The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 10, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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IfUbUtM ll7
Published Daily Except Monday by
tj mail, per yew., ......
8y carrier, per month....
. JO
it nail, per jw, ia tdTUMM..lJ0
Entered a seeond-lasa mm lor July
SOl MOS. at the postofflc M AjttorW. Or.
tanderUMMftofConfreaaot ktarebt,
. .n I .k Amtwr fJ Til If
mimiiji 10 dlbcr iwUM r pktoi at
feraoch iiMM. 10 lrrlriw to da
Official paper of Clatsop eounty and
it means to the home-wkim world we
re striving to lure here.
In whatever capacity he hll come,
lie is one of the great men of the na
tion ml we mutt to it that he lack
nothing of honor and that hl brief stay
Iwr is made menioranla to him after
the hapi'iest fashion possible, and if we
;o that length, we shall not be soon
forgotten in hall and field where hi
word work! womlew.
Oregon, Washington, Idaho
Fair and warmer. '
The work now underway at the forts
at the mouth of the Columbia, in which
the regular army and the Oregon na
tional guard are participating so suc
cessfully, ia an object lesson for the
citizen as well as for the men in uni
form and should receive the earnest at
tention of everybody, since it affects the
peace and safety of the country at
large. Citizens ought to take a day off
and visit the scene of maneuvers and
drills and evolutions and see for him
self the manner of men and scope of
method employed to protect him and
his home and business. It will give him
a larger idea of the supreme utility of
the soldier in the event of trouble and
a truer understanding of the burden
confronting the man-at-arms at such a
juncture. It is not enough that we pay
our taxes and support our government
ungrudgingly, there are other elements
of the immense game and they should
be realized and appreciated to the full
by the man in whose behalf they are
The officers in charge of the-e huge
schemes of equipment and training are
anxious that the general citizenry
should flock to the scene and make in
quiries and take notes and satisfy them
selves of the success and efficiency on
the men engaged. And it has another
and more important bearing on tjie
future, since it acquaints the ordinary
citizen with the shortcomings of the
service in the matter of equipment and
departmental establishment, and creates
a sentiment urging the making good of
all that is needed. t pays the citizen
to keep in touch with all these things
and gives him a knowledge and aptitude
for discussing and demanding the es
sentials that is often instrumental in
compelling the government's attention
ami concession.
The coming of Vice-President Fair
banks to Astoria and Clatsop next Mon
day is fraught with many significant
suggestions, not the least of which will
be the political bearing it may have.
While of the President's official family
and intimately connected with the
course of governmental action a a we
realize it, the distinguished visitor is
known to be widely and essentially, in
disposed to the principles and policies
that actuate his great chief; though
there is nothing in this to reflect upon
the wisdom or integrity of Mr. Fair
banks, whatever weight it may have in
coloring the public sentiment of this
bailiwick at a later day, when the elec
toral whirligig shall have sent this
man's honorable name to the people for
the highest consideration they can give
it. It is not at all improbable that the
name of the Vice-iPresident will occupy
just such a place and it is well for all
men to have, or gain, a thorough under
standing of the prime merits of this
leading citizen when that hour shall
arrive, in order that no injustice shall
be done him in convention or at the
We are glad he is coming to us for
this reason. By seeing him, hearing hjm,
and knowing him to that degree of in
timacy that is obtainable in this visit,
we shall have a truer guage for judg
ment and a far more satisfactory scope
for real estimate.
If he shall never pose iri that particu
lar way before us, then we shall have
had the pleasure of entertaining a
brilliant fellow-citizen with capacity
for acquiring definite knowledge of our
people, our country, our advantages and
our prospects, and who will often be
in position to say a wise and kindly
word for the great Pacific west and all
Kugvne Schiwita, the convicted Mayor
jf Sn Francisco, ia adding hourly to
.he volume of detestation in which he is
leld there, aad hi fours i on a par
with the iueensate bigotry ifnd vanity
f(the man. s But Httl else was ex
pected of him and there is no surprise
ove.i the const at hi contietemue in
court on Monday laat.
He has tfe backing of a group of
weak and klle men of his own calibre
and harp on their encouragement as a
pretext for tna greater folly of be
lieving that there ia any aaving grace in
the situation for him. He it of the sort
that will always be a victim of ailly
bombast such as his socialistic friends
have in plenty and ven the proven
knowledge of his guilt under the law
toe not constitute conviction with him
nor them. It is not robbery to do as be
has doiJe, in the socialist io creed; no
man ran rob the rich, and to the sense
warped by the reasoning they hold to,
no man is guilty of real crime to long
as the act runs harmoniously with the
dogma and fetich of common ownership
of everything.
