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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1904)
10 THE OREGOfr DAILY JOTTRKAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 19, 1904. - rim B , ANSWER 'Now and then newspaper advertising costs too much; for you cannot afford to have your busi ness prosper only now and then' . ' This morning several merchants re ceived a mailing card asking a ques tion, to which the above is the answer, 1 ANOTHXB THEATB.B BUBMEB. j (Journal Special Service.) Findlav, 0 Jan. 19. Turners opera house m destroyed by fire this after f ' noon. Ijoss.- 150,000. Several other , building-" are threatened by the fire, which, up to noon, had not been extln . puished. ' WHERE TO BUY : HOUSEHOLD ; FURNITURE ( ' The very-BEST place to purchase s HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE is at i GILMAN AUCTION AND "'K 413 "WasWngton street and No. 108 Eleventh street. Far BETTER than the INSTALLMENT plan. Call and see how much money you can SAVE by purchas- ins, from us.- ; - ' B. N. L. OILMAN, Manager. NOTICE.' WK HiTK appointed Loewenberg Going Co. . ef Portland.. Or., ol agents for all of oar hotel range and reatanrant foods. John Van Ranee Co., Cincinnati. O. MALX srsrw TUTtK WANTED General sgent for the state et Ore ' ran Investement Corporation: big slary guar , inM; experience In Industrial Inaurance or Tontme. Address, stating experience and references, J. M.-Baaford, P. 8. M. Co., 13T Montgomery atreet, SO Belden Block. Ban rrancisco. i;ai. SlKN to learn the barber trades oura not the only place, but certainly the best. Call or write for particular and If In doubt make , a personal investigation. American Barber college, Z&3 Krereu sr., romsnu. WANTED Two' men understanding manu facturing babbitt and Holder: roust nave good references snd long experiences: good pay and chance of advancement Syracuse Smelting ' ' Worn. Beanie, wann. MEN to learn barber trade: only 8 weeka re- quireo: years saveu; iwwuhus in.icn -competent; catalogue mailed free. Molcr (System col lege, nan rrancisco i ni HONKER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eoe tractors; help free to employers. 215 Mor rtson. ' " 130 TO $40 per week Is made by writing acci dent and elck benefits In the Union Mutnal Aid asaoelatlon. Cairor address -401 Msx- cinam building.- Portland, Or. CR WHITE'S 8peelflc No. 1 guaranteed to cure gonorrhea In 10 days; No. IW snd 83 cure gleet and ttrletnre in 40 days; No. 2. syphilis ' snd blood poison In 90 days; No. 10. the only specific for weak men, old or young, this specific makes you a man. Call or write. Dr. Wbit Medicine company, 808 Stark rt. " HELP WANTED FEMALE. MrDDLE-AGED woman wanted for housework: good home. 811 Kbe St., Mentavllla.. Wanted immediately, i-none. WANTED Ladv agent!' to handle the beat thing not; big commission. Address 42 D., care Journal. - - " h ' ' SITUATION WANTED KALE. W ANTED By young married man, work In plumbing shop, with chance to learn the , trade; hare had some experience. Address r.xneriem-e. care rf"uriiai WANTED Position In grocery, drygood or hardware store: experience In all branches. H. 18. care Journal. - - SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Plain sewing to do. Please call at 702 East Seventh at., north. AGENTS WASTED. VIE WANT 10.000 agents for greatest household seller ever Invented; best money-maker on record; actually sells to every house; send ' 15c for complete ssmple snd onr two mam moth catalogues of agents' supplies. South ern Mercantile Co.. Dept 98. Honaton. Tel. FOR RENT. - FOR RENT Oomfortshle furnished rooms en suite and single; also furnished boiiaekeep . Ing rooms. orH Russell St., Lower Alhlns. . V HOOM . howse- for rent.-Irvine-ton: -partof furniture for ssle. Call Union 1384. . LOST AID FOUND. OfiT 4 hank, certificates: 2 on Lidd snd 1111 tnn, one for $2. WW snd the other for $100; one on First National, Clear Lake, South Dakota, for $3.10, and one en George W. Bates A Co. far 11.100. Return to this office and receive re ws rd. .' ' - ioRT Cockcr-spsnlel pap. 8 months old; black and white long-tall dog. Reward paid 192 first t. Phone, Main 26.10. 100MS. THK PALMER HOUSE. 8. E. cor. Abler snd Psrk sts., fs-merly the Spalding, tbe most complete apartment house in the city: entirely renovated: Meant heat, gaa, electric light, por retain baths; every niodrri convenience; tour ist and transient trade solicited. 1 HAVE a few more s'flgle rooms elegsntly furnished, suitable gentlemen; hatb and - phene; aim houaekeenlng suites. Mrs. J. 11. fslmer. z:io Knaseii si, THE COSMOH Kwirth and Morrison, fumlnhed hensekeeplng sa fee. suite and single rooms; 1 per week snd up. HOTEL Vendov. cor. 1.1th and Alder; fur rlshed rwms with board; reasonable rates. Vw HOCSF Just opened 185V4 Morrison; " transient trade solicited; fine location. THE CASTLE 372 Washington at; rooms for gentlemen; trsnslent. TeL South 761. D1 YAMifiEL-t.. the YsnihTli; newly fur nished; aterm beat; llfiit and bath. B00MB AVS BOARD. IIOOMB WITH BOARD, well furnished; modern conveniences; table board. 221 lath st. FOR BALE. I'l RNITT HK of 5-rftom bouse for sain cheap; , will sell tor flW) cash; bouae new and on car line: rent only U. . Call on A- 1, Beck, 65 Mxth st. . ;' - I OR BALE Fine French range, wltli gaivantsed Iron bood. new boiler snd stsnd. Irou Shelves. FOR SALE-rKlne cow and cslf. Joseph Proll, Cent, addition, 4 blocks south nf Montavllla car Ikie and 4 blocks south of store. FOR SALE Ntw. complete Potts brick ma rhlnc. st brrgaln. Apply 12 First St. WANTED. 6 HORSE for ssle or exchange; 1100 to 1300. Waid A Son, Seventh and Stark. ASPHALT PAVIHO. THE Trinidad Aapbalt Paving Co. of Portland. . Office AMI Worcester blk. BARGINO AMD LIGHTERING. OREGON ROUND LI MBER CO., 181 Bumilde V at, I'hone. liranf .l. CEMENT CONTRACTORS. I'lONKER cement contractor, J. F. ohtwk; all work guaranteed. Address UN riflll t. r. O. sddres MM Hhivcr. r phtine. lb !M2 ( AKTKit A'KLI. cement onfrsctors, 271 Poi-ter '.'Si. 'lei., sront os. wors gusrameeo. CpRNICE-SKTUGHTS. METAL KKYI.ICTITS. galvanized Iron cornkca. i. t. Byr, ii BecuBd iU No. 11. ATTORNEYS. JOHN T. WHALLEY, attorney-at-law. bldg., room 813 McKay EMMONS A EMMONS, attorneys-at-law. S44 Worcester bldg. 8. B. R1U0KN. attorney and counsellor-at-law; AUlllgUm DIOR. H. B. DICKINSON, attorner-at-law and notary public. H)3 Commercial bldg. CEREAL KILLS. ACME MILLS CO., manufacturers Its Is ton Acme Cereals. 20 and 22 North Front St. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHoi.ESALR Crockery and glassware. Prael Hcgele A Co., 100 to 108 5th. cor Stark. CLAIRVOYANT AND PALMIST. MADAME JOHNSTON, Clairvoyant and Palm ist; reauinga daily; trutn or no. pay. Zs Third street. MRS. 8. B. SKIP, clairvoyant and life reader. wi Tin, sunaay. i Aa p. m.. Willamette nan. MRS. STEVENS. Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant. xammu. Keaainga wt. 0HIMNEY SWEEP. LOOK OUT FOR'Fl RrXST DWpedrractT csi cnimney sweep; nrepiace, nnrg ana terra cotta Ones each $1. Lea Ta orders at Avery Co., 82 Third at. Phone. Main 1.172. COAL. FIRESIDE WOOD A COAL CO.. 808 E. Morri son, phone East 486. Sawed cord wood. Wblte tc Shlvelyr props. , WESTERN FEED Ic FUEL CO. Dealers In all kind of coal, coke and char- coal. Phone, 1018. ' VULCAN Coal Co., wholesale dealers best coals; foundry' and smelter coke. 820 Burnslde. OREGON FUEL CO,; all kinds coal and wood M Morrison. PDone. Main 6G. KING COAL CO., Importers of high-grade house ecais. t-none. Main M.'a. - CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. T. LUCY, carpenter, builder, general con tractor; House remodeling, alterations, etc.; csblnet work and Jobbing a specialty. Office and sbon at foot of Yamhill St., liver front. Phone. Black 286T. JOHN A, MELTON, carpenter t nd builder, 807 stark St.; oince and store- nxtures built and remodeled; altering and repair nouses. Phone, Main 747. H. F. CLARK, carpenter and builder; repairing snd Jobbing; office fixture. Residence phone. West 782; shop, Main 1941. 4f3 Wash. st. A. J., AUTHORS ft CO.. carpenters snd builders; . repairing sua joDDing; store ana ornre nxtures built. Shop S Columbia. Phone, Clay 1851, O. W. GORDON, counters, shelving, bouses built ana repaired. Fourth. Clay 174. CHIROPODY AND MANICURING. THE DEVENY8. the only scientific chiropodist in me city; parlors aiu-z antsy oing. ; tni Is the lone-haired ffentlemen -von want to ses. Orsnt 16. 0IOARB AND TOBACCO. ESBERO-OUNST CIGAR CO. . Distributors of . FINK CIGARS. ' Portland. Oregon. -DOG AND HORSE H0BFITAL. DR. 8. J. CARNEY Veterinary surgeon. 108 nortn sixtn st. i'hone. Main 1484; res. pbone, Front 14. DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKERS Misses Adama and Burleigh arrived from New York November 11: first class work guaranteed; apprentice wanted an riaimon at bRESSES made for $4 to Sft; tailored skirts S3 to 89; wslsU 11.50 to 1. r2e Thnrmsn; take 8 or 16-at. cars. Phone Black 8741. BON MARC'HE DRESS PLEATING CO., 832 Mohawk bldg.. Third and Morrison. Accordion snd side pleating; pinking. Red 8208. MRS. McKIBREN, artistic and cloak- making. R6I Morrison st. DYEING AND CLEANING. CI.CTHES CLEANED AND PRESSED fl per monttt. Lniqus lanoruig to., Ml wasnmg ton st. CITY STEAM DYEING ft CLEANING WORKS Herman Enke, i proprietor. Pbone, Main 1713. No. 68 6th St., near Pine, Portland. Or. DECORATORS. . HENRY BERGER 130 First St.: wallpaper. ingrama. tapestries, appuque rricxes. inter ior deeorstlng. ELECTRICAL WORKS. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS Office 851 Stark at. I'hone. Main 2212. FURNITURE. OREGON Furniture Msnufactnring company Manufacturers or furniture for toe iraue. xua First at. HORSES ANDRRLiOES. I BUY and sell horses, wsgons. buggies. harness. Derby Livery citable. Fifteenth and Rnrnside. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frater- sl -society. -of NortaweH-protwt tb liv ing. J. I,. Mitchell, supreme secretary, 612 and 615 Marqiiam bldg., Portland, Or. Tele phone Main 642. HATS REPAIRED. NORTHWESTERN HAT FACTORY, manufac turers snd expert remodlers nf all kinds of soft, stiff and silk hats; renovating a spe clslty. Phone. Hood 1766. 204 Bnrnslne st. GROCERS. WADHAMS ft CO.. wholesale grocer, manu facturer! and commission merchant, f ourth and Oak sts. MASON. EIIRMAN ft CO., wholesale grocer r. w. cor. hfrima ana fine sts. ALLEN ft LEWIS, wholesale grocer. Port !ana. or. - - . , .... LANG A CO.. First and Ankeny sts. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITE, fire Insurance. 800 Dckum bug. PHILIP KENNEDY, lnsursnce; resident agent Aorwlcb union Fire lnsursnce Society. Pbone. Main 1858. 44 Hamilton bldg. J AS. Met. WOOD, employer' .liability ,and in dividual accident; rurety bonds of all kinds. I'hone 47. Concord bldg. il. . F. t BARTEL8 COMPANY, fir Insurance. 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Clay 626., AUTHLR WILSHW. Are lnsursnce, Sherlock bldg. Pbone, Main 1008. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON . WORKS Engineer, mano fscturers of marine, mining, logging snd saw. mill machinery, prompt attention to repair work. Phone, East 29. Hawthorne sve ft E. 8d JEWELERS. THE G. HKITKEMPER CO., manufacturing Jewelers. 286 Morrison St. MEDICAL SPECIALISTS. DR. MRS. CAREY TALBOT, successfully t rests and cures all dlseasea of women. Successful home treatment by mail. 808 Salmon at., bet. Fifth and Sixth eta. TUB SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO.. 611 De- knm. Cure women's complaints quickly. i nones: tiome. riooti iu; ornce. maiu aims MUSICAL, PAIL F. KISSNER,, 1olln-maker snd expert; Berlin,- Boston, Chicago snd Now York ref erences. Rmui 216 uoodenougb bldg., cor. ruin ana ismniii, PIANO, wind snd String Instrument lessons. Prof. K. A Smith, 2S4 12th st. I'hone, Brown eas. . - MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, instructor or banjo, maudoUa, guitar. 17S wt Fark. MACHINERY. THE H. C. ALBEB CO., second-hsnd ma chinery, sswmill, etc. 24 Grand ave. MONEY TO LOAN. UNCLE MYERS. (Established 1850.) UNCLE MYERS, . UNCLE MYERS. " - 143 Third Street, UNCLE MYERS. Near Alder. UNCLE MYFBS. UNCLE MYERS, UNCLE MYERS. UNCLE MYFBS. -Loans on Collaterals. Low Kates. UN0LE MYERS. Unredeemed Pledges for Sale. UNCLE MYERS. Phone Msln 010. NEW YORK LOAN OFFICE, 7 North Third 8treet. M. Miller, Prop, Loans on Collaterals. Low Rates, - Unredeemed pledges for sale. Watch Snd Jewelry repairing, phone. Clay 397, LOANS ON THE EASY-PAYMENT PLAN . TO SALARIED PEOPLE. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Office hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Phone 224. Room 716. The Dekum bldg. ' 8. W. cor. Third snd Wsshlngton sta. MONEY TO LOAN en real, personal and col lateral tecurlty; special st teat Ion to chattel mortgages; potes bought. C. W. Pallet, 215 C'ommerclsl blk. Pbone, Grant 850. