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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 4, 1903)
Si I TXVr TOSAY. 1TBW TODAY. '": We Began Business Six Weeks Ago Witn ; Nothing But Confidence! 4 a CHOICE LOTS FOR SALE BY AT -. Henkle & Baker KREAG $75 t 1 V :llli ;.'!: Beaattfnlly located ea xthe fclfb ' rroaaft only fair ntlsutM walk frem aba jonia. These lota. wm largely 1 'crease la Talua la the as&r future. Boy t- lww wkua way Mra entap. ' , City Water on ' the Property. t Improved Car Service. 7v i Titla Verfeet. Easy Ttrma. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. and T Chamber of y-orUand, Or. Commerce, GOOD BUYS ;. A 1$ acres, 10 td 12 clear; rood 7-room 1 house; good barn and other buildings; 'all kinds of fruit: on aood road. 7 miles to city. Price : 98,800 no. 80 acres unimproved land first-clan. .on and lay. well 22 miles from city. 9660 Price So. 1 i 80 acres Al land, 15 acrea in cultiva tion: orchard of apples, pears, 1 plums, cherries, autneea. arranes and nut.. I About 30 acres clear and In crass; fair house, good barn and other outhouses: .6 milk cows, two 2 -year-old heifers, i mares, 1 set harness, 1 wagon, 1 hack. 1 plow, 1 harrow, 1 cultivator, 1 stump : nuiler. l butter cnurn. l atana Dees, a milk can and separator, 1 hog, 100 chtckena and other thinga unnecessary to mention. Price 98,300 Wo. 4 6 -room house. 2 lots. 20 ben ring: trees. snnle. tenrs. cherries, currents and prunes; small barn 24x34 frame; nice chicken corral: all painted; school and churches, stores, etc.. clone by: 12 miles from city, level road. Price 9900 Wo. 8 20 acres. 15 In cultivation; first-class 'lnnd and bulldlnr.: I rood wells at house and barn, on Base Line road: no rravel; JS acrea hay, potatoes; some small fruit, 13 mllea out; $1,000 caah. can atand as long as you wish at n per cent. Price 93,600 wo. a 800 acres raw agricultural land; laya swell, easily cleared, well watered, on Ine roads; till perfect. Price 96 per acre. W. W. ESPEY mOOK 1, XAlcrXTOW BUItBIWO. ST. JOHNS THE INDUSTRIAL COMMUNITY f. l mr- r.Mlv h.n 19 KlurflHK iiiviw czaai mihii Sk fl) . . M Bj " I cause or tne miiis wnicn are oc - . . aaa cupyinp; its water frontage. St. Johns has two miles of the finest mill, factory and dock sites In Portland, and It will become a great town. Lots, $5 Down, $5 a Month. Free Street Car Tickets on Application. Agent at Oak Park Office Each P. M. Hartman. Thompson & Powers, s 3 CHAHBER OF COHnERCE 9100 to 9175 Lots In Mapiewooa. on W oodstock car line, adjoining Ivanhoe; rood car service ana 30 ' minutes" will take you to and i from vour business: lots are full size and will be sold on tile low payment of $5 per month; we shall be pleased to show them to you. t 600 3 -room house and 100x100, near Woodlawn; plenty of fruit; a bargain.' $1000 2 cottages and 60x100. 1 block from Woodlawn car line. 81400 Modern 6-room house. Upper Al - bina; only $360 cash, balance $16 per month. , 91660 Another one, same locality, same terms; iook meae up; cneuper than paving rent. i nriH n-i mihu muuciii iiuuocoi aaa Upper Albina; run Dasements, bath, lavatories, gas and electric lights; rented at $44 per month; a bargain. Investors look this up. Farms We 'have a' full list of Washington County farms.kthe best lands In the state. Call inland see our exhibit of grain ana rrults. it .costs you notning , io see our farms, as