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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1904)
J I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. AUGUST fl, 1804. 11 SCENE AT' THE DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE MEETING ; . V: - ty.. : . . . ... ...... - I . . The trio In tha center are Thomas Taggart of Indianapolis, tha new chairman; Urejr Woodson of Kentucky, the saw secretary, at bis right, and Senator D. B. Hill, with hie hat on tola knee. ' - VETERANS WILL MEET IN BOSTON COMXlTOr JTATIOJIAXi MCAJaTMXVT or oun aurt oi1 umuo wzu mm on or most siqwitx ; cast in zktxkjiitiho arxa t- (Journal Bnertal Bei tits.-'-" DnatAn. bfaaa..- Alls.: . Tha . local committee" qn arrangements expresses confidence that tha coming national en campment of tha Grand Arm jr. of tha , Republic In Boaton will be ona of the moat significant, moat Interesting and - moat largely attended reunions- aver held by tha yeterana 'of tha civil war. .It ha a been many years alnca .the vet . erana wara entertained - as tha guests of this city,' but the reception than :. given tha membere of the Grand Army was one of tha moat notable experi ences in tha history of tha order. It is tha apparent purpoae of tha people of Boaton and vicinity to make thla en campment atlll mora noteworthy. The axpert testimony of pasaenger ; agenta ' whoaa roada reach Boaton directly or indirectly la that the crowd win aur- pass . any aeen here since tha great Knights Templar conclave in iss. . Boaton ia especially attractive to moat of the membera of Ihe Grand Army on account of ita historic asso ' clatlona and tha prominent part It took . In the events leading tip to 4he conflict between tha states. There la no city in the country In which the G. A. R. and similar organlaatlona flourish mora than they do In Boston. ', Tha various Grand Army postsftbe city and of tha entire atsta In fact, together with . tha local organlaatlona of the W, R. C, Ladles of tha G. A. R-'and Bona of Vet erans, have entered enthusiastically Into tha work of preparing for tha reception I1U ..1.1 III Ull. V. . , tik..v.v coming .encampment. If tha welfare and comfort of every atranger here on - that occaalon are not. amply provided for It certainly will not be tha fault of the local committees. "Sight Warship-. '. Tha whole" city will - bo handaomely dressed for tha occaalon. v Flags, fea- toons, streamera and banners will deo- t . In nrnf nalnn ntlhllo and Drlvata Duliainga; uubiiiob tMucn .uu ' dences. The arrangements for tha deco .linn r,t u.i.hrlr' hull have been completed. - Tha bare walla and some what scanty usual adornment of the . lg edifice will be hicaen from sight ' and beautified by an array of bunting, , emblema and decoratlona happily chosen and displayed to produce a brilliant and artistic effect. - To aaalst 'in tha general demonstra tion Secretary Morton haa given hla ' word that at leant eight ships of -the ''navy shall ba in Boaton waters during the week of tha reunion. . These will in clude the training ahlp Hartford. Far ragut'a old flagship, and tha second tor ' pedo flotilla, composed of the torpedo boat destroyers, Whipple. Hopkins. Wor . den, - Lawrence, Stewart, Truxton and ' McDonodgh. Arrangementa will b made for Uioae who desire to go on 'board i tha warahipa and aea at does , range aomethlng of the aea fighting power of tha United States. Three Day' Session. Tha aeaaiona of tha reunion , will last for three days, beginning on Tuesday, . tha ISth. The entertainment of the veterana and their friends, however, ' will cover the entire week. Probably the most Interesting festures of tha en- ' tertalnment program will be carried. out on Thursday, when the -veterana will be taken on an , automobile ride to tha placea of historic Interest about Boaton. Leaving tha city early In the afternoon , they will go. through Cambridge, Arllng ton, Lexington and Concord, the terri- ' tory made famous