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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1903)
THE OREGON DAILY V JOURNAL rORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 25,. 1003. 9 MALB IUI WAITED.' : i nV. M. HANBBN CO.. RMPLOVMBNT AOTA, - 26 North Beooad t ; W OffioM In ba Francisco aad Lee Af el, ,','Cil. I Ogden , D(t Spokane. ', Help free to inployr. Fre baggage room .' : ind registration,, work secured for applicant mr aw ruinr. ESTABLISHED 1878. T' FlfSADOnARTEHH FOR MEN FOR B. R , AND OtHPR OUTSIDH WORK. DAILY SHIPMENTS TO NEVADA for tb, 01 B. P. H. R. tunncle: NORTH mi ttt hi L L work In Waehlngton; BAST on eotnpany and contract work! SOUTH In Oregon, and many ther point, f REH PARR m all B. B, , work. C. It. HANSEN CO. 36 North td St XOB BALE. FOR BALK Fallblooded. Llewlya puppte. Cll et oimp rnmmfmfli nr. ' FURNITURE for sale, (lit for mt; 5 room. BATHS, GOOD UA88A0B. TurkUh and itueslsa bath v WANTED. 1 Btrbet-ettr, mt-off WTr, mtllmen, yard . I , men, j aooktender. . timnerfa Hers, hacker. j barken, swamjicre, teauxsters,, etc. ' Wo hv a largo "at of work In all Una of lumbering, in and out of city; ,,vral Job out 01 city wun ire noua -rant. OITTce fee for common, labor. 60 cent. Office -open evening, rhone. Black 8041. PACiriO COAST HILLMEN'S ' LABOR BUREAU. 206 t Morrison at. Sunday, 0 to 11 SKILLED TO B WORK In all llnoa of lumbering tall oa as. ' , We Itara a larga Hat of work for mlllmeu, ! yardmen, teamsters to hanl lumber, fallen. buckera, barkera, (wampcri, book tender, ate. , Office feci for common work only BO eanta. Office Mien evenlnaw. Rondara. to 11. PACIFIC COAST MIBLMENB SKILLED LABOR BUREAU. Phona, Black 8011. HH Morriaoa at, ' t MEN Or CHARACTER, energy and ability, to , represent the beet saving Investment propoei , i , tlon In tb Northweet; annanal Inducement ' ... - tin all IJ.L.. Bll,1. 'f WANTED Traveling men: ealary IH0.O0 par '-'month, all expenses: 825 00 ab eurtty re- lOiilred. CaP or adnreaa I v. m vw., k Temnlefnn. 206U First St.. Room 4. HELP WANTED FEMALE. J WANTED Two waltreaaea; (uod Lhh Blrtr. Call tonlgnt. pay. ANTKD Ona rouna man and two boyaj call tnnlclit. S3 Labbt Elda, cor. Waablnftoa and 8cnnrt wtrw tw. DOO AND H0BSE HOSPITAL. it S. J CARNEY. eterlnery anrfeon. 150 N. 1.1th. Phone Miln 14R4. Ilea, phone. Front If. BATHS. 'DAILKAI. unaaian poi-air oaiue h: man rvj.-, lopeu dallr. except Monday and Tnaaday, 11 I a. re. to 11 p. m. 81 Eaat Twenty-albtk at, err. Everett. I'bone. Scptt 3241. CASH BE0IBTIES FOB BALE. .ONE HALL WOOD caah realatar at half price. Call State Market. Flrat . and Salmon. H0UBES fOB BENT.' kl.KA f kH WKKK, large furnlabed houaekaep. In'g noma with na of laundry, bath) furnlabed eonagea, eneap. Mri. Banm. 1H4 nnerman at. FOB BEMT. BTOltK. 865 Union are.. $18 per month: good location, rortiana iTuat tympany i ui gon, 109 Third at. S04H STARK ST., nloelr fnrnlahed roeiaai r aonabla rant;., tranalaata aollcltad. Pboaa rronr iiaw. BOOMS WITH BOABD. BOOMS WITH BOARD, wall furnlabed) all tab-) board aiao. SZ1 Biodera rooTtnleaceai Thirteenth. - FOB SALE. A ID ROOM H0U8B with atora front; lot BOi 100; baa ataaa bath. 18 boardera; Income $300 per month; prlceaM.OOO. Apply to Laatta, wo. im Kaat Twanty-elgntB at., yortD. MEAT MARKET for aal for 1660.00; food boat nese. aooa locauoa. aooa oaaemani ror nara Ing: bar leaaa on building for throe year. iu er aaqreee, neat Market, Journal otnea, '0H BALE 5 -room house, kit 68(100; lawa ana rruit ireea. sia. eaat Twentylith at.. near canton neiiy acnoui; wooflatock car, FOB 8ALB Farnlabed four-room cottage: ocean new, gooa weii, warm ana comrurtani, ai vneea, newpon. ai. inirteentn FOB BALE Two work, horeee, haraea and wagon; a rrean eowa with ralree. cau four hlorka waat trala autlon. Woodatock. A GOOD famllyieraey cow) gtea (boat ttt gauntia milk per oj; wm be freah in ron month. T. Btaart, ear Spring, oa Mount laoor car line. FOB BALK A few high-grade tynawrltera, 880 raca. i ana N. Aleiaoaor, ya xuira at. XINOSBUBX PIANO for aal. cheap. IBS pnnnn m. ATTOBXETS. EMMONS EMMONS, attoraeya at Ur, 844 S. B. RIOOIN, Attnraoy and OoaneeUor-et- wwi r.uiry. aw-eue apipiwa oiqg. PAXXON. nnrn iiunni ig camber oi uommere. T. TAU0HER Room 18. Alnaworth Balldlnf. B. B. DICKINSON, Attoraer-at-Law and No- rare ramie bob rommeeelal hll! IB0H W6 1KB. PHOENIX IBON WORKS Engineer, manu- rarturera or manna, mining, loairlDg ana aaw mlll marhlnrry; prompt attention to repair work. Phone Eeat 89. Hawthorne aeo A B. Bd. MEDICAL. THE SPRINGSTEEN MEDICINE CO., 611 Deknm. Cure women'a complaint; qalckly. psssssK:russstssssszsi e Do You Want An5tning SivIm or I "Ptf wmmmmmmm Jf there is a want of any kind that keeps you from being abso lutely contented in ts world, and you do not know just exactly how to go about having it relieved, try a little Ad. in THE JOURNAL. LixsEssnsnEacsiE CABPEVTEB. J. T. LCOT. aneceeaor to Oordoa Mfg. Oe,, carpenter, nauaer, general oatraior, aooa remodellag. altera tlooe, ete. t cabinet work aad lobbing a spedaltri counter ahelelng. loe boiea, etc ator and office Irtoree; op-to-4a te tnd - original carpenter work of all kind: nothing too larga or too amall for ear Immediate attention; no tie a a; w make and pnt ap tb beet By eren la Portland. Shoe, foot of Tamblll at. phone. Black tfWT; reel dene. T4T Beat Stark: reeMr-'H. phone. White Til TUBUS HED B00MB, LOOAN BDILDINQ room for hooaekeei er aararnlebed NO, 108 tt Dnloa . Blagaat ekeeplng or tranelent, laralshed i rate reeaooahl. CASH BEOISTEBB. 0I0ABS ABD TOBACCO. kSBKUU-UUNST OiOAB CO. DUtrlbatar of Fiita cio a ns. Portland. 0AJXS. XATES' PLACE, 888 Waahlngtoa at.. Phone S. Main 171. t. w. TBUMtt, prop, roniana, wr. C0ENICE 8XTLI0HT8. METAL SKYLIGHTS, galeanlaed Iroa nlcea. 