we have our own It. costs you notning conveyances, .lit . Sahlstrom & Patterson B3a btauk r. ' raows HOOP 317. FOR SALE f480 For 66 acres, 10 mljes east of Portland; 40 acres In, cultiva tion; fine large young orchard house, barn, good fruit drier. f 4000 For 74 acres, U miles 'southeast v of Portland; 'nearly 60 acres In . cultivation; nice orcnara. gooa buildings; atoclc and machinery included. $1300 For 3 acrea ot land, tfll In cul tivation and set out In fruit; house and barn; close to Port land: a bargain. f 1150 A beautiful one-acre tract, close . " to cky limits. CHARLESON & STAUB a3H Kouusoxr tej3t. ; 319.221 Abington Building, , . Portland, Oregon. ' MS ACBES All rood land, nearly letel all fenced and c croaa-f enced ; 80 acrea ' ; cultivated, 14 acrea nice timber, bal ' ance pasture, soma oru.n; gooc X house, barn, orchard, running water. . on main traveled road: ona span ot good mares, nice driving horset -wagon, harness, buggy; all rarmin ImDlementa. hay. 1 cow. 21 hora. doaen ' chlekena, household goods, etc; a mue. rrom fortiana. ni STOCK aAXCM, fully equipped and well stocked; abundant range - outside; will exchange into Portland bualneas property worth from lt, ooa to f 26,000, ana pay trie casn air- fere nee. This la a flrat-clnas prop osition. What can you offer? 10 ACBES -Choice. Improved, land, nice orchard, good plastered house, nloa barn; 9 acres In orchard; rood water, nloa smooth road all way to city; H mile to electrlo Una at Qreaham. 100 ACHES Part Improved; good house and barn, nioeiy waterea; near ruew berg. Yamhill County: trade for Portland property: S2000. ISO ACBES Level land. (0 acrea culti vated, house, barn, orcnara; on county road, 1 mile to R. R. atatlon. tore, schools, etc: In Clark County Wash.; some good timber;-sell on easy terms or trade for Portland property. 330 ACBES AH good, rich, level land; over 400 acrea awale land; about so acrea cultivated: house and barn; good water; 4,606.000 feet good tim ber; convenient to P. O.. store and R. R. Cheap at 117.60 per acre. B0 ACBES Nice. Improved farm, well fenced and cross-fenced, nice or chard, aplendtd, up-to-date modern barn, cement cellar, comfortable house, nice outhouses, land nearly ail cultivated and in crop: good wa ter system plpevl Into house and barn; 11 mllea east of Portland, on fine, level road; one of the best looated farms about Portland. 18 ACBES Choice land, cultivated. I acrea in orchard, berries, etc; excel lent water; 7-room modern house, porches, bay window, gamble roof; hall, parlor, china cloaeta. etc.; nice double wall milkhouse. with cement floor; nice barn; house and barn newly painted: water ptoed to barn yard; 7 milea out; a splendid home, ana will sell very cheap now. 40 ACBBS-&23 In fine state of cultiva tion, the balance in timoer ana pas- ture; all lenceo ana cross-fenced; nvainn. niiHnins-s. nvinc living water, H mile to school. "4 mue wk..; family orchard, line large team, all farming Implements, In Clark County, Wash. CITY PROPERTY 8-BOOX neat cottage, large hall, nice bath, basement, cement wsia, iron fence, nice lawn, screens on win dows and doora, gas lights; only 12 mlnute car ride from Third and Morrison sis.; 31,600. TUT PHETTT suburban home, on good car line and not far out; t room up-to-date cottage. large gro 's. choice fruits, ornamental treef. shrubs, flowers, lawn. 100 va rletlea of roses; If you want some thing about right, see this. 6-BOOK cottage, hall, basement, bath toilet, closeta, nreplace. maroie man tel, all In nice order; 50-foot front lot, on two car line; choice West Side location; want toasell; owner leaving wn. WWW 4.BOJM plastered house. In fine, growing neignoornooa; 6 blocks to good car service; new line to be within one block: bath room, pantry, china closet and base ment: corner 101 ouxiuu: cneap. 