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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1900)
THE XORS1.N0 ASTO&Ui,. HUM,, PtTEMBEH 14, UUU JOHN T. LIGHTER, Editor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILT. Sent by mall, per year J4 M Kent by mall, per month SO BtvmJ by carrier, per month M PEMI-WEEKLT. Sent by mail, per rear. In advance, $100 Pottage free to subscriber. A!) communications Intended for pub- Bratlon should, be directed to the editor. Business communications cf ail kind and remittance must be addressed to "itse Astorian." The Aitorian guarantees to H ad vertisers -the largest circulation cf any aevipaper published on the Columbia fiver. Advertising rate can be had on p bratlon to the business manager. RIGHT POUCT IGNORED. P.ev. Dr. W. A. P. Martin, president ot the Imperial University at rYktn. la probably better qualified than any other American to Judge what policy the powtr could most wisely adopt In regard to China. Nearly fifty years' residence la China and thorough inoa leJse of the country and the lang uage and custom of it pejpJe make fata viea of great Interest and Import ance. To put an end not only t an;L foreigu uprinings but to Internal dis tensions aa well. Dr. Martin believe that the fallowing awt be accom plished: "L- To undo the mischief done by her. kt the empress doagr be int Into exile, and let :he emperor be restored to hi proper authority, subject to a. concert cf the great power. -1 Let ail the acts of the empreaa dowager, beginning with her coup d'etat and including the appointment of ber partisans, be canceld. except such as are approved by the new administra tion. "1 Let ths emperor's program of re form be resumed and carried out with the sanction of the powers. . "4. Let the powers mark out their sphere of In tt rest and each a representative to control the action of the provincial governments within its sphere." The Astorian has constantly main tained and still maintains that the course prescribed In the first cf Dr. Martin's recommendation is essential to a just and conclusive settlement of the whole Chinese problem. The ac ceptance of anything less than the deg radation and exile of the empress do ager, Indisputably proven to have be- n deeply involved la (if not at the bot tom of) the Boxer movement, will be not only a deep disgrace to the pow ers, and the thwarting of justice, but will prove a constant menace to white residents and interests in the Celestial kingdom. If the work of the powers is not properly done now the result must be that it will have to be done ver again ihrtly. with increased ex penditure of blood and trajuie. So long as the regal assassin of our countrymen and the would-be as sassin of the representatives of the powers continues to receive the obs-ri- rcrpect of that por,lln f 'he Chinese natln not already our secret or open enmHMs. The restoration of the unlaw fully dethroned Kang Hsu. h!c should have been accomplished by the powers at the time the finpmi do a Wf tisurrel the thnn. Is the dret lh of the better classes of the Chi nes people. Had he been in power the Roxer uprising would have been crush ed In us Infant y. If not by his lore alone ly thoe which he would hare railed to his aid. A rv-lv rul1 in every sens of the word, he would have placed and lll yet place, if rin stated a Dr. Martin propose. China In the forefront of European nation and uur nation aoulj have reaped the greatest benWIt from l!s advancement. The reform party of China, whic party the allies propose ti lienor and from whom the course being aJp'.e estrange us. is strong numeric!'? and t:II stronger in purpose, it alms to adopt the same measure for China which have placed Japan among the civilized nations of the world. Yet In the fa:- of their own Interests the pow ers propose to thwart these Uu table design a rouVh as is In their power by permitting the empress dowager to resume the rein of authority and con inue government not onJy retrogres sive but anti-f.