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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1903)
MONDAY EVENING, JUNE JV 'V Y"v; T " j F W J 7 V , .r""; a , . . tf . tf r f -"-lr . .. : LDlILD c ' CDtTCO vyona is nrsi fUDiisnea on mis rage aw THE OltEGON DAILY J OUIUsTAL, 1 PORTLAND, Of we PORTtAND TAKES I FIVE OUT OF SIX In ft SDlendidly-Plaved'-'Game Yesterday Afternoon V the ; Browns Win Prom Seattle by n ii . .. ii A i rn peuer Aiiwouna r laying. , X th Wtth;;0nty a Partially. W$ll earn tne Local Boys uem- 8v in. . strate I heir Ability to rlay e bame. Portland 9. Seattle " The rortlnnd Brown in brilliantly clayed came yesterday afternoon, de f fated Fark Wilaon'a Satellft by the score of J to 6. In every depart ment of the tame the ' Portland boy exctlled and deerved the victory. The great heat, ' 'while almoat unbearable, did not prevent both team from play- In snappy ballTh warm, weather did not keep? the crowd away, over J.OOO of the faithful being preaent. The assemblage . was generous In Ifa ap plaus and gracious In' Us compliments and bouquet, remembering several of the- Browns with large floral tokens. The magnificent stride which the Browns "have "taken, and are-rnatntain Ing by auperlor generalship and play ing, reflects equal credit upon the man iiaemunt and the players. It Is a pleas ure to nee good baseball, especially at a when the restless Insist upon eking' and airing their views In columns of Incompetency and un- airneris. It murt be provoking to tne rwlse'one" to see the Browns perform In such splendid fashion. After hav- Ina decreed that the Browns could never win under Its present manage ment, how must the "knowing one feel this, morning? Everybody must admire the loyalty and courage dis played by Jay Andrews last week for his creditable work on tuira ana at tne 1 time. i MONOGRAMS FORFEIT ; TO SCHILLER'S STARS. Argument in the Eighth Inning : oausea ueiay ana rinai - Termination. , GREEN VEGnABLES EAT TWO HEALS McCloskev's Tramos Are Sur prised ; While Hoboing, by ine;Mciive, . rieet. -ana unm Wallopers of Holiday Fame, Donahue, For the Ucals, Play- The flchlllers' and the Monograms of I Portland played a gams at Vancouver yesterday, which" waa forfeited to the I Schlllers In the eighth Inning. The score at that time stood, Schiller , Mono' rrama 2. - There were two out in the Monograms I . , a' . . mi r, : -. r 1, half of tha eighth, when Oliver wa U.U- RQ 3 ODienQ Q oame TOr (I S ciarea oui lor interierance. enu m uw put arose over the play. The Schiller offered to play the game out and settle the difficulty, but the Monograms re fused. The all-around playing or Ran' kin. Stutt and Hart of the Sohlllers, and Brown, Olels and Gray of th Mono gram were features of the gam. Th line-up wasj as follow: Team, Batting and Fielding in Championship horrn, . Monograms. Brown Myers Parrott Smith . . i . . . aiela Gray Parrott ..... Jacob OHvr Position. ..c..., ,..P...:, ..ID.. ..IB.". ..IB.. . .8.8.. ..1j.F. . .C.F.. Schllleral 8aln otn Stutt afternoon. Th visitor found Dammann frequently and repeated th same per formance 'against Slagl In the second same. Scores: - - R. H. IS. Spokane . ,.0 0 1 1 1 0 0 01 I Lo Angeles Mi 1 Hl 1 1 t Batteries Dammann ana zaiuaxy: Thellman and Hlldebrand. pr. Drake's "greon horns" of Memo rial Day percentage fame and t vege tarian appellation reputation, by th graoe of dlv)ne right and McCloskey's boundles generosity, were accorded two fames vesterdav afternoon In the .".'.'."Rankin presence of a small crowd, many of Miner wnom accepted tne pnuantnropy or tne local management In the way of passes. etc. - - - A. young man named Donohue. but who I sometime called by the incor rect - though endearing title of "Donnle," performed certain stunts which branded his baseball educa tion a having been stunted. There waa only Hart Heine Zand S3 COLUMBIA' 'VARSITY SPORTING NEWS ACADEMY FROM 'FRISCO DOWNS In a Brilliantly-Pfayed Game on Saturday the Sturdy Ball Players of Columbia Put Op ponent? 