The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 13, 1902, Page 1, Image 1

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    ' 'v , . , 1902. -'. 1
JOURNAL. itcBdfl:;;
'Tonight and Tuesday
partly cloudy; south - to
west winds. ,.a ..: .' ..
VOL. I. NO. 186.
Senator Mitchell Chairman of Senatorial
Committee Returns Home After
Investigating Affairs -
Senator John H. Mitchell returned home
yesterday and la at the Portland. As
ohalrman of tBa subcommittee of the
Senate be baa been investigating the af
fair of Hawaii, especially with regard to
the condition of labor and agriculture.
He bad little Information to give out at
present concerning tha Islands, and aa he
had not been able to see tha dally papers
for the past two weeks he knew prac
tically nothing about the late develop
ments which resulted In Speaker Hender
son's Withdrawal from the Congressional
race In Iowa. Bpeaking of hla work in
the territory of Hawaii he said: J
"The committee visited the four larger
t Islands Oahu, Hawaii, Lanai and Molo
kal and took the testimony of many wit
nesses on the larger sugar plantations
1 and In the cities of Honolulu and Hllo.
We Inquired Into the administration of
thvlr local lawa and ascertained when
possible the objections to the present
"The work of the various departments
of the territorial government was lnvestl
. .Hutted and- notes made of possible savings
1 In many lines. The government and con
dition of the leper colony on the island of
Moloka- was another matter most care
fully Investigated and we inquired Into
the condition of the native people gen
erally. The harbors of the two cities,
and the proposed sites of the naval and
military stations were examined, and
much testimony taken on the many sub
jects which without doubt will receive
the attention of the next congress.
"All of our time while on the islands
was taken up in collecting Information
and no conclusions were reached by the
committee. That we will do when we get
to Washington.
"The conclusion was, however, forced
upon us that several of the territorial of
ficers have been most careless in the ad
ministration of their affairs, which has
.resulted In several defalcations. As In
Cuba, the affairs of the public officials,
have been little guarded, and unfortun
ately our territorial laws make it very
easy for such things to happen. Mr.
Wright, the treasurer of the territory,
defaulted to the amount of $18,000, and
So Claim the FrienJs of
flay Be Again Postponed by Illness
of JudgeHistory of
the Case.
NEW YORK, Oct 11-The court con
vened this morning long enough to take
a postponement ot the Mollneux trial un
111 Wednesday, a, the condition ofthe
Justice was suob that he could not pos
sibly take up the ease. Both the prose
cution and the defense were greatly dis
appointed, sis they are anxious to proceed
with the trial.
NEW YORK, Oct 11. After months and
months of delay the case of Roland IS.
Mollneux, whose first trial resulted la his
conviction and sentence to death for the
murder of Mrs. Kate Adams, came up
tor second trial today In the criminal
branch of the Supreme Court Both sides
were fully represented by counsel and It
was manifestly the desire of all con
cerned to have the trial proceed at once.
Owing to the continued Illness of Justice
Barrett, however, and the difficulty In
finding a satisfactory substitute, it Is not
Improbable that the case may be delayed
for a few weeks longer. Mollneux waa
In court and from his appearance his two
rears of prison life have not Impaired
District Attorney Osborne, who leads
the prosecution, appears confident that
' he will be able to secure a second ver
llot of guilty. Friends of the prisoner,
however, together with many outsiders
Who have closely followed the famous
tase, declare that Mollneux'a .freedom Is
already assured, that the case of the
Kate. 'has been considerably weakened by
the death or disappearance of several lm-
kortant witnesses and that tha present"
Jriai wUl be a snort one. -
his brother, a tax collector, on one of
the Islands, la short $3000.
"The Islands do not participate in th
gen oral prosperity of the country. In
fact, the main industries are at a stand
still. The chief cause of this depression
Is the low price of sugar, which Is the
main resource of the territory.
"We also inquired into the coffee indus
try, and find that many new plantations
are being set and much attention beln
directed toward this new and promising
business. The .volcanic uplands are es
peclaly suited for the growth of coffee
trees, and It is thought that Ny a llttl.
encouragement In the Sy of a bounty
or a tariff on foreign coffee, the territory
could be made the great coffee producing
district of the Pacific.
