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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1903)
TILE ; OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, JULY 18, 1903. FATHER OF CIRL SAVES A WRETCH I An Ex-Convict Is Given Em 1 ployment and Returns Good Will by Assaulting His Em ployer's Daughter, SHIPWRECKED IN GULF OF MEXICO Schooner Amelia Lyons Goes to Bottom In a Terrific Storm, (Posse Pursues Offender and .Lynching Would Have Re sulted Had Not Parent Inter ceded for Villain. CHARLOTTKSTOWN. W. Va.. July .,11. John Hayes, an ex-convlct, yester day afternoon criminally assaulted the young daughter of hla employer, a I prominent lumberman. Outcries brought the mother to the young girl's assist ance and Hnyea fled. Parties pursued the wretch all night, and caught him this morning. He would have been ' lynched, but the girl's father prevented the deed, and succeeded In having him brought to Jail. ' (Journal Special Berries.) PENSACOLA, July 18. The schooner Amelia Lyons, loaded with merchandise for Mobile, capsized and went to the bottom In a terrlflo storm IS miles off shore this morning. William Ward, a wealthy merchant of Mobile, who was on a pleasure trip, waa drowned. Qua French, the mate; and Jamea McVall, a passenger, were also drowned. Other members of the crew were four hours exposed In open' boats without oars and several were entirely nude. They were rescued by a passing' steamer. The ves sel Is well known on Puget Bound and on the Pacific Coast. PROMISE GOOD IN EKES Of LAW Because Hofer, at Champoeg, 4 I old Sheriff He Would Not Sell Hops, Supreme Court Keverses Decision, BINCER HERMANN CROWS VERY ACTIVE ; f ",'"1 ' Visits Tillamook for Purpose of Looking Over Har 'bor facilities, (Journal Special Service.) NORTH YAMHILL. Or.. July 13. Hon. Blnger Hermann arrived up from Portland Saturday morning and took paasage on the North Yamhlll-Tlllamook LINE OFFICERS TO ELECT HEAD A Colonel for the Reorganized Third" Regiment, 5 O. N. G,, May Be Portland Man, So Headquarters Can Stay. ' - i r , ; ' l, Famous Su t for $6,460 Worth r? for, ttm' Zb"bX toe 19 Hereafter Oregon Militia Will , , ' ,r I, ., " r , confer with the Chamber of Commerce . r A r- - cm . ot rroauce must Now oe and Port of Tulftmook Comml",lon r,Ia" uhsim ui i o companies, oix DAMAGE DONE BY WATER IN SILESIA ROBERTS GIVES UP THE LEGAL BATTLE a a i i t i t He. will bo trom lacoma to ' Stand Trial at San Fran cisco for Larceny, (Journal Special Service.) TACOMA. Wash.,' July 13. George Roberts, wanted in San Francisco for grand larceny, and arrested two months ags In Seattle, has given up the fight to prevent his extradition. He applied : this morning for a writ of habeas corpus to Judge Delia ven of the United States Circuit Court which was refused. His time for depositing a 15,000 bond to back his appeal from the decision o! the Pierce County Superior Court last week on application for habeas corpus, expires tonight , Roberts says he will stand trial, but that his arrest was brought about by members- of hls- wife's- family, -who op posed her marriage. THEY OPENED OTHER PEOPLE'S LETTERS Ed and Sam Hall Get Into Trou1 ble at Pendleton with Uncle Sam, (Journal Special Service.) PENDLETON, Or., July 13. Ed and Sam Hall were arrested here this morn ing for obtaining a letter containing a money order for $10. belonging to ' Maggie Hall at Walla Walla, They will be given an examination tomorrow be fore United States Court Commissioner Halley. YOUNG CORBETT HAS HARD PROGRAM Storms Lay Waste to German Provinces and Many Peo ple Are Dead, (Journal Special Service.) BUFFALO, July -18 mig Corbett does not propose to be idle this summer. He has four fights on his bands now, and as soon as he has gone through these ne will arrange a match with Benny Yanger or Eddie Hanlon. It is likely that the latter will be given the preference. Corbett, no doubt, realises the value or keeping himself before the public as a fighter. In the four matches he has on hand he has not selected'' any