Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, February 26, 1891, Image 3

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Iron it niiil oounty oouiU mid ulio-
tioti of noliool clirwtor nil in tli wimo
week. Tin) town is looming up since
boing iiifoqiprntnl.
OU Uuohmcy i having n tunnel
run fn to Uip hi Iwlgo on l-'nul Millor
inountnlti, uni! wo lmrn thnt lit! finds
good free milling ore.
Murriwl, nt the Oily Hotel, hy Oo.
Judge Huzeltint', Wwliicsilay, Kck
18, .Mr. A. 1. Ilickoy nnd Mins !;nlli(!
IS. .Mnrlin, ofKlniwl)rry viilloy.
Plnnt fruit tri'M. Tlio pooplu nmy
chll you crnzy, hut renietnhcr thi-y
cnlled old .Mr. Nonh onr.y while ho
-wtis huihling hi nrk mid stocking up.
ShorilT Orovip nrrivi-d hoin on the
sUge Kridny night, iiiuoh to tho mir
priso of evitrylody, who supposed he
wnnt "hroko" it Salem nnd wns hoof-
tho Harlow wagon
'th Mngonu.
11 X hny for wile
i , ar ngo no
-' the
tion ot u.
Imigoil with tho death of
Ttnuin at Unyvillu was concluded last
nttduy and the prikoucr helil in tho
i of SlflOO to iinnear lK.'foro tho
1 juiy, which lond was not given.
tfng olwut ton or eleven yearn ugo
nir. it. n. mneimrt. was punning
I ncro orchard near this city the
TTocviIlwl him crazy. Hut hu wont
ahead nnll took good euro of his tree.
Now thoy nil Ixsar profusoly, anil .Mr.
Hinchnit mauagUH to disposo of all tho
fruit and cider they produce. Kesidos
his orchard is un ornament to (irant
A jury in .hnlgo Kiiliion's coin t
last Thursday found Jus. Ourry guilty
of nisnult uiid Uittery on tint porxon of
Arthur Mosior, loth rosidents of John
Day precinct. The usual tine of ?-!
uiid cosU was imposed and the defen
dant i.i iKKirding with thu county for
I '21 dayK. His Knddlo hone will Ui
sold no.t Monday to pay costs. Hoys,
"plunso don t light.
"""iflprd J'ho tiriicil home
" " '."M "f
it K '.i ' v f
- " ' 4 ' v." . . :"..V 1
.-.,. - ...
l- . ;:.v, - - i ;? l
1 -...''. f v . . . i
. - "V
' . ?
in the jus-
ngo. An t'
which wm not
thu coui L mid a $10
nut ill L
nun in Crcik county consult
nliimnac to dct4rmini how
cnttlo thev urn goiiiL' to hwo.
Here whom crops never fuil thoy gen-
ornlly consult thu h.iystnck.
Wo have lx-cn dinajijtoinU'il in not
lcin nhle to secunt n printer. There
fore the editor i.1 Uill compelleil to per
form the vnrious duties pi'ttiiining to
tho publication, including weather
A number of young ncoplu, ho
Huving in ' reciprocity, iittentled
tho ball nl lower town Monday
night. Storm v weather nnd hail
roatlH prcvonknl ninny going from
hero to l'rairie.
The Dnllefl b talking of a hrnnch
railroad to the Fossil coal beds ninl
one to tho hugo glacier on the Hide
of Mt. Hood. With these two roads
our proud Bifiior on the broad Co
lumbia can bid defiance to both ex
tremes of temperature.
Kditon announces thnt he will have
electric and sun reflectors by next win
tur whereby hu enn melt tho snow
from any given locality in n short ti mo.
