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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1903)
. ynE oitEgoy daily journal, poutlaih); . Monday ETEOTKa jt;ne 8. ioojj. if 10 I v i I 5' 3 I ( ' ' ? 1 ! , II A SPECIALTY . ....... a ..'..'. We make the fitting and mak ing of Glasses one of the special features of our business. .... WE ALSO MAKE THE FILLIIVC1 OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS A. SPECIAL.TV. OF 9 M pi s MANUFACTURING OPTICIANS AND JEWELERS Third and Washington ....... Portland, Or. iRRKiiuiiKinniiiuniiminiiiBianniiiinuiinii OWNERS RIGHTS - ARE PROTECTED Trespassing Law Will be 'Strictly Enforced in Eastern -: Oregon Court Renders De cision at Canyon City. Verdict Is Significant and is Considered a" Death Blow to Outside Stockmen Com- pany to Prosecute, CANYON CITY WILL HOLD A WOOL SALE First Annual Affair Will Occur on June 18 Warehouse Stocks Are Heavy, CANTON CITT. June . At the recent term of the Circuit Court held In this city the cue of the Pacific Livestock . Company vs. Kenneth Murray was tried by a Juryand the company waa awarded Hit damages. A motion for a new trial waa filed. ' This verdict poaalbly means much to the (raxing- lntereata. However. It la understood that a number of the jury were in favor of larger damages, not for 'damages actually dope, but more aa a , line for trespassing upon , the deeded lands of other. Thla verdict la significant, since It 4 means that a willful trespasser must atone to the offended law, and is a death blow to outside stockmen, since H takes a. , large territory from the heretofore . public grazing lands and lessens their chance for summer range for their bands, ' To the local stockmen it means that they must be more careful In the future, -nd avoid Infringing upon the right of others. ' It Is learned that It la the Intention of the Pacific Livestock Company to vigor ously prosecute all who trespass on their lands, whether fenced Or unfenced. CANYON CITT. June 8. Malheur County's wool product Is rolling Into the wool warehouses in this city at a rapid rate. Over 281.011 pounds Is stored in the warehouses at- this time, and more Is being added dally. Since last Friday the following sheepmen have delivered to the M. M. Co.: J. F. Mahan, 1,086 pounds; A. K. Brown, 6,704 pounds; L. L. Seaweard. 18.7S6 pounds; Thomas Turnbull. 8.684 pounds; Hub Ward, 1,591 pounds; Isaac at Owlnn, 26,828 pounds; .R. C. Goodwin, 8.697 pounds; Frank Edmundson. 2,862 pounds; James Paul. 6.9 80 pounds; J. A. McCune, 18. 296 pounds; Burgess A Kelsay, 7,594 pounds; F. Martin, 5,076 pounds; Moore Bros., 2.6S1 pounds; Edward Douglas, 4,202 pounds. J. C. Oordan and O. 8. Smith deliv ered th,elr second consignment at the O. F. Co. warehouse yesterday. The first annual wool sale will be held here on June 18. - People's lUojil fsjjfo StOre 1 144.146 THIRD, SET. MORRISON and ALDER I i V Here - v II ' ' 1 l- 1 II -;( . A WXER'S G ON T I N U AIO N :' OF , , . i ' . 1 ... . . , 7i : '"I'. Ow Jehu White Sale Has been decided on, and until Saturday night, Jane 13, the popular redac tions so eagerly sought after during the past week will still hold good.' Our SDecials In MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. INDIA LINENS. LACE CURTAINS. -M ETC., are offers seldom met with, and must be seen to be appreciated. Our rapidly , increasing trade is evidence of the 'sale's r popularity. . . . . $1.98 IS OUR PRICE FOR WHITE SHIRTWAISTS, WORTH to 53.50 Each 19c 19 c 19 c 19c 19c On Monday and Tuesday Only WE WILL OFFER FOR SALE 100 DOZEN LISLE HOSE In all sizes, for ladies, made of Extra super thread. A seamiest Uc hot which would tell regularly for 33c pair For Two Days Only Monday and Tuesday DON'T MISS THIS BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY 19 c Ladies9 Hosiery 80c Fancy Slack Hosiery at. ...A.......,...,,,. :.....23c 35c Fancy Red Hosiery ot;.f.C.r;A.i.V.v....;....i;v..e JJe Stack Lace Lisle Hosiery Hti.'.;..'..;.;... 2Jc 25c Black Cotton Wearwell Hosiery ;.,..,,..,...-..J.....v?Oo 35c Black Peerless Hosiery ....;.lf.,:,i.m,;.r29c 50c Slack Lace Lisle Hoslery,...r.,,.59c. Children's Hosiery Boys'dndGtrtirTchddrH6slery' 9c Children's Heavy Ribbed Hosiery ................. .,.......c 25c Ironclad Hosiery,. ..,.....,...'