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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1901)
Till; MORNING ASTORUN, TrKSOAV. IKITOMIU ill. 1WI. WILL SOON BE fill I MACKDOMANS Hlt.lN RISCIK OF MISS STONE. Three Parties Start F rout Sofia to Establish (aimmnuiicution With the lirigands NEW VOliK. xVt. :S.-vAovr.llne to the 8U evnvivin.ient of the Journal and Advertiser, Colonel Kantcheft, pre fec: of the Bu'gnrUn pvsV.ce, ha m.a le th follmlnir statement rosardtng the tntssin- missionary: "If M St.we is living she will b" found xvllhln 10 days. Three differon; partir are now en route to establish communication with tthe brlcands Wokinm has sent tw'o young men frvm SolU. Thov are Macxxlonian an.l fcnow the cxnitrry well. A party of ftx-e has Rone from Pani.ikov wtth the Mine object. They are former rupib of Mis Stone xvha vxxlunteerecl for tile trio. Sir. Ittcklnmn pays H expsws. The third party consists of one sent by the Russian minister. This Is the mort mysterious affair we have hd srnoe the court photographer xx-s cap tured In the vvvls near Rinmkov 13 years a. He !s t!ll V.ving and his fruinl life with the brigands cured him of disases, "It Is ominous that nothing has been hard of the captive for a month. Our tewre measures hive JHven the bri gamls from the frontier to thf Inter r and I: is now a r.u-e be-wen the three relief pa-ties to see which will find her first. Some one is sure to find her. If living." Consul Plt'kliisvn asserts that the real cause of the delay !n finding M'.ss Jton Is the rivalry between the Turkish and the Bulriran irox-enmens, who fix the responsibility on each other. Tur key wants to find h'r In the territory And vie versa. Mr. Picklnsiii slsi dectnr'd that W Fulcaf-in sellers are totally inade quate f ir th" frontier over V mle tonf. capti'Rt: of miss stone. Turk:sh Out'aws Were Repmlhe for the Missionary's Detention NEW YORK. Oct. I. A special to the Pr -s fr-n Bton savs. Tndr the caption. "The (Vlv.-ee of Miss E'le-i St me." the Evening P.vt. of ?"fij. Eulcarla. copies of which have bn rcMrl !n Rvton. put!'.he description of th cap'ure of the Amerrr-nn missionary. The artir'e con tains an Interview with Kwst.anlne Phsin. the Bulgarian horse keeper, irtiw horses wer r'dlen by Miss Siorte and he- nifr when they we-e held op by the hr'etinds on the frontier It thtrs describe the cao'ure; "We -.vere tnvelint" from Bar.kkn to PJumax- (b.n h are In Turk:.h territory) trpon the nrvinttln rvii In th idace known as Oradovfehte thre said leilv appeared 1" men who. civerine us with "Mausers, called out. 'urren Jer." TTe wr a'l on hirvbaolc. s'x wtmen and three "n-lu lln? Orient Ts'lm fthe hu'b'.vl of Mtre Ts:'ka BrM the u-Int. DimT Ktov. We all d's-nv-nrifM Mi w-e Irvn t-tiht " the mon n "!. Te nla.- w' aim-wt ftmMM. The si 1 of 'he h-rs nn l evon the rlthes vere Ati-he' n1 torn to tr-i's bv th h-.vy und'rbrti'h. "Ab-'it 5"t m'rs fnr I.ei-:n? P. ''V i'ir rarito-" we-. o -d hv iJ mor Ttir an.' A-nu-s. wh-. i h -1 rve wom-'n ml M'k n.w th - wvcb.! arfl fithe- vi1utM' on te p.-.t. Miss ecn a I ahu TA Vr Tu'k'sh v!-h her Then thv l ! oT M:" " "e and Mme. Tilki and left th rt n n nnder a rn t.'d of 15 men. Th-r we r tminf' all nle-ht on!r 'an of he"ne hr If we s:1rrl. When d:iv!i-ik Prpo w saw that th nia'd had van ished and we went to Mahomia. Th" brlrands pnk- n'v Turkish On th dav of my arrest 'n Ma'iom'i I wa aken Vf -e th. ka V. -vh . urgel m t snv 'hat the brairds w.