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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1908)
T - 2 'VI XIIE MOllNWG A5TOHLAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. SATURDAY, Dl'.CttM PUR 19, 1903 7. 4ooim Established ISJJ. Fublished Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. BELLINGER CO. SUBSCRIPTION RATES, ,...$".00 .60 .'..$1.50 By null, per year By carrier, per month WEEKLY ASTORIAN. By mail, per )r in 'nc Entered M second-class matter July 30, 1906, at the postoffice at Astoria, Oregon, under the act of Congress otMivrcb 3, 1S79. t Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astorian to either residence or place of business may be made by postal card or through telephone. Any irregularity in delivery should be in mediately reported to the office of publication ; ) , , ;pH0NS M M1 ... I .. ; ; : THE1WEATHER Oregon, Washington and Idaho Fair. t .v the Government is above having such recourse at all. , - Admitting ths much, we assume our chamnionship rights and declare I that he is absolutely and fundament THE A. S. T, ELECTRIC Sunday at the Churches 'ally right is standing against everr attack and abatement of the splendid ... a -i n,ic ,M there-' faculty of the federal secret service. fore of Astoria, we maintain it to be Here, he ha, J, ry behind him. v. Hnt of every cit ien hereabout to nere, ne is ci""t - ! - T3 endorse the wo; that ha. been of Incalculab beftt and prospect, of the new electric rail- to the whole nation for ong years, Ike routed out of this city to'.nd that has a record of immense Seaside and beyond and known as the accomplishment, corrective, preven--roria. Seaside & Tillamook Elective and punitive, that is passed trie Railway Company." We insist in governmental annals. That he h Tin L i the face of repeated raised the dander of the Congress by Ee of aimilar- project, here, be- his bold assertion that that body was Lse of the fiat certainty that the afraid of the secret semce, and h Kne must be built and handled sue face to face a nnanunon, reso cessfully some day, in spite of all that Intion of Congress demandmg of h.m " e "Jore It h one of the "WHY?, i, indisputable; and ,s . h, mt eauallv certain that the answer he . . . . :.i - m-,b tn that oeremntonr call section and a, certain to miri- - - . nA h wffl be of a sort to place him still e IOn. ":hiBhtrin: the public mind, and likely i0: t needed hi the to leave the Congress holding a vert . . .-:a. t tKmai Uncleanly "sack." ?T " .v.". u i. nt w -cast in! We are 3000 mile, away from the " '.. . -t -- center f these live and burnin the particular muum w tv.j -, . , desi and business acumen, doe, not sues, and our informal, excel en TT. , .-A 'as it U. does not compare with that miniraie nova "- - - . . . wee-that there are deficiencies and of the people in Int.mate touch S in the preliminary papers, the situation; but we are backing our faults tn tn P ' longdistance Judgment as freely as rsr,'s .K-vttr.r to the public spirit," since au sucn u u. laches may be made good at law. one left th.ngs wdepi. weH under .... - f stood, and popularly approved, as has case testing oui mc , - - . . . ments, and bringing the entire thing been fiat honest issue. It is the none m u.c ----- better part of progress to meet thVment - Presbyterian, Christmas services, morning and evening, bermon tnenie lor niis. "The Imaire of the Invisible God." .Solo and chorus, Miss Rcba Hohson. "Birthday, of King" (Nenllmgcr).; Violin solo. Mrs. J. T. Allen. An them. "Heavenly Message". Coombs. Christmas praise service in the even ina. Anthem, "There Dwelt in Old Judaea", Griggs. Solo,- Mrs. H. M. FlaveL Quintette. "That Sweet Mory of Old West. Violin solo, Mrs. J.T. Allen. Solo and chorus, Miss Kcba llobson . and choir. Solo, William Gratke.' Mak chorus. The Sundav school Christmas exercises will be held on Wednesday evening. AH are invited to all services. Wm. S. Gil bert, pastor. Christian Science. Services in rooms 5 and 6. I. O. O. F. building, corner Tenth and Com mercial streets, 11 o'clock. Subject of the lesson sermon, "Is the Uni verse, Including Man, Evolved by Atomic Force?" Sunday school im- sucdiatcly after the close of the serv ice. The first Wednesday evening in the month at 7:30. Reading rooms same address, hours from 2 to 5, daily except Sunday. First Norwegian Lutheran. iSunday school, 9:30 a. m.; morning service. 