'to Kout. Benny Yanger Arrives From M-Pi II. i II i I- I' unicago ne is to ivieei ta die ffanlon and Has Settled Down to Hard Work, By Defeating the Portland San Francisco' Athletic Club . i .. tir. . il. t' . ... . Acaaemy Mine me v iciorious Made a birong Attempt to liet Team is Entitled to the Inter state League Championship,; Saturday afternoon, on the Multnomah Field, the Columbia University baseball team took th series from 1'ortiana Academy, and a result secured th Scholastics League championship. The game waa hard-fought from start to fin ish and Proved a worthy climax to Co lumbia's long series of victories. Half an hour Derore s ocioca. tne iime scheduled for the game, large folloi tngs of the respective teams occupied the grand stand. It was a game that. In point of Itnorest. ha not been equaled for some considerable time. Portland Academy for three uccesslve years was the Walcott-Jackson Contest Away From Pastime Club (Joijrnttl Special Service.) SAN FRANCISCO, June 8. Benny Yanger, the Cblcago featherweight pugilist, hss arrived from Chicago and has settled down to nara worn tor nis coming contest with Eddie Hanlon, which will be decided under tne aus pices of the Hayes Valley Athletic Club the last week of June. The manager met yeaterday and agreed to box at 130 ringside, a weight each can make and be at his best. The contest has begun to excite much Interest and It is thought that Hanlon will be made tne SHORT SKETCH OF THE TIPTON SLASHER Nick Long Gives History of Youngster and Principal King Battles, (By Nick Long.) san Francisco, June 8. Benny Yanger ('The Tipton fllimher") of Chi cago and Eddie Hanlon of California meet before the Hayrs Valley Athletic Club of this city June S. Thy box at 130 pounds ring-side. Yangr, If suc cessful, agrees to box "Young CorbPtt" et 124 pounds at 3 o'clock or at catch-weights. Yanger. who Is named aftr. the famoiiH old-time boxer fllll Perry (the Tipton Slasher.'' the whilom English champion who boxed Tom Bayers and numerous others). Is a native of New York, where he was born February 1H, 1 882. and stands Ave feet Ave ana one- half Inches. He has been boxing since 1899, and has scored wins over the fol lowing: Jack Madden. Harry Forbes, "Young Corbett." "Kid" McFadden. Sammy Harris. Abe Atell, Auetln Rice, Joe Bernstein and numerous others, ! looked on ss a likely candidate for featherweight honors. GREAT INTEREST COMING CONTEST Walcott and Jackson, Despite the Hot Weather, Are Train ing Faithfully For Their Big Mill On the 18th Inst, The Pastime Club is Congratu lated For Being Able to Se cure This Fight Away From the Monopolists of Frisco. f u tinrlr. U 41 sin WAll thnilSfhf nf hv anything - but determined to hold her old title against he fojl0Wer, ot th game that nly one . thing w and dangerour rival. Columbia. lh wouW back him to beat any mail aond Suu. R. H. B. Los Angeles ...1 000 00 1 1 4 11 U I Spoksne 100I100J 0 Alt Batteries Tnatcner ana Miiaeoranu; Slagle and Zalusky. Tiger Won A rata. TACOMA. June 8. Dugdale' "Cher ubs" were again defeated by Jimmy St. Vrain and the Tacoma Tigers. The larg est crowd ever seen at a ball gam in Tacoma was present Jo Fay' work at 'short was the feature of th game. Score: about Donohwe In yesterday'a gam that that piayea so suecessruny mom n. th fan did not .Dereela-He too vary beginning f the sea son forging .. Tk. h-.i.w - i steadily to the front through a long list ivutov iiv w v at gvu .v i w , . i . , . get him to remove hi cap and make-a of victories, was equally determined to to his head and an exoanaive arln wa Portland Academy lad his weight In tho husinees. There are quite a few that think he I the master 'KID M'COY" RETIRES (Journal Special Service ) NEW YORK. June 8. "1 have had enough of the lighting game. I am out of It for good." Disheartened by his of Jimmy Brltt and would not hesitate defeat by Jack Root. "Kid McCoy," one all that came to the stand and bleachera In return for effort expended. Th Sattentraad. The onion proved yesterday that they belonged to th battersbund. and the way they Droved It waa by hammer lng out eleven hits in the flrst game and nln. 4m lh. n thl- l.1 f ... . W ... . ...7 DVVHUi VA 111 ID IWl&l . I . , 4 wtmiA .,u. rnw... w. v...n K nn ror two nacas. enu uirapm jbhui. . liiii mo. i clkd, uxj niiiiua, tiiv iiniu vi. I " ... . . . T i . i .jjiiu. j. cirmodT nit. s