-r. Bu'tra e"'n. Th:s I rfu! o do. b-'-nn-- 1 Jid not w!h o perj:ir- im--!'. Th-n ji. . pUt ,-na on he B-itind m l ren? bic rith r dsnnl k'k- ) me irrttl T w.. riwns'-ioiis. On th'' next 'av -h-Tarkish s"Hr -ao-ur-d a!' th -nrf'er in the mountains "f IrnK'V i ! nai.ssarred he mn. whiV1 th wo- an I children wer- driven to I)1u- r in chains. After thret? day3 I was ears " Beauty is but skin deep " was probably meant to disparage beauty. In stead it tells how easy that beauty is to attain. "There is no beauty like the beauty of health" was also meant to dis parage. Instead it encour ages beauty. Pears' Soap is the means of health to the skin, and so to both these sorts of beauty. Sold all over the world. released and uowe.led In niaktn mv way !n:o the mountains and the es caped Into Bulrarta." In another Issue the Sofia IVat prints an interview with a Macedonian tvfu Rve ho made his esux1 from Turklh territory Into Hu'ir.iria. The Vot quote the refuiPV as aaylnK: "In the town of Oradevo IS towns men wore arrested and driven In chain ta Itjuniay, wherv they were ubjc:et to firful torture In prison. In Ihe villas of Sudbinovo paasant were sciirtl and their foe; placiM In Mse After etch tlKhtenintj of tne orer they were uilP'd to mak a contnssion iden:lfinK the brtfrands as BuiRvr uns. In many other vd!ac the Mine Nar lari;!es are N-inK praot'.ctsl. all on the pretext of trylns to l.v.Ue the captnnM American.' WK1.U Til IS 1 HARD I.TVK Paixt Zimmerman Is Not A lvam. lns the 15t)u:s.te M n-y. NEW YORK. Oct. ;-A d'sMtch trom Klmholton. Ktiskxnd. to the World siys: It i now fear-! ltive the child of the Pvke an.l Puchesw of Manchester Is a daushter and nt a on. Eupne Zim merman, the father of the duchess, will not make the settlement cxr-vt-"d. It Ls pxvirtively stateil that the duchfs has rvv-'ved nothln frvnt her f.;h-'r since her marr.aire exeept the Im-omc from her de.l mother's i-st.tte. I'ntd a male heir Is born. Lord Charles Montagu, the second son of the Duchss of lxiinh'.re twh.vse first husband was the present Puke of Man chester's rmndfatherK will remaiti the hear presumptive to the estate and title .t tthe Puke of Manchester. It would (treitly enhance the importance of the yunit Puc.hivs of Manchester's ivxsiion if she wvre the mother of the future duke. The youn duke will not ya to the war now. He had IntenJM to Jo so and had so announced if an heir to the :ltl was born. WORSE THAN INDIANS CAPTAIN O'CONNOR ON FILIPINO TREACHERY. Native Capacity for Hctrayal I.ik cncJ to American KcJ Skins. NEW YORK. Oct. 2$. Captain S. S. O'Connor, a firmer e.iptlin In the Ninth resimenl of the ra'lonal Rinrd. who haji Just returnej from the I'h;l!pp::i?s. where he did valiant ervlce as a -ap-tain In .he Forty-fourth volunteer In fantry, said In an Interview upon the subject of the of the Ninth fnlted States Infantry, on the Islan ,if Simar: "The Am-'ricin people can f rm no idea ,if the treai'h-ry of the natives They have been likened to Ameri can Indian, the comparison dos not d Justl.e to their capacity fr b-tr.iyai. Such a bodv .if fighters as the Ninth infantry is, never would have V-n cttufrl.t In su h a trap by the In Hans. The lad.ans never leune,) to play the f.