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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1908)
I ' SIXTEEN PAGEG-3 SECTIONS 2ND SECT! 0NPAGE3 9 TO 12 O . 4 " J V 3 0VEn3THC MORNtNO flaXO ON TKrlOWES COLUMBIA PUBLISHES mil AffBOCIArCO R33 RCFORT FniCg. FTE CCITS 433rd YEAR.' NO. 249 ASrcniA, CRECcn, su;;day; .ccto:er 25. icc3; !' it J 1 j VAIIDERBiLT. CUP. RACE GREATEST, MOTORINQ EVENT OF CENTURY WILL BE EN'.., ROLLED IN CLASSICS.' . ACCIDENT , MARKS OPENING Quarter of Million of People Witness the Initial Events Att the Hotel Accommodation. Have Been Exhausted. " i ' I r NEW YORK, Oct. 24.-With pro s bably 200.OX) people unrounding the course on Long Island, the Yamler bile cup race when the first car got away this morning, promised to be at "leant in point of numbers,' witnes aing It, the greatest motoring event ever run off In America. Earl- In the evening the great, crowd began to move from Broadway and Fifth Ave nue toward Long Island and long before midnight the motor can ' of all size, make's an4 sg bad com pletely blocked Thirty Fourth Street and while ferryboats were , run , as close together as possible they could not begin to handle the waiting line of vehicles, each snorting away in it efforts to" be the first 'to' reach the Long Island shore,, As the night went on the number of cars increased and the roads leading "from Long Island City to the course r were " jammed with 'the speeding "cars .bearing ad ditions to the crowd. At the same time special railway trains were run as dost together as safety could al low, each car loaded to the doors, with those who' possessed more en thusiasm' than motor cars. " , ' " F.arlv in the evening; the first seri ous accident occurred when Patrick ' NEW YORK, Oct, 24. Since the days of the draft, riots this city has been never nearerto mob rule and violence- than it stands to-day, while feeble ' efforts are being, made to crush the deadly-outbreaks of the taxicab Strike. Bombs, pistol shots ,t the incendiary's torch have ter rorized the public each day of the last week in every part of thi: island and now it has become a constant danger to walk the streets anywhere ,.f tfca mnnv motor Sta- tions" besieged by the ruffians who ; NeK York News better "11 1 iiT'i ir-T-i 1 " """"""""" '"' , ... !jaiciy niauncu iv -M flittectivcs. armed and active, are ) to-day lining the curbs and entran i ccs of every hotel and restaurant in I town in the ,hope ot queuing die hourly attacks of ' the strikers who 1 have already; left their mark on life, I limb and property everywhere. That 1 even these emergency measurs on th part of the police have failed to I check this widespread violence to- 1 a,', TfanrAfiA as serious menace to 1 law nq .uij.i ,t" " vij-.t-. 1 a cm r r n mfr n nil hik. i i. is many a , year since ootnam i nas been made to look like a raw mining camp, '.arid everyone is heartily ashamed pi this' public ambition of ashamed pf this public exhibition of tion,, ,, , . S : , 1 ' n , SERVIANS STIRRED. To raise a regiment of stout Ser vians from the colony of Slavonians who for years has thickly populated their own quarter in this cosmopoli tan city is being seriously begun to day. Leaders among1 these swarthy compatriots have come to believe that the hour is near when their coun try will need their blows arid blood on its side of the difficulty with, Aus tria and no time is being lost in ac tively enlisting volunteers for . real fighting across' the ocean. Already a hundred' of the Servian colony are said to be drafted, ,,and drilling.', for war, and hundreds more ot these fie ry patriots are tp-day holding a ral- iy for recruits. Mo spot on me.giuM? can be effected, it wouia seem, wu out strong reflex action upon' this Hy of all nations. ' Hell, in attemotinc to cross the street in front of his home in Long Island City, dodged the on-coming line of automobiles, only to step In front of a trolley car which instantly ground him to death' under Its wheels. - -Those wfio; went early' to the course In the hope of obtaining a lit tle slceo before the beginning of the race were disappointed for every ho tel and very farmhous anywhere near the track was so'crowded with peo: pie as to make sleep impossible. , Everywhere there was the din of honkinir horns and. the yells anl laugh of the crowd that moved ghost like through the blackness of the star less night, illuminated only by the brilliant fleeting flashes of thousands