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city and farm Iiroperty at lowest current rates; building osns. Installment loan. Wm. MAcUaater, 811 Worcester bldg MONEY ADVANCED salaried people, teamjter. etc., without security; easy payments : .larg est bualues In 49 principal cities, Tolmin, 22.1 Ablngton bldg. , SHORT LOANS on chattels or other satisfac tory security. Room 619 the Marquam. Phone, Oregon Red 2863. , . LCAN8ln sum of $5 snd up on all kinds of security. "W. A. Hathawny. room 10, Wash ington bldg. Phone, Hood 41S MON NEY TO LOAN on large" or small amounts on good' security: lowest rates. William G, Beck. 821 Morrison t. :, , 00 TO LOAN on first mortgage real estate security. Clayton. King ft Co.. 228 Stark st. MONEY TO LOAN on city lots and Improved . farms. W. A.' Shaw ft Co.. 248 Stark St. NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Portland, American plan; $3, $5 per day Belvedere; European plan; 4tb and Alder sts. St. Charles. First and Morrison sts., Portland. OVERALLS. BOSS OF THE ROAD OVERALLS and mechan ics' clothing; nnlon made; Neuatadter Bros.. Mfgs.. Portland. Or. OSTEOPATHY, DR8. ANNA M. AND'FRANK J. BARR. gradu ate American School of Oateopathv and A. T. Still Infirmary of Klrksvllle. Mo. Phone, Main 2226. Room 800, Dekum bldg; g 1 1 PERSONAL. VIAVI" The Vlavl home treatment for the diseases of Women renders examination nn necrasary; open to most sesrchlng Investiga tion; offices ire established In all part of ihe civilised world for the purpose of ex plalnng It curative efficacy. Oregon Vlavl Co.. 23 Lewi bldg., Portland. Lectures Thursdays, 2:30 p. m. Phone. Hood 915. Literature, sent free on application. Watch tnis spsce lor viavi news. YOUR1 PRESCRIPTIONS are more accurately and reasonably filled at Eysell' Pharmacy, Z2i Morrison St., cu t. rirai ana rjecona sta. VlME. 11. E. ELY, dcrmatologlat. acalp tre inent, shampoo and electric maasage, removed . from 19 m First to 211 Goodonoutth bldg. WHITE HOUSE Cook Book (abridged), free to subscribers to Good Housekeeping, at Jones' Book Store, 201 Alder st. FRED G. WONDER Chlcsgo Costume house, 888 Morrison; established 1800; send for prlc list. KODAKS snd supplies. Oregon Photo Stock Co.. I. L. Cohen, mgr. Room 16.f Washington bldg! PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. DAVID M. DUNNE ft CO. Phoenix Paint and Oil Worka; manufacturers and Importer paints, oils and sprsys, etc.: phone 137. Of tic and factory. Sherlock ave and 19th at. F. E. BEACsA ft CO. Pioneer Paint Co., selling the best things made in paints and general building material; window-glass and glaslng a specialty. 135 First St.; phone. Main 1334. W. P. FULLER ft CO., manufacturer Pioneer Lead. Phoenix Paint, Kopallne; a guarantee Slven t y us. Wen with every gallon of paint manufactured liAHMUKVKN A 0,. i.hers, ps1nts, oils, glass, sh snd doors. 180 First st. PRINTING. ANDERSON ft DtjNIWAY COMPANY, printing, iiiaogrjpning, disdk oooxs. t-aose. Main 17. 208 Alder. PHYSICAL CULTURE. COWLE8 BROS., professor of scientific physi cal culture. Nature's health-restorer; parlors nd gymnsstum at 231 FlfU St., Portland. Oi. Conanltstlon free. PLUMBERS. TAYLOR ft STANTON, gas and steam fitting, elevator, beer-pump supplies. 88 Sixth st. FOX ft CO., sanitary plumbers, 231 Second, bet. Main and Salmon. Oregon phone, Main 2001, D0NNERBERG ft RADEMACHER, piumberai removed to 84 Fourth at. Both phones. PHRENOLOGY. KIND resder, see Prof. Griffith, opp. P. O., for a scientific delineation; consultation free to an PLAITING. OREGON PLAITING WORKS, 401 Wsshlngton. Plaiting, Iscqucrlng. Tel.. Main 2578. REMOVAL. FRANK HACHENEY. No. 833 Sherlock bide. No. 83 Third St., agent for New Zealand ' nd Trader' Klre lnsursnce companies. RUBBER STAMPS, P. C. STAMP WORKS. 240 Alder St., phone, Main 710; rubber stamp, sesls, stencil, bag gage and trade checks. SEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. FOR SALE FARMS Improved farm for ale In all part of Or. goo and Waahlngton; payment made to ult purcnaaer. For run particulars a to vari ous propertie apply to Wm. MacMaater, u Worcester niog. 2 ACRES with bouse already started;- A4 of aa acre In r trawberric. balance in cherry orch ard; blocks from car line. Hell very eneap, Ed. Lauilsou, Montirllla. B. J. 8ANKOKD ft CO., real estate, bomesteida, timber claim . apd state school lands. 212 Ablngton blilg. F. A. KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Room 3, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROPE, PORTLAND CORDAGE CO., cor. Fourteenth and Northrup sts.. Portland Or. SIGNB, WATRIN ft PAINE SIGN CO., 310 Pins st Phone, Main 8703. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every description; bink, bar and store fixtures made to order. R. Lutk ft Co., Portland and Seattle. SPIRITUALIST. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, located In room 808, Allsky bldg., cor. 8d and Morrison, Hood 403. SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFE8 of J. E. Davis; yonr re pair and lockouts safely done. H6 Third st. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200W Wash tngrnn st. Phone. Or.. Main 962. STORAGE AND TRANSFER, C. O. PICK, office 88 First St.. between Stark and Oak sts. : phone 606: pianos and furni ture moved and packed for shipping; com , modloua fireproof brick warehouse. Front and t:iay ata. SLOT MACHINES. THE LATEST KIND of slot machines ot every description for isle or percentage; also 100 different khids of novelties. A. J. Cranwell ft Co.. 218 to 224 Ablngton bldg. TRANSCONTINENTAL MACHINE CO. Blot . machines. B. E. park and Oak. Pbone, Main 138. . , MACHINES of every description tor sale or per centage, rrinit unrntn, ta ana tunmon. TYPEWRITERS. YOST TYPEWRITER HEADQUARTERS i 230 Btark Street Ws rent, repair, ae'i, exchange typewriters, All supplies for sll machines. , . - Do you want a steuographer or typist t ' . W bav list of good applicants. , I'bons, Bla.-k 287L STENOGRAPHERS. BOOM 800, the Dekum bldg.; private office for letter qictatlon; general ornce aervice. UPHOLSTERERS. II. JOHNSON, chalrcaner, reedwork, 348 Haw- tnorne ave. Phone. Union 4o. ' WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO., 184-186 Second st., pet, remain ana Taylor, r-qrtiana TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, -brush, soap. 1 per month. Lawrence Bro.' Towel Supply company. 4th and Couch. Phone 420. WHERE TO DINE. , THE OFFICE, 28 Washington St., Phone, 8. Main 771. f. W. Talbott, prop, Portland. Or. SI ROUSE'S RESTAURANT, first-claw meals, pest service, icn wsshlngton st CAFE KRATZ, 122 Sixth st served at all hour. , A fine lunch NOTICE TO VACATE "ROCK STREET, Notice Ir hereby given by the undersigned, Portland General Electric company, as follows: Tbst it Is a corporation duly Incorporated, organised and existing under the laws of the state of Oregon, and has it principal office at the city of Portland. In the county of Mult nomah and state of Oregon;' that at a regular meeting of the council of said city of Port land to be held at the city ball of said city In said city on Wednesday, the Srd day of February. 1004. s Detltion will be - nresentad by ' tbe Undersigned to said council pray ing for the vacation of ll of Rock stieet In said city . of ..Portland, said Rock street being - situated between " blocks thirty-one (311 and thirty-two 32Y. In .lhr. lock' addition to said ctty of Portland, and running from, to and connecting Front atreet snd Sherlock avenue, In said Sherlock's sddltion to city of Portland. Dated at said cltv of Portland this 18fh day pf December, 1003. tWXLAIU GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, D7 1. Vtm UU1IVB, President. - PORTLAND GENERAL EIECTRI0 COMPANY, " " y unutij u, kkku, ' ' ' . Assistant Secretary. . CITY NOTICES. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IN EAST EIGHTEENTH STREET. , Notice Is hereby alven that William C. Elliott, city engineer, has filed In the office of the Mnderatgned, notice that J. B. Slem mens, contractor for the construction of a aewer In East Eighteenth street, from 60 feet south of the south line of 1 Thompson atreet to the sewer In Tillamook street, under the provisions of ordinance No. 13,628, baa completed said sewer .- Said acceptance will be considered by the executive board it 4 o'clock on the 22d day . of January, 1004, and objection to the acceptance thereof msy be filed in the office of the under signed at sny time prior thereto. TUB EXECUTIVE BOARD, By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor ot the Ctty of Portland. ' January 16, i904. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OT SEWER IN BT. CLAIR BTREET. Notice Is hereby, given that William O. Elliott, city eugtneei, ha filed In the office of the anderalgned. notice that J. B. Blem mona, contractor for the construction of s sower lrt St Clair street, from 125 feet north of tho north lino of Park avenue to the sewer lu .St. Clair street at the south line, of Waah lngton street, under the provisions of ordinance Ao. 1:1,0.11. na completed earn sewer. r Said acceptance will be considered by ' the evecntive hoard at 4 o'clockon the 22d day of January, 1904, and objection) to the acceptance thereof may be Bled in the ornce of the under signed at any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City ot Portland. Jsnuary 16. 1004. PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN BUCHTEL AVENUE AND EAST PINE STREET. Notice hereby glren that the council of the city of Po-tland proposes to assess tbe follow ing, aeacrioeu property ana owner or owner as being specially and peculiarly benefited in the amounts set opposite the name and deacrlp tlcn thereof by the construction of a sewer In Buchtel avenue and East Pine street, from 100 feet south of tbe south line of East Ankeny street to a point In Eaat Pine street, thence westerly In East Pine street to s connection with tbe sewer In Goodaell svenue, is provided by ordinance No. 18.629. Any TbJeTton te the apportionment of cost for ssld sewer mnst be made In writing to Ihe council snd filed with the auditor within 15 day tne nan 01 tue nrat punurauon or thia notice, anl aald objection will be heard and determined by tbe council before the paasage 01 tne ordinance assessing tne cost ror said sewer. Mayor Gates Addition to East Port land Blk 4, lot 7. Frank Gansneder. $ 20.45 Blk 4, lot 6, Louis Stark 20.65 Blk 4, lot fi, Charles Peterson and Hilda Peterson Blk 4, lot 4, C. Hammer Hlk 4, lot 3, France M. Camp Blk 4, lot 2, Herbert L. Camp Blk 4, lot 1, John Camp., , Blk 3. lot 9. Title Guarantee ft Trust company Blk 3, lot 8, C, A, Carlson and Eva Carl son t , Blk 5. lot 13, D, Dautof f and Joseph Dautoff Blk 6, lot 13, Btta Dautoff Blk 5, north V, let 14, William E. Brain ard t , Blk 6. south tt lot 14. Edith W. Franks.. Blk 5. north 6 feet lot 15, Edith W. Franks Blk 5, south 41 feet lot IS, William J. McAllister Blk 6, lot 16. O. J. West Blk 5, lot 17, Felix G. Htcklln estate, heirs of Blk 6. kit 18, Felix G. Hlcklln estate, heir of ' Blk 2, lot 10, Emma V. Sell wood Blk 2. lot 11. Emma V. Sellwnod A tiact of land lying between the north line of lot 7, block 4. Mayor Gate addi tion to Eaat Portland, extended eaaterly In Its present course snd the north Una -of block 8, Schmeer's addition to Port land. Oregon, and the eaat line of block 4, Mayor Gate addition to Entt Port land and a line 100 feet east of and parallel with tbe eaat line of Buchtel avenue, George II. Settlemeler Schmeer's addition to Portland, Ore- gfn Blk 8. west 81.7S feet lot 6, Rudolph Schmeer Blk 8. west 81.0S feet lot 6. Rudolph Schmeer Blk 8. west 80.80 feet lot 4. Peter Schmeer Blk 8, weit 29.58 feet lot 8, William 25.00 21.05 21.20 21.40 21.60 10.45 2.00 86.55 86.65 21.65 21.05 4.40 82.15 86.65 86.66 41.95 89.86 24.83 100 1.00 140 2.00 gcBtueer "2.00 Blk 8, weat 29.19 feet lot 2, Ernest Schmeer .... , Blk 3. weat 28.59 feet lot 1, Ernest Schmeer Blk 4. west 27.14 feet lot 9, Henry H, fcchmeer Blk 4. wes( 26 M feet lot 8, Henry H. Schmeer , .2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Total ...... .....8618.60 THUS. C. DMVLI.N. Andltor of the City of Portland, January 18, 1904. 1 PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORK. Sealed proposal will be received at the office of the auditor of the city nf Portland, Oregon, until Friday, January 22, 1904, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the Improvement of Clifton street from the west line of Sixteenth street to the east line ot Twenty-second atreet. In the manner provided by ordinance hie, 12725, sub ject to tbe provisions of tbe charter and ordi nances of tbe city of Portland and the esti mate of the city engineer, on file, Blda must be strictly In accordance with printed blank, wblcb will be furnished on applies tlon at tbe office of the auditor of the city, of Portland. Said Improvement muat be completed on or before 180 days from the date of the sign ing of the contract by the parties thereto. i'o proposals or bids will be considered un less accompanied by s certified check pay able -to tbe order of the mayor of tbe city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank fur an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. The right to reject any and all bid 1 hereby reserved. By order of the executive board. THOS. C, DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. January 16. 1904. PROPOSALS roa STREET work. Sealed proposal will be received wt ' the office of the auditor of tbe city of Portland. Oregon, Until Friday. Jannary 22, 1904, at S o'clock p. m. for the Improvement of Sell wood street from the esst line et Williams avenue to the west line of Union avenue, In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,726, sub ject ' to the provisions of the charter and ordinances of ins city of Portland and the esti mate, of the city engineer, on file. Bids must be strictly In accordance t with' printed blanks, which will be furnished on application t the office of the auditor of the city ot ' ttirtland. Said improvement must be completed on or before 00 dsys from the date of the sign ing of the contract by tbe parties thereto. No proposals or bids will be considered un less sccorapsnled by a certified check . pay able to the order of the mayor of the city of Portlsnd, certified by s responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. ' The right to reject any snd all bids Is b reby reserved. - , By order of the executive board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, . Auditor of tbe City of Portland. January 13, 1V04. CI'AY. NOTICES. PR0P08ED ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVE . KENT OF MADISON STREET. Notice la hereby given that the council of the city ot Portland propose to assess tbe fol lowing described property and owner or owner t being cpecially and peculiarly benefited In me "mounts, set opposite the name ana ae ecrlptious thereof for tbe improvement of Madi son street, from the east line of Second atreet 10 tne eaat line of Fifth street, as provided by oidinance No, 13,556. , Any objections to tbe apportionment of cost for said improvement must be made In writing 1 1 tbe council and filed with tbe auditor within 13 days from the date of the first publica tion of this notice, and said objections will be beard and determined by the council before the pasaaga of the ordinance assessing the cost of ssld impi'OTeuient. Portland Blk 10, west 88 feet lot 8, laam Whlte.l 87.54 Blk 10, weat 38 feet lot 6. Isam White. 