10:45; English Bible class, 6:30 p. m.; evening service, 7:30 p. m. The church choir assists at all evening services. You are respect fully invited to attend. Theo. Keste, pastor. Norwegian-Danish M. E. Mominsr worship, 11 a. m. and ev ening. 7:30 p. m.j Sunday school, 10 a. m. The choir will sing at the even ing service, Scandinavians are cor dially invited. . O. T. Field, pastor. First Baptist Morning service, 11 "a. m.. theme, "Awake, O North Wind and Comr. Thou South," At 7 .W the -nbjwt will he, "A Strange Guest and a 1'il lar in the Temple." Sunday school ami It. Y. PVU. at the Usual horns. Everyone cordially invited. BRITT VS. FRENCHMAN. VRW YORK, Dec 1H.-Jimmy llritt, the California lightweight. h been matched to tight a 20 round with .Adolnhc. the French .-ti. mmioti. in They will fight for a purse of Ww franc, 75 per cent lv go to . tne winner. First Methodist. Program of .Christmas' scrvke: At 11 a. n., voluntary; anthem, "Come and Worship," hymn "O Come All Ye Faithful, Triumphantly Sing." Apostle's Creed. Anthem. "Thee We Adore. Responsive read ing. Gloria. Scripture reading. , Aa- th-m. "Little Town of Bethlehem. IWmn, "Joy to the World." Ser mon. 'Trecious Gifts." Hymn, "Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning Choir-Sopranos; Miss Ella Thomson,: Miss Estella Thorn son; altos: Mrs. Qvermire, Mrs. 'ter: tenors: A. R. Cyrus A. J. Schroeder, Carl Badcock; bassos: Donald Snell, J. M. Anderson; organ ist: Miss Annie Lawn. At 7:30 n m.. voluntary. Quartette, "Silent Night. Hallowed Night," Miss Finch. Miss McCann, S. L Nanthrup, E. C. Judd. Hymn, "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear." Trayer. Anthem. "Come Near. Ye Nations." Resnon sive reading. Gloria. Scriptu' read inc. Soto, Jdiss McCann. Hymn, "Ancels from the Realms of Clory." Sermon, "The Birthday of Joy." An them. "The Hush of Night Hath Fall en" Hymna, "U Uttie on oi Bethlehem.' Choir Sopranos: Mrs. Abercrombie, Miss Elsie Elmore, Miss Clata Barker, Mrs. Finch; altos: Miss McCann, Mis Buey. Mrs. Judd; tenors: S. L. Narthrup, V. A. Be harrtfl, Nello Joh:.-.?n; lassos: E. C. Judd. Samuel Elmore; organist: Miss Floretta Etmore. C. C Rarick, pas tor. ; ' "Memorial Lutheran, Sunday ' school, 10 a. m. Funeral service at 11 "a. m., over the late Mr. Brunstrom. Regular evening service, 7:30 p. m AU are cordially invited. Gustaf E. Rydquist, pastor. 1 A WALL STREET RUMOR. NEW'YORK. Dec. ia-ln connec. with a rumor that was current in Wall street to the effect that negotia tion were under way looking to the nl of the Bethlehem Steel Corpora tion to the United Steel Steel Corpo ration, Charles M. Schwab, president f the former concern, make the following statement; "The ' reports that control of the Bethlehem steel Comnanv. or any other of my prop erties has been offered to the Steel Corporation, to Mr. Morgan, or to anvoiie else, are absolutely incorrect. The Bethlehem Company it not, has not been, and will not be for sale, nor are anv of my other Interests. With all the talk current about steel, the tariff and other things, I presume w mint exnect such reports, this being the silly season in the street.' matter with some concessions DON'T FORGET! than see it go to pieces for the want i Of some tron-claa diction or ie o. , . yon agreement; these concessions s; good aeeflf if you do yot.r mnraany mauc, UJ , ghoppin early so as to leave terest. The general goM acnievea . of lhose peop,e who far surpasses the mere ina vmua. con-, M tQ wait wta the last cern, and one mans loss, if an o make ptlTchases es. there be, can be made good m time; Jn sflrrounding and the play of justice. J county-rid across the river. If you It is the one essential improvement, or BM needed to waken this wnoie secnon,. fl and wiu he1p to and is worth a saenhee, no "r bo05t Astoria, trade, and at the same who makes it These conclnsion, be-, the" overworked at- inc. of course, widelv eeneral. Vie -"oj w honestly hope there will be no hitch at this, the most critical instant, the turning point, of the venture! LONG-DISTANCE JUDGMENT. President Theodore Roosevelt has raised a veritable hornet's nest at the