"The harbor of HUo is much larger and
better than the one at Honolulu, and the
Island of Hawaii, of which Hllo Is the
chief city, is not only the largest island
.but also the best In soli and climate. The
planters on this Island are not compelled
to Irrigate. Railroads are being built and
roads constructed in all parts of the is
land, and It Is there that most of the
new coffee plantations are to be found.
"The Islands are an especially good
market for lumber, but at the present
time most of their present supply Is re
ceived from Seattle and Tacoma.
"The business men ot Portland should
give more attention to this market, as
their lumber la 'as good as that from
Washington, and by a little attention a
good trade could be built up with those
Islands and especially with Hllo."
Asked concerning the strike In the ah
thraclte region. Senator Mitchell said:
"The coal operators are pursuing mi
unwarranted and unjustified course. The
laboring, men have as much right to unite
and co-operate as have the operators.
When they go so far as to defy not only
public opinion, but our state officials and
the chief executive of the nation, they
deserve the greatest condemnation. The
time has come when the monopoly ques
tion must be handled in no uncertain
manner by the Congress of the United
He Talks on Affairs in the Phil
ippine Islands.
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13-Generii
Grant arrived today on the transport Lo
gan. He says: "So far as the Tutted
States Is concerned, all the soldiers could
be withdrawn from the Philippines. I
believe that ninety per cent of the Fili
pinos If given a vote on the question,
would favor the retention of the soldierj
simply out of a favorable attitude. Tho
only trouble likely in the future will b
internal revolt among themselves."
Referring to the defiant attitude of the
Sultaln of Bacolod, reported today, the
??nprai aa4d thAt ..tJW . JXRUbfe. hA .b,fn.
brewing there some time, but that Gen
eral Sumner's command was amply ible
to deal with It. "The Sultai," he s1d,
"has but a few Mdros to back him up in
his warlike attitude 'against Uncle Sam.
The cause of the Sultan's discontent
arises out of a fight several months oo
with the soldiers when they gave battle
to the Moros for stealing army animals
and committing other depredations. The
General thought the revolt would soon
be Quelched by General Sumner and his
men,-when all would be- peace In- the is
lands. He heartily commends the good
work of the civil government.
His Business Will Be Conducted by
His Old Friend Dr. Mann.
NEW YORK, Oct. 13. It was an
nounced here this morning that Russell
Sage, the finanoler, will at once retire
from kctlve business. Mr. Sage is eighty
six years old and for some time past bit
health, has not been very good, which Is
the principal reason for his giving up
what has been a most active life In fi
nancial circles. It Is reported by those in
a position to know that Dr. JMunn, an bid
friend of the famous financier, will take
charge of his business.
The School' Board will hold a meeting
this evening but nothing new Is to come
up, and probably only routine business
will be transacted. v
The matter of employing a music teach
er will doubtless come up. The members
of the board are somewhat divided on
the question. Some of the members argue
that there Is too much work for one
teacher to get gdftd results, and that the
available funds do not warrant them In
employing two with the necessary sup
plies which would be required . .
Airship Crashes to Earth
Killing Occupants
Meets Derth by Falling From
Tremendous Height When
Success Was Assured.
PARIS, Oct. 13.-M. De Bradsky, the
noted French aeronaut, and a companion
were killed this morning while making a
trial trip In a new airship which had just
been completed.
Earlv t h 1 mnrnlnr whilA m.lrltio, an
exhibition trip In a flying machine of his
' f
. VUsr 1
The People "Sic 'em, Theodore.1
Theodore "That's all right to yell
'sic' will you."
own Invention, the noted aeronaut M.
De Bradsky and his companion met a
terrible death. The airship arose to con
siderable height and hnd sailed over the
city for over an hour, showing every indi
cation of success and seemed to be en
tirely under the control of Its navigator.
