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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1909)
THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OHEGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1900, u i i 2 ' r"i'Twiir3 ChtfihHnr; " lornm, Established 1S7J. Published Dly Except Monday by THE, J. & DELLINGER CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year By carrier, per month $7.00 .60 WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By nan, per year, in advance........... Entered ti setond-clssi matter July 30, 1906, at the postoffice at Astoria, Orejoa,' under the act of Congress of March 3, 1ST?. ; Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorisn to either residence er place of business may be made by postal card or through telephone. Any Irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office I publication. TELEPHONE MAIM 661. ,TKE WEATHER Oregon and Washington Rain or anov in west; snow in east portion; warmer. - ' CHAMBERLAIN George E. Chamberlain has out generalled the Republican party of Oregon and iti 30,000 major voters. He has taken the United States Sena torsbip from under their very noses and is. today, the political dictator of the commonwealth. This is the substance of the work done at the capital yesterday. With seven more votes than he needed, and upon the first ballot cast, he attained to the am bition of his life,- in the face of every scintilla of resistance that could be offered. There is a tremendous les son in this. The profound fact confronting the Republicans of Oregon is that the people have ceased to trust the lead ers that are posing at present and have determined to oast them and await the reorganization of the party nnder cleverer and cleaner auspices; they have watched the party sacrifice its principles and people, time and gain, and have wearied of it and have put the ban of their disapproval on the whole machine in such conclu sive fashion as to preclude an early resumption of its major prestige and administrative influence, until it shall be ' marshalled under the canse and call that inspire faith and justify coalition. . Factional jealousies all over Re oublican Oreeon are. primarily, to Wame for the fearful slump; but rath-j er more, are the vicious extremes to! which these factions have gone in their several efforts to disparage and defeat each other, at the root of the shameful disaster. There is no other accounting for the reaction. It is up to Oregon Republicans to gradually clarify their own partisan atmosphere, clean their own skirts, merge their interests and remember their State before they hunt for pa tronage; do those things that make for party interests first and let the in dividual "go hang" until its own real strength, high purpose, and destined function, are triumphant in the popu lar conception and sanction. TIME, AND JUDGMENT. The initial business meeting of the Astoria Common Council in its new grouping on Monday night last was very successful and yielded some in dications of business tone and pur pose that promise much if adhered to during the year. Mayor Smith s con struction of the committee function was clever and timely and sensible. There has been wide complaint of the arrogance and assumption, in the past, of certain chairmen, in the hand ling of committee affairs, and his in- sistance that all members, of a com mittee shall exercise right and judg ment in the disposition of matters entrusted to them, is a keynote of amendment that will be gratefully received. Another feature that invites friend ly comment and concern is the evi dent purpose of this council not to rush things. Ordinances, no matter what their significance, are the laws of the people in this civic division of government, and are entitled to be fully and carefully considered before being passed to the records as accept ed and codified rules of action. There is no more necessity for speeding these through the council than for rushing statutes through the legisla ture. Only the most extreme emer gency and urgent need for the specific control of a new ordinance, tn the in terest of the public health or safety, will warrant the third reading of an ordinance at a single session; or per haps, the necessity for curing some grave neglect or threatening laches. Otherwise, time and judgment, and deliberation are due and must be giv- j en, and that the new council takes this view of the matter is also cause for approval. Business is business on Sixteenth street as well as at any other stand in all Astoria; and if it is to be done there on the common, well under stood, effective bases and rules, the oeoole will be (ratified, the municipal ity will be advantaged, and the coun cil will be commended; three