5 46.98 Blk 10, east 57 feet lot 6. Clara A. Fech belmer. William B. Fechhelmer, Alice M. Herts and Klluheth Rlehenrruen . . R6.3I Blk I,- east 57 feet lot 6. Clara A. Fech- aimer, William B. Fetchheimer, Alice "M. Her and Elisabeth Eichengruen.. 70.89 Blk 25, lot 4, Mary P. Grant 677.48 Blk 25, lot 8. Savings ft Loan Society of San Francisco 160.51 Blk. 25, undivided K ot lot 6, Mary C. Wsrren . 44,91 Blk 25. undivided of lot 5, Mary C. Warren , 155.48 Blk 25. undivided 14. of lot 6, Ann B. . Druck ...... ....... ...... ........... . 44.91 Blk 25. undivided M ot lot 5, Anna B. Dtucks ........ 155.43 Blk 25, undivided of lot , Lliiie A. Richard ...,......,. 44.SI Blk 25, undivided K of lot 6, Liule A. Richard 155.43 Blk 25, undivided H of lot 6, Llntle Oil- llann 44.91 Blk 25, undivided K of lot 6, Lluls Cul- llson 155.43 A tract of land lying between the north ' line of Madison street snd a line 100 feet north thereof and parallel there with and between the weat line of Third street snd the east line of , Fourth street, city ot Portland , 1,863.43 Portland , Blk 57, lot 4, Jacob Kamm....... 0475.86 Blk 67, lot 8, Jacob Kamm 67.98 Blk 67, lot 6, Jacob Kamm.. , 69.83 Blk 67, lot 6, Jacob Kamm...... 485.32 Blk , lot 1, Joseph 8. Keller...,..,.,.. 106 20 Blk 9. lot 2. Joaenh 8. Keller 84.B8 Blk 70. lot 1. William F, Hummell ind Frank A. Hummell B78.1T Blk 70. lot 2, Charles N. Close........ 142.88 Blk 70, undivided lot T, Mark Levy. 90.08 Blk 70, undivided H Ibt T. H. M. Cake. 00.03 Blk 70, lot 8, Martha E. P. Plummer., 620.80 Blk 55, lot 1, Robert Pattoa estate, heir of 634.27 Blk 65, lot 2, Robert Patton eatate, heir of 182.56 Blk 65, lot 7, Henry W. Monaates..... 70.56 Blk 65, lot 8, Henry' Wlnhard. ....... 493.88 Blk 66, lot 1, City of Portland.. 476.76 Blk 66, lot 2, City of Portland..,.,... 88.10 Blk 66, lot 7,-City of Portland...;... ; 60.58 Blk 68, lot 8, City of Portland 486.68 Hight or way, city Suburban Railway company 296.82 Total ..88.702.68 . THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor ot the City of Portland. January 18, 1904. PR0P08ED IMPROVEMENT OF PINE STREET Notice ts hereby given that at the mertlne of the council of the city of Portland, Oregon, nein on tne 01 n aay or January, luot, the fol lowing resolution wss sdopted: , - Kesoivea. That the counfll or the city of Portland. Oregon, deems It exnedlent and nro. poses to improve Pine street from the west line of Sixth street to the east line of Seventh street, s follows: First By grading the street to th nroner grades t second By laying concrete In accordance with the city engineer's clans, ineclflcatlons snd estimates. Third By constructing brick gutters In sc eordance with the city engineer's plans, speci fications ind estlmstes. Fourth By laying asphalt In accordance with the city engineer's plans, specifications and estimates. Fifth By conntructing srtlftclsl stone curbs In sccordsnce with tbe city engineer's plans, specifications snd estimates. Said Improvement to be made In accordance with th charter and ordinances of the city of Portland snd the plana, specificatlona and esti mate of tbe city engineer filed In the office of th auditor of the city of Portland on the 6th day of January. 1004, Indorsed: "City engineer' plan and peclflcatlon for the Improvement of Pine street from the west line of Sixth street to tbe esst line of Seventh street and the estimate of the work to be done- and the probable total cost thereof." The coat of ald lmproveOnent to b assessed is provided by the city charter upon tbe prop erty specially benefited thereby snd which is hereby declared to be the following: The east 100 feet of th northerly H of block 84, Portland, and th southerly of 1 triangular tract of land lying between the south line of Ankeny street, the north line of Pine street snd the westerly linn of Sixth street. Th engineer' estimate of the probable total coat of Improving said Pine street is SI,. 464 00. , Tbe above Improvement shall be claaaed is sn ispbalt Improvement and shall be main tained by the city for a period of four years; provided, that the owner of a majority of the ptoperty benefited by said Improvement or any portion thereof shall not petition for a new or different Improvement before the expiration of urh period. The plan, apeelflearlone and estimates of the city engineer for the improvement ot said Pine street sre hereby adopted. Resolved, That the auditor ef th eltv of Portland be and he 1 hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of said street ss provided by the city charter. Remonstrance against the above Improvement may be filed in writing with the anderalgned within 20 days from tbe date of th first pub lication of thia notice. 1 . By order ot th connHI. V . TH08. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. - January 11. 1904. PROPOSALS FOX STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at the office -of the auditor of the city of Portland, Oregon, nntll Friday. Jannary 22, 1004, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the improvement of Shaver atreet from the center line of Commercial atreet to the eaat line of Mlaalsslppt avenne. In the J Dinner provided by ordinance No. 18,727, tub ect to tbe provision of the charter ind ordi nance of the ctty of Portland aad the estimate of tbe city engineer, on file. ' Bid must be strictly in accordance with printed blanks, which will b f urnlahed on application at the office of the auditor of tbe city of Portland. Said Improvement mnst be completed on or before 90 days from the date of the sign ing of the contract by the parties thereto. No proposals or bid-will be eonaldered un less accompanied by a certified check nav- able to tba-order ofthmyor of the city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the sgrregst proposal. The right to reject sny snd III bids 1 hereby reserved. By order of the executive board. THOS. O. DEVLIN. -. . Auditor et tbe City ot Portland. , Jannary 16, 1904. ! PROPOSALS FOB STREET WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the auditor of tbe city of Portland, Oregon, nntll Friday, Jannary 22, 1904, at 8 o clock p. m. for the Improvement ot North rop' street from tho west line of Twenty-second street to the east line of Twenty-third atreet In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13. 