-'eri I like the Fiiil'in . A sol ljer in tii- W--tern plains would h- a i is ;u.irl a.was asil'i-t the r-lsk'ns. hut ;ht-y cinr.o- d.-em;.-. Th"y may am iu.h y u and ru-ti ' "U (t nlirhi. but t do n : kn 'iv how to pl.iv the amis) :ri-k. as did th- F i;; .n . That th-' Fi.ip.r.o Is a pist ma:r in tr-i- hry I s.n leam-d aft-r f?-t-'ing into th- fl-ij over th'-r-. i '.mse. H'j-ntly I de- 1 1-1 to b" as s-'vr- as t",--siM-. I as pr..v.t marshal in t iwns an 1 apparently was iuiy har:-h hut I found that the mlv w iv to mt the nitiv-s." STORM IN THE NORTH. Much Damage D ,n- hy the Oil'-s Whl. h P.a?e. Ijh: We.-k. VAN'Vd'VEFl. B. .. Oct Is.-Th" sever- st st..rm of the s-tis n .vr the Nor'hern coast las: week and f r thre ivs shifi'ini; was nearly at a t in l.still. Skigway steam-rs ': f rved to e-k sheit-r and the iteim- rs New England and Capll.ino. whleh nave arrived here. r-Prt that ttie ?ea wis the r.'UK,'st s-.-n on the N.r'h .ast for a y-ar. The (rn-at'-st damage was done at P .rt Esin,'ton, Just above the jnlia.n v.ila?e frf Invern'-ys. Th'-r- the build in? of the f'hur. h of Enitiand had le-n lev-led by tne storm an l naif a i"ii"n ith'-r build. nKs were blown ov-r an 1 p'.'-r-s of their rof- s-att-r-d f..r h.iif ,i mil-- up th river. MEETING f)F RAILROAD MEN'. HAN FRAN'T-VoO. Or;. 21 J. Mur-.,-ie, freight traffie manager of the I.'nion Pacific roa I. and .'. J. Lane, fl r-t awis'ant general fr-iht ae"i', have arrived from Omaha to meet J. '' Htubbs. traffic director of the H.irr;rnan lines, and Freight tranV Manager WHiam Sproul", of the Southern Pa cific, with whom thev ext-: t -.'-nd several days In the dl"uxsi'in of t r-i(Tl-matters of mu ual Interest to the two pjads. ALASKAN MINER .SI'H'IDE.S. OAKLAND, Cal.. Oct. 21 -L'nd'r fir cuniHtiacea vhich ooint lo p.Hl:ji suicide, in" body of 'leore C. R'swe)!. a miner from Alaska, has been found in his tvim. He bad not been wn since Thursday night. Tiie cause cf hl death has not yet be'-n ascertained. H was despondent no account of MAY CAUSE 1R01BLE Aiinrni: tE n na HONS ON HOKR Ol'ESTION. (icriuun Papers Ik-nouncc Cliaiu K'rlain's I'ttcranccs on South African War. NK'V YORK. Vl..'V- csrd;rg lo t le l usseU coir I'oa.l -tit "f tbe l.on d 'n T ill's .in.l .11' New Yoik T m.'s. he I'l Simi 'M.len. ,' lj lite . Hie n.. ti ns of ;!,' .'0!i!lve:: arc i'.oing the wa : T a sit'.iatto-i flit s llk.'ly ( .O f I a pe nt. ful r. p .-f trouM.'s to th'in-.'l cs in 'lo'.:- .1 sen.- s . i.i i dud a.' t: 't'.s up'n :ho It.s-r iu.--tloii. The til h nat.on s (uily i ns.loc.s of tie datw'r ans.ns fr m uilver-al d sllke. siys ilia: n w .ip T i n.l limy make a siiofuie .ffo:t t cn..clt.!.t( '.ho A'lirlo-S.ixan a v (lie world ever. whereby Eur. p. eo nui 'rv'.a .ml in lustrial supr ns.. y woul I le erK usly thriMiencd. CHAMl'Eni. l' I.t SCi'RUIV ilerman Papers lvnounv lis fit. r an. e Con n.n ; il.e ll.-ers. NEW YORK. iV-t, ft.Mr. Chamler. 'xi: t spevh at E lnbu.'i i.s( V'riia, evenii'if. w.-s the Merlin i' rre", .in, m of :he L1"-! "it Times a id the N, w York Times, has ek'.l t perf.v norm of indignation pr-tes; ,n the part of the C,,rtna:i p- -. Th- U-V a. l r,.h:en says Mr. ri.nav la;n aht i o ,t fc- ago to have ivi' iiiin t, ml i private life The Na i. '.al . 'Uutur ay th u Mr l.i n 'r.'iu .'n- !' . n.i .ire ttill. :t. a mibi it y fens', matter 'f th c un try. as th.i'uh ih-v "ere ss-H'Ins The T4i"t)iaf. taiks of ' !ut:a r' Klt. h'ii' r and of "the bir9i.