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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1908)
SATURDAY, OCT. 3 THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. New York News Letter FINANCIAL. r NEW YORK, Oct. 2.-I3y the first of next May more than 3500 train will enter New York daily, and the cam of which they will be composed would if ltluecd in a simile train reach a Icntcth of nearly four iiuiiurcu miles, incite tignrcM indi cute the tremendous possibilities of the new era of transportation in thii city, generally referred to an the "tunnel era." One thousand trains will enter the city under the Hudson Kivcr every day, and something like twice thl number by vurious other subways and tubes, Every thirty second will mark the arrival of a train and pasaeniers can be poured Into the city at the rate of 60,000 an hour or a million and a half a day. Of course all this will necessitate the most remarkable terminal ever con ceived, and ait a result the city will have tremendous clearing house. The Intercommunication of various system and the possibility of going almost anywhere without reaching the surface of the ground will make possible a wonderfully complicated sorting, system for trains and pas sengers, Just how many hundreds of miliums the final completion of all these plans will call fur can only be guessed, Hut it Is known that the cost will be greater than that of the Panama Canal. KnginccrsMliiiik that by the year 1921) the whole thing should be finished and predict that by that time ferryboats will have en tirely disappeared from rivers and surface cars from the city streets, Hut long be fore then it will be nossi- 1)1 e to ride from California to Mon tank Point without once chanuincr ars. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank nounccd that his place was open for business again, that he had thrown away the key and that it never would be closed until his death. The other sightseeing place that has been re stored Is Mcve lirouic s saloon, which a. a ...! i .i.. t,.... n passed into eclipse after the bridge tZ dole ct bu.i. LXSi r.imr,Pf, dMih. hiif whi,.i U ,? !i c,0,e 01 business, September ........... ..., ..... ....... -f"". Z IM1K 1 - ' the Mecca of rubberneck wagons and their passengers RESOURCES. Loans and. discounts $465,686.12 uveraraits, secured and un secured .. V, S. Bonds to secure cir culation Premiums on U. S. Bonds Bonds, securities, etc...... Due from National Banks (not reserve agents),.. Due from State Banks and Bankers 3,517.04 40,000.00 1,200.00 55,430.00 78,390.32 13,225.16 Although the open season for flies is almost at an end, it is announced that the campaign against this house hold past ' which has been waged by the Merchants' Association of this city under the direction of Edward Hatch, Jr., it not to be discontinued. The scientist employed by the Asso ciation I now aitminnrizintr th r. suits of his observations durintr the Due from approved reserve summer. These show that the hroht agents 177.732.16 of Uic fly season was reached in July Checks and other cash and that the periods when the great- vlt.eml ;"V"",'",7 ' 42676 est number of deaths from diarrhoea "V thef Nat,onal ,, ,i0m diseases occurred corresponded dose- Nickels and cents ......V.. 317.25 ty with the tunes when the largest Lawful money reserve In number of flics were captured at the bank, via: fly-catching station maintained by Specie $203,000.00 the Association, a pretty good indi- Legal-tender notes 715 00 203,715.00 cation mat me nies were responsible Redemption fund with U. The nlauniiiu and diicussiou of his big game bunt in Africa which was President Roosevelt's chief enjoy incut during a great part of the sum mer has Inn sidetracked temporarily on account of his keen interest in the political campaign. His son Kermit, however, is devoting himself steadily and systematically to preparations for the trip which he is to take with his father. As was announced re cently Kermit is to be the official photographer of the expedition. To obtain successful photographs of wild animals and birds is more difficult in some respects that to hoot them and young Kermit is undergoing a thor ough course of instruction in this sub ject at the hands of Frank M. Chap man, assistant curator of the Ameri can Museum of Natural History, in this city. Mr. Chapman probably is the most successful camera hunter of wild birds and beasts in this country ana he will impart ail the tricks cf this difliiull art to the President's son during the coming of birds which requires as careful procedure as to secure a "look pleasant" likeness of alcphant or tiger, even though it may not be so dangerous. The President selected Mr. Chapman as his son'c instructor in the tiled of photography for most of the trouble. Incidentally the examination of eighteen speci mens of what are described as "swill barrel flies" disclosed the fact that they carried the tidy number of 1 18, BOO.