conns juansuiu. u. to batting like a batter-mixer tn a res taurant,' he headed off everything that Aoademy at Sat. Th gam began promptly at S o'clock, with Portland Academy at the bat. Stott reaches first on Mangold's error. Morland popped up to Oleason, who put out Stott on a double play to first Chslmer wa retired on a fly. ror Columbia. Fox struck out; Mangold D U IT bat when he should have been In the- geattle . ...00800100 0 ' h' 3 hospital. Andrews' shoulder suffered a Tacoma . ..tOlJOOOO 11 fracture In Seattle over a week ago. hut the sturdy player, realising tnat ' the team was In need of his services, "Ke-lH 'fr a- faM-'-JFeek, assisting eon- - ftiderably In the capturing of th five arames from the Satellites, The Browns laft this afternoon for Seattle, where they will play six games. Then the team goes south to Los Angeles for a week, to Oakland for a week, and then they will return home for a series of five weeks, commencing on June 30. Detail of Game, First Tnnina- Zelgler flew to An drews. Ward was hit In the lattice work. Hanntvan hit safe and Schwarts ar.w a nans, filling; the sacks, smitn ii Ward with a safe hit. Zinsser hit to Shields, who threw Hannlvan out at th ulata and Heas doubled Kinaaar at first Raidy started things for Portland by rinuhl. Van flew out. Nadeau was safe on Zinsser's error. Raldy scoring. Andrews hit ssfe. advancing Nadeau to third. Andy Anderson hit for two ltai.fl and Nadeau scored. Andrew would liav scored also but for Zelg ler'a Interference, which was not aeen by O'Connell. Claude Schmeer scored --th"-'aDo'V'..witlt bit to left, -upon Batteries McKay and Stanley: Vraln and Byers. Umpire Warner. St. Treat -War SACRAMENTO. Juno l.-Midu Flh- er' contingent went down to defeat yes terday in a alow game. The heat wa oppressive and it took all the ginger out of the player. Doyle wa hit on the head by Whalen. and a physician had to be called. Score: ' tR. H. E. Sacramento 00120409 07 11- 3 San Fran ..1 0 4 0 3 1 0 0 0 12 1 Batteries Thomas. Fltsgeraid and Graham; Whalen, Hodson and Leahy, Attendance 3,000. Vmplr Levy. Xtb Break at Oakland. SAN FRANCISCO. Juno I. Los An geles won the morning game at Oakland bV "trimchlng hit on Cooper, whll Drlnkwater wa a puttie. Oakland won the afternoon game In an exciting fin ish. Mosklman pitched fine ball. Scorea: MotAlna Chun. R.H. E. Los Angeles 0 8 0 0 0 47 8 3 Oakland 1 0 1 0 0 0 8 3 4 Batteries Drlnkwater and Huiiburt: Cooper and Lohman. Attendance 8,000, Afternoon Oam. R. H. E. Los Aiigeles 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 6 5 7 II wandered In the vicinity of second base. flying through the air to turn safe liners Into put-outs and gathering In grass cutters with either hand that came easiest. Quick's shoots ' were hardly enonyh. to fool the opposition. . an1 ,Mtl ler relieved him. This change was op portune. Only twice In the second game was there danger of the visitors being counted, and on each of these occasion Mr. Lundbom, who retailed benders for Portland, rose to the occasion and struck out those who faced him. Only four safeties were secured from the variety of ammunition he had In stock. Dennis Shay waa back of the plate for Grim s men in the second game, and caught splendid ball. Th score fol lows: Tlrst Oam. PORTLAND. A B. R. H. P.O. A. E. .8 2 2 3 2 0 Donohue. 2b. Deisel. 3b. . Parrott. 1. f. Anderson, c. Davis, lb. . Harmon, r. f. fainter, s. Perham. c, Quick, p. . Miller, p. f. 5 3 0 11 2 1 0 1 1 which Andy also attempted to register IglSST: . .0 0 0 0 1 0 8 i ' but was thrown out Dy nannivan. Vla-neux retired the side by a foul fly "in Wilson. " ' Steond Inning Both teams went down In one-two-three order. Third Inning Each team got a man tn first hut that was ss far a they got. ' Fourth Inning Seottl -anA-Portland related their performances of the previous inning-. Fifth Inning Seattle got two men on the cushions but could not bring them over the rubber. Hcs was Bf easy out at first. Shields was safe on Zelgler's error. Raldy hit safe. Van fouled out. Nadeau hit for two bases, scoring both men. Andrews hmi.iht Phil across the rubber by a hit to left, and was thrown out at sec ond hv Hannlvan. Hlxth tnnlns: Smith scored for Seattle bv ranking a hit. and scored irhen Van let Ztnssar s grounder go him. two out the Browns tallied an earned run. Vigneux hit safe scored on Hess' two-bagger. hit safe but wa forced at ec- 11 4 Batteries Gray and Spies; MMclmon and Lohman. Attendance 4,700. Umplr -McDonald. DIAMOND GLISTENINGS Short Paragraphs of Interest About Well-Known Ball Players, Total 36 7 11 27 15 , SAN FRANCISCO. A.B.R. H.P.O.A. Houtx. I. f t 1 1 0 0 Weaver, r. f. 4 2 1 1 0 Marshall, Jb. . ot. ...