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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1903)
10 THE OREGON"- .DAILY r JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY- EVENING, JULY 7, 1903. HEALTH REPORT FOR LAST MONTH Shows a' Remarkable Change for the Better in the Preval- . ence of Contagious Diseases in Portand. citt notices. Blk 68. lot 1 The Title Ouartete Trat Company Blk 68, lot a. Tbe Titl Ouarante A Truat Company Blk 68, lot 4. Tb Tltlt Guarantee Truat Companr - Blk 68, lot 6, Tba Title Gaersntes Trust Companr Blk 68, lot 6. Tba Titl Ousrsntee Trust Companr Blk 68. lot 7. Tb Till Oaarantea Trnat Companr . Blk ft. ' lot 8. The Title Guarantee Trat Companr Blk 67, lot t, Tba Title Guarantee A Trout Companr Blk 07. lot 2. Tba Title Guarantee Truat Company Blk 67. let 3. Tb Title Guarantee Trnat Companr Blk 67. lot 4. Tbe Titla Guarantee Truat Company Blk 67. lot S. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trut Company Blk 67. lot , Tba Title Guarantee Scarlet Fever and Measles Have Decreased Nearly 50 bW. WTWava.;!.; Per CentOther Statistics ct it . jrrw. .;. iriPi . vuibi,t . Blk 67, lot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee Public Interest, . Truat Co. J8.ll 19.57 83.85 1B.03 17.33 28.97 80. 80 80.28 33.77 23.63 16.88 S3. S3 16.63 22.62 18.84 I 18.87 CITT JfOTIOEi. CITT ' NOTICE 6. OITT NOTICE!. Trnat Company . Blk 66, lot 8, Tbe Titl Guarantee A Truat Company . Blk 66, lot 16. W. P. Benedict Blk 66, lot 17, W. P. Benedict Blk 66, lot 18, W. P. Benedict Blk 67, tot 1. Tbe Title Guarantee ' Trout Companr . Blk 67, lot aTbe Title Guarantee Truat Companr Blk 67. lot . Tbe Title Guarantee Truat Companr . Blk 67, lot 16. Tb Titl Guarantee Trnat Company Blk 67. lot 17. Tb Titl Guarantee Trnat Company Blk 67, lot 18. Tb Titl Guarantee Truat Company Blk 70. lot 1. Tb Titl Guarante A Trnat Company Blk 70. lot 3, Tbe Titl Guarante A Trnat Company Blk 70, lot 8, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Companr . Blk 70, lot 16, Tb Titl Guarantee A Trnat Company . Blk 70. It 17, Tba Titla Guarantee A Trnat Companr Blk 70, lot 18, Tba Title Guarantee A Truat Companr T.40 1 Blk 64, lot 6, Tb Titl OaarantM A . ' I Trnat Compear ..A...., I8.80 Blk 64, lot T. Tb Titl Ouarante A Truat Company 80.11 Blk 64, lot a. Tb Titl Guarante A Treat Company .,..,1.., Blk 63, lot 1, Tb Titl Gnarante A Trnat Oomnanr Blk 68, lot a, Tb Titl Guarante A Trnat Companr Blk 68, lot 8. The Till Guarante A Truat Compear Blk 68. lot 4, Tb Titl Guarante A Trnat Companr .. Blk 68, lot 6. Tb Titl Ouarante A Truat Company Blk 63. lot 6T Tb Titl Gnarante A Trnat Compear Blk 68, lot 7. Tb Titl Curtate A Trnat Compaay ......... Blk 63, lot a. Tb Title Ouarante A Trnat Compear Blk 63, lot 0. Tb Titl Ouarante A Trnat Compear. ... ............f 4.93 60.04 61.84 1.671 1.11 1. 19 8.2 ei.n 66. S3 4.08 2.78 13.26 1S.83 80.37 assessment fob improvement or i CLACKAMAS STREET. Notlc 1 hereby given that tb .Council of ina i iiy or rartiana. ures-oo. at meeiinc aeia Ml Ion tb lat day of July, 1008. declared th- aeeement by ordlnsnc No. 13,410, for tb lm Jt 66 Proeement of Clackamas atraet, from tbe eaat line of Eeet fifteenth street to tbe ntsr 2H M Un of Eeat Twenty-fourth etreet. la tb man- aer provided by ordlnaaea No. 13.0781 noon ack tSM I lot, part of lot and bareel of land, which are "ii.hj muu imuuartf pcacuieu, to ne ae ui. low, rial . , Holladay' AddltJoa to But Port land Blk 176. lot V Th Orefoa Beat Es- tt C T. .10 Blk 176. lot a, Tb Orefoa Seal Es- . . mu ai i...a ......., ,iv "Ml Blk 176. lot a, Tb Orefoa Real K IBM U .40 Blk 176 lot S, Tb Oregon Real Es- fate v..... 10 18.231 82.18 22.08 19.841 18.28 OITT NOTICES. SAltkOAO TIMETABLES. Total 6808.68 A alatemeat of aforeaald aaaeaament baa been entered la tbe pocket of City Liens, and la now due and payable at tbe ofBc of the City Treasurer, In lawful mouey of the I'nlted Rtatee and If not Da Id within ter In th prevalence of contagloua dlaj- I thirty daya from tb date of tbla notice, encb I Jf (be aame aa are ' provided by the charter nt tha 1t nr Portland. The above aaaeaament will near interesi Th report of th Iioard of Health -for th month of June, laeued today, howa a remarkable change for th bet Total 11.638.44 A . atatement ef aforeaald aaaeaament baa been entered la th Docket of City Lien, and la now dn and payable et tbe office of tbe City Treesurer. In lawful money of the United State and if not paid within thirty daya from th data of thl notice, such I notice, proceeding win DO laaen ror ido cuim-n Total ..2932.28 A atatement of aforeaald aaaeaament baa beea catered In tb Docket . of City Llene, and la now dn and parable at th office of tbe City Treaaurer, In lawful money of tb United State and If not paid within thirty daya from th data ef tbla notice, encb proceeding will be taksn for tb collection of the earn aa are proylded by tb charter of th City of Portland. Th bor aaaeeaaaent will bear Interact ten day after tb flrat publication of tbla ihifina Unv tlrnr wm ill cum piWfMinm will be laaea ror toe collection aea. During; May mere waa zui caaea m. (h um, w, bJ tbt CDr nu in J -ine mere iuy ia or tne llty or Portland. reported. The report indicate an Un- t Tbe abore aaaeaament Will bear Intereet cfua v . I ten daya after the A rat mihlleatlna af thla TH08. C. DEVLIN. Andltor of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Orrfon, July 7, 1808. tX!i,tT ttn tb Pnt fol,,lc,Mo ot Iabbebimini to wpBOTwrorr of xaitI uaual deoreaae in the prevalence of none Bieaalea, for In May the Inspector waa TiOlinM or 111 caaea ana uurwi mo Portland. rtaat montn tner wer out o caaea. TH08. C. DEVLIX, Aadltor of the Otr ef Portland. Oregon. July T. 1803. T7I08. C. DBVLIM. Andltor of the City of Portland. Portland. Oreiton. July T, 1003. A8BZB8KZXT TOS IMPEOTIKEaT 07 tmO ATEMTE. Notice I hereby flea that tbe Council of AXDEB fTSZZT. Notice la hereby alraa that tbe Council of th City of Portland. Oregon, at a meetlna- beld on th let day of iuly, 1808. declared the aaaeaament by ordinance fto. 18,407, for the Improvement ef Eaet Alder (treat, froaa th weat line of Snnnyeld Third Addition to the tScarlet fever report ahow a correapond- A88EB8KEVT FOX 8EWEI IV EAST OLISAV reduction. ... IIIIIT. tb City of Portland. Ore(on. at a metln beld '?"' Ml"r Si' V "nlt 'i."AL'.''