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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1900)
Til K M0UN1NU AHI'OIltANr WFDNKSLAi. WuVOBKK 21. 1900. SPECIAL SALE FOR THIS WEEK Ladies' fleece-Lined Drawers and Vests 25c QUALITY FOR 20c THE MORNING ASTOniAN TKLd'HOXC (6I. AH contrucU for lulvcrtiaiitK -In Ihs AntoriuM arc inn Jo on u Rtiur. unlet of clrctilntlon four time larKcr tliiin that of nny pit per rtiblUlicJ or circulated in Out nop county. TODAY'B WEATIICR. IHHTI.ANI. Nov. ri-Wriern Or. n, KptxTnlly fair, iirottably colder In the southern Mrtlin. Vrtern WmIi Invinn fulr, nnit xit In rmrih wxuli-rn iMirtlim, warmer Thurmlay. Kaitrrn Oregon and Houlhnrn Idaho, Mrliinl miow, continued cidd. Kt rn Washington and Northern Idaho, kvk.IommI miow, probably warmer on Yhurdv. AROUND TOWN. Mr F. Aitorla. Wolf, of Bun FrancUcO. Ii In Mr. W. II. Wood, of Kt Atorla. It 'rhiuoly III. A. n. 1'owi.r. rliy yesterday. Jamrt Nlflr fort yesterday. of Kim ', wit In lh wa over from Frank- I- A. Mltl-r. f NnlirolU. wa In th city y-.trrdy. F.urops u lowed Th Krriuh bark to ea yesterday. M. J. Klniioy raimj down from Iort land yierday. . The down train wa about IS minute U( lsl evening. Mm. J. Adam, of Knappton, wit In th rlty yesterday. liar clear; rrport: Wind. br. tmraHh. northrt, light; Albert Pawimn. of Warrenton, u In the rlty yrt"rdy. John Fox ha returned from a hort vll to the Hound. M. P. Oall-ndr wa ovr from Kniton verier lay, M. Iioih. th Rainier rniMTyman. w In the cliy yriirrJay. Mr, holt' W. W. MdrhulRh from Portland. hn returned IERT 18-CKNT MEAL; BUN HE8TAUnANT. IUfllNO Ml I.aura K. Fo, of Orayg river, I in Atoria on a visit. TValter Jackson, of Portland, wa at The Occident yesterday. Manager O'NK of tht vlIUng at Oregon City. Occident, I Atrla Kiitfrrty, of HKlnanon, wm In yesterday morning. F. It. Hiokm returned yesterday from a biuine trip to Portland. Hrimior 1. O. It r iltrd at M-irliT, of HrooknVld the Occident. ( ', McDonald, I traveling nan. la In i Hnn Francisco th city. Prat IB-cent meat, ntalng riun tauratit, tl Commercial tlrcet. Ra J. M. Anuria JrfTa tt. A NelUnn, of CaililumM. wa ycdrrUny on buln"s. In retauranl th lrgt trial will cunvino you. and Jnmr Thompson, of Knappton, wa In th city yesterday on buninwa, Mm liort Hnnh Hom ha roturm-d from vlmt with frl-nli In Portland. Iluun WK'ormlck. of Tounr rlvr, wai In th city on iMUinrin yriiprly. Mr. ('. II. Urtln. of McMlnnvllto. I in ih city, vimtina hr aon.'t'. K. Dmn Jamr Hurk and Hartho"m'W llurk- of flililo wrr In th cltv ytrdy J. II, Mlnl.r. of (Wild, waa ral tcrt-d at th Parker llima yiiprday, Ml flitra Wclih ha m to Port land. whr Htm will cornd th wlnttr llobi-rt Olbinn. of th New. Ifft y-t.-rday on a thr.- w-k' :rlp to th Kaat. Thi-r I vrry llttl Improvement In I he i-ondl'lim of A. U Friend at th ho. Pllal. Mr. and Mr. 0orr M. Frmnk. of Hnn Franrlnoi. ar rupft at th Oo cldnt. Mr. W. tl. Mill, of Hay th city. Marlon tntr, and Mi Klla ar vlIUn In tidlp'. Th Occident Barter Bhop make a Dfclnlty of children' fin hair culling-. The chonr W. F. Jeweit nllrd from Han Francluro for Aatorla on Monday. The TirltUh hln Marin Mithtbody wa towed up the river yi-rdy morn- Ina. Hh I In command of t nptuin ordlnrr. a distant relative or riot (.'ordiner. and he h on board a iuih rw of the latter. ZERO PRICES ON Overcoats and Ulsters Will oflVr for this week tho following FIVE CRACKERJACKS Which Are Extraordinary Values Men's Men's Melton Ulsters, Frieze Ulsters, Men's Melton Overcoats, Men s Oxford Grey $ C.40. Good value for 110.00 11.25. Good value for 10.60 10.15. Good value for 12.40. Good value for Boys',Grey& BIk Ulsters, 4.50. Good value for 15.00 18.00 7.00 SPECIAL OFFER Boys' Cape Overcoat, 1 QCS Sizes 5 to io ... . . iPl'OO 25 PER CENT REDUCTION On Men's, Boys and Children's Suits and Overcoats. 