&... 1 .1.2. .4 Weed. c. f. 8 0 1 0 0 Elsey, lb 4 0 2 11 Burns, 2b 6 0 0 3 Olendon. s. s 4 1 0 0 Baerwald. c. . .-. 4 1 1 S Stovall. n. 4 0 2 1 Pfeister, p. . .- 0 0 0 V I when Vni V through h With ti Vother ear I nil scoi I 'VeldB nl ftoventh Innlnr Seattle could not get a man past first. Portland scored two more runs on Nadeau's hit., An derson's two-bagger.- his second of the dav. and an error by Campbell. Eighth Inning Schwartt and Smith were retired, when Zinsser hit. Camp hell walked, Wilson and Semple each hit for two bases and three runs were For Portland Raidy ond Van Buren got aa far as third and second, but died there, as Hannlvan gathered in Na deau's fly. retiring the side. Ninth Inning Seattle got two men on the sacks but fast fielding pre vented a run. The. large erowd was enthusiastic and cheered every play. , Billy Camp bell's work ati short vied With that of our own Joe Raldy. The ofllclal score follow! " - PORTLAND. -. " . - . A B.K. H.P.O.A. E. Raid. .".. .V. I I ? ? i Vsn Buren. c. f 6 0 1 4 1 1 Nadfim. 1. f ? f " fews. 3b i J liaerson, 2b. i t bhmeer. r. f;- ....... 4 0 2 0 0 'Vlaiuux. lb.. 4 1 .1 8 Hess, c. . ...4 0 1 4 8 0 Shields, p. ............ i i " " Total .89 9 1826 14 2 Vard' out;' bunted third strike. SEATTLE. A.B.R. H.P.O.A. Zela-ler. 3b. , Ward.,cX. 1 Mannivan, i. i. ., Schwarts. 2b. '. Pml'th. r. f. Zinsser, lb. . . . Campbell. ... s. . . Wilson, a. . .kv Semple, p Tola1! .".s..LT..3g S 13 24 12 4 HITS AND RUNS BY INNINGS. Inftlngs ...Vr,l S. 4 ( S T PortUnd . v. '(ivAt 0 0 0 8 t ltt Hit J '. rqrvr-4, 0 1 1 I I 11 1 Beottle ...i.tiA 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 S Hit v V. 0 ill 213 1 13 ! -V. SUMMARY : . .. Earned funs Portland 4. 8tolei base -Schwarts.. Base rn bells Off Shield 8. Struck otf.By Shield t. Two-base hits Ral'ly. Anderson 2. Nadeau. Hess. Wilson. SemMe. . Doubt clay Shields to Heas to Vlgbeux, Jft on bases Portland 6; 8ettle 10. H't bv pitched . ball Ward, " Wild pitch Shield. . -h: :, ;:Xl--...-a'.v-''1 " r, . it V, X.o JUgale -ll Spokan 3-g. SPOKANE. June t8. ReUl y's men 'de feated Spokane In both game yesterday Skat Hoodoo. And the ladle. Five out of six. Zelgler was happy. Shields wore a broad smll. Phtl Naudeau carried a bouquet. And Jay Andrews wa remembered Carlo Smith did not make atx home runs.- Park Wilson lsver;- popular in thl cltv. Everybody admired the good woric or SemDle during the week. There are few teams in tne league batting a well aa Seattle. Raldy throw to Hess was line twelve-pounder from a Krupp. Anderson Is rounding into shape wun his stick. Did you see those two doubles? Cookies! Raldy delivered the goods at short and at the bat. Three hits that go Ing soma. How do the Portland rans reel wno bet on Seattle every- game during th week? Serves, them right for betting aa-alnst th home talent. Tommy Hea played his usual- gooa game, being strong and steady. The Deacon in center and uenmeer in right Eden played rings around their opponents. Charlie Modesto Shields had an sorts of curves and shoots up his sleeve. NOw smile. - "Gentlemen, I came her to play says Hess; ""and play I hall," says the clever acoulsitlon. Chief" Borahers will recelv his just deserts if he Is compelled by the law to do the right thing. Such a fellow may be able to , play baseball, but is not a fit companion for gentlemen. Shame, Borchers. Jimmy Wlgga wa a spectator at yes terday's game. There waa a rumor about town that he had -signed with Park Wilson, but nothing authentic can be learned about It Everyone hit the ball yesterday, and they hit it hard. - Mr. Semple I a Art pitcher, but he Is being worked too hard. Four game In on week 1 too much for one pitcher. , Andy