1. C. Barer, too Beeooo at. CHIROPODY AID MAMICUEXMO. TUB P H YEN Y 8, tb tmj adenUfle chlropodleta In the city; parlor aoi-J, Aiuay piag.; tbl I tb long-haired gentleman yoa want to e. Grant 18. .MITCHELL, Cfalrooodtat. bldg.. Pboo BUrk S80L T08 Marqaaa CBEAJf ABD 0BEAMEBT BUTTER. BK8T creamery hotter and par cream promptly oeurerea to ail part or ue cut irom " Ula View Farm, Grwbam. Oregon. Applr to W. W. Cotton. 814 Worceatar Slog. Xl pbon. Main BB8. UALLWUOD CASH REOISTRRS. 1A4 Stark et. 0ABPEKTEBS ABD BUILDERS. JOHN A. MKLTON. carpenter and builder, ol Stark at: afflca aad atora ftitore built aad ratnodaledi altering and repair boo. Pboa Mala T4T. AUTHORS A MARTIN, earpentara and balld ere; repairing and Jobbing; tore'ud oflloa Sitnree bullL Shop Suit Oolaubta. Phoaa Clay 1881. VXV00ISTS. FRANK J. BTREIBIU. droga, toilet ar tic lee. OEXEAX MILLS. ACMB MILLS CO., Manuractarera Ralatoa Acme Cereele 10 and tt North front et. JEWELER. THE 0. HRITKEMHBR CO.. maaataeturiag jewelera. H Monieea at. T RATER If AX aUSVBABOE. ORDER OF WABHINOTUN tVirenwt frate. al aoclety of Nortbweet; protect tb tt. Ing. J. L. Mitchell. enpre.Be eecretrrf, 618 and 818 Marqoam bldg., Portland. Or. Tel pboue Main 648. H. F. CLARK, carpenter and builder; repairing and jobbing: office flitnree. Reeldenc phone, Wet T83; ahop. Main 1041. 4ftStt Waah. et. HOTELS. WELL VENTILATED at ogle roome. loo, 80 end Ke night: beda. 10c. Tb Ererett Hone, eor Second and Derla. --I -1 COAL ABD WOOD. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO Dealer la all klnda of oaL aok aad cbareoaL Phma 1018. VULCAN COAL CO., wholeaale dealer beet coala; fMndry and amelter coke. ELECTRICAL WORK. Portland kUticruloAi. vv ouka vmc 864 Stark at DTEIBO AMD CLEAKIVO. CITY STEAM DYEING A CLEANING WORKS. Herman Enkle, proprietor. Phona Mala 1713. No. 68 9th at., near Ptna. Portland. Or. FREB SHIRES. CLOTHES CLEANED aad proceed $1 per moata. Oalqva Tailoring O.. 84T Waahlag. toa at XBSTXEAVCX, J. PHILIP KENNEDY, Inenraac; reeldeat agent Norwich Ualea Fir Inauraac Society. I'hope Booth ltVfll. 44 Hamilton bldg. JAB. Mcl. WOOD, empl07r' liability aad In dividual accident: aaretr bcaoa C ail kind. Pbon 4T. Concord bldg. H-..f-.BARTELa COMPANY, Fir 8 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phoaa. Clay B2A 18AA0 L. WHITX. Bra Inauranc. S36 Sherlock pin. Oregon pbone. Main 66B. MIMDIQ ARD MIRE PROMOTERS. 8E8)ON S1MP80N. mining and mine pre- "Win m, I, OS IBDwT f I IcOinUtTT. LOCKSMITH. A. L. TixuETTS. 2S3 Yamhill, Bear Second; 1 yeara with J. Barnej. AABOtB ABD liaXTXBXH. ORE0ON ROUND LUMBER CO aide at Phone Grant 11T1. 181 Bara- M0BET TO L4AR, FBBD n. 8TBONO. FINANCIAL AOENT. Money te loan. Na aomaalaaloa. I am la a poaltlon to make Immediate loe a aa Improead real -eetete er to bolldlna one. pnaea; any amount; moderate Internet. W annroea Inaaa from nlaaa and advance mono aa balldlag 'pregraaaea wbaa dealred. Option a repering arter on year. FRED H. STRONd. Financial Agent, 10S Second at. near Stark. apr a m or ha av . w ap a m BaV rvl XI aa BJ4 Jl g aWUaaV- W.t IV BaB PV a B. B) wlv,. lOttt Third at., la tb recognised bank of the wage-earner. Wa advance moner to tramatere. trainmen. ahontnea. motormen. andnctor. et., wltboat mortgage, aadoree er- roi lateral. Amonnt Month le U Monthly. Week It iiiw repay 80 repay 88 renar Boalteae eonfldentlal. No nnpleaaant Inqnlry, Mnnrnir. weeaiT tM en or lig no re M.Jl or t 6M or Arm 8 6 or I 8 88 or 11.68 MONEY TO LOAN aa reel nervosa 1 aad ml lateral aecarlty; epestal attention to chattla mortgageei ante hnrifht O. W. PaUeb Sit Commercial blk. Phone Grant 8A0 MONEY TO IX) AN, email amonnta. abort long time. J. H. Hawley, I Cham, of Con MONEY TO LOAN oa dty tot and 'Improve farma. W. A. Shaw A Co.. 848 Stark at. LOANS on aubnrhan mortgage; low rata. waro, ana Aiiaay Bldg. i i " MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST-CLASS REPAIRING go te Andy mta, macbinut and model maker, us nta. PXR80HAL. MR. BLMORB RICE Viollntet and teacher; a la plan harmony: room 1. a.O.I'.w. Bldg.; ben i 8 to 8:80 dally; pbon. Colon, P46. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are more aeenratelf and reeeonabl filled at Ereeell'a Pharmary, W Morrln at., bet. Klrat and Second eta. iK)f) STORIES and noeela for anmmer read- Ing. 10 rente. Jonea' Book Store, 8P1 Alder CAFB KRATZ. 188 Hltb t A 8a lune aereed at ,811 boura. REAL X8TATR. FOR SALE FARMS Improend farm for aale I all parte af Oregoa and Waablngton: par men ta made to an It parchaaer. For fall particular a to ration propertle apply to Wm. MacMaatar, 811 Worceatar bldg. MAXWELL A KNAPP REAL ESTATE. Boom t. Chamber of Com more bldg. MABBA0Z. MDMB. U. B. ELY. aermatologtet maaaagVT electric treat men ta. 1B.1V, riret at NORTHWEST HOTELS, Hotel Portland, American plant 1,A par day Semmer Hotel, La Graada; trelr' bom. Belvedere i Europeaa plaai 4th and Alder tte. St. CharU, Jlrat and' Marriaoa ate.. Portland LODOIRB BOrStB, XBB COSMOS rnartb and Morriaoa. far !-"- hoaaehMpInt aultea, aalta and alagl iwe 88 per week aad ap. Jlli CAiTlaWBTinSaaAlngtoa at i r mJX gentleaaeai tranelent. Tel.- aWh 1'. 0TEXALLS. BOSS Or THB BOAS) OVERALLS and meeha. lea dothlng. Vntea am. Maoatedte bum Mfg.. Porttaad. Or. t . t REMOVAL. DR. FRANK B. FERRIS, DR. RRRTRUDR B. Lambereon, DaatUta, taa4 to kteUR bldg,. Bfth Boor. ' ROPE. Portland cordagb Co., or. Fartet nd Northrap at., Portland, Or. PIANO LESSORS. W, GirrokD NASH. Ii 10th t term appllearlnn. Berlnner taken. PLUMBERS, DONNERflBRO A RADEMACHBR, planner. removed to 84 Fnnrth et. Both STORAGE ABD XRAKBFEB. 0. . PICK. eOlce n8 tirat at., batweea SiarW and Oak ate. phone 8M; planoa aad rami?' tar mo red and pecked for ahlpplngt modloue nreproof brick warehona. Fraat aed Clar ate. ' SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES of I. . Davta; yoa re pair and lockout ufely don. 66 Third at. SLOT MAOBXBRS. TRAN8CONT1NEN1AL MACHINE CO IWH machine. 