Grant County news. (Canyon City, Or.) 1879-1908, November 13, 1880, Image 3

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A sly little maiden sits by me to-night,
Softly luiunnta'r an o'u tr 'e low:
The br".3ht t jrea fash tli ough her fingerB white,
As Le Rtvc eth l ie need'e to an f -o.
Sweel is I'-ie song tua'i the uiak'cn singeth.
Sad to my heart i e the louats'i , b. lugeth
Dreams t'jat -were 'Vrled ho lonj ago,
Under the fnow uc ("er the hiiow.
Little the maiden knoweth of this,
"Weaving tne bright threadfi in, tho whilo
Her thoughts are -weaving it aream of bliss.
And tne ml lips part in u sweet half-smile,
As her hnpp'uess in with each stitch she twineth,
And the 1' in tlie luminous eyes that shineth,
Under i le lu' grows tender and dim.
Thinki Jg of hi.n thinking of him.
Thus the needle boarcth a double thread,
Ab daintily in vm out it plies.
And the const '.or Hood in her rV'oka grows red,
'Nealb the s nile of my steady eyes.
Shake c own tbe c'oi'd of thy brown heir's glory.
Lost t - bhishcH shoul tel' tm story
That was o'r wien the F. 1 skies were blue.
Yet evev is new evi is iew.
So blushing aud shyly the inniili-n sings.
Knitting the scarf lor her absent lover;
And metlrks two nu;els wit.i goldfti wings
Soitly around t.e maiden hover.
Hoavej grant tnat e hopes iou art weaving
Leave no room in thy heart for gri'-ving;
"'Angels keep thee," I softly tn-ay,
Turning away turning away.
Accidents or History.
It was one of the niaxiinfi of Catherine
de Medici that "a false report, if be
lieved for three days, may be of great
service to a government.'' A printers
boy with a bad memory was a few days
since oa o point of doing the ministry
a serv'ce by forgetting to deliver Lord
Eeaconsoe'd's Amendment to the Em
ploye.'' L'cb'lity bill. Lord Eedesdale
gave it to his secretary: the secretary
gave it to the boy, who p. it it in his
pocket and fogol all about L. and thus
Loul r aconslield's "evs fa:"ed to reach
the members ol the House of Peers in
dae time, lie incident in itself was
ti 'Tng, b.'t t does not stand alone in
liistory. M. Fournier wrote a book on
events which never took p1 .ce, and Lord
Beaconsfield's father was .ie author of a
learned essay on history wnlch might
have been enacted. An equally carious
volume m'ght be penned on the trifles
which have delermiiud great events.
Indeed, though momentous historical in
cidei?'. have been dne to a long con
course o! circumstances, all working to
ward a common end, the final catastrophe
has been p ccipiir.edby the merest
trKle. "'t was but a tritlo which gave
Spain "or so mar" generations the Lord
ship o! -i e New Woild. and enabled her
by . o wea'c t wuich s e derived from
tlfal sourco to become the most power
ful nation in Europe. It is well
known that Columbus, dispir
ited with the refusals which he
met at so many courts, dispatched
his b other Bartolotneo to ask aid
from Henry Til, of England. But on
the way the messenger fell into the
hands o pirates, and by the time he
teach ed London was so destitute that he
had to -y and cavn t le money to clothe
himse1" in proper . 1-yle before he could
be pieoer "d at court. But by that time
it was loo ?.te. Even the fact that Ferd
inardacd Isabella supplied the funds to
eqr'p the exhibition was mainly due to
the accident that Juan do Marchena, the
queen's confessor, happened to bo pass
ing f t the moment when the weary marine-
was knocking at lue door o". La
Babida Monastery to beg a little b.-ead
and water for his boy Diego, and was
struck with the noble face of the dusty
pedestrian. Had Bartolomeo Colon
reached London in time, had Chrisioval
been by anv chance a little later or a lit
tle e:;-1io: r ihe monastery door, the fate
of Eurooe might have been changed,
iind 1'ie u'tiny of the Anglo-Saxon race
altered. Three centuries later it was
agaii? nearly revolutionized, for in 1S06
the Ecglis 1 held Buenos Ayres, and it is
no secret that Napoleon was almost per
suaded abandon Europe as a field for
his arobVoa and try what he could ac
complish in tho way of carving out an
em oiro among the dissatisfied provinces
of bo Ja Aneriea. When Citizen Bona
)arte seemed little likely to sit on the
throre ol Louis Capet, he was on the
point o oflering his sword to the Sultan,
as, at a later period, Ton Molkte actually
It is cur'ous now to speculate what
would havo been the present state of the
Eastern question had Napoleon carried
his intentions into effect; or, supposiug
that ftloltke iiad remained in the Turkish
ser "ce. whether the Danish war would
have bc?i fought, or Prussia's suprem
acy estabshed at Sadowa or Sedan. Had
Bona' .-to o had a friend in the direc
tory, wojJu he ever have had the good
fortune o keep his head on his shoul
ders: or had not Gen. Grant accidentally
bsen on good terms with the Governor
of Illh'O's would he have been lucky
enough . o have obtained that volunteer
colonelcy whie transferred him from
tho saddlevs shop in Galena to the White
House .n Washington? Thackeray used
to de'Tut in similar speculations as to
what might have been had not a trille in
tervened to event history running its
course. In 1 15, tho English crown was
much nearer the Stuarts' grasp than it
was thirty years ago. Scotland might
have "een the jretender's had all his
friends had tho courage of the earl of
Mar and the eight thousand Highland
gentfemen who rallied around him.