7-SOOK house, all well finished, up- to-date pantry, Dam. umiki. noitu, basement; nice barn, on car line; cHeap at $1,400 Henkle & Baker, Abingdon iag., roruua, ur. r - nrri 1 1 ninrmi I ICT im.w m mm m im srv tm mw fa a iBi at m orLlnl - UaiAUniii 1-iJi S 8 - ROOM. MOUSES old oa Installments if Desired. Qfifl For I-room cottage on East' Side, "uu near O. R N. shops. 4 ClflflA For 6-room cottage On Borth flWV wlci, -treet. t IliVl For 6-room. 1-atory cottage Juat v completed; all modern, conven iences; on car line. I For 6-room cottage, bath, hot and cold water; one .block from car lirie. For new dwelling of 6 rooma. only 1 block from car line; bath, hot and oold water; lot 60x100; in Mt. Tabor district.. C 1 Ztl For 6-room modern dwelling witn ItM au conveniences ; near car; lot 66x100. C I AAA For . new 6-room dwelling with 9 ItJUU modem conveniences : mantel; well located; In Mt. Tabor (jia trlct ClrtCA For 6-room cottage on East 28th 4 IUOU street on 10-mtnute service car line. ,- - , . " For hew modern cottage of 6 rooms-and bath, with 60x100; on car line. i50 t17?ft For 7-room, 2-story dwelling. I I ov brick basement, hot and cold water, bath, all in good condi tion; 22 cherry and apple trees; lot 100x100; in University Park. tIKAA For new 6-room modern home, 410UV brick basement, hot and cold water, bath, mantel: on car line; in Mt. Tabor district. OlAA For -room modern dwelling, on QLOW East Everett, within 2 blocks of 10-mlnute service car, eiCftfi For 7-room residence on West wv" Side, south of Washington; lot $4x100. 77CA For new 8-room cottare wltTt B0x ' 100 on I mo on R. Davla st.. porcelain plumbing, ir. mantel, gaa ana eiec- ti rlclty. Dined for furnace; threa mocks rrom car. OAAAFor dwelling; of 8 rooms, Just UW finished, In Stephens' Add; on car line; lot 60x100. OA 5ft For new 7-room dwelling; with $ttol Bj modern conveniences, on E. Couch st; gas and electricity; 1 block from 10-mlnute service sin tin tlftftft For 7-room cottage In very good puvw condition witn 4uxiw on jener son st . , tlCAA For 8-room, 2-story dweuingr u0W newly built. In Holladay's Add all modern conveniences. , TI,--,a Jt. . Dma Hartman, I hOmpSOB CC'rOWCfS S Chambar of Ooauaarea. School Land . ' y FOR SAUE. Four sections, guaranteed to cut ia,ooo,ooo feet to the section, first- class yellow pine lumber. . Close to saw mill. Price $6.50 per acre. Timber locations tot ao people now. ' .' . D; Ca ROGERS, 1 145 i Sixth St. K LOOK AT WHY DO YOU PAY RENT The following is but an instance, but it shows how your rent will pay dp ANOTHER 'FRATER NAL ORDER? YES ONE THAT YOU DON'T DIE TO BEAT. None so solid as us. The cJaims we pay are not losses. . Insurance only reaches a very small, percentage of the people. We reacji of them and some of the others. READ THIS LETTER MAYBE YOURS IS A PARALLEL Lewlsville. Wash., 7-2-03. Order of Fraternal Home Buyers, 60 Wash ington Bldg.t Gentlemen: Fifteen years ago I borrowed $750.00 on my home. I now have re ceipts for $1,500 interest paid to the party holding my mortgage and I still owe $1,000. I am getting tired. I send you herewith my does of $4.00 on a $2,000.00 contract V welcome your plan as a godsend. A. E. GREEN. Order gf Fraternal Home Buyers 60 Washington Building, Portland, Qregon. sTBW TODAY. FOR SALE BY Pacific Coast Abstract Guaranty 4 Trust Co. tOAAA'-room iiouse. 