Thousnnds of spectators were watching
the evolutions oi the machine when sud
denly the wires holding the car to the
balloon parted, precipitating ' It to the
earth, many hundred feet below. Tha
fall was so swift that the awe-stricken
onlookers hardly realised' what had hap
pened before the machine-bearing Its hu
man freight struck the ground with a
crash that was heard a considerable dis
tance. The car was completely demol
ished and the occupants were Instantly
Aa soon as the balloon had been relieved
df the weight of the car, which was an
egg-shaped affair 110 fiet long, having on
board 15 pounds of machinery. It rose
to the sky like a shot out of a gun and
was out of sight In an Instant. When the
accident occurred the aeronaut was speak
ing through a megaphone In an efTort to
find a good' place to light.
Property Owners at Gervais Will
Erect Brick Stractttrcs,
SALEM, Oct. 13. The cltisens of Oer
vals are still somewhat undecided as to
what to do. Some of those who lost
their business houses during the recent
fire have already put up temporary store
buildings and are doing business, but
others have so far utilized some of the
vacant buildings in the town, and are
trading In a small way until arrange
ments can be Completed for new struc
tures. In which to resume their business
where It was Interrupted by the fire of
a week ago.
The Masonic Lodge, owner of the build
ing in which the store of Tansler & Co.
was located, the largest store tn the
place, has about decided to erect a two
story , brick to take the place of the
burned structure, and Mr. , Tattler is
awaiting their final determination tn the
matter. Other owners of burned build
ings will also decide in a few days as to
what they will do. Mr. B. A. JJathman,
the hardware dealer, who lost his store
building and stock in the fire, yesterday
received a check for 11700 in payment of
his loss on the building, from the Insur
ance company In which the structure was
Insured just six days from the time of
the fire. Postmaster Wm. J. Clarke, pub
lisher of the Oervala Star, who had a
policy for $1100 on his building and news
paper plant, is also reported as having
received his full insurance, his loss being
a total .one. .
Some of the property owners have al
ready decided to rebuild In brick and are
merely waiting for thr neighbors to Join
with them In erecting good substantial
buildings. .
WALLA WALLA, Oct IX The open
ing service In the new St. Paul's Episco
pal Church was held yesterday morning
at 11 o'clock. The Walla Walla band and
local . Masonic fraternity attended. - , Tht
new edifice is Just completed at a cost cf
over C2.000, and is the finest church tn
Southeastern Washington. Rev, Andreas
Bard is reetorJ v : --. j ,r
Champoeg Plcrder Case Occupies
Attention at Salem.
(Journal Special Service.)
SALEM, Oct 11 The trial of John T.
Markley. the Champoeg merchant, on the
charge of the murder of his former busi
ness partner,': J. P.' Fain, begins today and
the day will probably be consumed in se
curing -a Jury, as the circumstances of
the crime are widely known in this
county, and both the defendant and the
murdered man enjoyed a wide acquaint
ance In this county. The oaae promises
to develop Into one of the hardest fought
legal battles In , the criminal history of
Marlon County, " District Attorney J. N.
Hart and his deputies, J. H. McNary and
C. L., McNary, "are noted as hard fighters
In criminal casts of this character, and
they say they have every reason to
prosecute the defendant to the fullest ex
tent of the law; while the attorneys for
Mr. Markley John A. Carson and Lorlng
K. Adams of this city and John M.
Qeartn of Portland will make every ef
fort to clear their client, who is a mer
chant and a man of means and has been
In business in Champoeg for a great many
years. The ease la one of circumstantial
evidence, as there was no direct witness
to the killing, -which took place on the
morning of Juqe S5. last, at tberear of
' , '.jl 11111,1,1, t k . i
'Sic 'em;' but look at the thing I've got
the store of the defendant, according to
the tale of the neighbors who are the
state's witnesses.
