The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 03, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1S07.
IsUbUabed 1I73,
PnblUhed Dally Except Monday by
By mail, per year,
By carrier, per month.
. .M
B, mall, per year, In adnata.. 11.00
Xntered aa aMond-elaia matter Jot
SO, 1M, at the poatoffic at Astoria, ure
ram, aader the at ot CoBfreat ol March a,
ar-Ordm far the Uwiu o( Tn Ion
1 fminln rdtlm raiiHtut ar nks af
buHteea) 417 b made or portal card or
ttyugh br riwaa. Aar tmulery ta o
pm should fee Itaaat&teli npoRa to the
atao er. puoueaoaa.
count ot the practical and sensible
codes of Jaw In operation there and
the greater equlpt with which they r
administered, fj.
This anuiiils a bit rouKli on his
neighbors and will be resented by muny
who are really cognisant of the actual
facta In the ease. That there are any
great numbers of Americana swarming
over the northern line of this country
we doubt seriously: but that those
who go there to dwell do find a sound
code of laws thoroughly and fairly
applied In all cases, goea without any
Ing with those who are conversant
with the trend and character of Camv
dlan Jurisprudence. The whole Kng
llsh system of law, Including the Ca
nadian processes, Is famous for Its
equity and scope and more than fa
mous for its unbiased application
Irrespective of persona. Influences,
standing and all extraneous pleas and
predicates, f v x i i
' It wtll be no matter ot aurprlsa to
find this opinion universal even on
this aide of the borders, and It Is
worth the best thought that Americans
can -give it, W cannot Invoke the
distinction that rests with the Cana
dians too fully nor too often. :
. , . , ) r.t- .... "
Oregon, Washington, Idaho 4
..Fair. " 4
" ... ... j" vn -
The statement filed with the county
court on Wednesday last by the attot
neys selected by that tribunal to In
vestigate the status ot the wretched
Imposition, Is fair and full and, we
. believe, final, as to the adverse con
clusions submitted. And we earnestly
hope there "will be no wavering, nor
abandoning, of the project to force the
measure through, the last court In the
land. If we have to hear the Iniquit
ous burden of this plain graft we want
to know that It has the sanction of
the law for some of. its provisions, at
least, and that It has ' the color of
righteousness even If it has to be
smeared on,
W again Call attention to the tren
chant silence of the Oregonlan on this
fraudulent attempt to swing this peo
ple Into line for the sole benefit of the
metropolis. It la the one con vicing
fact of the utter humbuggery of the
whole thing, for If It had the merit
and justice that should attach to so
Important a law, that paper would be
at the shoulder of the thing without
lapse or variance. That It Is a fraud
on its face; was conspired in secrecy
and urged Into enactment by the most
conspicuous chicanery and Is a dubious
and illegal expedient, stands proven by
the desultory attitude of that great
paper in Its behalf..
When this county enters the arena
of the law to test the character Of the
bill, attempt must have the cordial and
hearty endorsement of all hands.
If Astoria Is tj Indulge her friends
abroad with a regatta this year, It Is
quite time the Initial steps were taken;
and it Is equally Imperative that the
contrary be made known to order that
the people may know, what to do and
what to expect, In the promt,
. Jt migqt be well for the committee
still In charge enftla wwter t rail
public meeting- h PPur
estimate as conclusive argument for",
or against, the festival; and ascertain
If there Is any alternative idea that
will serve in its stead for this season.
The Astoria regatta Is quite an in
stitution and not easily forgotten by
'hose froth the outsMe Who ha en
joyed the celebrations In the past and
as the issue is one of far-reaching
effect, -it should be decided at once In
order that those charged with Its ful
fillment be allowed ample time In
which to prepare for It, or such other
scheme as is to supplant It this year.
There is much ado about the fact
that ten of Uncle Sam's marines have
been badly dealt with by the Cubans
at Havana, the police being the scape
goats in the matter; and Washington
Is stirred op over the case and there is
all ' manner of red tape being un
wound, ' and rewound, and a demon
stration will probably be made In be
half of the dignity of the government,
it ate.