This country will havu no use for the
machines. Thu chinook does the work
to Announce that there wil()oa hvcV
tin social and Imskot picni nt''Masohi
J full on Wednesday evening, March -t,
1691, A gool programme- will Ijo ar
ranged for the occasion. Kveiybody
The News is constantly filling ap
plication from all jmrts of thu Union
for Minplo copies. leoilu are lx'gin.
ning to look towards Omut county,
and thoru is plenty of room. Come
and get a foothold, for when we get a
loilrond things will loom.
Long Creek citizens "tumbled to"
tho suggesuoii of tho Nkwh that
their town would prosper as well by
any other name, and tho city has
been incorporated under thu nnmu
of "(llendou." Much more oclic
and high-sounding than "Long
Tho sheep in this county are so
nearly frco from disease that tho
practice of fall shearing will soon
1)0 not necessary, and will doubtless
be entirely abandoned. Tho stock
insectiou law has been of vast ben
efit to tho sheep raisers of the coun
ty, for without it they never would
"vyip got tho letter hand of tho sheep
ldson, suHirintendcnt of
mini' at Cracker deck,
county during tho wcuk
with tommy Mehwan.
iiowh'tlge a ph-usjint call fioiu
lemon. I lie Orncker crroV ore
t Iki worked by the itxpensivo
of thu couiany, and an uu-
v process wm shortly ihi tried
ol saving the precious
legram from Douglas,
"A negro named Tom
lynched today on goner-
es. jio was a notorious
and guilty of many
Negroes must bo plenty
ihcn thoy aro lynched
jl principles. We sup-
i tlio jKiopIo want to
'niitortnnt event thoy
i lynch u negro.
able that tho spring
romt court for this
inoiicc nest week,
o will go over, tin-
passed by tho lato
tho fourth .Monday
bill changing tho
gisiaturo on last
lor tho coustitu-
ad six days after
it within which
veto the same,
bill, of which
intimation, then
n in force for
rm begin next
ho approved
lavs to pass
ig or vetoing
uiatciy go into oi-
T. i i . i r
postpoiio tho term
It is unfortunate that
in such an unsatisfac-
i, but is a thing that
urt nor olllcers of tho
siKiusihlo for. Judge
auscil a telegram to bo
o ascertain what the
one, aim will know
nday whothor to con-
not. All subpu'-
nding will bo hold by
not served until at-
i-ujtlohnitoly whothcr
t "Wllwoni'u or not
Fob. 21, 1801.
on the war-path last
A. It, 1ml 1 jmssed olft
Denning is in town on n nro-
'tl visit.
Johnson has gone on a bus
p to Hamilton.
ph Kvans is confineil to his
remised by overwork.
Doc Ilti'hmor took his doiiarturo
or ('aldwcll, Idaho, this morning.
Scott Hydo has tiit the black
smith business and gone to breaking
Tho worthy tlnleotlvo had his
badge pin stolon from him last
night in the hall.
Thorc will bo a grand masque
rade prize ball hero on tho evening
of St. Patrick's day.
Parties took nway four hats from
tho hall last night and forgot to
leave any in their place.
llotli schools have closed. Mrs.
Smith, teacher of the public school,
started to Ilakcr last week.
Antone Musical drove his band
of oaltle down from tho ranch last
week to 1)0 fed for the winter.
Terry Kiinzev tho great ladies'
man and his family were at the
pork and bean Biipier last night.
Sixty-fivo candidates for town
marshal and only one marshal in
town, and that is John Marshall
Prairie City is not a desirable
ntaco for a man to bo in love, as he
is liable to get his trotters tripped
at any moment.
Al Gillette has a span of zebras
which ho is trying to break, but wo
don't know whether ho will make a
success of it or not.
John I.auraucc has returned from
a business trip to Portland. Wo
understand ho intends putting roll
ers in his ilouring mill.
Ten Dog has two dogs for sale
worth f 100 apiece, hut as grub is
scarco will dispose or J.unr itfr the
sjuirsum of ISO apiece.
Jesso McMurdo is going to run on
tho Independent ticket for town
marshal, and if defeated will retire
to the mountains and hunt cougars.
