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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1901)
THE MORXING ASTOKIAX, SATt'KDAY, JANUARY 26. 1901. 1 gaily Slotartau. JOHN T. LIGHTER, Hdltor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OF Sl'HSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by mall, per year $600 sDt by mail, per month &0 sVrved by carrier, per month W 8KMI-WEEKLY. Sent by mall, per year, In advance. $2.00 Postage free to subscribers. Atl communications Intended for pub lication should be directed to the editor. Business communicationi of all kinds and remittances must be addressed to "The Aaorta8 ". The Aatorlan guaranteed to Ua ad vertisers the largest circulation of any ewspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertising; rate can be had on ep ilation to the business manager. might be stopped by the newspapers refusing to publish the details, San Francisco Post. la It true that our government la ptvirlng a rivet of flying varshlp In anticipation of the conquest of Mara? Kansas City Star. Unto hlui that hath shall b- given." A New York millionaire ht'M the ticket w hit h on the Sioux City man-Ion in a ratlle. Omaha Bee, Tho faithful corrvpndent who are ktvpwg track of Mr. R.vwevelt's hunt ing exploits will Kx'k after the mountain I vln'. Chicago Tribune. The missionaries In China ?elm to favor Indemnity and punitive xp d. lions ratlur than pent on earth ami gi.vl Mill to nun. St. Tail! lobe. It is gvneral!y understood that the In ventor of the folding who died yesterday at th age of 7' never slept In one. Kansas City World. Probably, haIng forbidden the R.r to wear khaki. Kitchener will lue a i";:nlfeto ugaln.t the veldt wearing Khaki color. Sc. Paul Dispatch. Th- attorney-general cf North Caro lina is only ii years ) 1. but probably has bad tinxe to lern enough of law for that At-. Minneapolis Times. Hurty-thfe state legislature are in t -5ion this month. It 1" a (treat time MRS. NATION AS A REFORMER. The Tacoma Evening News Is noth ing If not illogical. Thursday's issue contains an editorial under the head. "Reverence for the Law of the Land." In which the evil effects of the disre gard of the Kansas prohibitory laws by those sworn to execute them are skillfully portrayed. The Nws fy: "Respect for law because It is the law is a primary requisite of good tit- j izenship. and Its prevalence In a com-j irrunity In an absolute s.-ential t- c-l eessful self-government Chil dren v-bo are born and r?arfd in a town f ,r ir,VrnUng nw legislative cures for ' or city where the law is held In open defiance are unfortunately environed. Woe to the commufJty whew there Is no reverence for the fundamental law!" Ic these statements the News will have the sympathy of every well-balanced American. Tne law rout be re spected. Without such respect there is no safety to life or property and justice ceaaest to exist After so pre-eminently sound a defense of respect for law, the News goes on to defend the lawlessness of Mr Nation in the following lan guage: "Mrs. Carrie Nation, as it appears to us, mv prove a mwt potent reformer for Kansas. Let her wield the battle axe with all the vigor that she may. If, as we suspect they will, the saloon keeper clone their doors in terror at her approach, and the sheriff and po lice find themselves powerless to with- human ills. Albany Argus, he will not lightly let it slip." anj adds: "I knew of others whose wives and daughters hanged themselves to tre.a or di owned themselves In garden wells In older to esvape a much worse lot. Chinos. women honestly believed that no more terrible fate could overtake them than to fall alive Into the hands of the Europeans and Christians. And It I to be feared that they were riht. Hii. Uhlsm nnJ Confucianism have their martyrs to chastity, whose heroic fiats no tnartyMitgy will over record. Some of the' obscure but 'right-minded girls and women hurled themselves Into the river, ant! finding only three feet of wnti r there ept their hea ls under the uif-e until di-aih had set hi sinl on the sacrifice of ttv-lr .If'1. This freniy was latching. It .ine!lmes spread like wildfire, and tho miliiary j auth.Mitl.