- - is h.'r I ng cf ,'e. f ns-less n.'in ,i and ehlld:- i ta the u the l'i. -h s entritiiii camps" WANT INOriliY INTO WAR. A'.tituio of Mr t sh otlbvrs Town: I yea lo lie tn litigated. NEW YORK. iVt. : Nothing has b-en heip.l f..r nic ::me of the ise mad- by the goer umnt to Insti tute an ln.u:ry snto m'li.arv o(v rations ;n South Africa. nirt:cuurlv n r girl t the M si b r rlv-r and Natal cam paigns, says ttiio I..mdon c rtvsp in dent the Tril'u:!". The uruiw exact J at a time when untoward events at the s,..n ,.f ar were stirring uu popu!a f.-Ung in Engan.l, bu:. as th'" cau-s wiuch le I to the demand have to a, larg" xt nt puss-d Into rhe ba.-k-ground, the ies;re fur an otllelal ln (Uiry wanl l-rably. Recent r-' In the Mult'-r con troversy have a'.akenel nvollectl ms 'f th pr mu?.. an l the matter will b" m a.' 1 as SHin as pirli.iment me-vs. The g ivrnme-it will be asked t Include In the seo; ., th,. IriMU.ry all -he allega tions wh ch have t n nmip- and are b-ing male .igUnst certain Urttish of-fir-'r In respe. t to their coivluct to. wurl th- sol I. crs uti le- them. AN PXIMP UTA'T OA PTC RE. It rs Taken I!" .-iitly W r,. No. Ac t.v-iy Ktiv-.ii; I n W ir.'ar. NEW Y"KK. :. I:scusHii:g he r-ve.-l! r"p ft" 1 .-..p'.tire ..f Ie r. I. oi I n -: :i I i;t ..f the Tnbutie s l s; T.. mu i'l Im Ttiri.-.. ;s not t be at. t a :i I to 'h- r ;r'' d capture of ;"ei I! eo, . ,us ",..,( ,. strict. Th-.e m"n 'Aero in w ly in inn-d and appar ently -tigag d .n i uitlv.iting the fiel 1h. i r- s .una ; ,1 . to prov.-le f iodJtuffs foi the.r most ii-iiU r-nt 'inral'. Horses are st.-vrvinu. Sh- rtiig- "f F-'ld-r Supply May W.ifk Hardship ..n Ru-sia. ST. I'ETERSRI 'Ri I. net. l.'i.-lCor-r-sj.' el l"n e ,,f Assu-iatei Press.) A ;-::t fr-irn Saratoff pr.dlcis the :iii'i!.il l .ss of h' Tt and cattle un i..., cn-rg-tii' m''i.sur" ar- tak"n to pr-ivld- f.slder. Th" guv-rnment z'-ms-v has l.n"d t . imsume the r-sponsi-lility f ir r-payment of an advance of .'(".'i'i'-s fir this purpos. am) ;hc ,r""rnrn-nt has not d -d led w'. -h-r i loan th" moti-y to th- p.-as- tits ut guarant'. Tho if-iv-rn-tn.-nt h is n-i"r r-'' 'r-l -d from the .iss"s f I.C-S.-S aiel .-a't " luring th.- pr-vloui .f the l.ixt ten veins, f .ur of . hi. h h.iv" Ir-.-n k"d by mrtlal .r " iitil'-t- r.i failur- in some districts. Th-Z'-tn-tv . has ile. hir-l t:ie entire o-'i'.-'nc- ii ! In a sMte . famine and has vc-'l :i,issi highways and lii.- " f ir rii-- imr -ha." of grain, T.-e- tr. il of 117 ;-rn .ns arrested in cn.'i-' -it ,n with -h" rl it at the Ob uk I' fT st -I works l.tet spring has ju.,t -ii'i- 1 in -he cnvicii m of ail '-xc-irt 12 ) hard labor f t a nn of v"a:s. EXI'i'RTS FR' l RL'.HSIA. ot of '.'uHt.ims Olllclals Shows Re. rn irkalil.. Increase, NEW yiRK. (i-t. 2U The Mea o'H'rewp'in lent of th London Tlm-s and tie- New Voik Tirn.n says the Russian -u -loins re-.urna show a great Increase In 'Xp'rts lately. In IVj'j, :b- imprta -xcf.'dti( the -p'.rts by iK' rouble, ($14,420,000). In 1'a'iO the exirta exceeded the im ports by S.Wi.W) roublea, while In The firm half of the turret! t yeair the ex ports i-xc-i-'i4 th Imiorts by 63,000,0')0 .-oub!