.i'S"i in Otlier way in June report in eai-i Notice la hereby glren that tbe Conncll of on tbe lat day of July, 1808, declare u.e ae- l"J..AM"i. Tti Blk J 77, lot 4, Th Orefoa Real Be tat C Blk 177, lot 8. Tb Orcfon Beal Ea- tat C Blk in. lot 6. Tb Orefoa Seal Ea- tat Co.... Blk in. lot 8, Tb Orefoa Beal Ea- Ut Co , Blk 180, lot 4. Tb Oregoa Beal E- t , tot Co ' Blk 180. lot a, Th Oreaxm Beal Bf tot O Blk 186. tot 6, Tb Oregoa Beal Be ta te Co Blk 186. lot 6, Tb Orefoa BaaJ Ei tot Co A tract of Had lying between , tbe eaat Un of block 186, Holladay Addition to Eaat Portland, and the weat Un ef block f , Ilolladay Park Addition to Portland. .Orefoa, and between tb north 'Un of Claekamaa a treat and a lino 100 (ret north af and parallel therewith, Tb .Oregoa Real Katate CO :. Holladay Park Addlltoa to Portlaa. Oregon" ' Em,. v. a - m.i. ri I ... . .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 on lo- ... oay ui .uy, ., -m-l"-t--"i.Z2- eawmeui or waiuaiH "I"'". " "J ikii .L i. ..i ..ll.. . Ilk I. lot 1 tafant.irv ta thna intereated In th I the I'ltr of Portland, rn-ernn at a meetlna bald maintenance of good heaitn. in aut- ii y or ,, jm rto im ae. p""' - " " Hzr -,u tiu follow. Wi.tlo. .re aa fnllnwa: aeeament oy oroinaoce no., ror we mu -- I a,lnM. ,,. ' . " , . . conatroctioa or a aewer In Kaat Ollaan ' t'ontacloua Dieeaaea Reported During ,h. u. in. . n.H... Month Diphtheria. I; meaalea, 68; tlon to Eaat Portland to a connection with Blk Ml. eaat U 1st 8. William K. Hart call I Blk 81, raat 2S feet of weat 80 feet lot 8, Cbarlea H. Raffety Blk 81, weat 38 feet lot 8, Darld Raf- reiy Truat Co.. Ik T. lot I, Tbe Titl Ouarante A via t .Trut uo. aunarelde Third Addition to Portland. Oreenal ' ' t 1, The Titl Guarantee A rralDelaa. 1; typhoid fever, t; acarlot ""C. T1U1 1! i?'?0;.? ' " ' - . . , t m I r-( aj m, leaai art aw, eaiiu livri Ul lanu, WIlitTal fever, 14; amallpox.-28. arc aneelally aid peculiarly benefited, to be Plrtha Reglatered During Month ee foilowa, via: iWalea. 87: feraalea. 13; total. 120. iiawinoroea rirai Aoamon to salt aiarr'age ncenaea inum uj vuum, BbM.fc , ln0 ft tot Htw rtreeT Kait MorrUo, atreet. in tbe manner provided tnnjaldf p rd Addit to Portia aa. Oregon: J . ao. a on.ra.w. . Add!: by ordinance No. 13.165. upon each lot. part B1k i, The Titl Ouarante. Trnet g'r';, th the ot lot and parcel of land, wblrh are apedally Truat Uk. ....... . ........ 1 "'x-i'. SI mt U la ib: and pecuHar benafitod, to be a. folfcm. yU: BkTttetCo,1 tl.M BlkY. lot "f, Tbi" Titl Guarantee' A , eaavaa Emm UnT 1 1 at lta4- . . " . V aW On a, a-a " Port- 46.22 7.70 I Clerk during month, lit Death Keciater During Month Alaha. 0: female. 28: total. 18. I Report of T. J. Hulme, the Jnepector f riiimblng and Drainage To the Honorable th Board of Health: Gen tlemen t hereby submit the following " IUIH ItW Balll.V . a., a. . . . . .report of work done in my department j Block 2, a loo ft. lot 11, The Haw Murine? th month of June. 1903: thorne Eatate 1 Ke hulMlna innnected. 81: Old " t 10. Tb Haw. mid building Inapected with new fix- Block 2, 8 ino ft."iot 'a.' Tbe' Paw. Aurea, 1S. cuaapoaia cuninxiou, aa, i worne eatate awera connected. 80; , written notlcea renorta of defective plumbing. 20 total number of llcenaed plumber, 46 report of defective plumbing, 40; clumblna remodeled on notice, 11; total number of visit for month. 617; total number fixture connected. 612 thorn Batata Block I. B 100 ft. lot 8, William I. Dndley Block 1, ,8 100 ft kt 8, Tb Haw thorne Eatate .... Block 1, a 100 ft lot f , The Haw. thorn Eatot Block 2. 8 ino ft. lot 12. Tbe Haw- morne Eatate lot 8, Bernard P. TOW TODAT. AMISTRT. ATTENTION. Tea. Every One of Ton. It la Abaolutoly and Poaltively rREB FREE flf I Kail to Do a I Claim.) ' T make solemn, oath to tell you mora ab solute facts In relation to not only th peat but th preeent and fatnr of your life, aa well a every hope, fear or ambition of yonr lire witaoot aaing you qu canon, j ma j wiu do for you. and more than any other clair voyant. palmUt or co-called fortuneteller la tbe world can do for you. I give apodal aulvlca on mining, bualneea tranaactlona of II kind In fact there la no thine that you aiiw want to know that I can not tell you. Aak ether clairvoyant! and palmteta to do aa I agree to do. IX they can 1 will gladly forfeit 10,000. REDUCED FEES BEVEN PATS 0NLT. rxor. BHELD0N. TBI C08M08." cor. Fourth and Morrlsoa ata. Ronma ' 37. 28. 29 and SO. Block 2. 8 100 ft. Mcuinale Block 2. 8 100 ft lot T. Delia A. Butler Block 8, S 100 ft lot 12. Tbe Haw thorne Eatate Block 8, S 100 ft lot 11. The Haw thorne Eatate Block 8. 8 100 ft lot 10. The Haw- thorne Eatata Block 8. 8 100 ft. lot 8. Tbe Haw thorne Eatata Block 8, 8 100 ft. lot 8. Tbe Haw thorne Katat Block 8. 8 100 ft lot T. The Haw- thorne Eatata Block 4. a 100 ft. lot IX Florence Crlttrnton Refuaa Home Block 4. 8 100 ft lot 11.. Florence Crlttenton Refute Roma Block 4. 8 too ft lot 10. Flora ace Crlttenton- Heroes Honae Block 4. a 100 ft. lot 8. r lores re Crlttenton Hefinre Roma Block 4. 8 100 ft lot 8. Florence Crlttenton Refnae Homa Block 4. 8 100 ft. lot 7. Florence Crlttenton Before noma Block 8, lot 8. Tbe Hawthorne f 85.65 Blk 81, eaat U of north 48.6 feet, lot 7. William K. Ifartsall 85.66 Blk 81, eouth 6 inches oefaat H lot 7, Htefano Allefranl 7. Cbarlea H. Raffety Blk 81, weat 33 feet lot 7. David Baf- rety Blk 81, north 18.6 feet lot 6, 8tefano Alletranl Blk 81, eoutb 80.6 feet lot 6. R. A. Crip- pen Eatate. neire or Blk 81, lot 6, R. A. Crlpprn Estate, heirs of .V Blk 83, lot 8, Loulaa Logua Blk 82. lot 7, Loulaa 'Lojrua Blk 83. lot 6. Loulaa Louie Blk 82, let 6. Loulaa Logua lot 8, John went Went Brady.... Brady.... Blk 88, lot 6, The Hawthorne Eatate., Blk 83, lot 5. Tbe Hawthorne Eatate.. 