of headlights. ( Everywhere there were .pedestri ans dodainir across roads and around ! corners, appearing suddenly for an instant brilliant ' in the. glare of headlight and then so suddenly, dis appearing Into the darkness. It was such a acene as can only be witness ed on the night before a Vanderbilt cup race, 1 acene that cannot be de scribed, a 'scene thai "cannot be ima gined, a acene that,, once witnessed, lives forever In. the memory. ' " The pessimistic predictions of the weather man calling for showers for today seemingly had no effect On the crowd for when the cold dull morn ing broke, every vantage . place around the twenty three mile course was crowded and still the line of motor cars came down the roads and still the special trains discharged their hundreds. . ' With the first, break of dawn the eat racing machines were dolled out of their quarters, drivers and mechanicans gave them their last grooming and one after another the cars that 'are to make the big fight for. the cup moved . out on to the track an were' given their--RrelimU nary" warming ' up" runt along the cement track in front of the big of ficial grandstand which by this time was crowded to its; capacity with ettt thiisiasts.4 who, cheered the . various driver aa they passed, dimly reeog- nizeable in the dim early light. ' A CAMPAIGN IN COURT, Right tt the heart of the grim old Criminal Court Building, where hun; dreds of souls' are daily turned to prison terms " or liberty, there has penetrated to-day the most vital in terest that a campaign of the out side state has ever' roused among the officials and subjects of the law. To thousands of the court employees and the, poor, who must seek justice here, the memory of young Chanler, and hisycarj of championing the friend less plaintiffs at Die bar has been kept fresh. The veteran f newspaper ; men still' seek stories from the daily grind -of, the courts are talking to day pf, the palmy,' days whens the vol untary representation of ragged un fortunates by this youthful counsel was, always good for the best of hu man interest yarns. To see the vig orous' Mr., 'Chanter strip off his fur coat and clap it on the back , of some shivering subject for, whom he had woii justice in court was worth all thef 'other sights and sounds' of the gloomy old building, they declare.' Liff an death, and liberty! are( usii ally. the, prime interests' in this cas tle for sentence and acquittal, and it is seldom that the support of other causes enters in so warmly, HEROES OF THE HpRSEHIDE. Feting' and feasting the members of its near-championship baseball team, ! all sporting' and theatrical New York is . to-day , holding high carnival in their honor along the Great White Way. To a man, bvery citizen of Gotham believes that the Giants won the pennant with bat and ball,' If not with technicalities and lawyers, and their loss of the profits and place in the World's champion ship series is being made, up to them in a tangible as well as pleasant way. Before the ' next' week Is over each member ' he'(unfbrtnati ' nine will receive more than' a ' thousand dollar's from, benefits., whjch, ,have bferi "ar ra'pgei today as. financial balm. The whole public here has' never taken to it'he'art any of " its representatives more closely and warmly than it has ZS1 "'t fi n For i i s. ti . ; t J i Tt this plucky band that fought against odds to the last ditch. It will be many a generation before the baseball bat tle of 1908 is forgotten in this' town. HETTY IN, HOBOKEN. No one was surprised to learn to day that Hoboken instead of Fifth Avenue is" to house Hetty Green, the frugal financier, this coming winter. Back to the region where the humble cave-dweller pays less than a dol lar a day for his living niche in a waste of cheap structure, the lady magnate ; is ; to-day wending her steps in a close search for cheap quarters, To everyone who interview ed Mrs. Green, as she tried to endure the. luxury .of hotel life in Gothan last season it was j macle plain that she was sorely distressed at her wild ex travagance. Owning some of the most ' pretentious hotel arid ' apart ment structures In' the country, this keen woman ' investor has sought peace and personal pleasure on 'the cheap outskirts ' of Hobokeri;' and New York is not greatly "piqued1' thereby. ' ! J'u'.'; '''''". ;-'' ' TWO ARE CONVICTED. Signai Victory Is Won Against White Slave Traffic In Chicago. CHICAGO. ' 6ct 24l