The story of the state's witnesses Is
that the murdered man, on the morning
of the homicide, passed fro mhia house
Immediately In the rear of the store of
the defendant, ' to his barn, which stood
alongside" the store, when, on. passing the
rear door of the store, the defendant
threw open the door and remarking that
they might as well settle their troubles
then and there, fired shot at Fain,
mortally wounding, the latter. Some of
the neighbors living a quarter of a mile
away, heard the shot and claim to have
seen the wounded mang arise from the
ground and stagger Into his house. They
also claim they saw a small puff of
smoke drifting away from the rear door
of the store of the defendant Hastening
to the home of the wounded man they
found him lying on his bed and In a dying
condition. Before he died he stated that
Markley had shot him as told above.
Markley was at once arrested and
brought to this city, and an information
was filed charging him with murder In the
first degree. An effort waa made by the
state to bring the case to trial at once,
but the defendant's attorneys succeeded
In securing a postponement of the case
to the October term of the Circuit Court,
which opened this morning.
All Efforts to Capture Burlington
Train Robbers Have Failed.
LINCOLN, Neb., Oct. 13.-AU the at
tempts of the posse which has been
scearhlng for the train robbers who held
up and robbed the express car of a Bur
lington train near here Friday night,
have proved unavailing, 'x'he last parry
to return came In this morning, saying
that it was impossible to secure any
trace of the fugitives. However, the spe
cial officers working on the case have se
cured a clue which may lead to their "cap
ture In a very short time.
American Material" to Be Used in
Its Construction.
"(Journal Special Service.)
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13. Oriental
advices say that Willis Gray, the Amer
ican representative of the Hankow &
Canton Railway concession, has reached
Hong Kong and will at once go to Can
ton to commence construction work. He
expects to have S00 miles of the Une fin
ished next year, using American material
throughout. The foreign placards which
have been poted throughout Canton have
aroused bitter feeling against foreigners,
making it difficult to secure laborers there
for the Canton end of the railway.
: license mom.
Up to the close of business Saturday
night City Auditor Devlin had collected
141. IjO license money for this quarter.
This Is aa much aa was collected during
the entire month of July, the nrst month
ot Uw last quarter. ,
A War On Between the
. Opposing Factions
Grand Jury Is Now Occupied With
Other Work To Press
The reform wave Is still kept In motion
by the energy and activity of Its ad
herents. They have apparently started
In with the honest Intention ot putting
a stop to the degrading vices which have
grown and prospered in Portland under
the gase of a tolerant public
For the past few days the grand jury
has been fully occupied with other mat
ters, and has not yet been In a position
to give Its attention to this work. Charles
F. Lord, attorney for the Law Enforce
ment League, is now waiting until he
hears from certain officials to whom he
has addressed letters. It Is his purpose
to press matters and have the law upon
the statute boks enforced to the letter.
He Is being given the earnest support of
all law-abiding cltlxens who are deter
mined on seeing whether respectability Is
to be displaced here by disrepute and cor
Four of Them Found Near Medical
College in Indianapolis.
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 13.-A sen
sation was created here this morning by
the finding of four bodies tied up In sacks
near the Central Medical College. TWo
of them have been identified as having
been stolen from the cemetery, and It is
the general belief that the authorities of
the college, fearing' that exposure" was
near at hand, had placed the bodies In
the sacks and left them In the street,
where they would be sure to be found.'
Another theory Is that other parties, who
had secured bodies from the ghouls, fear
ing detection, had left the bodies near
the college In order to throw suspicion
on It, thus relieving themselves.
persons are now under arrest, charged
with graverobbingr. Including three lead
ing physicians of colleges. The Grand
Jury was today instructed that It would
be expected to waive all distinctions as
to color and prominence of the accused,
Government Provides Regular Serv
ice to Eagle and Nome.
(Journal Special Service. I
SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 13 Preparations
have been completed for the carrying of
winter malls down the Yukon River 2000
miles from White Horse to Nome by re
lays of home and dog teams, withsts
tions every 2$ miles. The American Gov
ernment undertakes to provide a regular
service from Dawson to Eagle, and thence
to Nome.
Heat Packers Will Build One at St.
Jpseph at Once.-
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Oct. 13. A move Is
on foot here among the meat packers to
build an Independent meat packing
plant at once to fight the big merger.