(X) bacteria, or over 6,000,000 to each fly, , S. Treasurer (5oer cent of circulation).......... 2,000.00 Due from U. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent re demption fund 350.00 HOLESALECORRUP I LAID BARE Total $1,043,485.43 LIABILITIES. Capital stock pain in .....$100,000.00 Surplus fund 25,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid.. 25,058.94 National Bank notes cut standing 40,000.00 Due to State Banks and Bankers 981.02 Individual deposits subject Chinese, Mexicans and Americana Al- to check $682,707,70 leged To Have Been Instrumental Ucma" ctTUhciVM'J n Corn,pting Official. Who Have cJXd aeVk, . .2oO.'o8 852,445.47 occn Dismissed rrom service. Total $1,043,485.43 State of Oregon, County of Clat sop, ss.: . I. S. S. Gordon. Cashier of the SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 2. The above-named bank, do solemnly swear FINANCIAL, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Astoria National Banlc At Astoria in the State of Oreeon. at the close of business, September 23, j wo. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ....$433,677.79 uverarsits, secured and unsecured 8,465.35 U. S. Bonds to secure cir culation 47,500.00 U. S, Bonds to secure U. S, Deposits 20,000.00 Other Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits 34,000.00 Premiums on U. S, Bonds 3,045.00 Bonds, securities, etc 65,413.30 Banking house, furniture, and fixtures 4,030.00 Other real estate owned.. 8,233.41 Due from State Banks and Bankers ... 4,845.45 Due from approved reserve agents . 143,049.01 Checks and other cash items 3,672.71 Notes of other National Banks 1.240.00 Fractional paper currency, nickels, and cents 241.22 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie .... ... ..$77,379.65 Legal-tender notes 720.00 78,099.65 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) 2,375.00 Total .$857,887.89 LIABILITIES. Capital "stock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid.. 18,786.55 National Bank notes out standing 44,000.00 Individual deposits subject to check.... $339,642.98 . Demand certificates of de posit 51,457.61 Time certificates of de posit 253,859.00 Certified checks 141.75 United States deposits.... .. .'. 50,000.00 695,101.34 "Florsheim FootNotes" "The lid is off " O M r- it ur lNewrau Styles have arrived Tliey represent "A fit for every foot" "A style for any taste CHAS. V. BROWN The Family Shoe Store Man mP m . .-Wlf. -f -Tiff.,, , I . V "'Jl , ' v,-t-"iTT-r-mii'iili '! 'NwTtln jVjgwWuii ll I ' ' .JZ55S& "Sf i " WSSaiviu'n i i " ' 1 SUMMER DRUK Chronicle to day publishes a state ment to the effect that the recent changes in the immigration depart ment in this state were the result of an investigation which disclosed corruption in the service along the Mexican border, by which hundreds of Chinese have gained illegal en trance to the United States during the past two years The details of the plot, which is alleged to involve that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before tne this 26th day of September, 1908. V. BOELLING, Notary Public. Correct Attest: G. C. FLAVEL. w. f. McGregor, JACOB KAMM, Directors. Total ....$857,887.89 State of Oregon, County of Clat sop, ss.; I, J. E. Higgins, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge" and belief. J. E. HIGGINS, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 30th day of September, 1908. M. C. MAGEE, Notary Public Correct Attest: GEO. H. GEORGE, GEORGE W. WARREN, A. SCHERNECKAU. Directors. Chinese and Mexican residents of as a result of seeing the collection of ! Mexico and Southern California as I Unfermented Grape Juice absolutely non-alcoholic Concord 5oc quart Catawba 6oc quart Welch's Grape Juice Nips .. .......... 