8. B. Park and Oak. BoU Phonee. Mala 118. SPECIAL DELIVERY. pout avcrut. HULIVKHY Nn tuu Waeb. Ington at Pbonea. Or., Mala 861 CoL. Rnl. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. t. B. HABELTlNB A CO.. Iroa. ateeL coal a4 Mackamtth' anppllee. 41-81 Second et. WHERE TO DIRE. t ul eon W.ihtnHna WHOLEBALX WALL PAPER. unuillN WAIT. PAPKR CO.. 184-16 t. bet. Yamhill and Tarlor. 1'ortUed. On WHOLESALE OBOCEBS. WADHAMS A CO., wholeaale grocer, man. facturr aad commlaatoa awrahaata, 86 adj 66 Front t ' ' ALLEN A LEWIS, wholeaar grooara. Pert- land, or. , MASON, BHRMAN A CO., wholesale N. W. cor. Second ana nn eta. LANG A CO.. Flrat and Ankenr ete. WHOLESALE CROCKERY ABD GLASSWARE, WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND OLASSWABB, Prael Hegel A Co., 100 to 106 CO. eor. atarg REDUCED THB BZA SLATES TO BKOBUB. ' Go to Newport on Taqulna Bay an lueai Deacn. it in Decoming; very pop. 'ulur with the Portland people. Trie low rate of $3.00 has been made by the 'southern Pacific Company In connection with the Corvallla & En Mem Railroad ' ror the aunaay round trip, rrom Port land, tickets Kood going Saturday, re turning; Monaa, A, delightful ride through th beau tlful Wlllnmette Valley, with prlvllea-( of colnar ud one aide of the Willamatft Itiver. returnin the other. ig Ask any 8. P. Co. or C. A E. R. , agent for a beautifully Illustrated book let ciescrioing tne aeasiae resort Yaoulnn. WANTED BOOMS. WANTED By family of two, two or thre nn fnrnlahed houaekeeplng room: walking dle .tanre of boaiue ceotefe Addre W. car Journal. . , FOB SALE BZAL ESTATE, Dh'E ft. -omj 6, one R-ronm hoaae, all new; eaar peymenta; we will build anything jou want . on payrnenta to cult yon. 612 Commercial n it. xi. i ioin Wk BUILD HOUSE on ear monthly sarmenta . Jnet what von want aee onr plana, they are not exnenaive. niz commercial bldg. FOR BALE. ' TWO BITS' Ai DAY will buy a nail' Safe, th .original, tne oeet euro mane; largeat atock in w City; over lb, wvlgbt on floor. Nor- rla flafe A Lock Company. 70 Flrat at Make n mletakp In name nr number. PALMISTRT. 1 ,. ATTENTION. Toa. Every Ona of Yon. . It la Abeolutely and Poaltlvaly FREE FREB .'- fif I Fall to Do ii I Claim I make a aolemn oath to tell yon mora ab solute facta In relation to not only the paat but the present and future of your Ufa, a .'well aa every hope, fear or ambition of your illfo without aaklng you a queetlon. Ttila-1 will ;oo tor you. .. ana more man any , other clalr - tvojant, palralat or ao-called fortuneteller in tne world can do for you. I give apeclal advice on mlnlnv Kit. I tiH, e..n..,lnn. n en ainaa in irci mere la notning mat yoa miay want to know that I can not tell yoa. iAek other clairvoyant and Dalmlata to do aa agree to do. If they can I will gladly forfeit REDUCED FEES SEVEN DATS ONLX. . PROF. SHELDON. THR COSMOS!" cor. Fourth nd Morrison . f Knome YT. SS. 29 end 80. PROPOSALS FOB STATIONERY. VSekled propoaal bo received at the .onire or tut Auaitor or the city of Portland until ociora p. m., August , juoa, for fur nlahlng ntatiouery eupplli for tho several of 'Boea anl departrnenta of th city. Lint of aaiu Rui)ui-a may o naa iron toe Auditor. mis must pe accompanied by a certified eck payable to the order of nw. u t of the aiterpirate of the hid n.i aim iiiiu(ietou (inaiage in case such Milder j.aaall fall to deliver the auppllea specified Jnbls proposal ahould th same bo awarded .'.The right to reject any -snd all bids' is - -airrcny rfserTPd. -By ordt-r of the Executive Board. THOH. C. DEVLIN, Auditor, of ,,tuo, Cltypf rortland. ; "July 2!i. , 10OU. For Unnatural DiaohargMi Strictures, mmm liBiieolnliv lu old caaca where doctors fall, t a ,nou-Hl(ihoua, vea-t'table CURB for ulceration aad inflammation of the mucoua membrane of the nretha, nil private urinary dlaeasee and area knesse of men ami women. EX -MO UUAR ANTEED TO CURE 0B MONEY REFUNDED, ('urea new raaca in 48 hour without pain. lOjuieclatly advlaed for old, obstinate case. Drug- ja. or acnt postpaid, i. AUiireai, ur;- way ro Kn 1Vk r rrar Tl M t. RiMlnn U.aa ree medlcnl advice given. Wrlfe for bonk aent pealed FREE. ZVMO sold in Portland by The Laue-Dnvls Drug Co., 8d snd Yamhill sts. EvoryVoman laa laalaaMAtli aetrl al.AnM k-nAa VeWULl about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Vetlaal Syria., njec- mm ana auetton. new ear. eat Moat Convenient IlUeaeeeelaMaeUft I veer (reach)! tee H. r he cannot anpulv th MARt'Kli, accent no Jitlier, but rend atainu for II. uatmtad book alvaa rnll nartleuur and dlre-tloni In.' valuable to ladle.. MAIIVKI, CO., koomlflH. Tim Bids.. New York. , lM salt to W00DARD. CLARKE CO. CTTY NOTICES. ITS BJ B2.6T 41.36 104.18 70.01 68.45 60.80 81. 158 184.7U 81.27 1B.TS 62.52 102.31 113.87 111.70 102.61 100.20 07 108 110. 110.23 60.77 61.28 55.77 61.28 243.39 ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVEMENT OX XJLST XYENTEENTH BTBEET. Notice I hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meet Ing 'held on tb 15th day of July, 1003, de clared the aaeeasment by ordinance No. 18. 440. for the Improvement of Eaat Seventeenth atreet, from the center line of Dlvlalon etreet to tb north curb line of Powell street, in th manner provided by ordinance No. 12.775, upon each lot. part of lot and parcel of land, which are apeclally and peculiarly benefited, to be a follow, vis: Madeline Blk 1, lot 10, Bernard L. Stone f Blk 1, lot 11. Bernard L. Stone Blk 1, kit 9. Bernard L. Stone Blk 1, lot 8, Bernard L. Stone Blk 1, lot T, Bernard L. Stone.. Blk 1, lot 6, Bernard L. Stone Blk 1, lot 5. Bernard L. Stone Blk 1, lot 8, Bernard L. Stone Blk 1. lot 4. Bernard L. Btone Tlbbett Addition to Eaat Portland Blk 19, kit 6, Charles W. Booet Blk IB. north 10 fact lot 6, Cbarle W. Booet Blk 19, aouth 40 feet lot 6, Joba Huber Blk 19, Jot 7. Cbarlea W. Booet Blk 19, Jot 8, John Bonadurer Blk 24. lot B, William E. Pettlnger. . .. Blk 24, lot 6, 'William E. Pettlnger.... Blk 