An arbitration trial has been in
progress for two or threo days be
tween W. J. fialbraith and Leo
I.aurancc, but wo understand it has
been postjoncd.
Messrs. Gilford and Kvans of
Quartzburg were in town Saturday.
They say the snow is from four to
live feet deep up there. Look out
for the second Mood.
Wo understand that Abo Hickey
wanted to find out who'Torus Plas
ter" was for the purpose of having
him to give him a pull' in tho paper,
but as ho didn't send us any wed
ding cake wc refuse to do it.
Jesso Dixon has taken tho con
tract to feed eight burros fifty pounds
of hay with n gum boot for dessert
for two weeks. Wo thought it a
small allowance, but it was sanc
tioned by ltoo Hardman, as ho had
fed a few of them in Wyoming.
Poitus Pl.ASTKlt.
Astoria is tho largest city in
America without a railroad.
A social party was given at tho
I. 0. 0. F. hall fo'r Odd FellowH and
their families last Friday evening.
Nearly every town in Oregon has
either had a new charter or an
amended one at this session of tho
The Pacific Hrowory's Culuhratcd
Heer, tho !cst in Kastern Oregon, is
now kept constantly on tap at tho
Ked Front Ililliard" Hall.
An injunction was filed by the
assignee, therefore) the sale of the
horses belonging to tlio John Carry
estate was jHatjK)ned until some fu
ture time.
A mine explosion at Pittsburg
tho other day killed large number
of workmen. A lamp accidentally
dropcd down tho shaft caused the
gas to ignite.
There was considerable doubt of
tho H'liatc being able to pass tho
road bills over tho governor's veto.
Blackmail's Monument-Johu Day
bill however, was made a "special
order." Whether it was taken up
or not wo don't know.
Canyon City's incorjwration bill
ought to bo displayed to tho public
that the people may know what kind
of a law is to govern thoni. No
body apjioars to have seen the bill.
Such things of a public nature
should not bo hid under a bushel.
When you send away for goods
remember tho linn of Collin A Mc
Farlaud at Heppnor. Thoy not on
ly guarantee you first class goods at
lowest prices, but thoy pay mail or
express charges on same to any
stago odico in (irant or Harney
counties. See their now "ad" for
further particulars.
I will sell for Cash, or trade for
Stock, tho undiviilod half, or all, of
tho Steam Saw Mill known as thu
Southworth it Guernsey mill. Has
planer, and shiuglo machine attach
ed. For full particulars address
Canyon City, Grant county, Oregon.
Killian's hill repealing tho mort
gago tax law; failed.
The new assessment and tnxntion
bill failed to pass thu senate.
TongucV bill providing for a state
board of equalization passed.
Regulating tho salary of county
judge in Grant county; passed.
Tho various incorporation bills
for towns in this county all passed.
Dodson's bill fixing tho terms of
court in tho Sixth district; imsRcd.
Dustin's bill amending tho game
law, allowing no elk to bo killed for
five yoars; failed.
Tho L'AOOO World's fair appro
priation bill was indefinitely ost
poned in the samite.
Dividing tho state into two con
gressional districts. Tho northern
district is contused of tho Kastern
Oregon counties, and Multnomah
and Clatsop.
The bill for flOO.OOO for a jxirt
ago railway at Tho Dalles ami Co
lilo hail an amendment of $I'J.r,000
for a transfer boat tacked to it,
which swanicd the bill.
Tho senate soemod to bo a unit
tlut no new oottntioB should bo cre
ated or county seals relocated at
this session, and all such bills were
tabled after the first reading.
The reapportionment bill where
by each county would be entitled to
one or uioro representatives in tho
1 louse, aftor much wrangling failed
to pass. lly its terms Grant and
Hamoy would have olected a sena
tor jointly.
Loso Chkwc, Feb. 20. j
Knrrou News: Porhapa a few !
items from our part of tho country
would bo of somo interest to your
Snow is about eight inches dcoj
in tho valley.
