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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1903)
THE OI.EGON DAILY PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JULY id, 1003. ,aV Si - X.0W.VATBS TO TU BAST.. L . ' " Tlta 0. . OItm X.onr Tim limit - Juty 13. , 14, 15 and la and August 18. 19, 14 mna-Z0. trie u. . ea n. again ftllH Innt-ilma llm.t tlcketa, to Dolnta In tha Kaal, With atopovar prl vilegea. Par ticular at pltr ticket omca, Tblra and ington. i'- : .-.!,. "" tiow axeurslon ratea to all points Bast July iz, u, 4, i ana ib, via tha (Nbrtharn racing rtauway, . . ... tonal MALI KZLV WANTED. ' C. B. HANSEN A CO.. EMPLOYMENT AQTS. SO North Second at. , . QBcee la Sao Franclaeo and Los Angeles, ' Cl- i Ogdea and . Bpokaaa. I, , Help free to employers. .Ft biff (ft room , ' ; ana registration. Work aeoursd for applicants ' ' ' ifrmriinrn iava - - : BIADQTTARTERS FOB MEN FOB .. B. AND OTHER OUT8IDB WORK. DAILY, SHIPMENTS TO NEVADA for tba Mf 8. P. ' , B. B. tunnels; NORTH oa tba hi R. B. .worm in nuninnonj uax on compsny ana eontraet work; flot'TH la Oregon, and many omer points. gBBHvgana oo ail a. tt, work. C R. HANSEN A CO. M North td tt T WANTED Mea to do elaarlng who wilt taka alealy located building lot ai part payment W. J. H., cart JouraaL . .' v t - .- t GOOD SKIDDER. I3.TB: 3 buckers, I2.B0; 1 chute builder. (2.50: millwrights a, fv.uu; J moulding machine man. $3.00; stlckrrtnan, 3.00. steady work; gun for mill, 2.00; bouse rant frat; aook hotel, It.oo, no ' pastry; milker, cluae In, g.Ki.OO; man fur ', mill, city, 13.00 to (2.60. Pioneer Employ. ' Dent Co.. 210 Horrlaon, 'phona CUy 1882; branch office 2n8 Couch. WANTED Traveling men; aalary (.00 per month, all expenses; (26.00 caah security re- quired. Call or addreaa I.. I). Abbott Co., . Tern pie ton. 208tt tint St., Boom a. D00 AND E01IX HOSPITAL. DR. 0. J. CARNEY, veterinary surgeon. 160 N. lSth.' Phona Main 1484. Baa. phona. Front 100. BATHS. ATURAL Raaataa hot-air hatha tSo and 60c: opaa uur, except Monday ana iwmii, it a. m. m u p. m. si tcsst lweniy-signua st., cor. svarett ' mono, oeoti iui. WANTED. WANTES-600 raf earpcta, rag, allk cur - talna, ehenllla cartaloa, ate., to weara. R. B. Swain, MnntarUla, Or. Phono, Wblta 039. CITY NOTICES. PROPOSALS rOB STREET WOEK. Sealed proposals will be received St the office of- tbe Auditor of the City of Port- Und until Friday, July 17, 1003, at 4 o'clock "p. 'iu. for the Improvement of Park ave nue, from the esat liae of City Park to the weat line of Ford a tree t. In tha manner provided by ordinance No. 13,417. anbjKct to 'the provlalpna . of the charter end ordinances of the City of Portland, and the estimate of tbe city engineer, on nie. Bids, must be strictly In accordance with printed blank., which will be furnished on application st 1 the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland. And aald Improve' .'merit must be completed on or before 60 days .from the date of the algnlng of the contract by ids parties tuereto. No proposals or bids will be considered unless sccompanled by a certified check pay sble to the-order of tbe Mayor of tbe City of Portland, certified by a reaponalhle bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of the aggregate proposal. " The right to reject any and all bids la hereby reserved. . By order of tha Executive Board. ,: ' TH08. O. DEVLIN, Auditor Pf the City- of Portland. July ii, UKo. . PROPOSALS FOB STREET WOBK. Scaled proposals will be received st the office of the Auditor of the City of Port lend until Friday, July IT, 1U03, st 4 o'clock i. m, tor the improvement oi oixtn sire.ii. ram the north line or' Morrison street to tlie norm line or irrmg . eixecr, in ine manner provided ' a'!iMheC18, subject to ine provisions oi me ensner ana oramancee of the CUy of Portland, snd the estimate of the City Engineer, on Ule. Bids must be atrlctly In accordance with printed blank., which will be furulehed on application at tbe office of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland. And aald Improve- ttnent muat be completed on or Detore tfu-aeya from tbe date of the algnlng of tba contract by the partus thereto. No proposals: or bid' will ba ' considered unless accompanied oy a ceriinea cuers pay able to tbe order of tbe Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of tha aggregate proposal. The right to reject any ; nd all bids Is ' hereby reeervod. By order of tha Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Aadltor of the City of'Mbrtlaad. July 11. 1003. PROPOSALS FOR STREET WOBX. ' Scaled proposals will be received at the" offlra of the Auditor or toe uity oi t'ori laud. until .Friday, July 17, 1003, at 4 o'clock p. pi- for the Improvement of Eaat Thirty fourth atreet, from the south line of Haw 'thorns avenue to tbe north line of . Dlvlaloa atreet. In tbe manner provided by ordinance .No. 13,410, aubject to tbe provlalona of the charter and ordinances of the City of Portland, andv tha estimate of the City Kuglneer, on die. Hid. muat be atrlctly In accordance with printed blanka. which will be furnished on PpJlfiB tlPB . It tbe pfflce of the Auditor of tint City oi t'orciana. Ana ..iu luiprove- ,ient muat ie completed on or Pciore uu days the da to of tbe algnlng oi the contract "J he partloa thereto. Hi nronoaala or bids will be conaldcred unless accompanied Dy a ceriinea coeuK pay able to tbe order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a reaponalble bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of the aggregate proposal. , lho right to reject any snd all bids Is hereby reaerved, By order of tbe Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ot tha City of Portland. July 11, ltK)3. PROPOSALS FOB STREET WORK. Sealed propositi. will be received at the office of tbe Auditor of the City of Port land until Friday. July. 17, 1003, at 4 o'clock ?m. for tbo Improvement if First atreet, rom 80 feet south of the aoutu line of Arthur street to 360 feet north of the north line of Arthur .trout, In the manner provided by ordi nance Nq. 13,420, subject to the provlalona of the charter and ordlnancea of tbo City of Portland, and tbe estimate of tbe City Engi neer, on file. Bids muat be atrlctly tn accordance with printed blanka, which will be- furnlabed on application at the office of the Auditor ut the City of Portland. . And aald Improve ment muat be. completed on or before 210 day. frum tbe date of tbo algnlug ot the contract rathe partlea thereto. No oropoaala or blue will ' be considered Unless accompanied by a certified check p'ay kble to the order of tbe Mayor of tbe City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for aa amount equal to ten per cent ot tbe aggregate proposal, Tbn right to reject any and all bids la hereby reaerved. By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor ot tbe City of Portlaud. - July II, 1903. PROPOSALS FOB BEWER WORX. Seared proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor of the City of Port land until Friday, July 17. 