24. lot 7, Wait Lanraater Blk 24. lot 8, William 8. Overltn.... Blk 88, lot 8. Ellen I. Faraawortb Blk 38. lot 6. Lola A. Roder Blk 88. undivided of lot 7. John B. Brldces Blk 88, undivided H of lot 8, Joha ii. Driage Blk 83. undivided H of lot 7, Mary Bridge Blk 83. undivided H of lot 8, Mary Bridge A tract of land lying between the sbuth1 line or urooaiyn atreet and a line iuu feet south of and parallel therewith. and between the west line of Eaat Seventeenth atreet and a line 100 feet westerly therefrom and parallel there with. M M. Brook A tract of land lying between th north line of Tlbbett atreet extended weat erly In It present coarse and line 100 feet ourh of and parallel with the aoatb line of Brooklyn etreet and between the weat line of Eaat Seven teenth etreet and lin 100 feet weat of snd -parallel therewith, Leander B. Brooke 1 A tract of land lying between the north line or TlbOetta atreet extended west erly In Ita preaent course and tin 86 feet loath of and parallel there with and between th west line of East Seventeenth atreet and the north easterly bounder line of the Southern Pacific Qpmpany's right of way, Cbas. H. DskTn A triangular tract of land lying be- iween a line oo xeet souio oi ana parallel with tb north line of Tib bett street extended westerly In Its present course, the west line of Eaat Seventeenth street and a line extend ing from a point In the west line of Eaat Seventeenth atreet which Is 40 feet north of Its Intersection with the north line of Powell street to a point In the north line of Tlbbett atreet extended westerly In its preaent course, which Is 96.8 feet west of the west line of Esst Seventeenth street, F. A. snd A. E. Blanck triangular tract of land l'lng be tween the north lin of Powell street, the southwesterly boundary Jlne of the Southern Pacific Company right of way and a line 100 feet weat of and parallel with the west line of Eaat Seventeenth street, M. E. snd A. E. Vaughn tract of land bounded and do crtbed as follows; Beginning af a point In the weat line of East Seven teenth street which is 40 feet north of the intersection of the north line of Powell street with the weat line of Eaat Seventeenth street; thence northwesterly along th northeasterly boundary line of the Southern Pacific Company right of way. to a point at Ita intersection with a line 100 feet west of and narallel Vlth the west line of Eaat Seventeenth street; thence southerly slong a line 100 feet weat of snd parallel with the west line of Eaat seventeenth street to a. point at it Intersection with the southwesterly boundary line of the Southern Pacific Company' right of way; tbenc aouth easterly along the sou Ml westerly boundary line of said right of way to point at tt Intersection with the northerly line of fern-ell street: thence easterly along the northerly line of Powell street to a point at Its Intersection with the west line of East Seventeenth street: thence north erly slong the westerly line of East Seventeenth street to. the place of be- CITT NOTICES. parallel therewith. Harriett Kennedy Right of way, City A Suburban Rail way voupany 9 84 Total 85.601.51 A statement of aforesaid aeeeeamcat ha been enr-awl In the Docket of OUT Lien and la now due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer, In lawful money of the Cnlted Statea and If not paid within thirty daya from the date of thla notice, auch pro ceedings will be taken for the collection of the aame aa are provided by the charter of the City of Portland. The above aaaeaament will hear interest ten days after the first publication of this notice. TH08. C. DEVLIN, Andltor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 24, 1903. OX 140.67 52.43 167.23 83.27 IPJJwVWW,.w,. i-jeVrwVVwv - "eoc Kianeyi oc uiaauer , troubles. 1 Cures In 48 Hours; . URINARY f DISCHARGES Esch Cnosule T" -are thextatneJIMlUM 'WWrVVVrVrVrV Jf. I . aa a finning, Southern Pacific Company.. Madeline Blk 2. lot 13, Gertrude B. and Thorns Callashan ' Blk 2. tot 12, Gertrude E. and Thomas Callaghar Blk 2. lot fi, W. H. Gordon and wife.. Blk 3. lot 15. W. H. Gordon and wife.. Blk 2. lot 16. W. H. and 8. E. Gordon. Blk 2. lot 17, Fannie I. Lor Ing Blk 2. lot 18. Fannie I. Lorlng Blk 2. esst H lot X Hesperian In vestment Comnsny Blk 3. west H lot 3. Mary Helnae Blk 2. lot 1, Mary Helnae Tlbbett' Addition to East Portland Blk 20, lot 4. Andrew B. Trogeu...... Blk 20. kit 8. Harris Brown Blk 20, lot 3, May 0. Snell, Blk 20, lot 1, May c. Knell Blk 23, lot 4, Charles W. Booet..... Blk 23. lot 3, Cbarle W. Boost Blk 23. lot 2. Anton Block Blk 23, lot 1, Anton Block Blk M. lot 4. Minns Behrens and Christian Behrena Eatate, beira af. .. Blk 84y lot 8, Rlnna Behrena and Christian Behrens Estate, heirs of.. Blk 84, lot 2, Emtl and Annie Pueh.. Blk 84, lot 1, Errrll and Annie Fnchs,. Blk 87, Vat 4, William D. Proud foot.. BTk 87, lot 3, William D. Proadfoot.. Blk 87, lot 8. Patrick Murray... Blk 87. lot 1. M. J. Smith.....:...... A tract Af land lying between the sonth' line of Tlbbett atreet and the north Use of Powell street and between the ' x east line ef Eaat Seventeenth street- Una 100 feet east of and 87.15 178.99 62.02 87.77 92.62 TO. 23 67.40 67.88 11.43 11.43 100.23 86.77 82.71 90.29 108.27 110. 10 102.08 98.46 104.84 118.98 106.81 106.76 118.82 123.74 118 81 113.16 122.67 461 31 86.88 A68ESBMENT FOB IMPROVEMENT BJXLTN0SW0ETH AVENUE. Notice I hereby given that .the Canned of the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meet Ing held on the 16th day of July, 1903, de clared the aaaeaament ny ordinance .-ho. ia,.i, for the improvement of KUUngaworth avenue. from the eaat line of Commercial atreet to the eaat line of Michigan avenue, in the manner Provided by ordinance eo. ib.uso, upon earn it. part of lot and parcel of land, which are apeclally and peculiarly benefited, to be aa follows, vis: A tract ef land lying between the eaat line or Mlcnigan avenue extenaea northerly In It preaent coarse and a line 875 feet eaat of and parallel therewith and between the north line of KUUngaworth avenue and a line . 