-eign in spirit and pol icy. Ther is wisdom In the policy of Dr. Martin and by Just so much as the powers fall short of carrying it out by so much will they fail to satisfy Justice work to the best interests ot China and promote friendly and profitable rel tion between the Occident and Orient HANDS OFF CUBA. This seemeth Incredible unm mai anow not the principle; that the mind of mau is more cheered and re freshed by profiting In small things ....... aiauuius mi a stay in great. HMO WORTH OF GOOD. A. H. Th urn ess at Will. Out r i Co., Euftalo. O.. writ: -I have been fl'Jcted with kldn-or and bladder troub le ror years, passing gravel or stones with excruciating pain. Other medi cines only gave relief. Aftw taking Foley's Kidney Cur the result wasi.iir. president Mr. Wellman tells ! Prising. A few doses started the brick just, line nne stone, etc., and now I have no pain across my kidneys, and I feel like a new man. Foley's Kidney Cure did me $1000 worth f good." Take no substitute. CHAS. ROGERS Druggist. sances of our ambassador it is diffi cult to see bow the nations not In volved in the controversy can look up tm us with respect. Neither America nor any other of the powers In terested can afford to allow the world to believe for a mcment that we do not protect our citizens abroad nor In case of Imperial treachery and out rage strike at the fountain head of the Iniquity. In the course now being adopted by the allies we lose the friendship and mm iLASS of Baldwin's Celery Soda ears a headsets at one. It Is a plus sat, sparkling. efferrenosoi drink that aotslnmodiately. It cleans and pur.fijM tii stonuch, gently qnlata tb nerve sad riiTs ail psju. It ears alak and sereon headsehe, sftsrickneis and mn- FRANK HART. EucceMor to Th. Olsen. (00-2 Com. St. Chicago Time -Herald. If pnif were needed of the- truth of the views of the late Senator Davis a to th misjudgment of American popu lar opinion in Washington. It would be fTorded In Mr. Wellraan's report of the cabinet discussion of the Cuban situa tin in yesterday's Times-Herald. In the earnest conversation which Mr. Cleveland had with the rate Senator Davis in th winter of 1S the latter said "Washington is very far re mTiil from the heart of the V nited States, sd it is the mistake many men make who go There that they fall into the habit cf thinking that the United State are made and held together by Washington. They get away from the IndividuaL" Never was there clearer Instance of Washington!, e, th governing ele ments at Washington getting away from the heart and will of the American peopi than In !t attitude toward Cu ba. At thi very moment when a Cuban convention is In the throe of formu lating a constitution and form of Inde pendent government In conformity with the unconditional pledge of congress and th us that: '"Cuba as a limited republic, as a de pendent y of the United States, a Cuba independent within but an American state in all relations with the outer world, v as the subject of discussion at the cabinet today." It is almost impossible to conceive of a discussion of such absolutely Incon gruous, conflicting; and Intolerable re lations between the United States and I Cuba outside of bedlam or Washing ton. The hop? and aspirations of the Cuban patriots forbid It. The solemn and often rsitented pledge of the Unit ed States forbids It. )t us recall what that pledge was In the exar t terms In which it received the signature of President McKinley: "Resolved, By she senate and house of representatives in congress assem bled: "L That the people of the isl and of Cuba are and of right ought to be free and Ind3pendent. "2. That It is the luty of the United States to demand, and the government of the Unite! States does hereby de mand, that the government of Spain at once relinquish its authority and gov ernment In the island of Cuba and with draw its land and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban waters. That the president of the United States be and he h'reby Is directed and empowered to use the entire land and raval forces of the United States, and to call into actual service of the United States the militia of the several states to such an extent as may be necessary to carry thess resolutions Into efTeet. "4. That the United States hereby