba laid before It ts old
enough to enter oven tba primary grade
of any school outside the homo. The
parents duty is one that eannot bo dele
gated. This duty Is to see to It that
tha very first principles Instilled Into
the oh lid's mind, ths very first, taiprse
alone anode upon Its moral nature, are
la acoordaaoe with divine truth.
eoaid 'shs
me aat - j
u she saw and swift aisriiwimgsi
ptumugh aU her beta sen -he
has bat ess res goto fro ed has
' place gjigg awjaav '
i swell Otas Basse to Baa
; yianahiso BuUasto, -
-- :
Atout Japan
with such shuttles Can sueh a great
tump aa ths wee terse ra think the Jap
aneee hsvs mads to their progress bs
a possible thing sociologically or psy
ehologloallyt Aalda from reasoning, 1st tos make
soms remarks from ths historical facta,
which 1 think will prove thai ths peo
ple of ths sld Jspaa wee aot satlrsly
Tho llteraturs that has sprouted and
has flourish ed ta tho Sunrise Land la
not much below that- of any western
oountry, both ta quality and quaettty.
Ths feudal system is very aafavsrabls
to literature. Japan waa under that
ayatam for a long, long time, yet her
literature has aot been much withered by
tt. There is no doubt that If for a
shorter time that system were la ex
istence, greater and bettor llteraturs
would hsvs beea.
In the A rat place of poetry. ' A great
many posts bars spy eared la tho Island
beginning tha stars on the American
flag abine out aa a beacon right, and bet
ter conditio na tall tha children that- they
have not traveled In vain.
Again, think the increasing Impor
tance givan to tha teaching of otrloe la
of Incalculable advantage. Ho bettor
ohject-leeeoa of a practical kind can ba
Imagined than ths miniature town meet
ing that are hld. for it la eommoa la
Maaaachuaetta, I understand, to trans
form the class Into a town meeting for
a civic leeaou, or into a board of alder
men ar common council. . What' mora
sensible education could be givan. and
what oould be dona that -could really In
struct children better, - as to ths great
reeponslbliltiee that are awaiting tbeta
In the democratic oountry of which they
are a potent part?
But the enthusiasm o ths American
for hia aohool la not limited to words
or cysteine. . The money spent In educa
tion la Amorloa la equal to tha combined
Gkemwtry : I
to make a new sompound. but simply
by placing some other aubatanos near
than, they tola at snos end with great
force. 1 This opens up ths question of
radio-activity to general. For all knowa
matter Is now supposed to emit radia
tions. Now It to thought- that rays from
tho lead aot oa the absmlcala to oauss
tba changes, in ' which ease tba - lead
itself did not meet with mutation,
Oxygen and hydrogen are now secured
la great quaatltlea for commercial use
by means of electricity, where for years
the eeparaUoa of these . gases from
water was a costly laboratory experi
ment. - -
It has bean said by eeoaomtats that
mankind would set up a cry for nitro
gen for food for plants; that the supply
of nitrates la rapidly diminishing in tba
mines. But sow electricity rescues K
from tho sir, that Inaxhauatlble reser
voir. In short, the entire science sf
ohemlatry vseema to be aettllng down to
aa electrical basis, with, great .benefit
to tho world. .
And In all direction electricity Is
ramifying, and Its multitudes of uses
are expending si aa unprecedented rata
Waves in apace la dally use la wireless
two phases of matter will not unite
telegraphy have been measured. Tha
d HUNTING party of Christian Na
I f r tlona, being oat In search of
f V Game, descried a Chraoaa Coolie
sitting at rest under a Cinna
mon Tree tn the depths of ths force t,
kegaHng himself upon a frugal lunch sf
Chop Busy, hlo well-laden Baskets dis
posed to Um path before him.
-Let us," whispered the leading Crrris-
Ths lmportsnes of early and faithful
religious training- hi ths family eannot
be too strongly urged. , Ths oonse
qusnoea of neglect hers can never be
fully iwpelred. Ths twisted shrub will
show a deformity ta ths tree when tt ts
grown. This duty eannot be postponed.
Tha mind of a child, left to Itself, will
seise on something tt may be soms spa
cious srror under Um name of religion,
or It may fasten its random grasp upon
Um dreary negations of Infidelity. It la
a fearful experiment thus to throw aa
Immortal apirlt upon the troubled esse
of human Ufa without chart or oompaas
to swim if be oan, to drown if be can
not. Theee are truisms, do yon aayt
Tea, they ara truisms unchangeably
true snd unspeakably Important.