Stockmen havo, tliei' Cfttti up
Horses outside are starving to
death as fast as they can.
An old pair of pants, coat and
shirt, was hanged to threo scant
lings on the night of the lilth inst.
and a placard pinned to it bearing
tho words "Tho Horrible 11. lllack
man. Sold the Long Creek people
to Canyon City for if 2000."
Wo have a postal agent in Long
Crook but no postmaster. The of
fice is in tho hands of tho bonds
men. The postmaster was "into"
the ollico for a considerable sum,
and it nearly broke tho town to dig
up. Can't you send a man from
your town whom wo can trust with
a few jiostago .itampsl There will
bo no trouble in giving bonds as
long as tho snow is as deep in the
mountains as at present. We don't
caro what his politics is, just so ho
is in favor of moving the court house
and don't belong to tho Canyon City
ring. Old Timkk.
Let's Co Kill an Elk.
Representative Dustin introduced
a bill in tho legislature intended to
protect tho lives of elk, but which
by reason of its wording, throw the
safeguard of the law around hunters
who slow elk. Wo quote from tho
Oregonian: Dustin's bill to protect
elk, deer and such gamo, created
considerable fun when read by tho
clerk in the senate this afternoon.
Tho engrossing committee had fol
lowed copy too closely, and in tho
first section of tho bill" it was pro
vided that any person who shall
kill an elk shall not bo killed for a
period of five years. Tho clerk
read it ovor again to bo suro ho was
right and tho laughter increased.
No one made any motion, and tho
speaker added to tho hilarity by
asking tho gentleman from Grant
county if ho desired the bill passed
in this shape. After vainly trying
to discover where tho mistake origi
nated, tho bill was referred to tho
committee on fisheries for rehabili
tation. Go to tho Ked Front Ililliard
Hall, Canyon City, for lino wines,
liquors and cigars.
Flour, Gnih.iin, H.irley, (either
ground or whole) Chicken fend, Kyu,
Middlings, limn, ShoiU, Ac, Ac, at
Wantki). A Printer in tho Nkwh
foundry. Must bo able to furnish
satisfactory references. None other
need apply. First come first served.
Address Tin: Nkwh, Canyon City.
IIollllt'M ltllMlllCHH College Ol
Poilland will open Sopt. 1st. J. A.
Wesco, tho leadinj; peiunau of tho
coast, has bocomo a partner in this
school and will make it tho loading
Business College. Send for cataloguo
How to wash windows on tho
Western Washer without removing
them from tho frames: Put about
S inches of lukewarm water into tub
or bucket, drop in u piece of soap
and leavo it until tho wator begins
to look white. Move your machine
directly under tho window, put your
bucket" on ono end and stand on the
othor. Take a sjongo and wipe
away until tho last snook is remov
ed. Patent applied for. Only two
more of these wonderful machines
for sale at Gundlach's. Como
Tho Kaglo last week gave an ac
count of tho hanging in ofllgy of
C. . - C? - - If III 1
State Senator Henry lllackman in
the citv of Creek. Not con
, tent with seeing the imago susittnd
i oil in tho air, tho Kaglo further says
j with jwrhaps a tinge of braggadocio
that "during the morning somo two
dozan rillo shots woro hoard, each
penetrating some part of tho ghostly
form." Wo have sinco learned that
the mob mounted the dead Senator
on a horse behind the rider and
sent him up to Hamilton to bo "bur
ied among bis friends."
Tho Nkws deplores the fact that Creek, which is still a jmrt of
Grant county, contains people ca
1 nablo of finding amusement in acts
Iwfitting an untamed Sioux warrior.
Only a few weeks ago tho aged and
white-haired Justice of tho Peace
was hanged in elligy because of sonic
derision the nol-neaileu ones did
not like. Such demonstrations as
theso indicate that the law-abiding
Kfojtlo of lA)iig Creek need a Court
louse and jail very badly.
