The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 12, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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f The Note of Distinction ! j
are friends nil. I re.tttves of people
! here, the rvi im will he far beond the
j average.
Mr, Whyt . also Intends, Inaugural-
i In contest fir 'He benefit of the
j school vhll Iren Each boy or girl
competing will be ked to write six
;lottrs to Mollis or relative, living
: without the tate an 1 for the best
j ono publish 'J, In ) outside newsp
; per, tt prlxe of J10 will be glvon and
, for the next bout, a recoiid prlxe of IS
i The benefit to Astoria from Mich a
contest wl'l be Incalculable. Mr
1 Whyle In what he -onsidered a con
servative estimate, "aid he expeeted
that not les than 200 newspapers
throughout ae cot ill ry would print
those letters. Taking 5000 as an av
eraice circulation ffr each of these
papers, his lonclu'lm Is that over
million peocle will read and know
about Astoria.
Mr. Whyts will erdeavor to Impress
upon the children the need of doub
ling the population of Astoria before
the next ensue Is taken. In other
words giving It a population of SO.ftOO
In 1910. and after that there will be
no limit to Ita growth.
You know what this means
in dress. The indefinable
something that sets a womau
apart from the crowd.
It's the Hat !
At Jnloff's New Store
you always get the Unmis
takable Style at the Lowest
t 120 11th St, Between Commercial and Bond Streets
Millinery. Suits, Skirts, Waists, Etc.
Something New Every Day.
anchor -la lie city channel awaiting
towage to Portland where ahe will
load lumber for foreign delivery.
The steam- South BayN cleared1
from this DOrt v .'terdav afternoon.
Lurline to Be Equipped With! with a big lead of lumber taken on at
Steam Steering Gear. i,he Flavtfl ,l0ck- from the 01,1 re-
fgon Mills.
j The Has -.lo was among t'.ie busy
craft In this harbor yesterday morn
ing and did not get away for the me-
j tropolls until well on toward noon.
j The steamer Csu Rica carna down
i from Portland early yesterday morning
Irian Monarch Corring Her. for Lum-1 o mnc(fC0 a,,er , nor!
bar for ChinSh,p Fenni. Leave. 8tay Q R ft N
Out North Wert Waiting to Charter (
a Tug. Alliance in From Cooa Bay.: Th(f baJ7r.mlly Oalllne was
Odd Note. j among the get-awiys from the lower
harbor yesterday m'ming.
The Heather arrivd In all right, ac
', cording to expectations, and was busy
The Kamm people are "having an . ut tay rMUrday.
The Russian ship Fennla went to
sea yesterdiy morrlng and squared
away for Europe.
up- to-date steam steering gear
built for the Lurline and it will be In- j
stalled during the present month, and'
will add materially to the dispatch '
in handling her. She arrived down
last evening in fair time and went up
river with Rool business. j
The British steimshlp Irish Mon-!
arch, from Newcarte, England, with
coal, is In San Francisco discharging.;
after which she is due at this port!
to load lumber t toe Tongue Point
mills, for Shanghai, China. She is ex-! Astoria School Children
pected here by a wek from Saturday,
the 20th instant
I'nlted States to M Eagan. HO
acre, In S..-C. S3-:--7-W.. ..
M. Engan to Nehbiem Invest
ment Co., above property 1
J. H. Smith et nl to Clatsop
Mill Co. land Jn Clatsop
T. P. Howard and wife, to Mrs.
I. Wonaeutt. lots 2. 3, bldck
34, Alderbrook
O. J. Munson to M. -la Asp, lot
5. block .'5S. MeClure's Astoria
Will be Ad
dressed Today, by J. W. White, on
"Greater Astoria
The steamer North West is tied up(
here waltin.; a chance to secure a tug,
as convoy 'lence to Vancouver, B. C,
as she cannot get the Vesbugt. It is
likely she will gt one of the Gray's
Harbor boats, and fo out as soon as
her escort can get over here.
The gasol'ne life-hoat from the Fort
Canby life-saving t atlon, was in the
city channel here yesterday morning,
on a business errard. She came up
after a lot o'. suppll and extras need
ed there In the prosecution of her
The steamer Alllai.ce arrived in from
Cooa Bay points yesterday, with
plenty of passengers and lots of
freight, soma of It for this port She
went on tj Portland without much
delay here.
The bark Alden resale has arrived
here from San Froncisco and is at
Secretary J. W. Whyte, of the
Chamber of Commerce, will, today.
address the pupils of the various
schools In 'h city Mr. Whyte will
outline to the children, the part they
are to play, in thu movement for a
"Greater Astoria."