Speaking from an experience of some
years in the navy a friend at our
elbow suggests that it Is the same old
story of a gang of drunken men in a
port they do not like, and of conse
quent disorder, with the worst of it
coming to the invaders. And we are
Inclined to believe his- deductions are
There is no worse specimen of ribald
Uebauchery known than the American
marine when he gets full and wants to
make a record. The ordinary drunken
sailor is not In it for a moment with
the sea-soldier; he has the field ab
solutely to himself in this ugly premise
and cherishes the record more than
any other he may make ashore or
afloat. And no one knows it better
than the government officials who have
to 'deal with him. Of course it is not
always his fault, but history proves
that the exception la too infinitely rare
to avail him anything In the case
where it supervenes.
o .
In speaking to his fellow countrymen
In London the other 'day, Sir Wilfred
Laurier, premier of Canada, declared
that Americans with common sense
rsyere flocking Into that country on ac-
In speaking of Arbor ay the gov
ernor of Connecticut says: "The
teachers of our schools are urged to
impress upon their pupils the lesson
suggested by this proclamation, and
to stimulate In them a love of our
song birds. The kindness to bird and
animal Is akin to love to humankind."
This talk Is better than some of the
political sort
. 0
Mr. Gladstone predicted that by the
end of the present century the United
States would have a population of
600,000,000 and be more prosperous on
account of the Increase. If that many
people can govern themselves success
fully the" rest will be likely to ask to
hitch on, or follow the example.
Following the recommendations of
the national peace congress for the
Immediate reduction of armaments,
the authorities of New York propose to
enforce the law against toting a gun.
Japan has decided to build a 22,000
ton battleship and Russia one of 22,280
tons. The extra weight Is well enough,
but straight shooting won the battle
In the Sea of Japan.
For going down in the Panama zone
with 'the big stick, the Monroe doctrine
and a spade Mr. Olne accuses Uncle
Sam of trying, to be the "mandatory
of civilization."
The Daughters of the American
Revolution did not participate, in the
banquets of the national peace con
ference, . They stopped at the souvenir
o- - .,
The country will find out this year
what happens , to a fruit crop when 1
tropical March is followed by a hyper
borean April.
Congressman Tawney says the isth
mian canal can be built in five years,
This sort of talk from a watchdog of
the treasury Is encouraging.
In deciding the question, "What is
a Democrat?" the alienists will have
another disagreeable duty to perform
succeed the first time use Heroine
and you will get Instant relief. The
greatest liver regulator. . A positive
cure for Constipation, Dyspepsia, Ma
laria, Chills and all liver complaints.
Mr, C-. of Emory,' Texas, writes;
"My wife has been using Herblne for
herself and children for five years. It
Is a sure cure for constipation and ma
laria fever, which is substantiated by
what it has done for my family."
The county court continued lia
labor yesterday with nil metnoots
The county dork was Instructed to
draw warrants on court house fund
tn favor of Ilastle & Dugan, upon fil
ing of certificate of Superintendent
Palmberg that the work was finished
as per contract, . , , , ,
John A. Montgomery, contractor
for heating ot the court house showed
that he had on hand and furnished
material to the amount of 11000, and
ordered that a warrant for that sum
be drawn on the court house fund.
Petition for an election to be hefd
by Seaside yrectnct on local option
was received and the court ordered
that an election be held on June Jrd
to settle the matter. . . ,
John Larsn was awarded the con
tract for -building brljge and clear'
Ing and grading A rods of road be
tween Elsie and drand Rapids for
$150. ......
The report ot Roadmaster Barthol-
dua was read and ordered filed.
T!9 report of viewers on the road
iwUtlvM for by willlr Harteii ajd
others was read the drst time and
will come up for final action today.
The resignation of William Hartcll
as road supervisor Tor district No. 4
was accepted and J. W. Johnson ap
pointed to fill the vacancy.
C. Hunt, supervisor of road district
No. was Instructed to purchase lum
her from the local mill at a prtcv not
to exceed $13 per thousand and repair
the roadway to the dock at 8vensen.