Tho representative men of our
county who have l)eon drawn ftoin
the list to handle tho jury trials at
the term of court which may prob
ably begin next Monday are nriincd
as follows:
Wm. Hall
.1. L. llarnhnuse
John Shrier
Max Kohison
Alex MoIoinui
W. H. Gates
H. D. Johnson
J. S. Jones
V. H. Peterson
I). N. Luce
K. K. Dayman
Samuel C. Hillis
Martin Dorr
Alvin Campbell
H. P. Barnard
Frank Wallace
Thou. Mcador
,C. V.Sweek
G. W. Clnmun
rt... .1.1
James Conwcll
Thos. Joflbrson
W. It. Hughes
J. II. Hamilton
Adam Gordon
A. llachuny
J. A. Taylor
J. C. Krkisou
W. II. Kelly
0. II. Leo
K. K. Luce
slock raisor.
A Chinaman was killed at Pen
dleton a few days ago by a railroad
brakoman named .looters.
I'm: n little mutton tallow or vaseline
wlien there are hiipii of the cow't. teats
Nuvkii chop turnips fur stoulc but
slice them, anil there will lie. lesK liabil
ity of any of the animals Wing ehoheil.
(looti t raiiiiiir makes n cuuMileralile
.llirereiu'c hi the value of a horse. To
.fi't the best results handling anil train
in ,' bhuuhl begin when the colt K very
Ik you niKe. the rljrlit Uiml of horses
the buyer will come after them; if the
wrong hirul you will have to hunt up a
buyer, ami sometimes have consiilerable
trouble to lliul him.
Tin: best way to feeil ground grain is
to ink It with cut feed. If cut feed ami
irrouml jfrnln lire mixed the result is
that tho saliva is more completely min
gled with the Kraln, and tho whole is
more thoroughly digested.
A coititKHi'o.NiiKNT of an exchange
says if your horse has lockjaw tnl.-e
strong tobacco and put It on each side
of the Jaws while they are loehetl, and,
if a had ease, bathe all over the Ixxly,
and your horse will Ik) well and eating
in u few hours.
No aximai. should Ik! guarded more
carefully than tlio cow. She dally pro
vides millc ns an article of fixsl, ami
should she Ik) attached by disease, or
suiTer ailment of any kind, the whole
f.imily may Incur danger. It Is more
hiiMirtaut to look after the health of
the cow than to the health ot the horte. l no reason why the barn
yard .himld Is' lllthy. The farmer who
alms t- convert all waste Into manure
will have a clean barn-yard, for he enn
lu.t alTord to allow the liillids to Is
wasted, or wait for the cattle to
trample the nbsorlients that can more
easily Ik decomposed In thu Manure
Iris for moU persons moru easy to
Matter than to praise.
Tut: moral value of life Is not a fancy.
1'altli. purity and endurance uru not
mere names.
N):vi:u give way to repining- No
habit Is worse than that of useless
grumbling Action and work will mend
the worst fortune.
To inaiKVK that there Is no place like
home li a wholesome partiality; hut to
IiiukIi another man's homo to scorn be
cause it is not a fac-slmllo of ouu's own
Is illiln'ral and unmanly.
(ioni) manners decbiru that their pos
sessor is a person of superior (piaUty, no
matter what his j;art, or howuver slen
der his purse. They prove hl,s respect
for himself, and they also prove his re
spect for those whom hu adrcsses.
DfTV of every kind has in it tho ele
ments of plcusure, and, if we do not
discover ami appropriate them, It is our
own fault. If wo study tho principles
of our life-work, dwell upon its details,
and strlvo to perfect it ns much as jios
slide, we shall insensibly lourn to love
It, and to feci no saerlllcu for It a
burden. ,
Too Ml'Cll lovo, or too jnilch expres
sion of It. never yot snoJHiVa child; it Is
undue Indulgence thujT Nhat, and it
is what the mollioiir il airaliist.