--i felt b und to suppress it by fre." I trliaps s-'tne pep!e who have heard that suictuc Is ccimnoi! in I'hlna may asenbe th.-sv cases wholly to a mania J rother than to a virtu-'. Tluit would be a pleasant way of satisfying the Chris tian conscience. Rut unfortunately for the theory chastity Is one of the first of the Chinese as well as of the Chris tian virtues, and the dogs of foldler. the offscourings of the eurth, I-sp-Yted it not at all. In the freniy of lust and savagery women were violated so that death foil weO Immediately, or they were violated and then bayoneted to death. . Several specific instances are gien of the latter practice. Rut this Is only one phase of a crlm- I ality that reach' d to cvory limit of hu- BESTOF EVERYTHING In a won! this tells of tha Passenger 8ttIc via ?he NorlhwBslcrn line.. Kight Trains Ially between St, Paul and Chicago, comprising The I-atest Pullman Sleepers, Peerless linlng Cars, Library and Observation Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cars, The th Century Train Runs Kvery Day of tha Year. The Finest Train in the World Electric lighted Stein Mtttd THE RAl'OKIt STATK KXPRWS. the Hnest Pally Train Running Hetween St. I'sul and Chicago, via the Short Line. Connections, from the West made via ' The NORTHERN PACIFIC. I C.KF.AT NORTHERN and CANADIAN PACIFIC R'YS. This Is also the REST LINE between Omaha, St. Paul and Minneapolis. All agents sell tickets via The Northwestern Line V. II. MEAD. H. L. SISLER, General Agnt. Trav. Agent. :S Alder Street. Portland. Oregon. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA ' RIVER RAILROAD. Uor. PtiKTLlND. ArH l:OtVt.tnMrtlanl Union rpotltl:l0 ani. i 0p,in.!for Astoria and lntr-:W pan. lineaiate potnta I " f ASTORIA. I 7.45am.For Portland 'ln-U:Wa.m. ( 10 p in ItermMiale polnta J10 w p.m. BKARIDB DIVISION. Il:a. m. & M) . in : ) m a . m 1 ) . in. ASTORIA SEASIDE' T Hi a in i W p. m II Ul U. 11 Ma m 7 Ml p. m Stin-Uy uiu) All trains maka close connections at Ooblv with all Northern Pacific trains to and from th FUst or Sound notnta. J. l MAYO, Oen'I Fr't and Pasa. Agent ffTlll.i mar A familiar name for the Chicago, known Railway The Pat Crowe epidemic Is declining. " baseness. Then women and chil- N!' L'mo "h"?''1'1 S-naJU-ox Is reported throughout the rtrn Wore shl own In simrt. there was 1 running the "lioneer Limited" tra na country twice as often a Pat is th-se wanton murder and heartless cruelty days. Duluth News Tribune. I everywhere. And this not among the Boxers, but among a poor, plodding, A young Ohio man named Buiiard industrious people who shudder at the dragged his mother from h r bed the Ver- idea of war. For the sake of Jus other night and beat her. He was Hv-jtiMt decency and h mesty. and In the ing up to his name Buffalo Express. Websu-r Davis has settled down in Kansas City. And Kansas City says the preceding Is entirely without prov ocation. New York Mail and Express. hoe that public sentiment will be af fected as It should be, we strongly ad vise our readers to buy or borrow the Contemporary Review for January and t all the facts at first hand. Mr. Bryan will pr-.-Ubly get two get, CURES THUB COLDAND STOPS of printed forms forrejected manuscript. , Laxative Bronio Quinine Tableta cure every day and night between St. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train In the world." Understand: Connections ar made with all transcontinental lines, aecurln to passengers the best tervlce known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam hei, of a verity equaled by no oth. S-ee that your ticket read via "The Milwaukee" when going to any point in the United States or Canada. All ticket agents aell them. For ra'.'