10c AMERICAN IMPORTING CO. 589 Commercial Street isi. repeatedly made years, have over two hundred successful photo graphs, many of them vcrv remark able, which arc to appear in the scientist's forthcoming book "Camp's and Cruises of an Ormiihologist" which has been announced by Apple ton's. A collection of the photo Kraphs secured on the President's trip probably will become one of the exhibits in the Museum of Natural History. i , i The statements and generally believed that crime i increasing in New York from year to year has no foundation in fact accord ing to Mr. Maynard Shipley, a sta tistician who has been collecting in formation on this subject for several rs. While the number of arrests increased it is shown that this is due chiefly to the increase in the number of ordinances rclatintr to street traffic and similar subjects and to stncteu enforcement of these reit ulations. Violations of these, arising ottcn from ignorance or carelessness. are not to be taken as evidence of in creasing criminality. Mr. Shipley founds his conclusions on what he i , . . i . reKiiru as typical crimes such as highway robbery. He shows that the average number of arrests for tin crime have decreased steadily in New york tor the past nine years while in many otner cities which he names they have increased with great rapid uy. n crimes ot violence, such as murder and assault, there has been an increase which the investigator at tributes to the great increase of im migration from southern Europe. Mr, Shipley has compiled a list of cities in which murder is most frequent iilacing the city of Mexico at the top, In the United States, he asserts, the distinction of having the largest num ber of homicides in proportion to population must be divided between Lexington, Ky., and Kansas City, Kan Tl 1- -' f i r what the Bowery longingly refers to as the good old days when that fa mous thoroughfare was accurately dc seribed in a popular song as "a blaze of lights, At any rate two historic nowery places wnicn nave occn in . i. 1 . I t ... . jum reuiiviieu. vue 01 inese is the restaurant of Mike Lyons, just around the corner from police head quarters where lheodore Roosevelt, William Travers Jerome and count less other well known New Yorkers have regaled themselves with mid night meals. It was Lyon's that many of the terms of waiters' jargon origi nated such as the description of poached eggs on toast as "Adam and Eve on a raft." No waiter In this East Side Delmonico's ever by any chance called things by their proper names in giving his orders. The original proprietor retired four or five years ago and his successors failed to make the business a success. ,, A few days ago "Mike" as the Bowery knows him, reappeared on the scene and an- wcll as Americans holding official positions is said to be reported by one of the government agents who discovered the existence of the smug gling ring. It is said too that the pri ces paid were $275 for delivering a Chinaman at Los Angeles or $500 for landing him unmolested in New York, Wliliam L Waller, who w9 dis charged after acting as an inspector of immigration at Los Angeles eight een months ago, is said to have first acquainted the authorities at Wash ington with the suspicious circum stances that resulted in the visit of Prof. Jcnks of Cornell University. Later the department of commerce and labor sent B. I. Garland of Wash ington to continue the investigation and his reports are said to have in duced a visit from Commissioner Wheeler and Solicitor Harrison Nes bit. In San Diego and Los Angeles it is declared the representative of brother, will be taken before SMlflAMIieOfl SAR BANK ASTORIA, OREGON. Statement called by the State Bank Examiner, September 23, 1908, (Condensed) Loans and securities. $107,182.95 Capital . $ 50,000.00 Furniture and fixtures 4,421.46 Undivided profits 4,358.25 Expense account 1,279.41 Available funds: ?jii.v-v ty,--- Due from banks... $15,533.47 . Cash in vault. .. .$16,887.82 32,421.29 Deposits 90,946.86 Total . $145,305.11 -" '.'S'rr-.l Total $145,305.11 J. M. ANDERSON, Cashier the department found proof of the accusations made by earlier investi gators. During all this time, it is affirmed, small bands of Chinese, in box cars and on county roads, were being ar rested and deported. It is now asser ted that many of these were laborers from Mexico, being returned to China without ex pense to themselves. It is alleged, ac coridng to the story made public to THE HAINS' CASE. NEW YORK, Oct. 2-The charges against Captain Peter C. Hains who killed Win. E. Annis several week ago, and T. Jenkins Hains, hi th Queens county grand jury today and it is expected indictments will be re turned. County Attorney Darrin will not call more than three or fou witnesses. He will neither deny or affirm the report that Mrs. Annis is to be one of the witnesses. At the Ouccns cotintv iail where I. - ... . . I - , who were ucsirous oi Captain Haines and his brother are confined, it is said by the warden that they are both in cood physical con dition. They still, have their meals warden. ,!.. .1.-4 !