She must havo :n
what Is just to oxi
work to that as 1
plan. If shu word i
ldoa of
Xt, and
Tho first thought of almost ovory
one on hoariiie a good storv is to
ft.. 1 .. i ...I r.
mm somo one else to whom it can
bo told. Somo jteople niako a few
stories stand them in good stead for
a long time, and a tale is told of a
Vermont man who had just ono
story, and who told that on ovory
jwssiblo occasion. Not so with Drs.
Darriu. They give a new ftory of
cures every week, or the almost "mi
raculous effect electricity has on
somo alllictod mortal. Ifyotidottbt
any longer their ability, call on soinn
of tho following who have lieen cur
ed: Robert Hardy, Ktno, Wash.
Lucy H. Wood, lflockbttrg, Cnl.
Wm. Parrott, Middlotou, Or. K.
Anderson, Salem, Or. I). W. Kin
tnett, Salem. Or. Mrs. M. K. Day,
Port M Allison. Wash. Henrv
Slough, Maclea, Or Win. Hunter,
Ktigene City. Or. Voltia Webster,
eston, I'matilla count v, Or, It
II. Hico. :i'2 11 st., Portland. A.
Jackson, Seattle, Wash. C. Snow
don's girl, Salem, Or. R. Grinith'n
son, Roisford, Wash. Rev. M. M.
Ilashor, Rrooks, Or. John Wolllin,
Stuck Junction, Wash. Samuel
Jackson, Highland, Or. Geo. M.
Frank. Middlelon, Or. IVIor Mur
phy, New York Hotel, Portland
11. F. Stout, Indoiiendonco, Wash.
Dr. Darrin's Place ofUusiness.
Drs. Darrin niako a specialty ol
diseases of ll o Kyo; Kar, Noso ami
Throat, and all nervous, chronic ami
private- diseases? such as Low of
Manhood, blood taiut, syphillis,
gleol. Konorthooa, stricture, sperma
torrhoea, nominal wcnknotMor Ions of
tlasire of sexual power in man or
woman. All peculiar fenialo troti
bios, irroguhir Menstruation, dis
placement, clr.. aro csnlidvutially
nnd successfully tro.ilod, and will
under no cirouuistaucos tako o o'
that thoy cannot ouro jy
Consultation hnc.miv'
able. Ctmwo ""
autojx,--''" "
rm:sinn.NT Caiixot contemplates t
entire demolition of the forllllcatloniri
alMiut l'nrii.
Tin: only Chinaman hi the regular
army of the I'nlted States Is IMnanl
Cohots, a private in Company II of the
fifteenth Infantry at l-'orl Sheridan,
111. Re served through the war as a
l'..i:.niii:.r Diaz Ismail bin political
career while an ollleer In the army by
headini,' an Insurrection. He kept on in
that Hue until he reached the Presi
dency, but Is now the most conservative
IKillticlau in .Mexico.
Tin: Chinese on tho Russian frontier
are restoring the fortilicatious of the
town of Kuhlja. An enormous fortress
Is nearly llnish. d, with mud and clay
walls twenty-three feet hijrh, twenty
live feet thick and ciht hundred and
lifteen feet in length, with a moat seven
feet deep and lifteen feet broad.
Tlliau: will In1 eleven retirements for
aue in the army during 1MU. These in
clude two llrijradlur (lonenils, sl.s
Colonels, one .Major and a Captain, !
side two other start olllcers. The
llrlffiidlers are Ciuneral (iihlxm, com
niandlnK' the Division of the i'aeitle,
and liciicrnl llenet. Chief of Ordnance.