-. f'omiKirlng the firat half f this y-ar with the same period In 1119. the cttH of fo'd-tuffs Incicased tW.iHV roubles and that of untliilidtod prod'.io.s IJ iW.iW rouble NOIUUTY ANP THE STACi:, NEW YORK, Oct ilS-ilerman no lilt. Ike their M ilted ill Engl ml, be. In lo take to the htage, says the World lleilln cor ''S.on enl. The KmiiI theater of Munich boas' a baton land Iwo counts among Its staff Not Mess than le4 nobles are .w the o,cm I time eniirtg '.l ,ii til- :age in aiiou ' , apaclCi-s. ! NEW STKAMSlUC SEIlVI.'ll TAOOMV iV: Th -tni i shlo il:ii.ia brings :e s fr Mil Sli legluil j .the th- North ib'i-oiaM l.lm I Steam slip Cenieil'iy h; in i.le .' cr. Ill s lo I tlie C inil .ci 1'ietle ' int-Mio ' hi- mu r..- ih . ."::i'.:i. on ot ef a lo ill i Co'tmitll l i I Itrt h st. itn-hip sei'M.'.' from o rntil p'i:- c Van.- uv -r .ml l'ug-1 sound TO 'lV'I.KR A I'll Al.i. KIII.IC.IONS I NEW YORK. Oct '.' A dispatch to i the Herald fr in Lima. I'eiii. w: i Pre loti to the closing ..f congre.,, ' Senat r ISi-anas sulniinted a plan of i cons'itutlonai ref tm un.b'r a ch all n''s will b- lolerai-l In Peru, but 'nly the state r l ition II V r"cg i n le I In pllolie . el' i FVMiU'S Clil.l'INC, S. l . I . I. ENINCT N. K.. Vt .'V Th. j;uiil-tta-W:lke gt.ltng, li M-nl "I. i r is arrn 'd heiv, the pr rty of i' K ; M.llii'iis of ChU-.i.-'. After he had bvn 'loaded it Memph.t last night Mr Mil- lings' offer of '"" was a-'.''e bv V. V and J O Me ll.;er of Clls eltv MARS RKl.I'lb CS EXH.ES I NEW YORK. O t J'spilch ! fr m C .iis'.iiitinoi'l" o th.. I,.n.l"ti T ines .1:1.1 New York TPn s .iy an ! .ra.le his b.-'ti icomulgit.-il by w hi. ti til,' settlement in Turk,' .f any ,.f the r'bgi. us cotitrg at. on vi lost from I Eran.'e t'.e.l. TITI'S T' il T' I1ENEEY NEW YORK, i t 11 - At .1 m.-tlng of th.. I'n en R'.it I'luii. Jn-t h I I I; iv'h d' tln.t' lv d.x-i I- I hat i' 1 the chatnp-.oTi un:it"iir seiille. f Auu-r .ca. since tli" retirement of T n Ii. k 's '.i g. 'i ll-nl.-y ';.".e f r tin' l..i:n n. "em's .u t'u- i"t !. "f tile dub. Wlli-JAT MARKET. SAN KIIANOI:' , i K'l. .'x - AV!'.e.,i, ' a-h Hx'i ''IIK'Aipi. i '. i - '. close I. I Wa.-it, ..fin'l. T.CiiM. i v-t ;x Mil.--', in. ;:. i luh. P'lRTl.VNI'. ...' ix.-Wheit. Wiiia .Willi. .V,'.;iiH. Va.l. y. Mi'-j.,.st..n , '.ii'.' it'll.. j M.iNI MENT Tn NKWEl.l.. NEW V"RK. y t is -Tin- inovtn nt I i i-r'ct a mi iiuin-tit f r i x-il ni-m r Wil.lim A. N'-u-il. l-.!'-ier of the lif suing : .'. is taking icdn.te shai"' n N". J-fs..y. i -li. v ;n tn . ;i .1 " dv p; .,..."'" ." I til.- g rl A lo -. IS -i 'i'-nig .1 It'll. t. "-I f'-'.u i :::,iil ml I'l-li'iil unnig "If .-ii-- c ill I a'l I 1: I. ' r -p.l I :i- r fe i. ' :t! Irl'ii.l. 'inc.. i mu t;.i!f ttc pi' a-in iM" .x o- in-nt .f f''iiiitiie-' i.t--A.'Ui'i li- I st t . h-1 ." - ' 'all igo I' to ' lo .'.I.IIU "I lu'll-flls to b'fr.iv If S tl!" "II.. '.I'll illV'tlt .1 i"'lee to t i'l I'll 'XI' H- of , ,,li t 111. I lilt link.- in a-r-h p stay up and a sub. "''I .mp ---m m, a l ..f .a.,1 .."'il : , .. .ib-irig 'n t i" ''Hv "f Ast.tli. i l.its,,t. boat tn- up. he will make a iir-g.n. f o tun" -N'-w V irk i 'oinnierclal. ' Thit tic- i':-v Sutx-y-ir his I n te. l .!- - i ijulr-- 1 to pi-ixi anl III.- w 1 li the j X'llt .r and l".ll . ludge i-t nnit.-x .,f The Oldest and Best : , ... . . 1 Tin- nut. i- Is publish, d for S S S ts a ro'tllunrition rd roots , ,.;),, ,Ks m Tn- M .rn'ng A cn'l hiTli.-i of firiat cura'.ivt- fxiwcrs, 1 t, in ion su m. t. a i -Ui -ami when t.Vm intu the irvulation i '' '"i-""' ,,v ' ''"" " scan-tics ctit ami rt'inovi-s nil lii.inni r i of t'i-Jitp; iidtn the M''., without' ,',.. ,,r nr.; j.iib! .