86.68 Blk 84, lot S, w. a. liadd Eatate, 86.58 86.68 85.65 85.66 85.68 88.68 88.68 88.66 89.65 86.85 Blk 83. eaat hi Blk 88. eaat H lot 7. John Blk 88, weat tt lot 8, J. F. Blk 83. weat ii lot 7. J. F. tate Block 8, tate . . Block 8, tate .. Block 8, tate .. Block T, Ea- lot 4, Th Hawthorns kit 8, Tbs Hawthorne Ea lot 6, The Hawthorne ' Ea- SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED Old furniture, carpets, atove. etc., taken In exchange for new, or bought at highest cash prices. Cheapeat out fitting hOU8e In town. , W. W. Savage, I Block ft. lot 2. Th Hawthorn Eatate.. lot . Marv I. Reeee Block T. lot 2. Jamea B. Blackburn..'.. Block 7, lot 8. Rachel L. Hawthorn Block 7. lot 4. Rachel I. TTawthnrne Block 7, lot 5, Htella Balllnger Block 7. lot 6. Emm J. fltevens mock 6. lot I, The Hawthorne Eatate.. Block 6, lot 2, The Hawthorn Eatate.. Block 6. lot ft. The llawthnrna Estate - Block 6. lot 4. Th Hawthorne Eatate.. Block 6. lot 5. Tha Hawthorne Ratata.. Block 6, lot 6. Tbe Hawthorne Eatate.. Block 6. lot 1. Th Hawthorne Eatate.. 845 First street OITT NOTICES. ASSESSMENT TOS BEWZE IN KNOTT STREET. . Block 5, lot 8, Tbe Hawthorne Eatate. mock O. lot 4. The Hawthorne Eatate.. Block 6, lot 6, Tbe ' Hawthorne Ea tate Block 5, lot 6, Tb Hawthorn Eatata.. Totol $1,872.75 A statement or aforeaald aaaeaament baa been 85.65 83.66 85.65 85.66 85.66 86.56 89.65 85.66 80.00 27.16 27.15 27.18 27.18 27.15 27.15 27.15 27.16 27.15 27.15 27.15 27.16 27.18 27.15 37.15 27.16 27.15 27.15 27.15 27.16 97.18 26.05 W. 8. Ladd Eatate, Notice I hereby given that tbe Council of "rr,d ,n r'"1 '.c,,t- L,1,'.t,Di. U the City of Portland, regon, at a meeting beld ETW due Preble at th office of the City th 1st day of July, 1003, declared th as- 2?'?"rri A" ''?! ""Jf' tn United esament by Ordinance No. 13.414, for the con- fi" nd J'.?0 P"ld within thirty days from traction of a sewer In Knott street from a be J tDl; notlf such proceedings will point 626 feet eaat of the eaat line of Union """'f the collection of the same aa venn to a connection with the aewer In ere Provided by tbe charter of tba City of t'nlon avenne, in tbe manner provided by Or- F0l. t ..... dinanee No. 18,246. upon each lot. part of lot . Th boT sesinent will bear Interest and parcel of land, which ar epecially and ""J" " trrt publication of this peculiarly benefited, to be follows, via.! notice. ..,, Albln THOS. C. DEVLIN, Blk 7. south lOO feet lot 8. Newmsn I .. . Auditor of the City of Portland. Goodman .1 8 24.80 "n uregon, juij j, iwh. aontb 100 feet lot 0, Conrad fell. T Wolf" Blk 7, sooth 100 feet lot 7, Henry Helier Blk 7. sooth 100 feet lot 8, John i Krieger , Um 7. ,soathM00, feet lot 8, Adam Blk 7, south "ioo' feeV lot 'lb" George Repp . . BJIk 7. sooth 100 feet lot 11. Mary E. ftcoflild Blk 7. south 100 feet lot 12, alary E. ' Seofleld Blk 7. sooth 100 feet lot 13, Jamea C. P. Weatengard Blk 7. south 100 feet lot 14. Jamea C. P. Weatengard . . Blk 7. north 100 feet lot 28, Daniel H. Harnett Hlk . 7. north 100 feat lot 27r jUllit Berry Blk 7. north 100 feet lot 2(1, H. N. Cock- erllne , Blk 7, north 100 feet lot 25, John Treber Blk 7. north 100 feet lot 24, alary E. i Clark Blk 7, north 100 feet lot 23, Conrad Rchwarta Blk 7, north 100 fet. lot 22, John Krieger Blk 7, north 100 feet lot 21, Wangus Johaoaon . . Blk 7. north 100 feet lot 20, Johu . Moor Blk 7. north 1O0 feet lot 18. John , Moore i 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 24.80 21.80 22.30 16.40 16.40 16.40 16.40 16.40 16.40 16.40 16.40 16.40 14.10 . Total . 8407.40 A atatement or aforeaald aaaeaament has ben entered In the Docket of City Lien, and Is now due and payable at tbe office of tbe City Treas urer. In lawful money of tbe United tatea, and If not paid Within thirty days from tbe date of thla notice, eucb nroceedlnn will lie taken for the collection of the aame aa are provided - by th charter or tbe city ( Portland. The above aaaeaament will bear Interest, ten Bays after the first publication of thla notlc. THOS. C. DEVLIN. Auditor of the City of Portland, i , Portland. Oregon, July 7, 1003. ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT OF EAST MORRISON STREET. ' Notice. Is hereby given that the Council of the City of Portland. Oregon, at a meeting held on ' the 1st day of July. 1!X3, declared the aseeae 'snent by Ordinance No. 13.40A, fur the Improve ment of East Morriaon atreet, from the went line of Runnyaide Third Addition to tbe eaat line of Sunnyalde Third Addlt.on, In tbe man ner provided by ordinance .No. 13.133, upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, -which are epecially and peculiarly bencfitcfri to be aa . Joltowwl.: Bunnyside Third Addition to Portland, Ore gon Blk 68, lot 16. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company $ 16.54 Blk 66, west H lot IS. Tbe Title. Guar antee A Truat Company 0.29 Blk 65, east H lot 15, Bernard E. fflt- B.28 Blk 65. lot 14. Bernard E. Witter JW.83 Blk 65, lot 18. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company 84.59 Blk 65, lot 12, Laura Breaks 22. S4 Blk 65, lot 11. Laura Breake 81.48 . Blk 66. lot 10, Laura Break' 32.02 Blk 65, lot 0, I .aura Breake M.'M Blk 66, lot 18, W. P. Benedict 3)1.48 Blk 66, lot 17, W. P. Benedict 32.01 Blk 66, lot 16, W. P. Benedict 28.U Blk 66, lot 15, Th Title Guarantee A Truat Company 20.18 Blk 66, lot 14, Tb Title Guarantee A i Trust Company . v.... '....v.. v.... 22.Su Blk 66, lot 18. Tb Titl Ouarante A . Truat Company ..................... 16.31 Blk 66. lot 12, Tba "Title Csaraatee A .. Trust Company . 16. y 7 Blk 66, lot 11. Tb Titl Ouarante A Truat Ompany . 4, ....... ........... 17.S7 Blk 66, lot 10, Tb Titl Guarantee A . Truat Company . 