1903, at 4 o'clock p. m. for tha conatruction of a sewer In East Eighth atreet, ; from JOU feet south of the south Una of Thompson street to the aewer In Tillamook atreet. In the rmnuer provided by ordinance No. 13,427, aubject to tbe pro visions of the charter and 'ordlnancea of tba City of Portland, and tha estimate of tba City Engineer, on flip. i Bids' muat m strictly In accordance wltb printed blanka, wblch will be furnished on application at the office of tha Auditor of the City of Portland. And ssld aewer must be .completed oa or before 46 daya from the dare of tbe signing of tha contract by ths partlea thereto. No nroposabt or bids will be osnsldered on- leas accompanied by a certified check payabks to tha order of ' the Mayor of tha City of Portland-, - certified- by a ' responsible bauk for an amount equal to tan per cant of tha sg . gregats proposal."' Tba right to reject any and all blda la hereby reserved.'1-" By 'order of the Executive Board. . ' 4 THOS. C. DEVLIN, i . , .-'. . andltor ot tba City of Portland. ' Jul 11, 1803. , . , nriNISHID BOOMS, LOO A II BUILD1NO, 108 Union ara. Elaraat , rooma for houaakaaplng or traaalaat. turolibad or aoraraiuaai rttca raaaonabia. BABOIVO AND UOBTIBOia). ORBOON , BOUND LUMBER CO., Ml Bora- MiirBoaturtnii CASK BEOISTZBS TOR SALE. ONE BALtWooD caah reflaUr at half prlca. ran mat Maraet, yimt and paimon. PALMISTRY, ATTENTION1. , , ' Too, Krery Ooa of Yoa. ' . It ! Abaolutalr and Poaltlral rREB FREE ' .. tit I Cwtl n rw aa I Claim. V . 1 maka a aolama oath to tall ron mora ak aofuta facta la ralatlon to aot only tba paat out in a oreavnt ana rutura or Tour lira, aa well aa arary hop, fear or ambition of your Ufa without aaktnf yoa a qoaatlnn. Tbla I will do for you. and mora than any other clair voyant, palmlat or ao-called fortuneteller in tha world can do tor you. I aire apaclal advice oa ' mlnlnc. auelneaa tranaaetloua of an kind In fact there la aotblna that yon mia want to know that . I can not tall ron. Aak ether clairvoyants and palmUta to do aa I (free to do. If they can X wUl fladly forfait REDUCED FEES SEVEN DAYS ONLY. PROF. IKCLDOW. "THE COSMOS," cor. Fourth and Morrlaoa ate. Knoma XT.- OT. B and an. FOB SALE REAL ESTATE. WE BUILD HOU8R aa aaay moathly par mental juai woat yoa want; aea our plana, they ara nm eipenniTe. an vmmereiai ninf. FOB RENT, BTOUE, S6S Ualou are.. (IB per month; (nod location. Portland Trust Company of Ora- (on, iuv TBirq at. 104 U STARK ST.. alcelr furnlahrd rooma: rea aonaoie real; tranaianta aoucitea. fpona KrontlfilW. BOOMS WITH BOARS. BOOMS WITH" BOAUU, well furolabedTell moavro conreniencca: tip la hoard a:se. ul Thirteenth. . WELL FCRNkSHBl), modern coovenlaaaeat table ooara mmo; prieee roaennanie. at mi lta at. FOB SALE. fOB BALE 6 -room bouae. bit 08x100; lawa uii iiuii im.1. win, Mn iwffnituui neaj Clinton Kelly School; Woodatock car. FOR SALE A few blh frade trpewrltera. (30 earn, u ana u. Aiexanaer, va Tblra at. KINOHRUBY PIANO for aale, cheap. 108 ATTORNETS. EMMONS A EMMONS, attoraeya at Ut, 644 worceaier otcuj. 8. B. RIOOEN, Attorney and CouneeUor-et-Lew; Notary. B06-30S Ablnctoa bide. CTON, BEACH SIMON 610 Chamber of Commerca. T. TAUOBER Boom 18, Alneworth Balldlnt. . B. DICKINSOM, Attorney-at-Uw aad No tary Public, SOS Commercial bldf. CITY" NOTICES. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IK PROVEMENT OF FAILING STREET. Notice Is hereby given thst William C. Ely llott. City Engineer, haa filed Iu the offlcS of the uuderalgned. notice that Becblll Broe. contractor, for tbe Improvement of Failing atreet under tbe provlalona of ordinance No. 18.012, have completed aald atreet, from tbe Center line of Mlawurl avenue to tbe west Una 01 Mlaalaalppl avenue. Said acceptance will be corsldered by tbe Kiecuuve Board at 4 o clock on tbe lilD day ot July. 10O3. and oblectlona to tbe ac ceptance of aald atreet or any Dart thereof, may be Sled In tbe office of tbe underalgued at any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of I'oi tUind, July 11. 1PQ3, COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF EAST MADISON STREET. Notice is herebr slven that William C. El llott. City Engineer, haa filed In tbe office oi toe undersigned, notice that Hmytb ft now ard Company, contractora lor the Improve Blent of Baat Madlaon street, undo the pro vlalona of ordinance No. 13.103. have oompluted aald atreet, from the center line ot Eaat nine teenth to the center Hue of Eaat Twentieth atreet. Said acceptance will be considered by the Executive Hoard at o'clock on tne I7tn day of July, 11X13, and objection, to the ac cept. nee or aaia atreet or any part increor. may be filed In tbe office of the underalgued at auy time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD, By THOB. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. July 11. 1903. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PBOVEMENT OF BAVIEB STREET. Notice is hereby riven that William C. El liott. City Enslueer. baa filed In tbo . office of the undersigned, notice that I.lnd A Man ning, contractors for tbe improvement .of na Tier atreet, under the provlalona of ordinance No. 12.8A0, have completed aald atreet. from tha center line of Twenty-second atreet to tbe center line of Twenty-fifth atreet. paid acceptance win be conaldcred by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tm 17th day of July. 1003, and objection, to tbe ac ceptance ot said street or sny part tneroor, may be filed In the office ot the underalgued at any time prior thereto. TUB KAKflJTIVE BOA HI), By TIIOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Jury 11, 1H08. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF FIRST STREET. Notice la hereby slven that William C. El liott. City Engineer, has filed In tbe office of the underalgned, notice that the Carboltneum Wood Preeervlna: Company, contractor for the Improvement of First street, under the pro vlalona of ordinance No. 13.281. haa completed aald street, from tbe south line of Stark street to tne north line of Madison street. Said acceptance will be conaldcred by tbe Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 17th day of Jul, -1903,- aad objsotlona t 4h ac ceptance of said atreet or any part thereof, may be filed In the! office ot tbe undersigned at any time prior ttirreto. , THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City ot Portland. July 11, 1003. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF 8EWEB IN EAST FOURTEENTH STREET. Notice ta hercbf given that William 0. El liott. City Buglneer, haa filed In the office ot the undersigned, notice that Jacobaen Bade Company, contractora for the , cpnatrqctlon of a aewer in Eaat Fourteenth street, from a point 75feet aouth of Thompson itreet.lo the "sewer In Tillamook street, under the pro visions ot ordinance No. 13,300, have completed aald sewer. Said acceptance win be conaldcred by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 17th day of July. 1908. and objections to the ac ceptance thereof may be filed In the office qf of tbe undersigned at any time prior thereto. V THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Andltor of the City of Portlaud. Jnly 11. 1003. PROPOSALS FOR 6EWXB WORX. Rested proposals will be received at the office of tbe Auditor of the City of Port- isna until . rnaay, juiy.jT, iuoa, st 4 o clock S. m. for tbe construction of s sewer In llnnesnta avenue, from 25 feet north of Fro. mont street to the sewer In Beech atreet, hi the manner provided py ordinance No. 13.424, sub ject to the provlalona of the charter and ordinances of tbe City of Portland.' snd tbe eatlmate of the City Engineer, on tile. Bide muat be atrlctly In accordance with printed ' blanks, which will be furnished on application at the office, of tho' Auditor of the City of Portland. And said sewer must be completed on or before 43 daya from tbe date of tbe - signing of the contract by tbe partlea thereto. , No proposals or bide will be considered nn sccompanled by a certified check parable tn the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a reaponalble bank,-for an amonnt equal to ten per cent of tbe ag gregate proposal, The right to reject any and (II bids la hereby reaerved. By order ot tba Executive .Board. THOS. C7 DEVLIN, Anditcr of the City of Portland. July 11. 10Q3 COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER , IN EAST TWELFTH STREET. Notice la hereby given that William C. El liott. City Engineer, baa filed In tthe office Of the undersigned, notice that R. M. Bluer, contractor for the conatruction. of a sewer In Eaat Twelfth street, from a point 23 feet south of the south line of Eaat Gliagn street to the sewer In,. Eaat Davis atreet, under the provisions ot ordinance No. 18.812. haa completed aald sewer.i - Raid acceptance will be considered by the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on tbe 17th day of July. 1903, and oblectlona to tbe ac ceptance thereof may be filed ia tha office ot of tha nndeealgned st snv flme prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD. . -' - By THOS. C. DEVLIN. ' " Andltor ( tha City Of Portland. July U, -Moa. . , M :BHE'S GAIN H H CABFENTZB. , F. LOCY. Meeeeeor to Oordoa Mff. Co.. carpenter, builder, general contractor, boaaa remodeling, alteration., etc.; cabinet work and obblng a apeclaltyi counter enelvtnr, Ira aoxea, etc; a tore and office Oxtoree; up-to-date and original carpenter work of all klnda; nothing too large at- too small for ear Immediate attention; no flies on aa; we make and put up the beat Bv screens 4a Portland. Shop, foot of Yamhill St.; phone. Black 2WT; TT Bast Stark; reldr-e phone. White Til. CIGARS AND TOBACCO. KSBERa-CUNST CtQAB CO. Distributers of - FINN CIO ARB. Portland. fires, na. OAFZB. YATES' PLACE. 28B Waahlngtoa St.. Pnoae . Mala TT1, 1. W. Talbott. prop, rortianu. ir. CORNICE SKYLIOHTS. METAL SKYLIUUT8, galvanlaed troa alcea. J. C. Bayer, rw Beeona .x. CHIROPODY AND VANIOVBINO. THB DKVENY8, the only eelenUfle chlropodlaU in toe CHJ ; pariure w, , this Is the long-haired gentleman yon want to aea. Grant 10. ; MITCHELL, Chiropodist, T02 Marquam bldx, Phona Black 2861. CREAM AND CBZAMEBY BUTTER. EST creamery hotter and pure cream promptly delivered to all parte of the city from Moun tain View Farm, Greabam. Oregon. Apply to w w rotrnn Ai. Woreeater Bldg. Tele phone, Main 638. CITT NOTICES. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF IM PROVEMENT OF PENIN8ULAR AVENUE. Notice la hereby given that William C. El liott. City Engineer, baa filed In the office of the underalgued, that Bauer A Wlamer. con tractora for the Improvement of Peninsular avenue, under the provlalona of ordinance No. 13.100, have completed aald atreet, from the center line of Slocum atreet to the aouth Una of Pippin atreet, from the center line of Kll patrlck street to the center line of McPheraon Said acceptance will be eonaldered bx the Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 17th day of July, 1903. and objections to the sc ceptance of aald atreet or any part thereof, may be filed In the office ot tbe undersigned at any time prior thereto. THE EXECUTIVE BOARD, By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of the City of Portland. July II. 1103. COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF SEWER IN EAST PINE STREET AND O00D8ELL AVENUE. Notice la hereby slven that William C. El lirift. City Engineer, baa filed In the office or tbe underalgued, notice mat J. B. oiemmona, contractor for the con.tructlon of a aewer lr East Pine atreet and Uoodsell svenue from 270 feet north of the north line of East Pine atreet