-it! .n t -. I'"'I thft k a-.t slug k or h.irm tothi-.tyidiiti. ll i: snusns ' On tlif nntrtrv, tiic jjcm-nil lit-a'.th i Audi .r .md l'd- -lu-lKe "f th- itv ! N-;citis tn imjirn-e fnm the lirst close, , "f A' !forS. 8.S. r;n .t only a 1Ikh1 imrifKT, j N,,T,,-.; T,, vuTi'RS to liii' iis'l iii'." . but an ixci ii' tit tonic, atnl strctij'th- ens atvl 1''is up tilt- nmstittltion 1 N'tl " Is h -r -by gl--n that all ..-r- 1 while- Iitir-ln;' the of itnt.iiri-! r-i-iir d t r gist-r as a . ..n. ;.- A . ti r, dllb'-'l 0) the r Kir to vote, a: ill- ity tu.s. S. S. S. ciirt'S till (!i'.c:is-s of a ,,.,,.,. ,,f ,,. ,.,lv f A,.rl:l bhssl i vtl t:;;:ii, C.-itucr, Scrofula, i,.'l,l on Ih.- 11 h d n- of I e. . ini.- r. 1H", Klifiiiuatisi:i, Chroitie Sores iiti'l tri.l all p-rxotm iiialifbd may i"gi:-r I'liiTi, r.r't:;:t, I'soriisis, Salt "!' ' 9:" lv l"vm-r. Ren. 1 Khoum, ll.'.;- s :,nd similar trouhlett, JthZ ati'l is an cure ami the only f,, .n,. - ju I p- in to H? hall .f ih anti'l'itj for mi!'. t horriiile iliscase, rity nf As'or a. iMIlc,. homs fr-.m :. :C tlto;'i .::s li'i'sM I'cioon. '' P " " K- Xi:i..'o.N. A nr-or-l of nct.tiy fifty years of ! M, ,X ' J"',K" "' ' ' i 3iK" s--.f::l i-'trc t is a roi-ori'i b) i,e 'irotnl ! AHl,,rl ,".,, t y, of S. S, S. i i iiiNii! ji' t'dlay j :th.m f.'tT. It nt;::i.s rs lis fsicti'Is by ;the thoti.iani'.".. Ot.r jati' corres ! non'V.-nre i.-i la.'.fer titan ever in the 1 history of til-.; lac'.ii'litc. Many write ! to tliatiic tn f'ir t!::- w-A S. S. S. ! has done tiu-tti, xviiile (dhtri are seek ing ailvice aVnit tluir ( i"s. AH letters rcceiv: jimi'ipt and careful attention, Onr jiiivsii ians have lii.nlc alife-loii'r stui'vof illoml ati'lHkin Ii9- ' eases, anil IctVi r timlerstaml such cases than the ordinary practitioner who makes a Bpecialty of no one disease. uTS K'h1 to r u ff e r i n jj Xjw huuianity through tOJour consultinjr de kJ? Tiartment. and invite you to write us if you have any blood or skin trouble. We make no charge whatever for this service. THE IWIf I SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. STREET IMPIIOVEMKNT Nortt'i:. Nivnci: is hkiskhy hivkn Thai iho Common Conned of Hie C.t of As-loi-la. Iia dvlais-. Us d.'iei iiiln ailoii iiiivl to liiipiMve i".l r-pali all thai portion of Couiineivlal stred from (he oi. line of tt sIim-I lo Hie nest Hue of ItHi sir ( said bull t 1 being In that portion of theCit . f A" loria as laid out and ivc.od.d b John .McCIiMo and i, l b I'm us olnc and Mid I4tli slo'cl being in thai rt ..f tne lottii mow ell) of V"l 'i a a laid out and recorded b .1 M Siu b'l. to t'ie full wldih ili-icf and ..ii lb. tablshrd grade lliei.sif Sa d 'mpr-or. meiii shall c.'iili of ii'iii.olng :l the old planking. stroiger. caps. .ist an.l Mdewa'ks, and .iitl ng "It all oil ,' mi. I pulling In m' no I 'I'll tl.liB". ail I c'll'l'il.' I'M li''i s'l-'xalks o i ,-a. li s' le .'f Hie f et t' li ': l le. except .11 I ' sir-i t e' -lllgs. .. .o le, tin Rl. ,c koi or .' 'H" i-'ank now .11 i ie i I-- alks : ' ,.. ll'.lt -fe -I :ln, !l h l"'t ' 'I.I I ' t'.MO ; I t- I, v ii an i .'. lo i'i k : : ts (; ; .: ) v, ,., ;, n Ti i. ' V' ,:. and i ; : in i .ltd .mi: hi I i I I fie Aslo.l.l K.'i: l.'.t.lte III I I .