San Francisco will imperil her finan
cial and commercial standing In the
world of business if Schmitz "hall es
cape the penalty that has been imposed
on him, and will find the task of her
rejuvenation inimitably hard, if he is
turned loose to resume his post and
predatory impulses. The workl of money
is looking a-Kance at her as i is, arm
but little more dalliance with the crowd
and code he typifies, will result in her
complete denial and negation by those
who might help.
I Woman and the Home
Extensive improvements have been
planned by the United States Govern
ment in tTie fortifications at the Golden
Gate, San Francisco and much of the
preliminary work has already been ac
complished The great fire of l'.XMI had
the effect of retarding this work and
temporarily diverting a portion of the
appropriation. These matters have
reached an adjustment, however, and the
Quartermaster General's office is busily
enjraged upon the plans so far as they
require completion. The ajijirepate of
improvements and new works within
the area of San Francisco will, when
completed .constitute one of the greatest
military camps in the United States.
An act of Confess, approved dune
12th, 1900, provides for the expenditure
of not to exceed $1 ,500.0(10, of which
.".W.000 was made immediately avail
able for the construction of a general
npply depot for the army, at Fort
Mason, California. The contemplated
improvements consist of a wharf suf
ficiently large to accomodate four trans
ports, six warehouses each 00 X 200
feet and thn-e stories high, and an ad
ministration building, together with of
ficers' quarters sufficient to accomodate
the officers on duty in connectio with the
depot. Plans are now being perfected
in the Quartermaster General's office for
this work, and it is expected that ac
tive operations will be begun at an early
date. All preliminary work such as
oundings, locations, surveys, etc., have
been completed. While the plans for
the buildings have not been entirely ap
proved by the Quartermaster General's
office, it is understood that the general
type of construction will be the mission,
and the probability is that all buildings
will be built of reinforced concrete.
Regarding the work at the Presidio
reservation itself it is pretty well un
derstood among army men, although un
officially, as yet, that a complete post,
to be known as Fort Winfleld Scott, is
to be constructed sometime in the near
future, in the western part of the Pre
sidio, near the fortifications. This
work, when done, will consist of bar
racks and officers' quarters, with the
necessary storehouses for the Accomoda
tion of the Coast Artillery stationed at
the Presidio.
Independently of any of the work
above mentioned ,bids have just been
opened for the construction of a com
plete electric lighting and power system
at Forts Baker and Barry. The re
building of the wharf at Alcatraz, to
cost about $42,000, is already in pro
gress, and is to be finished by September.
The adoption of the mission style will
sound a new note in military architec
ture, so far as this country is concerned.
Reinforced concrete lends itself perfec
tly to this pattern of structure, and
from the architectural point of view has
all the possibilities of the old adobe,
dear to the heart of the original mission
builders, plus the structural strength and
permanence of the most modern of build
ing material. This departure will be
watched with interest by the military
architects of all nations.
iVmt work off Higher Education ef
fect on your lowly handmaiden, ht
you mine to grief." sighed a popular
".fuuv woman to hor most confidential
friend. "1 once lost an automobile beau
that way, and think what that means
to a girl with social aspirations. His
auto was no honk wagon, but a real
rough palace touring car.
"But let nw tejl you how it happened,
for 1 can see you are wondering how he
ever escaped. When a girl meet a
man who owns a touring car, just an
ordinary gleam of human intelligence
tips her off to exert herself a we bit
to charm : von know what I mean, ju
dicious jollying, eympthctte listening,
best clothes, hair dwsaera, and all the
rest. I don't even blush to acknow
stoonina to such allurement.
jTouring cara have their compensation",
and the popular gtrl to-uay nas 10 i
up and doing,bire a pr" agent, and all
but run a bar to be a head liner on life's
llittle stage. Slangy, but tt'a true.