by tha patriots of tha Revolution, and along tha British line of retreat, which followed those early victories of tha .American arms. ' Tha termination of tha route-will ba at Concord, returning by way of Sudbury and Newton. ' Tha aama evening there will be given . tha parade of Illuminated float a. which promisee to ,beone of tha most bril liant featurea ever arranged for tha ' entertainment of tha Grand Army Vet erans. The parade will paaa over the surface railroads of tha city and will consist of sixteen tableau cars. There ara to ba nearly 10.000 electric lights In tha make-up of tha floats. The key note of the entire display will be pat rlotiam. The first tableau will be aha "Birth Of the Flag." In whienthe God diss of Liberty appears, Tha -second float will represent the purchase of i Louisiana In 1803. Other floats .will' be "Ocean Conquered" In the Year J8U," The Land of Flowera," depicting tha state of Florida; "Triumph of States manship,"! "Triumph- of Electricity," "Lone Star." "Eldorado," "The Triumph Of Diplomacy," '"The Reunion," "Tha Midnight Sun," "Triumph of Engineer ing," "Triumph of Flnanoe," "The Pearl of the Pacific." and tha final float. "Our New Poasesslons." Another novel feature of ths enter tainment program will he's fish dinner to ba given on Friday of reunion week. Tha dinner will ba aerved at Bass Point, nd on tha trip the visitors will have an opportunity of freeing Nahant and .. neighboring places. During the week ' Boston's historic wiaeawsa- ' less 11 U ill church, Faneull hall. King's chapel and - tha Bunker Hill monument, will ba open ' ta tha general public. TINY JAP CONQUERS . . . A BEEFY RUSSIAN . Down by tha Oceania dock yesterday afternoon a Russian and a. Jap engaged in one of the fiercest fights that haa been aeen-won the waterfront for many a day. It lasted abmrt-10 minutes and thoae who wltneased tha affair aay that the subject of the csar waa placed en tirely out of commission. Bruised and bleeding from a doaen wounds made by the lightning -rights and lefta ef the Invincible little brown man he had J to ba supported when ha went staggering from tha field of battle. Captain Garrloch, commander of .the Rajore, says that the conflict occurred not far from where hla ahlp la lying, and that it was tha meana of attracting A great crowd. Ha describes the Rus sian aa being a young man weighing more' than 00 pounds, while tha Jap would tip the scalea at little mora than half that amount. They were both railroad laborers. No one - but ' them- selves appeared to know what they were fighting. about, but tha popular presump tion among thoae who had congregated on the acena waa that the belligerents had a mutual hatred of each other on account of tha little bout in which their countrymen' are engaged in the far east All afternoon the men had been work ing side by aide with pick and ahovel. changing remarks In language not gen erally understood by the other workmen, and all at onca they threw down their toola and leaped at each - other with hatred depicted upon their every feature. Tha. Russian made a vicious lead with his right for the wind, but his agile little antagonist dodged the blow. ; Then the latter gave an exhibition of oriental boxing that caused -the spectators Mo stare in amazement.' He appeared to be all fists and they 'were landing at' will upon tue physiognomy of tha big man who. kept dodging helplessly about in order to avoid punishment. But ha waa too clumsy, -anduthe Jap kept him going until he waa completely finished.