This field has been examined by those
outside ot what is commonly called the
combine," said a local packing-house
man. "If they build a plant here It will
bs equal to any now In operation, ac
cording to Information I have received.
This will mean the Investment of at least
15,000,000." .
Leave for Down River on Boat This
The visiting bankers took a Jaunt down
the river this morning on a steamer.- They
were accompanied by many Influential
business- men of Portland. They will
leave for Seattle tonight and returh here
oa the J6th. ' - -
' The Portland delegatlonjo the National
Irrigation Congress Is expected back to
David B. Eifl Starts the Ball
Rolling in New York.
NEW YORK. Oot 18. An enthusiastic
meeting marked the opening of the Dem
ocratic campaign In this state Saturday
night David B. Hill and Edward M.
Grout were among the prominent speak
ers to address the meeting and their re
marks were cheered to the echo. In
speaking ot the revision of tariff Mr. Hill
"With over SOO,MO,6oO of surplus reve
nue in the Treasury of the United States
It is folly, aye it Is almost criminal fur
ther to resist a modification of the pres
ent exorbitant tariff rates. No good rea
son can be urged why such revision should
not be Immediately undertaken."
Referring to the plank In the state
platform which provides for the Govern
ment ownership of the coal mines, he said
that the proposition is entirely constitu
tional and a necessary expedient, and not
at all socialistic or revolutionary,
TOPEKA, Kan., Oct 13. Although the
f uslon 1 forces have not been able to get
service on the Secretary of the State of
the order of the court that the Demo
cratic and Populist tickets should both
appear on the state ticket the fusion
ticket will appear on the ticket under the
head of Democratic
COLUMBUS, O., Oot lS.-Owlng to
threatened Illness Senator Hanna, at the
conclusion of his speech In this city Sat
urday night, announced that he would
cancel all of his engagements for this
week In order to give him time to rest
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 18. -Secretary
Shaw spoke on the revision of ths tariff
to a large orowd here Saturday night
Senator Quay was also present but he did
not speak.
Congressional nominations were made
Saturday as follows:
Ninth New Jersey District Robert Ca
rey, Republican.
Tenth New Jersey James D. Manning,
Eighth Massachusetts G. S. McFarland,
Annie E. .Stearns has filed. bllf in the
State Circuit . Court asking that the
matrimonial tie which binds her to Theo
dore E. Stearns be severed, they were
married In Oakland, Cel., December ia,
18T5. She alleges that he has treated her
In a cruel and Inhuman manner and that
some time ago he deserted her. She says
that he Is the owner of two teams and
lands, from which he , enjoys a large
monthly income and that he owns two
houses -and,-lot, In VorUand.. She asks for
her share of the property and the cus-
today of the minor children.
Thomas Mercer, a young man In the
employ of the Pacific Telephone Com
pany, was adjudged Insane in the County
Court Saturday. When a young child he
suffered a fracture of the skull and ever
Since he has had fits of insanity,' when
he would threaten to take his own life
and that of others. The spells have be
come more frequent of late and It was
thought best to commit him to the asy
This Evening in a Blaze of
The Catholic ladles of Portland have
been busily engaged today In decorating
the rooms of the Merrill Cyclery, where
they will , open .theJrannjuAl. CailuKlnl
fair, which will continue until October 23.
Promptly at 8 o'clock this evening Gov-ernor-elect'Chamberlaln
will open the fair
by delivering a speech and then pressing
the electric button.
Mayor Williams will also add charm to
the opening by delivering one of his usu
ally witty addresses.
Among other notables who will be pres
ent and make a speech' will be Archbishop
The fair will open In a blase of glory
and lights. The booths have been beauti
fully decorated and are supplied ) with
most any article a person may wish to
President Remains Seated During
Entire Ceremonies.
WASHINGTON. Oct li-Wthout a
great deal of display, Sir Michael Her
bert who is England's successor to Lord
Pauncefote In' the United States, was re,
celved by President Roosevelt this morn
ing. Sir Michael was accompanied to tha
temporary White House by Colonel Bin.
ham, where Secretary Hay was await
ing to present hUtf. -Owing to the condi
tion of the wound his leg. It is said.