In Ooodsell avenue to the aewer In Eaat Pino atreet at Eaut Twenty-alxth atreet. under the provlalona- of ordinance no. li.iu, oas com pleted aald aewer. ald acceptance win pe conaiaerea oy tne Executive Hoard at 4 o clocs on ine Jim d.v of July 1M1.1- and oblectlona to the ac ceptance thereof may be filed In the office of ot tne undersigned at any time prior tnereio, THE EXECUTIVE BOA nil, By THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland. 1008. July 11, COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF 8EWEB IN EAST DAVIS STREET. Notice is hereby given tbst William C El llott. City Engineer, haa filed in the office of tbe underalgne, notice that J. B. 8lemmona, conir.cior tor me niimiruriiuii u w.rr iu Eaat Davia atreet, from the eaat line of Haw thorne'a First Addition to the proposed aewer In Eaat TwentV41xth atreet if extended norto- erly, under the - provlalona of ordinance No. 13.171. baa completed aald aewer. Said acceptance will oe considered oy tne Executive Board at 4 o'clock on the 17th day of July. 1003. and oblectlona to the ar ceptance thereof may be filed In the office of ot tuo underalgned at any time prior inereio. XlllS EXECUTIVE BUAKU, By THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. July 11, 1903. PROPOSALS F0X SEWER WORK. Sealed oropoaala will be received at. the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Port land until Friday. July 17, 1903, at 4 ocipck m. tor the conatruction ot a aewer m Seat Fifteenth atreet. from 60 feet aouth of Broadway to the aewer lu Hancock atreet. In the -meaner provided by ordinance No. 18,421. ubtect to the provisions -of the charter snd ordfnsuces of the City of Portland, snd the eatlmate of tbe city Engineer, on me. Blda muat be atrlctly In accordance with printed blanka, which will be furnl.hed on application at the office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Aqd aald aewer must be completed on or before 30 daya from tbe date of tbe algnlng of the contract by tbe parties tberefo. No proposal, or bids will be conaldcred un less accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the Mayor of tha City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for n amount equal to ten per cent ot the ag gregate propoaal. 1 ITl e right -tcr-Tcloctr any-andTrtt bldi la hereby reserved. By order of the Executive Board. , THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. Jnly tit J903. PROPOSALS FOR SEWER WOBX. Sealed proposals will be received at the offlce of the Auditor oi tne uiy or rori- laud until Friday. July 17, 1003, at 4 o'clock p. ,in. for the construction or a sewer in East Seventh street, from IS feet north of tbe south line of Thompson street to the sewer In Hancock atreet. in tne manner provided oy ordinance No. 1,1.422, aubject to tbe prorlaloua of the charter and ordlnancea of the City of Portland, and the estimate or tne city Engl neer. on file. Blda must be atrlctly In accordance wltb printed blanks, which will be furnished on application at. the offlce of the Auditor of the City of Portland. And aald sower mint tn completed ou or .before 45 daya from the date of the algnlng of the contract by tbe partlea thereto. No proposals or bids will be considered un less accompanied o.v a ceriinea cneca peyauie to the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per cent of the ag gregate propoeaL -' Tbe right to reject any and all bids ia Bereby reaerved. By order ot the Executive Board. . , THOS- C DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portland. July 11, 1903. PROPOSALS FOR DIGGING TRENCH AND LAYING PIPE. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor of the City of Portland until Tuesday, July 14. 1003, at 2 o'clock p. m., for digging a trench and la'--g water pipe from tbe reservoir at the City Park to the County Poor Farm, tbo distance being about 7,400 lineal feet. The work to be donl in ac. jrd.nce with apeclflcatloos on file In tba office of the Auditor oi tne city ot rortiano. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check payable to Ceo. H. W illiam.. Mayor, for aa amount equal to 10 per cent of tbe aggregate of tbe bid, aa fixed snd liquidated damages In ease ssld bidder aball fall to enter Into written contract with tba city should tha same be awarded. The- right to reject ' any and all bids la hereby reserved. By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of tba City at Portland, .(IT JO. W03, ,. V. SSZS2SSS3 During the month pf June. The Journal printed 18,2 40 INCHES of paid adyertisihg, which is 1,689 inches more than the previous month. There was a notable increase in nearly every classification Every Journal advertiser is getting splendid returns, and those who a trial almost invariably become regular patrons. IKSBSS9 CASK BEOISTERS. UAlXWOOl CASH REGISTERS. tA4 Rrark at CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. JOHN A. MKLTON, carpenter and builder, aOl Stark at.i aRlee aad store Sttarea built and remodeled; altering and repair bouses. Phone Mala T4T. AUTHORS A MARTIN, carpenters sad build era; repairing and Jobbing; etore aad office Sxturee belli, (hop Sua Columbia. Phone Clay 1881. H. F. CLARK, carpenter and builder; repairing Weat T82: ahop. Main 1041. 463 Waah. at. HOTELS. vV ELL VENTILATED alngle roonw, 16c, SO and S6o a night; bed., 10c. Tha Everett House, aor Second aad Davta. COAX AND WOOD. WESTERN FEED FCEL CO. Dealers In all kinds of coal, coke aad cbarcoaL Phone 1018. VULCAN COAL CO., wholeeale dealers bast coals; foundry snd smelter coke. ELECTRICAL WOBX. 0. L. PRIOR, electrlo light and bell wiring. 