eat of Government and is, himseIT in the thick and heart of it all. It is seldom we concede that this man makes mistakes, but we frankly con fess that, as President, he was abov. taking the initiative of advising the prosecution of the New York World for criminal libel because of it, stric tures upon the departmental control of the Panama Canal project, just as time, ease up on the overworked at tendants in the stores. China's new era begins with Uncle Sam as the empire's best internation al friend, which is a good start for many more centuries of Celestial his- torv. Uncle Sam's strong point n the East is a desire to give all nations a fair deal. ' .." ' ...!..."'.;., - ; - j. . A" " : ' ' .... 1 "' ' J ' - ' " ' " - V ..." t i i ,'5 ... ; . Vv f - 7. ' ; v. . ' . : x - '; 4 '' ' ' ; ,-. . ':' ,. ." J, . v i . W I. Xjii i - '' 1 " 1 Truth and Qualify anneal to the Well-informed fn walk of Ufa and are ewMmtial to permanent uceeat and creditable standing. Accor Ingly, It it not claimed thai Syrup of Figs nnd Elixir of Senna U tha only remedy of known value, but one of many reason. why it b the beet of personal and family laxative is. tha fact that It cleanse, aweeten, and relieves tbt Internal organs on which It acta without any oVblllttin after effects and without having to increase the quantity from time to lima. , I acta pleasantly and naturally and truly u a laxative, and Ha component parte art known to and approved by u it U free from all objection bto wbstanee. To get it beneficial eSeote always purchae tha genuine manufactured by tha California Fig Syrup Ck, only, and for sals hj all loading drug gist. ' i. ; i, EHo Klntl You Ua' Alwnyi Cotjl and vltklt hta hem tn uno for OTor 30 yetu. h twrna tho ijrnntar of ttnd hna been ntado ondor bU per 'VsJUT- onfti lC'rvM" loo lmluftuicj. iaVu4cMil Allow no ouo to dcoti ve you lu this All ConntcrfcltVImltAUoiii iwd Jwt-Mrood-we but Experiment tlmt trifle wlUl Itnd udMiirer tho hntlth of InAuU mid CUlldxtnCxporlonod BtftUuat l.aporliucnt. WnatlsCASTORIA CaatorlA ! a barn'ilat inbitltut r Cwtr OU, Pare, corlo, lropa and Sootlilnir Syrup. It 1 JontalnolU, Morpblue or oILer JlnreoUe Its nge U 1U rmnuite. It dtroy Vomj lutd fclltty rererlsbneas. It cure PUvrrUtMii and Wind , Silo. It rsOleven TectUn, Trtmt, Cn-t Ptlott .nd Flistulcncy. It walmlliite the rowl, ifuUte tht Etonusch isnd Uowelm fflvtuir bealtliy tsnd tinturol sleep. She OtUdroii't rncc-Tbo MotJicrt I rlcnO. , , OEHUIHE CASTORIA ALWAYO 5 18 Kind You Haye Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 tears. Tim tmw mn nmtmn nmtMmmn, SCO! Ml BEiSS.LIn,ll A8TOK1A. OUEOUS , , . j Iron and Brass Founders, Land and Mam Engmeeri. Un-to-Dat EawmOl Mschinsiy . Prompt atuotlon gi w "P tltb and Franklin At. . ' Ml "IN WYOMING" Many Cubans think the second withdrawal of American troops will h fhe shortest cut to annexatioa This mav be the reason the annexa tionists are not running a party of their own, but letting matters drift toward an event they believe to be inevitable. sarily limited unless the idea of tran sacting business is to be given up. In every Southern state the Repub lican vote showed an increase this year, and in some the gain was heaw. The Solid South will be sur prised when its total Republican vote in 1908 is footed up. Steady Nerves are needed by all who work with hands or brain, lprve strength depends on stomach strength. Keep the digestion sound and robust with BEECHMl'S PILLS Bold Everywhere. In tM 10c and tSe. A reduction is announced in letter oostaee between the United Sta'.es and Germany to correspond with the rate between this country and Eng land. Meantime a parcel can be mailed to Europe for a lower rate than is charged between any,two American postoffices, though 39,000 rural delivery carriers are running with light loads. The postal deficit is clearly a misfit. Mr. Taft has the physique and the opportunity to make a good Santa Claus, a fact which appointment seekers do not overlook. In a body of about 400 members, nearly all orators, the operation of catching the speaker's eye is neces- relief I obtained was only temporary I read so much about Doan's Kidney Pitt, that I finally tried them and was soon cured." ' Plenty more proof like this from Astoria people. Call at