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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1903)
) 1 12 V THE OltEGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 21,-1003. 'XirS2SSSSS2Z2XS M M M M M tXX2XXXZSS2XXXZXXZEIEEEXXXXXXXXZXXEXK2EEXKXZX? M M M a We uartinfee EVERY PAIR OF GLASSES C C TO EIT THE EVES J ? GRINDING LENSES is mastered by compartively few opticians. Being manufacturers we can give you just what you want Oculists' Prescript Ions Filled Correctly and Promptly MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS AND JEWELERS Third and Washington Portland, Or. EXXXXXXXXXZESSSBSSEEEiaaEXEf BXZSSEXEZEEEXBXXXKXXl CLEAR THE GITY OF ALL THIEVES th small polio force. Th root ot tit evil ! th laxity of th authoritie. or ineir inaDiuty to rree me crty or in I riff-raff and undesirable element that with Impunity male Portland their I stamping ground. Drastic ' treatment and unrelenting warfare on the evildoers la the remedy. Purse the city of the dank weed of society and give other I that may arrive in the future uch a I ATM WILL PASS UPON THE ENCAMPMENT 3 wmcuma mat ineir sojourn mra a IIM'i n J x It i ot win be trnuou and of ehort duration, uregon military Board to Meet DCfimu viubeu uuurs ai U TV.,UL DAUnU Drt severely. Thl line of action wouldi IMC MUUUfU III lUlliailUO I U have the effect of giving Portland reputation among the crook through out the country that would cause them to shun it like a plague. Instead of en larging the police force, decrease the A Secret Service Officer r x r ! r-!-- r..i wnen an one Ureal experience rOirilS UUU fender should be secured and punished the Trouble in lice Protection, N O'clock This Afternoon to Discuss Question ; Arc You Prepared Be Useless, He Says It Is Not So. Much a ys& affSJ K Funds Are Short and If Troops H Matter ot More Men as it is keronnei tS"ftiSSSh . tould Not uamp Longer Than the Forcing' Out of All Bad patrolman-, effort., but a professional Eight Days Expense Would . I ramlv That - man vssrhi tfnAmwm vA m Ytim I a. a a OharaCterSi work formulate hi plans carefully and knows the actions of the officer on the beat, and when everything will be safe T- S l 11. .v. .... M UOI WU1I1U VUI UlUi KUUWIOQH I m,. 1 AI At- ti.-A. -A ,l. .v.. nniin. ti. I f Durgiar is as safe as if there were I ..... - partment has not, up to this time, maae i ;;7;T", "1 IZa ZuV2Z I oldlers into camp and give them good In the bringing to punishment or anyone of the gang that a week ago held up a Bell wood car at the point or re- . land decided upon at a special meeting I M WILL TALK ABOUT I Shoe Repairing Done Right xzira ibwbs sox.ei .780 lADTBtV 1IWED BOZ.Ha .00 California oak-tanned sol leather nad. All atltohlng don on the celebrated Ooodyear MaoUn. - , Goodyear Shoe Repair Co., AXDXB, BBTWZXIT TKZXOD AJTO TOTSTX. Z non. SCaln 8031. . . rre Delivery, i, !!! I lttte4 volvers, relieved the passengers of their valuables and With premeditated brutal ity and bloodshed sent a bullet tearing through the body of Fred Day, or the human monsters who viciously murdered Max Calif, the harmless fruit vender. on his own premises In the early even ing In the heart of the city, for a few dollars, hence both cases have been rele gated to the ranks of the army of "un- captured," who have committed crimes In Portland. The city Is crowded out of all proportion with the social gutter birds who prey on credulity, ignorance and vice. Polio Protection a Tare. NEEDED HOSPITAL and decided upon at a special meeting of the Btate Military Board which Is to De held behind closed doors In the office of Adjt-Oen. C V. Gantenbein. Chamber or commerce Building, at 4 o'clock this afternoon, whatever decision Is reached will be referred to the Governor for ap proval. Member, of the board unani mously favor state encampment for o a ii j i r i i j t- i I mousiy ravor a state encampment for County Medical Society to Take th nw whether 1 1 ii m. r rj 1..! funds at hand are sufficient to Justify Infirmary tne expenditure, which would be great. Those constituting the Oregon Mili tary Board, and In whose hands thl. matter is left under the military law, are: Adjt.