To ths family and the church ws must
look for ths religious education without
which this republic must perish. Ws
have gone far enough In the direction
of paternalism in our political Institu
tions the paternalism which means
usurpation and extortion, hiring tho
largest number Of officiate and feeding
the largest number of parasites.
That keea-alghted and phlloeophleel
Frenchman. De Tooquevlllo. to bis book,
"TMmocraey In America," says the
strength snd safety of our Americas In
stitutions depend upon tha perfection of
our municipal system, ths efficiency of
ths local administration. Tha friendly
Frenchman speaks truly. Political blun
dering endtmalfeasenoe may oppress and
Irritate, but cannot overthrow the liber
ties or fatally cripple the prosperity of a
community that keeps all right at borne,
Summarily: Let ua emphatically re
affirm the truism. "That government la
beat which governs leaef It aeema to
ma a word ta season, If properly under
etood snd rightly sopited st ths present
urns ta theee UnlteT States of America,
our own country, which wo love with
sn Its faults.
Ant let ths horns and the' church
awaken to see ths responsibility that
cannot ba evaded, snd with the Inspira
tion of true patriotism and a mighty
faith In the Ood sf our fathers make a
fresh ooneeoratton of themaelvaa to ths
duties that devolve upon them la the
work of saving our republic from pre
vailing errors sad threatening dangers.
Empire. Tory noted among them are
Taehlnari. Sadaiye, Salggo, Jlohla, Kea
ho sad others Their beautiful wards
wars aot and srs aot. known to the
foreign people. A sorrowful thing la
thla Will it ba so ta ths future? Tho
poet snd scientists ars bora not pnly
for their own oountry, but for tbs world
also. Ts give great Ideas In a few
words has been the eharscterlsue
method of Japaneee poets, snd many of
thsm wars the alngers of nature.
Beatdea thoaa who wrote poems ta
their mother tongue there have beea
many who expressed their deep onao
ttons and laiaai nations hi Chinese
poems. Tbs collection of poems tn
Japanese snd In Chinese, which hsvs
been written by hundreds of poets for a
thousand years, are ao innumerable that
a big library oould be filled with only
theee hooka, con Mining , thousands sf
X am glad to gay that ths genr hex
naval aspendlturaa of England, Franca
and Germany, and tha amount spent on
the common echools has trebled since
1170, while private benefactions have
been lavished upon tt during tha last
10 yea re to tha amount of fU.OOO.Ooo,
When wo la England acknowledge UM
supremacy of tha American achool we
ash oureelvoe how such a atata of things
came about, and then we remember that
the first oettlera In North America were
repreaentatlvee of the two people who
had, mora than any others, made prog
ress In aduoatlonal questions tha Mmm-
11 sh and the Dutch.
Ia New York, where of eonrea the
Dutch influence was at first predomi
nant, tba system of maintaining' the ele
mentary schools at public expanse waa
initiated. It waa tba outcome of what
were- then ths very.advaneed views held
by a few In tha Netherlands; but when
the English assumed control of tha col
ony of New York little further nrogrene
pro edgar-iISST
following lengths have been out out of
apaos by receiving instruments: 1,149.
l.tlS, !,. 1,111, l.Wl. HI, 440.
140, 101 and 00 fast. Bueh oscillations
as these convey human intelligence from
plaos to place.
clantlOe literature la teeming with
such sentenoee sa the following: "Mat
ter la composed of electric atoms." "No
other conception of electricity Is mat
ter." "Electricity Is the bees of matt sr."
etc Twenty years ago it Is doubtful If
a great scientific paper la tho world
would have published these statements.
The prehistoric doctrine that mind ta
refined matter la oomlng to the front
again. Tba word "spirit" haa almost
disappeared. Tho new dictionaries will
have many changes to record.
Tha N rays that radiate from ths hu
man spins! column have been explored.
Wbea ganglia ara paaaed over their
presence oan bo detected with accuracy.
Thla queatloa of N rave may lead to
great things in the way of diagnosis.
Here Is a curious quotsUon from ths
American Journal of Psychology:
"Kind constructs tha body mora than
body produces mind," But this sots
started out with electro-chemistry, yet
ma na grid to get ground to that ' TMTitr
subject, hurasa mentology. .
Far " Eastern Fatlcs for
tlau Nation, "advance stealthily, fall
upon this friendless Chink snd Partition
the contents of hia Baskets among na."