724,. subject to the provisions of the charter snd ordinance of the city of Portland and the estimate of the city engineer, on file. Bid most be strictly in accordance with printed blank, which will be furnished on application at th office of tbe auditor of tbe city of Portland. Bald Improvement- mut be completed on or before 60 day from the date of the sign ing of the contract by the parties thereto. No propoeala or bid will be considered un less accompanied b a certified check pay able to tbe order of the mayor of the city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. The right to reject sny and ill bids Is hereby reserved. By- order of the executive board. . . THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City ot Portland. "January 16. 1904. . PROPOSED ABBESS MENT OF IMPROVE MENT OF WEST HALF OF EAST TWENTY SECOND STREET. ' v ; Notice is hereby given thst tbe council of the city of Portland proposes to ssae th following described property sod owner or owners as being specially snd peculiarly bene fited in tbe smounta set opposite the nsmes and description thereof for the Improvement of th west A of Esst Twenty-second street, from the north line nf Eaat Burnslde street to th center line of East Couch street, ss provided by ordinance No. 13,624. Any objections to tbe apportionment of 'cost for said Improvement must be made In writing to the council snd tiled with tbe auditor within 15 days from the date of the first publication of thia notice, and said objectlona will be beard and determined by the council before the pas age of the ordinance assessing the cost , of aid Improvement. : , Dunn' Addition to Esst Portlsnd - Blk 6, lot 1, Edwin C. Johnson ,".., 60.93 Blk 6, lot 2, Edwin C, Johneon . 7.27 Blk 6, lot 9. Barbel Gates 16.48 Blk 6, kit 10, Rachel Gate ',,., ' 69.90 Total ...... . ... : .... . . .8144.58 THOS. C. DEVLIN. . ' Auditor of the CHy of Portland. Jinnary 18, 1004, ' LCITY N0TICE8. PROPOSES ASSESSMENT FOR SEWER IN - , , EAST TWENTY-EIGHTH STREET. , Notice ts hereby glren that the council of tbe city of Portland proposes to sssess the follow ing described property nd owner or owner being specially and peculiarly benefited lu the amcunta set opposite the name and descriptions thereof by tbe construction of a sewer In Eaat Twenty-eighth street from 100 feet south of th south line of Sandy road to sewer in Eaat Twenty-eighth street st a point 18 feet south of the north line of East Gllsan street, ss pro vided by ordinance No. 13.507. Any objectloue to the apportionment of cost for . aald aewer muat be made lit writing to the council and filed with the auditor within 15 days- from tbe date ot the first publication of this notice, and said objections will be heard and determined by the council before the pas sage ot th ordinance ssseaalng tbe cost for said ewer. i; .- . !;. All ot lot 10. block 7, York, lying lotith of a line 100 feet aoutb of and parallel with the south , line of Sandy road, ' Max M. Smith....... ;'..... 1.00 All of lot 8, block 7. York, lying south of s liue 100 feet south ot and parallel ' with th south line of Sandy road, Jimes Lugg...., ,. 18.55 All ot lot 9, block 7, York, lying south , of s line 100 feet south nf and parallel with the south line of Sandy road, James Lugg ........................ 51.60 York , .,' . Blk 8. weat 26.9 feet lot 4, The Haw- thorne estate ' 31.65 Blk 8, lot 5, II.. L.. Powers, trustee...., - 64.10 Blk 8, lot 6, H. L. Powers, trustee..,,, ' 64.10 Blk 8. lot 1, O. Welbel......... ...' 64.10 Blk 8, lot 8, Security jSaviogs ft Trust company . 64.10 Blk 8, west 26.9 feet jot ?. the Haw thorne estate ..................... v . 21.63 Blk 9. 'wrest 28.8 : feet lot 4, II. L. Powers, trustee 21.05 Flk 9, lot 5, H. L. Powers, "trustee.... 64.10 Blk 9, lot 6, II. L, Powers, trustee.... 1 54.10 Blk 9, lot 7. Albert W. Phllpott... 64.10 Blk , lot 8, Security Saving ft Trust company 64.10 Blk 9. weat 26.9 feet lot 9, John Kills. . 21.65 Blk 11, West 26.0 feet, lot 4, Arthur J. Howltt 19.25 Blk 11, lot 6, Frederick H. Rlttenour... ' 64.10 Blk 11, lot 6, The Hawthorne eatate....- . U9.50 Hawthorne's First Addition to Eaat Portia so Blk 1. north 19.2 feet lot 10. The Haw, m thorne estate 1.00 Blk 1. north 19.2 feet lot 11,' H. L, ' ' Powers, trustee......... 2.00 Blk 1, north 10.2 feet lot 12, The Haw thorne estate 8.60 Logan's Addition to Eaat Portlaud Blk 1, lot 9. 11. A. Haxelton....... 31.05 Blk 1, lot 8. Kate L. Watson.......... 67.85 All of lot 7. block 1. Logan's addition to East Portland, lying eaat of a line 100 feet West of and parallel with tbe weat line of East Twenty-eighth atreet, Ludwlg Wegner 84.50 All of lot 6. block 1, Logan' addition to Eaat Portland, lying east ot a line 100 feet west of and parallel with Ihe west line of Eaat Twenty-eighth ' street. Marls Elllngsworth .60 All of lot 3. block 6, Logan's addition to Eaat Portland, lying eaat of a line 100 feet west of and parallel with the wet line of Eaat Twenty-eighth ' street, J. A. Morris - 5.00 Logan' Addition to Esst Portland Blk 6. lot 1,, Thomas Popbam 39.30 Blk 8, lot 2,lThoma Popham... 44.05 Blk 8, lot 4, Tbooias Popbam , 67.85 Logan' Addition to East Portland Blk 6, lot 6, Thomaa Popbam 81.95 Blk 7, lot 1, Emmerson B. Clark.,...., 62.05 Blk 7, lot 6. Emmerson B. Clark 48.30 All of lot 2, block 7. Logan' addition to East Portland, lying east pf a line 100 feet west of and parallel with the west 11-ie of. East Twenty-eighth street, Emerson B. Clark 4.00 All of lot 5. block 7, Logan' addition (o . Faat Portland, lying eaat of 1 line 100 feet weat of and parallel with ; tbe west line of Eaat Twenty-eighth atreet, J, F. Burns 1.00 Wytikoop Villa Blk 1. lot 1, Third Presbyterian church, Portland, Oregon, trustees of 20.03 Total 11,145.25 THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ot the City of Portland. Janusry 18, 1004. PROPOSES AS8E8BMENT FOR SEWER IN EAST SEVENTEENTH STREET. Notice la hereby given tbit the council ot th city of Portland propose to asses the folk-wing described property and owner or owners as being specially and peculiarly benefited In the amounts set opposite the name and de scription thereof bjr the construction of a aewer In East Seventeenth street, from 100 feet south ot the south line ot Belmont to the sewer in Eaat Taylor street, ss provided by ordinance No. 13,633. Any objectlona to the apportionment of cost far ssld aewer must be made in writing to the cout.oll and filed w4th -the auditor within 15 days. from tbe date of the first publication of this notice, and said objections will be heard nd determined by the council before the paa sage of the assessing the 'cost for said sewer. A ttsct of land lying between two lines resiiectlvely loo feet and 150 feet south of and parallel wKh tbe south line of Bel -non t atrtet and between tbe test line of East Seventeenth street and 1 line 100 f nt east thereof snd parallel therewith, J, H. lmhoff 20.05 A tiact of land lying between a line 150 feet south of snd parallel with the soi th lino of Belmont street and tbe north line of Daneke snd between , the esst line ot Eiist Seventeenth street and a line 100 feet eaat thereof " and parallel therewith, Nancy J, 8'to 20.83 l)i l eke Blk 2, lot 1. E. T. Peterson ., 21.45 Blk 2. lot 2, G. F. Peterson , . 