disclaims any dinpo-iitlon or Intention o exercise sovereignty. Jurisdiction or control over said inland except for the pacification therjof, and aiwerts its de termination when that Is accomplished to leave the government and control of the Island to its people." Thl resolution was adopted by the senate yeas, 42; nays, 3 and by the houe yeas, 310; nays. . In the face cf this, hat right nr col- craMe excuse can th cabinet find for discusition Involvlrg th sllfhtent tntrr Irnrnc whatsoever In th prnce of th creation of republic hy th people, of th prwpl and for th propl of Cuba? tthat has the cabinet to do with suoh contradictory prr. wit ions as "limit's! republic." "a depenoem-y of the United Spates," ' Cuba lnjetndnt within'' but a d 'p-nncy without In short, hat authority or x-u haa th cabi net for mdl!ing with uh at all now thi pactfkatt n Is coxnrM tcpt to get out and leave th government and c ntrwj of th Island to th popi-r The Time Herald make u cone al meiit of its be!t'f in th wisJoni. justice and .tcsj'y of thj ultimate annexa t on of Cuba to th United Stat-. It a oipojt.rl ti ;he war with Spa n un til c!rvum.tant renJervM that war un- voidable It MH" any recognition cf the lndTnd-nce of Cub and con- demne-1 th pWir of th re'utlos as almost Incredible folly. Kut Tr?m th hour that th vord an honor of th United State wer pled d to th InJepvndenc of Cub ;hl paper has Insists that that promise was sacr?vl an! lnxlolabl national cb ligatl ta. Washington may forget !t or seek to evad It. But th peopl of th Unit.M Stat? remember It and will demand It fulfillment to th letter. inir Jl duty now is to get out of Cub and lt Cubans try th expert iirui ui eii-govrmmeni. w are pledged to this effect, and w will hold bands off until they succeed or in th chaos of rar hatr4 and Ignorant ra parity, which seems probabl. humanity again summons the United State to In terfere and re-establish peace with or der undr the Star and Stripe. In th meantime Washington should tTr to rn In touch with "tho heart of th United States" of which the late Senator Davis spoke. I-ooks will sneak nlln hn .,r.i . " iura Diancn. TO CtBC A COlU IX ONE OiT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. AH druggists refund th money -f it ran to cure, F. W. Grove's slmatur u on each box. 7Zc ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. LT PORTLAND. Art-iv I Mam. ltl.nd Union Drpotlll li fm. .vwp.m. to Asior.a and inter- M p.n. . :mjw.i point a, I I AiTORlA. I f 4J am-tror Portland A U-til , itpB trrmdiat points HO Mp r DIVISION .. ASTORIA SEASIDE ? 11 i'4 W All trains tnak cl connections at Gobi wnh ail North Paclfto trains to and from th Eaat or Sound point, J. C. MA TO. Gn1 Fr't and Pass. AgvnL It is a miserable rr nf mi.i t ie tning to desire and many things to fear, nd yet that commonly is the "se oi mags. co' a. ecugn or 1 rrlBD ran K nipped in the bud" with a. jnu tmW IV1 of Foley Honey and Tar. Beware of rut. Th difficulties in princes 'business are many and great: but the greatest illrflculty is often In their own mind. WHITE COLLAR UNI Cotun b River and Purrt Sound Nav lgation Company. The Kercul.-s leave Astora dally excrpt Sunday 11 7 p. m. Leave Portland daily except Sun day t 7 a. m. White Collar Un tickets, O, R. A N. tickets and Ilwaco Ky at Nav. Com pane tlikets Interv hang'-abl on Her cu!rs and Hasxalo. Through Irt' land AMinectk'n w ith steamer Nahrott from liwaco and Long Beach point. Teljhon No. HL A. J. TAT LOR. Astoria Agent, E. W. CRICHTON. Portland ArtnL A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When peopi are contemplating a trip, whether on tttiines or pieasur, they naturally want tb best aervlc obtalnabu a far a pd. comfort and safety is concerned. Employe of th WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINtS r paid to serve the public and our train aw operated so a to make close con- net t Ions with diverging lines at all Junction points. Pullman Palaoe SleDlnr and Chair Cars on through train. Dirlng car service unexcelled. Meals served a I cart. In order to obtain th flrst-clasa ser vice, ask th ticket agent to sell you ticKet over The