particularly hard game, and in doing this ne also snows good judgment. Billy Maynard, whom he met in Philadelphia last winter, and who Is supposed to have bested him. Is. perhaps the hard est of the quartet, and no doubt, Cor- tett will condition-himself properly and dispose of Maynard In Jig time, as did WcOovern when he fought him. Cor bett from all that can be learned. Is on a fair way to accumulate money. He has been prospering since he gained that second victory over McOovern, and the theatrical engagements he has planned for lh . comirur. winter should yield good profits, for Corbett is now a good drawing card. IN JAIL AND REPENTANT Charged with assault and battery by Martha Post, or Flick, R. L. Flick, an employe of Portland General Electric Company, waa arraigned In the Police Court today. He will have his hearing tomorrow. . Late Saturday night the loud screams f the woman attracted thve officers to W CV . I'Db .HaillDl.ll Oil IP. XL Is claimed that Flick was Intoxicated and the woman stated that he had threatened to kill her. Flick waa taken Into custody and the woman was also held as a witness. The woman admits that she has wronged her husband, whom she de serted in Duluth some time ago to run away with Flick, who formerly boarded at her house. "She also left behind a 6-weoks' baby. She says she Is willing to return to her husband, who has promised to take hor back. NO RUSH FOR TICKETS Transcontinental Lines Not Selling Many Special Bate Fares to the East. The special return-trip rate of $71.50 to Chicago and return over all trans continental lines went into effect Sun day and tickets will be on sale until the evening of the 16th. Local agents Bay the sales have not been large and are rot expected to be. During the first two days of the special June sales there was a rush, but this was owing to the rloee of school and many' travelers to the East desired to take their children with them. FERRY COMMITTEE MEETS Aasldshts of Alblna Present to Help -Adjudicate the Vexations 1 Problem. The Alblna Ferry Committee and a representation of people from that sec tion were to m"tt this afternoon at 4 o'clock In the office of Mayor Williams at the City Hall. The principal subject fur discussion is to be the location of Jermtrmls. Incldentaaly the vexatious question wtll be -thoroughly aired and it Is hoped some satisfactory, conclusion will he reached. 1 (Journal Special Service.) BERLIN, July 13. In the Provinces of Silesia snd Posen there have been disastrous and fatal floods. At Lagen bruck 30 houses were swept away and 1$ were wrecked at Wless. Sevenslegen fals and Telnoldsdorf are badly dam aged. Fifteen thousand acres are sub merged. Railway traffic Is suspended through the entire district and the crop Is damaged 11,000,000. Scores have been drowned and 1 were killed by light ning. BRIDGE AT ONTARIO mm a im Contract tet for Steel Structure to Spaa Malheur Klver Hear Its Month. (Journal Special Service.) ONTARIO, Or.. July 13. The con tract for the construction of a new steel bridge across the Malheur River near the mouth of that stream, about two miles north of this city, has been awarded by the County Court to F. M. Flagler, of Council Bluffs, la., for 14,286. The bridge Is to be 120-foot span, 14 reet wide, to De laid on tuDuiar piers of S-10-lnch steel, filled with Portland cement, to stand 16 feet above low water mark. The foundation has been laid and the brick laying will commence Monday on the three-story hotel building which will be erected by J. M. Brown on Main street of this city. The excavation Is being made. for the foundation of the new BapMst Churoh at the corner of Virtue street and Cali fornia avenue. The new iron office building of L. Adam, the lumber merchant, is enclosed and will soon be completed. The Wilson and Duffy bricks are nearing completion. The former will be occupied by Loom is' Jewelry store and the latter by James Reed s saloon. and Houston Napton's reat estate office William Morfltt has been awarded the contract for grading and leveling the public school grounds. Joseph Steffa and Miss Myrtle Bur roughs were united in marriage by Rev. Thomas Spight, Jr., of the Baptist Church last Wednesday. , The newly wedded pair departed on the evening train for Boise on a brief wedding trip. Mrs. C. E. Noe will take her de- parturfi today. . for Autarn,...