18.00 T'k evt, lot , Tbi Titl Guarantee A Trust Company , ., 16.31 ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT OF EAST THIBTT-SEVENTH STREET. Notlc la hereby given that the Council of tbe City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting beld ou the 1st day of July, 1003, declared the aaaeaa ment by Ordinance No. 13,4416, fur tbe Improve ment of Eaet Thirty-seventh street, from the center line of Eaat Yamhill street to the south line of Bsse Line Rosd, tn tbe manner pro vided by Ordinance No. 13,185, upon each lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which are so cially and peculiarly benefited, to be ss fol lows, vis. : 8unnyslde Third Addition to Port land, Oregon Blk 61, lot 8, The Title Ouarantee A Truat Company $ 65.84 on oi, tot i, th nue uuaraniee at he Ira of Blk 84, lot 7, W. 8. Ladd Estate, belrs of Blk 84. lot 6, W. 8. Ladd Eatate, helra of Blk 84, lot 6, helra of Blk 102, let 1, S. and Rebekah Hocb- feld Blk 102, north H lot 2. Frank Bode.... Blk 102. aontb H lot 3, S. W. Church Eatate, helra of Blk 103. lot 3. Bernard Pape Blk 103. north H lot 4. Sarab J. kfcKlt rick Blk 102. south H lot 4, Henry 81ns helmer Blk 101, lot 1, Eugene snd Werner Brey msn Blk 101, lot 2, The Alliance Trust Com pany. Ltd Blk 101, lot 8, Tbe Alliance Trust Com- rny. Ltd 101, lot 4, Eugene snd Werner Brey- man Blk 100, beginning st tbe northwest corner of block 100. East I'ortlsnd. thence south along th weat Hue of aald block 60.3 feet, thence eaat along a line 60.3 feet sonth of snd Karallel with tha north line ot said lock 40.83 feet, thence north along a Una 48.83 feet eaat of and parallel with tha weat Use of said block 15 Inches, thence eaat along a line 48.06 feet south of snd parallel with the north line of ssld block 10.88 feet, thence south slong a line 68.76 feet east of and parallel with tha west line if ssld block 12.6 inches, thence esst along a line 60 feet sonth of and parallel with the north 11ns of ssld block 80.34 feet, thence north slong a line 100 feet esst of snd Parallel with the west line of said lock to Its intersection with tb ssld north line of ssld block, thence west slong tbe north line of ssld ' block to place ot beginning, Lou ise H. Boise snd Catherine H. Beck. Blk 100, beginning st point In tb west line ot block 100, 60.2 feet south of tb northwest corner of said block, thence eaat along . a Un 60.2 feet south of snd parallel with the north line of ssld block 48.88 feet, thence north slong a line 48.88 feet esst of snd parallel with the weat line of ssld block 15 inches, thence esst slong a line 48.05 feet south of sod parallel with tbe weat line of aald block 12.5 inches, thence eaat Slong a line 60 feet south of snd par allel with tha north Un of ssld block 80.24 feet, thence south along a line 100 feet eaet of and parallel with the weat Un of aald block to a point 100 feet aontb of tbe north line of said block, thence west along line 100 feet south of snd pnrsHet with the north line of said block the west line of ssld block to a point at its Intersection with the west Una of ssld block, thence north along tbe west 11 n of ssld block to tb place ef beginning, E. A. Baldwin Blk 100, lot 4, E. A. Baldwin Blk 100, lot 4. E. A. Baldwin Blk 90, lot 1, William K. Bralnsrd. Biuca os, an as. ins -xuas uaaraniaw A Trnat Co.., 88.48 Block 64, lot 18, TB Titl Ouarante u A Truat Co.r! 128 Block 64, lot 13, Th Titl Guarantee A Trnat Co 87.T4 Block 64, lot 11, Tb Titl Guarante A Truat Co... 88.81 Block 64. 'lot 10, Tb Title Ouarante A Truat Co 48 88 Block 64, lot 0, Th Titl Guarantee A Trust Co.. 46.27 Block 68. lot 18, Tb Titl Guarantee A Truat Co 42.81 Block 68. lot 17, Tb Title Ouarante A Trust Co. 41.22 Block 68, lot 18. Th Titl Ouarante A Truat Co. 41.17 Bioca bs, tot is. The Title Guarantee A Truat Co 81.68 Block 63. lot 14, Tb Titl Ouarante A Trust Co 60.03 Block 63. lot IS, Tb Titl Guarante A Trust Co 88.08 Block 68. lot 12. Tbs Titl Ouarante A Trnst Co 85.88 Block 68. lot 11. Tbs Titls Guarantee A Trust Co.... 86.86 Block 68. lot Iff, Tb Titl Ouarante A Truat Co... 86.80 Block 66, lot 1. Tb Titl Ouarante A Truat Co. 16.55 Block 65. lot 3. Tb Titl Ouarante A Truat Co 18.75 Block 68. lot 8, Tb Titl Gaarante A Truat Co 18.88 Block 65, lot 4, Tbe Title Oaarantea A Trust Co 8663 Block 65. lot 5, Tbs Title Guarante A Trnat Co 36.23 Block 65. lot 6. Tbe Titl Ouarante Truat Co. SS.oo Block 65, lot 7, Tb Titl Guarante A Truat Co. 88.84 Block 65, lot 8, Th Titl . Guarantee A -Trust Co. 43.60 Block 66, lot 1, Tbs Titl Guarantee A Trust Co 48.08 Block 66. lot 2, Th Titl Ouarante A Trust Co 42.88 Block 66. lot 8, Th Titl Ousrants A Trust Co 42.64 138.18 Block 66. lot 4. Th Titl Ouarante A Trust Co 83.03 68.10 Block 66. lot 6, Tb Titl Guarante A Truat Co DI.85 60.60 1 Block 66. lot 6, Tb Titl Ouarante A Tract Co 84.86 Block 66, lot 7, The Title Gaarante A Truat Co 86.81 Block 66. lot 8, Tb Titl Guarante A Truat Co 87.68 Block 66, lot 8, Tb Titl GoSrahiw A Trust Co 86.66 7.71 83.82 1.00 10.83 10.82 60.86 78.62 134.86 137.86 131.83 . 68.10 60.50 40.43 40.44 8.37 8.86 66.50 70.00 70.00 64.60 62.60 6ZA0 67.76 47.02 47.03 118.80 67.73 67.72 142.86 Trust Co. Blk 8. lot 6. Tb Titl Guarantee A Trust to Blk 8, lot 6. J. Woods Smith.. nil S, lot . I. wood Bmlta Blk 8, kt 8, Lotto Cbas Rralth Blk 8. lot 2. Lotto Chan Bmltb...... Blk 8, lot 1, Lotto Cbas Bmltb Blk , lot 8, J. Wood Smith Blk 8, lot T, J. Woods Smith Blk 8, lot 6, J. Woods Smith Blk 8. lot 6, J. Woods Smith Blk 8. lot 4. Th Titl Ouarante A Treat Co Blk 8. lot 8, Th Titl Ouarantee A Truat Co A tract of land lying between tbe eaet line of block 8, Holladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon, ad tb wt line of block 14, Holla day park Addition to Portland. Ore gon, snd between th north line of Claekamaa street snd line 100 feet north of snd parallel therewith, William Nleolal Holladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon The Title Ouarante nn 81.00 122.43 184.28 167.43 165.21 128.27 116.07 105.21 8fl.7 16284 175.74 188.28 176.6 110.67 88.28 84.42 16.72 653.30 Tb Titl Ouarante A to Eaat Port B8.71 TTBat.ConiDtiiy, Ik 81, lot oTTh , 8 84 Elk W, V,t 2. JrVllllam KfcBrlnd. ,i ifTMaTniiaeanVii jv ' W. lot 8, Thomaa B. -West,.'