..,..Jff 25cChlldren't Wearwell Hosiery 20c; . 35c Children's Lace Lisle Hosiery., ,27c , lie 19 c 50c White Wash Silks 33c A saving of 17c yard on a remarkably popular r silk fabric. . , , Our last shipment of White and Cream Wash Silks --about SO pieces have fust been received the last , we will have this season, i This offer deserves your Immediate attention. : ' Best 85c quality Black Taffeta Silks at the CQr' extremely tow price of ' ALL SILKS AT REDUCED PRICES. '.a. ..'; 19 c 19 c SHANAHAN'S Third St., bet. M orris oa and Aide. SHANAHAN'S Third St bet. M orrlsoa and Alder. SHANAHAN'S Third at, bet. Morrisoa aad Alder. MME. HADING IN . LONDON LONDON June 8. The most proml nent figure tin the dramatic horlson at present is Madame Jane Harding, ' the great French tragedienne, who begins her London engagement tonight at the comer Theatre. She will play for month and her repertoire Is to Include "Plus que ielne" and her latest Parisian triumph,-"Le Chatelaine, In which she ts to be associated with M. Oultry. Everybody's liable to itching piles. Rich and poor, old and young terrible the torture they suffer. Only one sure cure; uoan i uintment. ADsoiuteiy sale can t rail. Special ;Boy9 ale S Waists Detachable bands, in black and white duck ; blue and white per cales, red and white percales sizes 4 to 13 years 25c and 35c values, Late Sporting. ? 1 " 1 GOOD SCORES MADE BY ROD AND GUN CLUB Multnomah Men Hold Regular Shoot at Irvington Park, Thn Multnomah Rod and Gun Club held their regular weekly shoot yester dv at Irvlnrton Park. A. J. Winter won the Inman diamond medal by Min nt 4S out of a DOBBible 50. A strona wind was blowing at the , time. Next Sunday the clue wm nave two large awnlnga and porch arouna tneir new clubhouse, so shooters and visitors will be In the shade. Next Sunday the club -will give a one-day tournament. with $100 cash added, open to all shoot ers, and everyDoay is inviiea 10 at tend. The Howe Abraham . . Storey . . Fowe Montelth . . Winters . . . Remington . , Wastey . . . . Hudson . . Culleson .-. . McCarger ent . . . Eu banks ..onKee . Thebau -. Munger nman . lussell Leabo . Em rich , Frank . . McDanlel Wise . . Shot at. Broke. P.C. ..100 88 .88 ..100 87 .87 ..100 84 .84 ..100 81 .81 ..100 80 .80 ..100 80 .80 ..100 80 .80 ..100 78 .78 ..100 75 .76 ..100 74 .74 ..100 74 .74 ..100 69 .69 .. 60 33 .66 .. 60 32 .64 ..100 64 .64 .. 60 82 .64 .. 25 16 .64 .. 75 47 .63 , .100 68 .58 ,. 60 29 .58 ,.100 58 .58 ,.50 27 .64 ,. 75 39 .62 , . 50 26 .62 ,. 25 13 .62 . 60 24 .48 . 60 23 .46 . 60 14 .28 . 60 14 .28 . 25 3 .12 the ' colored Denver lightweight, bo .20 rounds at 135 pounds at the Butte race track. July 4. Cans' arrival from Bal tlmore is looked for every day. King having already commenced training here. rxomo coast uaqxtb.- Testerday's Soorea. Portland. 9: Seattle, "5. San Francisco, 9; Sacramento, 7. Los Angeles, 7-3; Oakland, 6-6. Standing of the Clubs. Los Aageles . . Sacramento . . San Francisco Oakland Seattle Portland . Won. ...41 ...35 . . .36 . . .28 ...24 . . .18 Lost 20 25 28 89 34 36 PC. .672 .683 .663 .418 .333 BROKE WORLD'S RECORD (Journal Special Service.) SALT LAKE. June 8. Orlando Stev ens broke -the world's record h6re for a quarter of a mile on an eight-lap track record, covering the distance from a standing start In :29 4-5 seconds. NATIONAL LEAGUE Not More Than 4 to One Customer None Sold to Merchants WHEN YOU SEE IN OUR AD IPS IT SO M OYER CL0THINC1 CO. THIRD & OA K STREETS JTATZOXTAX. X.BAOTO. Standing of ta Olubs. Won. Lost. P.C. New York 30 13 .698 Chicago SO 14 .682 Pittsburg . ... 30 17 .638 Brooklyn 23 21 .628 Cincinnati 19 23 .452 Boston . 