448 Waahlugton at. Phone Clay OOP. PORTLAND ELECTRICAL WORKS OrOca (63 Btark at. , Weatern Electric Works, 80ttt Waahlngtoa at. DYZINO AND CLEANING. CITY STEAM DYEING CLEANING WORKS. Herman Enkle, proprietor. Phone Main 1718. No. 06 6th at, near Pine. Portland. Or. CITY NOTICES. EXTENSION OF CROWN AVENUE. Whereas, The Council of the City of Port land, deeming It expedient to open, lay out and eatabll.h Crown Avenue in the City of Portland. Tbe center line of the proposed atreet la de scribed aa follows: Beginning at a point on the center Hue of Crown avenue 100 feet eaaterly from the eaaterly line of Alpine ave nue; theuce by curve to the left having a radlua of 826 feet and which radlua la parallel with aald Alpine avenue, a distance of 367.05 feet; thence by reverse curve to the right hav ing a radlua of 220 feet, a dlatance of 408.89 feet; thence tiy reverae curve to left bavlug a radlua of 000 feet, a distance of 440.4 feet; thence by reverse curve to right having a radlua of 200 feet, a dlatance of lo8.15 feet; thence by reverae curve to left having a radlna of 00.0 feet, a distance of 03.25 feet; thence by tangent to last named curve a distance of 81.1 feet to an tnteraectlon wltb tbe weaterly line of a tract of land owned by tbe City of Portland produced northerly to ita intersection wltb tne center line of Davenport atreet. The aide Unea of the proposed Crown svenue are 20 feet dis tant from snd parallel with the sbnve-de-acrlbed .center line, did on the 20th day of May, 1003. direct the City Engineer to aur vey the same and to mark the boundaries thereof, snd to make a plat of aucb survey, and a written report containing a full snd perfect description of euch proposed street and boundaries thereof, and of tbe portion of each lot, tract or part of either, to be ap propriated for auch atreet. and tbe City Engi neer having made auch survey, plat and re port, and filed such plat and report In tbe office of tbe Auditor on the 2d day of June, 1903, and aald report bavlng been adopted by or dl nn nee No. 18,398, entitled: "An ordinance adopting the report of the City Engineer In the matter of the proposed opening, laying out and establishing of Crown avenue. The center line of the proposed atreet la described sa fol lows: Beginning at a point on the center line of Crown avenue 100 feet eaaterly from tbe eaaterly line of Alpine avenue: thence by curve to tbe left baring a radius of 32S feet ana wnicn raaiue ia parallel wltb aald Alpine venue, a dlatance of 357.95 feet: thence by reverae curve to the right having a rsdlus of 220 feet, a distance of 408.85 feet: thence by reverae curve to left having a ladlua of ma) reet. a dlatance or 440.4 feet: thence by reverse curve to right having a radlua of 200 feet, a distance of 108.15 feet; thence by reverae curve to left having a radlua of 86.0 feet a distance of 03.25 feet; thence hyt-tangent to last named curve a distance of 31.1 feet to n tnteraectlon with tbe weaterly line of a tract of land owned by tbe City of Portland produced northerly to Its Intersection with the center line of Davenport atreet. The aide Unea of the proposed Crown avenue are 20 reet distant from and parallel wltb ths above- described center line. Now, therefore, all persons Interested are herehy notified thst the Council of the City or rortiano naa appointed w. r. White, r. Hacheney and U. J. Cameron viewers, to view aald proposed extension of aald atreet and make an eatlmate of the benefit, and dam. re. occasioned by the opening. laying out and estab lishing the same. In accordance with aectlon 349 of the charter of the City of Portland said viewers to meet at the office of tbe Auditor or tne i ity or Portland on Thursday the lth dny of July, 1903, st the hour ot 10 o clock In tbe forenoon of ssld day. - The sroaoaed opening, laying out snd estsK llahlng of Crown avenue la more . particularly bounded and described aa follows: The center line of the proposed street la de- echlbed as follows: Beginning at a point on the center lino of Crown avenue 100 feet easterly rrom tne easterly line or Alpine ave nue; thence by curve to the left having a radlua rf S2S feet and which radlua la parallel with said Alpine avenue, a distance of 357.95 feet; thence by reverae curve to the right hav- ng a radlua of 220 feet, a distance of 498.85 foet; thence hr reverae enrve to left bavins a radius of 600 feet, a distance of 440.4 feet: thence by reverse curve to rla-ht bavins: a radius of 200' feet, a dlatance of 108.16 feet: thence by reverse curve to left having a radlua of (S4,0 feet - distance of 03 25 feet: thence by tangent to last named enrve a distance of 31. 1 feet to an Intersection with the westerly line of a tract of land owned by the City of Portland produced northerly to Its tnteraec tlon with the center line of Davenport atreet. The aide tinea of the proposed .Crown avenue are 20 feet distant from and parallel with tbe above-described center line. The proposed opening, laying out and estab lishing of Crown avenue will include and necessltnte the appropriation to public use of the following .described parcels or tracts of land, to wit: All that part of lot 9. Mock 10. Seventh Street Terracea. lying northerly of the south erly side line of the proposed Crown avenue containing 61 square feet. All. that, part of lot 8, block 10. Seventh Street Terracea, lying northerly from the aoutherly side tine of the proposed Crown avenue, containing 3Bi aquare reet. All jhst part of lot 10. block 17. Seventh Street Terracea, lying aontherly of tbe north line of tbe proposed Crown avenue, contain ing 567.5 aqnare reet. All that part of lot 9. Mock IT. Seventh Street Terraces, lying between the northerly and aoutherly lines of the proposed Crown avenne. containing 8.4: aquare reer. All that part of lot 7. block IT. Seventh Street Terracea. lying northerly of the south erly line of the proposed Crown avenue, contain ing l.ini aqnare reet. All that parcel or tract of land lying be tween the northerly and southerly lines of the proposed Crown avenne. and between the weaterlv line of Seventh Street Terracea and a line 660 feet weaterly therefrom, containing 80.700 .qnare feet. All that parcel or tract of land lying be. tween the northerly and aontherly linea of the nro nosed Crown avenue and between the west erly lino of tract of land owned by the Cltv of Portland and a line 201.30 feet eaaterly therefrom, containing 12.444 aquare feet All persona claiming damages by reason of the appropriation of the -property above described, or any part thereof. In the proposed opening. lnVlng out and estaMlshlng of aald atreet. are herebv specially notified to file their claims for auch damages with the Andltor of the Cltv of Portland before .Jbe 18th day of July. 1903. the time appointed for the meet in of the viewers thereto. Ttv nrrinr nt tha Council 1IILW. , lnvvLirt. Auditor of the City of Portland. Jnly 8 1008 If You Want A partner In roar business; If yoa want aay. tblsx (dvarriaa for it ta THB JOCBNAI CSZZZZZZZSZZZZZZIKXZCXZSZZ ! M VBTOOISTB. FRANK J. STREIBKI, drugs, toilet artlcWsT JeMnrfleejJ42Wajihlnrto CI REAL MILLS. ACM hi MILLS CO., Manufacturer. Ralaton Acme Cereale. 