-s. pamphleta or other Infor mation, nddress. J. W. CASEY. C. J. EDDY. Trav. Pnsa. Agt. Gen. Agt.. Portias-1 Oregon. Portland. Ore. WHITE COLLAR LIN I Sir HERCULES takes the place of R.ll EV OATZERT tTe.-ph.Cie Dock) Colun-bia River and Puget Soun-1 NaT- Igatlon C.tmpany. The Hercules leaves Astoria dally except fun!ay at T p. m. leaves Portland daily except 8un day at a. m. White Collar Line tickets. O. R. A N. tickets and Ilwaco Ry A Nav, Com puny tlikets interchangeable on Her cu'.es and ILissalo. Through Port land connection with steamer Nahcotta from llwaoo and Iong Reach points. Teh-phone No. lit. A. J. TAYLOR. Astoria Agent. K. W. CRICHTON. P.-UanJ Agent 0 O rTi oMrriiMd DKI'ART TIMH Crtrt)LLI'j Kroiu lorllsnU. Chl.-nx S.dt Lake, tVufrr. Ft I'ortlsiiil w orth.Omalia. Kiim- lpei'll Uy, Si j)iil, J l.s a. m i'HK-( i au.l but Astui 4 p. ui At'iulic p. ni. SiNktne Vlyer, 6 p. m one to be especially used should Orover Cleveland send In a communication.--Chicago Record. Tbe ret-sc.n whj China says she will a cold in one day. No cure, no pay. Price 15 cents. stand her and the constitution, the law ;one day she won.t ,ne nxt aJ ub wUl be enforced, and Its enforcement maJ. 4ue lo the faot tha, a woman u will hasten its repeal, and its repeal will pave the way to high lic-ne and proper regulation of the liquor traffic, and Kansas wii cease attempting the Impossible, the constitution and laws as amended will command respect and obedience; and out of the chaos of law lessness, civic degeneracy, riot and dis order will spring obedience to law. or der, peace and good government. This is a consummation devoutly to b wished. Mrs. Nation de serves a pension for Inaugurating a crusade which will force Kansas to an amendment of lur constitution al the sensible regulation of the liquor traffic." i The pension .vhich Mrs. Nation de serves and will receive, If there b ai.y justice ir the courts of Kansas, is free board and lodging at the state's expense. fit anted that her criminal course may call the attention of the state to the non-enforcement of Its laws and hence aid in '.he repeal of the statutes which the? News deems ob jectionable or bring about their en forcement, the fact remains that Mrs. Nation haj given the country' an exhi bition of unbridled lawlessness, which Is already bearing fruit In other states than hr wn and which will counter act the Rood effect of all the appeals for respectful submission to law which the well-wishers of oidTly adminis tration of Justice may make for months to come. The prop.-riy rih-s of a suloonkeep -r. as well as of anyone else, must be respected ,f we are to remain a free nation In theJjj.-ist snse of the conducting that side of the negotiations. Chlcag-j Times-Herald. WHITK BRUTES AND MARTYRED CHINESE WOMEN. If you must have family broils keen them in the kitchen, where they belong. I IF BANNER SALVE doesn't cure your piles, your money will be returned. It is the moat heal Ing medicine. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Chicago Times-Herald. It is far more honorable to black hoots than it Is to blacken a character. Save doctors' bills by giving Foley's Honey and Tar to infants and children At a time when we are premised a j In time to prevent pneumonia or croup book which shail tenhowth.w, HAS ZS. DrugS the legations at Pekin w-r-- taught the J use of the pitoI that th-y might ! A perusal of Proverbs w ill convince , . , I in. on any man that he is on the wrong mit suid.)- to save th-rr.seiv ra..-k and needs fixing. the Rg-rs it is wen to pause tip-.n ' another st-ry ..f the actual s-:f- i-stru..- whites:' Tntartlly' e'e Fole. tion of p.ior Chin.