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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1903)
" ASTORIA UBRARI ASSOCIATION Viit r "" . ' f 1 " Jty ------ - -- on a i win i NUMBJER 2S. VOLUME LVI. ASTORIA, OREGON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1903. I " tJJ(; 1 r r I I1903 A Fi p.; a. stoke s Pure Prepared Paint Sold Only By isner Joros NEW HAMMOCKS , . . . . .. . .. ... ;.. ....... "" Large assortment of unusually hand " some goods just received. ' 75 cents to $500. J. N. GRI F FIN. 'if ill m r ; THE iLyJ Ard Perfect 3 w " . j 1 THE BEE HIV Pleases the eye We sell the highest, trade of clothing at figures which please everybody. Perfect style, tailoring, fit and quality here combine with honest prices. A Trial Convinces Agent for the famous Dunlap Hat Plumbing: tin j.'iiVet plumbing maki's mil trnrible. If you have n uiiperttvr joi, hut i or nx it. We ll i ':.!..! IM .l .... U' roimi: or new work wo respond promptly, do it well and got your approval with our iy. , W.J.SCULLEY tfJHTJ Commercial, Phone Black 2U3 Nothing Pleases in well as nicely laundered linen. We have the neatest and most sanitary Inunctrjr In tha stale ami do the best work. ' ALL WHITE HELP. Corner Tenth 'and Duane streets. Thorns 19L ' i The Troy Laundry BEE HIVE ' C o r s ette" Wrappers and House Dresses Fitting, Stylluh nnd Comfortable Lm. ti . r tj.i rt l tit . . mgn iiuvv jiiijuii uurtiut ouiys imu ; j . Laoes to Support Form NO HIGHER IN PIUOE THAN COMMON WlUrPEU j MILLINERY - ELEGANT LINE OP FALL STREET HATS VICE-CONSUL NOT SLAIN- REPORT IS INCORRECT American Official is Fired Upon, But Bullet Misses Intended Victim Who Escapes Without A Scratch ERROR IN TRANSMITTING MESSAGE Turkish Authorities Regret Occurrence and Do Everything In Their Power to Apprehend Would Be ' , , . Assassin OoDaUntlnopla , Aug. IS. It tran plira that Uia report that Vice Conful Mmi ! wat killed 1a incorrtct, An unknown Individual Bred at htm and the bullet paad clot to the Intended victim but dldt not touch him. VaJI of (Beirut vlaited Yii-Coniul Magelssen, eipretalnr hit regreta for the outrage and onlt rd meaaurea for the arrat of the prrwm who fired the hot. The error In dating Vlce-Comul Mag)laen had been killed aroae from a mlatake In tha clphr- tVgram. Waablngton, Aug. 28. A decidedly new turn In the cane of United State Vlce-Conaul William C. Magelasen at Beirut, who waa rporte to have been aaaaMlnated at Bunday, developed to- night when It became known that the report waa Inoerrect and, although Mr. Megetaw'n had been nhot at, he had not even been Injure!. Thla authentic In formation came to the atate de partment tonight In a diapatcb from Minister LeUhman at Conatantlnople, who aald the mlntake in making the original announcement waa due to an error In the tranamltalon of the cipher dispatch from Consul Itavunal at Be irut In reporting the Incident to the minister. lt eontenta were extornely gratifying to ;he official of the govern' ment, a It relieved the situation of It eitreme tennlon and waves way open for nn amicable and peaceful ad justment of the incident. Secretary LooniU gave a summary of the content of Minister Irishman's dlaiiatch. It showed that Magelssen had been shot at by some person at the time unknown to the official but he hitd not been hit. Local Turkish offl cluls w'r prompt to express their re- get at the occurence and were eierting thetnaejve to apprehend the asissln, but thus far hud been unuecsaful. The mlnlater' dlsputrli also said Con sul .Uavvignl hud not reported t' him that some of the foreign consuls V ated nt J'-'imt had rejKirted to their gov ernments that th? situation at that place had ben uinaf.