- The Jap escaped without a mark.. COURT CAME NEAR BREAKING THE LAW It was discovered yesterday morning by Attorney W. M. Cake that tha circuit court waa about to break tna law mak ing Labor day a holiday. IX Is provided by section ! of tha codes that Labor day ahall be a public holiday, which pre cludes the -transaction tf court business on that day. Labor day is 'ths first Monday In September, and this year falls on the 6th of the month, , It had been announced that Presiding Judge George would call the motion book and trial docket on September t. '. All. caaea now at lasue were to. be'placed on the docket and called bn that data. When Judge George learned that September 6 would be Labor day he changed. jhe date for calling the motion book nd trial docket to Tuesday.: -September . He declared tha court did not care to set so bad a precedent aa breaking the law. REALIZE BENEFITS OF HATCHERIES uamn vncBfexs or ran nra VOOX SAUCOV sura COLUXBIA mxTZB raoDUOT or nonai Tioir nuurr rouow astajtob ovass. I Burdock' Blood Bitters gives a man a dear head, an active brain, a strong, vigorous bodymakes him. fit for the aitla of Ufa, i , ' "-r . '. -(Special Dispatch to The Journal.! 'Astoria. Aug. i.- Tha benenta of tha salmon hateherles ara now being realised by the flaharmen.of tha Columbia river. Immenaa numbers of fine chlnook flah have entered tha river, and the packing- nouses android atorage planta ara all but blocked. At every cannery and cold . atorage one may aea scores of heavily-laden boats lined up,. each wait ing Its turn to make delivery. Tha fish ermen wear amlllng countenances, and beneath the busy- frown of the packers lurks a feeling of unalloyed happiness. The Improved run that came In on 8unday night's flood tide was tha ad vance guard of tha big run now on. The Sunday run waa not of hatchery fish, but tha product of tha propagation planta came along so ' closely behind th advance guard . that there waa scarcely any distinguishing feature, so far .aa supply waa concerned. - Tester day the first of tha hatchery fish showed up and the scenes along tha river front caused the eyes of strangers to bulge from their sockets. - Oillnats rare Beat. . , As has been the case throughout tha present unstesdy season, the glllnet fish ermen, constituting the vast bulk of the beneficiaries, farad best. They made two deliveries yesterday one early in the morning and another late in tha afternoon. Tha boats came in loaded to the guards, and every pound of flah -caught waa accepted and paid for by the packers. Some of tha men took as much aa ,000 pounda of aalmon during tha day. Such hauls netted tha two fishermen In each boat the magnificent sum of $300. Other men brought In from 1.100 pounds upwards, realising from $(0 to $200. . ' rack Will fcarr Of course. It ia somewhat early aa yet to make any predictions aa to tha probable pack of tha year, but. if the present splendid run continue and there la little reason to suppose that it will fall off materially -the pack will be almost. If not quite, up to that of laat year. It I stated jthat tha two local cannerlee of the Columbia River Packers' association alone put up 4,100 canes of salmon yesterday. - Basing calculation upon this state ment, the packing-houses could " pack about 200,000' cases -between now and August It, ao the outlook la not so dis couraging. Tha canneries have all been enlarged during the past year, and the cold storage capacity ia likewise much greater, so It Is possible for tha dealera to handle a Very much greater quantity of fish than .was taken care of during ltot. - - ' Flat Bate Ahaoanoed. Thla morning tha price of flah waa re duced to I canta flat. Heretofore the men had been- receiving oents for flah weighing over ST pounds (the larger salmon were aent to tha cold storages) snd I canta for flah under that weight This morning the flat rata of I cents was announced. Fisherman havs no complaint to make on this score, ss tha price always1 drops when the supply la haavy. V If - the packers will continue to take tha flah that tha fishermen offer, tha latter will be quite' well satisfied. If the run continues a limit will unques tionably bo placed on the boats. The trappers snd seiners hold contracts for deliveries snd the receipts from those sources will first ba accepted, by the packers.