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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1901)
I I , vv t I ... . I Hooks, l'$, Mncazliiai. .1c , invito fccTrbi r;;:i Tho y vv,thoul p Mu.,sioi, Any MWBIICUBMBriSSflCIAnOff; I 'I I w lo liable to prosecution. 0 VOL. I.lll ASTOKIA, OKECOX, THIKSDAY, MAY M, 1901. NO. 12ft Ml The Cheapest Yet A SIX HOLE STEEL RANGE FOR ECUPSE HARDWARE CO. Plumbers and Steamfltters Diamond IN GREAT VARIETY Bats, Balls, Masks, Pads, Gloves And everything eko in Unit lino to make the boys happy. If you do not ploy hall we can show yoa un elegant line of FISHING LINES. FLIES. REELS. BASKETS, ETC. GRIFFIN BOILJED Smoked BcIh All KImcIb of ChccBO Prcsh FrultH Everything That's Good See what we have before purchasing It will pay you Foard & Stokes Co. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AMD CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Fanners and Loggers. A. V. ALJLBN. Tenth and Commercial Streets We Rent New X L. .--'i 245 Stark St., '- F W. M'KKCIINIE. 1 m-cl Apent. C. J. TRE1SCHARD, Commission, Brokerage, Insurance and Sniping. 0.00 Outfits AND AT ALL PRICES & REED HAM REPUTATION REPRESENTS PUBLIC OPINION Reputation represent, public opinion. How to get In your favor. Make & first-claw, ti llable article like the Char ter Oak Stove and Range. Evry Charter Oak It ffuar nnteed. For sale In Astoria only by W.J.SCULLY. 431 Bond St.. Between Ninth and Tenth. Typewriters. Many new improvements added. See our latest No. 2 Smith Premier Typewriter New Art Catalogue Free . . . M. ALEXANDER t CO. Count Dealer. Portland, Ore, Custom Hour. Broker. ASTORIA, ORE Atwt W. F. A Co and Pacific Kxptom Co i. LAST DAY OF THE 1I0MEWARDJTRIP President and Parly Will Arrive in Capitol at 7:30 Today. ACROSS HIS NATIVE STATE Tr.l. Slop Tcoly Mloulci n Ciiloi aid Old i.4 Helibbon (ircel the Pretidcit - Mn. McKloley Steadily Impr.vlof. PITTSBURG. IVnn., When tlii- pnl!nt ml their tr1 nrrm tln.-nt upon arrival May inl th- at party Injfton tomorow morning-, they will have b-n gone thlny-twc day. and will hive travi-l-d approximately M73 mllm. TV lant day of the homeward Journey wa a ride thtt prenldcnr na tive utiu... (Kilo. (ny four .!.,. wire made, the longent at Canton. H.-re the tmln rt-m.iiiif (1 twenty minute, to gve Mm. MiKlnlt-y an opportunity to h-r hIh(.t and niece. The present's old frlin In un.) neighbor who were at th train were overjoyed to learn that Mm. McKlnley' Improvement had con tinued nlulv but nteullly. Many stations along the line vf the road throuKh Ohio were dororated. At Lima, the ch l children were given a holiday to ennlt them lo v the president. Mr. McKlnley had a very comfort able day. It had Iwn raining In Ohio for several div and there wan no dust or heat. The train arrived at Pittsburg at 7:35 l. m and left for WaKhlngton tlilrty minute later. It Ik due to reach Wahlniuon at 7:30 tomorrow morn InK MAY NOT UK VALID. (nrrn!,in n Inland of Palawan Conilirt With SiKumer Amend ment. Mav WAHHINdTON. May 29.-An Import ant Iwue tourhln the validity of the eo-u eimlona In the Philippine mude be fore the paHnajte of the Hpooner inn iiilmt tit. wan prewntcd to Secretary Hoot today by Mr. Dim Pawin. repre entln the Paolflc Commercial Com pany, a New York corporation which ban acquired whatever right. In the Inland of Palaw uj were held by Prince Ponlatow.kl. Thin nobleman contracted with the ultan of Sulu for a franchise coverlnit all commercial, mineral and agricultur al rights In the Inland of Palawan. Tne quentlon pnnented now Is wheth er thin concennlon Ih .till In force nlnce the paxaage of the Spooner aniendment. MAY CALL 8PI0CIAL SESSION. Blunder of Laat Legislature Laid fore Governor ftogere. Be. SEATTLE. May I9.-Proe.vutln At torney Fulton, of thl county, today laid before Owernor Itotrer. the facta re warding the blunder of the last legisla ture In amending the present law re gardlng the carylng out of csixltal pun ishment without adding- a saving- clause. It I thought possible that Governor Boirera may call a ppeolaJ mslon of the leglRlature for the purpose of cor reeling tne error nefore the law goes Into effect June 14th. AFPAIItS IN SPAIN. MADRID, May 29.