-, und eomf.hlng oucrlit to be done to renve the tei ton. The opinion wa xpr. sood thnt tV-- at tempted a sua l nation of M"R sen probably would brlntt matters to i fo piis. the attention of th- Torkh .lov- fTivmeut lielng drawn to the matter In thl forcible way. and some effort would be made to avoid further trouble WANTED IN TURKISH WATERS Ordered That American Fleet Pro ceed to Beirut Oyster Bay, Aug. 2S. President Ttoosevelt was Informed tonight of the Incorrectness of the report tluit VJce Consul William C. Mogelssen at Beirut had been assassinated. The president expressed great' satisfaction that Mr. Mag'lssen hnd escaped without Injury from the assault of th i would-be-nmr-derer. He announced, however, that no change would bo made In the plans of the government and that the Europ ean squadron which he Inst niht or dcred to proceed Immediately to llelrut would proceed to Its ordered destina tion. It can be said that the president and Secretary Hay both regard It ad visable in view of the present state of unrest In Turkey, to have American war vessels in Turkish waters. EUROPEAN SQUADRON EN ROUTE Washington, Aug. 28. Acting Secre tary Darling tonight received ft cable gram from Admiral Cotton dated VHIe tranche, saying he had left that place with the cruisers Brooklyn and San Francisco for Genoa on the way to Selrut. , MACEDONIAN SCHEME Form of Government as Mapped Out By The Committee London, August 28.-U Is announced that the Macedonian Committee has formulated a scheme of autonomous government for the European provinces of Turkey, consisting of 12 articles, which have been submitted to the Sul tan and the European chancellories. Tho project provides for tha formation of tour autonomous provinces: Albania, cnslstlng of the vilayets of Soutari nnd Jennlnas Macedonia, con sisting of Eitolta and Solonlca; Old Sorvla,: vilayet of Kossovo and Thrace or vilayet of Adrtanpole. . ' i. Other .provisions are: , The Bultan to provide the defence of the in n,i and nt'fl. frontiers. Internal order to be maintained by an Internal! and local policy. The powers to appoint a European High Commissioner for thee year. - The porta to nominate with the con sent of the power n European gov emor-genera! for each province. An Kuropeart commission, assisted by elected native delegations to work out the delimitation organisation and ad ministration of the provinces until their organisation ! completed. For thla purpose an inetrnatlonal army of 45.000 num. alt Europeans.shall occupy the province.. The Sultan in the meantime to with draw all his troops except those needed for frontier defence. The province to defray the cost of the army occupation, whose generals hal belong to one of the neutral atate of Europe. The province also to eon tribute to the sultan's civil list to the maintenance of the imperial army and navy and to be Included in all treat ies and convention concluded by Tur key. . ,,' . -.i . The European commiaelon in all mat ters to work in accord with the porte, The document is signed by E. Lax arovtch. Tha London paper comment on the project a being too crude and amblg- uu to be workable, though doubtless embodying the asplratins of large sec turn of the Insurgents. , PRESIDENT APPOINTS DAVIS Delegation Recommends Another But He Loses Out Portland. Or., Aug. 28. News receiv ed from Washington, D. C. today have It that tha president appointed E. W, Pnvls, register of the land office at La Orande, Or. The entire Oregon dele. Kfttion had : recommended J. W. Knowlea for the position. U. P. CUTS RATES WEST To All Points In Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho Orriha.Aug.28. The Union Pacific an nounces low rates from Chicago and St. Louts and points east to all points In Oregon, Washington and Idaho, com tneno'iig September 1 and continuing untUZsOvember 30. Rates are as follows: To Oregon and Washington from Chi cago $33 f:nn St. Uoui $30 and from Missouri river Joints $25. The Idaho rates are proportionately reduced. PERISHES IN KLONDIKE Diary V.'ritten By Mrs. White Found But Woman Lost Chicago, August 28. A dispatch to the Inter-Ocean from Minneapolis. Minn., says: , ;; ' ' .'' Edith White, former wife of John A. AVhite, general agent of the Deering Division of the International Harvester Company, died of starvation' tn the Klondike country and hr body prob ably has been devoured by wild beasts. Such Is the Information contained in n dispatch from Seattle, which gives the details of the finding of the unfor tunate woman's ; diary, containing a history of her life from the time she left her home in Mankato, until she died of exposure and lack of food In the heart of the trackless Cooper river country. Mrs. White was a trraduate of the dental, school of the State Uni versity and was practicing dentistry In Dawson City two years