- ' Gratifying Feature. Tha most gratifying feature of the situation is the excellence of the quality of tha flah. They are largo and firm, and it la evident from - the fact that they are not fully, matured that tha aeason Is .backward and that the quality will continue to bo first-class until long after the date for suspenalon of opera tions. All the available labor in thla section of tha country la being secured by tha packers and the. packing houses ara busy centers of Industry. There era great, plies of flah upon the receiving docks, snd the best efforts of tha hard working foroea aeem to havs no ap preciable effect upon tha else of tha piles. .. SAYS CHRISTIE WAS NOT IUS ACCOMPLICE (Special Dlapatch to The Journal. Helena. Mont., Aug.- I. George - F. Hammond, who Is In Jail here, denies positively that tha man Christie, ar rested by tha Northern Paciho officials at Hope, N. D., on a charge of being Implicated In the recent holdup of the North Coast Limited at Bearmouth, waa his partner-In tha crime. On tha contrary, his associate In that affair. ha aaya, has gone to Canada. Hammond made a further atatement that ha had hidden In a aafe place securities taken 'from tha axpreaa aafe worth fuUy. $100,000. He furthermore states thst he will not divulge thla place of concealment until after hla trial, and that If ha la given an extreme penalty under tha train robbery charge ha will never -disclose It. Hammond la vary Indignant over the matter, and aaya that his Spokane lawyer revealed pro fessional secrets to the , railroad detectives.- The Northern Pacific officials assert that the securities referred to by Hammond ara valueless, consisting of cancelled orders. WATIOVA& KSrOBH COBTBBTIOB. (Journal Special Rervlc.) -Winona Lake, Ind., - Aug. I. Clergy men and laymen of various denomlna- tlona and from all parts, of tha coun try are gathered here to discuss. the principles of civil government and the dangers and duty of tha nation. The occasion la the summer convention of the National Reform Association of North America. Tha sessions were for malty begun today and will continue through tomorrow and Sunday. Prominent among tha speakers snd topics they will dlacuas are: The Rev. John- A, Henderaon. Allegheny,. Pa., "Our National Christianity and Funda mental Law;" tha Rev. 8. F. Scovell, Wooster, O.. "Our Cause;" the Rev. R. C. Wylle. Pittsburg. "Tha Perlla of Mormonlsm;" the Rev. C A.. Blanchard. president of Wheaton college, "Chrla ton Education In Our Public Schools;" tha Rev. II. H. George, Beaver Falls, Pa.. "Why Should Christ, Be Acknowl edged tha King of Nations r Schedule of Steamer J. J. Potter. The seaside steamer T.-J. Potter will leave Portland. Ash street dock, for Astoria snd Ilwaco as follower , August Saturday, lp.m. . Get transportation and berth tlckola at O. R. N. ticket office. Third and Waahlngton streets. . s Preferred Stock Oanaed fswate Allan. Lawla- Best Brand. - . Oil Pa FK-ffl P Jkls tsagnlflotnt Colliotlon tf 6!ft t b awirdid to participants maklnf niartat oornot tttimataa ta til aa aai a, m ataS aaAa'ai aa m m -a ' k a a a mm ' a a am, at m -o fatal popular vota for President of tna unitsa statu at tno ooralnf olootlon to is sold imnMr 0, 1134, . HERB ARE SOME OP THE LBADINQ PRIZES j . , ; t Coavr Uprights, 10 Kingsbury Uprights, mad snd guarantse by ,Tha Cabla Co., Chicago. First Prise Whit oa Tat ring Car, Modal 1904, manufactured aad gaaraateed ky Tha Wlataa Metar Carriage Co., Clevelaaa. Oh la. . Mas on anal rtamtta Oraad, Con over Qraad, made and . guaranteed by Tha Cable Co. , Chicago. 20 Apollo Piano Players, made and guaranteed by The Mellvllle Clark Piano Co., Chicago, to Chicago Cot tage Organs, made and guar anteed by -22 V The Cable Co., Chicago. 