Anderson's hitting and fielding ha excited the admiration ot the fan. Joe Raldy 1 Improving every day. Jimmy Toman wljl have to hustle for short stop honors the "rest of this sea son. Pete Lohman is hugging himself to day. Hi crlppfe took Bv out of seven from the Loo Loo. ' . The Spokane paper seem-to think that th Coast League will try to gob bl up Hulseman. Hollingsworth and Durrett No danger, w don'trant ayf Claude Schmeer ha been hitting in old-time form thl week. Van Buren I still leading the league In batting. Phil Nadeau t now In ee ond pl&oo, point bhlnd Van., i; .Billy Campbell' work at short is of th finest, and bo la batting aome, wlt -: a, . t Totals 88 6 10 24 17 SCORE BY INNINGS. inning 12346678 9 San Francisco ...10210110 0 Portland 0 1 0 1 2 2 0 3 SUMMARY. Innings pitched Stovall 7: Pfeister 1; uuick 4; Miller 5 off Pfeister 2: off Quick Bases on balls Off Quick 1; off Miller 1; off Stovall 2. Hit by pitcher Stovall 1; rreister l. utrucK out By stovan z, Two-bae lilts Harmon. Stovall. Three- base hit weaver. Miller. . Left on baaes Portland ; San Francisco 9 Sacrifice hits Donohue. HarmAn, Weed. Elsey. Stolen base Baerwald. Davis, Weaver. Donohue. Marshall. Wild pitch Stovall. Time of game One hour and o minutes, umpire Huston. Carmodr was thrown out at first on slow one to Chalmers. No scores were mad after thla till the fourth Inning, when Fenton. for Portland ' Academy, batted a three-bagger, scoring cnai mers. who was presented a base on Cul Ifn'n error. Johnson hit a high one to Cullen. who pinched the ball this time. last 1 . . . , . . TAmnM won HOIIBlOn BirUCK UUV. nniiiiuiiu " fri.nrtiv tri Adam "hnd rumbled nnr high fly. Koerner smashed a good one and made two sacks, sending Adams home. Rodgers was thrown out at first by J. Carmody. Columbia scored one in the seventh. Cullen reaching the rub ber by a fine steal. In the elgntn. tne P. A. boys added tnree more rune w their previous score. Morlan hit a long drive and circled to the third sack. Fox fumbled Chalmers' fly. Fenton singled and scored Morland. Johnson singiea snd scored Chalmers. Houston was hit bv the olteher and walked to nrst. ao .... . - 1. 1 . ams hied to J. t;armoay. ivoanrcr mi to second base and was thrown out at flrat This ended the scoring ror tne P. A. boys. Columbia broke the hoodoo at last. Jennings was presented a base bv Fento. Fox got first on cnaimers error. Mansrold was retired on three strikes. Oleason' brought up nis oai- tfffa- eye. hit for two sacks and scored Jennlna-s. John Carmody singled, scor lng Fox and Gleason. Dan uarmooy followed with another single, and out of brotherly love scored John. Cullen resched first on Johnson's fumble In left field. Dan Carmody meantime stole home and srave 'Columbia one run m the lead. Miller got out on a foul fly. At this stage of the game the colum bla- rooter- -w-Mjt-w41d.....Hatsaxid .pen.: nants and hands and handkerchief were waving In the air. cheer after cheer went no as the Columbia lads got the lead In the final chance for tne i: a. Doys, Gleason's nerve and steady arm were still with hfm. He struck Out Stott an'd Morland. Chalmers went out on a short flv to the shortstop. Rodgers dying at second. A Clean Contest. The game throughout was clean and hard-fought. There was no wrangling nor any Ill-feeling on tne part or tne Columbia won won as a result of the grand old guard of pugtllnts. has announced his positive retirement from tne rmg. rne K.ia, in tne ruture, ne declares, will try to mux his living at the race track as the owner of fast horses. McCoy has made plans to spend the summer shout the Chicago tracks. The "Kid" Is a close friend of Bam Hlldreth, the well-known horseman and started his Chicago turf career by spend ing yesterday at the Hawthorne Race Track about the Hlldreth stable. In the near future he expect to purchase a few horses and race them thla sum mer about the local tracks. McCoy has had previous experience as a bookmaker and as a bettor in th ring, but this will be his first essay as an owner. E. 0 0 ..1 o 1 i .01 - 0 . 2 0 to back him should such a meeting be arranged, Yanger wa een today and appeared confident of beating "Cute Eddie. 