100x100 lot, with pvvvaiiey; gooa barn; lots or mm; Deautliui yara; on tsorinwica i Central Albina. tnen New 6-room cottage, full base- f"jvmtntf bath and attic; lot 60x100. bfacing south on Ivy street, bet $oaney ana union avenues. IFA tt-rnnm house, bath, full base f lOlU ment, 60xl00-foot lot; plenty of Iruit ana nowers, on 2in si., near Tillamook. In Irvlnerton. Terms 300 cash, the balance $25 per month, 8 per cent inter est on deferred payments, ft OCA Good 6-room house, 60x88-foot f lJV lot, on Fremont st. between K. Sixth Ind Union ave.; 560 caah, $700 long time. tA(t 100x110, on the corner of East ptw Tenth and Skidmore streets. 7CA 45x100, on Ivy street, bet WH- yOJV Hams and Vancouver aves. 150 Each' 'or 6 lots ln Arbor I'Odffft- We have several elegant homes on the East and West Bides at a bargain; also some gooa business property snow ing good Interest returns. ".'-. PACIFIC COAST ABSTRACT GUARANTY &' TRUST CO. Xtfbms 804 to 807 IPsJlUlf Bulldlnf. Coratz Third and Waablagton Btreeta. FOR SALE OXOXOB JAV, 50x100 feet, on East , Eighth street, near Stephens' School, In Stephens' Addition, This la a very cheap ' property, street Improved and sewerage, for $850.00 . J. W' O GILBEE v Movm 11, l9i rirtt Street. HOME! Property of Christina Y. Wakefield, Commercial Street, bet Selwood and Knott, Portland, Or., on which we just raised a mortgage! Two months ago she paid $80 a year interest on $1000.00. Now she pays $72 a year, and gets credit for $66 of it on the $1000.00 borrowed of us. KIW TOSAT. 18 LOTS Between E. Sixteenth and Seven teenth 5ts., on Waverly and Woodstock, Richmond and Ivanhoe car lines, four blocks from the Oregon City line. $25 Down $10 per month mmi mwM i mas 3 Chamber of Commerce What are you looking for v.-IN REAL ESTATE? TOW SAT "SHAPS?" Well, come and see us. Timber "snaps." city -and suburban "snaps" In acreage, "snaps" in town lots and houses, "snaps" in stock ranches and fruit farms. ,How would you like a stock ranch 1 worth 75 per cent mere than we are asking for it? In fact, we have a corner on "snaps." and we sell all kinds of "stiaps" except ginger "snaps. JOHN LAMONT & CO. Boom a, Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALp Fine residence -prdpertjvlarge lot 70x 100. plenty room for another large hulUllnr- Cement sidewalk. . beautiful surrounding, central; West Side. THOKWWW. 38 Third Street. us ; 'y 'HP'!-" " , l&i,' ,i" ....-" " .(y' -.t,,.uumttwM4'-' v.-, ii t irffi.Vir'" .m That's what Co-operation will do for SBW TODAY. REAL ESTATE SNAPS $3100 15 lots on Base Line road, oppo site Mt. Tabor postofllce. 