-CaJ.. on three months' visit to her parents. Mr. Ne will -accompany, his. wife as far as Portland. Oeorge Wright, Harry Test and Roy Smith departed today for a three weeks' outing In the vicinity of Bear Valley, Ida. T-UJ k.. ll-U-J AH ve w necessary improvements io IIIOU Vy JUiy UllllCU Mill- Tillamook bar and harbor. He sans Win Suit. of Which Will Be Stationed In This City, the waa met at the depot by Hon. Lee Laughlln, Postmaster F. L. Trullinger and Vine W. Pearce, editor of the Record, who enter tained him during his brief stay In this town. The National Guardsmen of the state Horth Tarn hill Olay. are wondering who1 are to be the Held The Western Clav Manufacturing officers of the reorganised regiment. Company of Portland are shipping large Many are of the opinion that a Portland quantities of olay shale to Portland I man should be eleoted Colonel. In' order from a claybank on the farm of John that the regiment headquarters may re- Harris, a mile west or town. At Port- "a in this olty. It la thought that land the clay is made into sewer pipe, we otner field officers will be dlstrlb- and is said to be the best material for ""a m a manner pleasing to miu ins the purpose In the state. There is an medical staff of the regiments will not endless quant.ty of the material In the be reorganised. bed, which has been secured by the The following Is the order Issued for clay company. I reorganisation: vrenerai vsraers no, . Headquarters Oregon National Guard. Adjutant Gen eral's Office, Portland. Or, July 11. 10I. i Pursuant to a resolution adopted by I DEATH OF W, J. MAGOON , (Journal Special Service.) SALEM, Or., July 13. The Supreme Court today handed down opinions In cases heretofore heard as follows: B. B. Colbath, appellant, vs. John Hoefer et aL, respondents; appeal from Marlon County; Burnett, Judge; re- versed; opinion by Justice Wolverton. This was a case wherein the sheriff levied upon 136 bales of hops, valued at $6,460, In possession of the defend ant, and owned by A. L. Lee, at Cbam- poeg. Hoefer, one of the defendants. receipted for the hops, acknowledging ararnlshment and aarreelnr to hold lhe hops for the sheriff. The defense as- Well-Knows. Trait Orower Hesidlng on I tn Military Board, for the purpose of serted that the plaintiff never actually -., - xrr complying with the requirements of the levied on the hops, and denied that any --.--.- Act of congress to promote the effl- hops were In their Dossesslon. The de- Disease Testerday. clency of the militia and In order to fendants secured Judgment on their Heart failure, aggravated by general conform the organisation of the Oregon pleadings in the lower court, and the ae- debility and following ill health of a National Guard to that of the Regular tion was dismissed, when the plaintiff year a standing. abused the sudden death I Army, the Infantry forces are hereby appealed. The Appellate Court holds OI . j. Aiagoon. agea f, a weu-anown I """iiu toiiows: that the sheriff, having relied upon tho fruit grower, at his home on Gravel I First The brigade organisations, the nrnmiH nf thi ,finAnti tn hnM Him Hill, near the Sunderland Road shortly organisations of the Third and Fourth hons. the defendants are precluded from after he had loft his bed yesterday Regiments and of the First Separate claimlnar that the hons were not in their morning. Battalion are disbanded to take effect r I itn m . . ... . (w.rt.,a u t..i Ae - possession, and that the complaint wnue xnr. aiagoon s neaitn naa peen "" uy ui amy, va. rapmnnwi railing steadily during the past tnree I oparie riaiiaiion neia, stare ana months he had been able to attend to non-commissioned staff officers will con hls fruit crop up to Saturday. The