The clerk was Instructed to advise
James Jamleson, supervisor of road
district No. IS, not to spend any
money on new work until the present
contracts are checked up and ad
vised at to the amount ot money
The clerk was Instructed to com
municate with A. W. Duncan, of Sea
side, asking him If he will rebuild a
bridge on the Elk creek road known
as the Cedar bridge and strengthen
the other bridges as talked over with
the roadmaster and notify the court
The roadmaster was Instructed to
have the road to Nehalem Improved to
the extent of making It more passable
for summer travel
C. O. Ross, supervisor of road dis
trict No. 10, was Instructed to receive
bids for furnishing and hauling gravel
on the road near Knappa and for
ward same to the court
passengers from here to Astoria yes
tenlay returned heavily laden with
parcels. Mis Ct. Ml Ellis, the
Ml'' Townsend, Miss Cora Macoon,
Mi. Wheeler, Mr. H. Lee, Mr W
Warren and Uvorge W. Warren were
among those who crossed and re
crusted Young's May, ?
Mr. 1. Stanton, the A. C, R, depot
agent at this place, together with hi
wife returned from an extensive trip
through the eastern states. The cor
dial welcome accorded them by their
local friend prove their popularity In
Warrenton, " ' ' ' ' ""'
In additional to hi railroad appoint-
jment, Mr. Stanton hold the position
of city auditor and police judg.i of
Warrenton. He commence hi regu
lar routine of business today.
After their two past successful
games, the Warrenton baseball club
are feeling deservedly proud. Next
Sunday they hope to give their sup
porters a special treat at home. Sea
side team will com her to attempt to j
regain the laurels and that splendid
combination of players, the Eat Port
land Greys have declared their Inten
tion of matching their skill against
the proweas of otff boy? oil he same
afternoon. A double header there
fore the Droarram tor the day. It l
anticipated that the number of ipecia
tois on this occasion will eclipse all
records. Everything point to an ex
citing afternoon's sport.
It is difficult to ascertain the full
loss Incured by the Japanese In the
recent fire which totally destroyed the
bunk house. However, their foreman,
after careful inquiry, ay that the
cash (mainly paper currency) de
stroyed amounted in all to over $2300.
The value of the clothing, jewelry and
Other personal effects together with
provisions, furniture, etc., burned I
supposed to be over tlSOO. The build
ings cost the Old Oregon Mills tome
thing like 12300, only a portion of
which amount will be recovered from
the lire Insurance company.
Alt available employe from the Old
Oregon Mills have been assisting In
the erection of a new building.
k from auk to ana
MRS. U&fcYOf 7 1
V -A.
'Man niav work
but woman' work 1 never dona."
1 la order to keen the how neat
nod pretty, the ohlUlren wall dreawxl
and tidy, woman overdo and oftoa
nffor tn sllonos, drifting along from
bad to worse, knowing well that
they ought to have help to overcome
the paint and aotiaa whloa dally
make life s burden.
It la to lues woman that Lydla
E. Plnkham' Vegetable Compound,
sad from naUvo root and herb,
ooma aa a bleating, When the ptr '
ita ara denraaaad. the head and baek
aohea, there are dragglng-down paint, nervoutueat, aJatpWnatt, ant
raluutauoa to fo anywhare, the are only symptom whloh nsltst
headed ara toon followed by tht wont form of reuaal Complaint. .
Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetableCorappund
Veep th featlnlna or fan Ism tot ttroag and healthy ooodUton.5 ltonrtt
Inflammation, ulceration, dlsplaoamanU,' tnd erfnl tronblee. la
preparing far ahUd-Mrth tad to carry wm lately thrcnif a th Chang
Of Uf ll Mo afnolOBi
Mr. Augustu Lyon, of East Karl, Pa, write- Dear Mia. Pink
ham t "for a lona? tlsao I suffered from female trooblaa and had all hlaalt
of aeba and paint la tba lewar mm of back and aid, I toold net
aleep and bad a appaale. , Kaa taking Lydta B; HaMmm l Vagatablg.
Oompoaad and folWwiog tat adriat. w aloft low gavaM I feel iiko, fc
new woman ana ttmaot pra yow atMiotna loo aigan.7 ., . .
" Hw. WnkhtunU InvIUtki. U Womtn f"
Wofaon aafferlna? from aa. form of feaiai wsaliasm ara invitod to
writ Mr Plna-ham,' at Lynn. Me. Out of bar vast volumt of aa
ponanea ah aroaaMy aaa Mm tert fenowiaaga that will kelp yoat
eaaa. rBar ad via I aro and alwayt helpful,
It' too bad to see people who go
from day to day ufterlng with physi
cal weaknei, when Rocky Mountain
Tea or Tablets Si cent. Frank Hart
2:30 P. M., on Sunday, ISfcxt
At A, FVC. Grounds
Great Game ef the New Season. The Bohemians have
been admitted to the Tri-City Base Ball League.