-s, -.v. .men h . t..k I rk,jn '-ure. it does what you claim will do, and there la nothing eaual I to it. and I thank you for the good lit has done me." Accept no substitute. (.'HAS. ROGERS, Druggist. this method tu escape fr--rii wh.t- ruf fians and beasts. To b.- sure, the sub ject is a revolting .ne, but if there is such a thing as right public s-ntiment j Sorrow begets confidence, and con- in Christendom it ought to b stlrr-d by eossioin woman. ' A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people are contemplating a trip, whether on business or pleasure, they naturally want the beat service obtainable as far as speed, comfort and safety is concerned. Employes of tha WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES are paid to serve the public and our train are operated so as to make close con nections with diverging - lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palace Sleeping and Chair Cars on through trains. Dlr ing car service unexcelled. Meals served a la carte. In order to obtain the first-class ser vice, ask the ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will make direct connections at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any further Information call jn any ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C. POND. Gen. Pass. A:'t.. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wis. General Agent. THE CHICAGO A NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. slt l.ko, Denver. Ft (iortli, Onmlia. Ku City, ni l.iulv' t hlriufiiand Kl J W.lla Walla. l.-ttunJ Mpokaiir, Mtr.'ieapnl lis, pi. l'ui, ouiullt Mtiwukw, tilci ml Kan. From Astoria j OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All Balling Itla lubi Jwl to rttang. For nmi Frmuctco Hlb SI S l t III Columli Hirer Hlemni . Ri ulll e" to rortland n KiSunaay Wty Luii.u. ' Oregon fll, Ntwbvrgj Nalcin A Wip-Uud s. , From Portland 4 JO d. m 7a.m. Wlllamtt and Yarn 1 SO p m. Tuoa.Tbar hlllUlvcrs Mo'i.,Wt sad tel. orerm City, Iyun A ud W ay ln4iPipi , Klparla dly 3 45 a. m. Saaks Rlvtr. Hlparla to Uwiloo L Iitwlstn v.ou ia daily dam Wlllam.lU UU.f ! , w m Tue.. Thui Portland t CorvaliU M on . Wed Saturday , aiid Way loditiKi ; Friday O. W. LOUNSBERRY. W. H. HURLBURT. ATt. AstorU. Gen. Pass. Ag't. Portland. Or.. POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Fast Time AND SUPERB SERVICE I lCTO WE HAVE 2-DaiIyFastTrains-2 TO I III- CAST If you cannot take tha mornlnr train travrl via the evening train. Roth ara niu-iy ciulpped. OUR SPECIALTIES' FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PI'I.LMAN PALACE SLEEPERS Pl'LLMAN TuttltlST HLEEPER8 PlTLLM AN IMNEI18. LIHIURY (CAFE) CAR FREK RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hour In time saved to Omaha, Cblcntjo. Kansas Citw St. Louis, New Yurk, Itostno, And umcr catcrn l olnts Tickets good via Salt Lake City and i'1-nvrr. It la to your Interest to una THE OTKRLANP LIMITED. Tickets and slirplng-car bertha can be aerured from G. W. LDUNSUERRY. Agent O. R. A N. Co.. Astoria, Or.. OR J. II. LOTH HOP. General Agent. 13S Third PL. Portland, Or. Oregon Short Line Railroad THE DIRECT ROUTE. Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite route, via the union I'Bclflc Fast Mall Line, or the Rio Grande Hemic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIMB. 1 J Days t' Suit Lake. 2J Days to Donvvr 3J Days to Cliicno. 4 1 Days to NVr, York. FrM mcllnlng chalra, uphotatarad tourist airrping cars, and Pullman pal ace slnrs, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to C. O. TERRY, W. E. COM AN. Trav. Paaa. Act., 0n. Agent, U4 inira bi i-ortiana. or. Or O. W. LOUNSBERRY. Agent O. R. A N. NnTK'E OF HALE. word, it matters not whether the sa loonkeeper be a law-breaker or not. That is for the courts to decide. The id": tlint evil leeli are legitimate us n m-ans of bringing about good ends has ben long since abandoned by the conai ientlous and law-abiding. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. A momentous question: Shall we go to the planets or Bhall the planets come to us? La Fayette (Ind.) Call. The thorouijhness with which the Duke of Veragua has retired to private life amounts almost to tragedy. Wash ington Star. Mr. Clark sincerely trusts that his present election to the United States senate will stay elected. Anaconda Standard. Further resignations from Stanford the r-cital and It ought to make iu-if heard. Can it do othr'A .- when it ; compelled to realize that every horror which was pictured in the lying ac counts of an imaginary massacre t foreigners in the Chinese capita! was surpassed by the crimes of the foreign soldiery? We have had Intimation of these atro cities and brief mention of them in neu,aper reports, and now to the- are add-d accusation upon accusation in an article written for one of the b-ft and ncist responsible of British periodicals, the ( ontemporary Review. The writer, hr. K. J. Dillon, accompanied the in vadinir erj edition, noted the path of ruin and d-i-ol-'ition which it left b hiod, i'. wanton cruelty and hideous excesses, and tells the tale of the ad vance of civiHzati' n in 'lie Orient un-d'-r the sj-.tirical title, "The ''hineue Wolf ami the European Lamb.'' rh -r.' is such drenlful abun-Janc- of lnat'-iial in his story ihat w- an -ive no t.nor,- than an illustration here and th.-i-e, and we shall avoid the m,s.t cifkcnlnsr and distressing details. The general situation as regards the treat ment of v.orn-.n und their resort to suicide may be gb-aned from a passage which begins by -aying: "Surely one needs not to be puritanical or hysteri cal to condemn the whole-ale ravish ing, sometimes to death, of terrified fe males between the ages of 6 and 60 by clod-hopping, brutish soldiers who misrepresent alike Christianity and civ ilization." The author then goes on to particularize as to one case of the kind, says of the surviving father and hus band thst ' If he ever gets a chance of wreaking vengeance upon the foreigners orj. s!Ii UXURIOUS 1 RAVEL T, La grippe coughs often continue for mouths and sometimes lead to fatal results after the patient Is supposed to have passed th danger point. Foley' Honey and Tar affords positive pro- . J1 r"ty rrom tnese coughs. The "Northwestern Limited" train. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. electric lighted throughout, both inside , . . . ,, '.. . , and out, and steam heated, are with- .Man s deeds shall live after him, es- ,0ut exception. th flnesi tram in fh. pecially if they are for valuable prop- j w.rld. They embody the latest, newest rty. LINGERING LA GRIPPE COUGH. G. Vacher, 157 Osgood St., Chicago, says: "My wife had a very severe case of la grippe, and it left her with a very bad cough. She tried a bottle f F-iley's Ucney and Tar and it gave Im mediate relief. A 50 cent bottle cured her cough entirely." Price 25c and 50c. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist, Tlu rrian who sees double doesn't get ar-y more for his money than any one else. TRIED FIVE DOCTORS. Mrs. Frances L. Sales, of Missouri Val.-y. Ia., writes: "I had severe kid ney trouble for years, had :rl?d five doctors without benefit, but three bot-tl-s of Foley's Kidney Cure cured me. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. .io ne people are so stingy that they would split a Roston cra-kT in giving Weight. AFTER LA GRIPPE WHAT? T'sually a racking cough and a gener al feeling of weakness. Foley's Honey and Tar Is guaranteed to cure the "grippe cough" and make you strong and well. CHAS. ROGERS. Druggist. Until a man has been married two or three yarn, when he talks politics hig wife always Jocks at him like she won dered w-hy people didn't mob the house and take him away to be president. Chapped hands, cracked lips and roughness of the skin cured quickly by Banner Salve, the moat healing ointment In the world. CHAS. ROG ERS, Druggist. Many a man has