A r.Niu'MATirilyniimltc (un Is ln-lnir
eoiistrueteil ill Knuhtml to use inin
pressed air nt oihi Miuuds jier square
Inch: it is ir seconds of are in diame
ter, and In intended to throw IVOO pounds
of ilyuamite three miles. The air ismi
pivssor is of sieclul ili'sl'u, ami has
four pistons which decrease In diameter
as the pressure increases. The Hrst
piston is I'J Meoiids of a it. the fourth is
seconds of ate in diameter The
.V. Y. Kntfliieer.
I has adopted lNiycott and
coltare" U tlie lulinitlve.
WniiiN sixty-two years Mexico bos
had llfty-fotir I'rosldunts, one regency
and one I'uipire.
I.MUA takes the palm for free juMdnire.
Postal cards cost half a wnt ouch, and
a letter (fs-s for one cent.
At'sru w.i v has ljrun to Mud ckks to
lhii.'hind. They must Ini at least six
weeks old Is'fore they call Ik- put oil the
Is l.i union one woman In every twenty
Is a snip r, one In every thirteen Is illlt
eratu autl ono in uvery sixty is a' fln
Tiimti: are twonty-sW uionarchleMand
twenty-live republics ill tlli elviliA-il
world to-day. Sixteen republics ure in
South America.
Till: (lovernmeut of India Is consider
iilf the advisability of estalilisliin i le
vutors on the American model for the
ktiirafe of wheal und other irraiiis
Illllli.AlINO Is a jfieat sueeess in Valen
cla, Spain.'K dlstrieU under tin
system of watering support an average
of nearly three persons to the acre.
A rm:-lll"lolllC smelting furnace has
ls-en discovered In New .Mexico. Near
by a bar of pure silver was found. The
furnace had lieen lllled with ore ami
never llrcd.
(Jfi.i:s Viitoiiia havltiKprewnled the
mess of her Prussian legimcnt U'ir-t
Druir'sin (iuarils) w ith a portrait of her
self, the olllcers have sent her a lartfe
and handsome colored photograph of
the reiflment In parade order. Colonel
Victoria Is tliiderstissl to Is) proud of
hur command.
"SMoTiiiatr.ii uhlukuu'
Is niiotbci
name for jwit pie.
ColiMMiand smoked mutton are del
Icacies In Seotluml, and eormsl iiiuttoi
Is there rejfurdoil an tho cnual of corned
iKK'f. 1
Tiik eatiiiff-tabli) should 1' set In a"
liiflit. iilrv ixRMii. molerately Jieated,,
while the mental atmosphere should 1
one of ipilct nnd happy relaxation,
To jiaki: lly paper mix totf
btlrriiib', ixiual mrU of uhsU
mullMil riislu. and while V
warm spread evenly on sued
NJOoisoap, etc
.Si ritf4.Mnjmt.r TiMwwrrro wnn Mt
the orictnat.r of tfotyt-
Itow cA.s- mftti follow is catling and
yrt tv nt the Head of kU pmfessrion?
NiTiti:o Wp D j on frixn kttowl
edjfr ami w Imlum like thinking lm Ims
Thi: pokrr rdltvr refer to nu awu
initial Wm of old ttwpAni m n "stack
of rvsuU."
Hv nil mcnn, my on, fpt nlwnd, but .
not the hind ot a head thnt I obUitiicd
at n Uin-rn.
Tm: rrmnjrmnti wlm think that nvnrv
(rtrl he mcU In In low with him iiiniil
lftly jmlire other liy httttwlf.
It mVl!H'hyivicriUMlliitliM!Ujr tired
to rim! out thnt the mnu he 1ms 1-eeu
towing for Is no letter thnn hhiewtlf.
An editor, imillnjf lr tlfht eollln,
shM: "No perwm Imvtmx twtco trttnl ono
of the ciltlmt will erer nm ny other."