9n and 22 North Front at. JEWELERS. THB O. UBITKEMPER CO., maautacturlug )ewelera, inn Morrlaon at. FRATERNAL INSURANCE. ORDER OF WASHINGTON Foremost frater nal society of North weat; protects the liv ing. 1, Mitchell, saprewe aecretary, eil aad 01B Marquam bldg., PortUod. Or. Tel ephoue Mala 042. FREE SHINES. CLOTHES CLEANED and preaeed (I pet mouth. Unique Tailoring Co., (4T Waahlag toa at. INSURANCE. I. PHILIP KENNEDY, Ineurance; resident agent Norwich Union Fire Ineurance Society. I'bonc South 161. 44 Hamilton bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employer.' liability and In dividual accident; anrety beads of all kinds. Pbooa 47. Concord bldg. U. F. B ARTELS COMPANY. Flra Inanrance. 443 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Clay 620. ISAAC L. WHITE, fire Ineurance, 226 Sherlock bldg. Oregon phone. Main H8. MINING AND MINE PROMOTERS. SESSIONS SIMPSON mlnlne and mine nro- motera. Room 1 Chamber of Commerce. L0CK8MITK. A. L. TikKETTS, 2.'3 Yamhill, near Second; 12 years with J. Barbey. CITY NOTICES. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT OF UNION AVENUE. Notice Is hereby given thst at tbe meeting of tbe Council of the City of Portland, Ore- Jon, held on tbe 1st day of July, 1903, tba ollowlng resolution waa adopted: Resolved. That the Council of the City of Portlaud, Oregon, deems It expedient snd pro poses to Improve Union avenue from the south line ot Alberts street to 100 feet south of the south line of tbe Lewis Love Donation Land Claim, in the following msnuer, to-wit! First By grading the atreet full width with full Intersections to Hie proper sub-grade. Second By bringing tbe of tbe atreet full width with full intersections to proper grade with upland bank gravel. Third By constructing gravel aldewalka with wooden curlw. Fourth By constructing wooden cro.. walks all feet In width. i Sixth By constructing box gnttera. Said Improvement to be made In accordance wltb the charter and ordinances of tbe City of Portland and the plans, aneclflcatlon. and eatlmate. of tbe City Engineer Hied In the ofllce of the Auditor of the City of l'vrtland on the lat nay or July, 1003. Indorsed: "City Engl neer'a plana and epeclficatlnua for the Improve ment of Union avenue from the arnith line ol Alberta atreet to loo feet south of the south line or Lewi Love Donation Land Claim, and the estimates of tbe work to be done snd tbe probable total cost thereof." Tbe cost of aald Improvement to be assessed aa provided or the c tv charter nn,m th a nereny declared to be all tbe lota, parts of jot. ana parcru oi land lying peiween a line iixj reel aoum or and parallel wltb tbe south line of the Lewis Love Donation I .and Claim and a line 100 feet aouth of and parallel with the south line of Alberta atreet and between a line ot 100 reet weat of snd parallel wltb tbe west line of Union avenue and a line loo feet eaat of and parallel with the east line of Union avenue. Tbe Engineer', eatlmate of the probable total coat of the Improvement of aald Union avenua la (25,800.00. Tbe above Improvement la to be claaaed aa a gravel Improvement and aball he maintained by the city for a period of 4 yeara, provided that tbe owners, of a majority of the nropcrtr benefited by said improvement or any portion tnereor snail not petition lor a new or different Improvement before the expiration of auch period. Tbe plana, speclflcatlona and estimates of the City Engineer for tbe Improvement of said Union svenue are hereby adopted. Resolved, That the Auditor of the City of Portland and be ia hereby directed to give notice of the proposed Improvement of ssld avenue sa provided by tne city charter. Remonatrauce against the above improvement may be filed In writing with the underalgned wttnin zo daya rrom the sate oi tne or.t pub llratlon of this notice. By order of ths Council. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Andltor of the City of Portland. July 0, 1003. . PROPOSALS FOR STREET WORX. Sealed nroposala will be received at the offlce of the Auditor of the City of Port land until Friday, Jnly 17. lo. at 4 o'clock !. m. for the improvement of Belmont atreet, rom tb weat Une t Sitpnysuie .Third ArtiU ion to the eaat line of blocks 4 and 6, Bartsrb Park, in the manner provided by ordi nance No. 13.410. subject to the provisions of the charter and ordlnancea of the City of Cortland, and tne eatlmate oi tne city En gineer, on file. Bids must ba atrlctly In accordance with printed blanka. which will be furnished on application at tbo office of the Auditor of the City of Portland. And aald Improve ment muBt be completed on or before 9o daya from the date of the algnlng of the contract by the parOea thereto. No proposals or bids will ho considered nnleaa accompanied by a certified check pay able to the order of the Mayor of tha City of Portland..-certified by a responsible bank for an amount equal to ten per cent ot tne aggregate proposal. The right to reject any ana an pida ia herehy reaerved. By order or me Executive noaro. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tbe City of Portland. Jnly 11. 