- ( kc Cotnp ' shall '" !c( iac -I i"'l t i"V. ii g lie i led tile Hit i nr. 1 'v '.P'l tll.'te ( f "III , II' l t i ilOi The , I "" Iga II I I.' 'lit. i s '."I t- "f II h m l I .':;i s ie -is ill i "..11101 i . il -1 1 '" s'-all ' buiooie l ! ii:i l."t' .i..'n and . ' inking! the am-' ( t " '.it-. '. I;'i tter.-of The un.b'i ilnn ng siiali . oii.l. p.t IJ 1 Ii . In I.' inch. i l.i'. I ii" '' i n.. he i, Is ,.f th . lit 'ff ! I--- b.-ie t'.e iinie ;it,- wlltll. e'li 1 1 .1' e tog-I'1-'I' anl In "tb-r pla e. uin :i"id il tn m'.i plac-d Hi' -n gi ain 1. an '. ' too of 1'ie i, .,1. fb.i.t 'u I . and on the ' ac'i s 'i ili 1 I anl on .he lre.t" -bail is- ;-'a ' I Jo' co i-iing gank "r decking 1'lie .if -ics i. I uicl' i icncitit , o ng of Ix'tll. consul. d . f !.''ll ill I i.'s 'l.tll tH . 1 o-'tlst 11 te I that th- ' 'its shall he at th' s.une iiiiv . hat t'l' l'i-tit no' exisi'.ng ui'on -aid 't" t ate 1... ,i,-l. i'i'' l.-l lb it .!.. Nuts hall no: ''.- in -ie ttiati 1 f - t aput 1 . n-t ,;i I , '. an t tto r,. u.tisi it ! al !'': t fe ''"it and "v 1.1)1 II 't ts' ell el less lll.lll 1 .lprt T'.' 1 1 1 1'.- ul. lll.tu'.e "111- '"' thorounhlx w i te . ! m it o 1.- . .I -a(' ing st.ioiial Hwai'e'a.-ng .ci.l - plank n-'! ui-oi Mil i " '"ii ..' i I stov; .ball m :' '. i k !,. be J!e 'V w 1,1:1; Al. nil n-rial us.-1 n sail lino:" .nient x ,.-'.i:og .aid oil .ibw.ak 'urnt-'r ai'.--f -r.' no'nt "ted s -a I - n-- -f n. w, g .. I. s.-iin. t s ; xe.l . H: 1 unt il. , anl -all on ;: ". :n -nt .'I in i t ts ..f do' a:l x .:! its Vet. n 1: -t e . e :eoM''. siiiil Ih- eons mioI-.I ,c -t I!:. to t:e lroX i..m; g n.-tal i" loi hi. - . '.m. .-ctitle I A'i or ! o. ' ' Ma'-i il . '.tie inii'ro- in. nt r -. r ct. atl l the .l.ins ,m I tl it: e'. ' .- pi cc-ited t'oi.'f r lo ti" I'ti Si is Ii- t-'.i':lff'- pro el .1. Ttie A .tor. a lv.- ' : ' ' nii'-in' '.ad :li tr o e i . f t t :.. t of tl I ' ' t I li!l ! I r i. k 1-. '.i I I- te. n I . ' I ..,,'. of -i It 1 1. 1. K in. I f r ; . 1 o-i e l i s le .., I U r : ill 1 I t I -Xi" " ' 'I . I ' ! I till.' !l -.!' t i.'; i! !. . -in. i -X 'I aid the en- i I ''I- II -'I I -t tic I d '", ' ' ri. t : . r l.i lv ; t n -i . ..ft IM" pelt ' ' . "1 t ' III - i - ' ',1 l it;e I li li .in ' lu ll I II). Shlll I"' loflH.-t 'O "lit .1 " s i-m. :i' ill' 'll 'he ! 'ts i i'i Is .i'i I :e ':n. ; r atititt'ng ui'.'ti an t " he "' ' : "- ! ,..,) ,y ,,,,,. ,,.,,..,.. li :; f I's'r . t .if l"t. Ian Is and i-rom's.-. tn II -h" 1 as. !. in Is and , i--tic- nitli n the foil '.;ng .Ics. i.t..- I di- tn t ' i ' 'tlini-'lie ng .t tie no; t :ii ..t . i'i- f l.-t r'ght Oi In Mo. k (If n '.. n M s 'lur-' s Vt ! .a an I ' iitv ii : V"-., i-t ir ngti th in 111 ( . k. ':' 'X a ' l '.. !:i M " 'In: ' A t t i in I Tr i t A" a s H I nt in t r.- -r lcl in t !' -t -ill U i! Hit i-e .III I Ev.'i iiig-- I'.MIP l-'.X. '. . 'i -' I' -M l. Ct C-' tl." . f lot .1'. .- ' 'I II - ll I II I .r t,i . k ' A'' an I ruti oiK th - . - - -nt'i il ng th" an 'I .- ..f - i I Tt.i . in.l !: .- k in S Hi ! A.t -i ' i. !!!. s-'.lt'l' l-t c r-l'T ..f . i 1 :.! .. I . S UXel.-x', As- 1 I. r,.-:i e A--.' ' . I'l . . Ol .. .1 I il . .' , 1 I 1,1 ., k I ' I i- li ii r h t . th.. .-. . -.t i ii.- .f - l I l.i k 1 nt to ili- s in:;..' i-t . . i.-t i..t f.eir i li in I'l k ;.' in M s'I'ir .4- I I. I . .1 1' l it lie' ' 1.- A. .' Ii ,. f i I t.i k 1 would t" -ii . r '1 '.v ; It- s. u"i p. . . I I f ill Hi k ''- M s'liii.