Ths proposal waa received with entbe
ataam, and the Grand March of Civilisa
tion toward ths Coolls sod. his Baskets
"The stuff of this Heathen who's a
child of Satan, la already aa good ss
Ours." murmured the Nations. "Tha
fool hasn't learned to Pack a Que"
Suddenty from the woods behind the
Defence leas -Coolie stepped a Jap, carry
ing two Mauser Rifles. One he gavs to
ths Chinaman and the outer he retained,
and both Mongolians Cooked their
The Nations, surprised and Justly In
dignant, hastily retreated. On reaching
a distant place of safety, they held a
meeting, organised a Mutual Protective
Association, named It "The Concert of
tho Powers." snd adopted strong Reso
lutions warning Christendom that a New
Terror among mankind had arisen, which
threatened ths beneficent progress of
True Religion snd ths Best Civilisation.
This New Terror they described as the
TBL.IXW PEHIJU and besought all
good Chrlatlana to pray and Arm against
tt for their Protection.
Moral: Nations aa wall as oar porters
may sometimes wake up ths wrong pas
senger. The QtkM ids st the BatoHL "
' A Chinese Coolie who wss hi aching ta
ths deptba of the forest under tho shade
of a Cinnamon Tree wss shout to bo
Robbed of his Bssketo, and perhaps sf
his Life, by a band of Caucasian Ma
rauders, whan he waa rescued from hia
Deadly Peril by the opportune arrival of
a Jap with two R I flea, one of which he
bestowed am bis bias-eyed Tel low
Brother. 4
At sight of ths Mausers ths Robbers
retired la hasts to their owa Stamping
1 round, there to lay plots for preying
upon ona another.
Left to them eel vee. ths Jap and ths
Coolie shook bands warmly, and ths tot
ter aald to tba former:
"ix you win leacn ms now to use inis
weapon of the Outside Barbarian whose
mysteries you have mastered, the two of
ua Standing Together eaa hasHy Hold
Off these Christian Th levee who wore so
near to Partitioning among thoaa ths
Goods la my Baskets.
"Be not Afraid," returned ths Jap,
Tvs been doing s Thing or Two lately
that has esused our Christian Friends of
the West to think it high ttaae to revise
their Program respecting the lands into
which It is expedient to bear the Lamp
of Enlightenment, snd Incidentally pick
up feebly aarded valuables. They won't
come hers again."-
"Are you sure of thatr aaatoualy In
quired the Coolie.
"Cartels of It," ana war ed ths Jap,
"provided you Follow my Lead and hang
on to, that Quo." - , v '
"Then, thank Joes cried ths happy
Coolie, repeatedly sock roar and sighting
his Mauser ta an ecstasy of Relief and
Delight. "Um WHITE PERIL to pastl"
Moral i Drawing ths color Una . to
perils toads to ethical eonfusloa.
- ' 1 1
of our ancestors had a good ehare of
literary work, especially tp writing
poems and novel a. Regarding thla, 1
quota the words of W. O. Asbtoa, who
says: I believe ns parallel la to be
found In the history of European lettera
to tho remarkable fact that a very large
proportion of ths best writings of the
beet age of Japanese literature was ths
work of worsen. How often ths names
of Mure sak I Shtklbu (poetess snd su
thoreso) snd Chlyo poetess, srs quoted
admiringly today.
Among the historians Mltsuklml Ts
kugaws 1MI-1TOO) and Sanyo Pal
(lTftO-lttt) were ths fore ta oet. Tw
former wss the editor of the "History
of Great Japan.' which eonls of 11
books, and waa assisted by a v otr
echolare. The latter wrote In
ternal History of Japan-"
Tbs most noted dramstlst waa Mon
satmoB Chlkametan. end he la t
bo ths Shakespeare -m. 1
was mads mtU after the revelutlo; b
Massachusetts led la Um aystomeiM a
persevering" policy for educational im
provement, and la KIT ths law waa en
acted which was ths real foundation
the acbool system throughout tha Vw
attatea. Thla epoch-ssakin eel, the l
of its kind In tho world, waa the o
core of Um strong feeling of iO.vue p.-.
sons living to S towns, and It reQuirwe)
Uuu svory town Of to householders ee
tabllsh a school, the master of whlcn
should be paid for by Um parents ox
ths children taught or by publlo tax. as
Um majority, of Um town committer
might decide; and It further requlrcdr
every-town of 10 families- or household
ers to oet up a grammar school la which
pupils might bo prepared for Um uni
versity, as the new institution at Caax
bridge was already designated.
Moreover, for the first time, s penalty
was attached to Um neglect of these re
quiremsnta In the form of a fine to bo
devoted to the maintenance of Um near
est achool. Weil might Horace Man a
say that "It was lmpoaaibls for aa ade
quately to conceive Um boldneea of ths
measure which aimed at universal edu
cation through the eetablletunent of free
schools that had had no precedent la the
world's history. But urns ratified Its
And, further, the development af ths
kindergarten ayatam, of wblea Mies
usaa K. Blow waa tha leading exponent,
haa become one of the fundamental prin
ciples af ths pubHo achool of Um ooun
try. In ll, 11,004 children were
being educated tn ths kindergartens, arufl
with ths extension of thla method ths
publlo School system of America haa
been made complete.