tinue to perform their duties until prop- funeral took place at Dunnlng's under- erly relieved. taking establishment at 2 o'clock this Second Company A, Third Regiment afternoon, the services being under the and Company H. Fourth Regiment, are auspices of Sumner Post, No. 12. G. A. I disbanded to take effect the 16th day of R. Deceased is survived by two sons. July, 1903. his wife having died several years ago. Third The remaining 16 companies of Mr. Magoon was a prominent mem- infantry are organised as a regiment of ber of Sumner. Post. He enlisted in 13 companies and a separate battalion of Company B, Eighteenth Iowa Regiment four companies, to be known as the in 1862, but received his discharge for Third Regiment of Infantry, and the disability the year following. He set- First Separate Battalion of Infantry, re- tled on his present fruit farm in 185. spectively. He. wasremaxkably successful Jn irult .J&,ti&Min. growing having developed several new ate assigned and designated as follows: varieties of strawberries: Third Xesiment of Infantry. Irr, lnimi mro -company A, irsi separate uawaiion. ftULU VVUIVIrtlN UILO I Company A, Third Infantry. Company B, Third Regiment, Com- NOW IS THE, TIME 4 WhHe your family Is away enjoyiagthclr vacation, to have your home : wired and eonibfild . whh ELECTRIC LIGHTS, so as to be prepared for the W ions vfinwr mguu . REMEMBER, WE ONLY CHARGE YOU FOR WHAT YOU USE.. Portland General . Electric Co. StVlNTH AND ALDER STRUTS THE PORTLAND rosnuurp, omaoov. showed facts sufficient to go Derore a Jury. Judgment Is reversed and a new trial ordered. - 1 LA GRANDE PROSPEROUS Say Prices Will 8s Higher This Tear Than Xrer Before Pruit Crops. (Journal Special Service.) LA GRANDE. Or., July 13. This season hay will be worth more in this valley than for many years before. Wild hay, owing to the lack of rain in the early summer, Is less than half a crop. Grain will be cut for j.hay, but not enough to make up" th shortage. An offer of $8 per ton has been refused, the buyer to cut the crop himself. Cherry picking will begin about the Jptter part f this week In the Cove district. Lowest estimates place the crop at 13,000 boxes. Contracts are be lng signed for the output of probably half the orchards at four and six cents per pound. Prunes are of excellent size and the yield Is heavy. The apple crop will be larger than usual, and the fruit of fine size. JAMES LEMON IS ACCUSED James Lemon, colored, was arraigned In trie Police Court charged with having robbed "Bob Patterson, a well-known saloonkeeper of the North Knd, of a valuable diamond pin last week. The case will be heard tomorrow. The suspect was arrested by Detec tives Kerrigan and Snow and was posi tively Identified by Patterson. The lat ter, in describing the suspect, told of his having a peculiar walk and It was by th Is that the officers recognized him as they spied him at the corner of Stark street. It is claimed that Lemon is one ol a gang of colored thieves who came here from San Francisco. S, P, TRAIN DERAILED (Journal Special Service.) HORNBROOK, Or., July 13. The engine of the southbound Southern Pa cific train No. 221 was derailed at Cole station late Saturday afternoon by cat tle on the track. Little damage was done, other than delaying traffic for an hour and 20 minutes. ". Cutting Prices of Meat. SALEM, July 13. The meaf markets of this city are engaged In war, "cutting of prices Is the order of the day, and the iltimate result cannot be foretold. Handbills quoting prices are scattered on the streets, ana tne public ror the first time in-.several years, is getting. meat at low rates. The Patterson Case. Leo J. Patterson, respondent, vs. United Artisans, appellant; from Mult nomah County. Oeorge, Judge; affirmed opinion by Justice Bean. This action was brought for $1,900 on an Insurance policy on the life of re spondent's father The defense was that the deceased committed suicide in vio lation of the policy contract The plain tiff prevailed In the lower court and the