The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, March 26, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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    TUESDAY, MARCH 2fl, 1907.
Playing a Trump Card
"There In no iimu trying any lontrr.
I'ro stood your Inljumiin treatment
for since wo'vo bn iimrrlod."
"Tito honeymoon mid a fortnight"
"If that brief period has fallen to
uoarlly upon mo, wlmt would lift
tluio of mu ll misery beT
"Pretty glum prospect, Isn't It?"
"A frightful prospect for mo."
"Ton hurt phmsant hoino plenty
of servants, nu oxcollont position la so
rlfy. Don't you think these should
make nnifiuU for very Imperfect bus
Uml?" "No, I da not. I'm going sway."
"Abroad. Mother In going with m,"
"You're got It all arranged."
"I haveu't mid anything to mother
about It yet, but I'm aura she'll go."
"Very well, I'll atay nt horns."
"IIoiuo! A nit nntuo for Itt Ttlua
benrd house would be a better one."
"Io you mean by that Unit I am to
bring lu another wife?"
"You'll baro to got a divorce first."
"I aball bo In no hurry for tlint, but
1 tiiuitt have some ou to keep boua
for me."
"Your Aunt Harriot would do very
"Tbnnlt you, no. To llvo with Aunt
Harriot would b worae than"
"Auotlier Insult."
"living alone. muat hare aoma
on who will b companionable, to be
bare when I coma boua for dinner, to
speak a word to mo when I coma In
front tba club bafort going to bod
la abort to make tba house aa cheer
fill aa It can be roada while tba wlfo la
"You seem to .consider It an atay
utter to flud aucU parson."
"I bar oua already lo mind."
"I can't aa what Intereat It la to
you to know, but alnca you art curloua
1 don't mind aaylng tbat I refer to
Mrs, Beardsleo."
Mrs. Beardaleet"
"Bba'a been vary unfortunate mar
rted but a year when aba loat bar hus
band, and ber father failed. I under
stand aba'a looking for a situation aa
companion for aoma old lndy."
"Io you call yourself an old UdyT
"Oil. no, only au old fool. Ura.
Ueardnleo. you know, before my mar
riage with you"-
"Ob. y-a. I know very well the ef
fort alio wmlo to get you."
-"ajimcJ tur nn liiMt matrimony.
Blio bad burd time of it, poor woman.
with a buabond who drank."
; "And aba accuaed ma of drinking?'
hotly. -
"No; at tba Unit abe didn't know
'that I wo engaged (o you. 'If you
leave ma, I know of no oua 'I would
1 rely upon for compaulonablp alie'a a
; aploudld housekeeper except Mra.
"If you have no regard for your own
good name, I Inalat that you ahould
bare aomo for mlue. For you to bring
an old flume Into your bouao would
make a frightful acandal."
"It will not trouble roe, anil, aa for
you, you muat remember that when
couple aeparatea neither baa any con
trol over tho acta of tba other."
Thla waa an ounce of prevention In
atead of a pound of cure. Tba lady
waa ataggered.
"That's when they art divorced," aha
"A divorce would ueceaaarlly follow
la time. It'a great drawback In ev
ery way for couple" to be married and
nva apart."
in1 vrm ivniiM tnurr votir hA
J - w-.w
; flamar
j "Wneo tbat pertains to ma at a pe
riod after our aeparatlou I muat do
cllne to take you Into my confldonct."
"Why not abut up tba housoyou go
In one direction, I In another
"What advantage would there be la
Ton wouldn't bead housekeeper."
"I'm content here. 1 have no deslrs
to leave my comfortable borne."
"I aee bow It la. You're trying to get
ma out ao tbat you can get that horrid
lira. Beardsleo In my place."
Bho put ber handkerchief to ber cyea;
but, represaliig ber tears, aba nerved
beraelf to appear Indifferent
"When do you gor bo aaked with
out noticing bur remark. ,
"I aha II couault my own conven
ience. I'm not going to be turned out
of bouae and borne till I get ready, and
If It la for the purpoao of making room
for your old flame I ehall not go at all."