-Cmral Weyler. minister of war, at a banquet at Leon yesterday evenlnj? described the plans for army reorganization. Ho saJd It I pr.pos?d to establish three army corps cnpable of repelling any Invas ion without reoiurse to extraordinary expenditures. There will be maneuvers of the troops twice each year. The Correspondence says: "Plfferon.-e exist among- the ministers on the subjects, of elections and the economic situation, but there Is no cab inet erlHls." I'OLO MATCHES ARRANGED. NEW YORK. May 29.-A cablegram has been received by James R. Keene from his son, Fox-hall P. Keene. who ls travelling abroad, announcing that the' latter has practically completed ar- Summer Wash (Em We can MAINTAIN our claim to having the best, newest and prettiest in the city at RIGHT PRICES BHANAHAN'S ratiK-'iH-ritu fur thi- propoHi"! interna tlonil doIo mat. hf iH-twei-n iilck'f 1 teanm of Orcni. lirltaln and Am'-rlitt The cofit'-Ht will probably b-- tlayej late In July at MurliriKham. The tro phy will ) th' cui won two Hfifvm uk at Ni-wprwi by the KnglL-h teaTnu. HTANKoitli fNIVKItHITV. I'rnl lent Jordan'd Ad lr-(( Jleffr. Tenth Annual OnnmerM-i'ment. tbe HTANKf Jill) CNIVKIlXITY, Calif.. May 2!). At the tenth annual com mencement of the unlveTHlty today a notable fi-aturw wa the addn-ni of Pre. David Htarr Jordan. It had an add ed nlgnM.- mce owljig to the cntro verny over the qutln of "Academic Kn-edom." which ha rat"d In the unl vemlty the (iiutt i'hol year. The ub Ject of Preitldent Jordan1 addre wa L-land Htanforvl' vleiw on 'Higher tMchr, Mr. Stanford aid. "Mr. Stanford would have the unl v.THlty free to gr.iw with the commit ag-. He wojld extend no dead hand from the gravf? to limit It. activities or to control it movement. Mr. Htan fard ln:Kted a the vital prltwlple, that the university exlM for the tjeneflt of It tud"!it. pant. Ireent and future. The greatent nn-d of the iudent I a teacher. Mr. Stanford .aid: "Comparvd with the character of th faculty, every other element In the unl veralty I of relatively little Importance, fireat teacher make a unlverHty great. The founder lwlieve,i that freMim f thought and actl m would promote mor ality anJ rellg-lon." Hl'NTINO A NPXJItO FIEND. Citizen, of Florida. With Dogs, Engage In the Sport. ATLANTA. Ga.. May 29 A special to the Journal from Tampa, Fla., sa- Business of Barlow, Fia., . partially susnended today, 1000 men, with dogs, being engaged In a hunt for Fred Roch- ell, a negro who 1 charged with .suiting and murdering- Mr. Itoea Tag gvrt, of Barloy, yesterday. Rochell, It Is alleged, cut off Mrs. Taggert'. n.e and otherwise mutilated her body. The people of Birlaw openly avow that they will burn Hochell at the stake In the public square of the town. It ! believed Oowrnir Jennings will or der out the mllltla to protect the ne gro's life If he Is captured. THE CrLPBIT CAPTURED. Burnfil at the Stake at the Scene of His Crime. BARLOW. Fla.. May 29. Fred Roch ell. a negro '.5 years of aire, who yes terday criminally asoiulted and mur dered Mr. Rosa Taggart, a respevta ble white woman of this city, was burned at the stake this evening In the presence of a throng of people. The burning was on the scene of the negro's crime, within 100 yards of the principal thoroughfare of the city. NEWS FROM ALASKA. The State Brings 1100.000 in Bullion- Scarlet Fever Aboard. PORT TOWN SEND, Wash., May 29. The steamer State of California ar rive dfrom Alaaka today bringing- fifty passenger, and 1100,000 in bullion. A case of scarlet fever was found aboard and the vessel was sent to quar antine for fumigation. The State brings news that the Yukon river I. gradually rising- and at all points preparations are being made for an unusually high water. WON ORATORICAL CONTEST. WALLA WALLA. May 29-Arthur Hauerhach, of