Appellate Court holds that, the admis slons of members of the order in thel testimony, damaging to the defendant' case, were properly admitted Dy tne court The case is affirmed with costs Van B. Sears, executar, respondent vs. Phyla Daly, appellant; appeal from Marion County. Burnett, Judge; re versed; opinion by Justice Bean. In this case the court lays down the rule that, where the defendant denien the signature to a note, the burden of proof is on the plaintiff to show .hat the signature Is genuine, or, If signed by another, that the principal approved or authorised the same. Other cases were: M. J. Hawley, re spondent, vs. W. B. Hawley, respondent, and Mrs. C. M-Brown et al., appellants from Lane County, Hamilton, Judge; af firmed; opinion by Chief Justice Moore. Stephen Williamson et al., appellants, vs. Norm racinc jjumoer company, r- sDondents: from Multnomah, Cleland, Judge; affirmed; opinion by Wolverton. PRUNE ASSOCIATION Annual Xeetins; of Willamette Valley Growers Held la Salem. SALEM. July 13. The Willamette Valley Prune Association held its annual meeting- in this city on. -Saturday after noon, when a board or directors was elected, -consisting of the -following; H. S. GUe. L. M. Gilbert, H. J. Zercher, J. R. SheDard and A. W. Mlse. The organization is composed or tne leading prune growers of this part of the Valley, and has for a number of years been an Important factor In the develop ment of the prune industry and the mar keting of the product having Introduced the Oregon prune in the leading mar kets of the United States not only, but has also opened the markets of England and France to the now famous Oregon fruit. The Association-controls the ma jority of the prune orchards of Marion and Polk counties, and Its output brings rich returns to the growers, the Pheas ant Brand of Oregon prunes, put up by the Association, having gained for it an enviable reputation. At Saturday's meeting Messrs. Fletcher and High of Vancouver, Wash., were In attendance, for the purpose of secur ing Information regarding the plan of operation of the organization, wltn a view to" perfecting- a similar xooporative organization of fruit growers at Van couver. The visitors were given every opportunity to inform themselves and it likely they will put the. 'knowledge thus gained to immediate use, for the benefit of orchardlsts in Washington state. A. O. V. W. Installation. SALEM. July IS. Protection Lodge No. 2. A. O. U. W and Salem Lodge No. 19, Degree of Honor, held a Joint instal lation of officers on Saturday night, after which lc cream and other season- able dainties were served with a lavish hand to a large crowd of the members of the two orders in attendance. Past Grand Master S. A. McFadden Installed the officers of Protection Lodge, while Mrs. C. L. Parmenter performed a like service for the ladles. The officers in stalled were: Protection Lodge No. 2 Past Master, J. G. Graham; Master Workman, L. J. Brant; Foreman. A. J. Basey; Overseer, C. W. Brant; Recorder, J. A. Sellwood; Financier, P. H. Raymond; Guide, How- rd Sharp; Receiver, Jofin Molr; Inside Watchman, P. H. D'Arcy, Outside Watch man. Harry Miller. Salem Lodge No. 19 Past Chief of Honor. Mrs. Lettie Ross; Chief of Honor, Mrs. E. D. Raymond; Lady of Honor, Miss Grace Van Wagner; Chief of Cere monies, Miss Maud Morrison; Recorder, Mrs. Lucreia Burton; Financier, Mrs. Mjry Thatcher'; Receiver, Mrs. Carrie M. Holman; Sister, Usher. M-s. Delta Hill ; Inside Watch, Mrs. Margaret West; Outside Watch, Miss Elva Mc- Klnney. irn. f -t m. it I pany B. Third Infantry. J Company C. Third Regiment. nABQVABTSmS PO TOtmiSTS J0n OOKMXBCXAXi TmATSUBS. pedal rata mads to families and stogie rantlamaa, Tha ausaafas&mt trlU he pleased at an tlinss to show rooms and flya prloes, A saodsra rarklaa bath sstahMshaxsnt la the hotel. 