Wisconsin Central Lines and you will mak direct connection at Sl Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points East. For any f-mher Information caJl jn any ticket agent, or correspond with JAS. C, POND Gen. Pas. Ag't.. or JAS. A. CLOCK. Milwaukee. Wi. General ArL THE CHICAGO A NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY. ASSESSMENT NOTICE Franklin Avenut from list to last Claim Llo of J, M. blvlvty D. U C. Nolle I hdvby aHven that th aaarssment tuad by Ordliiaho No. of the city of Act.!, Orgvn, ntltld "An oldlnanr conflrmlng tcll ttirnt roll No, sj r th mprovmnt of FtAtiklln aveuu from th rant lln of 51sl stntH to th e lln of the J. M. hhivrlv donation land claim" approvtd Novrmhvr Uth. Ixotf, will b du and p)bl In UnliH Htale gold Culn at th oltVe of th dty lraaurr on Dcmbr 70. Iw0. and If not so paid at ald lim the oomrn n oHincil will order warrant Issued fur th collection of the sam. Th Meint j follows: ADAIR. MART R II 17 10 00 17 (0 SO 00 MOO ((I 1 A familiar name for the Chleaa-o. Milwaukee A St. Paul Railway, known all over th Union as the Great Railway running tn -fioneer Limited" trains every cay and night between St. Paul and Chlrafo, and Omaha and Chicago. "The only perfect train in the world " Understand: Connections ar made with all transcontinental line, securing to passenger the best service known. Luxurious coaches, electric light, steam h.ti. of a, verity eo'ialrd hv nn nth Hi. htt that your ticket reads via. Tha Milwaukee" when rolnr to anv noint In the United States or Canada. All ti.-Ket ager.ts sell thetn. For rat-. pamphleU or other lnfor mation. sddrfss. J. W. CASET. C. J. EDDT. Trav. Pis. Agt.. Oen. Art.. Poniard. Oregon. Portland. Ore. The person who disturbed the con gregation last Sunday by coughing, is requested to call on Charles Rogers and get a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. It always gives relief. Prir.ce are like to heavenly bodies, which cause good or evil times, and which have much veneration, and no rest. Cold and cough cure are numerous, but the one that leads all others in merit, is Foley's Honey and Tar, which is in great demand thee days. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Th? wlest princes need not think It any uminuuon to tneir greatness or derogation to their .lufflclency to rely upon counsel. FOR PNEUMONIA. Dr. C. J. Bishop. Agnew. Mich., says: "I have used Foley's Honey and Tar tn three very severe cases of pneumonia with good results In every case." There Is nothing so good. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Th counsellor Solomon hath pro nounced that in counsel is stability. FOR HOARSENESS. BenJ. Ingerson, of Hutton. Ind., says he had not spoken a word above a whisper for months, and one bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar restored his voice. It ts used largely by speakers and singers. Take no substitute CHAS ROGERS, Druggist. Thlntrs will have thHr first or second agitation; if they be not tossed upon the arguments of counsel, they will be tossed upon the waves of fortune and be full of Inconstancy, doing and undo ing, like tha reeling of a drunken man. THE BEST SALVE IN THE WORLD Is Banner Salve. It Is made from a prescription by a widely known skin specialist and positively Is the most healing salve for pile, burns, scalds, ulcers, running sores and all skin dis eflses. There !s nothng so good. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist. Oregon Short Line Railroad THE DIRECT ROUTE. Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Points Gives choice of two favorite route, via the Union Pacific Fast Mall Line, or tn Kio lirande Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIME. 1 1 Days to Salt Lake. 2J Days to Denver. 3 J Day3 to Chicago. 4 Days to Xer, York. Free reclining chairs, upholstered tourist sleeping cars, and Pullman pal ace sleepers, operated on all trains. For further Information apply to C. O. TERRT. W. E. COMAN. Trav. Tass. Agt, Oen. Agent, 124 Third fit., Portland, Or. Or G. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent O, R. & X, J. A. FASTABEND GENERAL CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER It Is true there be some affairs which require extreme secrecy. Many have Ioat confidence and hop as well as health, because they thought their kidney disease was Incurable. Foley Kidney Cure Is a positive cure for the discouraged and disconsolate. Take no Mhw. CHAS. ROGERS, Druggist, H.F.Prael Transfer Co Tele p bona 22L DRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Good Shipped V) Our Car Will Recelv Bpedal Attention. No. fiS Duan Bt, Astoria. Or. W. J. COOK. VXT Re. Tel. UxL THE LOUVRE Htranueni visiting In tne city will find the Louvre au attractive resort wherein to spend tbe evening. The Am me Misters Lalie' Orchestra ii still on the bills and present nightly a mnsical program of exceptional merit, Handsome pool and billiard rooms are t feature in connection with the house. Palatable Innches will be served at all nonrs Undivided (4 of lot I. block L th I'll v of Astoria aa laid out and roiMH by John M. hivly.... II T5 Undivided of lot . block I, th Ity nf AtHia. a Mid oul and ncrdl by John M. Hhlvily Fractional lot t. block 1W. th City of Astoria, a laid out and recorded by John M. tihlvrly... Fractional ot t. block IM. th City of Astoria, a laid out and reorlel by J.ihn M. Hhlvrly... .....Lot S. block ll. th City of As toria, a laid out and recorded by M. Phlvely ASTOIUA NATIONAL RANK Lot . bio, k M. (he City of As toria, aa laid out and recorded by John M tihlvely .... I' . of lot J. Mm k I. th City of Antorla. a laid out and recorded bv John M. Hhlvrly ....Undo Med V of lot 1 block 1. th City of Aatoila a laid out and recorded by John M. Hhlvely... ....Undivided i of lot i. Mock 1. th City of Astoria, a laid out and retold by John M. Hhlvely ....Undivided I of lot , block I. th city of Astoria a laid out and rrordet by John M. Hhlveiy... r.OYVKUS. MAHLE Undivided S of lt II. block 14. City of Astoria, a laid out and and r.vord'! by John M, Hhlvely ... t-t :. block U. th City of As- lria. a lalil out and receded ty John U. Hhlvely UN mai ir.. - I ndiMdcl H bo. k I, the City of Astoria as laid out and re corded by John M. Hhlvrly .... ...Undivided S of lot fractional l.l.s k 1. the City of Astoria as Uld out and recorded by John M Wilvrly Hit ...Undivided H of lot J. Mwk t. th City of Astoria a laid out and record-M by John M. Hhlvrly ... HOLMES. OUST Undivided 4 of lot 4. Mock I. th City of Astoria, a laid out and recorded by John M. Hhlvrly.... .. Undivided 4 of lot I. blot k I. th t'lty of Astoria, aa laid out and recorded hy John M. Hhlvrly,.. ..Undivided 4 of .k I, bhvk 1. th City of Astoria a laid out and Treorlrd by M. Hhlvrly .. Undivided 4 of lot I block I. th City of Astoria as laid out and n-rordrd by John M. HhlvHy ..Unditldrd 4 of lot 4. bl wk 1. th Ciiy of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John M. Hhlvrly.... ..Undivided t ,4 ot t. block 1. th City of Atora as laid out and recorded by John M. HhlvHy..,. ..UndHlded 4 of lot 1 block 1, th City of AMnrla. aa laid out and riotd'd bv Jihn M. Hhlvrly .... ..I'ndlvhlrd 4 of lot 11. Mork 1). th Ciiy of Astoria, a laid Out .nd rrt-ordril by Jhn M. Hhlvrly ..Unduldrd 4 of lot 1, Mock t th City of Astorlo a laid nut amt recorded by John M. Hhlvrly ... ..Undlvldol 4 of lot I, fractional ol.irk 1, the City of Atrl as laid out an.t reconled by Johrt M. Hhlvrly THE ASTORIA COMPANT Lot 1. blork Hi. the City of As. tori aa laid out and recorded, bv John M. Hhlvrly WELCKER, KATT ADAIR UndlvldiM 4 lot I. Mock 1, th 'lly cf Astoria, aa laid out and recorded by M Hhlvrly.... WELCKER. KATT ADAIR Undlvldrd 4 of lot . bl.wW I, th City of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John M. Hhlvrly.... The following la payable In Installments, the first Installment du Dec. REROMAS. ISAAC I-H W. bhxk 1IJ. th aty of As- tori. laid cut and rjcorded) by John M. Hhlvoly JIM W .lt 10, block 1, the City of As. torU. aa laid out and recorded by John M. Hhlvrly S. bl.x k 14). th City of As. torU. a laid out and recorded by John M. Hhlvrly . I t 4. bloi k 1. the City of As torla a laid nut and recorded by John M. Hhlvrly .Lot 7, block Hi. the City cf As toria a laid nut and mtnled by John M. Hhlvely . I-ot . block HJ. th Ciiy of As torla. a laid out and recorded by John M. Hhlvely It 9. blo-k 149. the City of As toria, a laid out and recorded by John M. ShJvely riy order of the Common Council of th City of Astoria, Oregon. Attest: II. B. NELSOM. Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria, Oregon. .storia. wrrgon, ire. . inn. ' ADAIR. MART R.. A. PACKINO CO. a. iMMnn packino co. ASTORIA NATIONAL RANK It ARK Kit. LAURA ADAIR itAKK KR. LAURA ADAIR l'.KKMI A3d. PETTY ADAIR RRKNIIAM, PETTY ADAIR EAKIN. J. A H AU HOLMES. GUST. JORDAN. MARY ADAIR JORDAN. MART ADAIR LARS EN. AUO. LARSEN. AUO MENDKLL. EIXEN ADAIR MEN DELL, ELLEN ADAIR PETERSON. O. p. HCHOLFIELD. W. T., Si'HOLFIELD, VT. T.. II 7t II 17 (0 00 It 00 71 00 (0 00 II IT 71 00 WOO 1171 II 17 0 00 IS 00 SO 00 II 71 II 17 NOTICE roll I'UIILICATION, United Hiaira I-aml orric. Oregon City, irtnm, Nov. SJ, lfc0: Notice Is hrby given lhal In com pllanr with Ih provisions of th act of ratgrris of Jun I, Hid. rntlilrd "An mi t foW th nl of timber lan. Is In th (4m nf California, Oregon, Nr. vad and Washington Territory,'' a Xtoitdrd 10 l Ihr Public Ind Hll by art of August 4. mi. Mr Mary (llaacr, of olnry, Cuunly of Clatsop, Hiat of Orrgon, has this day fllsd In this oltlc hr sworn slatrmmt. No, tJ.'l, for Ih pttrvha nf th HM qtiar trr of h Hon No, 4, In township No, N, rang No. 1 W, and will offer proof In show that Ih land fought I mors vaiualil for Its Umber or stoo than for ag rK'iillural pur(r. arul to ra. labllnhrd hrr claim to said land bfor th Itrgidrr and Receiver of this of. !n al tiron t liv, Orrgon, on Ktlday, Ihr IMh day of February. i. Hh riaiura as wtlirsse: Habastlan (ilasrr, William W. l'op. Mary Drnck. Appnlh'tl Johnon. all cf Olnry. Oat op County, Oregon, Any and all prrns claiming 4ver. ly the alHive-deeiTibed lan.1 ar r. iiurstrd to fit Ihrlr cUlnv In thl Of ft. on or brfor said Uth day of Frfc. ruary. Iwl. CIIAH, II. MtnitKa. Rea-istrr. NOTICE TO CREDITOR!!, Nolle I hervby given, that the U(l- derslgnrd h been by th county court of the eouniy of Claiaop, tt of Or (on, duty appointed a Iminieinitor of Ih retnte of Ingeinor K. Wmtbostad. deceased, and has duly qualified such .tdmlnlatrator. All prrMia having rlalii'S against th said eatatv ar her, by nodded to prent th am. prop, rrly vrrlflrd. to m at th im of liar. rison Ailm. attorney at law. ivom T, I'ag building, in th city of Aetort. counly itnd stat forr)d. within mt month fn m the 1a'e hereof. Dale) at Astoria. Orewon. NovemMr U. 10, KIMON 8. WKf TMOHTAD. Adrilhlxrator of th ti of In. mor E. Wrsthuatad. doevl. NOTK'K Ft'R I't'llLICATION, United Hiate lni Omi, Vamouvr Wanh., Nov, ii. oo; Nolle I hereby given that In com. pllanr with lh provuilon of the mrl of ixngrreej of Junv J, rntltirj An ait fi the sale of umber LenJe In th state of Ciillf.:rnla, Oregon. Nead4 in Waehlngim Territory." ftl eitrnd. ed to all the public land mate, by a. t of Auguet 4. UJ. Ikorr. A. Weed, of I'ortUnd. county of Multnomah, stale of Otvpin, has thl day filed In this offW hi sworn statement No. j7 th purchase of tho lot 1 and t. 'and K half of NW quarter of e-tloii No to In township No 10 N. rang No, t w' W. M. and will offer proof n show that b" land sought I vaJuabl for It Umber or ston than for agricultural punm, and to rattablUh hi claim to ld land lfMV Ihe register on.t re. celver this ofilc at VmnHiwr Wh. on Wednesday, th IJth day of February. 101. ' He names aa ltnrb-a- rtrm.Kt Rist. of Knappton. Waahlngton; Illen ilr.xk. of Nasel. Waahlnet.m- A)t..t J Oray. of Knaitln v.hin.nn William Matheral. of Knamtnn Inglon. Any and alt prn claiming tdvrrs. ly th abovr-de-nlird ln.1 are r. i nested to nie their claims in this oftlcs on or b-for aM Ulh day of pvt. ruary. l. v, H. DUNRAR Register. JOIIANSEN. N. P. STEPHENSON. JOHN STEf'HENSON, JOHN STEPHENSON. JOHN STEPHENSON. JOHN STEPHENS' iN. Jr:is" ISO 00 SO 00 SO 00 IU 00 170 00 170 00 POSSIBLY You Are Not Aware of the Fait Time AND SUPERB SERVICE m ' ICTO" WE HAVE 2-DaiIyFast Trains-2 TO THE EAST If you cannot take tbe morning train, travel via the evening train. Both ar