The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, October 05, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1907.
This includes over $ J 2,000 worth of new Fall and Winter goods that have just
been put in the shelves within the last week and will all be thrown upon the market
at the most ridiculously low prices ever witnessed by the people of Astoria
The entire stock must be closed out at once to have the room put in shape for
one of the most complete and up to date Dry Goods and Ladies' and Gents' Furnish
ing Goods stores in western Oregon.
This must all be done and ready for the winter trade. All old goods left from
the closing out sale just ended will be put in bundles and odd lots and will be sold at
about one-fourth their real value.
i-...'' . , , . '
The new goods will be sold at about one-half price but you must comet dhtt
if you want the best selections.
S. D. LYNCH, Proprietor.
William Held, tlie secretary of the
Portland Oregon & SofieoBt Itnilway
Ciiiiipuny, of which Mr. H. Huwgood, of
Lo Angeles, Cnl., is president, bus nc-
copied the proposition of the executive
'Committee of the Chamber of Commerce
whereby that committee plans to receive
in em'ix), the riuflit-of-way asked for from
Clatsop Station to the Xchnlcm ltiver,
and to hold the same until the railroad
is built mill in operation.
Mr. Held has positively promised to
bo in Astoria next Tuesday to talk over
the details with the executive commit
tee of the Chamlier of Commerce. ITe
was given a cordiol invitation to appear
liefore the Chamber of Commerce at it
regular meeting next Mbnday night, but
telegraphed ho could not bo here before
It seems to be the consensus of opinion
of the member of the Chamber of Com
merce that nothing will be allowed to
stand between Astoria and the new
TailroaJ .especially ono up the Nchalem
Valley, which will do Astoria more good
than the same amount of money ex
pended in any other imaginable enter
prise. What the executive comruitee xf
the Chamber of Commerce desires to
do la to fully and adequately protect
property holders, so that they will not
In any wise be imposed upon in case the
railroad is not built. In this letter Mr.
Held said ho ia ready to begin construc
tion work at once.
The contract which the executive com
mittee of the Chamber of Commerce
proposes with the land, owners, ,over
the property of whom this railroad com
pany desires this right-of-way, and
which Mr. Reid haa now accepted, reada
as follows,-there being a few changes
fro rntho original document.
Know All Men by These Presents,
That . .1. ...u.l. ... .1. .1. . of .. ... ...... .1.:...:.
County, State of Oregon, In considera
tion of the sum of one dollar in hand
paiil by (!. W. Sanborn, F., I Parker
and G. C. Fulton, constitution the exe
cutive committee of the Chamber of
Commerce of Astoria, Oregon, Trustees,
the receipt whereof is hereby acknowl
edged, do hereby grant, bargain, sell and
convey unto G. W. Sanborn, F. I
Parker and G. C Fulton, Trustees, their
successors or asnigns forever, a right-of-way
100 feet In width, being 60 feet
in width on each side of the center line
of the Railway of the (Portland-Oregon
& Seat-oast Railway Company as the
amu is now surveyed, located, staked
out and adopted across, over, and
through the following described premi
ses in the County of Clatsop, State of
Oregon, to-wit:
llerc U described the grantor's
The said premises are hereby conveyed
to (!. V. Sanborn, F. L. Parker and (!. C.
Fulton, trustees aforesaid, to lie held !
and conveyed for the following uses
and purposes, and not otherwise, that is
to say, provided and upon the express
condition that the "aid Portland-Oregon
& Soacoast Railway Company shall
within 22 days from the 7th day of
October, 1007, in god faith ( begin at
sonio point, at, or near Clatsop Station,
actual construction work on its roadbed
on its present surveyed line, and shall
oir or before the 30th day of November,
1008, actually construct, and have in
running operation two lines of railway
as of Hows : First, a line commencing up
on that portion of the navigable waters
of the Lewis and Clark River which ia
located in section 19, township 7, north
rango 0 west, thence fioutherly to a point
in section 1, township 0, north range 10
west, to a connection with the follow
ing'other line o be also constructed by
said Portland-Oregon & Seacoast Rail
way Company, namely; second, from a
connection with the line of railway of
the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad
Company at, or near Clatsop City, thence
easterly along Said Portland-Oregon &
Seacoast Railway Company's present
surveyed line and southeasterly to the
summit or1 divide near Humbug Moun
tain and betwen the watershed of those
rivers which flow into the Pacific Ocean
westerly and those which flow easterly
into the Nehalem River, being not less I
than twentyi (20) miles of railway to
construct thereto from said point on or
before said 30th day of November, 1008 j
and said Portland-Oregon & Seacoast
Railway, Company shall thereafter con
struct and complete from said summit
to some point on the Nehalem River and
reach the latter river on or before the
3otu day of December, 1000, with its
railway and irons laid thereon, thereto,