Whitman college, tonight won the oratorical championship of three states, Oregon, Washington and Idaho, by defeating Ehvood Minvhln, of Pacific college. Newberg, Oregon, W. T. Laube, who was to have repre sented the University of Washington, did not appear. Hauerb&ch took as his subject "Twilight of the Revolution," and Mlnchln spoke on "Wendell Phil lips, the Agitator." CONFEDERATE VETERANS. MEMPHIS. May 29. R. B. Haughton. of St. Louis, was elected commander- in-chief of the Confederate Sons of Veterans today. DEATHS FROM THE PLAGUE. LONDAN, May 29. During- the week ending May 23, there occurred In Hong Kong 1S7 deaths from bubonic Blague. OS REPORTS OF STRIKE ARE FAVORABLE President 0'Connell Satisfied With Outlook for Machinists. MANY N. Y. FIRMS GIVE IN Oic Hu.dred aid Thirty Hive Already On.led Mea'i Dtmiods-Association De cide t. Try Oticnl Strike T.rorOHt Coiitry. TORONTO. Ont., May 29 "Report from all parts of tbe United State, are favorible those from the Pacific coast are better than I expected," said Presi dent O'Cannell, of the International Machinists' Association today. "Already 130 firms In New York City have granted the men's demands and the remaln ler, It Is expected, will fall Into line soon." President O'Connel denies the report that he has the power to order out the railway machinists. Only by the request of a three-fourths majority of all the men can a strVe b ordered. GENERAL STRIKE TO BE TRIED CHICAGO, May W-All negotiation, for a settlement by arbitration of the difference, between the National Metal Trade. Association. aJJd tbe Interna tioa al Association of Machinists, were call ed off tonight and a general Strike throughout the country will be tried. LITTLE BUSINESS DONE. DENVER, May 29-Uttle was done by the conventions of the Western Fed eratlon of Miner, and the Western La bor Union today. The forenoon session wa chiefly de voted to addresses and reports, and in the afternoon the delegate, met Jointly to listen to an address by George H. Maxwell on the Irrigation and reclama tion of arid lands. REVIEW OF GRAIN EXPORTS." Annual Report Submitted at Meeting- 0f New York Produce Exchange. .NEW YORK. May 29.-In his levitw of the year, submitted at the annual meeting of the New York Produce Ex change, President Barrow. n discuss ing trade conditions, .ays that special Interests on the floor have shared In the general prosperity of the country, but that the IndlvMval business of the ex change at large is not In a satisfactory condition. In the export of wheat, he continues. New York sh-ws a loss of four per cent as compared with last year. Boston gaining three per cent; Philadelphia three per cent and New port News two per cent, while Balti more, New Orleans and Galveston show losses of four per cent, one per cent and two per cent respectively. la corn, New York shows a gain of three oer cent. Philadelphia three pr cent and New Orleans one per cent. while Boston, Baltimore. Newport News and Galveston show losses of one per cent, on per cent, three per cent and two per cent respectively, thus with the exception of Philadelphia, which seems to have enjoyed unusual advant ages aa to rail rates, the tosses and gains have been about equal in the ag gregate of grain exports. In the total value of all exports this city show, a loss of 1.70 per cent; Baltimore 1.17 per cent and the Virginia ports 0.69 per cent: while Bo3ton shows a gain of 0.9S per cent; Philadelphia 0.11 per cent; New Orleans 2.22 per cent and Galves ton 0.25 per cent. RATE REDUCTION GRANTED. BOISE. Ida., May 29. Secretary Ma- hon, of vhe International Mining Con gress, which meets here July 23, 24 and 5, has received a letter from the chair man of the Western Passenger Associa tion, at Chicago, announcing that the lines have agreed on a rate of one rare, plus J2, for the round trip for the occasion. THE KEARSARGE ASSIGNED. Will Fire Salute Today Over Grant's Tomb at Riverside Drive. NEW YORK. May 29-The battle ship Kearsarge has been assigned to