distinct and desirable ends. such gratuities after leaving adtoot. There is no school of observation, experience, development, and pro nounced impression like that of travel. A month' outing, or even less, on routes never traversed before, with a master and mistress capable of im parting the full course of enlighten ment and general interest, aloug with a due indulgence in the pleasures in cident to the itinerary, would be of incalculable advantage to the children, and its attainment, each year, upon given standards of efficiency in their classes, would become the ideal of the school career and the choicest mem ory of a lifetime. The idea is an ad mirable one and cannot be fostered too soon. ' MOUNTAIN PRINCESS. By JEROME SPRAOlt Copyrlhtd, 1WS, by AsMStatts Senator Teller, who is about to re tire from the Senate, has finally ac knowledged the superiority of the gold over the sitver standard. It is safe to say that he will never lead another bolt in a national convention. Six of the night riders in West Ten nessee have been found guilty of mur- dr in the first degree and two of mur der in the second degree. When the punishment fits the crime the night riding will end. 'Missouri once considered the Dock cry wink unrivaled, but it is said that the new varieties invented in the dry Southern States are simply bewilder ing in number and expressiveness. WHEEZER OR SNEEZER? Have You Heard of Hyomei For Ca tarrh. Asthma and Hay Fever? If you wheeze or sneeze, hawk or spit, snuffle or blow, something is the matter with, the membrane of your respiratory tract, and you need Hyomei. And you need Hyomei because it will cure you of any catarrhal or in flammatory condition that exists. It isn't a stomach medicine, or spray, or douche, but a very pleasant healing, antiseptic balsam, from the eucalvotus forests of Australia. You breathe this balsamic air through a small, hard rubber inhaler, and it reaches every nook, corner and crev ice of the membrane, and promptly kills the catarrh germs. T. F. Laurin will sell you a complete Hyomei (pronounced High-o-me) outfit for $1.00, on the money back plan. "The use of Hyomei cured Mr. Cutler of catarrh in 1904. He has stronirlv endorsed the use of Hyomei in many instances, and we are glad ta ro on record regarding this mar velous catarrh cure, and endorse it." Mrs. A. Cutler, 201 Post Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. BefcreReiiring Any unpleasant after effects from a late supper may be quickly dispelled, and restful sleep assured by taking a dose of the world-famed correctives BEECHMfS Sold ErerywTicra, la box 10c nd Urn. A SQUARE DEAL. may always be expected from a square dealer. We deal in Squares and every other" essential for Carpenter, Stone Mason, Plumber or other handicrafts man. And the Tools we sell are all on the square, accurate, strongly made and of the very best and most reliable materials. All trades sup plied with all necessary Tools. Also, we carry general Hardware lines of the best qualities at the most satis factory prices. fill SiS HM SWINDLING, A FINE ART. With the United States Government nursing 23,000 cases of public land swindling and praying Congress for a million of money to forward the necessary prosecutions, it would seem that this criminal cult is fast assum ing fine art proportions, or taking its place in the professional and business life as a recognized industry ana acknowledged pursuit. A hundred Heneys could not cope with such a situation and the ugly doubt assails us that the very Government itself is gravely handicapped in the monstrous engagement, since there is a sharp sprinkling of men next and near the Government and often within its very circle, influential, unsuspected, to con tribute to the "sand-throwingT and other systems for blinding, defeating and demoralizing Uncle Sam when he becomes suspicious, inquisitive and vengeful. That the country is subject to a vast scheme of chicane and downright robberv. no man of the hour with a grain of intelligence doubts; and the conviction is closely paralleled with the reasonable assurance : that the thieves are "in the saddle" and as Vife as dishonest money can make them, a pretty secure position when one studies the play of money against the law in this day and age. A SPLENDID PRIZE. The idea of sending out traveling parties of school children, of the higher grades, is an excellent proposi tion and in perfect consonance with the spirit of generosity wherewith America considers and. aids the course of public education. So far as we are concerned we would like to see the scheme become custom. It need not be abused, and it need not be extended to those children whose Barents are in a position to give this splendid' advantage to their young sters after graduation; it may be con fined to those successful boys and girls who are not likely to have any A Boston paper refers to mock mine pie. The pure food officials should act promptly before mock baked beans and near-pumpkin pie are put on the bill of fare. i .i Stomach Trouble Cured. TI vnn have anv trouble with your should take Chamber lain's stomach and liver tablets. Mr. I P. Klnte Edina. Mo., says: "I have used a great many different med icines for stomach trouble, put nna Chamberlain's stomach and liver tab lots mnrf beneficial than anv Other remedy I ever used." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. Governor Hughes approves a large addition to the subway system in New York City. This method of local transportation seems to be best liked where it is best known. Fever Sores. Vrvrr cnrrn and old chronic SOres should not be healed entirely, but chnnM h Wnt in healthv condition. This can be done by applying Cham berlains salve. Ibis salve has no superior for this purpose. It is also most excellent for chapped hand;, sore nipples, burns and diseases of the skin. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. AMUSEMENTS. AstoriaTheatre SATURDAY January 23, 1908 Curtain 9:00 p. m. Chas. A. Miller, (Inc.) Presents James A. Heme's Great American Home Play Shore Acres New in It's Fifteenth Year of Success With the Eminent Character Actor ARCHIE BOYD And the much talked of "Shore Acres" children The Greatest Ladies and Children's Play Ever Written Prices 25c to $1.50 Far up n the mountain I.mlle bran) her singing, and lie smiled in lit1 recog nised a song that bo bad taught her. She whs still singing a the need down tli hroad stele of tli. (Went to ward t little stream where lie was (Mi- j log. ; "too look like a dryad," LiH ssld. "tn that grny gwn gown, but dryads don't sing sougs from the latest music si comedy." "It's a pretty song, she mid grave ly, "and I slwold ilk to set the com edy." : " "If you will let me take you to town you can see everything," he Informed her. She laughed. That's the strentn time tn seven days that you bare ask ed me to marry you. And 1 'III al wajt tell you that lam wedded to the mountains." "Ton are wedded to aa lilt. Tou think that you can be happy 11 your life living up here, but you cunt" "Ton think I should be busier with your "I know it" he ald eagrli. She shook her he-ad. "But I shouldn't be free. Hew I sm mistress of my own domain. There Is no one but old Aunt Dolly and Un cle Fred to consider, and aa loug aa they bare a comfortable flreslde and the mngaslnwe and novels that I order from town tuey are content. And my servants are the mountain people. For the rest, I have the birds snd the bees and the butterflies." Leslie's ejes twinkled. "And how louit have you lived, alone with the bin's and the butterflies r" "Flnee May," she told biro. "And now It Is October. What of the winter days that are coining, wheu the birds fly south snd the but terflies die aud the bees lie close tn the hollow toiesT'' Then titer will be the besnty of the dead forests and the snow on the mountain side and the winter sklea and the freedom." He smiled at her. "Tint means so much to yon freedom." She nodded. "If you had known my Ufe as a child. Mother was so nubsp- "so tb Lrrru wild dim oaks sack to BKH CAOS," py. She was always afraid that cay father would take cue a war from her they were separated, you know, A ad to we were always biding, always shut In. And after she died I was sent to school in a big city and lived all of my girlhood behind hlgb walls. "When I became my own mistress) I bought a bungalow out hers, and be cause X bad lived always nnder strict rules I snld that I would live without any that I would not even enter the bondage of mutrlmony-and Until you came I was as free as a bird." ' "And now you are not freer He put the question eagerly. Iler grave eye met bis steadily. "No," she said; "you-yoa have made me question. lam very happy when I am with you, fishing or learning songs or bearing you tell of your travels. And sometimes it seema to me that 1st the greater happiness. "But when lam alone I think of tbo city where you would take me and that you would have a right to say whether I should go or tome, and I feel as If I were again behind high walls." Iler eyes were dark with a queer kind of terror. . "Poor little wild bird," said Leslie tenderly; "thay kept yon caged too long." He made her sit down beside him while be ltd the conversation cheer fully into other channel, and after "a time he taught her more songs, and their voices rang out melodiously In the still October nlr. And all about them wag trie glory of autumnal col oring, the rvt and gold and green of the mountain side, with a sapphire sky above. Aud when their song was 