given himself the credit of discovering a good thing that was In reality the result of an accident. and best Ideaa for comfort, convenience and luxury ever offered the traveling puDiic, ana altogether are the most complete and splendid production of tha car builders' art. These Splendid Traina Connect With The Great Northern The Northern Pacific and The Canadian Pacific AT ST. PAUL FOR CHICAGO and the HAST. No extra charge for theae superior accommodations and all classes of tick ets are available for passage on the ramous ".Northwestern Limited." All trains on this line are protected by the Interlocking Rlock System. W. H. MEAD, H. L. SISLER, General Agent. Traveling Ag't. Portland, Ore. O.0CZN4SMASXlU-!l i i i Leave 7 ..TO p.m 5:30 a.rJ Depot, Fifth and I Streets. Overland Expresa Traina for Salem, Roseburg. Ash land, Sacramento, Ogden. San Fran claco, Mojave. Lot Angelea. El Paao, New Orleana and the Eaat. THE LOUVRE Strangers visiting in tne city will find the Lonvre an attractive resort wherein to spend tbe evening. The Amme Histors Ladies' Orchestra is still on the bills and presents nightly a musical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms are a feature in connection with the house. Palatable lunches will be served at nil nonra H.F.Prael Transfer Co Telephone 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Goods Shipped to Our Car Will Recelr 6 peel a) Attention. No. KM Duana St, W. J. COOK. Mir Astoria. Or. i Ret. TeL 11XL At Woodburn (dally except Sun day), morning train connects with tram for Mt, An gel. Sllverton, Brownsville, Springfield. and Natron, and even ing train for Mt. Angel and Silver-ton. I!":30a.m Corvallls nasaen- H:50 Sheridan passen ger. Dally. Vrn 115:60 p.m l8:25a.m inlly except Sunday. Arrive :15 a m 7:00 p.m n tn i ounty ourt In and for Jack son County, or-gon. In th- matter of the stati! of TlHubl-uH W. Parr-lay, IVceu"l. Nt if 1 hereby glwn that under und by virtue of an order of mu. made by tlw Hon. (.'ounty Court of Jackson "ounty, orvgon. dut'd January 7th, and recorded In volume i: of the probata records of said county, on page V: I will on and after March 1st, IW1, priK.-ed to 'll at prlviilf ra: for cash, lots 24 and 4H In block 8. of tlv town of Fluvei fVntt-r, ('Inisop 'ounty, Oregon, and the 8. E. of M-ctlon 10, In twp. 6 N. of range 2K W of W. M. In Wibl Clatjiop County. OKRTRl'DE RAIK'iaV. Administratrix of estatv of Thuddt-ua W. Rarrlay, I)ec-ased, Anlilnn.t. ure. K. l. HR1GGS. Ally. Ashland, Ore, Rebate tickets on sals between Port land. Sacramento and San Francisco. rates $17 first class and $11 second class. Including sleeper. RateB an,j trkeU ,0 Eastern polnta and Europe. Also Japan. China. Hono lulu and Australia. Can be obtained JmA.H- Klrkfnd. Ticket Agent. 134 Third Street. YAMHILL DIVISION. Pasenger depot foot of Jeffenon 8t. Lave for Oswego daily at 7:20 a. m; 11:30, 1:55, 2:25, 6:15, 6:25. 8:06, 11:30 p. n. and 9 a. m. on Sunday only. Arrive at Portland dally at 8:5 :30. 10.J0 a. m.: 1:25 :1S i-an n 7:40, 10:00 n. m: 12:40 a. m. danv r- cept Monday; 8:30 and W:06 a. m. on sunoays only. Leave for Dallas dali day, at 4:20 p. m. Arrive at Portland at 9:30 a. m. Passenger train leaves Daiiaa fo Alrlee Mondays. Wedneadava anil Vrt. daya at 2:45 p. m. Returns Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdaya, -except Bunaay. R. KOEHLER, Manager. C. U. MARKHAVf. Oen. Frt. and Paa, Agt. Astoria. Ore.. Deo. 26, 1900. SHERIFF'S BALE. By vlrtua of an execution and or der of aale Issued out of tha circuit court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clatsop, on the 2(th day of December, 1900, upon a Judgment and decree rendered therein on lh 21at nay of December, 1900, In favor of Thomas Dolg, plaintiff, and axalnst E. '.. Kergusin, Sal Get and Chung Get, ma wire, ana tne ciatsop mim Com pany, defendants, for the sum of $1027.7S, together with