4 " W 0. SpwSBSf Manaff. Company Succumbs. While on her way to Seaside, in com pany with her daughter, Mrs. M. B. Brownlee, Mrs. A. A. Forbis of Spo kane, died suddenly at the Ho"tel Port land yesterday of heart failure, aged 86 years. Mrs. Forbis and the Brownlees Com pany C; Third Infantry. Company D, First Separate Battal ion. Company D, Third Infantry. Company E. Third Regiment, Company E, Third Infantry. Company F, Third Regiment, Company F, Third Infantry. Company G, Fourth Regiment, Com- left 8pokane two weeks aro and started Pny O. Third Infantry. to the Coast from Green River Hot Company D, Third Regiment. Company Springs. On the train Mrs. Forbis was Company H. Third Infantry, taken very sick and when she arrived Company D, Fourth Regiment, Com- In Portland last Wednesday she was Pny I, Third Infantry. conveyed to the hotel and medical aid Company G, Third Regiment, Company summoned. Nothing could be done for K, Third Infantry. her. however, and she passed away yes- Company B. First Separate Battalion, terday. company u, xnira inrantry. Mrs. Forbis leaves five children, one Company F, Fourth Regiment Com- tt wtinm Tnfin V VnrMa rt Tufta la I DtflV M. Third InfftntrV. 4 attorney for the Amalgamted Copper I Plrst Separata Battalion of Zafantry. company. The others are: James W. Company A, Fourth ReglmenY, Com- Fnrhls And Mrs J n Runnnll of Riitto I . rA " xr. DLtcie ui nriKiiu mm mra, ivx. xj Brownlee of Spokane. COMERCIAL MUSEUMS The Department of Public ;Improye- . Poultry Netting WXOXASAXS, BSTAII Wire and Iron Fencing, BANK AND OFFICE RAILINGS Barhed Wire. Win and Zwa Pesetas;. PORTLAND WIRE IRON W0RK5 ataanfaotnrers. 108 V. TBXKD ST OOB. PXABDBBS. w. q. Mcpherson company REMOVED Company B, Fourth Regiment. Com pany B, First Separate Battalion. Company C, Fourth Regiment, Corn- Company B; Fourth Regiment, com-mTo New Warehouses, Shops and Offices, Corner pany D, First Separate Battalion. KT1 . . . . CA.. rr , . , m - f . - .. a . c vmvv m w W iUILTO 1 under VonsVdemion the tg?LiLJh 27 25 establishing commercial museums In ,ift,,tBnontrf0inBi Bnd thra. m.inri Sixteenth Street Car. connection with the more Important con sulates in foreign countries. Consul W. W. Canada says that through the efforts of the Mexican consul at Liverpool, Eng- the offloers of the four companies signed to the First Separate Battalion will elect one major; the electors to mall their written ballots to the In land, an exposition of the products of "I"" "" ', :.:" r'". JV" itiw . wt v. speotor of elections. Chamber of Com meroe Building, Portland, Or, so as to place .Requests haVf 'teen made to , 7,- 0,,M"k m., of Saturday, July 25, 1903. Sixth The relative rank of officers governors of the several states to for. ward samples of the principal produo- .,T ZldZ' iiMr , . i , elected will be determined as provided Mexican exposition at Milan, Italy, is in aQH ki nt , mnt.r. complete working order, and is visited daily by merchants and manufacturers, who come in direct communication with the Mexican producers. DR. W. A. WIBB. Painless Extracting! We do Crows and Bridge Work without pais. Our 19 years' experience Is plats work enables U to fit jour BtontB eomforUbly. We hare feeling at well as yoa. Dr. W. A. WIm, msDager, has foond a of way to extract teeth absolutely without pain. Dr. T. P. WIm is an expert at Gold filling and Crown and Bridge Work. Rxtractlng free wban plates or bridges are ordered. 208-213 FAILING BLDG, YUCATAN CROP RUINED in Section 61 of the military code. Seventh Col. James Jackson, In-SDector-Oeneral. is detailed as Insoector of Election, and is authorised to desig- WISE BROS.. Dentists .-,si n - n,wa mii Jt I Opto ttDlogfl till 9. BundAfi from I to 11 BUUUiU I .11 C. AO.IU.O ,W Ull Villi VI more of the above vacancies. Eighth The following Is hereby .rk- ftr whl-h ther are resnonslble: DB. T. P. WIS. Cor. 3d and Wash. Su. Or. Main 2029. In reporting to the Department oACJf " 8eCtl0n 8 8 state property will be shipped to the L, ,T mm - guanerraaBier-irenerai, ana mo umwu .W.JGftWMfe fiV Yfira. Crur sayg that I9s ZZl-ZnZ. Ite ?Sl-Vr.XZ ronanr.nninnal ann rhrss m n Inss fka I.. , . m failure of the corn crop of that section. Ill- ' Jl , m. " 6W mada ror tnese two classes 01 A rilseoRft Is destrovlne corn In the field . " property.. ---o, fiTiarTAPmnNTAP ntiA rnmmiaaaiv sir ssir i . , . . ' Ind all the efforts of the agriculturists .,"7""" jrourteemn company commanaers o, stamp It out have been without sue- ?LSt?f i?."