70 ALVIsts Caaaeraa, asaSeead gaaraateeg by Mumscepe and Film Co.. BortlBf. . tea, Wla. SO New Royal Sewlaf Machlaas, saase and gaaraateed by IIIU T-r aelf Sewing Machine Ca,, Cbtaga. CONDITIONS OF THIS GREAT CONTEST. Tkls eaatart Is baaed the fatal, vert. te tui for tha fflea ( Fraslaarr tha faita States, aB will alase at amldalarht, M. Tk official figrwres ml ta sjavermasaat will ao- vosatev Tth. lfHM. tsrmlss tha swewlt, ss tha strfsas will swsrfsa ar eaaaaalttee t 41alateret4 Jwdarea. Ktlamtars will raeelv aartlfleate fw oaeh estimate, aad thesa will aatltla tha aaldera ta aaea arlaaa aa thar aaay wla. Waea tha aaatoat la daeldea aaea aatlasatav will ra aalve a art ate 4 list at the aBaeeafal aatlasatava. . . HOW TO MAKE AN ESTIMATE. ft mt raw Batalaar ta haeatltled ta startlalaata. Tsaaarealy tha rasialar arlaa at tha aaaar aad yaa sat fraa a kasee ta wla aaa ar stare af tha S,000 haadsaaia aad valaahla prlaaa. Yaa ara eatl - tied ta aaa sraass tor tack twaaty-flve eaata paid aa easaartatiaa aa etsst, pravldea raaalttaaaa aad aabaarlatlaa ara forwarded ta gather, bat aa satlaaata will ba allowed aa a raaalttaaaa al leaa mSTRIDUTIOn OF PRIZES. Those B.OOO arUoa, valaed at 00,000, ara all the ftaast af tbetr artad ta ba abtalaad la tha aaarkot, aad their aaallty la araaraatood by tha wall kaowa firms frona wbleb thar were aarohaasd. They will ba dlatrlbated ta tha wla a ara aa tha abealate merit at their es timates br tha t'aatral Prose Aasoelatloa af Chieaare. Ia aaaa at tie far aay ladlvldaal ariso-It will ba awarded Jolatly. Partial- Jiatlaa la thla aaatoat le aat soaftaed ta Mr roaders, aa tha aaatoat a bolaaT advertlaad la a aambar af other pabltaattaaa, tha aab eerlbora ta all af whleh kava aa eaal appartaalty ta ahara la tha dlstrlbatlea af the arises. .- SO High Orade Solid Oeld AOelo Filled Mea'a aad Went. sa'a Wauhs, 300 Pieces Heavy I Silver Plate, Prsai ' American Silver Co. . 100 Moore's Non-Leakablo Fountain Pens. American Pen Co., Boston. 100 araphepaeaes, gaaraateed by ' -CaiaatkUr Pbeaograph Co. 80 Ranges and Stoves, made and guaranteed by The Kalamazoo Stove Co., Kalamazoo, Mich. I Maslcat laetra. tats, gaaraateed by Was. Teak A Bra. Co., Chicago. 100 Oesi Sataty Rasers.gaaraateed by Ooni Cstlory ' Co., New York. 60 Grand Rapids Ball-Bearing Sec , tlonai Bookcases, made and guaran - teed by Imperial . Furniture Co., , ; Grand Rapids, Mich. THE PRIZE LIST. Par tba Nearest Carraet Eitlaatt One Wtntoa touring oar. IrOt mooal. Thla aatoraoblla, with Ita twtnty haraa-aowor motor. It eonotdtd to be too moat perfrat for general ut manufpturd; Tt)u. ft, 600. Par Iteaat Naaraat Carroct Batl-. matt One Mason a Hamlin STsnd plaaa, special tbpnltml cue: value, L20O, Par Third Nearest stimate ' One Conortr grand piano, aptolal maaessay oaae; alut. ".. Par Twa Host Nearest Estlmatoa Two Con oyer cabinet grand aprirhl planet special mahogany cate; value, toOOtacb. Par Two .Moat Nearest Katlnaatea Two Conor, r cabinet grand sprlsat plaaost speolal mthoaanjr catt; value ijaft tacb. Par Moat Moarost Kstiaaata Ont Conovtr oablnet grand uprliht tilapol special finished mahoranx case; value. .Va Por Twa Next Nearest Estimates Two Apollo con cart grand piano pi avert I special mahogany cases; value $600 each. Per Next, Nearest Eiilntlo. Ont Conovtr cabinet grand Oprlght piano special mahoaany case; value, $4M. Par Twa Koat Nearest Estl matet Two Apollo concert srand piano plar art: ipeclal manoganr eaaet: value. leAOeaca, Por Next Nearest Kstlmato Ont KlnstBury upiirbt piano: special rica' walnut ooublt veneered cam; value. tnO. Por Two Neat Nearest Estlmatoa Two Apollo orcheatral grand plant plaversi speclsi mahnrany catt; value, 400 each. Por Koat Nearest Eetlmate-a Ona Kingsbury upright piano; rich mahogany vtneertd caae; value. $,17. , Por Next Nearest Estimate One Klnsaburr piano; special mahogany eaaa: value. $.ino. Por Twa Next Nearest Esti mate Two Apollo orchestral a rand plana plavera: mahorany eaae; viiue, tw each. Par Next Nearest Eatlaaata Ont Klnsabury plane; sptctal Bnlahtd walnut ease; value, M28. For Twa Next .Nearest Est!