"Deftly I led him up to we point 01
railing flir me for a morning l'in. Talk
Mi' old, fair old golden days, died
quite as often from a complication of
doctor, as well a a complication of
diseases, a they do nowaday, and fur
thcrmoie, that it was almost a expen
sive, Mister lleiirl de Mondoville, sur
geon of Philippe 1 llel of Franc (l:ltU
l;l2l) ill his memoir write of a lit t tt
incident that will appeal to present day
reader Mirely. It seem that some
roval ladv wa seriously imllniwed and
a consultation of all th vie doctor
of th realm wa vailed hurslodly. After
much wrangling and heated mseu.sion
they arrived at a decision and had Just
fonnulaWd a prescription for a syrup
for the amuring dame, when a belated
colleague rushed in. He snatched up
the diagnosis of the ce and read It
with wise wairimrs of the head, and then
examined lha prescription. Finally he
added on to it a berry to w tilcti hi uro
theif praetionerA, demurred, laning it
us uniiereMarv. "Muttollhead and OX-
en," exclaimed th doctor with true pro
fessional politen, "how could 1 con
scientiously receive my share of th
fee If 1 added nothing to th pre-
-!..,., tku itf imliii'tnu a trout to
rise to the ny well, the morning came, Ucriptlonr How, indeed V
the auto did likewise, ami wnn ii m
. . . !- I 1
man. not tiro me wjwiro in my iwu
man. i ntuic v i .
doir struorllng with one of those ahoe- mania," exclaimed a physician recently,
. ..:...... ....... .Hiihii. ,, mMIt
Horn eonieemino, l J vu - -
inir, princes with Irish point), ami wiui -. w -
r ' ... .. . '.r. Iim.awnl lilt I Vl-lllp OT StlllllS
terved in numerous ways. In ths Hol
land market all kinds of large birds'
tgg are for tale, presumably for food,
redliuk, greeitshank, and godwit be
iug the most vomtimu, whll th bright
!hlu egg of ths heron and those of wild
luvk may be occasionally procured at
la fauoy price. -, t
It mut I a superior mind that en
able a physician tu starve hlmlf sue
eiuifully. lie nvf trie th theory on
nil hors.
"Oh, these houw!vs with the tidy
"how many lll are consummated in thy
hrldev looklnir auto veil draped grace
fully over my best bonnet. 1 was in
the "seventh heaven of anticipation when
the dusky hadnntatden put lit an ap
pearance and announced "A geuimen to
see Mi-s Po'thy.' Striking a Laity Mac
Reth attitude and adopting a tragic
voice I said. "Tell him I will be down
anon.' 'What'd iu say, Miss PothyT
gaped the bewildered servant. Igave
her t severe look. "Tell him (do you
note the stagey enunciation), tell him
I will lie down a-awn.' As she rum
bled down the stairs 1 sprinkled a few
.Irons of benzine on my mouclioir, lusi
to tie sure to have the tine motoring at
mosphere on straijubt, and sank grace
fully dowu in a chair to keep him wait
ing for a politic length of time.
"But what was that burst on my ap
palled ears? A none too courteous slam
if the d"or, a fog-horn whistle ,aml tn
hug chug of a disappearing motor.
'Tvvas too true, alas! He was gone.
Kitehenward I sped me on direst ven
geance bent. Voices halted me. Dus
ky handmaiden was explaining to diis
fcv cook: "Deed. I done tell 'im nnflin
'ceptin' what she to! me. and I could'n
help it no ways, kase he mak" myratinn
alwmt it. Miss Do thy say she 1 down
:i sn hornh. I one t-;! JtH Mi
IVthf I- down It a-, hoon'i. He look
nri-ed then fvTtns. left 't's cyar.l.
ayin' he frne.s dey'a some'iiiistiiKe, an. I
he call agin a week from some Tues
There is a maid in this town who-e
devotion to her fi:inee may have tem
porarily eclipsed her sense, of humor, but
her practicability, never. This gentle
creature suffers from severe cokls, and
nothing but masculine handkerchiefs
ami nlentv of 'em suffice. Does she use
- r-
her father's or her brother's like most
unprincipled sisters and daughters! o,
indeed. She purchases a dozen of men's
handkerchiefs for her own use, and after
the affliction is over she bestows them
on her beloved. She even buys them
with his initial, a glorified sort of an
H. N'ow, isu't that devotion of a sort,
It cave the writer a cood bit of cheery
o - c -
tomfort to discover that people in the
"are lunocent little molecule or atom
seeking only a resting place, and not
rushing about looking 10 appendicitis
victims, or even tiding to spread th
lowlv measles. These micro-organism,'
this doctor continues, "settle down In
an obscure comer of the room, or may-
Imp on th newlyi acquired pianola, pre
paring to slay there and die there, If
necessary. Hut no! A trim housemani
nter jind with a few airy ua'ea ol
the hand pokes up every vestige of
dust in the room, and a dui s tne
chief carrier of mltro-organisins, of
course they move, too, until in lf-de-fene
.they settle down on the break
fast cereal or lay In wait for the in
nocent passerby on whom or to whom
they will lodge and spread the latest
discovered 'it I' of the profession.''