13800 Three fine lots on East Madison st. between E. l?th and E. 17th; will sell one or' more on easy terms; no trouble for us to show you our property. $28,000 All of a full block, 100x600 ft, on river front, near East Morri son; investigate this. $16,004 A fine business block on Park and Yamhill ats.; pays more than 10 per cent. $3000 A iO-acre farm, near Mt. Tabor; "8 acres in cultivation, with fruit of all kinds; 6-room house; this is a real live snap; we have sold wild land ln the same location for $375 per acre. $ 4802 fine building lots in KerfU worth. $3400 Fine modern 9-room house, near steel bridge; Investigate this; it's cheaper to buy than to pay rent $4500 Fine modern double house (new), near steel bridge; pays 12 per cent. This is only a partial list of our snaps, complete list can be seen at our office. Investiga tion solicited. $3800 Fine modern house, corner lot. 20th and E. Yamhill sts.; street Improved; 11,000 cash, balance to suit; 7 per cent CXTT YXBW PABK lots 1180 to $800; streets graded; Bull Run water, high, sightly and level; 10-mlnute car service; double track; O. W. P. & Ry- Co. shops will be located on this Aract; an oppor tunity of a lifetime to get ia on the ground floor. $3760 Fine 7-room house on Grand ave. ana irving bi. , pan casn Call and See Us About Timber Claims FOR RENT. We have two fine cottages for rent at Ocean Park. FIELDS&CO. 808 AXX8XT BUTLSXEGh NOW! What a world of melody is in the name ! What a satisfaction in the owning of one ! JflW TODAT. REAL ESTATE JOHN E. DAY 934 atAHf STXIIT. KOTEZh close to lumber yarda; 32 rooms: income $100 weekly; $4,200. 10 ACBES, partlv improved, near car line. $2,000. on time. A BBAJTD NEW bouse. 7 rooms. 100x100 lot: less than cost. a I.OT8 on car line; $400, on Install ments. 40 ACBES of heavy fir timber; $300. 16 ACBES, 6-room house, 10 miles from Portland; $650. 40-ACBE farm. $1,000. A BARGAIN House and two lota on Powell street; $1,300. part cash. HOVSB and two lots, $1,250; $250 cash, balance on time. WELL I2CFBOVED tract of 11 acres, close to city. Homesteads Located. BaUaqtoishmeasa Cheap. Small Acreage Hear Car Line. JOHN E. DAY. 234 Main. Five-Room Cottages Very desirable, for sale on and near Williams avenue. New and modern In every particular. Payments to suit purchaser. Also several five and six room cottages in the vicinity of Russell street. A. li. B1RRELL (Formerly of MacMaster A BirrtD.) , Real Estate, Oener&I Insurance and Financial Agency 303-4 KoXayVmainr, Ttrd a4 Stark. .. BfcMut Mala. M " . , ? for a home : CAPITAL STOCK AND SURPLUS BONDS IN FORCE BONDS MATURED Remember, we have been doing active business less than two months. You nv opat. A Few Special Offerings of Real Estate for a Few Days.. Desirable for people of amalt mean who want a home. 4 acres oa Base Line road, only two miles from Mt. Tabor, S300. 5plen did for chicken ranch. Installments if desired. Small cottage with lot 90x1)5 ft. on East 2 1 at St., $1,300. Installments If desired. - . 100x100 ft. in Block 8, Irvlnjton Park, $150.00. The above are offered at these ex tremely favorable prices and terms to close out an estate. J. H. HAWLEY REAL B5TATB BROKER No. a. Chamber 0? Commerce Bldg. TO TRADE OR EXCHANGE . A OOOD 10-BOOK house, with quarter blonK, on iJast sucn street, tor. house in Albina. $3300- Fine new modem 7-room real" dance, aas and. electric lijrnt, oa East Taylor street.. $1600 Nice 6-room cottage, with neat small barn; lot 100x11$, near Hawthorne car line, $1900 Good 7-room house and S let; all ln fruit, near Bae Line road. $1000 Fine Improved corner lot la Holladay's Addition. CHARLESON & STAUB SiStt MOBBXSOB STBEET. FOR SALE '" Five l-room Rouses, lot 10x1l0. rntI $6V0 per month. Price $4,6'-), If taatn at once, 1 : 1 S3 Thixi ftrtrt. 115.(11) Mi $1,000.00