While he '.a talking, post cards, ad
dressed to the local Chamber of Com
merce will be passed among the fu
ture citizens. They will be asked to
take the cads homj and later, write
the nam,, ot twenty of their friends
living beyond the boundary of the
State, In this way Mr. Whyte hopes
to realize, from the 1000 cards which
he Intends to distribute, a list of 20,
000 persons to whom he will send
printed matter from time to time, de
tailing the advantages of Astoria, Be
cause of the fact tnat these persons
The Stylish
Spring Hats
Are to be seen
And they are Verit
able Creations of the
Pretty Hats and Bonnets with all the grace and dash
that our artists can put into them are ready for
you. Some very stylish hats from Fashion's lead
ing centers are also here. Come and bring your
friends. All are welcome buyers or not.
Mrs. George Pennington,
483 Bond Street
J. C. Phalr vas In this city yester
day. James Armstrong if Svensen was In
Astoria yes'erc'ay 1 oklng after busi
ness Interet,.
M. A. Phhilps. of Seattle, Is In As
toria for a snor' stay.
A. P. LeO'ihvd &' South Bend has
business in he city.
E. B. Brllta1!), of San Francisco,
brass and rib'e- goods specialty man
for the Pa'ifl Hardware and Stool
Company is cinvasvlng the town in
his line.
Mr. and Mrs John Groat. Of Tilla
mook, are visiting here.
Chas. B. lart'ldg.'. of New York Is
looking over the city.
William Wilkinson, ol Long Beach, Is
pursuing bu-ines Imprests In Astoria.
B. F. Armitrorg of South Bond Is at
the Morwyn.
Timely Suggestion For EmbHihmnt
That May W,ll (t, Hd,d Msani
Much for th, C't. By Th, Sea.
The follow-in iti,r han.J Into
ihln offlie yosttrda) by wv;t known
btixlnoss tna.i and Is null In Un, wita!
the opinion of lot f A st or tan. It
may serve sum piirpo" If It move
but one man to paint one building ut
of the score that ni-l tainting h
Th season for visitor. Is at hand and
the uggetlon ab utely approprlata.
Length Of Thaw Trial Has Filled Jail
To Overflowing.
NEW YORK. April 11. Owing to
the length o' the Thaw trial and the
consequent holt'ing up of other crlml
nal prosecutions, the Tombs Is today
holding the r'eatesl number of prison
ers In Us hlsury. The warden
makes no secret of the fact that It Is
crowded far beyond Its capacity. There
are 634 prisoners In the Tombs, about
twice the number usually thp-re at
this time of the year. Twenty nine
are charged with homicide. The at
tentlon has been called to conditions
In the prison b ya case of scarlet fever
which develooed the'e.
The highest previous record was 010
in 1894.
Denver Mining Engineer Arrested For
Uting Mail, For Fradulent Purpose,,
DENVER, April 11 E. W. Stebbel,
a mining engineer of this city was ar
rested yesterday by federal officers In
connection with the Investigation by
the government Into the operations of
the Lost Bullion Spfnlnh mines com
pany. This Is the company that
claims to own a rich mine near Sil
ver City, N. M., but which the govern
ment claim Is nothing more than an
old cave. This makes eleven arrests
as a result of the Investigation. Stob
ben in charged with having acted In
the capacity of an engineer, saying the
properties contain "Mountains of un
told wealth," and "Millions of tons of
ore In sight," all of which was sultabl,
for shipping." He Is charged like the
rst with conspiracy to defraud and
UHln gthe malls for fraudulent purpos
es. He was released on bonds.
Dr. Linton has arranged a great
convenience In keeping his drug store
open nights It Is the only place in the
city where suffering humanity can
get relief after business hours, he de
serves your patronage 185-llstreet, In
heart of the city.
"Editor Morning Atorlan:
"Dear Sir- W, with pleasure
on coming tito you- city thl morning
aftor a two yar abaenc. that plate
glass niojV-n show. window hv
become the thing. This upeaks well
for Astoria' prortty fcr fN
glass, like religion. ' on of the butt
things to ge: put In '.he rlg;t piac to
show up to thr be advantage, what
a merchant really on tap.
Paint Is another thing that show,
the presenc, or ab.ence of prosperity.
"Any old horse look, rich If well
painted, and rnts for more money.
Three store front, In on block paint
ed In light, - lean tn.ts, I- a good tec
or.J for the Urst d'V of unhtne till
spring. Paint I tn- thing that give,;
the first Impression to the visitor and
gives a fcen'c of rlcKness and cleanll
nix that U remon bered long after
dirty streets are firgoteti. It 1, a
standing adwtlsen ent that costs but
little and ptys blr money.
It I pl.M-Mng U note that most
buildings htiy are P".'nted either white I
or In light "nts. Tils Is as It should
be in a cllin.ite whee there Is so much
shade in our giay sky and then there
Is so little oat sn kt) to' blacken the
"Some of your docks and mills
which are o irotvnently located on!
the waterf ont, wojld greatly) Im. j
prove the jfeot of that flr impres
sion If the were touched up even
with whitewash eaoh spring.