Edinb j rgh castle would have undoubt
ed! v breu taken hud not the men who
were to escalade ft tarried so long in a
tavern that while they were "powdering
their hair" their confederates under the
fortress g'ew weary of waiting, and the
rendezvous was reached too late. But
for that "pulveris exigui jacta" of the
jov'al conspirators all Scotland might
have been King James', and Nor
thumberland and the north of Eng
land would havo risen in force.
In that'ten minutes King James lost
his crown, and was doomed to die a
French prisoner at St. Germains, Prince
Charlie to attempt to regain it under less
favorable ciroumstances, and Cardinal
York to end the Stuart line amid wealth
of song and story which their misfor
tunes have oveked. Had Clive succeeded
in his attempted suicide, would not the
English and French have changed places
in Ind:a? If Lord John Bussel had not
shown an unwonted firmness when Louis
Phillippe was displaying a suspicious
anxiety about "priority of d;seovery" at
the antipodes, would our colonists have
been enjoying that peace to-day which
the absence of oven such amiable neigh
bors as the French affords them ? Sup
pose "night or the Prussians" had not
come at Waterloo, what would have been
the result albeit Wellington always de
clared that he never expressed his long
ing for either ?
War clouds have burst and millions of
stout men have been slain owing to the
veriest trifles. Tbe cropping of Louis
TII.'s chin brougct on three centuries of
bloodshed, aud a sarcastic remark of
Frederick the Great on Elizabeth Pe
trovna, of Bussia, routed that virtuous
Emp -ess ; take such a vigorous part in
he Seven Years' War that at ouo time
Prussia seemed well nigh stricken unto
death. Eren Catherine II. profoundly
suspicions of Potsdam after tire "scau
dul about QiTen Elizabeth" carefully
examined her husband's correspondence
before she concluded an alliance with
the royal letter-writer. Perhaps, had
sho found Frederick II. condoling witli
Peter III., Europe might have been
spared uuch misery, and undismem
bered Poland been yet in existence to
hold the balance between the northern
empires. Nor have we been much wiser
in our generation. Tho fourth Kaffir war
began about a s' en hatchet, and tho
cutting down of a flagstaff at the Bay of
Islands involved us in tho w. etched
Maori troubles. The Crimean war
oston .ibly arose out of tho disputed
ownership of a church key, and as late
as 1854 some men who weie considered
wise enough to siu :o parliament were
reac! to spend a conside ablo sum of
mocey and many 1 res in order to settle
the ownership or some long-legged hogs
the Falkland islands. Porkers, in
deed, have among good christians been
alwavs lerriuia can si belli. It is hardly
foriy years since Louis Philippe throat
enou war against tho Texan republic be
cause an irate citizen had shot the tres
pass'np'gs of tho French ambassador.