ago. She wrote her relatives here, saying she was going into the; interior and probably would not be heard from for some time. In a 'letter written from Central Alaska,' July 29, 1903, Wlllam Shatter, a petty officer In the employ ment of the government signal corps tells of finding letters and a diary tend ing to show that Mrs. White perished from cold and hunger, while trying to make her way unaccompanied to an In terior camp In the Copper River coun try. ,' - ' . BOTH AREL INSANE Mother and Daughter Are Siezed . With Strange Delusions Chicago, August 28. Dominated by tha Bame delusion haunted by the same fear of unknown enemies, Inseparable even in their mental weakness as they had been for years, Mrs, Anna Olovltch and her daughter Ada have been com mitted to Dunning by Judge Wheatiey and a jury in the insane court at the detention hospital. ' Mr. Anna Oll vlteh la 50 year old; her daughter Is 24. ' They are Russian Jews. The girl we bom in England and the father has been dead many year. ' The daughter became seised with the, delusion that aom unknown enemy was endeavornlf to suffocate her by blowing deadly powder through key hole and crevice under door and window. The mother (ought medical aid and worried henelf until she waa Mixed with the ame delusion. AMERICA WILL ACT London Press Comment on Mur der of Consul London. August ts. In th abaenc of any new regarding the murder of United State Vice Consul Magelaaea at Beirut Syria, except that emanating from Washington, few paper comment on the, lncldent,but all publish editorials dwelling on th growing danger pf the Macedonian problem. : Th Daily Telegram ay: "If there ia war In the Balkan the ptizea will not fall to the Turk or hi allies, al though victory should Incline to their side. It Is thoroughly characteristic of eastern politic that at the moment Turkey is doing penance for the murder the British Consul at Monastir, some Irresponsible fanatic should assassinate an American Consul and bring yet an other angry power knocking at the gate of the Yildl Kiosk. Thl time we know what will happen, The United State 1 not hampered by traditions tn dealing with Turkey and will not be reduced to nerveless indecision by consideration of Austrian Or Russian uscepUbiIitle.', Tbe Daily Chronicle think It im probable that the deed was a mere coincidence and my it seems to point to a widespread revival of anti-Chris tian feeling throughout Ottpman Em pire which may assume a form which the European powers cannot Ignore. The Dally News express similar viw :. ' EMPIRE BUILDERS CAUGHT Romantic Young Frenchman Has Original Ideas Paris. August 28. A dispatch from La Talmas published here say the French cruiser Galilee, which has ar rived there from Cape Jubt, West Af rica, report that the governor of that place refuses to give up the five men who were captured from the expedition landed in the Moorish coast by Jacques LehaudyT who Intended to found an empire of his own, without orders from the Sultan of Morocco. "1'he Galiloc ia awaiting instructions fronj the French government Jacques Lebaudy, one of the we tithi est young men In France, Is of an or iginal turn of mittd. He has Invented an automobile, and also a successful flying machine. Last June he organ ized an expedition which landed on the coast of Morocco between Cape Jubi and Cape Bojado and seized territory, which was not fully occupiel by a rec ognized power. He Issued a circular procUlmng himself "Emperor Jacques the First" of this territory. He had a scheme for the construction of a rail way across the Sahara at his own cost and who had fixed on a nlace called Troya as his future capital. This ad venture caused somS commotion in polit leal circles In Great Britain and Spain, The self-styled emperor had some dif ficulty with the governor of Cape Jubi and had to leave his new dominions in a hurry, leaving behind the five men named in the rans cuspaten. wis yaent was seizid by the Spanish authorites at Las Palmas and suits for damages have also been filed against him by members of his expedition. ORDERS THEIR REARREST London, August 28. The Shanghai correspondent of the Times says Vic eroy Chan Chi Tung has Informed the Taotal of Shanghai that if the Con sular body will surrender the editors of the reform pafrer Supao who are ac cused of seditious writings, the Chinese government will give an undertaking that they shall only be sentenced to Imprisonment It is to be hoped, adds the correspondent that Great Britain will not accede to the Chinese request, because summary execution would be more merclfulUian Chinese imprison ments. '..'