- A.t. .. . i ' t '"1 I - olV ,Tl 4 ,H':. g'll I'll" '!..'. . iiitioig i.t iIii.'IIh'Ii le- 111 I IV "1 M k ll: g and '.''. i 1 ' "'ii - As- i i 'o th" "iUn . . :i-f f ' - He ill. ,11 ll .eg '. I . - X! 1 I, 1 to- .. .. II - , t i,. , I ,. I' -g-'-i ig in 1 ' i eg il I t-. nil. ml .r -lii-sex within ...ll I dl- , w I,:, h a. I I as. I an I Of in--i s s.iil. I..- I.-..-S.1 Jo r I- '..f th.- 'ltv of A -I 'ni. .n iict.i.-r .'I I 1 'J,t,.., . I... I Ml. I' ' iREST RKSEItVE SEI.I-iiTluN I'tllK-,1 Hlllt-S Ijlind Olllee, Or.-K ill (fity, or.-., S-pt. UU, liml. Nolle in hereby rIv-h that E- ". Nr I. n, whose postolll('(. iiddi'-. was I'ortliiiid, or-Knii, has made application to s-ieet uu b-r the Act of June 4. IV.T mil Htats TA), tin- foll-iwltnc described Irnct nf survey-d land, to-wit: Wes; tiilif (W, Vt) of HoulhW't ipiar. t.-r (S. W. ii) Section Ave C,. Must half ill. '4) of Southeast timrtir (S E. ',, S'i:!lon six IH), Township four i4) N'oiih R.inKe nine (Ii) VV.-st, Wllliunette Mer idian. Within the next thirty day from (bit" hereof, all protejit or contests iiKf'nHt the a-ieetlon on the Kr')m that the. land descrlb.'d, or a"y portion thereof, Is more valuable for ll mineral than for aicrlruUuriil purpoaea, will be re. ca-lved and noted for repsirt tn lh Hum ml l im-r of tin; (leneral Iaml Ollli-e at WashliiKton, I. (.'. CHAS. B. MOORKfl, Ile(flater. PACIFIC COAST COMPANY COAL For Steamer, Commercial and Pamlly Use Orders Promptly Executed . . DOCK FOOT OF SEVENTH ST Samuel llmore & Co.. Agts. ivOPP'S BEST A Delicious and 1 'alutfible Drink Absolutely Pure The Northern Pacific. Hr-ery. of which Mr John Kopp I. praprl.tor, makes beer for domestic ii l riporl t r a 1". Rattled beer for family iu ur keg beer lupl'llrj l any dm. Ixllvry in di city (res). North Pacific Brewery Pacific Navigation Company Stcitiucra "Sue II I Inline" iiiul "V. It. Mai I lm" Oiilx ling - Axturiit in I'lliiinionk, (iiirlbnl II (in.l liny ( Itv, llubsnii lllo C nnecltng at Astoria n the orgii lUlr.-s I A t'avlgatlon Com. pa y nd at. iii AstorU A Column. i Klvrr Itaiirxd for Han Kran. Cisco. I'ortlanJ an I ail points l't Eur freight and psMtngor r.t. f.'iy to Mrtmuol I'.litioro Co.. lienei.l Agents, S ft ilil A. OIIK i o i; N". M It. Co.. rortland. AliKNTSi A c R It. Co. Cortland. ll. C l.AMIl, Tt'latuook. Otg.av Hotel PORTLAND PORTLAND, omcr.oN The Only I'lrKt-ClnrsH llotol In lorlnnil Tlic MomluK Astorlnn Sixty Cctit Per .Month Delivered at Your RcmUciicc PIIIM iir, l)f New NV. . THOMAS, i IX LI MIT EI) LIAHILITV Sulisi'rilipil ('niilul, I'liiil up ( ii-iiui!, Assets, Axhi-i.s in tdiitfil Sutrx, StirjiltlH to 1'olit'V IIoliliTX, Hum lici'ii Iduli'rwritiii1; on tlio I'OUINni A. U. IVI SUN INSURANCE OFFICE ( IK 1.1 i in: 01.DI ST I't Ki i.v nui: Cnsall APt, - f lt.s-.MMMM! Caali AmiIi In l!nlti1 Hioic.. .r.i0.u.iA C A. HENRY & CO., 'Jld Siinsomc Street liwtsi OS IMITATIOHt. TTds BlflnAtim U oa wrtty boHta JOHH PtiKCAtct MM, Aifc W. T. . Boapa TT TPO TiLLPIIONt AUIN 661 ifnrii ii'nn imiiiuii mmm mm: Zettlfitid Ar San l-rnnclsco. OF SHARHIIOLDI-RS f.'i.lllMI.OIIII 1,11(1(1,(1(10 J.l'i.III ;iii(),(ioO' 1.71S,7lt2 I'luilii' Vuml tivt-t iwi nly-twi) y i'n nr. INI ll IN on u i: in uu: woki.d. GENERAL AGENTS. Sim Prntblsx'O. Cnl. -;f0RICINM. OUCESHRJHllVE Rndorod Tarywhsr aa taa best and most dalicloiia Baota In (lis Wurlil (or Masts. Oania. and Uraviss.