'finished Leslie said, "Tomorrow I am going home." . She cough her breath quickly. "To morrow?" "Yen; at bhlf past 10 lit night. Will you wave mo farewell?" "You go by the river wad?" "Yes." "I will bo on my porch," she prom ised. "You can see me In the moon light." : He took her hand and for a moment stood looking down at her. Then be laid softly; "I shall not try to tell you how hard It Is for me to go without lonie hope. Perhaps some day you will feci differently." Agnln the frightened look came Into hr eyes, "No-no, If you knew how uulunipy my mother ws-my father was mtel" lie dropped her hands. "Aud you think." he began, "Umt I might beJ' "OU, uo, no!" slut protested. "Hut ytm would havs the right to say what I nhoiild do. You would be-my mas ter." "IJttle child," he commanded, "look at we." Aud wheu her eyes met his won dertngly he said alowly: "Love like initio iisks nothing but your hspplmws. Aa my wife you would be free, for, nfter all, Unit woman Is the freest who Urea wlthlu the circle of her husband's , love." Hut she shook: her bead. "I cant feel that way," she murmured. "I wUU I could." The next night as Leslie's horse pick, ed Its way carefully down tht winding road It reared little when a white figure came out of the bushes. I couldu't bear to wave goodby so far away," the girl faltered as b dis mounted and stood beside her. Her face was very pale tn the moonlight, and her bolr shone tlkt gold. "And then there la something that I want to aay." A light ram luto bis eyes as he bent over her. "Tell me," he Whis pered. "I love you," she said simply, but hook her head at bts eager exclama tion. "Hut I eaunot marry you -not now. It would not be right-not while t have this fear of the city. But U want to ssk If-lf-some day I feel dlfferently-lf I should send for you would yon comer "From the ends of the earth," be de clared. "But If It could ouly be now, dear heart." The tears were on her cheeks, "1 can't promise," she sobbed. "Some thing seems to hold me back. But I could not let you go without telling you that I fared." All that winter Leslie waited for his summons, so secure wss he in her ulti mate need of hlin. But the winter passed and the spring, snd the sum mer came again snd the fall, and once more the woods were red and gold and irreen, and still he had heard nothing from her. And one dsy be said to hluiMlf: "I must go to her. Surely If she loves me she will say 'Yea." " It was raining as he ascended the mountain, and the leaves were sodden under the horse's feet. Fear seemed to rlntcb st his heart as he came to the bungalow, where a single spot of light hone out through the gathering dark newi. He crept to the window and gated In and saw her sitting before her big fire alone, a little wasted figure In a white gown. It seemed as If bis heart stopped beating as he hurried throuRh the ball and came Into the room where she sst "Dear," he said, and she stood up, with a little cry. and then bis srms were about her. and she wss sobbing wildly. "Then why didn't you send for mer he demanded. "Because I couldn't ask you to marry me when I was 111 and ugly, when I would not when I wna well, could IT abe asked. "I took cold last winter, and then there was pneumonia, and now they keep me shut In. All sum mer snd all the spring and fan I bars watched from the windows, I knew if you came you would set me free, but I couldn't write and burden you with my woes." "In sickness and In health," he quot ed -"Isn't that what they aay In the marriage service, dear? And now lis ten. You are to get well at once, Ws will go to the deaert, and we will live In the sunshine, and we will start to morrow." She smiled up at him. "How good It Rectus," she said, "to hear you say It so masterfully! If you knew bow I have longed for some one to carry me off." And a month later as she sat tn front of her tent on the dry plain and the wind ruffled her hair snd brought the pink of returning health to her cheeks her husband snld, "Bo the little wild bird came back to her cnge." She shook her head and reached out her band to him. "Ah, no," she said, and her voice thrilled with the won der of her happiness. "Ah, no, but the little wild bird found her mate." TMi B AfiERONI AN ASTORIA'S POPULAR THDATRO THE DONALD STOCK CO. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday "TENNESSEE PARTNER"! A four Act Western Comedy Drama Illustrated Song " 'Neath the Old Cherry Tree Sweet Marie" Prices, Evenine, 15c, 23c, 35; Matinee. 10c and 25c r FINANCIAL. First National Bank of DIRECTORS! Astoria I ACOB KA1IM J. W. F. McGregor G. C. Fiavkl W. Ladd S. S. Gordon,.. i PLC Capital ........ $100,000 Surplus .......... 