The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, December 02, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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    FRIDAY, DtCEMltR 2, 1904.
CrSip Views of tun
Everyday Philotophei
jffVtKB time to till or you will rug
1 out of time lu work.
' At count fairs, at la life, tin
tidt IllOWi Kt the UlOSt.
uuv unnny woman ill a piova will
A ... ... LI
run a doi-u Innocent men la debt
The bitppU'st girl It on who think
Mr father the boat man oo earth.
People who haft nothing to do toad
dog't llf bunting entertainment
'A anob recognltet aa bla aupertoi
only tht umn who hai mora money,
Zeal and duty art not alow, but curt
slty gala there btfort tlthtr of- them.
If you want a abort cat to ueco,
Ukt blnta from other people! expert-
Agt ta only a question of bow nucb
wt art allvo and bow oincb wt art
Wt art well off wbto wt don't ban
all tbt nilserle other ptoplt think wt
Wt art our own architect; Idea art
tbt brkka and penitveranrt It tbt tuor
Women are atldom cynic. Tbey d
Clint to let It get out that they bavt
drawn a blank.
Man feel a generou glow when be
denies liluiKi'lf wmietbliig bt can't
ralmi the money to buy.
All the world Iowa a lover, because
bt la to funny.
ExptM-U'uct la tXM'iwlve, but wt
would fool our money away anyhow.
Tlit ruilo iiiau always thinks bt de
atrvt credit for not being a hypocrite.
When a man really love hi wife, b
doesn't lultul lining bur kite blm In
bot weather.
Tbla la a quiH'r world. Tbo people
Burnt run after are thow who dou't pay
their debt.
Another form of selfishness la al
wayi wanting to bestow fgvora and
never wanting to aecet tbein.-Cbl-cago
Tht fraclal Test.
"Are you sure you love blinT aked
the girl who give ml vice.
"Almost,' answered tht girl with
the rnnmllng nnture. "1 tin re watched
blm eat an orange nnd a cream puff
and mill retain the Impression that he
la serenely noble. I am going to wateb
blm eat corn from the cob, and If that
doesn't diaturb my Impreulona I shall
feeJ abaolutely aure," - Washington
01 Hid of the Weeds.
It la not a difficult task If peralited In
for a farmer to rid bla farm of weeds,
aaya Drecder'a Gaaelte. It can bt done,
and when one accompilHhed tht farm
la worth double Ita former value aa a
thing to reat tbt eye on. It la In reality
thing of beauty and loaea none of ita
ptctureequeneM by having only graaa
growing in the rueadow. wheat In the
wbeatlk'Ula and corn only where It la
cultivated. The fanner aowa bla grain
or puta In bla crop, tht wlnda tow tht
weed aeeda. and there you are, but If
you allow no weeda to grow It la plain
without argument that your weedy
growth will become less and lea each
year. Certainly the labor of cultiva
tion la much leaaened, but even If tbla
ware not true It la euough that It adda
Immimaely to the appearance of tht
FJmt Moth-It'a no wonder yon art
troubled with Indigestion after eating
to much.
Second Uoth-I know. But it wai
auch a fashionable overcoatl Town
and Country.
Haadllaa- tha Law.
"According to the boyt who took
Ptlter borne tbla morning, bla wlft laid
down the law to blm."
"Laid It down! Why, man, abe threw
It at hlm."-8t. Taul New.
Woe ef tha Voar Hiitrti.
Visitor What la the matter with
Hostess Oh, Isn't It horrid t I gave
Mm to tht laundreaa to waab, and aba
lurched blm!
: 4
To dctormlnt definitely the amount
tt filth feat geta Into milk during tbt
stores of milking and bow much thlt
tan be leaaened by waahlng the udden
tht following wai dont;
It wat determined after oarers!
trial wltb three different mllktra oe
felrty cowl that It require an averagt
tf four and one-balf mlnutea to milk
tow. A glaaed dltb eleven tncbea In
diameter, the bIm of an ordinary milk
pall, waa placed Id tht top of pall
and bold under tht cow'a udder In tbt
taut poaltlon aa when milking. For
four and one-balf minute the mllket
then went through motion almllar to
boae made In milking, but without
(rawing any milk. The amount of
Urt which fell Into the dlah during tbi
operation waa of courae approximately
the Burnt aa would bavt gone Into toi
milk during the mlllclug procesa. Tbf
ilrt caught In tht dlb waa then bruab
d Into amall glaaa weighing tube.
Om udder washed and the proceas re
pouted. The dirt which fell from tht
wasted udder was alto carefully
rushed Into a weighing tube. Bot
ttbta were then placed In a dcalccator
MBd ftr drying twenty-four boun
were accurately weighed on a cbenv
leal balance.