1908. NOTICE. NOTICE Is bereby given that the annual meeting of tbe stockholder, of the Midway Oil Company will be held at the office of Ladd A Tlltnn, bankers, st Portland, Ore- foft, at 3 o'clock p. m., on Wednesday, the 5th day of July, .1903, for the purpoae of electing a board of directors and the trans action of auch other bualncaa aa may come before the meeting. H. C. 8TRATTON. Secretary. The Tonlo Par Excellence. ( A Win Cordial.) ineoest specmcr .Malarial and rrifAirciAis. New York Loan Office N. Third St. M. Miller. Pros. Loans oa collateral.: low rates: aa- redeemed pledges for sale: watch aad Jewelry repairing. Phona, Bed 987, 1141 l aBSSBBSBBBBBBSaBBl V MONEY TO LOAN, FRED FI. STRONG, FINANCIAL ASBNT, i Money to loan. No commlaalna. I am la a poaltloa to make Immediate lean aa Improved real aetata or for building par. poeeei any .amountl moderate Interaat. We . approve loaaa from plana and advance money ta building pmcreeaee when dealred. OpUoa renaylnjr after one year. FRED H. STRONO, Financial Afwnt 10S Second at., near Btark. THB STAR LOAN CO.. 210 M'KAY BLDO.. 02Vk Third at.. Is tba recognlaed bank of the wage-earner. We advance money ta teamatera, trainmen, shopmen, motnrmea. aoaduetora, etc., without mortgage, eodoraer ar collateraL Amonnt Month Iv U Monthly. Week It tnwnni (100 60 i i weewiT P M.oVl or M-OT or (1.09 repay mm or i l.l. no repay (13.KI or ( fl.lW renav I A M or ( 8.8S Boalraaa confldentlal. No unpleaaant Inquiry MONEY TO LOAN en real, personal and el lateral aecurlty: anectal attention to cbattla mortgagee; aotea bongbt O. W. Pallet. 2U Commercial Mk. Phone Grant &V YOUR OPPORTUNITY to borrow (1,000. long time; no Intcreat; email monthly pnymenta; Inveatlgate don't delay. Lock .' ox 40, Port land. MONEY TO LOAN, email amonnta. abort or long time. J. H. n.wley. 2 Cham, of Com. MONEY TO LOAN on city lota and Improved farma. W. A. Shaw A Co.. (48 Stark at. LOANS on auhurhan mortgagee; low rates. Ward. 823 Mldg. MODEL MAKER. FOR FIRST -CLASS REPAIRING go to Andy Ftlta. machlnl.t and model maker. 110 dtb. PERSONAL. MR. ELMORE RICH Vlollnlat and teacher: alao piano bsrmny; room 1. O.l'.W. Bldg.; hour. ( to 6:30 dally: phone. Union, 940. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS are more ercurately and reasonably filled at EvaaeH'a Pharmacy, tn Morrlaon at., bet. Flret and Second ats. woiil) STORIES and novem for aummer read Ing. 10 cents. Jonea' Book Store. 201 Alder CAFE KRATZ. 122 Sixth at. A fins lunch served at all hours. RIAL ESTATE. FOR BALE FARMS Improved farma for alia to all parts of Oregon and Waahlngton: payment made to suit purchaaera. For full particulars aa to vartoua properties apply to Win. MacMastsr, 811 Woreeater bldg. MAXWELL A KNAPP RRAL ESTATE. Room 1 Chamber of Commerce bMg. MA8SA0E. MDMB. U. B. ELY, dermatologist, msaaage, electric treatment.. 193H Flret at NORTHWEST HOTELS. Hotel Portland, American plaa; I,H per dsy Sommeri Hotol. La Grande i travelers' heme. jejvedare p European plaa ; dth and Alder ata. Bt Charlea, First and Morrison ata., Portland CITY NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR SEWER WORK. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor of the City of Port land until Friday. July 17. 1903. at 4 o'clock p. m. for the conatruction of a aewer lu Tillamook atreet from 126 feet cast of the Eaat line of Union avenue to the aewer In Eaat Seventh atreet. In tha manner provided by ordinance No. 13,423, subject to the provlalona of the charter and ordlnancea of the City of Portland, and tbe eatlmate of tbe City Engi neer, on file. Blda must be strictly In accordance with printed blanka, which will be furnished on application at the office of tbe Auditor of tbe City of Portland. And aald aewer mint be completed on or before 40 daya from the date of the algnlng of the contract by the partlea thereto. No propoaala or bids will be considered un less sccompanled by sa certified check payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of Portland, certified by a respon.lble b.nk for an amount equal to ten per cent of the ag gregate proposal. The right to reject any and all blda la bereby reserved. By order of the Executive Board. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of the City of Portland. July 11, 1003. PROPOSALS FOR WATER PIPE. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor or the iity or rnrtiand until Tuesday. July 14, lo8, at 2 o'clock p. m., for tbe furnishing of about 7.400 lineal feet of water pipe., witn Hie wwai7. ,'".'" aid pipe to be tn accordance wltli specifications on file In the ofllce of tbe Auditor of the City of Portland. All Mils must be accompanied by a certified check payable to (leorge II. Williams, Mayor, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the ag- Sregate of tbe bid, aa fixed and liquidated a mage, in case aald bidder aball fall to enter Into written contract with the city, should the .a mo be awarded. The right to reject and and all bids la hereby reserved. By order oi ine . Executive no.ra. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Auditor of tbe City of Portlsnd. July 10, 1908. PROPOSALS FOB CONSTRUCTING FIRE- BOAT. Sealed proposals will ba received at tbe office of the Auditor of the City of Portland, Oregon, until 2 o cioca p. m., on Friday, July 17. 19o3. for the construction ot a nreuoat la accordauce with tha following coudltlons: First For the construction of a flreboat with ateel bull and twin screw, propellers ac cording to plana aud speclflcatlona prepared by Mr. Fred Ballln and tiled In tbe office of the Auditor of tbe City of Portland. Coptea of aald plana and spviiflcstlons will be fur nished upou sppucanou ocing maas mere- for. Second For tbe conatruction ot a nreuoat with either a ateel bull or a wood hull and with either alngle screw or twin screw pro pellers sccording to plans snd apccincatlona, to bo aubmitted by tbe bidder with bla bid. General conditions wnicn apply to an bids: First No bid will be entertained by which the cost of a flrcbiiat. . ready, fur lu. shall exceed $80,000. 00. Second The maximum draft or a flreboat for tbe City of Portland muat not exceed alx feet under propellers when fully equipped. Third No bid. will be eonaldered for a flreboat with less capacity than 6,000 gallons per minute. rourtn separate oin. win pe receivea ror Rumpa and In any award for the construction of a flreboat the Executive Hoard reaervea to the City of Portland tbe right to furnish the pumps, aaid pumpa to be placed In position in the boat by the party constructing the boat and aa a part of auch conatruction. nrtn Eaco ma musi-roo accompanied oy a certified chrdiie on a tesponslble bank in the City of-AwtlaBdr Oregour-for- the sura Df Three Thousand Dollara. or by a bond for like amount, to be spproved by the Mayor of tbe city, aa a guarantee, to the effect that f the contract for tbe conatruction of aald flreboat be awarded to such bidder, be will enter into contract therefor and furnish to the Cltv of lorlland. Oregon, a good and sum clent bond, to ba approved by the Mayor, In the aum or g40,ooo.ou, ror the luitniui execu tlon of said contract. The right la reaerved to reject any and all bids. Bids ahonld he addressed to the Executive Board, care of Tboa. C. Duvllu, Auditor, Port land, Oregon. V thus. t. iitvun. Auditor of the City of Portland. Dated Jnne 1. 