Interest there on at th" rate of 10 per cent per an num from the 21st day of December, l'oo, the costs and dlshursemi-nta of this action taxed at $20.20, and the cat or ana upoi this writ command Ing and requiring me to make sale of the Pillowing described real property, to-wlt: All of the east thirty-five acres of lot No. 2 and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-four (24), in township eight north of range ten (10). west of the Willamette meridian, In Clatsop Coun ty, Oregon, that la to say, all of said lot two (2), and fald forty acre legal subdivision adjoining the same on the south that Ilea east of a line drawn through said subdivision parallel with the east line thereof, such a distance west of such east line thereof, na to incliid thirty-five acres of land of said subdivision, between the east line thereof and the lines run through the same; also all of lot numbered five (5), In block numbered thirty-three (23), In that part of the City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure, all being lp the County of Clatsop, Htate of Oregon, together with the tene ments, hereditaments and appurten ances thereunto belonging or In any wise appertaining. Notice Is hereby given that I Will on Monday, the 4th day of February, 1901. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon of said day, in front of Rr.d at the court house door, '.n the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, sell the above-described real property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the Judgment, Interest, costs and all accruing coats. THOMAS LINVILLE Sheriff of Clatsop County. V NOT1CR FOn IHDS, Illds will ha received by tha onunty eominlMloiiera' court of Clatsop County, Oregon, until Monday, February 4th. 1901, at 1 o'clock p, in., fr ra-bulldlng tha WalluuM draw-bridge, Plana and Kclrlcaloii ran hit aeon at tha court house, lllili must Imi In compliance with auction 4141 of the laws of Ore gon, and a ib-posit r certified check by ouch bidder of ten pr cnt of tha amount of the bid must K-coiiipa.ny the same, The right to rrjrct any and all bhla Is hereby rearrved. Uy order uf Ilia County f'ntiimlaa4on c-rs' Court. II. J. WHKRITr. County llerlc. Astoria. Ore., Jan. IS, 1901. NOTICE FOR PtlRLlCATION. Ciillmt Slates Land Ottlcr, Vantouvr, Waoli., Nov. U, 1900: Notice u hrwby Blvm that In own pllaniv with Ilia pnivUilona of tha axH of of Jui t, ntitioa "An act for tho sitio of Umber lands In the stall's 'of California, Orvgon, Novada and Washington Tcrrllory,'' as ritnd. c. to all tho public land tt by act of August 4, WW, ikorgt. A. Weid, of Portland, county of Multnomah, atate of urrgoii, ha tlia tiny filed In this otlliHi hla sworn statement No. !u97, for tiki purchase of tha lots t and I. and K liulf of .NV iiuartrr of amnion No. 10, In toaimhlp No. 10 N. range No. I W., V, M. and will offer proof 1 1 show that (ho land souk lit Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural puri'ics. and to rtabllsh his claim to Mid land Ix-foro th.? register ami ra-t-Mver f this oiflco at Vniiouvar. W'unh, on Wi-diusday, tho Uth day of Frtiiuury, 1'JOl. Ilt imitws us wltnesaca: Itcrnard Hint, of Knaipoti. Washington; llien Prock. of Na'l. WtmlilnKtuii; Alfred J. liray. of Knapptoii, Waahligton; William Mathrral. of ICimppton, Wash ington, Any and all claiming adverw ly the ittiove-jrK ribf.1 lands ar re ijueslcd to file their i Inline In this office on or U-.ire auld Uth day of KVb ruiuy, IM. W. R. DL'NUAR. Register. NOTICE Foil PL'IILICATION. Drpartn.t-ni of the Interior. Ind Office at Oregon City, Orrgon, Dcocin ber 1J, lwo. Notice la Iwrrby glvon that th ful lowing. named ttirr has filed notice of hla Intention to make final proof In sup port of his claim, and that said proof will be iiinda before the county cWk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, oo Fibiuary 8. I'sul, vis: ALllKRT HCHOENEDECK, H. E. No. 9H7. for the B'- of NWtt. and NW14 of HV,. 