As it was, lie prevented the Lone Star
sovereignty from floating their European
loan, and thus, the 1; "ng and the i)igs
comb'ned hastened the annexation of
exas io t'.e LL.ited States. The baitle
o the Nile v,..s a i timing point in his
.cy. But it could never have been
fought had not Nelson's fleet been per
mitted to re victual at Syracuse, and into
Syracuse it could never havo gone had
not the wife of the English am
bassador at Naples been acci
dontly aware that King Ferdinand
was very foolish and his queen very
much the reveise. States before now
have been ceded through he accidents of
ignorance. The Dutch are said to have
"jockeyed ' us out of Malacca in ex
change for Java by representing on the
map, which our simple minded envoys
took for granted, the one territory as
large and the other as small: and among
the most firmly rooted traditions of
American diplomacy "s one which repre
sents the English Commissioner as agree
ing lo the surrender of Oregon ' oecause
a coantry '" i which a salmon does not
i i.e to tho fly cannot be worth much."
Laws h.ive been altered through acci
dents before the queen's printer's boy
forgot to deliver Lord Beaconsfield's
amendment lo a bill. Many years ago
the Georgia Legislature put a tax of ten
do'lars on "all jackasses, lawyers and
doctors." it was originally only in
tended to apply to the first, but was
fiuallv imposed oa the two latter also, ? i
order to tickle tue glim humor of an old
planter who he'd the casting vote of the
But if trifles have determined tho fate
of laws aud nations, accidents equally
small have caused men to follow pur
suits the result of which have been not
less momentous to culture aud civiliza
tion. Father Malebrancho devoted him
self to philosophy after reading Des
carte's "L'Homme;" Cowley became a
poet after reading Spencer's "Fairy
Queen," and Sir Joshua .Reynolds had
never thought of painting until Bichard
son's "Treaties" fc'l into his hands. Cor
neille showed no liking for any literature
excex)t the law until he fell in love and
felt compelled to tell tho lady so in
2)oetry; and Moliere might have re
mained making tapestry had not his
grandmothe: nettled his pride by wish
ing j at lie could be an actor like Mon
rose. Ba'ooa might never have discov
ered the .;cific had ho not been unsuc
cessful as a shop-keeper in Hispaniola,
and found it neccssarry to flee to the
mainland, concealed from his creditors
in a cask on board Encisco's vessel; and
it is certain that had Cortes become a
well-brioied lawyer in Salamanca he
would never have lived to te!l Charles
T. that ho had given him more p-ovinces
than his "ather nad left him eYes. Jg
natious Loyola was a soldier, and tbe Or
der of ,esuits might never have been
founded had he not accidentally beguiled
the tedium Ot inaction necessitated by a
wound with reading the "Lives of tho
Sanits." Gibbon determined to write
his famous work after listening to the
monks singing vespers in the temple of
Jupiter at Rome; and La Fontaine was
stimulated to cultivate literature after
hearing some verses o Malherbe. Men
of science have often been "made" by
accidents as seemingly trifling. We
shall not repeat the well-worn iale about
the apple w liich set Newton on the track
of his groat discovery, for tho story is
extremely mythical; but it is true that
Flauisted took to astronomy after having
accidentally read Sacrobosco's "De
Splueria;" Pennant to natural history
after seeing Willoughby's book on birds,
Bennett to the observation of insects
after studying Beaumur, and Dr. Frank
lin always attributed the bent of his
scientific genius to De Foe's 'Essay on
Projects.' Faraday might have remained
a journeyman bookbiudeial not kindly
V- Dance invited hi to bear Sir
h u.aphry Davy lecture and Taucauson
oolv took too studying the
i. i- nisin of clocks in ordei- to beg.iile
tii. j-.eary hours which he hud to pass
wh'e attending hismotlio; at confess'.on.
No' i3 it less true that gie.:u moral and
political revolutions have taken place
which might often have been aoided by
the o.jservatioa o'. trifles. C.n'cciardini
for whose ve 'acity Isaac Disraeli
vouches has left it upon record that so
.. fc rifled was Martin Luther when the
Empe. or Charles T. pat him under the
ban that had he then received some pre
ferment he woa'u have "renounced his
errors." Bur too threatening words of
Cardinal San Si.sto. the apostolic legate,
threw him into such despair that he did
not care, after the insults lie had re
ceived, to make an effort i ) save himself.