'Had I not been sure of beating Han Ion I don't think I would have made the trip. My main reason for coming out here wa to fore Young i;orDu Into a meeting. I have been after him ever lnc we met in uenver a long while ago, but he ha alway passed me up by saying mat i wouiu naw to beat Hanlon and McGovern to get at him. After my contest, providing I am successful. I will issue an open challenge to him and will let the pub lie bass on It, Hanlon is at present In Los Angeles, where he went to second Hsrry Foley, his stable mate, but Is expected here In a day or two. Hanlon will work at Sroll's- Gardens in Alanvxls . -- Ha wul ntxvi but little work to put him on edge. He ha no bad habits and is al ways In good shape. Favored Pastim Club. The San Franclaco Athletlo ciuo mde a strong attempt to get th Wal cott-Jackson fight away from th rptim Club of Portland and have it fought under It auspices next month. Th.v found a snac. however, wnen thrv called on Al Herford. wno iooks after . Jnckaon s Interests. I would not think It right to taxe Daseoan team, composed or tne star col th. hoi.t awav from the Pastime uiuo lege men oi tne raai. Montgomery l manaarrs. as they treated me nobly a good friend of Captain "Slats" Davis, while I was in their city ana naming m m ruruanu nmioniui, ana wnen was too cood for me at, the club. I am the two met the other day, a short Joill- . . . - r.k ... In flan I Aatn h.M XJtf Unnt .i.k.ii I v. , i ra we WOll n M r mi rn iiluijvj i. J" I . v v . . i ' "' . ...i, j ,11 lenuu leaving lor ine cam in aooui two weeks. -POPULAR- MONTGOMERY" H. N! Montgomery, representing the Judge Publishing Company, has been In this city for several week In th Interest of the firm which ha recently published a history of Oregon. Mr. Montgomery Is one of the best-known baseball patrons In this country, and a clever player. He played winning ball at Philadelphia and New York and achieved great prominence by his suc cessful management of the Atlantic City As the date of the Walcott-"Yourjg Peter Jackson" contest approaches th local and out-of-town sport follower aro evincing more than ordinary Inter est as to the outcome. These colored boxers sre looked on a the best In their division, and Walcott despite, the claims of Martin Duffy, who knocked out Rube Ferns on May 27 of the present year in th 12th round before a Louisville, Ky., club, snd who claims the welterweight championship by reason of such victory, will have to defeat the sable-colored Walcott ere hi name will appear in printed fistic data as, welterweight champion. Star AMraoMoa. Th Portland Pastime Club. In secur ing the services of such stellar light aa Walcott and Jackson to box 20 round under Its auspices at th Exposition Building on the evening of Jun IB. clearly evidences tho fact that cham pions and championship contest can be seen outeldo of San Francisco, and, th club promotors are authority for the statement that the misleading "press notice" published In Golden Gate City contemporaries that Jackson and Walcott were to box under the auspice of th San Francisco Club 1 entirely unau thorised and Incorrect. "The Jackson Walcott contest" said a gentleman con nected with the club to a Journal mtn today, "will box 20 rounds at th Expo sition Building on the evening of Jun 18 without fall." At Tralnlag Quarter. A Visit to the training quarter of Jackson and Walcott yesterday by Th yrnal..roa,..found.rbtft;)lf a ue princi pals eager and anxious for th fray, Walcott; under the.cweful mentorahip of "Big Jack" Johnson, is getting Into fin fettle, while "Young Pter Jack son's" slumbers are nightly made pleas ant by rose-colored Vision of th re splendent diamonds and well-fitting gar ment he will "don when he make Wal cott bite the dust and take the fateful count of "10" and out eeond Cram. PORTLAND. pitSlofc Stovall Player, qr Mi rooter. Sick 6; off Miller 6. after a hard fight, and or clean, rest DaseDan. Score and line-up: COLUMBIA A.B.R. H.P.O.A Fox, c. f Mangold. . 3b. . . . Gleason. p J. Carmodv. 2 b. . D. Carmodv. s. s. Cullon, r. f Miller, c Redmond. 1. f. ... Jennings, lb 0 2 2 3 2 2 10 2 4 E. 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 AB. R. H. P.O. A. E. Donohue. 