-, mates Two Klngtbury aprlgM olanoe; oak eaae; value, Wow each. ' - . Par Twa Next Neareet Esti mator Two Apollo matter piano players, with special designed manoganr ease; value, 1275 each. Far rear Next Nearest Batt- mttes four Apollo master piano players la mahorany flnlthe cam; value, each. , For Six Neat Nearest Esti mates Six Apollotttt piano slayers; mahog any flnUhed; valut. tvl each. Par Twa Next Noareat Eatlmateo Two Chicago eottagt ortnt, beautifully Snlihed, black waJnut caae, value. 1 100 each. Por Twa Next Nearest Esti matesTwo Chicago oettaae organs; walnut; Value. $12 tach. Far Poor Next Nearest Esti mates Four Chicago cottage organs; walnut; Vtlue. IHJJ eech. For Pear Naxt Nearest Estl-mstes-Four Chicago eottagt organs; oak; value. Ill n each. . Por Paar Next Noareat Batl matee Four Chicago cottage organs walnut; value. (leach. . For Twa Naxt Nearest Eatl mateo Two extra heavy solid gold men's Watchm; teventeev) Jewels- valut. tHoetch. Far Twa Next nmnmt Esti mates Two extra barf solid gold ladles' watcsea: ( wiin aiuiwra, uitvea jtwwi alua IT5 each, Par N cat Nearest Carraet Estl- mate Ont Swlet repeater; stem wind, seven teen Jeweled geotltmtn'a watch; open fao twenty year cam; etnaea hour and quarter; value, STS. Par Twa- Next Noareat Esti mate, Two Chicago cottage organs; walnut; value. 7B tach. , Par Tea Next Nearoot Eatl mateo Tan Ntw Royal parlor oablnet sewing mauhlnm: value, 170 each. Por Tea Next Nearest Esti mate Ten Columbia grapbopbonet: highly SnJahed mahorany cabinet: value, too each. Por Tea Next Nearest Ksll matea Ttn Ntw Hoy el tawing machines, with handsome cate; value, too each. Par Twa Next Nearoot Esti mates Ten Ntw Royal sowing machines; aumaUcdrop lad cabinet : valut, Mueach. Par Vivo Next - haa root -Est f- itet-jTwoMChlcaso cottage organs; walnut! or iwa next noareat issti- anateo Five Al-Vlata cameras for combina tion film and glass plates; value, (AO each. Par Twa Nest Neareet Kstl matea Two extra heavy solid gold ladles' watchm; fifteen jewel; value. I BO each. Por Twa Next Nearest Esrl-mnteei-Two extra haavy mild gold man's watches: .fifteen Jtwel: valut. $ eaqS For Twaaty Next Noareat Eatl matte Twenty At-Vttiapanoramloeemtras, tor nvs-lncn films: valut, too each. Par Paar Naxt Nearoot Esti mates Four Edwin guitars: solid rote wood; tbonr fhigtrboard;. pearl InlaJdi vajua. f SO tach. Pag Paaa Naxt Nearoot Estl- mateo Four Edwin rultaro: tolM roaewoed; Inlaid, tbonr flngerhoard head; val.. $fieach. Par Six Next Nearest Eeti mates Bis Edwin mandolins; dots Italian model; Inlaid: value, teetach. Par Faar Naxt Noareat Batl mates Foar "Adltr violins," Stradlvartast Ivory trUnmlngs; with bow; valut. ten each. Par Tea Naxt Nearest Esti mate Ten heavy quadruple ellver plated tea sets: runr-antee of American Sliver company; value, tit each. Par Paar Naxt Nearest Esti mate Four Bdwla guitars; solid mahorany; value, 140 each. 1 . Par Tea Next Nearest Eattmafea Tea Columbia graphephnnss: slaborate oablnet; thirty Inch born; value. (44 each. Par Poar Naxt Neareet Esti mate Four Bdwln rultare. concert else; Solid rostwood Inlaid; value. IMIeach. Par Tea Next Nearoot Esti mate Tea Grand Ranldt ballbearing tte tlonal bookcaeat; tolld mahorany; leaded glaat, tour nook sections; value. t.'lHtach. Par Tea Next Nearest Esti mate Ten Kalameaoo steel ranges, with hlffh closet reservoir, for soft coal, hard coal, eoas, or wood; there at no better stovt msdt than ths Kalamaaeo, and the manufacturer will refund the valut of the stove If not taua. factory; valut, tM. Par Paar Naxt Nearest Esti mate Pour Amatl model 'Offenbach" Vie nna: exeti lent tone: with bow; val., $3A each.- Far Paar Next Neareet - Esti mate Four 8. S. Bttwart banjee: "Vol varml Favorite"! 11 Inch; heavily inlaid; value, f M each. Far Tea Next Nearest Estlmatoa Ten Kslamasoo bam burner : handsomtly Snlihed and nlrkeltd: value. .1l 54 each. For Six Neat Nearest Estimates Sis Edwla mandoline, Neapolitan modal; flftten ribs; pearl Inlaid; value. 