Sixty trtnli were made at different
Masons of the year. With uddere that
were apparently clean It waa found
ILnt an average of three and one-hall
tinie aa much dirt fell from the uiv
waahed uddera aa from the same ud
iera after they were washed. Wltb
oiled utldere tho average waa twenty
two and with muddy uddera the aver
age waa ninety-four time aa much
dirt from the unwashed aa from tbt
unit udders after waahlng. Illinois
Tfcs Heading Dalrrmaa Wlaa.
I have aeen one dairyman wltb a
beautiful home, large and wall venti
lated stable, all the product of a herd
of milk cow, and another farmer
with tht aame old house be built tea
year before, dilapidated atable. gate
broken, fence down, all the product
another herd of cow, equal In num
ber to the flwt Why tbla difference
Wltb tbt aamt conditions?
If you go Into tbt boiut of tbt flrat
4ss of men you will find agricultural
taper; you will find a reader, a man
who has a thluker and la using It lit
may not bt a graduate of any agrlcul
tural college, but be la a aelf educated
nan, who received a large part of hia
education from the agricultural papera.
Bow much more advanced he would
bate been If be had learned the rudl'
menta at the agricultural college! But
greater honor 1 due to aclf educatloa
than to a college educated man. BUii,
If progresa was to depend on aelf edu
cation we would resemble the anall In
stead of the ant
I am firm believer that the duty of
every state la to place a premium oo
agricultural pursuit. The most Im
portant branch of agriculture la dairy
ing. The growth of cereal depends
on dairying to return Ita elemcnta to
the toll of which the soil baa been
robbed by their growth. Dairying en
rtchea tht Boll, while tht growth of
cereals impoverishes it Therefore no
branch of agriculture should be fos
tered and encouraged aa much aa the
alrylng Induatry.-B. A. McDonald.
Washington State Dairy and Food
float aa Tlaselr Ltterwtwra.
Tbt dairy and food department of
etlnncsota baa recently issued several
Important circulars. One la entitled
"Butter la King," and la being placed
In the banda of the formers of that
state. It treats the subject of dairying
briefly, simply and thoroughly. It
ahowt that it la not necessary for one
to buy a lot of thoroughbred ttock to
tart In the business, but that tbt
proper way la to gradually grade up
one's herd. The matter of feeds Is
taken up and instructions given for
the planting of tolling crops and the
building of silos. There are ample di
rections for the care and handling of
toilk, and the circular concludes wltb
the dairy laws of tha slate. A second
circular on "Preparation and Propaga
tion of Pure Commercial Cultures" has
been sent out to the butter maker In
tbt state. It treata the subject clearly
and fully.
Tha "Dairy Stark."
3. A. Crokett, dairyman, Utah A in
tuitu ral college, baa recently tent out
warning to tbt butter makers of bla
atatt against a "dairy sfeark" wbo Is
disposing of a process whereby be
claims the yield of butter Is Increased
from 50 to 100 per cent in excess of
that mid In the ordinary manner.
Bame old fraud that boba np now and
again. AD farmera and dairymen
should leave all such fellow and their
"process" aloas.-Dalry and dreamery.
Raw Treatment Por Milk Parar.
Dairy farmer all over the country
will be Interexted in the simple and
tuecetiBful treatment for milk fever,
which consiNts of Injecting filtered at
mospheric nlr into the udder, Bays
American Agriculture. It Is. there
fore, of tho greatest Importance that
svery milk producer should acquaint
himself with this method nml provldo
bimsfif wltb Bultnble apparatus to do
the work. This method Is by far the
most efficacious and most harm!e: s one
tver used and is said to have reduced
the mortality lu dairy herds to almost
nothing. It !a easy to manipulate and
rsautre but little tlu:p o hnndlo it. '
From ifi Awful Skin Humour
Soratched Till Blood Ran.
Wilted to Skeleton.
One Application Soothed Him to
Sleep. Cure Speedy
tnd Permanent
" When my little boy waa about three
nontha old hla tesd broke out with
rash, which waa very Itchy and ran con
dderabl watery fluid. We tried every
thing we could, bat be got worse all the
tlm till It spread to his arms, legs, and
then to bla entire body, and be got to
bad that bt earn near dying. The rash
would itch bo that be would scratch till
the blood ran, and a thin yellowish stuff
would be ail over bla pillow In tha morn
log. I bad to put mlttena on bis banda
to keep blm from tearing his skin aroand
bla wrlsta. Ht got so weak and ran
down that be took hinting spell Ilk
we would think blm dying, lie wss al
most a skeleton and bla little hand
were thin like claw.