- .. ay uuiyn occasion one oi me from thc private tablc o th. . government mvcstjgators was ap- den . ran.9in- Haln!. SIlnnlw f i... : . r - t-fv " -e." r ,-WJ """".can wno oe- ettes have been cut d0wn by the iivtvl-u nun iu uc ui uic smuggling ring who proopsed that the illicit traffic be made easier by landing Chinese at night on an island off the Southern California coast. According to the accusation the DESTROYED EVIDENCE. have "and LAURENS, S. C, Oct, 2.-In an immigrants effort t0 save her fnth.r nn ,ria (nr coii.u pose as i.s.icrmen in me the murder of her sweetheart, Miss day time and at night they Marv Garrison. hi1 n th could be instructed in such rutlimcn- staild yesterday, tore up a letter of iary u.ig.isn anu geograpny as would sympnthy she is alleged to enable them to travid after being written the victim.s mother lanaca in tne un.ieu states. ine offere(i in evidence by the prosecu Chronicle's informant has diclosed tion. T. Henri Carrion UlUA T the names of Chinese, Mexicans and Loilis Williamson last July and the Americans alleged to have composed former8 defcnse is the unwritten the ring. It is said the govcrnmnt, iaw. Mi r.nrrk after securing sufficient evidence to oniy witncgs testified that 0 the warrant summary action, chose to night of the tragedy she and Wi,. dismiss for incompetency a number liamson t0 whom she was enaed. were in the parlor of her home when Tier father appeared at the window and shot her finance. Williamson died three hours later. The prose cuting attorney asked Miss Garrison to identify a letter she is said to have written after the shooting and she. of the immigrant officers on the bor er rather than, begin criminal prose cutions. 60 Subscribe to The Morning Astorian cents per month, delivered by carrier. promptly tore it into bits. Owing to her state of hysteria she was not rebuked by the court yMltMMM i (H6i j THE TRENTON First-Class Liquors jandCCigars 102 Commercial Street. Corner Commercial tod 14th. ASTORIA, OREGON - - -. ' 1 " mi i nut ii mm Miimi SCARCITY OF MECHANICS. NEW YORK, Oct. 2. It is' stated at the office of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company that there is a big falling off in the number of idle mechanics, especially in the building trades who are applying for work. A representative of the Interborough said: "Many men are applying for work, but they are drivers, hucksters and peddlers. Several months ago a great many bricklayers and idle men in the other building trades were among the applicants. Now they are few." You want the best money can buy in food, clothing, home comforts, pleasures, etc., why not in education? Portland'a Leading Business College offers such to you and at no greater cost than an inferior school. Owners practical teachers More Calk than we can fill Teachers actual business men In session the entire year i, Positions guaranteed graduates Catalogue "A" for the asking M. WALKER, Pres. 6. A. BOSSFR'AN, Secy. Sherman Transfer Co. HENRY SHERMAN, Manager. Hacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Tricks aid Faraitart Wagons Pianoa Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street . Main Pfcoat. vn The General Demand of the Well-informed of the World has always been for a simple, pleasant and efficient liquid laxative remedy of known value; a laxative which physicians could sanction for family use because its com ponent parts are known to them to be wholesome and tndy beneficial in effect, acceptable to the system and gentle, yet prompt, in action, In supplying that demand with its ex cellent combination of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup Co. proceeds along ethical lines and relies on the merits of the laxative f ot its remark able success. That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is given the preference by the Well-informed. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading druggista. Price fifty cents per bottle. STEEL & E WART Electrical Contractors PhoneMain 3881 .... 426l6ondEStreet M4, 60 YEARS V V EXPERIENCE Sk ,w Trade Marks Designs CoMriqhts Ac. Anrone sending n skot i-h and descrlptlnn mar qmcKir ucerimn our opinion ire. wnetner an 'UT.ntlon I. probnblj patcntnblo. Comronntrn tionaetrtctlrcontldeiitlnl. HANDBOOK on Patent, out frM. Oldest auency fur necunn? potent. Patent, taken throuKh Jlunn A Co. reeelv. Vwl notice, without ctinnro, iu tho Scientific Jlmtim. A nandaomeir Illustrated weekly. Larrost eu mlatlon of any eclentlBo Journal. Torms, S3 1 ear: four months, $L Sold bjrall newadealen Branch Office KS F St. Wasblnncon. D. C- IN ONE OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK ATtS AS LOW AS IASTERI ROWS fill 2nt