. -T .-'.' The Viceroy of Nankin has ordered the rearrest and trial of the four re formers who were recently arested for delivering subsersive lectures and lib erated on the American missionaries guaranteeing their reappearance. BASEBALL SCORES. - PACIFIC NATIONAL. At Salt Lake-Salt Lake 3; Spokane At Butte Butte 10; Seattle 5. TACIFIC COAST. At Los Angeles Los Angeles 1: Se attle 6. At San Francisco San Francisco 6; Oakland . - , At Sacramento Sacramento 0; Port land 3, ' NATIONAL. At Boston Boston 8; New York 12. At Cincinnati Cincinnati 5; Chicago 8' '-;--- y .,' t '..:-' J At Pittsburg Pittsburg 4; St. Louis DISAPPOINTED BARONET WILL NOT TRY AGAIN Brains in Yacht Building Are On This Side of The Atlantic and It. Is Use less To Compete, Says Sir Thomas WILL ISSUE NO MORE CHALLENGES Until Such Time As England Produces a Herreshoff Upton Will Mikt No More Effort To RetoXe Historic -America's Cup New York, Aug. M.-S'r Thomas Lip ton, aboard the Erin, declared today in an interview that he would never chal lenge again for the America' cup until a man had been found in England who could equal Nat Herreshoff in yacht-! building . The baronet admitted hi disappointment at bis failure, and . frankly said that he had no hope of i winning even a single race. He said: j "American brains and development . have u beaten. If the day ever come when England produces a Herrshoff then I will challenge for the cup again. It will not be until then. It 1 unpleas ant to be compelled to admit It, but the , brains In boatbuilding are on this side of the water. Herreshoff is a wizard. His work Is wonderful. None can have admired Reliance more than I have. She is tha beat boat by all odds, and has won on strict merit. I am a most disappointed man. My hopes were high when I left home, for I surely be lieved we would carry . back the cup. Yesterday fluke only prolonged the agony for me. I do not want to win on anx slips, and I-cegzot Beiktnce's fail ure lo get over the- line as much as any one else could. I hope that we will get a good 25-knot breeze and a heavy sea tomorrow. Then we will have had all the chances on the callendar to try out Shamrock's qualities." The baronet pralsqd the hospitality amii Cots. Stool$p Stovesp Cheap Matresses and Everything for ...the Seaside... See Cur edie Elegant Iron Beds Handsome Tables and Chairs Prices guaranteed the lowest Robinson's Furniture Store THE REGATTA IS OVER! Eat the Success of 'That Event was in no Manner Greater than that of the V CARABANA, SYMPH0NIE A lTf A TT1 Amu rimmmm uuuuei Carried at TRULLINGER'S the only two cigar sto res in the city Agents for the Portland. Safe & Lock Co. Call and see samples, ," Agent for Portland Sail & Awning' Co. ' Sails, Two stores, Commercial St IP and generosity of Americana, and ex pressed th -bell that many of then wanted fo see him take the cup. IT IS YOUR FAULT, MINNIE So Saying Young Man Drinks Acid Facing Former Wife ' Chicago, August 28. Facing his di vorced wife, who had married glrt, two days after the decree was entered two weeks ago, Herbert R. Shaffer last night lifted a vial of carbolic acid to bis lips and said: "It is your fault, Minnie. Good bye. Shaffer tossed the ' acid down his throat then staggered toward hi former wife, at the same time threat ening her life. The woman ran scream ing from the room, calling her hus band to come to her rescue. ' Before Shaffer had taken a dozen steps be felL Ten minutes Water he was dead. . The eulclde took place at a housa where the former Mrs. Shaffer and her ' husband,, Thomas Healy, were boarding MUST ANSWER fOR OUTRAGES Constantinople,'' 'August 13. Forty Turkish officers have been ordered to return to Constantinople to answer for the outrages committed at Krushevo. ire 1 IFurnit New Line Of ines J ADA nraTT?v Give us your order for Latest and Best I'hono graph and grapliophono records. Tents, Awning, and Covers. a TruUinu m u