21.43 Blk 2, lot 3, J. F. Daneke 21.45 Blk 2, north 20 feet lot 4. J. F. Dnek. 10,50 A tract of land lying between two line respectively 100 fe-t and 168 2-3 feet 1 south ef and parallel with the aouth line of Belmont atreet snd between the weat line of East Seventeenth , etret and a line 100 feet weat thereof snd parallel therewith, L. P. Hoaford. 47.30 A tract of And lying between line 16S 2-3 feet south of and parallel with tbe south linn ot Belmont street ind tbe north line ot Daneke and between the west line of East Seventeenth street and a Hue 100 feet west thereof nd parallel therewith, Ave O. Starr. 15.85 Dsneke , Blk 1, lot 1, Avs O. Sterr... 81.70 Blk 1, lot 2. J. F. Daneke 31.70 Blk 1, lot 8, J. F. Daneke. 8.70 Blk 1, north 20 feet lot 4, J. F. Daneke. 20.00 A tract of land lying between the north line of Daneke and a line 100 feet north of and parallel with the north line of Eaat Taylor atreet and be tween the east Une ot Daneke and s . line 100 feet esst of and parallel with the east line of East Seventeenth street, Mary Fallows 1.00 .....T TT.g fuvinn THOS. 0. DEVLIN, - Auditor of th City of Portland. Jinuiry . 18. .. 1904. PROPOSALS FOR HORSES FOR THE STREET. CLEANING AND SPRINKLING DEPART MENT. -'. , .,- .- .. 'Proposals will be received by th purchasing committee of th executive board at tbe city barn, ' Sixteenth and Madison streets, st 2 o'clock p. m Tuesday, January 10, 1004. for furt'fehlng to the street-cleaning and sprinkling department ot the city of Portland ten (10) horses, weighing between 1,400 and 1,600 pounds and between fire snd seven years of age. Horses mqst also be shown at the asm time. The purchasing committee reserves tbe right to try all horaes selected fj? on week be fore purchulng. -The right to reject sny or all proposals Is reserved. , : : n. c. wortman, HENRY W. GODDAftD, ' . . Pnrchaalng Committee. Portland, Oregon, January 13, 1904. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER , ., . IN EVERETT STREET, : Notice Is hereby given that William O. Elliott, city engineer, has filed In the office of the undersigned, notice that J. B. Hlem mons, . contractor for the construction f s sewer in Everett street, from 100 feet eaat of the eat line of Twenty-tblrd street to the sewer in Bverjtt street UK) feet eaat of th east line of Twenty-econd treet,' under" th provision of ordinance No. 13,680, has com pleted said sewer. . Said acceptance will be eonaldered by the executive board at 4 o'clock on the 22d day of January, 1904, and objectlona to tbe acceptance thereof may be filed In tbe office ot the under signed st sny time prior thereto, ..... TI1B EXECUTIVE BOARD, V hy THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of ths City of Portlsnd. Jsnusry 10. 1904. , COMPLETION ANS ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IN MONROE STREET ANS GANTENBEL avenue. , . ; ' :,:.;:.:, Notice I hereby given thst William C. Elliott, city engineer, ha filed In the office of the undersigned, notice that J. W. Sweeney, contractor for the construction of s sewer In Monrou street snd Ganrenbeln avenue, from 100 feet west of the west line of Union svenue to Ciantenbclu nreuue; thence north In Gantenbeln avenne to the proposed sewer In alley north of Monroe street, under . the -provision of ordinance No. 13,539, ha completed said aewer. Said acceptance will be considered by the executive board at 4 o'clock on the 22d day of January, 1004, and objections to the acceptance thereof may be riled In the office of the under signed at sny time prior thereto. 'ina r.AiM iiivn jbuaki, Bly THOS. C. DEVLIN, 7 . Auditor of ths City ot Portland. Japuiry 16, 1U04. CITY NOTICES. - PROPOSALS FOR SEWER WORK. Sealed proposal will " lie received it the office of the auditor of th city of Portland until Friday, January 22, 1004, at 3 o'clock . F. m. for the construction of a aewer lu Eaat loyt atreet from the west .lino of Kant Twenty-ninth street to, the . sewer In Emt Twenty-eighth treet. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,728, eubject to the pro visions of the charter and ordinances of the city of -Portland and the estimate of the city engineer, on file.. , . ., Bids must be ' strictly ; in accordance with printed blanks, which will bo furnished ou application at the office of the auditor of , the city of Portland. . And said aewer mut be completed on or before 60 day from tbe data pf the signing of the con true t by the parties thereto. No proposals or bids will he considered unless accompanied by a certified check pay el le to the trdcr of the mayor of the city ot Portland, certified by a responsible bank for sn amount equal to 10 per cent of the ag gregate proposal. , . The right to .reject sny snd sll bids ts hereby reserved. . . : By order of the executive hoard. : ' THOS. 'C. DEVLIN, ' Auditor of the City of Portland. . January 18, 1904. PR0P08AXS FOR SEWER WORK. Sealed proposal will be received at the off-ce of tbe auditor uf the city of Portland I'Utll Friday, January 22. 1004, at. 3 o'clock p. m. for the construction of a sewer lit Vaughn and Seventeenth streets from 100 feet eaat of the east line t)f Twonty-firnt street to a : point In Seventeenth atreet, thence southerly 1 11 Spventeeuth atreet to the sewer in Upshur street, In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13. 729, subject to-the provision of the charter sod ; ordimnce of the city of Portland and the estimate of the -lty engineer, on file, - Bid mnst be strictly In accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at the office of the. auditor of the city of ' Portland. And said . aewer mnst be completed on or before 60 day -from the dute of tbe signing of the contract by ths, parties thereto., . No - proposals or bids will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check pa.v ahle to the order of the mayor. of the city of Portland, certified by a responsible bank . for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the ag gregate proposal, The right 'to reject any snd sll bids 1 hereby reserved. By order of tbs executive board. THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City ot Portland. January 16. 