100 feet north of and parallel there with, A. E. and C. U. Gantenbeln. .$ 229.90 A tract of land lying between two llnee respectively 375 feet and 820.5 feet eaat of and parallel with the east line of Michigan avenue extended north erly In ita present course and between the north line of Klllingsworth avenn and a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, James Park, C. It. Gantenbeln and A. E. Gantenbeln. A tract of land lying between two llnee reapectlvely 820.5 feet and 1.206 feet eaat of and parallel with the eaat line of Michigan avenue extended northerly In ita present course snd be tween the north line of Killings, worth svenne .and a Una 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, Emery Olive.1 A tract of land lying between a line 1.260 feet eaat of and parallel with th east lino of Michigan avenue ex tended northerly In Ita preaent course snd the west line of block numbered 10, Piedmont, snd between the north line of Klllingsworth svenue snd a line 100 feet north of and parallel therewith, unknown owner Piedmont ' Blk 10. lot 1. Investment Comosny 1 Blk 10. south 87.4 feet lot 2, Invest ment Company Blk U, lot 14, Investment Company.... Blk 9. aouth 23 feet lot 13, Investment Company W. J. Patton's Subdivision of block 1 In M. Patton's Tract Blk 1, lot 1, Mlchsel F. Brady Blk 1, lot 2. May . BWIgert Blk 1, north 6.S feet lot 8, May B. Swlgert Blk 1. north 6.5 feet lot 8. May E. Swurert Blk 1, lot 9. May E. Swlgert Blk 1, lot 10, May E. Swlgert Blk '2. lot 1, John Nolta v Blk 2, lot 2. John Nolta .., Blk 2. north-B.B feet lot 8. John Nolta. Blk 2, north 5.5 feet lot 8, John NolU. Blk 2. lot 9. John Nolta Blk 2, lot 10. John Nolta , Blk 8, lot 1, Henry Albert Blk 3, lot 2. Henry Albert Blk 8. north 5.5 feet lot 8, Ilenry Albert M. Patton's Tract consisting of di vision Into lot or paresis of land from A to -j-, inciuaiv North 100 feet lot J. Lena C. Pat ton.. A tract of land lying between the eaat line or rl cx numnered 1, w. J. rat ton's subdivision of block I In M. Pat ton's Tract and lot lettered J in M. Patton's Tract and between th south line of Klllingsworth svenue snd s line 100 feet south of snd parallel .1 ,.U (I . I ....... I . - . n Of A tract of land lying between the east line of Congress atreet and tne eaat line of Commercial street If extended southerly in Its present course aa laid out in Piedmont snd between the south line of KUUngaworth avenue and a line 100 feet south of snd parallel therewith, W. M. KUUngaworth and F. M. Warren Right of way. City A Suburban Railway CITY NOTICES. 1.37 16.49 .83 2.10 16.08 3.30 .25 1.41 12.29 48.79 68.00 14.26 1.62 1.56 13.80 62.88 7L37 18.01 79.07 30.21 23.10 102.90 Total $1,831.65 A statement of aforesaid aaeeasment has been entered in the Docket of City Liens. snd Is now due and payable at the office of tne city Treasurer, in iswrni money or tne nlted States and If not paid within thirty data from the date of thla notice, such pro ceedings will be taken for the collection of the same a are provided by the charter of the City of Portland. The above aaaeaament will bear interest ten day after the flrat Dubilcatlnn of thla notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Andltor of the City nf Portland. Portland, Oregon. July .24, 1003. ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT OX HAL- BEY STREET. Notice I hereby given that the Conned of the City ef Portland. Oregon, at a -meet ing held on the 15th day of July. 1903. do. clared the aaaeaament by ordinance No. 13,487, for tb Improvement of Halsey street from the weat Une of Holladav Park Addition to a point 260 feet eaat of the eaat Une of Eaat Twenty-flret street In the manner provided by ordinance No. 12.104. anon each lot nart nf lot and .parcel at land, -which are apeclally and peculiarly benefited, to be aa follow, via: Holladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon Blk 11 lot 4, R. L. Oliaan .. 88.51 Blk 13. kit 8. R. L. Oliaan 84.65 John Irving' First Addition to Eaat Pwrtlaad Blk 4. south 63.7 feet lot 4, L. H. ad , Anna H. Maxwell.... B.ST Blk 4, aonth 6A.7 ttt let K Samuel H. Ewalt Blk 4, south 86 feet lot 2, R. G. Hamil ton Blk 4, aoutb 86 feet let 1, B. G. Hamil ton Blk 4. north 24 feet of aouth 60 feet lot 2. Wm. B. (ilafk tnd. Frederick Glsfk. Jr Blk 4. north 24 feet of aouth 60 feet lot 1, Wm. B. Ulafke md Frederick OUfk. Jr ". Blk 4. north 8.7 feet of south! 63.7 feet lot 2, Josephine H. Ruaeell Blk 4, north 8.7 feet of, aouth 63.7 feet lot 1, Josephine Jl. Russell Holladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon Blk 12, lot 2, R. O. Hamilton.'. Blk 12. lot 1, K. L Hamilton Blk 11. lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 11, lot 7, Tb Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 11, lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company A Blk 11. lot 5. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 11. lot 4, Th Title Guarantee A- Truat Company Blk 11. lot 8. Cbarle H. Preacott, Trustee John Irvlng's First Addition to Eaat Portland Blk S. -lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 8, lot 7, The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 8. lot 6. .The Title Guarantee A Truat ConipaDy Blk 8. lot 6. The Title Ooarantee A Truat Company Blk 8. lot 4. Th Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 3, lot 8. Cbarle H. Preacott, Trustee Blk 8. lot 2, Cbarle H. Preacott Trustee : Blk 8, lot 1, Cbarlea H. Preacott, Trustee Holladay Park Addition to Portland. Oregon Blk 11. lot 3, Cbarlea H. Preacott, Truatee Blk 11. lot 1. Charlea H. Preacott Truatee Blk 10, lot 8, Charlea H. Preacott, Truatee Blk 10. lot 7. Cbarlea H. . Preacott, Trustee Blk 10. lot 6, Cbarlea H. Preacott, Trustee Blk 10. lot 5, Charles H. Prescott Trustee Blk 10. lot 4, Cbsrlea H. Preacott Truatee John Irving' First Addition to East Portland Blk 2. lot 8, Charle II. Prescott, Trustee Blk 2, lot 7, Charle U. Preacott Trustee Blk 2, lot 6, Cbarlea H. Preacott, Trustee ' Blk 2, lot 5, Charlea H. IYescott. Trustee Blk 2. lot 4, Charlea II. Prescott. Trustee Holladay Park Addition to Portland. Oregon " Blk 7. lot 13. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 7. lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 7. lot lh, F. Wagner Blk 7. lot 11. F. Warner .Blk 8.. lot 9. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 8. lot 10, F. Wagner.. Blk. 8, lot 11. V. Wagner Blk 8. lot 12. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 8. lot 13. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 8, lot 14. Lotta Chase Smith Blk f), lot 16, Lotta Chase Smith JB lit 8 Jot 10, Lotta Chaae Smiths.,.. Blk 9. lot 9. J. Wooda Smith Blk 9, lot 10. J. Woods Smith Blk 9, lot 11. J. Woodi Smith Blk 9. lot 12, J. Wooda Smith Blk 9. lot 13, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company 6.25 12.78 16.53 8.62 10.36 1.33 1.50 44.61 48.71 67.85 69.04 57.98 64.72 64.60 66.44 81.40 37.88 9.67 8.97 8.19 9.29 81.06 85.00 CITY NOTICES. ASSESSMENT X0B IMPROVEMENT OX SEC OND STREET. Notice I hereby given that th Council of the City of Portland, Oregon, at a meet lug held on the IStb day of July, 1908, de clared the eaceament by ordinance No. 18.467, for the Improvement of Second atreet from 12 feet north of the south line of Davis street 1o a point 12 feet south of the north Hue of Jef fcraon street, tn the manner provided by ordi nance No. 13,142, upon each lot part of lot and parcel of land, which are apeclally and peculiarly benefited, to be aa follow, vis: Portland Block 29. lot 8, Lloyd Brook Eatate, holr of f 162.22 uioca zy, ut 7, David I . Thompson Es tate, heir of Block 41. lot 8, J. W. A V. Cook.... Block 41, Nn lot 7. J. W. A V. Cook. Block 41, SV, lot 7, Henry W. Corbett Eatate, helra of Block 41, Hit lot 6. Ilenry W. Corbett Batata, brlra of Block 41. N 1 ft. of Rife lot 6. Henrietta E., Mary F. Falling and Emily F. Cabell Block 88, lot 8, Tred Blckel Block 88, lot 7, Krod Blckel , Block lu, 84 lot 7, Henry W. Corbett Batate. helra of Block 10. kt 6, Loula Woon et ai.. block 16, lot 5, Loula Woon et ai Block 15, W 75 ft. lot 8, Kim, Ark 24 101 HO 40.40 83.87 48.03 1.68 107.97 104.97 87.28 06.30 CITY NOTICES. Cnlted Statea and if not paid within thirty da.ra from the date of thla notice, auch pro ceedings will be taken for the collection of the aame aa are provided by th charter of the City of Portland. The above aaaeaament will bear Interest ten days after tb flrat publication of thla notice. TTIOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. July 24. 1903. . A Co.. Wonr Kin) Kee. Blocx i, w 7rt ft. Co.. ing Kim Kee E 20 ft. lot 8, Charle Ue- 100.46 T1.T6 71.80 61.25 69.98 61.20 61.41 49.74 83.43 29.08 8.38 8.86 B.05 79.52 81.27 119 47 130.03 151.19 144.03 113.04 118.13 117.89 120.44 180.55 1K1 32 104.31 149.15 97.07 103.01 100.69 Total 83.401.48 A statement of aforesaid aaaeaament baa been entered In the Docket of Cltv Liens and Is now due and payable at the office of tbe city Treasurer, in lswfnl money . of the united states and If not paid within thirty days from the date of this notice. Aich nro- ceedlngs will be taken for the collection of the aame as are provided by the charter of tne uity ot rortland. The above assessment will bear Interest ten days after the first pubUcstlon of this notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon, July 24, 1903. A68E8SMENT FOR SEWER IN EAST SECOND BTREET. Notice is hereby given that the Oniineil of the City of Portland, Oregon, at meet ing held on tbe 15th day of July. 1903. de clared tbe aaaeaament by ordinance No. 13.443. for tbe construction of a sewer In East Second atreet. fnnm a point 12 feet south of the north line of Broadway to a connection with the aewer in Schuyler atreet. in tbe manner pro vided by ordinance No. 13.310. upon each lot. part of lot and parcel of land, which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to be as fol lows, vie: Holladay's Addition to East Port- ' land Blk 246, eaat H lot B, C. B. Bellinger..! 82.15 tils east 101 o. u. ii. isemnfter. . Blk 845. weat ft lot 5. Frank 8. Parker and William B. Ghae Blk 246. weat H lot 6, Frank S. Parker and William B. Chaae 23.5 Blk 244. lot 8. C. B. Bellinger 64 2n Blk 244, lot . C. B. Bellinger 64.20 lot 7. Kim. Ark A won Block 15 gele . , Block 13, E 20 ft. lot 7. Cbarlea He-gele Block 11, 8 361, ft. lot 7. Ferdinand C. Smith Block 11. lot 6. Leander L. Hawklna.. Block 11, lot 6. Leander L. Hawklna.. Block 10, lot 8, William 11. Harrle.... Block 10. lot 7. William H. Harrle Block 10, E 57 ft. lot 6. William B., Clara A. Fechbelmer. Alice M. Her and Elisabeth A. Klchengruen Block 10. lot 6, William B . Clara A. Focbbelnier, Alice M. Hers and Elis abeth A. Klchengruen Block 10, W 38 ft. hit 6, laam White. Block 10. W 88 ft. lot 5, laam White. Block 9. lot 8, Joseph S. Keller Block 9. lot 7, Savinga A Loan Society of San Kranclaco Conch a Addition to the Cltv of Portland- Block 20, 8 16 ft. lot 6. Joaeph CloaMtt and William Mclntoah Block 20, lot 4, Johnaon Estate Co... Block 20. lot 1, Johnson Estate Co... Portland Block 17, 8 22.6 ft. lot 2. Charle P. Bacon Block 17. lot 8. Cbarlea P. Bacon Block 19, lot 3. David P. Thompson Eatate, heir of Block 10, lot 4, ZepbanUh 8. Spald ing Block 20. K 70 ft. nf Nu, lot 1, Man hattan Real Estate Co Block 20. W 16 ft. of NJ4 lot 1, John P. Price Eatate, helra of Block 20, 8 H lot 1, John P. Price Ea tate, heirs of Block 20, Ni lot 2, Cornelia Burkhsrt. Block 20, 8 V, lot 2, A. V. T. Cardwell Eatate, helra of Block 20, kit 3, Ellen K. Ray Eatate, beira of Block 20. lot 4. Ellen E. Ray Eatate. helra of Block 22. N 10 2-8 ft. lot 8. Cather ine Stewart Block 22. 