2b 4 2 3 3 B 0 Deisel. 3b 4 1 1 2 2 0 Parrott. 1. f, 4 1 1 i n 0 Davis, lb 4 0 1 0 n o Harmon, r. f. i 4 0 1 9 0 0 Painter. ..... 4 0 0 3 1 2 Perham. c. f ...8 0 1 2 0 0 Shay, c 8 0 0 7 0 0 Lundbom. p 3 0 1 0 2 0 Totals .28 4 9 27 10 2 SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R. H. P.O. A. E. Houts. 1. f. 2 0 1 1 0 0 Weaver, r. f 2 0 . 0 0 0 0 Marshall, 3b 4 0 0 1 1 0 Weed, c 4 0 0 1 0 0 Elsey. lb. . .v. .i 3 0 ft 7 0 0 Burns. 2b. . , . . . 4 0 2 1 4 0 Olendon, s, s 4 0 - 1 0 1 Zearfoss, c 4 0 ill 0 n Pfeister, p 4 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 32 0 423 6 1 Totals 33 7 10 27 8 5 PORTLAND ACADEMY. . A.B.Ri H.P.O.A. E. Deisel out for bunting third strike. SCORE BY INNINGS. Innings 123466789 Pan Francisco ...ooooooon o ; n Portland . .2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 SUMMARY. Bases on balls Off Lundbom 8. Hit bv Ditcher Weaver. Struck out Rv Lundbom 6; by Pfeister 11. Three-base hits Psrrott. Zearfos. Left on bases San Franclifco 9: Portland 6. Stolen bases Donohue 2. Deisel. Houts 2. Wesver. Double plays Burns to Rlsev: Lundbom to Donohue to Davis. Passed ball Shay. Time ' of rame One hour and 45 mlnutea. Umpire Huston. Attendance both game. 312." WON BOTH, GAMES - S.VLEM. Or., June 8. Tho Roaeburg baseball team played the 8alem Rag Inns at the C. A. A. C. Park In this city on- Saturday afternoon and Sun day, afterrtoon. winning both game. Saturday's game went to the visitors by a score of 10 to 7. Roseburg making 14 hit and Salem' 8. Sunday's game wa won by Roseburg by a core of 8 to 3. the1 visitor staking I hit and Sklent' I. . Th team scored fol- Stott, c Morland. lb. . Chalmers' p. . .. Fenton. 3b Johnson. 1. f. ... Houston, s. s. Adams, r. f. . . Koerner, c. f. Rodgers. 2b. . Totals 3S 6 9 24 11 6 SCORE HV INNINGS. Innings 1 1 3 4 5j6 7 8 9 Columbia 10000016 7 Portland Acadmy 00030003 0 6 Umpire Jordan Zan. BUTTE OFFERS BIG PURSE CHICAGO, June 8. The Sioux Falls Athletic Club of Sioux Falls. 8. D.. has offered a purse of $10,000 and 10 per cent of the gross receipts for a 20-round contest between Bob Fitzsimmons and George Gardner. It Is almost certain that Fits will not entertain the offer unless the club pouts a good-sfsed for feit. The South Dakota club, while only a new organisation, is well known In the West, and has held some interesting battles. "Lanky Bob" would prefer to light Gardner In San Francisco during the same week of the Corbett-Jeffrles fight as he has been engaged as the champion's chief trainer. . Francisco than in Portland, but I would lose the chance of having either Of my men to appear in that city again. Johnay Xerts Talk. Johnnv Herts, who looks after the interpsts of Benny Yanger, said today lewed that he had passed the manairement of Harry Forbes, hantamwAitrnt cnamDion Ul ills I have enough of him. remamea tins-young., manager. "and.J, oon t. want mnn of his Kind in my siaeiB. , no got on a bad path and that settled him l-tia rennrted attempts to enter into fake agreements in. nm cumw withi Pmnkle Neil in San Francisco .a t other deal m thw East tost fo kin. rr.nnv friend, and I don't think l.e la the rtrawlna card ne oiil-b He is still a first-class fighter but he hould be watched "When I left Chicago the game was dead ond the hopes ror a new sian r. hart several ninin wrre uuucu in the outskirts of the city, but if attempt was mad in any or me Mnhs Mavor Harrison wouia pui nis font down on t. I think" It will oe long time before the game is again In good standing there. Willi ritsgsrald. Willie Fltsgeraid and his manager. Harry Weedon. have gone to ineir homes in New x one. jne - rormer. though he lost to Oans. made a fine imr.feaalon on the followers of the a-amo In this locality. His great show ing with Brltt earned for him many friends. He said he was sorry to leave hut as there was nothing in Slgnt ne would be wasting time. He regrets that he could not get a return match with Brltt. He thinks he deserved another and most of the portng men are with him. If he can get another meeting with Rrltt here he will return Imme- dlatelv. but If there Is nothing doing he will turn his attention to Frank Erne. PAOXTXO YATIOVAX. LUOU1. Testerday's Boores. Portland, 8-4; San Francisco, 6-0. Los Angeles, 9-11; Spokane, 8-6. Tacoma, 6; Seattle. 