President Roosevelt ' remained; seated
throughout the eaUi rejJwniee the
presentation --, v. w
Operators Calling On Mr,
Morgan .
They Are Said to Have Left th$
Matter to Him as Final .'
NEW YORK, Oct 13. At 4 o'clock B.
was ststed by a man connected" with th :
Morgan firm that an Important statement
would be given out tonight or tomorrow af
to the result of Morgan's meeting wltv
the various operators and ethers Inter
ested In settling the strike.
NEW YORK, Oct 13. The operator
concluded their conference at noon- and
all were reticent It 'Is almost certain
that he meeting was the - result of the)
Root-Morgan talk of Saturday.
Presidents Markle. Wldner and Thomas .
went to Morgan's office at the close cf
the operators' conference, where they
have been closeted ever since. The In
ference Is that they are' reporting tha re
sults of this morning's meeting and' leav
ing the matter to Morgan as. the final-,
arbitrator. On the strength of this, coat
stocks in Wall street took a conspicuous '
Jump. i
NEW YORK, Oct 13. All the seal pres
idents with the exception cf Baer, are la
conference here this morning in the Del- "
aware & Hudson railway offices. Just
before entering the office President Trues- '
dale said: "I believe that Important re
sults will come from this meeting which
la for the purpose of discussing the strike. '
Beyond this I can say nothing exoept that
we do not contemplate the granting ot '
any increase in wages."
HAZELTON, Oct. 13. The Lettlmer col- '
liery here resumed work this morning, ......
The operators claim that applications
have been received fnom af least one--half
of the old employes wanting to re
turn to work. Two companies of troops ;
aro now guarding the colliery, : and ; a
determined effort will be made this week -to
get other collieries In the Lehigh re
gion open, and the slopes are being
cleaned and put in condition.
ST. BTIENNE, France, Oct 11 The
pallbearers and hundreds of strikers whe
attended the funeral of a striking miner,
this morning, carried red flags. On their
arrival at the church they were refused ;
admission. The cortege then proceeded
to the cemetery. The expected Interfer
ence of troops failed to materialise, hence ,
the anarchist demonstration provoked no-'
WASHINGTON. Oct - l uader
stood here that regardless of the Nsw"
York conferences. President Roosevelt
will appoint a commission to' Investigate '
the conditions In the anthracite coat
fields and then present the findings tsv,
Congress with' the hope that legislattoo '
will be enacted to prevent future trouble,
TAMAQUA, Oct IS. Although troops ,
lined the roads leading to the ooUlertea
this mornliur. but few additional men "re
turned to work. There was no disorder.
and the strikers apparently maintain m
firm -attitude.
PHILADELPHIA. Oct. li President
Rur i ronferrinr with President Casv
satt of the Pennsylvania- Railway, her
this morning In the latters office. Gen
eral Louis Wagner, president ot the cits;
Board of TrusteesJta ahic Vr ,
BRUSSELS, Oct 13. The miners la
three large pits here struck today tot ! a
creased wages. Unless It Is soon settle
there Is to be a general strike of the min
ers of Belgium. .-'
delphla & Reading R- R. today re-elected :
the entire board of directors and officers,
including Baer as President , (
WTLKHSBARRH. Pa.. Oct IS. Reports :
from the Haselton coal district say that
miners are starving and M dire neea ox
Immediate assistance. Tn new was ..
brought in by an enfeebled man who had
walked 30 miles to appeal for help I or
the wives and families of the miners.
nftw ORLEANS. Oct IS. The Street
cars resumed operation today, the men
accepting a compromise. Sixteen wuoa
learioN have been arrested sad peuna
over to the erand iury In the sum of 111)
each, charged with conspiring to interfere
with the United States maa
The ways and means committee of tbf
Council wtllaeet this afternoon and opes
bids for the S50.00D city Improvement
bonds. Mayor Williams received s let
ttff this morning from New Tork parties
inquiring about the bonds, which showi
that the eyes of Eastern cspitallxU r
focused e Portland as good I H
Invest their money - ,