25,000: i. Stockholders' Liability; 100,900 , . J. Q. A. BOWLBY. President O. I. PETERSON, Vke President J. W. GARNER, Assistant Caisitr , FRANK PATTON, Cashier ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS - $23US3 Transact a General Banking BsnJntM , Inters faU on Time Depes Four Per Cent. Per Annum . , Eleventh and Diuns Its. - . . . . Astoria, Ortpm SCANDINAVIAN-A M E R I C A N SAVINGS BANK ASTORIA, ORBGON OUR MOTTO: "Safety tapertedse AO Other Cfesnttertiaft. ParkerllousB UnderNewManagement On January 1st the Parker House will be re-opened under Management of Durham CI Dibble , As a rst class hotel ' We Invite your patronage. Dining room guaranteed to be the best tondactedia the city. Call and get our rates. Bar in Connection. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ' Jeha Fes, Pres. P. L. Blabop, Sc Astoria Saving Tree Xslsoa Treyer, Vies-Pres. and Snot ASTORIA IRON WORKS DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS , Or THE LATEST IMPROVED . . . Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers COMPLETE CANNERY OUTFITS FURNISHED, Cerraepoodtnce Solicited. . Foot el IWth Street SCOW BAY BRASS & IRON ill A8TOUJA, OltKOON Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Marine Engineers. ( up-io-uaic nawmiu wacninerv rrompt attention given to all repair 1 iwlp T1 If .1- Uli - ISth and Franklin Ave. Engllih as She Is Uttered. "What Is the eabbafter inquired' the departing patron; who wished to go to the railway station from the hotel. "What's the wlmtr exclaimed the clerk, losing his clutch on the perfect English be usually handed oyer the counter. " "What's the cabbage? I said." "I know yon did, but I do not quite get your meaning." "Oh, you don't? Yon know what cabbage Is, don't yon?" "I guess I've seen enough of It to know. I used to live In the suburbs of Chicago." "Well, what is it from bore to the depot?" "I suppose It is Just what It Is every whure else tlint is, a vegetable tfhlrh"- Tlie departing patron interrupted with violence. "Aw, say," ho protested, "you oughts to be plowed under or fertilized or something. Cobbnge is cab fare, ain't lt?"-Llpplncott's Mn'gsxlne. - Sherman Transter Go. RSNRY SHSRMAN, lfanjis. Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Tranferred Tmeks sad Fariltare Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped 4SS Commercial Street. Uin Phen 1 JANUARY TIDE TABLET JANUARY 1909. High Water. Date. the local and Associated Press re The Morning Astorian contains all Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday . Tuesday , Tuesday , 5 Wednesday ... Thursday Friday ........ Saturday SUNDAY . ...lfl Monday Ill Tuesday ...... 12 Wednesday Thursday , Friday .... Saturday , SUNDAY . Monday 18 Tuesday IV Wednesday. ..20 Wednesday ...20 Thursday i ....21 Friday 221 Saturday ., SUNDAY . Monday ... Tuesday , ., Wednesday Thursday .. Friday Saturday .. SUNDAY . .23 -24 ..25 ..26 ,.27 ..28 ,..29 ..30 ..31 A. M. h, m. 8l2 9:25 10.-16 11:05 0:38 11:46 1:22 2:00 2:35! 3 3:40 4:10 4:45! 5:20 6:00 6:47 7:43 8:38 9:34 10:25 0:05 11:151 0:50 1:35 2:15! 2:58 3:40 4:20 5:08 6:00 6:55 7:541 8:55 ft. 8.7 9.0 9.1 7.1 9.2 7 7 7.3 7.3 7.4 7.4 7.5 7.5 7.51 7.7 7.61 8.1 8.5 8.9 7.0 9.3 7 7.9 8.2 8 8.6 8.7 8 8.5 8.4 8.4 8.4 P. M. h. m 10:501 11:47 12:28 1:05 1:42 2:20 2:55 3:35 4:20 5:20 6:25 7:43 9:04 10:15 11:15 12:06 12:55 1:45 2:34 3:26 4:24 5:28 6:44 8:08 9:331 10:46 ft. Ti 6.6 6.8 9.1 8.8 8.5 8.1 7.7 7.2 6.7 6.2 5.8 5.6 5.6 5.9 6.5 9.5 9.7 9.6 9.2 8.7 7.9 7.3 6.6 6.2 6.2 6.4 Low Water, "Date. JANUARY 1909. A.M.1 v 10 13 Kriilav Saturday , SUNDAY Monday Vf nnrftv ....... , Thursday . rnaay s ,. Saturday i. snwnAV its V Monday 11 Tuesday 12 Thursday . r nuay , . . , Saturday . SUNDAY Mnrwfnv Tua.Hn.( Mvnwa , ,,,,,, Wednesday ...20 Thursday 21 Friday U Saturday ......23 SUNDAY ....24 Tuesday 261 Thursday .....28 rnuay , ii uhirflnu .If) SUNDAY ,..,31 Di. m ...14 151 1S 17 ,...18 19 2:18 3:20 4:22 -5:171 5:131 6:55! 7:351 8.15 8:54) 9:32 10:16 10:55 11:40 0:07 1:02 2:0S 3:17 6:20 7 8:00 10:37! ll:37 1.5 0:38 2.2 1:44 3.1 2:58 3.5 ft. 2.4 2.9 3.S '3.3 3.3 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.6) 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.0 2.6 3 3 4:2S 3.81 5:35 S:m 3.7 "P.M." ft. fh. m 4:35 5:30 6:151 6:15 7:36 8:14 8:45 9:16 9:48 10:15 10:45 11:221 12:40 1:42 2:50 3:48 3.8 4:451 3.4 3.1 2.7 8:52 2.3 9:45 2.0 1.7 8:34 10:46 11:38 12:45 1:58 a 0.1 0.5 n 1.2 -1.0 0.6 0 1 0.4 0.9 1.4 2.1 2.7 2.2 1.5 0.7 1-0.1 0.9 j ... 6:201.1. . 7:06-1.8 7:50-1.8 1.6 9:18.1.0 110:02-0.4 0.5 1.4 1.3 1.0 3:12 0'.6 I 0.1 Cores Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Cons Pleasant iJtteMMMMfcaJilU.ifci r i A iilljLtlA Cleanses the system thoroughly and clears sallow complexions of pimples and blotches. It Is guaranteed T.P.LAUREN OWL DRUG STORE. ".'.,', rfAL3" SEE Laxative Fruit Syrup lit if