me me saiuie on u-rant s tomb at Riverside drive tomorrow. She will then go to Newport to be presented at the opining of the naval war college on June 3. All the work In putting the new 13-lnch gun In the forward turret has been completed. The gunboat Newport will leave for Newport today with four Spanish 12 centlmeter guns which Dewey captured at Manila. They were taken from the Tsla de Cuba and tbe Don Juan de Au stria and were brought to Brooklyn on the training chip Buffalo. They are to be mounted as trophies at the training station at Newport A commission of naval officer, ha just visited the Erie Basin and lnepect- ed the army transport Rawlins to see If she will be of any wrvlce to the navy. The Rawlins wa formerly the naval cruiser Resolute. The torp'do boat Bailey which : on the way In the Brooklyn navy yard will lie launched today. The total weight of the Bailey, Including the crew. Is 340 toni. She is 2o5 fet In length, 19 ftft beam, six feet mtan draught 235 ton displacement and 314 tons gross. The trial of speed was made on April 25 tinder the supervision of the fol lowing officers: Rear-Admiral Robley D. Evans; Com mander C. R. Roelker; Lieutenant Com mander T. S. Rogers; Naval Constructor J. J. Lock wood and Captain Miller. CHARLES YERKBS' SCHEMES. Plan. Perfected to Furnish London With Rapid Transit Power. NEW YORK. May 29. A dispatch to the World from London says: Charles T. Yerkia has Just' returned from a brief holiday to resume work upon his schemes to furnish London with rapid transit. Possibly Mr. Yerkes' was reticent when een. but he au thorized this statement: "Mr. Yerkes' principal plan is to change the Metropolitan District Rail way's motive power from steam to elec tricity. At present the tunnel Is dark and filled with from the loco motives. Mr. Yerkes will change all this. "Hi plan, are prepared for the erec tion of an electric station on the Thame, at Chelsea to supply the power. The walls of the tunnel will be painted white an! arc lamps will be placed at regular Interval, and the odor, will be banished. While he was away on hi. Visit to America, Mr. Yerkes organized the Metropolitan District Electric Trac tion Company with a capital .tock of S5.000.000, all of which wa. taken by himself and hi. friends. "He baa oth?r extensive echernea in view. The meeting of the itockholdeT. of the Metropolitan District Company to pass on Mr. Yerkes' schemes is fixed for June I. a Mr. Yerkes and hi. friends now holl a controlling Interest la the stock, a transfer will be effected at once." OUR POLICY APPROVED. London Post Laud. American Admin lstratlon In Cuba. NEW YORK. May 29.-A dispatch to the Tribune from London says: The Post draws the attention of Eng Ilshmen to the anual report of the mil itary governor of Havana and renarkB on the surprising measure of success that has been attained by the Amerl tan administration In a stint period. The experience of Havana during the first year and a half of American u pervislon proves, says the Post, that government under th authority of an American executive would be lncom parably better than anything that Spain had been able to give and than any thing that the Cubans could create for themselves. LUTHERANS IN SESSION. DES MOINES, la.. May 29. About 200 delegates to the fortieth convention of the general synod of the Evangel leal Lutheran church, were In attend ance at the opening session this even ing. CONSCRIPTION REJECTED. STOCKHOLM. May 29.-Aftenbladt learns that a Russian council of minis ters has rejected the proposal for con- scrlDtion in Finland adopted by M. Kuropatkin, the Russian minister of war. PREDICTS PROSPERITY. HAVANA. May 29. La Discuslon says the country generally approves the acceptance of the Piatt amendment and predicts the beginning of an era of prosperity. ARRIVES AT DAWSON. VANCOUVER, B. C, May 29.-The steamer Islander, from Skagway. brings news that the steamer Sealan dlan had "arrived at Dawson, the first boat down the river. DESTRUCTIVE WINDSTORM. REDDING, Cal., May 29.