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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1908)
THE MOILNIXU ASTOIUAN, ASTOKlA. iiKMiO.N. FRIDAY, OOTOHKR 0 Established 1S73, Published Daily Except Monday by THE J. S. DELLINOER CO, "'. . SUBSCRIPTION "RATES. 'By mail, per year ..... :.ik By carrier, per month ....f.'-J il.Ai " , "WEEKLY ASTORIA! " By mail, per year, in advance ............ ........ ...... r. ..a .$7.00 . .60 NOW IN ITS SECOND WEEK The Bargain, Day: You're For Is Here .$1.50 ' Entered as second-class matter July 30, 1905, a the poatoffice at As toria, Oregon, under the act of ,Congrsi of March 3, 1879, ' Orders for the delivering of The Morning Astcrian to either residence ' or place of business may be made bypostal .card or through telephone. Any irregularity in delivery should be immediately reported to the office of publication. , . .h 'ofi tt- TELEPHONE MAIN ttLV. TKE WEATHER Oregon Probably showers and cooler in west portion. ' ' H Washington and Idaho Probably showers and cooler. MR. BRYAN STAND UP! ' There are no doubt some Gold Democrats who would be willing to return to their old party if they be lieved that the party had abandoned the positions which it took under Mr. Bryan in 1896 and 1900. Mr. Bryan has thus far failed to indicate a radi cal change of heart on these subjects, but if he would address himself to the following list of questions in a manner satisfactory to the believers in the gold standard and the existing financial structure, he might reassure many who are inow doubting. Is Mr. Bryan willing to answer candidly the following questions? f Do you believe that the gold stan dard, as you declared in lovo, is a conspiracy against the human race"? ; Would you oppose again, as you did in the Democratic National Conven tion of 1904, the declaration that the monetary problem had been removed from the realm of practical politics by the great production of gold in recent years? . Do you still believe, as declared by the Democratic National platform of 1900, that national bank notes should he.-retired "as fast as government pa per or silver certificates can be sub stituted for them"? -Was the exclusion of gold certifi cates from the above resolution be cause your real aim was to bring this country to a debaseed silver standard and not to establish honest bimetal lism, even if attainable? Are you still opposed as declared in the Democratic National platform of 1896, to "the issue of interest-bearing bonds of the United States in time of peace," even if necessary under the provisions of the Gold Standard Law to sustain the public credit? Would you feel justified in authori zing the issue of emergency notes un der the Aldrich-Vreeland Law, if nec necessary to move the crops, in view of the declaration made in the Democratic National platform of this year, that "in so far as the needs of commerce require an emergency cur rency should be issued and control led by the Federal Government"? If the latter provision of your plat form means that you favor the issue of more greenbacks, would you favor making such" gi eenbacky-payable on demand in gold, or in silver, or not payable at all? Can you give, any ggopd reasons, as a' Democrat, why you should be sup ported more cordially by the friends of. -Judge Parker in 1908 than he was supported by your friends in 1904, when the Democratic, vote in the State of Nebraska fel from 111,513 to 51,876? THE BALKANS. The "Powers" are at their old trick of interfering in the squabbles be tween Turkey and the Balkan States. After one and all refusing to fulfil the obligations they assumed at the Berlin Conference, at which Disraeli played the part of a jackal in a lkAi skin, to protect the Christians of European -Turkey from the cruelty, fanaticism and rapacity of the Mo hammedan caste, they are now rush ing forward to interfere under the pretense that the "concert" must not be destroyed and the "balance of power disturbed." Austria is the only -one of the five COFFEE Nothing does more for a grocer, one way or the other, than coffee. He must sell poor; (he needn't sell it to you) it is good t.t makes him, Vii'i f rorr rnturni your money 1 ton don't if o Vi ju's Best: w par biis great powers . that . has made any honest attempt to live up to th agreement of the Christian signator ies to the Berlin Treaty in the mat ter of affording the Christians of the