.... . . .. 1.66 Blk tot Thomas B. West.....! Truat Company Blk 61. lot 11, Tb Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 81, lot 10, The Title Ouarantee A Truat Company Blk 61, lot 8, The Title Ouarantee A Truat Company Blk 64, lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Trnst Company Blk 64. lot 7, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 64, lot 6. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 64. lot 11, The Title Ouarante A Trust Company . Blk 44, W, The Title Ouarantee A Truat Company Blk 04, lot 8, The Title Ouarantee A Truat Company Blk 65, lot 8, The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 65, lot 7, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 65, lot 6, Tbe Title Ouarantee A Truat Company Blk 65, lot 11, Laura Breake Blk 65. lot 10, Laura Breake Blk 65. lot 8, Laura Breake Blk 68, lot 8, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 68. lot 7, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 68, lot 0. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 68, lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 68, lot 10, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 68, lot 8. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk AO, lot 8. Tbe Title Guarantee A . Truat Company Blk 60, lot 7, The Title Guarantee A Trust Company . , Blk 69, lot 6, The Title Guarantee A Trust company . Blk 00, Kit 11. Th Title Gusrantee & Trust Company Blk 68, lot 10, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 69, lot 8, Tbe Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 62. lot 1, Tbe Title Ouarantee A Truat Company Blk 62. lot X Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 62, lot 3. Tb Titl Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 62. lot 10, The Title Guarantee A Trnat Company Blk 62, lot 17, Tb Title Ouarantee A Truat Company . Blk 62, lot 18. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk &1. lot 1, The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 63. lot 2. The Title Ouarante, A Trust Company Blk 6.1, lot 8. The Titl Guarantee A Trust Companr Blk 63. lot 16. Tbe Title Guarantee A' Truat Company Blk 63. lot 17, Tbe Title Ouarante A Trust Company Blk63. lot 18, Th Titl Gusrantee A Trust Company , Blk 66, lot 1. Tbe Titl Guarante A .Trust Company , i..;.... Blk 66, lot 2, Th Titl Guarante A 67.88 66.60 70.00 70.00 66.60 63.50 63.50 4.41 6.07 83.23 68.73 4.88 8.26 6.13 7.77J 86.83 Total 82.606.36 A atatement of aforesstd assessment hss been entered In tbe Docket ot City Liens, and is now due snd psysble st the office of the City Treasurer, In lawful money of the United States and If not paid within thirty daya from the date of this notice, such proceedings will be taken for the collection of tbe aame as are provided by th charter of the City of Portland. The above aasessment will bear Intereet ten days after the first publication of this notice. THGS.C DEVLIN. Portland. Andltor of the City of Portland. Oregon, July 7, 1803. ASSESSMENT. FOR IMPROVEMENT OF EAST WASHINGTON STREET, Notice is hereby given thst tbe Council of tbe City of Portlsnd. Oregon, at a meeting held on the 1st day of July, 1003, declared the as- o I m,nutr w vi ... ii' c i-... . 1OT ma 1 111- O.0 1 I n.A..M.. Atf V... U'..h.-tn. ...... . .u. 6.,i I ,"."-. -. .. .......... ..... -. . i 1 , ircui mu 1 went line nf Rnnnralile Third AriritHnn n .1.. 81.12 6.81 4.36 Total 81.214.88 A statement of aforesaid assessment hss been entered in the Docket of City Liens, snd Is now due snd psyabl at tbs office I of the City Treasurer, In lawful money of tbe United mates snd ir not paid witnin thirty days from th date of this notice, snch nroreedlnss will be token for the collection of the aame ss sre provided by tb charter of th City of Portlsnd.- Tbe soots sssessment will bear Intereet ten days after the first publication of this notice. THOS. C. DEVLIN, Andltor of tbe City of Portland. Portland. Oregon. July 7. 1803. ASSESSMENT FOB IMPROVEMENT OF IAST NINETEENTH STREET. Notice is hereby given that tbe Council of the City of Portlsnd. Oregon, t a meeting beld n the lat day of July. 1003. declared the aaaessment by ordlnsnc No. 13,412, for th im provement of East Nineteenth street, from the north line or uuunomau awwi to roe emiu line of Weldler street, tn the msnner provided by ordlnsnc No. 13.077, upon esch lot, part of lot and parcel of land, which ar specially and peculiarly benefited, to be as follows, vis: John Irvlng's First Addition to Bast Portland Blk 4. north 103.7 feet lot 1, Josephine H. Russell $ 87.84 Blk 4. north 103.7 feet lot 8, Josephine H. Russell Blk 4. north 34 feet of sooth 60 feet lot I. William B. Glsfke and Frederick Glsfke, Jr .., Blk 4, north 24 feet of south AO feet lot 3, William B. Glsfke and Frederick Glsfke, Jr Blk 4, south 38 feet lot 1, B. O. Ham ilton ''"A""' Blk 4. south 86 feet lot 2, R. G. Hsm- Holladay Park' 'Addition to Por'tiandl Oregon . Blk 12, lot 2. H. O. ttamllton.i.W.... Blk 12, lot 1, K. O. Hamilton Blk 7. lot 16, K. W. Wegner Blk 7, lot 15, F. W. Wegner Blk 7, lot 2, The Title Gusrante A Trust Compsny Blk 7, lot 1, The Titl Gusrantee A Trnat Compsny Blk 6. lot 16, Tb Titl Ousrsntee A Trust Compsny i Blk 6, lot 15, Th Title Gnerantee A Trust Compsny Blk 6, lot 2, Th Titl Guarantee A Trust Compsny Blk 6, lot 1, Tb Title Guarantee A Truat Compsny Blk..lJotOfl.llWtte.iJMB.tetJL Trust Company nib i it 11 Th Title Gusrsntce A Trust Compsny 24.05 Blk 1, lot 2. The Title Guarantee A Trust Companr lo-o. 11.86 22.83 2.65 84.61 4.23 - 4.62 61.43 182.86 14.44 15.83 183.44 187.78 9.78 13.86 186.72 Blk 14. lot 8, Trnst Co Blk 14, lot 6, Tbs Titl Gusrsnts A Trust Co Blk 14. lot 4. Tb Titl Ousrsntes