1004. PROPOSALS FOR SEWER WORK. Sealed proposal will be received at the office of the auditor of the city of Portland r.itll Frld.iy, January 22. 1904. at 3 o'clock p. m. for tpe construction of a sewer In Kelly street from 50 feet routb of the south line of Bancroft svenue to the sewer In Kelly street st tbe south line ot Abernethy street. In the manner provided by ordinance No. 13,730, subject to the provision of the charter ind ordinances of the city of Portland and the et timate of tbe city engineer, on file. Bids muat be strictly in accordance with printed blanks, which will be furnished 011 application st the office ot "tbe auditor of the city of Portland. And said aewer mnt be completed on or before 60 days from the date of the algning ot the contract , by the pcrtles thereto. No proposals or bids will be considered unless srcompanled by s certified check pay able to the order of the mayor of the city of Portland, certified by s responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the ag gregate proposal. , Tbe right to reject sny snd all bid 1. hereby reserved. By order of th executive board. THOS. C. DEVLIN,' ' Auditor of tbe City of Portland. January 16. 1004. ... PROPOSALS FOR SEWER WORK. Sesled proposals will be received st ths office of the auditor of tbe city of Portland until Friday. January 22, 1904, at 3 o'clock p. m. for the conatructlon of s sewer in Vic toria stri-A from 60 feet north of the north line of Weidler street to the sewer In Victoria Broadway. In the manner provided by otdlnance N. 13,731, eubject to tbe provision of . the charter snd ordinances ot ths city ot Portland snd the estimate ot the city engineer, 011 file. - . - . Blda nut be strictly In sccordsnce with printed blank, which will be furnished on acplicntlon if tbe office of tbe auditor of the Irlty ot Portland. And laid aewer must be completed on or before 80 day from the date of the signing of the contract . by , the parties thereto. No proposals or bids will be considered unless accompanied by certified check pay able to the order ot the mayor of the elty of Portland, certified by s responsible bank for an amount equal to 10 per cent ot the ag gregate proposal, . - . . .. Tbe right to reject .- Sny and ' all bids Is hereby reserved. , : By order ot the executive bosrd. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Jsnusry 16 1004." PROPOSALS FOR SEWER WORK. , Scale! proposals will be received st the office of the auditor of tbe city of Portland until Friday, January 22, 1904, at J o'clock p. m. for the' conatructlon of a sewer in Fargo street from 100 feet weat of the west tins of Uilon svenue to the sewer In Gantenlieln ave nue. In tbe manner provided by ordinance No. 13.732, subject to the provisions of the charter nd ordinances of the city uf Portland snd the estimate of the city engineer, on file. Bids must be strictly lu accordance with printed blanks, wblch will be furnished on nt plication at tbe office ot the auditor ot tho city of Portland. And said sewer mnst be completed on or before 80 days front ths date of th signing of the contract by the parties thereto. No propose is or bid will be considered miles sceompsnled by s certified check psy srle to the order of the mayor ef ths city nf Portland, certified by a responsible bang for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the ag gregate proposal. ' Tbe right to reject sny snd sll bids Is hereby reserved. By order of tbe executive board. v THOS. C. DEVLIN, Andltor of the City of Portland. January 16.-1904. COMPLETION ANS ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF TWENTY-EIGHTH ' STREET. Notice 1 hereby given that William C. Elliott, city enslneer. hss filed in tbe office of the undersigned, notice thst Smyth and How ard company, contractor for the Improvement ot Twenty-eighth street, under the provision of ordinance No. 13,505, ha completed laid atreet from the south line of Sevier street to the south line of Thnrmsn street. Bald acceptance will be considered by the executive board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day of Jannary, 1904. and objections to tho accept ance of said atreet, or any part thereof, may be filed In the office ot the undersigned at sny time prior thereto, . THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor ot the city of Portland. .Jsnusry 10, 1004. . COMPLETION AND ' ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF SHERMAN STREET. Notice ' I hereby given that William C. Elliott, city engineer, has filed In the office nf tbe undersigned notice that J. W. Kweenev, Contractor tor the Improvement nf Hhernthu street, under tbe provision of ordinance No. 13,664, ba completed laid , (treet from th cei.ter Hue of Second treet to ihe Center Una of Third street. Bald neceptnnce- will be considered by th ereenttvn board at 4 o'clock, on the 22d day of January, loot, and objections to the accept ance of snld street, or sny part thereof may he filed in the office ot the undrraigucd it any time prior thereto. TUB EXECUTIVE BOARD, By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the city of Portland. - January lr 1004. . . COMPLETION ANS ACCEPTANCE OF IM PR0VEMENT OF EAST TWENTY-NINTH STREET. Notice is hereby given that William C. Elliott, city engineer, has filed In the office of tbe nndorslgneri. -notice that Bechlll Bros., con tractor for the Improvement of East Twenty-' tilutb street, nnder the provision of ordinance No. 18.014, have completed said atreet from the north line of East Davis street to the center line ot East Evtrett street Ssld acceptance will be considered by ths executive board st 4 o'clock-, on the 22d day of Jsnuary. 10O4. and objections to tie accept ance of said street, or sny psrt thereof, may lis filed in tbe office ot tbe undersigned st sny tlms prior thereto. , .. THE KXECUTIVK BOARD. , By THOS. 0. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe city of Portlsnd Jsnusry 16, 1904. COMPLETION ANS, ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF EAST OAK STREET. Notlci Is hereby given that William C F.lllott,' city engineer, ha filed In the office of the undersigned, notice that F. J. Btevena con tractor for the Improvement of Eaat' Oak street, under the provisions of ordinance No 13,072, has completed aald atreet, from th center line of East Seventh street to ths center line of East Klghth street , ' . Said acceptance will be eonaldered by the xecutlve board at 4 o'clock, on tbe 22d day of Jannary. 1H04, and objectlona to the accent, once of snld street, or sny part thereof, jnay ha filed In tbe office ot the undersigned st any tlms prior thereto. , THB EXECUTIVE BOARD, " By THOS. C. DEVLIN, ' , Auditor of th city of Portland. lanniry 16, 1004, 1 ;rv