17 23 .486 Philadelphia 11 29 .275 St. Louis 12 32 .273 .At Cincinnati. R. H. E. Cincinnati 1 -66 Philadelphia 3 6 1 Batteries Hahn and Bergen Fraser and Roth. Umpire Johnstone. Poor Oame At Butt. BUTTE, Mont.. June 8. Butte de feated Helena yesterday In an amateur ish exhibition. The crowd was greatly disappointed at the miserable farce. At tendance 1,000. Score: R. H.E. Butte 0 0 0 2 2 1 - 212 16 3 Helena 0100000 0 19 4 Batteries Dowllng and Smith: Thompson and Carisch. Called end of eighth inning on account of darkness. WANT A GAME The employes of the Commercial clubhouse organised a baseball team, and under the direction of Captain Pll- son they are practicing every day. All challenges sent to Manager H. J. Lally will be given consideration. WORLD'S Wr C. T. U, MINNESOTA" FEDERATION (Journal 8peclal Service.) GENEVA. Switzerland. June 8. American women, English women, French women and women of many other .nationalities who have devoted their lives and . best energies to the temperance cause have gathered on the shores of Lake Leman to take part In the sixth biennial convention of the World's Women's Christian Temperance Union. The gathering will be formally opened here tomorrow and the sessions will continue for several days. The large number and representative character of the delegates constitute a refutation of the report that has gained some currency to the effect that with the passing away or retirement of the founders and pioneer workers of the organisation the W. C. T. U. has been losing ground. From all appear- (Journal Special Service.) ances the present oOn vent Ion will be LITTLE FALLS, Minn.. June 8. Men by far a larger and more notable gath- ' brains and brawn, upwarda of 300 In erlng than the convention held 'two number, filled the Courthouse today years ago at Edinburgh. The Unitel when the '21st convention of the Min States and Canada have sent a mimhur nesota State Federation of Labor was o? prominent workers, while, the repro-1 called to order by President M. E. Neary sentatlon of England, the Scandanav- t Minneapolis!, The roll call developed lan countries and Australia-equals that I the fact that the convention 1st the larg at previous conventions of the ' orsran-l est In-the hretory-ofrthe- orranlKrton. lsatlon. , Not only Minneapolis. St. Paul and With the present convention Lady Duluth, but many of the smaller cities somerset is to retire from active par- Minnesota are represented, tlclputlon In the affairs of the W. c. T. The opening session was occupied U. In future -she will devote her ttm I with -prelimln-ary business, indudtag the and attention exclusively to the man- appointment of . the necessary cotnmit agement of the home for inebriates, I tees. The nnual report . of Secretary wnicn sne has rounded In England, and w- H. MCmwen snows mat tne union to the numerous other charities in I labor movement has made great sttldes hich she Is Interested. Considerable In the state during the past 12 months Interest attaches to the choice of her na that the situation generally is satis successor in the presidency of the factory. World's W. C. T. U. High Water Sale! MEN'S $15.00 SUITS 0( 7J Great Lineof Patterns. We 7.1 U can fit you in some of them. s MEN'S $10.00 PANAMA HATS $6.75 , WHILE THEY LAST BARGAINS IN ALL LINES IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH WELCH THE AMERICAN CLOTHIER 221-223 : MORRISON AND FIRST STREETS EARLHAM'S PRESIDENT - At Chicago. R. H. E. Chicago 4 10 3 New York 9 14 0 Batteries Menefee. Wicker and Kllng; McGlnnity and Bowerman. Um pire Emslie. CLASS DAY-AT PRINCETON (Journal Special Service.) PRINCETON, N. J.. June 8. The class day exercises at Princeton were held today, beginning at eleven o'clock this morning In Alexander Hall. There was a considerable company of audl torf present, comfortably filling the large auditorium. Many of them were from distant parts of the country, friends and relatives of the members of the academic class. The exercises, consisted of the singing . of college songs, interspersed with reading or personal humorous histories of the members of the class. The reading of the histories was followed by the plant ing of the class Ivy. This afternoon the historic cannon exorcises were held around the old cannon on the campus. There are a number of matters ,of Importance - to be1 considered by the convention during the three days It will be .in session that made the gather ing of 'more than ordinary Interest to (Journal Special Service.) I the labor world. If the desire of a RICHMOND, Ind.. June 