?1?..? 2 1 will comply with the directions glvew In cess. The Consul further states that a -J JZ V,' .Z. " : ;UL"T.,. paragraphs 1J and 13 not later man shortage in the supply should be ex- y""v.!!r, " " "-' 2" w u' "ly l. pected from that region In the coming ;;i.-'- TV.(i,nl; Z L.nn nnrt .irepsts tht our ?thM details as may be authorised by r.. rV'- r..h v, law or regulations. By order of the commander-in-chief. C. U. OANTENBEIN, Adjutant-General. THROUGH TBAUSr SBBTZOB Between Portland and All Clatsop Beaon point r, on ana Monday, July 6. JUSTICE COUT NOTES' The Beparate Battalion shall be com manded by a major, and shall have as staff officers one adjutant of the grade of first lieutenant, and one quartermaster Sri j Justice of the Peace Beld's Court this Ninth The minimum and maximum i, Commencing Monday, July 6. the As-1 numbers of enlisted men in a comoanv u..- 1 a -i ' -r. torla & Columbia River Railroad Com- of infantry and troop of cavalry Is here LnA7,7Ho. h.Shir -hnn ritho,,? hAiZ nrniv will resume its rearular Summtr L.......f An mea ,J , I" conducting barber shop without being easlde schedule, and train leaving T... 3v nd for thi. resrl8tere1' Jackson pleaded guilty and ir,in rnnt at rw AbHv win 8B- respectively, and for this purpose wfln finnd its. throu rect without transfer at As- oecuons o ana u oi me eguiations slilte ot Oregon ya. le Cadonau. for Union Depot at 8 it m. daily will run e-h filrect without tl'8.nsrer &r As toria to all Clatsop Beach points, mak- are nereoy amenaea to read as follows: not havlnK renewed his barber's license. iner close connection at Warrenton for Section 89. Each infantry comnanv I -,.... Fla-el. . . . . , . shall consist of one captain, one first v.. . .,u v.- .i Beginning Saturday, July 11, and er- lieutenant, one first sera-eant. on n.,. rr " ery Saturday therearter during the sea- ortnoitor-pirfinnt ttmr ii.r,- -i, aon. son. the popular Portland-Seaside Flyer termaster-sergeant, four sergeants, six Lena E. Cannon filed a complaint will leave Portland at 2:30 p. m.. arrlv- corporals, two cooks, two musicians, one against Edwin Wykes for the recovery Ln?at Asiorl?J at 6rX60 p' m- Gearhart artificer; In all not less than 60 nor of ,40 said to be due for the rent on. a 6:40 and Seaside 6:50 p. m., making di- more than 65 enlisted men. aaui.ll fruit farm rect eannection at Warrenton for Flavel. Section 90. Each troop of cavalry BU,tt" 'UJ; . . Round trip season excursion tickets ,.ii rnnriat nf nM mni.i, Hohklrk Begins Suit. - i from Portland to all Clatsop and North n,t, -. ut'Z ' Beach pbints sold at rate of $4.00 for 1Jeuitenant- on econd lieutenant, one round trip, and Saturday special round CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yoa Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of ' Pupils Marry. SALEM, July T 3 Julius Morris Dan iels and Miss Olive La Flumbolsa were granted a marriage license on Saturday fternoon. upon the application , of . As sistant Superintendent W. P. Campbell the united States Indian School at Chemawa. that gentleman.' as agent of the government, giving his consent to the marriage of the girl, who Is under age. and whose-- parents reside outalde the state. Both of the young, people are pupils at the school. The younar people were married on Saturday evening and will reside at the school for the pres ent. . Builds tm the nvstem: nuts ntire, rich Wood in the veins: mnkM mn and wnmojj sirong snd hea'thy. Burdock Blood ' Bitters. At any drag store. , Preferred Stonk Oanned tooOa Allen A Lewis' Best Brand urnlng Sunday evening, at 2.B0 for cooks, two farriers and blacksmiths, one of th Pacific National League, filed a d trip. Season commutation tickets saddler, one wagoner, two trumpeters u-!t aeralnst' the defunct club this af- lJ IX? K"irLpb-!Ttw.!Sn Prt.