Admission, Adults 25c.t Children 10c. Come Out Everybody
e w
The Astoria Hardware Go,
v t $ t,A
Is now ready for your orders.
Graton and Knight Belting. Corbin Build
ers' Hardware. Geneseo Ready Roofing.
General Hardware, etc. - 113 12th St.
tea, h a. SMocn.
W all have met people who are eon.
tinnally kicking'. Life teems a terrible
mini tothem. ihey
seldom smile.
Something dreadful
is foinf to happen,
nothing it ever jutt
right, and tfiey
worry and fret and
complain from
morning till night.
Their trouble
seems to be jutt a
bed disposition but
this it seldom so.
In most ease there
is one of two things
th matter with
them: either their
or their digestion is responsible.
Both coat from the tame thing ttomseh
trouble. A man or woman whose nerves
art tied la knot is bound to ba mii'htv
poor eompany. Tb same thing is true if
what ther tat don't qigett properly. No
woodcr tkey grumble, f don't bltme them.
I bar even Cooper' New Discovery
chaaie th whole ditootition of dcodI in
a aaonth't time timply by getting their
etoesach in ihspe gain. Even the ex
prettion on their facet wu altogether
different The worried, tired, fretful look
changed to peaceful happy expression,
nd the lines of car ditappesred si together.
Many neonle tell me about thit in letters.
They seem tb think it a mirtcle. It it'at.
lt't jutt the stomach working again.
Here a eate ot thit kind:
"1 luffered with my ttomtch for thirteen
yean. Nothing J ate teemed to digest. I
alto bad chromo eonttipation, and wss
tired, dull, irritable end despondent all
the time. 1 found it difficult to attend to
my duties at traction agent at this piece."
"Six different doctors treated me and
all gave different opinions."
1 began taking Cooper t New Discov
ery, and to my surprise it helped me from
the first. I have gained ten poundt in
three ' weekt and am feeling fiae. My
work now is a pleasure, where before it
was drudgery." J. R. Smock, Cicero,
We tell th Cooper medicines.
Charles Sogers
Morning Astorian, 80 cent per montL
delivered by carrier.
. & I I t rJ t 1 m M
Racontly Enlaxgad
25,000 New Words
Naw Gaxattoar of tho World
with more than ai.MO title, bated on the
latest census return.
HawBlographlcal Dictionary
containing the ntme of over 10,000 noted
partona, date of With, death, euv
i Bdlted by W. T. HARRIPl.rii.'O., IL.I),
2300 Quarto Page
InhM" tMSIUMIratlaM, ': tUoaalWIafa
N)eddln Every Home
JtoWttMtar'tCeltotiat Uctleaary
Rtrulv Editloa liltilH lUaifata
Dt Lux Edition IKilHilHla. Fri-Mrna
miyli,iMMpynr. SI .illf.l
Pnbllaher, arlaaflald, Maa.
'rEPRi88' Lino of the Atlantlo
Nothing better afloat than our new
express steamers, "Empress of Brit
ain" and "Empress of Ireland"
(14500 tons), Quebec to Liverpool
in six days; less than four days at
sea, Superior accommodations
available. Comfort, elegance and
safety. Send for illustred booklet
and sailing list.
Jamea Fl- sly son, Agent Astoria Or
World Almanac
1 - t. i i O- i I- fit; ' ,
Jtist Arrived
Price 26c
Faint ! Faint ! Faint 1
This la Painting Time
!'1 ,f
W; cany Everything in the Paint line and
none but the best.
Even rich men cannot afford to buy poor paint
The Foard & Stokes Hardware Co, -Inc.
Succeiwn t feanl ft Stokaa Co.
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
Capital $100,000
the original
I Cures Coughs, Colds,' Croup, Xk Grippe Asthma,' Throat ... ... ..!,., ,
i and Liing Troubles. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption yellow packao
T. F. Lauren Owl Drufi Store.