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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1908)
THE MORNING ASTOKIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. Till DAW 8 KPT. Ii5 HPORTAflT WITNESS !S UG AT TRIAL Democrats Urge Haskells Resignation Y ASTORIA PHYSICIAN BADLY WANTED BY BOTH SIDES IN ROBERT CASEY MATTER. The case of the State against Rub trt Cnsev of Olnev. charged with having assaulted a little girl about vear atro. is exDected to tro to the jury this morning., All of yesterday afternoon the circuit court room was fairly well crowded with - throng o auditors who listened with keen in terest to the case as it progressed. When court adjourned last evening both the prosecution and defense ha their testimony all in, though one witness was absent. Dr. Toivo Forsstrom was the miss ing witness. His testimony was con tidered virtually indispensible by th prosecution at first, though it is nn derstood that later both Mr. Tongue , the prosecuting, attorney, and Mr Brownell, his assistant, deemed their ease complete without the physician's testimony. At the same time the de fense was also loudly calling for Dr. Forsstrom, averring that certain testi mony from him would at once render all of the prosecution's efforts of no effect. Dr. Forsstrom made an exami nation of the little girl at the time of the alleged assault and naturally his testimony should prove virtually de 'cisive either for or against the prose cution. Amone the attorneys the matter caused keen interest. The case was first brought while Mr. Hedges was district attorney, and while Mr. Mc Cue, who is now the attorney for the defense, was""the assistant prosecuting attorney, and to the present district attorney it is said to be inconceivable that the case could ever have been brought without the testimony now expected from the absent physician. Yet the fact that Mr. McCue, for the defense, who naturally should know just what the doctor testified to then for the prosecution, wants the same testimony now for the defense seem ed to puzzle the members of the laity who were following the case. Some seemed to find in it another illustra tion of the facility with which lawyers can perform mental acrobatics, when .4 circumstances demand of them that v they jump from one side of the case ' to the other. - , i- So certain was the prosecution that ", that Dr. Forsstrom would be here when his services were needed, that ' it is said he was not even subpoened. On the door of his office yesterday was this sign: "Gone to Pdrtland." The lawyers will argue the case the first thing this morning, it is expected, 'tmless Dr. Forsstrom appears. The little girl, now 12 years of age, went on the stand and made a good 'witness. Her testimony was more or ' corroborative testimony. To some the who saw Casey at the warehouse with the girL He thought the girl was crying. Henry Baumgartner and Jo ' seph Warnstaff, two youths, also gave - corroborative testimony: To many the prosecution's case seemed very strong. For the' defense, Casey went on the stand for himself, and it is understood the prosecution did not think his testimony very strong. His brother, the two Gustafson boys and Andrew Johnson testified as to the defend ; ant's previous good character. In the absence of Dr. Forsstrom, the prosecution yesterday had Dr. A. A. Finch make a desired investiga tion and his testimony tended to cor roborate the prosecution's case. . Admirers of Fancy China and ..ArtGoods.. will be given a treat by examining our line now on display A. V.ALLEN " Sole Agent -For H. C. Fry Celebrated Cut Glass. Single (Continued from pigs 1) national senate and house of resolu tions proposing to amend the consti tution of the United States providing for (a), election of United States senators by the pople; (,b), national income taxjc), employers' liability act. He says in Oklahoma it is be lieved that organized labor is indis pensable and they have begun by re quiring the union label 'on school text books. Haskell concludes by assert ing that there is no use for Henrst'i new political party except "For the sole purpose of boosting a single solitary individual who calls himself W. R. Hearst." Governor Haskell left for Chicago this afternoon for a conference with Colonel Bryan and the national com mittee regarding the charges. Astoria Offers Proo That Haskell Did it (Continued from page IV the Astoria High bchool, who was axe, ana