1003. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Notice Is bereby given that at a meeting of the stock holders of the Farmers' Co-opcrntlve Com mission Company, held June IS, tbe usme of aald corporation w. changed to Cnuttcrton fc. Co., to take effect July 15. 1003. A BASCrAZD One 5-room house, J 1,000; one 6-room.' house, $1,500; both with basements, and brick foundations; fruit; fenced and barns; nice, garden; nice orchard. Take Mount Scott car, First and Alder. JOB NASH, owner, In Tremont Add. Three Dollars Per Month NOTHING DOWN Buys nice lot 40x100 on good car line, 5-ccnt fare, high and perfectly level, all cleared and ready for building:, water piped in front of each lot. The Best Bargain in Portland. ' POTTER. Q CHAPiN, : , v 246 STARK STRXET. toporea H0TJ8E8. ' ' ' THlTTjOBWOSwth boosekeepla sattea, eolte aad single rows ( per weeaeod UP. .- ' , ' fWi riTtB 27.hHtoo t roovna gentlemeni tranelent.- Tel. Sentb tl. OVERALLS. ' BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS and aaorhaa Ira' eiuthlng. Unlea msda. MeuaUdtet bra, Mfgrs.. PorUaad. Or. ' REMOVAL. DR. FRANK E. FERRIS, DR. GERTRUI8 R. LamheraoB. Dentlau, removed to Maeleat , bldg.. flftb Boor. 7 L ! ROPE. PORTLAND CORDAGR CO., eor. VouttoeaU and Northrop at.., Portland. Or. PIANO LESSONS. W. UIFFORD NA8II. Ii 10th at.; terms bimB application. Iteslnnera taken. -4 , PLUMBER (. DONNERPERG A RADKMACHER. plumbers, removed to 84 Fourth at. Both phonea. STORASR AND TRANSFER. C. O. PICK, oOiee 88 First t , hetweea Mtarj and Oak ata.; phone 680; planoe and furaa ture moved ana packed for .hipping; cenv modlona (reproof brick warebou.a. trout aad Clay ata. SAFES. BUY YOUR SAFES of J. B. Davie; your re pa Ira and Inchoate eefely done. 60 Third et. BLOT MACHINES. THANHCONTINKN1AL MACUINR CO. 41 let mechlnea. S. B. Park aad Oak. Botk Phones. Main 138. SPECIAL DELIVERY. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 Week Ington at Pkonee. Or.. Mala M2. Col.. SHI. WHOLESALE HARDWARE. J. E. HASELTINK A CO.. Iron, ateel. coal aad lackm1thnrjllee4Sae WHERE TO DIME. " STROUSE'S RESTAURANT; first-class meala, beat aervlce. 22 Wa.hlngton at I . . . 1 . I WHOLESALE WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. I84-1H8 Beeoaa' et. bet. Yamhill and Taylor. Portland. Or. WHOLESALE 6B0CEBB. WADHAMS A CO.. wholeeale grocers, maaa factnrers and eommlaaloa merchant.. 64 aad 66 Front at. ALLEN A LEWIS, wholesale grocers, part- land. Or. MASON. EHRMAN A CO.. wholeeale grocers. N. W. eor. Second aid Plea ata. LANG A CO.. Flret and Ankenv ate. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE CROCKERY AND GLA8SWARB. Prael Hegele A Co.. 100 to 108 I ah. eor. Star rzHAjrozAx. Ladd & Tilton, Bankers Eetabllebed la 1850. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Collections made at all points oa fsvorabta terma. Letters of credit Issued available l Europe- and all points In Us United States, Sight exchange and telegrapble transfers sold In New York. Washington. Chicago, St. Louis, Denver. Omaha. Ban Francisco aad Moo tan, and Britlah Columbia. Exchange sold oa London. Parts, BevHa. Frankfort. Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila and Honolulu, United States Nat'l Bank OF PORTLAND OREGON. NORTHWEST COR, THIRD AND OAX ITS, TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. DRAFTS ISSUED Available In all cities of ths TTalted lUtea I and Europe, Hotospa aad Manila. rAHaWtnaa Uarf. a. riahlaTaraM President , Vice-President t A.slstant Caahler Aaelstant Cashier ..r.. ,.J. C. AlNSWORTH , W. B. .YKR ...R. W. SCHMEER ....A M, WRIGHT LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO BANK, LIMITED. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUTLDLTfw, THIRD AND STARK STREETS. Head Office AS Old Broad street Londotu ' This bank transacts a general banking boat nesa, makes lo.ns, discounts hill, and issues letter, of credit available for travelers and for the purcbaae of merchandise In snv -rlty of tbe world. . Deals 'a foreign and domiat'a exchange. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. W. A. MACRAE, llaoagtr.' . Merchants National Bank PORTLAND, OREGON. J. Frank Watson. , R. L. Durham , R. W. Hoyt Geo. W. Boyt Presldeat Vice-President ..Cashier Assistant Cashlar Traagaota a Gonaral Banking- Btulneaa. Drafts and ttrrs of'Trsdlt Uued iv.lUBto" to all parts of tba world. Collections a specUlty. Gold dmt bough. MORRIS BROS & CHRISTEN5EN tuccesaors to MORRIS A WHITEHEAD, BANKERS. FIRST AND ALDER STREETS. PORTLAND. OR. ssrsssircBS. Ladd a Tilton. Portland; IT. 8, National Balk. Portland; Bank of California. San Fran cisco; Crocker-Woolworth National Bank. 8aa Francisco, Bolton, deRuyter & Co. ' MXMBEBS. Chicago Board of Trade. San Francisco Pre. duce Exchange, Sau Francisco Stock and Bond Exchange. GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS, BONDS end COTTON. San Francisco Offlce 490 California 8t, lOt THIRD 8T. PORTLAND OB MOBTOAOB LOANS at Lowest Batea. INSUBAMCE IM AXiX. LUTES. BEAT, ESTATE. A. H. BIRRELL Pormarly of SCacMaatex a Birrs U. REAL ESTATE. GENERAL INSCRANCB AND FINANCIAL AGENCY. 103-4 McXay Building, Third snd Btark. . Phone, Main til. MORTGAGES LOANS On Portland real estate at lowaat rates. Titles Insured. Abiincts furalabe-L - Title Guarantee & Trust Co.; 1 Chamber of Commerce. . HOTICB RALAHXED SBOriJB - . Do you need money before fay day? Can en us. We can advenes mousy oa your wages on abort notice, You pay back monthly, semi' mouth ly or weekly. J: THE STAB T.OAIT CO., . 10 McKay Bldg.. Third and Start ava, JSOBXT A9TAJT0X9. - ' Salaried reopl. teamsters, etc., without Mew Ity, easy paymattsi largos buaUjs ta 41 principal eltlea. ' , TOXsMAV. 99 Abtnrtoa BT'f. - XOBTOAOB LOANS. Ofl" Improved city sad farm prxrtr, est cur rest fates! building kens. Install. Wm. aSaelfater, V t ! I