- m all nofless than 60 nor mora than 65 Urnoon. J. X Or)m, manager, and Dr. Peter Hobklrk, who holds a me- flrst iiprirfifint. nna nngr4enniiaii.a. I cnanics lien ror worK done on tnt trip tickets between same points, good geant, six sergeants, six corporals, two grounds of the i Portland baseball cluh returnin ruu i A r? ''i""" .."''. "f.Vw??uTuv.i- m all not'less than 60 nor mor than ss po'int Tsold for lOT -wh eiuM ,Bt men- ' ' , C E. Drake, -president of the -club, and tickets issued by the water lines are Tenth- Section .95 of the Regulations, w- a Lucas, president of the league. Interchangeable and will be honored on dividing the state Into military districts, ar nand defendants, and the Sum the trains of this company in either dl- is hereby repealed. of 12,160 is the amount claimeS for rection between Portland and Astoria. Eleventh From and attar Ti.ii, ; I labor performed. v 4utrt I 1903, Battery A will be known and des ignated as First Battery. Field Artillery. TwelfthThe commanding officers of Company A, Third Regiment, and of company h, rourtn Regiment, will pre- m m to fa(c7 fe'." ... Additional Information wUl be arladlv rurnisnea upon application to Mr. n;. tewlSr eoramerelal agent, 248 Alder street REDUCED THE SEA- KATES TO SHOBE. Go to Newport on" -Yaqulna Bay an ideal beach. It - is becoming very pop ular with the Portland people. The low rate of $3.00 has been made ' by the Southern Pacific Company in connection with the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad for the Sunday round trip, from Port land, tickets sood -going Saturday, re turning Monday. A delightful ride through the beau tiful Willamette Valley, with privilege of going up one side of the Willamette River, returning; the other. . , . Ask any S, P. Co. or C. & E. R.R. agent for a beautifully illustrated book let describing the seaside resorts at Yaqulna. ' , '. ' Praferred Stock Canned Ooodm, ' Allen & Lewis' Best Brand., ' . i J. J, FREY IS DEAD SEDALIA, Mo., July IS.- J. Frey, pare muster rolls of their commands In ( former general manager of the Santa triplicate, showing the name of each wno na8 oeen ror Blx weeas, oiw officer and enlisted man, members at th,s morning of aneurism of the heart, date of dlsbahdmehL All rhnnl. .h Ht was recently engaged In plans for an last muster will be entered in mi,,. I Alaska railway to connest ...with the of "Remarks," opposite the name of each I trans-Siberian line. nfficer and nion w ! t li ... t m L . . m i i whether or not he Is entitled to an hon- ASTHRI A-SH IPPINfi orable discharge. Dim eon nf th. -.- .. s nOlUntn Ollir I .4.11 U ter roll will be retained bv tha Rnmnanv commander, one will be forwarded to ASTORIA, Or., July 13. Yesterday the regimental commander, Jind the third the steamer Prentiss . sailed for San will be forwarded to these headquar- Francisco and the steamer Alliance rar- ters. t - i nveu from Hn.rmicHco yi vw o. of the companies mentioned iiv th. r-1 rltchiness of the skin, horrible plague. Just come here today and let me talk to you face - to face. I will prove that you .must .not neglect Yqur Tccth r ' "'''lEven v the most dell- I n fa naoJ Viatra via raali I siwu a v w v a, vai modern dentistry Is practically painless, Our consultation Is free. Our prloes are far lower than any pne. Offices in many cities and im mense , buying or us this advantage. supplies gives Filling, 1; teeth, $4; crowns, $3. ALBA DENTISTS DR. L. L. WHITE, Chief of Staff. PARK AND WASHINGTON, OVER EILERS PORTLAND, OR. ceding paragraph will pa"w suitable W&&J-'&StttSi cases for shipment all state and United, boiT0yJni vivyvny, iwin ana gun i store, 6tt cents, UVJUB CUBE TOB PH.ES. Itching piles produce, 'moisture and cause itching, this form, as well as Blind, Bleeding or Protudlng Piles are cured, by Dr.-Bo-san-ko's JPUe Remedy. Stops Itching and bleeding. Absorbs tu mors. 60c a Jar, at druggists, or sent by mall . Treatise free. Write me about I your case. Dr. Bosaole, Phll'a, Pa. - V