wno was ousted trom ni A 1 professorship, and chair of Latin, at the Central State Normal School, at Edmund, and who, in the course of an interview last evening, saia io reporter for the Astorian: 'Governor Haskell may claim that politics had nothing to do with the changes made in Oklahoma's State schools, but it seems to be a queer coincidence. At least it smells a little like politics, since at the first annual election of teachers in Governor Has kell's administration, the faculty of the Central State Normal School, lo cated at tdmond, Oklahoma, was practically - annihilated. Thirty-three persons were elected to the different positions and of this number but eight members of the old faculty remained Changes were made from librarian to president. Members of the old faculty, who had been in the school for a dozen years, and whose splendid work had been the result of making it one of the largest and best state schools in Oklahoma, were thrust aside for persons of political pull or for those who had rendered political service. Only two republi cans were retained ana, out ot tne twenty-odd new members elected, not one is a republican, l ao not Know just what changes were made in the other institutions other than the heads of each of the state institutions were hanged and active local democrats were put in. "I might mention, incidentally, that, of two of the old faculty retained one was a brother-in-law of the attorney general of the State, and the other as a paid representative of the American Book Concern; facts that made their retention decidedly obvious at the time." This testimony comes from sources that cannot be impugned here nor in Oklahoma; both these gentlemen are too well sponsored to admit of . any. mistakes or any ulterior purposes; and together they contribute nicely and exactly, in sustaining the Ameri can President in all he has said and done in, this particular premise. He may not have needed the word of these gentlemen, but it is here in black and white. Burned District Covers 12 Miles (Continued from page 1) falls. The town of Fieldbrook is safe. Many people who were living in the clearings around Luffenholtz have not been heard from and from the appearances of the lire they are either in fearful danger or have al ready lost their lives. The plant of the Little River Red wood Lumber Company is burning and alK that protects the town of Fieldbrook is 100 yards of green tim ber. The residents arc preparing to fly with their household goods. Fire has now burned over an area of 30 miles long and four to live miles wide. Little River Redwood Lumber Company plant is valued at $1,000,000 exclusive of several thousand acres of timber, one.. . A Vast Difference. "Don't I give you all the money you need?" her husband complained. , "Yes," she replied, "but you told me before we were married that you would give me ill I wanted.". "London Tattler. $15.00 to $40OQ When a man starts out to buy a Suit or an Overcoat he generally has a store in mind where he knows he will get perfect satisfaction in the garments he purchases THAT 13 THE REASON that such a majority of Astoria's best dressers come to this store---they know What? We Sell Benjamin Clothes That Benjamin Clothes are the best and our prices are the same as asked for inferior clothesInvestigate It will pay you. Have you noticed in our window? They are the pick of the Riser Cravats MALLORY HATS GLOBE TTTT TTTnTrh CJ THE TRAVELED AS MEN. Two Cleveland Women Don Male At tire And Beat Their Way. CHICACf, Sept. 24.-Believing they, . . w. h.t;nr tfceir would nave nu uvuwiv ------ way on trains, Mrs. Alice Boles' and way on . .. .... who live in Airs. C,mrn.Z naruiuei Cleveland, O., discjrded :heir dres ses and put on clothing belonging to the husband of the former and started a iour'ney to Wisconsin. on They were accompanied by Boles and Charles Ford, the latter said to be the intended husband of Miss ardncr. Everything went all right until they reached Mayfair last night. Then Special Policeman Thomas Wetta of ' ..... n T the Chicago and .Northwestern k. Company arrested them. "Please let us resume our journey, pleaded Mrs. Boles, who is a years Id, but her entreaties were in vain nd Lieutenant Samuel Collins, of the rving Park Station ordered them booked on charges of disorderly con- uct. " TERRIFIC TYPHOON. Philippines Vtttted by a Gale of Fierce Proportions. MANILA, Sept. 24. A typhoon of terrific velocity swept through the entral portion of the Philippine iroup, sweeping pari oi me isiauu w amar, northern Leyte, Southeastern Luzon, northern Panay, Masbatc and ;trt of Bomblon. The typhoon dis appeared in the China Sea, moving in direction west by northwest. Wires are prostrated aim avanumu ui-mn.