8. President I lttrge and Influential element is acceded Robert T. Tfollv wa 11 - ( ijubdiiuiib ui ouuiuwin icccno S Thl-H JtLZ" i7.1.""1!? ! ttentlon than ha. been the case wiivfiv in at former conventions of the organlsa- io v sBBiica oi a jarge auaience. in- tlon. Mrxt interest attaches to the elec Ciuaing trustees, faculty. alumnL atu-J tlow of fflra of tbe rodamtlon. Preal aents ana mends of the college. Lead- 1 dKnt Neary and 8ecretar McEwen, It mg educators were in attendance from I Is said, are anxious to bet re-elected, neariy ail or tne "prominent colleres but Tor both officers there are a num and universities of Indiana and there ber of other strong aspirants and the were also eminent representatives of contest promises to be exceedingly me x rienas- institutions of learning lively before It Is ended. in various pans or the country. The "Just Try a Parrot Cigar' At Jt. Souls. FIRST GAME R.H. E. St. Louis ..4 8 1 Brooklyn . . 2 4. 0 Batteries -Dunleavy and J. O'Nell; Evans and Ahearn. Umpire Holllday. SECOND CAME. R. H. E. St. Louis 4 7 1 Brooklyn 6 6 1 Batteries Rhoades. Currie and J. O'Nell: Garvin. Schmidt and Rltter. Um pire Holllday. ' i . COLLEGE GAMES . The results of the college games played Saturday are as follows: At Princeton Princeton 10; Yale 8. At Worcester Holy Cross 2; Har vard 1. TO BOX ON JULY FOURTH (Journal Special Service.) t BIJXTE. Mon't., June. 8. Joe Gang, the champion lightweight, and Buddy Xing, FOR A NATIONAL BODY (Journal SpeoiaVServlee, ST. LOUIS, Mo., June 8. The truck men, although one of the most numerous among the Industrial occupations In America, heretofore have had no na tional organization, They are abput to fall In line with the other crafts and trades, however, and it Is expected that from a conference begun in St Louts today there will materialise a strong national union. Delegates are in at tendance from various cities and the new organization will begin its career with a large membership embracing the local unions of truckmen In Boston, Chi cago, Philadelphia and numerous other cities. particular features of the inaugural program were the Installation address, delivered by President Harper, of the University of Chicago, and the Inaugu ral address of President ' Kellv. Brief congratulatory addresses were delivered on behalf of the student - body, the alumni and the educational Institutions of Indiana. y SPRINKLING BEGINS O.W,r. IB. Company Has a Contract to Settle (the Dust Along Its tines. The City of Portland has entered into a contract with the O. W. P. & R. Com pany, through Its president, W. H. Hurlburt, covering the sprinkling of Jthe streets covered by the company's lines, and the work has already commenced, and is being performed In a thorough manner with satisfaction and comfort to a large number of people. The reduced homeseekers' rates, elec tive February 15. apply via the Denver Rio Grande. ,Have your friends eomo through Salt Lake City, over the scenic line of the world. ' THREE-CENT FARES Uayor Johnson of Cleveland Takes right tot Cheaper Street OW Bate to the Courts. (Journal Special Service.) CLEVELAND. O.. June 8. The renl Robert L. Kelly, the new miMm flltht for Mayor Johnson's 3-cent fare of Earlham College, graduated from I line begann -theCommorr- Pleas Court that Institution In 1888. He did thma I with the filing of an application for an years of graduate work In psychology Injunction .to restrain the Little Con- a t t ho TTnfvaraltv i i I at.! Ila tA Pnmiunv frnm W t t n n H t n tr it m took the master's degree, and for three tracks along lioane street, in the Vll years in succession -waa awarded -fBi.