finely equipped. , "OUR SPECIALTIES" FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS PULLMAN TOURIST SLEEPERS PULLMAN DINERS. LIBRARY (CAFE) CAR FREB RECLINING CHAIR CARS Hours In time saved to Omaha, Chicago. Kansas Cltv, St. Louis, New York, Boston, And Other Eastern I'olnts Tickets good via Bait Lake City and Denver. It I to your Interest to us THE OVERLAND LIMITED. Tickets and sleeping-car berths can be secured from u. vr. lijunsucnni, Agent O. R. A N. Co.. Astoria, Or OR J. H. LOTHROP, . General Agent, 125 Third St, Portland. Or. GO EAST VIA NOTICU TOR I'UIIUCATION. United fltatrs lnd Office. Oregon City. v'r'n, i rev. iri, iov; Not, la hereby given thai In mm. pi lance Mllh Ih provision of Ih. set of congress uf Jun J, l;, ntltlod "An act for th sale of Umber land In th states of California, Oregon, Nava l and Washington Territory." u .t.n,. ed to all th public land state, by att of August 4. iwj, John A. Lgn of Olney, county of Clatsop, state of Or. ..n, nu mi nay nied in this oinc his sworn siateinrnt No. IUI7 fif ,h purchaoe of the loia n. u ii mnA i of section No. 15, In township No. ( N nuig. No. 7 W. and will ofTer proof to show (hat the land sought Is mor val. uabl for Its timber and tn than JgrlcuUuraJ purpoBe, ami to eatabllsh hi claim to said land befor th reg. later and receiver of this om, gon Cltv, Orriron. on Krlduv it., h.k day of February, 1W. i nmnr a wltnnmr: Habaatian lla..r William W. Pope. Mary LVnck" Appollonla Johnson, all of Olncv "P county, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse, ly th abov..drrrlbed land. .r. . quested to nie their claims In this rmc on or M foro said 1.5th dav or .-,.. W. CHAS. II. UonnPfi Register, NOTICE OF MEETING OF ROAItD .V4UALiI2ATION, Notlc Is hereby given, that sn.-l.l assessment roll No. SS for th Improv. m'.nt. ?.f Plr,y-lhth street from a point 1J foe south of th north lln of Duan street to th south lln of Harrison avenue, ha been duly mad by ths board of assmaora nl flln lh auditor and police Judg of th City of Astoria and ihiw FHd. .. Hth day of December, 1900. at tha'hour of Z o'clock p. m of said day. in th Council chambers In the City Hall of kail city, has born fixed aa tk tim Mll 't nlnrn whri. . . w SHURTST AND QUICKEST LINE H ' on S or me i.ommon council, will meet anrt then and there, examine, corn-ct, revlow and equiillso said special kmss St.Paal,DiilDth,Mlnnpapolls,Chlca?o LciiZCd SZStfg" nt n , . r, . luireq to nie the anmo with the audi- and All Points East. tor and police Judg In wrltlnr. , ., H. E. NELSON. Auditor and Polio Judg of the City of Astoria. O tte of first publication, Nov. SO, 1900. NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD utr EQUALIZATION. Notice Is hereby given that sneolnl special ossessmont roll No. S7 for th Improvement of Fifteenth street from th south line of Exchange street to the north Una of Irvine-avenue haa been duly made by th board of as. sossors and filed with the auditor and polios Judg of the City of Astoria and that Friday, the 14th iiav r rw. Tickets to points East via Portland cembcr. 1900. at th hour of i nviir and the Great Northern Ry., on sale p. m. of said day In th Council cham at O. R. N. Ticket Office, Astoria, ber In the City Hall of said eitv h.a Va.iV.... rril. -i - i..... . .. . ... . . . ' ocen iisoq as tne time and place when the board of assoMors and committee TO DAILT TRAINS; FAST TIME: SER- MCK AND BCKNERT UN. EQUALED. Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, uimng ana linnet smoking Library Cars. or Great Northern Ticket Offlc 268 MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, on streets and publle ways of th Com mon Council will meet and then and there, examine, correct, review and equalize said special assessment roll No. 37. All person having objections to tilld assessment am einlr. t n eii. For rates, folders and full inform, the lAfflA With th m tldltms a fist nrill. Hon regarding Eastern trip, call on or Judge In writing. H. E. NELSON address, Auditor and Polic Jodie of th A. B. C. DENNISTON. nf Aston ' City Pass, and Ticket Agent. Portland. Diite of first publication. Nov. SI. 1M.