1 Tha aduoatlonal incentive to America
unqueatlonably la that every one has a
chance. Tha . wonderful opportunities
for the mass so to go to um higher echools
and colleges and secure tha beet educa
tion practically free la a far better out
fit for tha struggle sf life than anything
we know of hers, aad from tha first ths
American boy knowa that be has only to
qualify himself to enter any vocation
and to like manner ona of Um great se
crets of the American woman's Influenco
Is aleo to bo found la Um fact that ah
la Infinitely better educated thaa tha
average English womaa. -
Those who stand foremost In ths fight
for educational advantages In Baglanel
realise that tha problem la the moot tan
portant which eonfronta ovary oltisen,
and that unless It Is faced and solved ths
eventual welfars of any nation to at
stake. ,
A Christian Philosopher aad a Japan
ese Pundit, enceunterlna In the Man.
churtan desert, seated themselves for
Improving Converse.
"Tour people." aald the Phlloeopber.
"have wonderful Imitative Powers. The
manner In which .you have Copied our
Western CivlHaatton Is truly smsstng.
aad your appropriation of our knowledge
of the Art af War on sea and land la
astounding, not to any Alarming. Tat.
after alt, battleehlpe and torpedo boats
snd submarines snd machine guaa and
strategy and taettce are but ths Ex
ternals of Christian progress. Ton hsvs
missed the fine Moral Senas which In
forms aad beautifies Our character.
That is not to bo imitated; 1t must bd
Inherited from generations of Ood-fearing
anosstora - You Japanese, for ex
ample, have no ooaeepuoa of Commer
cial Honor, a virtus which distinguishes
us above all others. If you make a Con
tract and find you are Losing by It yo
seem to hsvs neither hcaltatton nor
Shams ta getting out of it If you can.
Honor Is the basis of all deailnaa. and
without It no Civilisation can rise above
a low and discouraging Moral Plane.
Ton have no Religion except loyalty ta
your Emperor, which isn't any Religion
at all, and If Religion la absent your
achievements oaa be only secular and
therefore Worthless. I must mournfully
admit that your people ere sadly de
ficient la Spirituality, and bancs can
aever take rank with our Noble Selves.'
"There Is much truth In wast yot
any." aadly confessed ths Pundit,
"especially with respect to our want of
Commercial Honor. ' Japaneee Grocers
have actually beea known to Sand their
Sugar, distillers snd vend ere to Adul
terate their Sak!, while Baas wood Hams
and Wooden Nutmegs have been pieced
oa the market. That theee things prove
a deficiency In our national Spirituality
no educated and candid Japaneee will
for a moment deny. Feeling that if wa
are to be a Oreat Pcoplo wa must sc
qulrs Commercial Honor, 1 have beea
making a study of your Business Meth
ods In order to convey to my Inferior
countrymen the High Lews ona thwy
teach. Recently my attention has been
given to the history of your Shipyards
Truat. tn which Plants worth laes thaa
$11,000,000 were capita Heed st 6t,000.
000, and Copper Amalgamated. In which
proper t lee bought for flv.000,000 had
Stock issued upon them to the amount of
fTe.000.000, ths. Insiders ta both tn
staneee seeing to tt that even their Best
Friends were lot la. It ta Indeed a Mor
ally Inspiring aarrattvs.
pher, "what Instruction do you draw
from tt for your Spiritual Upllftlngr"
"This," responded ths Pundit: The
great need which now presses upon ths
Japanese people, if they would equal, ths
West In Uprightness ss well as tn Arms,
la a deeper study of the Sermon on tha
Mosnt, which, I hsvs been given to un
derstand. a your Moral Outdo."
Moral: Bel '-righteousness Is IhS most
comfortable form of vanity.
sa sssoolstloa sf literary men at To'
devoted to the studying of the drat
written by bias.
Neat eomea ptHloaophy to be t
up. A large number of scholars wo
on thla elds, but the meet fan
thinker was Hot LschHM ttshto. w
thoughts were characterised with e
Mnallty and broadness. With these
written by the native thinkers, th
neee philosophy hea been eat
atudled by the Japanese since a t
sands years ago. The 1
(Buddhism) waa Introc 'eeu tnro
Chinese st a very e v e
very voluminous i
read by the J
known f t
the ve-v t
tt h-s ir -