11 K) each. - For . Tea Next Nearest Esti mate Ten Kalamaaoo steal ran tea: T shelf reservoir: toft or hard eoei. coke, or wood; vaJut, tiO 90 each. Par Tea Next Nearest Estlmatoa Tea Grand Bapldt ballbearing, sectional boohoasta; tolld mahogany, with leaded glaet; three book section,; value, 190 tach. Por Tea Next Nearest Estlmatoa Tea heavy quadruple platt five piece tea tttt; Amtiican silver ctmpany; val. fJO'eaoh. Far Paar Naxt Nearoot Esti mate Four Wagner concert soloist vtoltns; ' enony trimmings; nns ions; wita sow; vaiua, IJWeuk. For Twaaty Naxt Nearest Esti mate Twenty Al-Vlata panoramic tamtrat; extra rapid rectilinear Ian; value, $0 tack. Per Paar Next Noaroet Esti mate Four Edwin guitars; solid roeewood; laleld; value, tao men. Por Twaaty Next Noareat Esti mates Twtnty Columbia graphophoues; slaborate cabinet; twenty-two inch bora; valut. KtOeacn. Por Paar Naxt Neareet Esti mate Four B. B. Stewart banjos; ejevta Inch ; thirty bracket; best Hogert head; value, 8o each. Peg Tea Naxt Nearoot Estimates Ten Orand Rapid ballbearing seotkmal sooataaet; oax: itanea glass; lour ttcuons; sat reservoir: valut, 127 AO each. - Far Three Next Noa Hlii. S9T M MAh Per Tea Next Nearest Estimates Ten Kalamaaoo steel ranges; T shelf and Batt- matee Three gentlemen's watches: teven Jeweled : twenty year oaee ; value, 127 B0 each. Per Tea Next Nearest Estimates Tea Grand Rapids ballbearing, eectloaal bookoatee- tolld mahogany: valut. IMeach, Far Pear Next Noareat Esti matesFour oennert violins: Amatl modal; powerful ton; with bow; value. $2 each. Far Pear Next Nearest Eatl mateo Four "Marling" banjos: eleven Inch; Jwenty-four, brackets; heavy Inlaid; value. 24 eaob. Per Twenty-Five Next Noaroet Estlmattt Twenty-fivt Al-Vlata panoramic earn era' value, tm ear a. Per Twa Next Noareat Estimates Two women l solid gold ohattlalne wa tehee; Sight Jeweled movement; value, 12 each. Per Tea Next Neareet Estlmatoa Ten Kalamaaoo steel ranges, for soft or hard ooaJ. coke, or wood : value.!?!!, SO each. PerTea Next Nearest Estimates Ten Orand Rapids ballbearing motional Six EVlngtoa women's wetenasr Jeweled movement: ten year caaea; value. 12 Sneaoh. For Twenty Next Noareat Esti matesTwenty Columbia sraphopbones; six teen IncShorn: value. 1 2t V) each Per Tea Next Nearest Estimates Ttn Orand Rapids ballbearing sectional Bookcaats; tolld oak: value. $20 each. ' For Paar Next Neareet Esti mate Four Kdwin mandoline: Italian mod el : manoannv neckjrHr80JtJMerboard; vajtie. $2neach. , . Far Faar Next Neareet Esti mate Four Bdwla banjos; beautiful pearl inlaid: twenty-two nickel brackets; value, Hlr'' Pear NexfT Noareat ' Batl-. mate Tom Bdwin mandolins; deep Italian modal: roeewood finger board; value, $11,7$ Par Poar Next Neareet Batl-1 malts Four excellent Imitation of a real old violin after Hieromyn Amatl; value. $U For Twa Next Neareet Estlmatoa Two women's ' watches; ten year coses; sight Jeweled: value, tit tech. Per Throe Next Noareat Estl .mates Three women's 104, ten year geld Blled case: swan (eweltd: value, tlgeach - Per Five Next Neareet Esti mate rive women' t fancy ' oneteiaUie watches: sight Jewel Swim movement, value, ,1pSr!k"Plve Next Nearest ' Batl--matee Five Evrngtoa mes's watches; twen ty one Jeweled: ten year case : value. $15 Mrh. Par Twaaty Next Noareat Batl- mate Twenty Columbia grapnopnonea. pan saFlntt; alxteea Inch horn: value, ll'E1!. . - Far Five Next . Nearest Etti- VMve women't ten vear cat waAoaea: tight Jtweled; valut. $14tach. Per Paar Next Nearest Est la matee Four Edwin ban Joe; "Young Profes sional": eleven Inch rim; ealfakm aeadi value. Iltso eck, . Far Faar Next Nearoot Batl- E alee Four men't watches; new model; aaersln open fart caam: value, $10 each, Fer Twaaty Next Noaroet Esti mate Twenty Columbia graphephonce; oak oablnet; ten Inch horn: value, $10 each. Per Twenty Next Neareet Esti matesTwenty slxteea dwt, guaranteed sil ver plate earring sate; rWorld Brand" American Silver company; value, $10 each. Fer Five " Next Noareat - Esti mate Five mea's watch je; Swim movement) gun metal ca,t: valut, $7 60 ci Per lOO Next Noareat Ketlmatoo 100 Moore's Improved nonleakable fountain U karat aoio powi: vau. wn. Far lOO Next Noareat Eatlaaata tOO Qem safety resort with two blades, la a morocco case: value, $3.SO each. Par ISO Next Noareat Estlmatoa-. 