all of which designated lines of railway
to be standard gauge, go as to have
constructed a completed and continuous
line of standard gauge railway with ties
and irons laid thereon (First) from said
Clatsop and (Second) from said section
19 on Lewis and Clark River on find to
the Nehalem River, aforesaid, along its
present surveyed line of railway all in
the County of Clatsop, State of Oregon,
and shall also have run over such rail
way track the entire length thereof to
said Nehalem River on op before the
said 30th day of December, 1909, by its
own power a, standard locomotive with
three (3) coaches attached, then and in
that event, time being of the essence
hereof, the said trustees, G. W. Sanborn,
F. L. Parker and G. C Fulton, are here
by authorized and instructed to convey
unto said Portland-Oregon & Seacoast
Railway Company, its successors or as
signs, the f?e simple title to the above
described strip of land, the title to
which is not, to be delivered to said
Portland-Oregon & Seacoast Railway
Company until its railway has actually
reached Nehalem River, as aforesaid, on
or before said 30th today of December,
1900. In the meantime said Portland
Oregon & Seat-oast Railway Company,
its HticeeHtnrs qr assigns, agents or em
ployees, are hereby authorized to enter
upon said strip of land and right-of-way
hereinbefore described, and construct
thereon a roadbed, and a line of stand
ard gauge railway, provided the same
shall be done within the time and ( in
the manner hereinbefore mentioned, but
if said Portland-Oregon & Seacoast Rail
way Company, its successors of .assigns,
shall fail or neglect to perform either
or any of the above conditins within
the time and times above mentioned
then Said trustees shall reconvey the
above-described premises and right-of-way
back to the grantor, his or their
heirs or assigns, and said railway company-
shall take nothing hereby, and
shall Immediately vacate said premises.
In Witness Whereof
hereunto set ............ hand and seal
this .......... day of October, 1907.
Executed in the presence of :
I. . ... ...... . .1. .1. c -
Harvey W. Scott once- predicted in
Mrs. S. J. Cleveland, who for 21 years
has run the Oregon Bakery at Tenth and
Commercial streets has sold her inter
est to Victor Hermann of the Seaside
Bakery, and the new firm will be known
as Hermann & Jeffers, who will continue
to do business at the old stand. Mr.
Hermann in turn has sold his interest
in the Seaside Bakery to his partner,
O. Alopeaus, who will conduct it in the
The Oregon Bakery is one of the old
est business in Astoria, being estab
lished by a Mr. Jacobs in 1805, anil has
been continuously operated on that cor
ner for 42 years. The late proprietor
having purchased it in June, 18S0, and
by hard work and good ' management
built it up into a splendid business, and
she will be missed by her many patrons
and friend. The new firm is well and
favorably known here and needs no in
troduction to the people of Astoria. -
the Oregonian: "William Reid will one
day finish that road he began from As
toria to Fortland," and Mr. Reid says
in his last letter: "And that is my only
ambition today, and I am going to do
it, with other peoples' money, however,
for I have none now, and don't care for
Hard Times in Kansas.
The old days of grasshoppers and
drouth are almost forgotten in the pros
perous Kansas of today; . although a
citizen of Codell. Earl Shamburg, has
not yet forgotten a hard time he en
countered. He says: "I was worn out
and discouraged by coughing night and
day, and could find no relief till I tried
Dr. King's New Discovery. It took less
than one bottle to completly cure me."
The safest and most reliable cough and
cold remedy and lung and throat healer
ever discovered. Guaranteed by Charles
Rogers' drug store. 50o and $1.00. Trial
bottle free. i . . . .
It is a well known fact that persons
living in the Pine forests do not suffer
from kidney diseases. One dose of Pin
eules at night usually relieves backache,
30 days' treatment, $1.00. Your money
refunded if not satisfied.
Sold by Frank Hart Drugstore.
Mothers with little children need no
longer fear croup, colds or whooping
cough. Bees Laxative Cough Syrui
tastes good. It works off the cold
through the bowels, clears the head.
Guaranteed. Sold by Frank Hart's Drag
store. ...'...,.
A Most Worthy Article.
When an article has been on the
market for years and gains friends every
year, it is safe to call this medicine a
worthy one. Such" is Ballard's Hore
hound Syrup. It positively cures coughs
and all Pulmonary diseases. One of the
best known merchants in Mobile, Ala.,
"For five years my family has not
been' troubled with the winter coughs.
We owe this to Ballard's Horehound
Syrup. I know it has saved my chil
dren from many sick spells."
Sold by Hart's Drug Store.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
. in use for over 30 years has borne the signature of
and has been made nnder his per-
SVja sonal supervision since its infancy.
T6CCA4t& A llnw nn aha t. n A aa5va vmi in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations mid" Just-as-good "are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
t.K;."- Ml
The KM You Haye Always Bought
In Use For Oyer 30 Years.