'Nothing give city suon a run-
down-at-the-heol atnearnncc, such a
Jllaipliteif. doblliuted f,car-worn
time racket look j, the lack or a
few gallons of nle white paint, put
on by your painters who hang on by
tholr eyebrows an . support thlr
families or your numerous corner
drugstores, nil winter on li little In
side (() palming, m as to be here to
done up brjwr. o.- any other thut
your citizen may yefer, In the sum
mer season.
"It Is popular to clve our cities pet
names now t days Just ai we do our
wl.'e or husband, as the case may bo,
and for th. sjme reasons, probably,
Portland The Ro.i City from her
beautiful roses; S.'Iotn, the City of
Piece (Peace) due !o a dllllgent lobby.
San Jose, Cal., Tie Garden City,
from the wav weeds grow; Seattle, the
Windy City, from 'Iv mighty guns of
Seattle spirit t.iat sweeps the town.
Why not paint Astoria all white,
adopt it as the minlcliml color, and
call her 'Th'; White- City." Advertise
her as "Thj Whitest City on Earth."
The Idea wl'i go If rnoe you take hold
of It, and lived up to will enhance the
appearance tnd va!i.e of property and
save the city monry by avoiding for
ever the necessity of ever raising a
Heney fund.
Very truly your,
When will we learn that It is not
the number of hours we work but the
efflcency of the work done that
counts? Many of us would accomp
lish much more In two or three hours
of vigorous, effective work, when the
mind is fresh and resourceful, than
we could accomplish In an entire day
with the whole system out of tunc,
"Success Magazine."
Copyright 1906 by Hart Sihaft'ncr fc? Mtrf
Suits Pressed Free.
Something Different From the General Run
"Uncommon Clothes."
A Social dnnce will be given by the
Liberty Bell Social club Saturday
night April 13th at Logan's Hall, all
are cordially Invited.
Dell B. Scully, Notary Public, t
Vmlly'a Car Store. Any old hour!
May we sell you, a spring hat one of
fashion and style, our workmenshlp Is
(ho best and prices the lowest, Mrs.
M. Petersen, Star Theatre Bld'g, llt'a
& Commercial street.
Ultra Stylish Line,.
Charles V. Brown Is showing the
last and daintiest things In the way of
Ladles' low shoes, the Garden Tie, In
Oxford style and the latest finish. They
are ultra, and no more than that can
be said. Go after them while they last.
Nothing excels them In this shoe-market.
Take 'Em To Dell.
Last spring Dell Scully cleaned over
2000 Panama-hats for the men of this
city and still possesKcs the knack. Take
your summer "straws" to hlmi for re
novation and save the purchase of
new ones. He is the only artist In
Gloria, Of Mont Blanc
There Is nothing, perhaps, tn the
whole scheme of movlng-plcturedom
that strikes tho beholder with the In
tense notion of realism, as when the
stalwart grandeur of mighty mountain
ranges are thrown within his vision,
and he knows that they are only to be
seen by travelling thousand, of miles
over land and water.
at the Waldorf concert hall are lllus
tratlng the vast sublimities of Mont
Blanc on tholr Alms this week, and
they are superb and Interesting to the
last degree. Next week, these screens
will show the sprightly details of the
O'Brien-Burns fistic engagement, from
the hand-shake In, the arena to the
throwing up of the sponge, and there
will be no single thing left out either.
repair work, go to J. 8. Vernon, sl'o
trlclan, No. 48? Exchange street, t,l-
phone, Main 2441. All manner of
electric and telephone work done at
abort notice.
For your watch and clock repairing
go to frank J. Donntrberg th, reliable
Jeweler, 110-11 street.
Hotel, .Irving Newly, .furnished.
Steam heat. First class table board.
Hates reasonable.
Oo to A. D. Craig for your t'n",
awnings and all kinds of canvas w r i
12th and Exchange. tf
Flv, Cents to 13.00 When you feel
Ilk "sponging" a bit, drop into Frank
Hart's drug store and buy a sponge.
Tou can And Just what you want, from
t cents to fl.OO per sponge.
For Eleetrlo 8ervloe Installation or
If a man knows anything of his own
The machines ftnatomy ni mut be aware that h.
stomach li a magnificent organ and
entitled to the utmost consideration;
knowing that he will eat at the Palace
when he can conserve Its safety and
comfort, by eating only the best
cooked, best served and most compen
sating meal In the city of Astoria,
day, ornlght, It Iv always the same,
and the Palace habit Is' one that pays
to acquire. Arthur Smith Is a mas.
tor of the art of preparation and ser
vice, ot all things edible.
At the , Acme Grocery
521 Commercial Street
We keep a full and complete line of fancy Groceries
Just received a large shipment of the Famous
Dependable Coffee.
Crespo Wheat Flakes
And Numerous Other Good Things
Phone Main 81