"He waa bad about eight month
when wt tried Cmlcura Remedies. I
bad not laid blm down In his cradle In
tha daytime for a long time. lit bad
?ot ao that ht Just slept In oor arms all
be time. I washed bla with Caiicura
Soap and pot on one application of
Cutlcura Ointment and be was so
soothed that I put bim lu the cradle.
Ton don't know bow glad I felt when he
felt better. 1 1 took one box of Cutlcura
Ointment, pretty near one cake of Cutl
eora Soap, and about half a bottle of
Cutfcurn Retolvent, to cure. I think
our little boy would hsve died only for
tbe Cutlcura Remedlea, and I shall al
ways remain a firm friend of them.
Mrs. M. C. MAlTLASD, JAsru,
No return In 14 year. Mrs. Msltland
write, nnder date of Feb. 14, 1903, that
ths care Is permanent.
It affords me much pleaaore to In
form yon that It 1 fourteen years since
my boy wa cured of tbe terrible kin
diseaae from which be suffered.
" Ue hae been permanently cored and
la hearty and strong.
tkmarksat On nrM. CMtrm WiMtT-M. .
ft a at CtawkM IM1 W. m 'W o tn.
I ijwm
tr Chute.
At, fatter Vmm m I smb. I, f ...
at S4 a -)Lim to twi M'tj Hwmev
Xatblaar la It.
, "I aay, enn you give mo something
for my head?"
"No. I wouldn't take it as a gift"
Weddea Bllaa.
Smith (entering during the storm)
Hello, Brown! I waa Just coming to
ask you to dine with me tonight.
Brown (cheerful, in spite of bis trou
ble) You're too late, old man. Aa yon
see, I'm Just getting up from the table
In Ckcraa Cried, Glra TJa Nwkra
This word of late baa been In every
one's mouth, and many ars wondering
what tha word signifies, though no one
has yet been found, who will deny that
NEWBRO'8 HERPICIDB doe the wore.
Well, for the Information of thousands of
people who Ilk to know all about a toed
thin, we would say that HERPICIDB
means, a destroyer or killer of "Herpes.,"
Now "Herpes" ia the family name of a
dlieaie caused by various vegetable par
aaltes. A similar microbe cauee dan
druff, itching scalp, and falling hair; thla
li the microbe that NEWBRO'8 HERPI
CIDB promptly destroys; after which the
hair grows. Sold by leading druaglata.
Send lOo. In stamp for sample to The
Herplctde Co., Detroit, Mich. , .
Eagle Drug Store, 8S1-S53 Bond St.,
Owl Drug Store, 54 Com. St., T. F.
I aurln, Prop. "Special Agent"
Driven to Desperation,
Living at an out of the way place.
remote from civilization, a family Is
often driven to desperation In case of
accident, resulting ltv BUrns, Cuts.
Wounds Ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply
of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the
best on earth. 25c, at Chas. Rogers'
t - 'l
drdg store.
alifornia !
The land of fruits, flowers and sun
shine, where all the summer sports
may be enjoyed In winter.
reached via,
Beautifully Illustrated booklet and
folder, descriptive of the many charm
ing winter resorts, mar be secured
from any Southern Pacific Agent, or
! . . G. P. A, Portland, Ore.
Ta Spokane, St Paul, Minneapolis,
Duluth, Chioago, St Louis, and all
points sait and south.
Tbe Flyer and The Fast Mail L
Daylight trip aerosa tht Cascadt and
Rooky Mountains.
For tickets, ratee folder and full In
formation call on or address
City Ticket Agent
122 Third Street Portland, Or.
a O. TERKES. O. W. P. A..
II First .Avenue, Seattle, Wash.
Full Information from
WM. HARDER, General Agent
Portland, Ore.
Tht World's Fair Rout.
by Test"
A trans continental trav
eler says: " I've tried them
all and I prefer the
western Limited
It's the best to be found from
coast to coast."
ItVThe Train for Com
fort" every night in the year
between Minneapolis, St
Paul -nnd Chicago.
Before staitln on a trip no mstter
where-writ tor Inlereotln informa
tion about comfortable t raveling.
M.LSISLER. General Agent
133 Third 6L Portland. Oregon.
General Psssener Agent,
Ht Paul, Minn,
Be naturt In all ha glortoua beauty,
and then the acme of man' handi
work. The first Is found along the line
of the Denver A Rio Grande Railroad,
the latter at the St Louia World's
Fair. Tour trip wil' be one of pleas
uremake the most of It For Infor
mation and illustrated literature write
W. C. McBRlDE, Gen. Agt.
Portland, Or.
j..iii"-ii...iun- : . ..liihii I m . m m m
Steamer "SUE El. E.0RE"
The Largest; Staunchest, Steadiest and most Seaworthy vessel
ever on this route. Best of Table and State Koom Accommo
dations. Will make round trip every five days between
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railway & Navigation
Co. and Astoria & Columbia liver R. K. for Portland, San
Francisco and all points East. For freight and passenger
rates apply to
Samuel Elmcre & Co..
on to
A. & C. It. IS. Portland, Oregon
Pacific Navajratlon Company, Tillamook, Oregon
O. It- & X. Company, Portland, Oregon
Famous Trains
The Southwest Limited Kansas City to
Chicago, The Overland Limited to Chicago
via Omaha, The Pioneer Limited St. Paul
to Chscago, run via
Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
Each route offers numerous attractions.