ItAotjtv-" TU not tit eot tltiit
nutke the man!" Itrwit) -"Noi I think
myself thnt th trousers are moro lm
porUtit." Ir has lieen ileeliled by a Snltna
(Kan.) jinUjr that hens do mil run tit
law with "any mallctou, unlawful or
willful Intent"
Whk.v we eonslder the heniveked
lnislmiHl. we are numi convinced than
ever that womnii was made of the,
bncklMiim, nnd not of the sparo-rlb of
"How inn: It happen that Dr. World
ly performs tin' oinrrlsif,' eewmony for
o innit.v dil maltU?" -tih, he always
nki them In mi audible tmw If they aro
of Hfe, Mint they all like him." ,
"How is Antonio Kcltln on?" In
quired a relative of a patient of that
name. "So. So. 'Hie ihs'tor snys that
If he llr e till totnor w he may jfet
letter: but If he doosn't you may ulvo
up nil hope."
A KiiH.i.s will tell her friend that
her Imihih t diH-sn't 111, that luir oto
Krnph ll.iltei-s her, that her new dritaM
wants takhiff In tit the waist or lettluir
out nt tin' Inistle, or "'"Jfttjl1"?
that, but no wojaftU 4Jir"" ."
her bUtcfVsji.-7'- . "
; .''
innrHiH,. . r
IiiAri: I'.vV..
mean? All the'
thiiiir done." Sum
Inif lots." Irate l'ather- 'I)os,s' .
what?" Small Sou "Thinking itUTu't---1
what I'm troiiih' to do." . t
Pa -"Whnt would you like to Is!
when you mw up, .lohnnv?" .lohunv
"I think Pll be a soldier." "You iiilj-ht
tfet killed." "Who by?" "lly tho en
emy, of etinrse." "Well, then, Iiftus I
had Is'tter lie tho enemy."
Tommy "How much will you rhar(trv
me for u bicycle for this afternoon, .Mr. '
Wheeler?" Proprietor "Plfty eelitM
for the Hint hour, twenty-live wilts an
hour niter thnt." Tommy--"Well, If I
come around here an hour later can I
have one for a quarter?"
I.AKV (to small hoy, who Is eryltui)
"What Is the matter, my little man?"
Hoy -"We were pluybiK ltnll himJ, I
brke that wine of ifhuu, over there."
I.iuly- "Well, HT)iaps the lady won't
cure much nlsmt It." Hoy "Tnin't
that; the bull went through and sho
won't (five ll back."
Pliisr llov Itrhsimlly) "I've jrot to cut
lilnillliiifs, and empty three bucket of
ashes, and build tuo llres, and jro to the
store on an errand, and then till tho
coal bin." Second Hoy (eiiviouslyj
"You've Koi a reifulnr picnic, you Imvol
.lust think of mc! Mother sal. I when
I eume home from elns)t to-day I'd
k-ot to hold the baby."
A iw,imKl-oVii:N'T of the 'Selentino
A iiierleiiu points out that keitiseiie hna
tlie jmwur of attrtictinif and d.iroylii(f
spldcin. A eup placed under lle Vip of
a kerosene reM-rvoIr to collect tho
drops was found to draw tlie Insects by
its inlor and quickly destroy them.
Many yoars practice havo m'vuti
('. A. Snow A- Co., Solicitors of pat
ents at Washington, D. ('., unsur
passed success in obtaining patents
for all chiHses of invention. Thoy
make a specially of rejected casoM,
and have secured allowance of many
patents that had been previously re
jected. Their ad. in another col
umn will be of interest to inventors,
patentees, iiiiiuufai lurers, and all
who have to do with patentB. S
Both tho method and results when
Syrup of Fins is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to tho taslo nnd acts
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Uowels, cleanses tho sys
tem ollectually, dispels colds, head-
1A V S
nelie mid fevers and euros habituabX
coiUipation. Syrupof Figsijj," - ".
ojfly remedy; of its kinilrfv'" v " ' ,
'din ed, plotwing to tl -' '
ecntttblo to thor
lU action anjf
ellerts, Krnk
i .-
r :