-. of the damage done arc meagre. It is evident, however that serious dis aster followed in the wake of the sud den storm. A telegram from a town in Masbat reports that every building in the place was razed with the single exception of the postal building. A .''..-.patch received from Bomblon says that the typhoon caused a great loss of property and that undoubtedly ma ny persons have been killed. OFFERED LARGE BRIBE. President Gomperli Makes Startling Statement Yesterday. WASHINGTON, Sept. 24. -That he has not only been followed by detectives but had been offered a that nobby line of $M2 Each WOOLEN MILL STORE "WHERE QUALITY LEADS" large bribe to desert' the cause of j labor, connecting with that charge the name of President Van Cleave of the National Association of Mahu-' facturcrs, was the declaration made by President Gotnpcrs today while under cross examination in contempt , , . . , proceedings against him and other federation officials, before Examiner Harper. MURDERER ESCAPES. While Handcuffed, He Jumps Through Car Window of Train. LKADVILLE, Colo. Sept. 24. Sherman Morris, alias Frank Shcr- 'cliffe, recently convicted of the mur der of John Walsh, a Leadville sa loonkeeper, fifteen years ago, ecapod from the sheriff of this county at 2:25 o'clock this morning while being ta ken to the penitentiary at Canon City to serve a 25 year sentence. Morris, while handcuffed, jumped from a car window as the train was approaching Canon City and made good his es cape. Morris was brought here for trial from Michigan. Witnesses came from Omaha Neb., and Butte, Mont., ft) testify as to certain admission of guilt he had made. Morris has a re markable criminal record, one of his most daring acts being the robbery of a diamond dealer for which crime he served sentence in Iowa. FACTORIES STARTING UP. Diamond Business Was Lost To Re ceiver From Depression. NEW YORK, Sept. 24.-Dianiond factoies, after eight months idleness, are resuming operations. Two of the largest factories in New York started work this week and it is expected that others will do so within a few days, The diamond manufacturers say their trade was about the first to feel the depression last year and has been one 0f flc aPt to. show recovery. A. Moycr, president of the Diamond Workers Protective Union of Ameri ca, of which all the diamond workers are members, says that at the begin ning of the depression some of . the workers went back to their homes in Amsterdam, Holland. They are now gradually returning to this country. " Mr. Meyer said that few of these men, who had remunerative jobs be fore the depression had gone into oth er occupations. , CLUETT SHIRTS entire, Cluett line 50c to $1.5G UNDERWEAR AMUSEMENTS. THE GRAND! THEATRE Commercial and Ninth Street, t t Tonight AN ERROR OF JUSTICE ! BATHERS' RACE 1 SUMMER BOARDERS TAKEN IN TROUBLE OF A NEW DRUG - CLERK ' SONG ' . 'Would You Like To Have Me For a 1 Sweetheart" j VIEWS Trip To Pennsylvania and New Jersey This Theatre is equipped with the latest and most Improved electri cal Machines. Don't fail to see the;e pictures. ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM MONDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. ADMISSION 10c. Children Sc. Astoria Theatre FRIDAY, September 25 A Brilliant Musical Novelty - THE "Bostonian Minstrel Maids" With a bevy of Pretty Girls Catchy Music and Latest Song Hits. Prices 25, 50, 75, $1 Sale opens at box office -on Thursday, Sept. 24 at 11 a. m. 1 f : . ; - ( m (tiMr or A4 MADE IN NEW VOIK Astoria Theatre Saturday, Sept. 26 The Big Fun Show TTMpf P 1 V JOSH PERKINS An Everlasting Success ' Singers, Dancers and Comedians. See Uncle Josh at the County Fair Watch for the Big Parade of I he Hayseed Band. PRICES: 25c, 35c, 50.75c. Box Office Open Friday, Sept. 25th. Ast oria theatre One Night Only Sunday, Sept. 27 the two great Ger-niau Comedians KOLB DILL Direct from 100 nights' ' run on Broadway, New York, assisted by Maud Lambert and Billy Clif ford and a company of 40 people in Judson C. Brusie's musical comedy, "LONESOME TOWN" , . Pretty Girls, New Scenery, New Costumes -..''. PRICES i fin nn ari ft s Sale'Opens Saturday. 4