A Trust Co Blk 14, lot 8, Tbs Titl Gusrantee A Truat Co Blk 14. lot 3, Tb Titl Gusrantee A Tract Co Blk 14. lot 1 Tract Co Holladay' Addition land Blk 175. lot 1, Tb Oregoa Beal Es tate Co Blk 175, lot 2, Tb Oregon Resl Es- . tot Co Blk 176, lot 7, Th Oregoa Resl Ea tate Co Blk 176, lot 8, Tbe Oregon Besl Ea tate Co Blk 178. lot 1, The Oregon Resl Es tate Co Blk 178. lot 2, The Oregon Real Ea ts te Co Blk 178. lot 7, Tb Oregoa Real Es tate Co Blk 178. lot 8, Tb Oregoa Real Es tate Co Blk 186. lot 1. Tb Oregon Besl Es tate Co Blk 186. lot 3, Th Oregoa Real Es tate Co.v Blk 106. lot 7, Tb Oregon Resl Es tate Co Blk 185. lot 8, Th Oregonr Real Ea tate Co.. :. A trsct of lsnd lying between the esst Olns of block 185, Holla day's Addition to Portlsnd, Oregon, snd the weat line of block 6. Holls day Park Addition to Portland. Ore- fin. snd between the south line of Iscksmss street and a Una 100 feet south of sad parallel there with, Th Oregon Resl Estate Co.. Hollsdsy Park Addition to Port land, Oregon Blk 6. lot 18, Th Titl Gaarante A Trust Co Blk 6. lot 14, Tb Titl Gusrsntee A Trust Co Blk 6, lot 16, Tb Titl Guarantee A Trust Co: ......j? Blk 6, lot 16, The Title Gnarante A Trnst Co. i Blk 6, lot 8, Tb Titl Guarante A Truat Co Blk 6, lot 10, Tb Titl Guarante A Trust Co ; Blk 5, lot 11, Th Titl Guarant A Trnat Co Blk 5, lot 13, Tb Titls Gaarante A Trust Co Blk 6, lot 18, Tb Titl Guarantee A Trust Co Blk 5, lot 14, The Titl Guarantee A Trust Co Blk 6. lot 15, Th Titl Ousrsntes A Trust Co Blk 6. lot 16, Tb Titl Guarantee A Trust Co Blk 4. lot 9, Tb Titl Guarante A Trust Co Blk 4. lot 10, Th Titl Guarante" A Trust Co , Blk 4. lot 11, Tb Titl Guarante A Trust Co Blk 4, lot 13, Tbs Titla Gusrsntee A Trnst Co Blk 4, lot 13, Tbe Titl Guarantee A Trust Co Blk 4, lot 14, The Title Guarante A Trnst Co Blk 4. lot 16, Tb Titl Gaarante A - IVirt OSiTiTrtTTiiTrri . ir.TiTrrnTrr Blk 4, lot 16, Tb Titl Guarante A Trust Co Blk 15. lot 9, Tb Title Gaarante A Trust Co Blk 15. lot 10, Th Titl Guarante A Trust Co.. Blk 15, lot 11, Th Titl Guarantee A Trust Co Blk 16. lot 12, Tb Titl Guarante A Trust Co....v Blk 15. lot 13, Th Title Gaarante A Truat Co Blk 15, lot 14, The Titl Guarantee A Truat Co .x Blk 15. lot 16, Tha Titl Guarante A Trust Co Blk 16, lot 1' 4161 180.20 160.02 169.88 206.83 . 200.84 ASSESSMENT FOR IMPROVEMENT OF XTLT. 'MOM AH STREET. Notlc Is hereby given that tb' Council of tb City of Portland, Oregon, at a meeting held a tb let day of July. IBuS, declsrsd th assassmsnt by ordlnsnc No. 18.411. for th im provement of Multnomah street, from th west In af Holladay hark Addition to. rortiaud, .1 . ' .L . ' , I . . , . M. ... urvsvu, to we iruiri umr m &ai j want fourth street. In tb manner provided by ordt Banc No. 13.080, upon each lot, part of lot and narcel of land, which are specially and peculiarly benefited, to bo as follows, vlsl - iioiieuay i an umu"a vro rwuaao, vregnv Block 1. lot 4. W. G. Boho. . 8 118.82 Bloc a l. o a. vr. u. jtoun Block 1, lot 2, Tb Titla Guarante A Trnst Co. Block 1, lot 1, Tb Titl Ouarante A Truat Co. '. ....t.. Block 2, lot 8. W. T. Perry niocs a. sdi i, rf . i. s-vrry ... .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 JO .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 .10 63.74 73.21 111.36 121.20 136.21 188.36 108.62 106.26 86.89 87.16 182.46 148.16 468.20 146.24 65.71 79.29 . 77.23 70.78 160.(8 115.80 122.22 i .121.01 104.78 135.24 160.28 170.73 206.95 189.14 east line of Sunnyslde Third Addition. In tho . I msnner provided oy ordinance wo. 13.408, upon 1.S0 1.00 2.30 8.55 63.41 67.43 4.33 2.00 2.13 15.02 86.88 66.78 2.30 1.67 4.46 8 . 60 83.38 72.65 6.30 8.68 6.15 8.22 78.84 84.68 22.05 24.23 esch lot, psrt of lot snd psreel of land, 'which sre specially snd peculiarly benefited, to bo as follows, vis: Sunnyslde Third Addition to Portlsnd, Oregon Blk 61, lot 16, The Title Ousrsntee A Trust Company Jg.go bis ni, lot lo, ids line Guarantee Trust Compsny , Blk 61, lot 14. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Compsny Blk 61, lot 13, The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 61. lot 12, Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 61, lot 11. The Title Guarantee A j Trust Company s .- s ': : .-. . . Blk 61.- lot 10, The Title Guarantee A Trust Compsny Blk 61. lot 9, .The Title Ouarantee A Trust Conrpsny Blk 62. lot 18. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 62. lot 17. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Compsny . Blk 62. lot 16. The Title Gusrsntee A Trnst Company , Blk 82, lot 16. The Title Guarsntee A Trust Compsny Blk 62. lot 14. The Title Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 62, lot 13, The Titl Gusrsntee i Truat Compsny 20.161 bis oi. tor 12. ine line Guarantee at Truat Company Blk 62. lot 11. The Title Guarantee A Truat Company Blk 62. lot 10, The Titl Guarante A Trust Compsny Blk 64. lot 1. Tb Title Guarantee A Trust Company .w... Blk 64, lot 2. Tbe Title Guarantee A Trust Company ,. ... Blk 64. lot 8, Tb Title Guarantee A Trnat Company - Blk 64, lot 4, Tbe Title Guarantee A - Trnst -Company Blk 64. lot 6. Tbe Title Guarante A Truat company Blk 1. lot 1. Tb Titl Gnarante A Trust Company John Irvlng's First Addition to Esst Portlsnd Blk 3, north 100 feet lot 8, Charles H. Preseott Blk 8. north 100 feet lot 7, Cbsrles H. Preseott Blk 8. south 64 feet lot 8. The Title Gusrsntee A Trust Company . . . Blk 8, south 64 feet lot 7, Tb Title Guarantee A Trust Company Holladay Park Addition to Portland, Oregon Blk 11, lot 7, The Titl Guarantee A Trust Compsny Blk 11. lot 8, The litre Guarantee A Trust Company Blk 8, lot 8, The Title .Guarantee A Trust Compsny Blk R. lot 10. F. W. Wegner 42.88 1 Blk 8, lot 7, Tbs Title Guarantee A Trust ComDsnv 27.83 Blk 8. lot 8, Th Titl Guarante A Trust Compsny 38.26 Blk 6, lot 0, The Title Guarantee A Trust- Compsny 88.52 Blk 5. lot 10, Th Titl Guarante A Trust Compsny 40.80 Blk 5, lot 7. Tha Tlth) Guarantee A Trust Company 87.62 Blk 5. lot 8. Th Title Guarante A Truer Company 83.88 Blk 2, lot 9, . The Title Gnarante A TTust Compsny , 30.75 Blk 2. lot 10. The Title Gnarante A Trust Company 19.74 Blk 2. lot 7, Th Titl Guarantee A Trust Compsny Blk 2. lot 8. Tb Titl Guarante A Trust Compsny 285.ri xrust Co. Total ........87,088.89 A statement of aforessld i assessment bas been entered tn the Docket of City Liens, and la now due and navable at tha office 187.67 1 of the City Treaaurer. in lawful money ot the United. States and if not psld. within thirty osys rrom tne date or tnis notice, sucn nMM!lnn will ti t.V.n frtf ttm M,lletlo 95.96 I of the same as ar provided by th charter of the Cltv of Portland. 