Balkan peninsula protection from tyranny and robbery at the hands of their Turkish rulers. She has restor-1 ed peace, order and prosperity iri J bosnia and Herzegovina, which she has virtually governed and policed for 20 years, although Bosnia and Herzegovina are nominally depend- j encies of the Turkish crown, and ! there is every reason why the two j provinces should be annexed to Aus- j tria-Hungary. The Turk no longer i has any authority in those provinces, ' has not had for a generation. The j arm of Austria is supreme there, and has wisely governed and protected) the land. ;Why should the Turk, who j is a predatory invader from Asia, be j regarded' as having any claim to au-' thorify over the Christian inhabitants of Bosnia and Herzegovina simply , because Moslem hordes overran those provinces nearly three centuries agojX anu crueuy piunoerea ana oppressed them til! Russia forever broke the j military power of the" Osmanli in ihej last Balkan war? . I w aran THE GREATEST CLEMMCE SMBl i' ; : of ...Clothing, Furnishings and ShoeslIs Now The Yorkingmen's Store Is the Place On... 4 In onlye-ne particular is the horse ! show'at the fair grounds less than it; was last year; there are no ponies of j beer. . ' Weir, "anyway, if there's war the geography of Turkey and Bulgaria j I will become better known. The annual crop of stories about valuable pearls being found in oys ters is now being harvested. Taft is going to be on the stump until election and after that he'll be on the White-House job. . Greatest reduction on seasonable goods ever offered inA&oria. Read this M and come at once while these exceptional bargains last , $4.50 Mackinaw Coats $3.50 $4.00 Mackinaw Coats ......... $3.00 $4.50 Mackinaw Pant .....$3.50 $4.00 Wool Panta ... $3.00 $3.50 Wool Pants $2.50 $2.75 Wool Panta $2.00 $2.50 Wool Pants .$1.75 $3.00 Sweaters .....42.25 $2.00 Sweaters ,....$1.00 $1.25 Sweaters .75 $3.50 Sweater Coats. ....... ....$2.75 $3.00 Sweater Shirts . ..........$2.25 .50 Woolen Soxs 45 .25 Woolen Soxs .20 $3.00 Flannel Shirts $2.25 $2.50 Flannel Shirts .......$1.85 $2.00Tlannel Shirts $1.50 $2.00 Dress Shirts $1.50 $1.50 Dress Shirts ..............fl.lS $1.00 Dress Shirts 75 .75 Work Shirts 50 .50 Work Shirts . ........... . .40 $1.25 Silk Front Shirts 75 .75 Shirts ;, .40 Men's $5.00 Dress Shoes'........ $3.50 Men's $4.50 Dress Shoes $3.25 Men's $4.00 Dress Shoes ...$3.00 Men's $3.50 Dress Shoes $2.65 Men's $3.00 Dress Shoes...... .,$2.25 $7.00 Logger's Shoes $5.50 $6.50 Logger's Shoes $5.00 $6.00 Logger's Shoes $4.75 $4.00 Working Shoes ..$3.00 $3.00 Working Shoes $2.25 Men's $6.00 Rubber Boots $5.00 Long Yellow Oil Coats.. $2.00 Three-fourths Yellow Oil Coats.. $1.75 $4.00 Suit, Scotch Wool Under- wear No. 17 $3.30 $4.00 Suit, Winsted Under- wear $3.30 Suit, Wool Under. wear $3.00 Suit, Wool Under- wear . ,u-... , $2.50 Suit, Wool Under- wear .' ,,. $1.00 Suit, Cotton Underwear... 23 PER CENT OFF ON SUITS. PANTS. HATS. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES .$3.00 .$2.50 .$2.25 .$1.75 .80 ALL Chas. Larson, Prop. Next to Ross, Hlggins & Co. Only a. month more till election and then Bryan can go back to Chautauqua lecturing for a living. . Fifty-five thousand people went to .ie base!. ' , . - ' cay. S.: v.': -f 1 itj'gbt ii ' aroi! toa fe jrrachm v.orth : -.: Persia i i of the i .i. rrk an n a-ms of -h '. ' k;ivf f..iin.l -hr ;.'n. c lljt y A th? ! :c:at' lic Vnii d "I . Wilis'';." - ;.'..: : are the late ' things in Alabama. But no matter how late, count on the old topers waiting for them. Bulgaria night be willing to wait until .Thanksgiving and get a slici of Turkey without having to go to war for it. , ' States were not providing proper common school education for the children of that section, established the Peabody Normal College for tea chers in Nashville, Tenn. In the distribution of the fund it was intended to give- $1,000,000 out right to this college and to apportion the balance of the fund among such other educational institutions as the trustees should name. The reason given for not making the distribution to-day, it was said, that the Peabody Normal College for teachers has not complied with con ditions stipulated by the trustees when the college was founded. The agreement was that to entitle the Peabody College to . $1,000,000 when the distribution was made, ap propriations aggregating : $730,000 mjist first be made for the benefit of the college by the City of Nashville, Davidson County and the state of Tennessee. Fifty Years a Blacksmith. Samuel R. Worley of Hixburg, Va., j has been shoeing horses for more than 50 years.' He says: "Chamber lain's Pain Balm has given me great relief from lame back "and rheuma tism. It is the best liniment I ever used." rFor sale by Frank Har and ! leading druggists. THE PEABODY FUND. Final Distribution Will Not Be Made Until Some Matters Are Fixed. WASHINGTON, Oct. 8.