-A wind storm, which swept over the northern portion of Trinity county Saturday destroyed timber estimated to be worth a million dollars. The storm lasted but five minutes. EUROPEAN GOLD SHIPMENTS. NEW YORK. May 29. The engage ments of gold for shipment to Europe today amounted to J3.950.000. WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND, May 29. Wheat, Walla Walla, 5960. SAN FRANCISCO, May 29.-Wheat. December, 103X; cash, 97. CHICAGO. May 29. Wheat. July, opening, 73T4073H; closing. 73Kt?73. LTVERPAOL, May Wheat, July, 6a, 11X1. WAS NO HATCH FOR JfGOVERN Herrera Is Put Out Early In thi Fifth Round. THE END CAME QUICKLY Believed McQivers Could Have Elded Batill SMier tat Allowed HI Aiti(ilit t. SUrFMrR...dRatfll.f Preliminary Bout. SAN FRANCISCO, May 29.-Terry " McGovern had an easy victory over Aurealla Herrera tonight at the Me chanics' pavilion. Terry had the am bitious aspirant for championship hon ore. at his mercy and from a disinter ested standpoint it looked a. If be al lowed Herrera to stay four round, and then put him out early In the fifth. While McGovern rained blow, on hi. man at all times, it was not until the beginning of th. fifth that he put hla strength and weight bchlnJ them. Th end came quickly after that, aa at the first lead of right and left on the Jaw, Herrera went down for the count He came up gamely only to go down again. Tne last time he was unable to ge on bis feet at tbe end of the coantj and was declared out ' The preliminary between Danny Dougherty and Kid McFadden, wa a rattling contest The men fought from start to finish, and tbe decision went to Dougherty on his cleverness. PEGREES CONFERRED, 8 CATTLE, May .-&enty-eren-degreea were conferred and diploma, presented to the 1901 graduate, of the state university today. The baccal aureate address was delivered by Con gressman W. L. Jones and Governor Rogers made the address to tbe clasa BEGINS ITS SESSIONS. PITTSBURG, May 29.-The. general synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of America began its .ess Ion this afternoon, with over 200 delegate, present. Every section of the United States and Canada Is represented. Rer. D. C. Martin, of Pittsburg, was elected moderator. ACQUITTED OF MURDER. LONDON, Ky., May 29.-The case against Jule Webb, charged with killing C. Hall, both members of Gtrard-White feud In Clay county, but on opposite sides, was given to the Jury this even ing. After being out Ave minute, the Jury brought in a verdict of acquit tal. - - ' h. TRIAL OF MAJOR DAVIS. MANILA. May 29. Lieutenant Town- lev, in hi. testimony today, admitted that he asked a contracting firm to contribute to Captain Reed (formerly depot commissary at Manila) 12000 and a percentage on the future business toward covering Major Davis shortage. The defense la that the motive was purely to shield a brother officer. OFFICERS TO BB PROMOTED, , WASHINGTON. May 29.-ecretaxy Root has decided that all second lieu tenants of cavalry, who were such on February 20th last, and all second lieu tenants of Infantry who were such at the date of organization of the volun teer army In 1900, shall be at once pro moted to the rank of first lieutenant. NEW OIL DISCOVERY. NEW ORLEANS. May 29.-An oil gusher of mighty proportions was brought In today, according to a special to the Daily State, on the Terre Bonne plantation, forty miles from New Or leans. Excitement runs high. , ANNUAL CONVENTION OPENED. MINNEAPOLIS, May 29-The Na tional Woman Suffrage Association opened the thirty-third annual conven tion today. APPOINTED WEATHER OBSERVER WASHINGTON, May 29.-Chas. C. Garrett, of Boise, Ida., has been ap pointed observer In the weather bureau service with a station at Spokane, Washington, RE-ELECTED COMMANDER. MEMPHIS, Term., Miy 29. Csncrzi John B. Gordon was re-elected com mander-in-chief by the United Confed erate Veteran, today. BASTBALL SCORES. PORTLAND, Seattle. 1 May 29 Portland ; SPOKANE. May JJ.-Cpokaae. I; T. coma, 5. 'I