11.71 The above assessment will bear Interest ten riiTi after that nrat mihllceMnn af vhla notice. THOS. C. nHVLIN. T.53 Auditor of th City ot Portland. Portland, Oregon, July 7. 1908. Block 3, lot .6, Emms K. Msrkl Block ( lot 6, Tb Titl Guarantee A Block 2, lot 4, Tb titl Gnarante i Trust Co. .......................... Block 2, lot a, Tb Titl Ouarante A Truat Co. Block 8, lot 9. R. L. Gliass, ......... Block 2. lot 1, Peter and Franc Each. Block 3, lot 8, W. F. Wegner Block 8, lot T. W. V. Wegner Block 8, lot 6, Tba Title Guarante A Trust Co Block 8, lot 6, Tb Titl Guarante A Truat Co Block 8, lot 4, Tb Titl Guarante A Truat Co ., Block 8, lot 8, Tb Titl Ouarante A Trust Co ' Block 8, lot 2, Th Titl Guarantee A Trust Co Block 8, lot t, Tb Titl Guarantee A Trnat Co Block 18, lot 8, Tba Title Guarant A Trnat Go Block 16. lot 7, Tb Titl Goaraate A Trust Co , Block 16, lot 8. Tb Titl Guarante A Trnat no Block 18, lot 6, Tb Titl Gaaraate A Trust Co .-t... V- Block 16, lot 4, Tba Titl Guarante A Truat Co Block 16, lot 8, Th Titl Guarantee A Trust Co Block 16. lot 8, Tb Titl Gaarante A Treat Co Block 16. lot 1, Tb Titl Guarantee A Truat On I Block A, lot 82, Tb Titl Guarante A Truat Co Block A,' lot 81, Th Titl Gnarante A Truat Co Block A. lot 80, Th Titl Guarantee A Trnst Co Block A, lot 29, Tb Titl Ousrsntee A Trust Co Block A. lot 28, Tb Titl Gaaraate A Trust Co Block A. lot 27, Tb Titl Guarante A Trust Co Block A. lot 26. Alice A. Hubbard Block A. lot 25, Th Titl Guaraate A Truat Co Block A, lot 24, Tbe Title Guarante A Truat Co Block A. lot 23, Tb Titl Gaaraate A Truat Co Block A, lot 23, Tb Titl Guarantee A Trust Co Block A. lot 21, Th Titl Guarante A Truat Co Block A, lot 20, Th Titl Guarantee A Truat Co Block A. lot 19. Tbe Titl Gaaraate A Truat Co Block A. lot 18, Tbe Title Gaarante A Truat Co Block A. lot 17, Tb Titl Gaarante A Truat Co Block A, lot 16, Th Title Guarante A Trust Co Block A, lot 15, Tb Titl Gusrantee A Trust to Block A, lot 14, Th Titl Guarante A Trnst Co Block A, lot 13, Tb Titl Gnarante A Trnat Co Block A. lot 13, Tb Titl Guarantee A Truat Co Block A, lot 11, The Title Ouarante A Trust Co Block A, lot 10. Tb Titl Gnarante A Trast Co , Block A, lot 9, Tb Titla Guarante A Trust Co Block A, lot 8, Th Titl Guarante A Trast Co Block A, lot 7, Tb Titl Gusrantee A Trast Co Block A, lot 6, Tb Titl Gnarante A Truat Co Block A, lot 6, Th Title Guarantee A Trast Co Block A, lot 4. Tb Titl Ousrsntee A Trust Co Block A. lot 8, Tb Titl Gaaraate A Truat Co Block A, lot 2, Tb Titl Gaaraate A Trast Co ' Block A, lot 1, Tb Titl Guarantee A Truat Co 111.98 ; 119.16 139.77 140.49 116.13 a Oregon JIOIirllHE WlJTilORPAtnPIC 3 TRAINS to tho EAST DAILY 123.84 119.07 lr.3.48 155.17 152.74 137.85 80.08 121.38 153.60 114.08 136.48 188.84 135.81 141.48 104.87 10190 98.07 81.98 130.11 148.84 109.20 ,77.88 71.41 76.81 Thrones' Pnllma'B standard and fnarlat alaaa. Ing ears ' dally to Omaha. Chicago, poka tourlat sleeping . ear dally to - Kansas Cltyi throws. Pullman tourist slscpls 'Cars- trscs Uy aoaductod) weekly to Chlcag. kaaat City; i reclining chair ear (seats .free) to. th Kaat dally, . . UNlOut DEPOT. Leave. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 9:20 a. as. 4:80 a. a SPECIAL. Dally. . , IDally, lr th Eaat via Huat- v ' log to. . ." ;., ' ... ' , . SPOKANE FLTBR. 6:00 a. 7:88 a. laf For Eaatsc Washing- Dally. , Dally. toa. Walla Wail. Lew- la to a, Ooeur Z'Aiea - and Gnat Aiorttara point. ' ' . ATLANTI0 EXPRESS. 8:16 a. an. 10:80.,' For U Eaat vU Haas- Dslli Daily. lngtoa. ' . ' - , OCEAN AND BITER gOKIPVH, FOR BAN FRANCISCO. Irtwsa 6:0Q a. av R. a G. W. Elder Alsska , . . July i, 11, 21. 81. Doc. S. 8. Columbia 8:QC 8. a. July 6, 16, 26. Oel ssrkla River Dlvtsisa. FOR ASTORIA aaa war poista, eoaussetlag with stmr. for llwac and North Beach, str. Baa. Ash -at dock. , 8. -00 a. SV Dally" s Sunday Saturday lUiWl p. as. 5:00 p. as. ss. Ssaday, Abwst POTTER SAILING DATES fAch-atraat rtoekl July 7. 7a. m.i Jntv . 7:40 a. m J,,l a 106.64 8:80 a. m.: July 10. 9 a. m.i July 11 (Bator. day), 8:40 a. at, . - 7118 79.91 89.24 94.71 7.01 -'8181 81.79 75.84 139,81 78.23 71.81 T1.81 91.98 120.85 TaaahUl River Stoat. FOR DAYTON. Orecoa aty ssd Taatalll River Cmta. str. auasore. h-St. dock. I Water permitting ) 7:00 a. ss. Tncadsy, Thareday. Saturday. 10 n. at. Monday. WdaJk snaay. . Sack River Rt. FOR L1WISTON, Ids., ind way points, fra KlDaria. Waa.. a teen ers Spoken sad Law la torn. 4.-06 a. as. Dally, ex. Sat. A boot iT Dsllr ex. Friday, . TICKET OFFICE, Third sad Weahlngton. Ta. poa ssaia Tim. 98.87 81.83 76.66 104.41 86.22 101.22 108.11 97.44 9182 96.72 68.20 92.61 66.45 Total i 86.400.12 A statement of aforeaald asaessment haa been entered In the Docket of City Liens, and la now dua and payable at tbe oSice of tbe City Treasurer, In lawful money of the ' United State and if not paid within thirty day from th date of this notice, Soch proceedings will be taken for tbe collection of the nam aa ar provided by th charter of tbe City of Portland. Tne. a Dove assessment win near intereet ten dsy sfter th first publication of thla notice. , THOS. O. DEVLIN, Audlto- of tbe City of Portland. Portland, Oregon. July 7. 