-Surprise was..occassioned yesterday when the trustees , of the Peabody Education fund met in this city and decided not to make a final distribution of the fund of $2,500,000 left by George Pea-! body of Massachusetts in 1867 for ed ucation of the children of the South ern states.; In establishing the fund the donor provided that the income. Why Colds Are Dangerous. Because you have contracted ordi nary colds and recovered from them without treatment of any , kind, do not for a moment imagteejhat colds are not dangerousJ 'Everyone knows that pneumonia and chronic catarrh have, their origin in a common cold. Consumption is not caused by a cold but the cold prepares the system for the ' reception and development of the germs that wouldnot otherwise have found lodgment? It is the same witfi all infectious diseases. . Diph theria, scarlet fever, mealies and whooping cough are much more like ly to be contracted when the child For Chronic, Diarrhoea. "While in the army in 1863 I was taken: with chronic diarrhoea," says George Mr Felton of South Gibson, I Pa. ; "I have since tried many 'rente- j dies but without any permanent re lief until Mr. A. W. Miles of this place persuaded me to try Chamber-1 lain'si Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ! Remedy, one bottle of which stopped j it at once." For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. ; f More Than Enough Is Too Much. To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food to repair the waste and supply energy and body heat. The habitual con sumption of more food than is neces sary for these purposes is the prime cause of stomach troubles, rheuma tism and disorders of the kidneys. If troubled with indigestion, revise your diet, let reason and not appetite con trol and take a few doses of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tiblets and you will soon be all right again. For sale by Frank Hart and leading (druggists. "Fhrsheim Footnotes" 'The lid is off" Our New Fall Styles have arrived They represent , "A fit for every foot" "A style for any taste" i;'?l:,?h r- ill I ... CHASy. BROWN The Family Shoe Store Man of the $2,?00,000 was to be used each 'has a cold! You will see from this year for educational purposes and! that more real danger lurks in a cold that at the -end f-thirty years the trustees could distribute ' the money among such educational institutions as,,tlicy should select, . , v : At. a. previous meeting of thctrus tee.9fcamojig,whom is President Roose velt, it, was practically decided , to .roa.! .tfie distribution. In .1875 the trusSfe'i'St believing that the Southern than in any other of the common ail ments. The easiest and quickest way to cure a cold is to take Chamber lain's Cough Reemdy. - The many re markable cures effected by this prep aration have made it a staple article of: trade over a large part of the world. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. " :or Chapped Skin. Chapped skin whether on the hands or face may be cured in one night by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It is also unequalled for sore nipples, burns and scalds. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. Oysters. Bay Center Oyster House, 420 Bond street. Oysters wholesale and retail. George Saunders, Prop. 9-27-tf Subscribe to the Morning Astorian. 1 flU h w h 1 J k$tWl ft i i i f i a n r.j x k Jr ri iK i 1 1 v mm mum . w i H' 'si fsv au n i Cures Co'.:if-. Cold:;, Croup, La Grippe, As-thrna, Thro'.! Is and Luiirr Trrunlcs. ?rf:vcnt3 Pneurnonif and Consumption T. F. LAUREN OWL DRUG STORE. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE HONEY and TAR A SUMMER MM Unfermcnted Grape Juice absolutely, non-alcoholic Concord 5oc quart Catawba. ...Coc quart Welch's Grape Juice .. Nips ,'.10c AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. Commercial Street. in the Sufcscribo io The Morning Astorian