-Qen. C. u. Gantenbein. com mander of the National Guard of Ore- For the warm weather that is sure to come during the next few weeks ? Jrt you well supplied with Negligee Shirts ? Don't you think you.had better select one of two now to take with you on your vacation? We can show you some NEGLIGEE SHIRTS That you win want to own the minute you lay your eyes on them. Come in and look at 'cm. Bufrum& Pendleton THIRD' AND STARK STREETS : zszssssszzxssrszjjsssssarcsxssszssxrxsssssszssxxxM f I rono rtofevum a j-aro. M a mfUng ot the County Medical "L" t..T.. iAl, .T J In an interview with a man of years 8Aelety, t0 b, tomorrow evening, fe- Col' n w nlfliT.r.I of experience in secret service work in tn, question of a receiving hospital for ! : ,V n,!' ' JILLS' eral; Col. A. B. Gillis. 'surgeon-general; Col B. C. Spencer, judge advocate gen eral. General Gantenbein acta as chair man of the board. It was this morn- j n nim i rmiirrnTn n i n inrn ii mm (mrrriir n 1 i mi Trm w n i i t tit t ti Phoenix Iron Works ENGINEERS Manufacturers of Marine, Mining, Lorjfjin and Saw Mill Machinery, PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIR WORK. Phon. East 29. XAWTSOAUni ATWTXB AITS SAST TXXMD RUIT. ' X5K all parts of the world, but whose name Portland will be ' brought up for dis- rne journal is not ai uDeriy io mention cussion, and Indications are that rese at present, the following information hutions will be adopted recommending was vouchsafed: the establishment of that admlttedlv ui " "The caoturlng of criminals, detect- n.. (.....u. ' ng announces tnat tne nnumg. wouia Ing of crime, controlling of Its depraved t,. rt,ctivln hoanttal matter will he not 1,6 mAa ubll.c untu "er they had . . ii. m I - nMn Tkmrnmrnn Mmnn rv invornn, riam n r- eiemeni. proiecnon oi jiie ana prupei ijr prMer)ted to the society by the presl and the enforcement or tne law unaer dent Dr. R. Ia. Gillespie, who warmly your ponce regime is a grotesque imvo. favors the Idea. Dr. Gillespie was city Those identified with the manipulating phyBcian during Mayor Pennoyefs ad- of the demoralised department are adroit minjgtratlon and his experience In In shifting the responsibility on other ..rr.ner eM., convinces him that the enoujaer. rrora wnm i w institution is not only needed but that lice commissioners claim tnat tne sys- t .houij have Deen ertablished long tern is gooa ana me jauii ia wnu ago, been passed unon by Governor Chamber lain, to whom, as the real military head of the state, they must be submitted men who have it in charge. I under- ji, we shoaid have a receiving I'm JEl C17. h"'ore becoming operative. It 1. within the power of the state executive to re verse the board's decision if he sees fit. Question of rinanoe. While all members of the board feel that a state encampment would be of Inestimable benefit to the Oregon Na- PB. W. A. WIS!. THE MERIT OF' OUR Dental Work la unquestioned. We please the most exacting. Remember we extract or fill teeth without pain. Every operation fully warranted. Natural looking arti ficial teeth and a perfeot fit guaranteed. ce. I. r. w WISE BROS., Dentists Open erralnfa tin a. SniMUys from a to 11 , Or. Utta J0, iW-M FAILING iLDC:, Or. 84 and Waih. V White Summer Girl of 1903 ... , - ( mr 1 - f A" V ' f t 1 a . i . ' i i7 i , f 4. j AS if r '.; '.ff' 'v:iVvJ -': . M .. . ; f & f $ x f If fesf ir ' ' stand Mayor Williams clears his skirts ho(,ptai Rnd that it should be equipped tlonal Guard, the question of finances by his action In making appointments Rn(1 plsced ln Bervie(l at the earliest pos- must be taken into consideration, they uii inn iwi,. ... v.u..y" slble moment," said Dr. Gillespie, "we say, before a decision can be arrived at nici u..v ghal, ,j,BCUBg tng matter at our meet- regarding the advisability of such Ing Wednesday evening, and the views action. There Is a sufficient sum avail of the members concerning ways and able. It Is claimed, to defray the cost means and' also whether we should have of transporting the various companies a Joint county and city hospital will to a common point and returning them be asked." At the same meeting the medical library matter will be discussed. service examinations. tributes the delinquencies ln the force to the law which empowers his superi ors to dictate the policy of his office, and that which takes the supervision of his detective department out of his con trol. The detectives claim that they are doing the best they can with a short force and handicapped by a poor sys tem, wrong policy and lack of coopera tion with the chief and patrolmen. "The patrolmen