Franklin, in like meaner, was so an
noyed at the tone which Lord Grenvillo
assumed toward him that it is believed
the ir.erview entirely aUered tho concil
iatory views with whicii the ap,ent fof the
colony of Pennsylvania came to Eng
land, and hastened, if it did not precipi
tate ibe final explosion. In studying the
chronicle of nations, wo see only the
broad, prominent events, but not the se
cret so .-iugs, which are all the time mod
ifying and moving the actors even more
powerfully. We can read the dispatches
concerning the Eng'ish share in the
Gneco-Turkish war, bat the blue book
contains no reference to the ''Go it Ned"
which, scrawled in the corner of tho
Duke of Clarence's dispatch, is said to
have determined the battle of Navarino.
Tho shelves of our libraries are laden
with books labelled history. But in re
ality, real history remains to be written,
for the older the world is g owing the
more it is inclined t ) agree ww Sir Rob
ert WaHo1? when he told his son Horace
tlu after having been engaged for half a
ceiKurv in making the matorials for
them, three-fourths of the written chron
icles were lies not Avorth reading.
What Seven Women Did.
These women lived in the coun
try, were housekeepers with large
families und small means; each one
did her own work, and wnp full of
caie. To brighten up dieir monoton
ous lives :i little during the dull,
hard winter, the' proposed to meet
once in two weeks at each others
houses, with their knitting or sew
ing, but to go homo beforo tea; that
il should not interfere with their
rouruhir duties.
One of them proposed that they
should read somo book together and
talk about it afterward, thus afford
ing Liiem pleasant and useful sub
jects for thought duiing the inter
vals of visiting. One lady suggested
that they read Shakspeare. She had
once seen the play of Hamlet, and
she warned to know more of this
wonuerful book. This at first seemed
to J)ese women of limited education,
and :'u the ages of from 40 to b'O, as
an ? a too ambitious for them to
cany out; but at last they deter
mined to attempt it, although for
fear of the ridicule of others who
mihi hear of it. they resolved to
keep their own counsel.
Cy dint of economizing and eon
trivin, they purchased a copjr of
Shakspeare, and with tho aid of a
pronouncing dictionaiy to test all
doubtful words, they began with the
play of Julius Cajsar. From reading
the plays, they were led to desire a
knowlodire of Shakspeare. his hut
roundings and friends. A kind and
congenial friend, to whom they con
fided their secret, ootaincd for them
the needful books. Notwithstand
ing the preparatory reading and the
necessary study for these meetings
had to be done here and ihcroin odd
moments, these women felt uplifted
and "efrcshed by the thoughts which
thus came to them, and they wcie
delig.ited with the new outlook
which opened over and above their
weary lives. By their careful and
strict attention to their studies, the
range of their k-iowledgo wasgrcatl
enhuged, and they were able to
write creditable and thoughtful
essays on subjects which grow out of
their research.
Tho Pen n Yan (Yates County)
Chronicle says: Wo are informed
by Mr. William Swarthout, of Tor
rey, that Mr. Thomas Paulding, a
nephew of John Paulding,
one of the captors of Major Andre
resides in tho town of Tyrone, aud
that be is the owner of the identical
musket that John Paulding carried
in tnat memorable cap lure. Thomas
Paulding is now p. bout 75 years of
age, aud still halo and vigorous,
lie ou"l)b to bo invited to attend the
groat Centcnial at Tarry town, soon
to take place, Ho and his old mus
ket would bo among the most inter,
csting objects of that occasion.
Upon the death of John Pauldiug,
the musket became the property of
a brother and tho son of that brother,
Mr. Thomas Paulding, kcepa it as a
family relic.
A Trne SIot
The other morning two gentlemen
were looking out of the window of a
house on 2'.rket street, when they ob
served a caboage roll off a market wagon
that was passing. Inslantly over a
dozen well-dressed and apparently sane
persons began yelling after the wagon, as
though the vegetable had been a gold
watch or a thousand dollar bill. The
driver stopped about half a square off.
looked back at the cabbage, yawned, and
drove on.
"What an absurd fuss people in the
street make over trivial occurrences,"
said one of the genilemen. "Now, 1,11
bet a silk hat 1 could get a crowd of five
lnrdied persons around that cabbage
inside oi thirty minutes, and yet not
leave this room."
"x take the .et," said his friend, pull
ing o.i his watch. "Are you ready?"
' Yes ; g: ve the word
"it is now eleven-thirty. Go!"
The proposer of the wager led his
frie id to the window, threw up.vthe sash,
and taking a cane pointed at
the mud covered cabbage with a terrified
Presently a hack driver noticed the ac
tion and began to stare at the vegetable
from the curbstone, then a bootblack,
then a b-11 poster, a messenger boy, and
a merchant.