8 33 1-3 ft lot 8. William L. Starr Block 22, and. 2-8 lot 4, Elisabeth L. Wood Block 22. and. 1-3 lot 4. ' Rebecca F. Hennea Block 24. lot 1, German Saving A Loan Society Btort 24, lor2. "Mary Ttlifh TTaWkrna. Block 24, lot 3, Mary Ruth Hawklna. Block 24. lot 4, Agnea H. Schumann.. Block 25, lot 1, Emma H. Ander eon Block 25, lot 2, Emm U. Anderson Block 70. lot 1. William F. and Frank A. Hummel Block 70, lot 2, Charlea M. Close Block 70. lot 3. Tb German Saving A Loan Society Block 70. lot 4. Th German Saving A Loan Society ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVEMENT OX BAST HARBISON STREET. Notice I hereby given that b Council of tbe City f Portland, Oregon, at a meet ing held on the 15th day of July. 1903, de clared the aaaeament by ordinance No. 18,442, for tbe Improvement of Eaat Harrison atreet from .th eaat line of Eaat third street to th eaat line of Eaat Twelfth atreet. In the manner Iirovlded by ordinance No. 13.008, upon each ot. part of lot and parcel of land, which are apeclally and peculiarly benefited, to be aa follows, via: Stepbena Addition to F.nat Portland Block 45. lot 4, Anna Eacbelbacher $ Block 46. lot 3, Ulnvannl De 1'auil Block 46, kt 6, Alex Wannemacber. .. . Block 45. lot 5. Thomas Hall Block 66, lot 4. Jacob Mayer and Sol Hlracb Eatate. helra of 99.21 Block 56. lot 8. Jacob. Mayer and Sol Hirsch Eatate. helra of 101.96 Block 66, lot 6, Jacob Mayer and Sol Jilrach Eatate, helra of Block 56, kit B, Jacob Mayer and Sol Hlrach Batate, heir of. rXHAJTOXAT. Ladd & Tilton, Bankers EatabUshed In 1859. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS, Collection mad at all point aa favorahla term. Letter of credit leaned available '! Europe aad all point In tea Cnlted States, Sight exchange and telegraphic traafra old In Nw York, Waablngton. Chicago, St, Louis, Den vea, Omaha. San Francisco aad Moa ta na and British Colambla. 1.08 1.-B9 00.86 86.80 89.00 89.01 80.85 6.50 8.12 82.66 83.04 114.63 10.63 86.36 117.79 66.11 4296 93.97 98.70 2.77 61.17 .80 102.90 61.03 61.01 94.50 164.35 28.77 67.53 60.69 28.35 8.S.18 7.93 7.08 88.13 88.14 139.00 14.31 62.08 1H5.S7 191.46 66.33 81.20 Block 66, kit 4, Jame Olaen Block 65, lot 8. Jame Olaen. 86.13 116.49 28.20 102.10 103.40 Total 63.629.05 A statement of aforesaid aaaeaament baa been entered In the Docket of City Lleua, and is now due and payable at the office of the City Treaanrer, In lawful money of the United Statea and If not paid wltbln thirty daya from the date nf thla notice, auch pro ceedings will be taken for tbe collection of the aame as are provided by tbe charter of the City of Portland. The above ssaeesment will bear Interest ten days sfter the first publication of this TH(. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 24. 1903. 82.13 23.6S Total T... 8240. 00 A a ta Dement or aroresaio assessment has been entered tn the Docket of City Llena. and la bow due and oayable at lbs office nH tn iity iTeaaurer, in lawrai money of th. I nlted statea and ir not paid wltbln thirty daya from the date of thla notice, such pro ceeding wlU be taken for the collection of the aame aa are provided by tbe charter' of the City of Portland. Tb above aaaeaament will bear Interest ten day after- th flrat publication of thla no tic. . I THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of .tbe City of Portland. - Portland, Oregon, July 34, 1808. . .. ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT OX EAST FLANDERS BTREET. Notice Is hereby , given that the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meet ing beld on tbe loth day of July, 1003. de clared the aaaeaament by ordinance No. 13.438, lor tne improvement or eaat tianaer street, from the west Une of East Twenty-fourth street to the weat line of Bronaugh' Addition. In th manner provided by ordinance No. 12,. 939, upon each lot. part of lot and parcel of land, which are apeclally and peculiarly bene fited, to be a follows, vis: Bronaugh' Addition to City of Port land. Or. Block 2. lot 4. Earl Q. Bronaugh 3113.32 Block 2. wrath 42.6 feet ot lot 3, Earl 0. Bronaugh 13.47 Block 2, lot 5, Earl C. Bronaugh 44.26 Block Z. lot 6. Earl C. Bronaugh 66.07 Block 2. lot 7, Earl C. Bronaugh 61.66 Block 2, lot 8, Earl C. Bronaugh , 82.92 Block 3, lot 1, Earl C. Bronaugh 111.61 Block 8. lot 2, Earl C. Bronaugh 15.96 Block 8. Ibt 12, Earl C. Bronaugh 44.42 Block 8. lot 11, Earl C. Bronaugh 48.98 Block 8. lot 10, Earl C. Bronaugh... 42.37 Block 3, lot 9, Earl C. Bronaugh.....,., 31.10 Total .i.... ...8806.14 A atatement - of aforesaid 1 aaaeaament baa been entered tn the Docket ef . Cltv Mm. and la I now due and payable at th office of tt at TTMMrer..U lawful Rwaey t to Block 66, lot 6, Job Hatfield Block 05. lot B, Job Hatfield..... Block 70, kit 4. Cecil Mathlot Block 76. lot 3. Rachel L. Hay Block 76, kit 6, Minnie Lucbeat Block 76, lot 6, Minnie Locheal Block 85, lot 4. School IHatrlct No. 1.. Block 86. lot 8. School IHatrlct No. 1.. Block 85, lot 6, School IHatrlct No. 1.. Block M6. lot 6. School District No. 1.. Block 96, lot 4, Mary J. 1'arrlsb Estate, heir of Block 96. lot 8, Mary J. Parrleh Estate, heirs of Block 96. lot 6. C. F. Pearaon Block 96. lot 5, Alice E. Wllaon.... Block 106. lot 4. Goldl Goldstein Block 106, kit 3. Joseph Cobn Block 106, lot 6, Samuel Kinder Block 105, lot 5, Samuel Kinder Block 116. lot 4. David L. Clous Block 116. lot 8. David L. Clous Block 1J8. lot 6. N. O. Waldman Ea tate, beira of, and Elraa E. Charman. Block 116. lot 5. N. O. Waldman Ea tate, heir ef, and Elma B. Charman. Block 126, lot 4, Charles Huaaey and F. C. Forbea Block 126, lot 8, Cbarlea Huaaey and F. C. Forbea Block 135, kit 6, Thomaa Green Block 125. lot 6. Thomas Green Ladd s Addition to the City of Portland- Block 11. west 100 feet of lot 24, W. a. Ladd estate, heir of Block 11. west 100 feet of lot 21, W. 8. Ladd Estate, helra of Block 11. aouth 14 feet of west 100 reet of lot 20, W. B. Uldd Ketato, heir of Stephens' Addition to Eaat Portland- Block 40. lot 1, George W. Miner Block 46. lot 2. George W. Miner Block 40, lot 7. Benjamin F. Campbell. Block 4fl, lot 8, Benjamin . Campbell. Block 65, lbt 1. JuUua F. and Sadie Mayer Block 65, lot 3. Juliua F. and Sadie Mayer Block 65, lot T. Jullu F. and Sadie Mayer Block 66, lot 8, Juliua F. and Sadie Mayer Block Mr lotl, J.An-H.