insist that they cannot protect their beats and work long hours to cover the territory assigned them, and If a Crime is committed it is no to their homes fitter the encampment lie through, but the duration of the en campment Is problematical. It will be necessary for the commissary depart- SEDTJOXD SATES TO TJEH ment o estimate the cost of maintaln- BEAgKORB. Ing the guard ln camp ln order that the Go to Newport on Taquina Bay an total expense of the military .outing ideal beach. It is becoming very pop- may be arrived at and in the event the ular with the Portland people. The low military fund will not withstand a drain rata of 13.00 has been made by the ... fault of theirs as they a1' ave more Bouthern Pac at le&Bt elght dayB urna, prac. tically been determined the project will KEELEY BRISTDTOJTE FIRST and MONTGOMERY STS. - - - - PORTLAND, OR. Cures JLiquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits rhe only authorized Keeley Institute In Oregon. Elegant quarters and everj convenience. Correspondence strictly confidential. Phone Mala zoa. around to look after than can be covered with the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad efficiently bv one man. As an example, for the Sunday round trip from Port It I. clt.d that Patrolman Jackson, on '"1 tickets, gooa going oaiuraay, A 1 gAnJ.V whose beat the Sellwood car was robbed. A delightful ride through th beautl has a section to cover ln which there fui Willamette Valley, with privilege of are 62 miles of streets. going up one side of the Willamette rn,i. wi n m. . River, returning tne otner. Chief Hunt to Blarn. Agk' southern Pacific Company or "In all large cities the chief of police Corvallis & Eastern Railroad agent for Is held responsible for the actions' of his a beautifully illustrated Dooklet describ- men, and the results obtained from their ing the seaside resorts at zaquina. In Portland the public Is not In SHE'S ALL IN WHITE. THAT'S THE STYLE. BUT WHEN SHE SMILES ARE HER TEETH WHITE And in perfect order? They should be. Ladies, don't neglect your teeth. Don't try to be beautiful on the outside and then repulse people with yellow or ' imperfect teeth. We make your teeth perfect and beautiful quickly no pain, and small ex pense. Better be examined now. Every day counts when a tooth aches or is wait ing to be filled. Come here today and have your teeth examined. OUR CONSULTATION IS FREE. OUR PRICES ARE FAR LOWER THAN ANY ONE. Filling, ?l; Set of Teeth, $4; Gold Crowns, $3 (ALBA MEANS WHITE.) ALBA DENTISTS Phone Main 2708. DR. L, L. WHITE.. Chief of Staff. ' i Park end Washington, over Eilert, Portland, Or. work, cllned to believe that his superiors die tate to him a policy that is conciliatory to rawlessness, or that the limitations of his authority are such as to prevent effective operations. If by any possi bility this should be the case, and the chief is a mere figurehead to keep In tact an unscrupulous political machine, his plain duty as an honest man Is to resign, rather than by official acquies cence become practically an accomplice to. law breaking. If he has full swing to throttle wrongdoing, and the present condition Is a criterion of his work, his administration is a dlBmal failure up to this time. "Chief Hunt is undoubtedly doing the best he can and the Integrity of his In tentions has not been assailed. He may be as good a chief as Portland ever had, and Is probably of average ability when compared with police officials in other places of this slse. This fact, however, doe not afford the protection to the people of Portland and other towns that they are entitled to from the guardian of the law, nor supply the service for which they pay. I,ooal Folio Methods Childish. The methods of your police ln their efforts to apprehend offenders are In fantile, desultory, and lack vim and practical knowledge. With a man who understood his business at the head of the department it would be a rare ex ception when the perpetrator of a crime escaped. As an Illustration of the lack of comprehension of the action to be taken ln case of crime Is the Sellwood cor robbery, and I imagine the same bungling methods apply to every case. Chief Hunt had, I understand, gone home to bed and did not know of the holdup until 10 hours later. Captain of De tectives Simmons, when notified, rushed to the east approach of the Morrison- Street