100 six ounot heavy quadruple plate silver plete berry spoons. ''World Brand." guaran teed by American Silver company; value. $S "rtt 1.000 Next Nearest Batl- mates 1,000 copies or --rntooort noomveu.-- by Char ee Eugene Bank and lotoj strong: handsomely bound la doth; WreioO Next Nearott Batl ax ounce bmvvsuaorupie sil sold nieat fork. "World Brand." twna. teed by Amarlcaa Silver company i. value. ''rlJV.OOO) Naxt Neareet Bstx. matea 1,000 eoplea of "Hodgson's Law Coot American Homes.'1 bound In cletb. coataia lag 100 plans snd rpeclflcatloni; val. $1 f- Par Sixty Next Nearest Eetl-matee-Blxty six ounee heavy quadruple sti ver plats sugar sheila, "World Brand," guar anteed by American Silver company; value, . ta cents tach. i . Por 1.000 Next Nearoot Esti mate .ono cool at of "Stephen C Footer's Son Alburn'"; BO cenU each, er BOO Next Neareet Estimates 900 eopiea of "Piano Traasuras," volume eg Instrumental tnualo : value, SO cents each. Far BSO Next Nearest Estlssatea ISO copies of "Seng Dlnmonda." maater. Meoet Irom all count rlee; val. to cintt each. Far SitiO Next Neareet EaH matee SnO eoplea of "Ideal Oetns ef JPnglaut Scoga"! value, aw cents each. ADDITIONAL SPECIAL- PRIZES FOR EARLY ESTIMATES X, aad before ror aea reel aorroot ssttemta rooetvod oa eg after Ang-nat AOeTaat IS, ona Ooaover Cabtnot TJpiight Itaao, value goto. Tot asarost oorroot eatlmata rooetvod on ear after Ang-ost IS, aad before aeptember 1, one Xingehary TTprls-ht Plaao, value S400. Pot nearest oorrect aatlmate ea or after October IS, eae Klng-abary Vprtgnt Piano, walae S38S, . rot aterest oorroot estimate oa a after aVpttnabor X, aad twmher IS, ona XlDg-alniry TTprlaTht Plaao, waitbs 9370. Por bsaiest correct astljnate eat ca? afbsr sptsmhsg IS, aad her 1, eae aUngabuj- Tprlght Ptaao, value f3SO. 1. aad before October bofora Noa bafMra Oebs- IMPORTANT STATISTICS . TOTN 1 OTHER TN ARa. The TOTAL rOFUUAS TOTN fer Fret I dent m the year 14 was.. .04.W 14na waa. s. ie.oo 871 waa 187t was., 114 ee of 41.M aor cent f.4v.ln0..lnereee of 12 64 percent S.4l2.78$..lnoreeee of SO 10 2).4"r)..lnoreae of 4T 10.044.1 1M4X waa. .12 or,u JNUd waa..ii.t2t. l"i. .Inoreeee of 19 4 per cent IwuO wat..lJ.6.ot..loort of M per cent - CNJfsrja prauaas. Ttie total nonnlatlon of the United at a tea fnnt Including Terrltoriet, the Dletrlct of Columbia, Newell, the Philippines, and Alaska) la the ytar ,en was. 4t.tTt $40 100 was 02 lit $11 10 was.. ,.T4 444 Ivut was (ettlroafd)..............7a.Md.tS THE JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION RATE In Portland and ether cltlea where pa per Is delivered by carrier: Pally snd Sunday, 1 year ....... .9T.S0 Dally' and Sunday, S months 1.7 J Pally and Sunday. I months ...... 1.S0 Pally (not Including Sunday), 1 yr.. 1.00 Pally (not Including Sun.), rooa... 1. 71 Pally (not Including Sua.), I mos... ,1.00 Bjr afaU. "Pally and Sunday, 1 year Pally and Sunday, S months,..,,. Pally and Sunday. S months...,., Pally (not Including Sun.), 1 yr.. Pally (not Includlng-Sun.), t mos.. Pally (not Including Sun.), I mos.. Sunday only. 1 year , , Sunday only, I months .......... Semi-Weekly, 1 year Weekly, 1 year .$100 . S.TS . 1 10 v t oo .1.75 . 1.40 . too 1.00 1.(10 1.00 SUBSCRIPTION BLANK (Cat this eat and fill In carefully.) faclossa ftn4 CL......;...,. to apply )a solvsertpllosi ao ootmt, TKh anvoant Is la pay- for tea . , . , , I . .M. . (State whether Pafly, Sunday, Weekly or Semi-Weekly.) Jour aai for My estlmotas ef Total vote to be east aa War, a, 1104. lot ths ofttcs ef frosldaat arei Foatofflce.. State.