The ", first federal authorities against the White slave traffic in Chicago was won yes terday through the conviction of Jo seph Ochsnor and Joseph Keller of South Chicago. They .were the first to come to trial of nearly thirty pend ing cases, the principals hi ; which were arrested in the scries of raids by federal secret' sejvice . operatives and assistants of ' the district" attor ney's office last Spring and Summer. Ochsnor was charged with .' bring ing an alien woman into the' country ft' e-r TT II. l. i.,tt v - mm ...... j. . is t T f f 1 ' - ''-'4 :J I ' ' f -" " ' ' 'iS ' i 'i ; h I M f If : ' yi' 1 A vfk Men and Young Men, To be well-dressed in these days, is not i much a matter of in dividual judgment in the selection of one's clothing, as good judgment In the selection of one's clothier. ' As a store which caters to the requirements of men of taste, we take pride in having clothing which we can guarantee to be not only the very best possible value in materials and workmanship, but thor oughly up-to-date in style, and has the good fit necessary to a well dressed, gentlemanly appearance. . This "HERMANWILE. clothing of which we illustrate a few of the new styles, is one of our leading lines, because nowhere in the market c?n we find clothing of such superior excellence, to sell for such reasonable prices as we ask for it. Every garment is hand-tailored throughout it is made by Union Workmen in a dean sanitary factory and so exceptionally good is it In every quality which adds value, that it is generally known as the clothing that is "Better than Custom Made." 5 We ar anxious to have you call and examine these garments be fore you purchase your new Fall outfit, as we are confident that a careful comparison with other lines of clothing which you may be offered will convince you that our claims of ,-. ' better bettejr better better are based on the actual merit of the clothing itself. ' And when you have seen the exceedingly tasteful patterns in the newest and most popular colorings when you have tried it on and : seen the distinctiveness which the exceptional style and fit give you, you will be satisfied that nowhere can you do better, and will' boy,, this clothing. " ,; HnwppriSP' I V , CHASi LARSEN, Rroprlotpr... for immoral purpose. Keller was found guilty of harbor ing an alien woman in a disorderly resort of which he was, proprietor! Motions for new trials were made and Judge Bethes will ; hear argu ments on behalf,, of Ochsnor next Monday and for Keller a week la- ten ' :. CHURCH ON, RACE TRACK. Suburban, town Will Arise, On ; OJd, 1 Brightoa Beach Course. NEW YORK,' Oct 2.TWhen a suburban, town arises on the site of the famous Brighton Beach Race track a church will occupy the cor ner where for 'many years was1 the location of the riiutual pools." "The company Which has purchased.' the track and is cutting it up 'into build ing lots has given an optiou for the lots on the old corner to Charles E. Overton! who announces thaf he will buil a J Free Chiirch there and give it to. trie denomination which he con siders has done the 'most ' good for Long Island. While the hiutuals have not been used at Brighton for many years, there was a time 1 when they outbjd the. "books" for popularity with the betting crowd arid with these days in mind, Mrs Overton has chosen their.-former site as a most appropriate place to build his church. VATTELL vs., wolgast. ; SAN FRANCISCO, ' Oct. 24.-Abe Attell and Ad Wolgast' have beeit matched to fight twenty rounds for the featherweight 'championship of the world before the Jeffries Club of Los Angeles on the night of Novem ber 10. Attell,', it is. said, receives a guarantee of $2000 win, lose or draw. o wmm. quality styje iit value NOTIGB I'Afii Silllil" nllhl iViV' The. agency ofj. the Sarj Francisco , Examiner is now located at Whitman's. Book-Store. . 'Price 75c ' per month delivered. ' Subscribers I not j getting papers regularly notify us at once and agent will' cUt, Quick.deliyery'guaranteed, ii J.iiifSfiilii5 lILj lilJlJli ' C''i'lJiili' 1 rf ?i '"1 . , . . w . . : .. I .. '4 ' ;. r . fob' VICTOR OR PHONOGRAPH ' - )GO .1 insonejiionorp!)ii gi ?ariors Second J loor Over STEEL fr'EWARi Electrical Contractors Plone Main 3881 .... 426 Bond., Street l i" ) : ' f , i I 'I i! i. i v ,a J BETTER THAN kJ'A: VSAVJb MADE wA':'' 1 t - - , ... JkJ. 4 ,tii:'tiii!-''0 ')va yf..? i AN EDISON TO(- ijj kchoUd & Mattson Co. -.4 t , :' ' :