1908. PORTLAND & ASIATIC STEAMSHIP CO. For Tekohama and Hong Kong, earring at Rob. Nagasskl sad Shsnghsl, taking freight . wBowuna .uaanvf aua- - ... for aMl ssd VUdi restock. INDBABAMHA BAILS ABOUT TUIX St. For rate sad fall la for ma hob call H w it. ettcial ae ageaU th O. R. A M. C. EAST via. SOUTH Hv IOwJ1AbJ-"I RAILROAD TDCETABLM. 29.53 Total 83.088.91 A statement of aforesaid assessment haa been entered in the Docket of City Lien, snd is now dn snd payable at the office of the City Treasurer, In lawful money of the (Jolted State and If .not paid within thirty days from the dato of thl notice, such proceedings will be taken for th collection of the seme ss sre Drovtded bv tha ehartee 25.75 of tbe City et Portland. Th above assessment , will bear Interest ten days after . tbe first publication of this notice. 1 THOS. C DEVLIN, ' Andltot f. the aty of Portland. Portland, Oregon, July 7. 1803, 20.85 20.84 18.87 23.73 26.58 41.87 23.06 NOTICE OF FILING OF REPORT OF VIEWERS ,ON THE FR0F0BED OPENING, LATINO OUT AND ESTABLISHING OF TWEKTT SIXTH STREET. Notlc Is hereby given that tbe report of tn viewer Dcretorore appointed to asseaa th benefit and damage in tha matter of tb proposed opening, laying out and establishing oi xwenty-siiiD street, in tn city or fort land, from the north line of Thurm'an street to the north . line, of Raich's Addition, have 156.46 filed with the undersigned their report f sssess ment ror oenentsy tost will De derived and 9.60 damages that will be sustained by reason of me opening, widening, laying out ana estab lishing or Twenty -an tn atreet, above d scribed. The district ssaessed by tbe viewers In tbe nronoaed oDenlna. lavlna out and eatahllahlna. nt u.uo i Twenty-aixtB srreet win o an or the lota. parts of lots and parcels of land, to-wlt: Lots 6 and 7. block 823, Batch's Addition to the City of Portlsnd. . North Portland " Block 14, Iota 1, 16 and 17. - r Block 13. lota 1, 1 17 and 18. Block 16. lota 1. 1 17 and 18. Block 17, lots 1, 2, 17 and 18. Block 13, lots 8, 4 and 6. Block 12, lots 8. 4, 6 and . vBlocbll. lota 8. 9. 10 and 11. Block 10, lota 8.4. 10 and 11. The Council of tb City ef Portland will consider aald report at the regular meet ing to be held Wednesdsy, July 16, 1003, st 2 o'clock p. m. All peraona Interested are hereby notified to present their objection to ssld report, -In writing. If any they havs, at ssld time and place, that tb same may be beard and .determined bv the Council. , . . s . THOS. C DEVLIN. " ' Andltor of tbe atyef PortUnd. Portlsnd. Oregon, July 7, 1903. .. 4.62 6100 187.11 18.40 10.03 215.30 13.51 183.89 33.59 21.62 23768 V TWK SriRT OT KVlirvTHIMO CXLY 7 0 Hw'!,, PORTLAND TO vi the 0. R. K. N.-Co Oregoa Short Line, Union' Paxiflo ana Two trains day, with thwugh Pnllmfln drawing-room sleeping cars, free reclining chair can and dining cars (a la carte). connects at Granger 'with the famous Overland Limited, tha most luxurious train in the world, to Chicago from tbe Coast. Ba aura your tlckeia read aver tha CMctg o North-W Mtara. A. O. BArTKIR, Qisru Aorr. 0. H-VY. RV laa Traa arr., mrruiia, cms. P as 448B) Bv Bf. flea a. a. t M. ml UNION DEPOT. OTDRIaAND linns! tnsloa, for iahas, Roso-I org, Aahlan. RarJ ancoio, ogoea. Baa rraaH else, atoJav. Laa AsJ gss. Rl pasv, New Or-j casus ih taa Bear. ;' At Wocdhsjra daily fiSr'lit.-d gsL SlIvtrtoK BnrwnaJ rllb, Springaeia. WeasW siacj aaa nines, APssny nsssangar. Sect at Wcosura wltaj S As r 8,,Tn Osrvsni ssssngt..... SaarMaa asaasagar...., 7:46 a. as. 70 b. aa 10:16 a. 1 B. SS. !:. Sally. (IDsily aavssyt Baaday. rtlsal Oavysgi ataVurbaa Sorrb aa4 TaaUm Dtvialesb . Dspst Fsssl H Msrm Win. i ..Lv Pertlasd dally for Osweg 7:86 a. av ItiOA 8.06. 8:25. tM. 6:26. 8:84. 10:10 B. ss, Dally (axeepi Sunday) 6:80, I; id, SiSS, 10:2 as.( 4:00. 11 JO p, bv Sunday oaly, 8:at . ' as. . Rstarnlug from Onregs, arrlvs Pertlasd dairy a.(. 1:66. 8:06, 4:85, 8:18. 149, 9:60. jl:16 b. as. Dally (esospt Sunday) 4:85. 7:25, iiSO, 10:20. 11:46 a. as. EicaptUoaoay, tflji a. m. Baaday euly, 10:00 as. Leave from aass depot for Dallas aa4 tator sawUato points dally acpt Bunday) 4.00 p. ss. Arriv Portia s4 10:20 s. si Tb Indescodsnoa-afotiaxNitb kfotor t Is Daratoa dallr to MoBmootti and AlrU. ossh Motlag With Southern I'aciOe Company's tracks at Dallas and Indpnda. First -claaa rebat ticket ca l fra Pse. aaad to Bacraawato and Baa FraneUeo. Ns. rat 817.60, bartfc 85; Meoad-eUas far 818. witbasit iwbato r bsrth( so4-eUc bsrtfe Ticks to Bsstorp Botata an4 Ep, abat Sanaa, China, HossslBbl s4 AastrslU. . ' uny Tseaar vjaea eoras TDira wssarag.. Bsa atraata. Fbooe, Mala 71A J fr W. BTIN0BR, Oty TVekst Agsssi. W. JS wHAsTi W1 ua rss. WMityS. TIMP CAPH tr T VX --'- ' I J TDAfMC l r.l a.V"iW W.Vw-e-.Wi KCiTs PORTLAND! JaAlTIMCHUEi V OHIO R. R. AIL, TRAINS VIAVASEI12VOTON Puset Sound Limited. for Tacoma, Seattl. Olympl. South Bend snd Oray'a Harbor points. North Cosst Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle, Butte. St. PsuL Mlo- nespolls, Chicago, New York, Boston snd point esst ana awutbsast. Twin-City Express, for Tacoma, Seattle, Bpo- sane, Helena, at. Caul, Minneapolis Chicago, New York, Boston snd all points East aad Southeast. Pugct Sound . Kansas Clt'-St. Loolc Special for Tacoma. Seattle. Bpokan. Butte, Billing. Denver. -Omaha, Kanaas City, St. Louis and all points East and South. Departs. 8:00 a. i 11:48 p. n. 8:80 a. m. Arrives. 6:80 p. ta. 7:00 a. 7:06 a. a. AH trafn dally BYSBCO. except en Smith Bend a. i . - CHARLTON, assfatanf fl.....i r, . . llorrlaoa St. corner Third, portUad, Or, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. tefc UNION DEPOT. . AarlvM. . ( Clatskani. Wactport. g-M m. cu"ob. Astoria. Wsr.,. .00 a.m. rentoa Flav!, Hia. 11:10 a. Sk' i mond Fort Stevens. . Besrhsrt Park, Seaside, AstoTis sod Bessbee . " , Eipresc, Daily. : j- roop. . jAato-'.tor 9:40 p. m. l. n st i ta O. 1. Slid . A.. . Aatnala im '' ' . L. LEWIS, CoiBjnrctal Agent, 848 Aldsc -st. leave asata ssss. . . . . -V,:- ': " - v :