The principal thing to insure a quick,
comfortable trip east is to see that your
tickets read via the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway.
General Ajtnt
A. & C. R. R.
EFFECTIVE 8EPT. 4, 1904.
Leave PORTLAND Arrive
8iR)a.m I Portland Union! 11.10a. m
7.00 p.m ) depot Jot Astoria j 9.40 p.m
Leave ASTORIA Arrive
7.45 a'm i (or Portland and 11.30 a.m
6 10 p.m j way point 10.30 p m
Leave ASTORIA Arrive
11 35 a.m (or Seaside Direct 5:20 p.m
Leave ASTORIA, Arrive
t&ld a.m (or Warrenton, 1 lO:15a,in
' Hammond, Ft f
8.60 p.m Stevens, Seaside) 7:40a,m
Leave SEASIDE Arriv
4:30 p m (or Astoria Direct lT:30p.m
Leave SEASIDE. Arrive
6.15 a, ru I for Warrenton Ftl 925aTm
i Stevens. Ham-
49.30a.rn' mond,Astoria ) 7.20 p.m.
Additional train leaves Astoria dally
at II: SO a. m. tor all point on Ft
Steven branch, arriving Ft Stevens
12: SO p. m., returning, leave Ft Stev
en at 1:00 p. m., arriving Astoria 1:45
p. m.
Sunday only.
Through tickets and close connec
tion via. N. P. Ry. at Portland and
Qoblt and O. R. A N. Co via. Portland.
J. C Mayo, GU P. A.
Time Card oi Trains
Leaves Arrive
nget Bound Limited. 7: a m l:4t p a
Kan Clty-St Loul
Special u:l am :s pm
North Coast Limited l:tt o m 7:tt a n
Tacoma and Beattle Night
Express 11:46 r m 1:06 ra
Tak Puget Sound Limited or Nona
Coast Limited for Qraya Harbor points
Take Puget Sound Limited for Olym
pi a direct
Take Puget Sound Limited or Kan-
aan City-St. Louis Special for potats
on South Bend branch.
Double daily train service on Cray's
Harbor branch.
Four trains dally between Portland
Tacoma and 8ttl
Gen'. Agts., Astoria, Ore.
134 Third Street, Portland
Shorj Lime
San Francisco and
Portland S. S. Co.
Tt hours from Portland to Cblcaga.
No chans of can.
Depart From Arrive
Portland Salt Lake, Denver. Ft
Special Worth, Omaha, Kan- 6 23 P ra
9:1ft a. m. aCit. Ht Louis,
via Hunt- Chicago and the East
fcxpreea alt tke, Denver Fl
8:15 p.m. Worth, Omaha, Kau- 7 :11am
via H unt-'ms City, St Louis,
tncton Chicai(oaod the East
Bt. Paul jwalla Walla. I ewls-
Fast Mall 'loo, 8pokaoe, Mlim-
0:1ft p. su. japoll". Ht Paul, Duluth g:oOp n
viaSpo- Milwaukee, Chicago,
kane land ast
From Astoria
All sailing date subject to change.
For iSan Francisco
every five days.
Dally ex
Columbia Kiver to
Daily ex
cept Mod
cept Bun
day affaw
Portland and nay
Steamer Nahcot'a leavea Astoria oa
FOR ILWACO, connecting there with
trains for Long Beach, Tioga and
North Beach points. Returning ar
rives at Astoria same evening.
Through tlcketa to and from ail prln
clpal European cities.
O. W. ROBERTS. Aaent,
Astoria, Or.
Sooirs Santal-Fepsla Cples
fiy' a rlDflmmUoaorCu-T
, ,1 of the bloudi-ranj iiibcftxl
f - i - jnx 1 Kidaaja. Mo care no rfiy.
viii amour aoa rerua
Deutly the wont cues ot
4uiiarrhwa and Ulees,
do maltrof bo lonv tU
ln. AbsolawlT harmlxs.
Bold by drupfisU. rrku
SI. 00, or by Biail, postpahL
1.0e, 1 bans, Sifs.
TKI tiSTll Jrt'S IKV
Bold by Chat. Rogers, 4BI Commercial