"If you go, I ehall certainly get Ura.
Beardsleo to keep bouae for me, If 1
"Ob, never fear for tbat She'll come
quick enough."
"Then I understand tbat you will not
No. I won't"
"And you are dbtpoeed to etand my
brutality for lifetime V
"For ago rather than have that wo
man come Into the bouae, I being turn
ed out of It"
"Suppose we spend tho evening at
the theater. I've been rather tried In
a business matter today, and 1 think
aome recreation would do ma good."
Bho glanced at bim. Ha looked tired
and careworn.
"After all." abe aald, "I think I have
been the one to blame. Yea, let'a go to
the tbeatert"
Of Severe Kidney trouble are
In the Back,
Valuable Prescription Whioh Anyone
Can Prepare at Small Coat Tee
Mueh Kidney Trouble and
- Rheumatism Here.
Take care of backache. A ureal
many cases of kidney complaint are
reported about her!, also bladder
trouble and rheumatism.
An authority once stated that pain
In the back, loin or melon of the kid
neys Is tho danger signal nature hangs
out to notify the sufferer that there I
something wrong with the kidneys,
which should receive Immediate at
tention. Only vegetable treatment
should be administered and absolutely
no etrorucly alcoholic patent medicines,
which are harmful to the kldne anJ
The flowing prescription, while
simple, harmless and Inexpensive, Is
known and recognized as a sovereign
remedy for kidney complaint. The In
gredients can be obtained nt any good
prescription pharmacy, and anyone
can mix them: Compound Kargon,
one ounce; Fluid Extract Dandelion,
one-half ounce; Compound Syrup Bar"
saparllla, three ounces. Shake well in
n bottle and take In tipoonful doses
after each meal and at bedtime.
This preparation in said to restore
the natural function of the kidneys,
so they will sift and strain the poison
ous waate matter, uric aclJ, etc., from
the blood, purifying It and relieving
rheumatism. Backache will be re
lieved, the urine will be neutralized
and cleared and no longer a cause of
Irritation, thereby overcoming such
symptoms as weak bladder, painful,
frequent and other urinary difficulties.
wliilfrKiHifniiK Miei?l TPliole, U "Oil Die
cx'cualou nt a wedding ceremony. One
often seen unnr a running stream a
long poI( having one end revolting
freely In. s'xlcctwl peg, whllo the
other, overhanging the water, la equip
ped with miniature puddles. Thl Is
the HosiiIho rousting Jack. The sheep
to be cooked Is Impaled on the log,
a Are Is lit underneath, and while
tho current spina the puddles and the
polo merrily round the big' Joint Is
cooked llteiully to a tuni.-Wlde World
Why Che Was Pleased.
Tees-DM Mr. fioretn ever call on
you? J Yes; bo called last even
ing. I waa quite delighted when the
girl brought up bis card. Tcss-Ob.
come now. You weren't really delight
ed? Jese-Ortalnly, You see, If abe
hadn't brought up his card I might
have gone down to him, thinking It
wps aome one elxo. Philadelphia Press.
Tlennen's Toilet Powder
Suited For Something.
"Your little boy may become preal
dent aomo day."
"I hardly think so. Archibald la too
modest and retiring."
"Oh, well, be may get to be vlet
pre!dent."-Pbllttd!lphla Bulletin.
la the patten powder for the Imitations end
substitutes glibly described aa being "aa
good as Mennen's."
The utmost that any Imitator can do la to
counterfeit the external appearance of
Mennen's product. The powder Itself can
not be imitated because both the Ingredi
ents and the process of manufacture are tba
secret oi tne Mennen Uompani
that lea" ft box that cannnt h m.
tilled wltb an Inferior powder to be sold aa
Bayers of Mennen's Borated Talcum
Powder can always protect themselves from
fraudulent substitutes and worthless Imita
tions by insisting on Mennen's In "the sex
Utl MI
: To prevent Imitations of the MeiiMn pack
age toe Mennen Company baa Invented the
I. .a a .1
FaesbnUeef Box. '
nv jtm i trlwl Mtomb's VloM BoraUd Tslcnm Tollrt PawdarT
lM OMttal to vlolat Mrfum will And Mmnn'i Vlnl.t T.f,., r..