8oc 14. T. I N.. K He rames the following witness to prove hla continuous raaiden,- uun and cultivation of said land, vis: V. H. Ct-ffey. of Astoria, Oregon; Pet er Olson, of Sveusoii, Un-gon; August Schoenebeck. of Bvenson. Oregon; Wm. HchocneU-tk, of Hvrnson. Orrgwi. CHAS. II. MCM1IIK6, Register. NOTICE FOR Pl'llLICATlON. Lnlted States Land Office, Oregoa City Oregon. Nov. IJ, J00; Notice Is hereby slven thai In pliance with the provisions of tha act l corgrt-sa of June I. 1171, entitled An act for the anie of timber lands In the states of California. OtYgon. Ne vada and Washington Terrlli.rv . extended to all Ihc Public IuiJ HtatM by act of August 4, 1H91, Mrs Mary Glasrr. of ulney, County of (.1at.n. m 1'1',,,, I"" thla day filed In this oitlce hT sworn statenimt No. for the purchase of the HE quar ter of section No, . n township No, I N. range No. 7 W, and wllj offer proof to ahow that tho land eought la more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, and to rs- lublll.lie.1 her ( InlTII lo lnl.l lun.l the Register and Receiver of this of lice at Oregon City, Oregon, on Friday, the 15th day of February. 1J0I. Hhe r.amea aa wlir.eaara: Hahaatlan fJlaarr. Wllllain W. Pope. Mary LVmck. ApiMilicnla Johnson, all of Olm-y oiat P County. Oregon. Any and all pereotie claiming adverse ly the above-described lands km r. iues(Hl to file their clalma In thla of. flee on or before mid 15th day of Feb. ruary. IKM. CHA8. II. MtKiRMfl. Reglater. NOTICE FOR PCUIJCATION. United States Ind Olfice, Oregon City Orvgon. !,.,,. 8nl yMA. " Notice Is hereby siven tlmi in pliance with the provisions of the act of congr.-a of June J. 17. entitle "An t for the sole of timber land. In fh. !I,0."w,"fllnilf,'r"1' 0r,"n. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extend ed to ail the public land state by act of August 4. 1892. John K. Logaa, of oinry, county of Clateop, atabi of Ore gon, has this day filed In thla Olnoe his sworn statement No. 6327 for the purchase- ,4 the Ms 11, II. il Md 14. of aecilon No. IS. In township No. N range N. 7 W .j w, offJ. pf0ot show that the land aought la more vaj uuble fur Its timber and ! th.f. agricultural purposes, and to establish emim to said land before, the reg ister and receiver of this offlc at rw. gon City, Oreiron. nn ik. iKik day of February, 1900. " ne names na witnesses: Babauan .Iiumt William W. Pope, Mary LVnck. ippollonla Johnson, all of Olnew rial. sl- eminty. Oregon. Any ami all persons claiming adverse, y the above-described lands are re luealed to file their clnlma In thla nfflM on or before said 15th day of Febru "y. IMI- CHAS. II. MOORES, .- ' Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Slates Ind Ofllce, Oregon Ity, Oregon, November 12, 1900: Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of congress of Juno 3. 1878, entitled. An iict for the sale of timber lands In the stat -s of California, Oregon. Ne vmlii and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Publlo lAtid States iy net of August 4, 1892. Ogden A. Hall, of No. zr,o Morrison street, Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has tliih day filed In this office his worn statement No. D318, for the pur chisii of the NE quarter of section 14 In township No. 6 N, range No. 9 W, and will offer proof to ahow that tlu land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Re tlvor of this office at Oregon-City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 7th day of February, 1901. H names as witnesses. John Fin ley, of Astoria, Oregon; John Chltwood of Astoria. Oregon; Herman Alherw, of PuHh, Oregon: George McFaxland. of Olney, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands ara re quested to file their clalma In this of fice on or before aald 7th dar of Fe-hni. try. 1901. CHAB. B. MOORES. Register. 0