8. Butt. 12; Helena, 1. taaolag of th. Club. , Won. Lost P.C. Los Angeles 32 15 .681 Spokane 28 18 .809 Seattle 28 19 .698 Butte ..25 21 .843 Ban. Franclco-s-r. f.24 25 .490 Tacoma .....19 27 .418 Portland . 1 30 .348 Helena ,-1 21 . -2H , - MEMSICAND TOY (Journal Special Servlco.) SEATTLE, Jane 8. Eddie Toy of San Francisco and George Memsic. the Chi cago lightweight, who stood off "Young Cprbett" in a four-round bouj in Port land are to meet in a 20-round contest before the Seattle club' th latter part of the present month. Mike Memsic, a brother of George, will meet Jo Car roll of San Francisco in th prelimi nary for a aide bet of 1200. - - VALLEf LEAGUE. " At Salem. . R. H. E. ftoseburg ." "...Vi I Salem . i Batteries Bradley and wntte: jtosa and Leabo, Umpire McCormlck.. , , At Bag, ; . Cugene 1 18 Albany . . : .... I 10 7 Batteries Kugene: tanarero ana Btrub; Albany: Btlyeu and Klrt. Hot Weather Clothes You can keep cool in one of our light-weight HOMESPUNS or SERGE SUITS. The correct thing for summer wear light, cool and comfort able. Prices, About th Champion. Blllv Pelanev. who train and look E after the interests bf Champion Jeff ries said vesterdav that he would be A Vila man within (U'O weekfl The 'spot at El Compo Is rapidly being IJ fitted to suit the champion, and when D- . . , . I 111 I It IS rcany, m veiwrtin iuiie i i send to Los Angeles for bis charge to. begin work fqr Corbett. sr. $io lows Ssirm Roseburg Jay J. games. ,..'.... 2 0" 0 0 I. 03 , , 9 0 0 1 0 0 2 38 McCormlck umpired both Did anybody detect a mll on Sem ple' countenance after he swatted out two-bagvar after the crowd had joK lied hint I .WoDdec of wonders; MAROONS WON OREGON CITY. June 8. The Van couver Maroons defeated the Oregon City team yesterday. The errors of the locals were costly. Letto pitched ele gant ball, but weak support lost the game. - Score : Maroons 21010101 0 6 Hits 1 0 010000 1 3 Oregon City 0001 000 0 -l Hits 01021101 39 Batteries Howard and 8uess, -for Vancouver; Letto and Frelta for Oregon City. Charles Glels; of Portland, um pired the' game. Full description of all sporting events. New York and Chicago races received by direct wire 'from the track. New -York telegraph tips posted. Commissions reetvd for all sporting events In any Tart of tho. world. First betting Cali fornia races 1:45 p. m. Memphis races commence MondayV- March 28, first bet ting 11:45 a. m. PORTLAND CLUB. HO Fifth. tret. ' - . AT GR0SSE POINT . DETROIT. Mich. June 8 When Jacob J. Holt gives the signal to start at the GrosBe Point track this after noon there will be Inaugurated what promises to be the best running meet ing ever hold under the auspices of the Detroit Jockey Club and one --of the best ever witnessed In this part of the country. The meeting Is to continue two weeks, during which time six stake events will . be decided. The en tries for these eVents are the most ambitious in number and class of any thing,, ever held on any of the Detroit tracks. In the Campau and other slakes are eijtered such crack horses as E. E. Smathers' McChesney. Charles R. ElllMon Harry New, and Ordnung, the winner of the Montgomery handi cap. Bookmakers and horsemen .of I prominence are here from all parts of the country and the meeting opens unucr . me muei lavumuir nunpitcB. ATHLETIC CLUB BURNED Summer Shirts White and fancy colorings in summer-weight basket and Madras weaves 75c and $1.00 3 Straw Hats LATEST SHAPES S 50c, 75c, $1.00 and S Outing Trousers PREFECT FITTING S (Journal Special Service.) STOCKTON, Cal.. Jun 8 The Stock ton Athletic Association Club House, including the gymnasium, hand-ball court, boat house and billiard room were burned, rly th morning. ,Th Ion Is 818.000, Th . club house racing barges and shells were savea ana .tp crew will continue ifi training. PERFECT FITTING $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 Mm m : mi I'M a GOWGiSUIT N k i v;v r oV.ii: - Va WMll&llL VJWWl lUVLvw iOiii "MOST POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE IN TKX STATX. ; 65-07 Third St. bet. StarH and Or.!: - w--'- m ;1 t V