Krsnt wllb tb odor of hwb-plackod Pra vlolots. For ! irrr-
cam fr-
wberaforlBemU. BrmtU, postpaid, on receiptor ortte. DaoiDUfrM
rsetimiieofBox. GERHARD MENNEN CHEMICAL CO.,Newark,N. J.
OssnoU-d nndor the rood and Drag Act, Juna M, 19oJ; garUl No. 1541
Astoria People Have Learned
How to Get Rid of Both.
The Bosnian Roasting Jack.
A curloua variety of the old faab
loned roaatlng jack 1 used by tho
peasants of Bosnia and Herzegovina
One of the important Duties ot Fnysicians ana
the Well-informed of the World
is to lcnrn ns to th relative standing and reliability of t!m leading manufactur
era of medicinal agents, as tho most eminent physicians arc the most careful as to
tho uniform quality and jx-rfect purity of remedies prescriln-d by them, and it is well
known to physicians and the Well-Informed generally that the California Fig Syrup
Co., by reason of its correct methods and jHTfect equipment and the ethical character of
its product has attained to the high standing in scientific and commercial circles which
is accorded to successful and reliable houses only, and, therefore, that the name of the
Company has lcomc a guarantee of the excellence of its remedy.
apical lo the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent suc
cess ana creditable standing, therefore wc wish to call the attention of all who would
enjoy good health, with it blessings, to the fact that it involves the question of right
living with nil tho term implies. With projxr knowledge of what is liest each hour
of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation nnd of effort may Ihj made to contribute
to that end and the use of medicines disH iised with generally to great advantage, but
as in many instances a simpfe, wholesome remedy may Ik- invaluable if taken at the
proer time, the California Fig Syrup Co. feels that it is alike important to present
truthfully the subject nnd lo supply the one crfect laxative remedy which has won
thenppoval of physicians and the world-wide Acceptance of the Well-Informed because
of tho excellence of the combination, known to nil, and the original method of manufac
ture, which is known to tho California Fig Syrup Co. only. t
This valuable remedy has Ixvn long nnd favorably known under the name of
Syrup of Figs nnd has attained to world-wide acceptance as the most excellent of
family laxatives, and ns its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well
known to physicians nnd tho Well-informed of the world to be the lest of natural
laxatives, wfc have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna as more, fully descriptive of the remedy, but. doubtless it will always le
called for by tho shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial effects always
note, when purchasing, the. full name of tho Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package, whether you simply call for Syrup of
i Figs or by the full name Syrup of Figs nnd Elixir of Senna as Syrup of Figs nnd
Elixir of Senna is the one laxative remedy manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. and the same heretofore known by the name Syrup of Figs which has given
"satisfaction to millions. The genuine is for sale by all leading druggists throughout
the United States in original packages of one size only, the regular price of which
is fifty cents per bottle.
Every bottle i3 sold under the general guarantee of the Company, filed with the
Secretary of Agriculture, at Washington, D. C, that the remedy is not adulterated or
misbranded within the meaning of the Food and. Drugs Act, June 30th, 1906.
Backache and kidney ache are twin
You can't separate them.
And you can't get rid of the back
ache until you cure the kidney ache.
If the kidneys are well and strong,
the r-st of the sysl&i Is pretty aure
to be In vigorous health. ,
Doan's Kidney Pills make Strong,
healthy kidneys.