-J lag-J)f -Glenvllle,,, a suburb. ' Mayor lowship. In Chicago he conducted r- Johnson wants this street for his pro. tensive kiventisration- in- th nosed line.' and will- make & stronit flKht child 'psyefiofbgy,1' both of the normal T'tb wrest 'It from the Little Consolidated and abnormal type, in which line he is Company., A' temporary Injunction was recognized as an authority. He mm a granted ny judge uaDcocn pending a to Earlham College two yeara airo tmm I complete hearing of the case. i-enn .uoiiege, iowa, or Which Institution he was acting president CREDIT MEN.'AT ST. LOUIS MOJTTANA OOZ.B BSCEXFTI. (Journal Special Service.) HELENA, Mont., June 9. The re ceipts of gold and silver at the United States aasay . office in this ' city show a material Increase for May, compared The (Journal Special Service. ST. LOUIS, Mo., June Delegates with those of the preceding year. are arriving In considerable nnmhr I receints thla vear were 1184.968 cold ror tne eighth annual convention of the and $870 silver, as against 1152,298 gold National Credit Men's Association, and 81,106 silver last .year. .Of .this f-rrnemcnts were wmcn unguis us sessions in bt. Louis amount. Montana mines contrioutea tomorrow. The number of early ar- $12,4B2. . Fergus County , hows the rivals Indicates that the iratherlnir will most notable Increase, owing . to. the oe one or me largest ever held by the rapid development or tne cyaniue pro- associauon. . uesirea changes ii the I cess, Dannruptey laws will be discussed at lengin ana a numoer or prominent busl-1 ail,.,, V lb krnnA ness men and financiers will address till til iuu Lwn. uuunu. tne creaii men on topics or mutual in- wk., vnn . inv .rounrt And find oeo- A good many Sc cigars are made of leaves, all right, but the PARROT Cigar ia madt of selected leaf tobacco. ,i AT YOUR DEALER'S DROWNED NEAR SALEM in Lm. Zlll Jrege oftlBalUn,ort Pie everywhere who can testify that will, preside over the -convention, . hi.iirtr in the world 4Ka4 ia jftiiial the iTTexn f nctPl'n flr V- I HA HNfir- hflR PORT AWn bone and manhood builder, Sextne Pills, . . ' , w . . i I li JWU gIKCiU Call J llllllfj ' W UMiiu (Sournar Spefclal Service.) . ' i.. . -cl..i.. tnh. - k- ;t VANCOUVER. Wash.. June 8.-The 1Za -n" -1.. n i-. .V. - VnTtrillvr TrHl an n.. m , A Ai 1 1 - I . w . . . . . - tiitmcuBB guaranteed, u sold at .91 per oox, any Portland ball team, the players bf 6 boxes for $5. and the guarantee Is as nmvu fin uimci id years OI Bite. ATIV I' mnnA aa o K.iV aln Tj. Cnrll.nn Ih.i 4,.nl... l- . . .. I - " . " utoiiiiiB 10. accept iniainre snld onlv hv J. A.. O fmnnnni lm. challenge may learn; full particulars by I addressing E. P. Prebles, Vancouver, The store where you get Just what, you want A Toong Boy Ooes Down In the Will amette In Presenee eg Ml Comrades. (Journal Special Service.) SALEM, June 8. A sad case of . drowning occurred here at o'clock yes terday afternoon when Morris Walker, a' son of Mrs. Mattie E. Walker, lost hla Ifle In one of the sloughs' of the Willamette- River just Jjelow this cltv. The lad, who was but 14 years old, went in bathing with three smaller boys. He ventured further from shoro than the others, and suddenly found himself beyond his depth, and as he. could not swim .he sank, in about IS feet of water. companions, paMSrWeKeiU called for help, wlille one of them seized a. long pole? lying on- the toank anct extended it to the drowning boy. The lad, rising to, the surface, pnee,. ujade an Attentpt to reach tne pole but failed and sSL again before aid could reach, him. ThV i. cries of his companions brous-ht-nelsrh j bors to the rescue, but all that could ' be" done was to bring up 'the lifeless body of the unfortunate, boy. ine lad s mother is a widow and at the time ;of the drowning was at ni. - las visiting relatives. A telephone mes sage brought her home.- Funeral- ar--rr na-cmcnts were ; at pnpe, i made, the Coroner deciding that an Inquest "was . I. m . . . , uiuibvvffiKii j, aim mtj lunerai nervices were held at the home at -9 o'clock this morning and the remains were taken to Lebanon, where the funeral, will be held on the arrival of the train this evening. TEACHERS' SALARIES SALEM. June 8. The school board of the Salem district -met' on Saturday night and Hxed the salaries of teachers for the next year. The principals of the several schools under' the new schedule will" receive $8Q per -month grade teachers, formerly reoelvlng 15 T will recelvo $S8r and- teachers serving their first terms -will have $45trin,. crease of $5 over salaries paijr , lb the Past , - , .f . ' A ; ' . ' Preferred toek Oansect Ooods. Allen & Lewis' Best Brand. . - . j.jk YJ jfl - N f - 1 ' "V I V