-JohesoavxrT . Block 08, lot 2. John H. Johnaon Block 66. Inf 7. Paul and Delia Polrer. . Block 66. lot 8. Mary Holfenbarger and Catherine E. Stephen Block 75, lot 1, I). C. McLellan..i... Block 75. lot 2, D. C. McLellan Block 76, kit 7. Sam Lowenateln 147 99 65.33 9.36 14.72 60.04 122.46 22.32 6.05 B1.78 114.64 19.51 23.68 120.48 139.11 27.42 27.41 75.75 142. 7 J 41.03 42.28 144.47 145.23 42.23 8.86 100.32 112.53 10.53 63.05 193.06 83.00 37.13 8.40 138.78 14.43 63. IS 186.61 192.81 66.52 BS.26 113.7.1 2612 8.13 18.90 Block TB. lot 8. Sam Lowenateln. Block 80. north 49 feet of lot 1, Rose Hamilton Block 86. aoutb 1 foot of lot 1, Edward Doerlng Block HO. north 49 feet of lot 2. Edward Doerlng Block 86, aouth 1 foot of lot 2, Samuel Morrow Block 86, lot 7, Mrs. A. A. Burt Block 80, lot 8, Mra. A. A. Burt Block 95, lot 1. John Harklna Block 95. lot 2. John Harklna -. Block 95. lot 7, Martha E. Hylaod ... Block 95. east 60 feet of lot 8, Caro lina Welas Block 90, west 40 feet of lot 8, M- Ot teneen Block 108. lot 1. Katie Sinnott Block 106, kit 2, K as per Roth Block 106. lot 7. Christ Hansen Block 106, kit 8. Christ Hansen Block 115. kit 1, Frank Brunger Block 115, kit 2. Frank Brunger Block 115. lot 7. Amelia Luther Block 15. lot 8, Fred Forbes and Charles 11 ussy Block 126. lot 1. Harry Meyer Block 120. lot 2. Harry Merer Block 126, lot 7, Stephens Land Com pany Block 126, lot 8, Stephens Land Com pany Lsdd's Addition to the Cltv of Portland Bloc O. weat 100 reet or lot 24, W. 8. ljidd Eatate. heirs of Block 6. west 100 feet of lot 31, W. 8. Ladd Batate, helra of Block 6, north 14 feet of weat 100 feet ot lot 20, W. 8. Ladd Estate, helra of Right of way, City A Suburban Ball way Company , 70 00 88. S 23.27 12.81 115.71 114.56 19.17 .39 23.44 110.06 124 56 23.33 27.69 40.21 81.11 147.47 46.00 88.61 137.01 143.80 41. 9-1 12.82 10614 115X4 14.12 63.90 232.73 84.36 39.75 9.00 Ei change sold on London. Pari, Ttertta, Frankfort. Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu. United States Nat l Bank OF PORTLAND OREGON. NORTHWEST COB. THIRD ABD 0AX ITS. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BAjrX BTTBINEBS. DRAFTS ISSUED i l , Available la all ertte ef the United PUtta and Europe, Hong Kong aad Manila. Collections Made on Favorable Terms President J. a AIN8W0RTH Vlre-Preeident .W . B. 4 YKR Aealetant Caahler B. W. BOfTMEER Assistant Caahtar A. M. WRIGHT LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK. LIMITED. ; CHAMBER OX COMMERCE BTO.TJIN9, THIRD AND BXAR2 BTBEITb, ' f. . Head Office 88 Old Broad atreet. Lmdna. Thla bank transact general hanking bast, ness, makes loans, discounts bllla am teaue letter of credit available for traveler and . for th purchaae of marchandi In SBV.rlrvl of tbe world. Deal a iorelga and doasuiri , exchange. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. ' W. A. MAC Alt Manager. Merchants National Bank PORTLAND. ORXOON. Frank Watson. L. Dnrham W. Hoyt.. Geo. W. Boyt... ............... ..Praoldeat Vic' Preal.leat Cashier - AsslsteBt Cash Is Transact a General Banklxia Btuttaaaw. Drafts and leter of credit sasued available f to all parte ef th world. , Collections specialty. Geld Sort baacht. MORRIS BROS & CHRlSTENSBV faccessor to MORRIS WHITEHEAD, BANXEXB. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. i ' PORTLAND, OR. BcrxBsircxs. Ladd A Tilton. Portland; 0. 8. Narloeil Bask. ' ruriiaou; nana 01 umrorma. aaa a raa cleeo; Crocker-Woolwortb National - . , Bank. San FrancUoo. Bolton, deRuyter & Co. 3CE1CBEBB. Chicago Board of Trad, San rraadaee Pr uuc sixenange. nan rraneiae a toe aad Bond Exchange. r, . . GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS and COTTON. San Franc la 00 Offle 490 California 8t 103 THIRD ST. PORTLAND 0B MORTGAGE LOAJNS . On Portland real estate at low set rate, Title Insured. Abstract ruralahed. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 1 Chamber of Commerce. 1.356.80 Total 17.109.97 A statement nr arorenid assessment ha been entered ta the Docket of City Lieu a, and I now doe and payable at the efflc of rne tiry Treaanrer, in lawrni money ef the United Statea and If not paTd within thirty nays rrom tne date ot thl notice. auch pro ceeding will be taken for tb collection ef tbe earn are provided, by the charter of th City ef Portland. , , Th above assessment , will bear Interest tea daya after -th Arst publication af thl notice. v ' 1 . ' THOS. C. DEVLIN; - 1 . Andltor ef tb City ef Portland, ftotlaad, . regea, Jaly 34, 19v3. - - '.! NOTICE SAX.AXXES PEOn, , Do you need money before ray dayT CaR on ua. We can advance motey on roar wage on abort notice. Yoa pay hack monthly, sew' monthly or weekly. .' . THE STAB LOAM CO, 310 McKay Bldg., Third and Btark ate. rO New York Loan Office O Q; N. Third St.. M. Miller. Pre a. w Loan on collateral; low rates; a a- , redeemed pledge for aale; wateb aa4 jewelry repairing. Phone, Bed 987. ' f MO-BT ADTAMCXK. . Salaried rieopte. teamsters, etc., wrthoaf Meat, rty. easy pajmoL'a, largeat paoliM la 46 principal cities. . ,. . TOT.MU.1T. ttt AMaaTtotl Bid?, KOBTOAOB X.OAJTS. ( On Improved city end far, prepertr. at low. eat orrat rate; Building loaaa, ioateltm! loaaa, f j. .-,. 1 w:,.. -Vs - WA. MuMafatvV--'A . ll WoreMtee H ' If YbuWan A partner ta year aula: ff vt w - 1 taW aavwtlfa fur H la ii 4, - - 1 ' ' - - (