Jacob Morelock, farmer, living on
Rural Ave., between Haael and Lau
rel Sts., galem, Oregon, Bays: "What
I said about Doan's Kidney Pilla three
yeara ago after having used them for
which had troubled me for aome time,
waa only the plain truth. I procured
them and they acted up to the repre
sentations made for them and before
I had used a whole box I found great
relief. In a short time the action ofj
tho kidney secretions was corrected
and the pain and aching waa removed
from my back. I cheerfully recom
mend Doan'a Kidney Pilla to an'one
troubled with backache or kidney
Plenty more proof like thla from
Astoria people. Call at Chas. Rogers
drug store and ask what customers re
port For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agenta for the United
Remember the name Doan'a
take no other.
In Business fotBusiness and Your.Satisfaction.
We make it our aim to do first class work at
reasonable prices.
I &22 Twelfth Street. Next to the Astoria Theatre.
' ntittMiiiiiitt iimt
C. F. WISE. Prop.
Choice Wines, Liquora Merchant Lunch from
and Cigars 11:30 a.m. to 1:309 jn.
Hot Leach at aO Hours , Centa
Corner Elerenth and Commercial
Travel from thla city to Portland
on Sunday at tho low round trip rate
of $2.60 ta on the Increase and many
enjoy that day In the metropolla each
week. Tola rata will be continued
throughout the winter and the volume
of travel toward Portland every Sun
day would Indicate that the public
appreciate It 11-S-tf
Louisville, Ky.
San Francisco, Cal.
U S. A.
London, England.
New York, N. Y.
1 ( "Cures Coughs; Colds; Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Threat
) and Lung Troubles.' Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption
T. F. Lauren Owl Drug Store.
in the -
Don't Complain.
If your cheat pains anJ you are un
wwon't laat long A euro for all pul
monary diseases. MrMs. J, O&l Yea
ton, Texas, writes: 1 cant say
enough for Ballard'a Hoarhound Syr
up. The relief It haa given mo la all
that it la necessary for me to say."
For sale at Hart'a drag atore.
Get a bottle now and that cough
Buy a bottle of Ballard's Hoarhound
Syrup, and you won't have any cough,
able to aleep because of ' a cough.
Kansas, the home of the grasshop
per and mammoth com crops, this
week made a new bid fr fame.
Jnnies W. Gldley announced to tha
biological society of Washington the
discovery of a new horned rodent in
the Miocene of Kansas. This rodent,
a skeleton of which was unearthed by
Mr. Gtdley. la about the size of a wood,
chuck, and has two upright horna pro
trudlng from Its akull. It la the only
rodent known to scientists which wear
horns. And all this discovery made in
prohibition Kansas!
First Class Liquors
602 Commercial Street.
Corner Commercial and 14th Astoria, Oregon.
To Be Happy
and Gay !
Means not only good thlnge to oat, but alao the beat of thinga to drink, '
f A.L. I & -m II i. . am a a
no in pw qt goou Au rin ki n ouna at wanton
Rye and Bourbon Whiskies,
Choice'WInes and Champagnes.
Two In One Winter.
C. K. Emerson, of FItawllllam, N. H.,
had two attacks of pneumonia In one
winter. He writes that two physici
ans said bo could not recover from tho
last attack. After they had flTen up
hope ha began taking Foley's Honey
and Tar, which brought him out ail
right Ho writes that bo surely thinks
Foley's Honey and Tar la the grandest
remedy for -throat and lung troubles.
T. F. Laurln, Owl Drug Store.
609 Commaroial 8t
First Class In Every Respeot
Frao Coach to tho House. '
Bar and Billiard Boom. 1 '
Good Check Restaurant
Aatorla, Oregon
i, -1
Good Sample Rooms on Ground Floor
for Commercial keo.
Many business men are shortsight
ed in not looking Into things. They
are daily losing money by not adopt
ing the great Holllster Rocky Moun
tain Tea system. Makes them well
and keeps them well. 35 cents.
Up-to-Uate Baw Mill Machinery Prompt attention.'aiven tr). repair work
18th and Franklin Ave,
TsU Main 2411.