N'cver dut the furniture at all It the
advice of this peeialit. but If you mut
use a damp dusting cloth o the par
ticles will adhere to it, instead of float
ing to the air.
tint tin. who nnM'ses lnahomutv
..... ..... j ...... r. .
hWrloom or highly polished furniture
will wisely dampen her dust cloths, not
with water, but with some oil. The
street eleaniiiK department is nl-o a pub-
lie menace, ruin on the u""d man, and
its victims number thousands. Streets,
he avers, should be cleaned by a thorough
llnsrii.g every twelve hour.
Because of various typographical er
ror and other peculiarities, a inimbelr of
editions of the Scriptures nr known by
curious nickname. There is the Bis
hops' Bible, the Breeches Bible, the Bug
Ilihle, Cranmers' Bible, Kars-to-cae Bi
ble, Geneva Bible, He-and-sho Bible,
Knave Bible, Punter's Hiblc, Standing
Fishes Bible, Thumb Bible, Murderer's
Bible, T Remain Bible, Treacle Bible,
Vinegar Bible and the Wicked Bible,
It is not generally known to house
wives, but it is a fact, nevertheless, that
in foreign countries, in Germany and
Holland especially, birds' eggs are prized
'as delicacies. Among the presents sent
to Bismarck on his eighty-third birth
day was 100 crows' eggs, of which the
great statesman was inordinately fond,
Plovers' eggs are considered by con
noisseurs to be a choice edible, and are
To Keep Healthy
live simpty. reasonably, drink
sparingly, breathe deeply, slrcp regu
larly, and keep the stomach, liver iml
bowel in good condition with that
grand old medicine
Sold everywhere. Inboxfil0e.and2Bc.
The Democrat! party nay be able to
point out who I wrong on wolves. The
animal was st th door between UPi
and 1SU4.
Frwer than Boot) people own all th
land in Ores! Britain. Th farmers of
Missouri alone reduce that showing to
Those San Francisco ttoodlum nr
capable of treating person of any na
tionality a roughly a if they were
lap reconstruct lug the Korean.
Th bite and stings of Intact, sun
burn, euta, burns and bruise relteved
at once with Pinalv Oarbollssd. Aot 1
Ilk a poultice, Draw out Inflamma
tion. Try It. rrlosMc. Sold by frank
Hart' Drug Stbr. .
Means Standard of Merit.
Our Service and our
methods of business are of
the highest, excellence as
well as all of our Footwear
Everything is of the highest
except our.prjcxs, aud they
M A M 1a a a I i A AMfamaf
v tunajra tuv ivivvbi
Our Specialties Are
Loggers and long hand made
boots for Fishermen.
S At
m lana It, espeelte Pish tee.
I Star Brewery Special Brew
Noted for it's
A Great Appetizer, Equal to Imported Stout
a$l.'7B the dozen
58'.) Commercial Street
Astoria Savings Dank Building.
Portlnnd Offk-ea .... Couch Building.
ost Gams
Largest assortment in city.
30 different views. Seal photos, hand colored, 2for 5c, or
50c for complete set of 30. These are the finest local cards
on sale. See the window.
First-Class Liquors and Cigars
602 Commercial Street.
j Corner Commercial and 1 4th. Astoria, Oregon.
General Real Estate, Investment and Trust Business
Property Cared for. Rentals and
F, N. CLARK, Pre. J. A. LEE, Vice-free. 0. L. FERRIS, 8e.-Trea.
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
t i ' ' ;' .1
Capital $100,000
I. Q. A. B0WLBY, Praaldant YHANK PATTEN, Chanter.
0. L PETERSON, Vloe-President J. W. GARNER, Assistant Caahlat,
Artocia Savings Bank
Capital Paid In llOOMOi Bnrpins and Cndlvldm! Profits 100,000,
Transacts a General Banking Business. 1 Interest raid on Tiros Upo1U
168 Tenth Strstt,
Electrical Contractors
I Bells, House Phones, Inside Wiring and Fixtures i
Installed and Kept in'Repair
an Twelfth Street.
Phone Main 3881