bridge and loitered about for two or three hours, waitjng for the robbers to come along and Introduce themselves. Some of the other detectives and patrol men went to the scene of the robbery and looked wise. The next day nothing was -done twt waltfor the victims to come to the station and give descrip tions of property lost and other Informa tion. They did not come to headquar ters, neither did the bold highwaymen. and the case was reported as being mys terious and hopeless. Th Proper Investigation. Tf the force were properly organized and had a right understanding of their duty, when the report of a robbery and snooting come in the officer In charge should have notified the chief and pend ing his arrival got busy ln many ways. Without a moment's unnecessary delay as many of the force as were deemed necessary, all of whom should b In touch with the telephone, should have been in structed to cover bridges, roads, outgoing trains or boats without delay. Men should have been sent out to find the people on the car, get a description of the property lost, a description of the robbers, and other information of im portance. Every train crew leaving after the robbery notified to look out for sus picious passengers. The officers of near by towns all notified to be on the look out and as' an incentive for vigilance the offering of a reward at once. "By using Judgment in the, sending out and Instructing of the men and getting reports as matters progressed in 12 or 15 hours after the robbery good descrip tions of the- robbers, the character of the Jewelry and number of the watches could have been sent broadcast in a cir cular and to the urgent sections by wire. Men should have been detailed to scour the haunts of crime and lodging houses, and whenever a man whose identity was in doubt was found make it their busi ness to find out all about him without delay, and if his conduct was suspicious take him to the station and Investigate later. In a short time the city could have been combed for offenders in a thorough manner. By working on the general lines suggested a. crook would have, but a meaner chance to evade the clutches of the law. 1 . "Tbe preyaienc&of crime,!, aotuXuftto Preferred Stock Canned Ooods. Allen at Lewis' Best Brand. be abandoned. It is urged that a shorter encampment than eight days would not yield benefits sufficient to warrant the. outlay. Boldisrs Might March. A plan has been sugested whldh may bo considered by the board, but which by some is not considered feasible. This is to have the various companies march to tho place of encampment and thus save the cost of rail) transportation. There are admitted to be om com panies too far removed from a suitable place of encampment to make the "hike" but these. It 1 urged, could be brought by rail to a point within marching dis tance. At the conclusion of the encamp ment the soldiers could either b taken to their homes on the train or march back, if the distance was not too great Besides affording the militiamen actual field experience it is clamed this plan would save enough from th cost of transportation to insur th complete success of the 'encampment "We have none of us made up our minds yet regarding what will be recommended," said General Gantenbein this morning. "It is a matter of much Importance and not until we get to gether and discuss the means and prob able cost will we be able to arrive at a definite conclusion. If the original plan had carried and th Oregon, Washington and Idaho- guardsmen could have met with the regular army at American Lake, the benefit to th guard wonld have been Inestimable, but the announcement made by the Secretary of War that funds were too low to permit of this Idea being carried into effect during the present year, has rendered all of our arrangements worthless and forced u. to hold a state encampment or do with' out one altogether." . . The most delightful trip across th continent 1. via the Denver Se Rio Grande, the scenle line of the world. Apply at 114 Third st, Portland, for, rates. VMS. WEM IMXSXS J in Recruit 5c Cigars is due entirely Jr Ai. thesame". time, every J-L-Ai sj A: J a . . has a band around it that may bring you'a fortune. 142,500 given away $5,000 may come your wayl -4U Ii W(B tilk(3 MflffiGlls Two bands from Recruit Cigars are equal to one tag from Star Tobacco in securing presents. M II M II