"What's the matter?" inquired a Ger
man, approaching the innocent base of
his national dish.
"Don't touch it! Look out there!
Stand back!" shouted the gentleman at
the window.
At his horror-stricken tones the crowd
fell back precipitately, and formed a
dense circle around the innocent cab
bage. Hundreds came running up and
the excitoment increased rapidly.
"Look out there!" frantically screamed
the betto, waving his cane. "Take that
dog awaj quick!"
Several stones were thrown at a cur
that was snifliug around tho cabbage.
"Take care!" said the car driver to a
policeman, who was shouldering his way
through the mass. "It's an infernal
machine, nitro glvcerine or some
thing." Meanwhile tho sidewalk was blocked,
the street became impassable, women
screamed and rushed into shops, and a
storekeeper underneath began to tie a
bucket on the end of a long pole with
which to pour water on the devilish in
vention. The crowd by this time numbering
over a thousand, the two gentlemen
moved away from the window and sat
down. In a few moments there was a
hurried tap at the door, and there ap
peared a man who had been sent as a
delegate from the mass meeting outside.
"I should like to know, gentlemen,"
he said, "what the facts are."
"What facts?"
"Why, what there is peculiar about
that cabbage out there?"
"Nothing in the world," was the soft
reply, "except that it seems to bo sur
rounded by about a thousand of the
biggest fools in town. Do anything else
for you?"
The man reflected a moment, said he
"guessed not," and retired. Before he
handed in his report, however, Captain
Short's watch had dispersed the mob
and clubbed two hundred and eleveu
separate persons for creating a disturbance.
Ximv Prussian Gun.
According to the Kalioi'nl Zvitinig,
the new Prussian gun is a ; opeating gun,
capable of firing twelve .s. u s per twenty
four seconds, after which ii may be used
liko any ordinary gun of ouc shot. This
resu'c has been obtained by a store
chamber holding cartridges made of
sheet iron, weighiag 350 grammes, and
with a capacity of eh'vei; cartridges.
This store-chamber can bo removed or
inserted ai will, and it acts automatically
when the store-chamber is opened or
even shut, no special movement being
necessary. In opening the store cham
ber o. cartridge comes .or ward so that it
will fall into place when the store-chamber
is again o)ened. This store-chamber
can bo adapted o any gun loading
at the breech, if the latter bo provided
with a cytiudrcal closing; and thus re
peating guns are obtained. It requires
but fifteen nri;' s to refill the store
chamber, 'on may be carried sepa
rately or at onco inserted'in the gun. In
the latter case it is applied to the car
tridge chamber, the weight coming, fav
orably, upon the center of gravity of tho
gun. av means of this invention one
can be loa fed while firing. It is a cur1
ions fact that the author of this murde -ous
' nprovement isM. Loewe. a member
of tue Progressionist party of P.russia,
and at' ched as such to tho "League of
The infant Princess of Spain re
poses in a cradle of polished ebony
inlaid with silver. The curtains are
of silver gauze, enameled with wh;,.o
velvet no .vers; the coverlet of white
satin, embroidered with the arms of
Spain. Two lad' attendants watch
the little snoozer, one to keep away
the flies, and the other to note the
exact time of her awakening. And
yet the colic which has no" respect
for royalty, doubles that youngster
up like a jack knife every fifteen
Mosquitoes arid Flies. If water in
which quassia chips have been boiled
is put upon tho exposed parts of tne
body and left to dry thcre mosqui
toes and Alios will not trouble uLo
surface so protectod. Quassia water
I is harmless to children and grown
1 people, but death to insects.
Turkish Domestic Life In ilie Way of
Every Turk leads two lives. He may
be in the society of Europeans during six
hours of every day. He is then well
dressed, vivacious, perhaps intelligent.
But this part of his life is not the part
which forms his motives. It is not then
that the final causes air at work which
govern his acts. His life when he is in
the busy whirl of the world, is superficial
and unreal. How artificial it is can be
seen in the alacrity with which, on his
return t his harem, ho lays off the
broadcloth clothes of his public existence
and dons the white baggy trowsers, the
open-necked vest, and the long gown
dear to his Leart. He is only ready to
bo at e.i e when he releases his feet from
pates t Oilier and from stockings, and
thrus.s them into unheeled slippers.