Charles Rog ers & Son's drug store and ask what customers report. Kor sale bv all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo Nw York. Sole Atrents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other: HHMMTMiTMtMIvHtMrt)tMttiMttUsWWH To be given away at the .... BARERONI AN .... CHRISTMAS MATINEE Every lady and child attending the matinee from now to Christmas will be given a coupon which will entitle them to a drawing on a free present The presents will be displayed in the show windo of the Bee Hive Store on Commercial street. Special matinee prizes lor children from now till Christmas, 5c. Who are the lucky ones? AriMTScmw in rir.NTS . - ... SEATS FREE A COMMON ERROR. The Same Mistake is Made by Many Astoria People. ; It's a common error To plaster the aching back, To rub with liniments rheumatic joints. When the trouble comes from the kidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kid ney ills. -1 . David Campbell, 170 N. Eighteenth street, Portland, Or., says: "My faith in Doan's Kidney Pills today is just as great as when I recommended them several years ago, the cure they performed in my case having proven permanent. Prior to using them, I suffered constantly from pains in my back and often was so lame and sore that it was difficult for me to stoop or lift. I tried various remedies and was treated by a physician but the AMUSEMENTS. AstoriaTheatre Dec. 20 II. E. PIERCEi &: CO. Present the Stirring Ameri can Play III WYOMING A Cast of Brilliant Ex cellence "Seldom hat such a typically west ern comedy been created." Milwau kee Sentinel. 'In Wyoming' is a -genuine west ern comedy without the usual gun play." Minneapolis Journal. Another "Arizona" T. Absolutely Void of Gun ; , . . Play ,. , , Intensely Exciting! Prices 25, 50, 75; $1 Fast Freight Service Daily Service Via THE A.; (a C. R. IX. CO. Through merchandise Cars from Portland to Astoria leave Portland at 6 p. m. Every Day except Sun day. AH less than carload shipments delivered at Freight House before 4 p. m. will arrive in Astoria at 9;5o p. m. For further imformation call on O. B. JOHNSON, aen'l Agent A. & C. R. R. 12th St, near Commercial 8t ASTORIA, OREGON. FINANCIAL. First national Dank of Astoria DIRECTORS Tacob Kamm W. F. McGregor G. C. Blavbl J. W. L,ADD D. O. UUKWw Capital .......$100,000 Surplus 25,000 Stockholders' Liability ....100,000 RHTAItLIKHKD 18H4 J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President O. I. PETERSON, Vice-President NEW RAILWAY DEAL. MADISON, Wis., Dec. 18. It is reported by railroad men here that the Northern Pacific Railroad Com pany has entered into, an agreemnt with the Chicaeo and Northwestern and Chicago, St. Paul, , Minneapolis and Omaha roads that will enable it to run through trains from Chicago to the Pacific Coast. This agreement is understood to be for the purpose of enabling the contracting roads to meet the competition of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, which has con structed a new line to the Pacific Coast. Employes of the Chicago and Northwestern road say that they have been ordered to be prepared to handle 27 additional trains daily through Madison. IS I carrv the best Loaders' Shoes in town at the low est prices. . My stock of men's and boy'i shoes is unsurpassed for qua lity. Close buying and low expenses enable me to sell the best qualities at lowest prices Subscribe to the Morning Astorian 60 cents per month by carrier. S. A. G1MRE 543 Bond StreeJ J. W. GARNER. Assistant Cashier FRANK PATTON, Cashier ASTORIA SAVINGS BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS S232.CC3 Transacts General Banking Business Interest Paid on Tlrna DepM Four Per Cent. Per Annum Eleventh and Duant Sit, - AttorU, Ortoa , SCANDINAVIAN-A AVER-1 C A N SAVINGS BANK ASTORIA, ORBOON " OUR MOTTO: ' "Safety Soparcedea AH Other ContideratlM." Sherman Transler Co, Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Tricks aa4 Faralrori Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. U Commercial Street - . V3n Flxm - J. A J M. JtV J- M. m m tlaajAAAJ M.J.A. M m. .M. M. Ml A A TTTTTTTTT -w-"P""sr-f v ? tTTTTTtTTT T TTT TTTTT T f 'XT VtTTTTT ? THE TR i First-Class Liquors ''andCCigars 12 CommsrcUI Street Corner Commercial and 14th. . ASTCEIA, OREGON