Then he is himself, foi he is at home.
The harem is to every Turk his haven of
refuge. To it he may flee from every
care. About tho harem cling all the
swee't associations of his life. All his
best feelings find exercise in that sacred
place. His mother, perham, is there, or
his sistd-s. There only no enjoys the
prattle of his children. There alone in
all the world can the tired man find tho
balm or sympathy. There he has books
and c a study in peace if he will.
Theie e enjoys the riches of his splen
did flowe; garden. In the domain of the
women, with hills and vales and moon
touched sea before his eyes, he dreams
away his summer evenings under the
subtle spell of nature. And here he
meets the controlling influences of his
life. The women of the harem, mother,
sisters and wives, wait upon Vie man
coming wea. "y home ijom his struggle
wiih !""e. They are to him humble ser
vants o merry coaipanions, as his mood
is. X.iey p'easo h-'m with his children,
or leave n alone alone with his books,
at Irs behest. Sooner or later, however,
they assert their woman's right of talk
ing on serious topics, aud then they have
him at their mercy. Now these women
who make i le home of the Turk are
rarefy n's equals in mental acquirements.
iNo question of blood rules the selection
of wives among the Turks. A womau
born i a a mud hovel often rules in a
pasha's palace. At the very best, Turkish
women rarely have any education be
yond t')e primer. They believe in signs
and wonders; in the active agency of
evil spirits; in the existence of a great
dragon who periodically a! tempts to
swallow the moon; in charms and incan
tations. In short, they are as super
stitious as they can be aiter centuries of
heredetary ignorance. But they are
positive in opinion, and intolerant
of opposition. Moreover, they are,
above all things else, ardent and bigoted
Mohammedans. Such are the intel
lectual surroundings of the Turk during
that part of his life which he loves. And
when the women of his house turn the
conve -sation upon puplio affairs, the poor
man is helpless in their hands because he
knows tlie futility of logic in such dis
mission. Often a pasha meets at home a
petition which he has refused in his
office, and yielding to sheer importunity
on the part of his women, he rewards the
shrewd uess of the man who has found
means to invoke such aids. Often it has
ha2peied that the pasha disappoints an
'embassador und violates his promise to
support a nw measure, because the
women o" his household object to the de
viation i o'n custom. These women are
under no influence.! by which their
opinions may be changed. They live in
a world of their own, and are entirely
unaware of an existence preferable to
the". own, and know nothing of that out
side world to which they are simply curi
osities of antique origin. This glance
at the tiome l'le of the Turk aud its in
fluence upon him leaves little to hope
from the Turks in tho direction of volun
tary abandonment of old systems and
practices. Harper's Magazine.
A Dead Mermaid. On Tuesday of
last week, Captain Baymond, keeper of
Life Saving Station No. o, found on the
beach what ho supposed to be a mer
maid, which had been washed up from
the sea. It was dead when it came on
the beach, and in a slight state of putre
fact'on. ( oiain Baymond describes it
as being about the size of an ordinary
six-year-old boy, and to the waist or mid
dle of tho body, resembled a boy in
every particular. He says that its face,
head, neck, arms and bust, as well as
hair, were perfect in appearance to those
of a human being. There were no fin
gers o the hands, but a coarse, nioppy
hair, ' :e the frizzled end of a whale
bone, supplied their Vace. The lower
portion of the body, .jom the middle or
waist c-own ward, resembled that of a
shark, the tail being covered with a
hairy substance similar to that of the
hands. The sea nymph has created
fireat excitement in the vicinity of the
station, aud many of the inhabitants
thereabouts think its presence forebodes
bad luck. Captain Eowler says the
"tarnel critter" comes there for no good,
and that it betokens a terrible ship
wreck and fearful loss of life, which is
soon to nappen on that part of the coast.
)rilw ' jgton (Del.) Herald.
Philadelphia coal dealers hare al
most a mint in their business, at
present prices. LTpwards of 2,000,000
tons of coal are consumed annually
in that citv, which costs the dealers
delivered in Philadelphia, only S2 15
but which they re-sell at SG 50
three times more than the expenao
of mining and transporting it. The
people of Philadelphia consequently
pay yearly 813,000,000 for what
costs but $4,310,000 a profit to tho
dealers of $0,700,000.
"When Time spares beauty he contem
plates it.