20 PER CENT REDUCTION On all other Goods except E. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Rubber and Oil Clothing, Denim Goods Daozigep's Unloading Sale Km nk HhleliK of the Hlandnrd Oil CoitipNiiy, wu In th city yeHierdny on bimlicH. The ItrltUh hlp,Olldimelti'r from Yoktibnina for thl port on No VMi'ber 10. Th'1 Orl'-nliil liner Monniotiihhlr. t-lenred from Holla; Konj fv thl port tin Munduy. C. F. OvcrbnuKh, rn vclitia; fr- lit ngi-nt of the O. It. A N., wa In the city yiBt'Tdny. lvln Johnion. of Eugene, ex-nhi-rlff of !.uno county, wo In th city ye terday on a vltt. Noble i:ilorth. who run th large logging tamp at Num-I, wu In th cliy yraterday on bulne. Mr. J. 0. llutlr xp"ct to leave next Munduy for Han Jo",.'ul., whvre he will upend the wlnt-r. Mr, and Mr. K, P. Noonan left y terday mornlnif for Vancniver, Wnh., for a brl-f vWt with friend. Th Bataarl Holiday goodi. bam bK furniture, I !!' underwear and noll)ni 6K1 Commercial itret. Ml Mabfd Illgm-y, formerly captain of Hi Htilvitllim Army of thl city, la Uniting frbniil In thl cliy for a few day. Cream Pur Ity. mrica'i flnet whUkv. 'f'h.onlv nur Koodi: tr. anti-ed rich and mellow.. JOHN , U CAIlI-FinN. Bolt Agent, " - . 1 he tug wa finally launched t Taroaia on Hunduy. Khe failed to nude off th way In an att-mut to launch her on Haturday. According to report brought by lal A1aka t-nmer. thn Yukon c.Vwd at puwuin NovetnlM-r 1 and travel over the Ice ha aln-ady bgun. The coat Hi-am'r Alliance k-Tt out yi'nlrrday for Hun Franclmo and count point. Iter prlm-lpul cargo con t of lumber for Hn Franclmo. Holyn coal tat lonvr. la cleaner and make l mm trouble with itov and chimney Hue than any other. Oeorge W. Hanboni, agent. Telephone 1311. The tenth annu U mi"tlng of the Ore ipm l!r A'clatlon convened In the cMirunonia of the fulled Htat'H circuit lotirt at 1'iH-tland vt-ierday morning-. Then, Hmcker all cigar and to bacco to th tobacco d'-aler at I'ort land Milling price, In quantlUa to ult th-lr trade. CIS Commercial atreet. Hixty thoux.ind machlnlut will be af fHted by the new Vhour work-day that went Into effect on Monday. In ncccrrtance with the National Trad" AkKxiallon, Of Interest to Ladle. Bend your ad- dre lo Harfamore Co., box 760. Port- land. Ore., and we will mall you dv. erlptlon of an article every woman should poMe. Mayor Bergman yeaterday afternoon rlrned the ordinance iaed by th cciincll atiproprlatlng r.41.J for the bteftt of H. Normlle. for the Improve meni of th crowing on Thirty-eighth tret. Th We: Hhore Mill Company ar prf taring a largB illuminated ign to be ploced on th Tenth atreet aide of their ottic In the Flavel building. The lgn will rrad raectrtclty. Oa. Fuel." and will contain about thre hundred ln- candencent llg'ht. The Ladle' Oulld of Orac rhurch will hav a tea at Mr. Martin Foard residence) on Seventeenth tiet thl afternmm. The ladle will have hand kerchief and other email article for pale. A cordial Invitation I extended to all. W. A. Kuetemeyer'a trial on th charge of th murder of William Lun- ruit, hi tcp.fnther, begun ycetrday morning before Judge Georg. al Port land. Kuetcmeyer' line of defenae will he that the deed wa committed In nlf defer. An exceptionally pleasant occaalon wa the dance riven hiat evening jn Hanthorn'a hall In hrnor of Mr. Law rem- Weatdahl, of the 17. 8. coaat and geodetic urvey tearm-r McArthur. now at Soattl. About twenty-nve couple were present. The German bark Arnold. Captain J'aekeii. which aalled from Victoria ,lnn t, carrying 632.617 feet of lumber for Newcumle, ha been pold aa over due and 10 jx-r cent relnuranc ta being paid on her. Th Arnold I an Iron veae of 82 ton, build In 1888, and nll from , Germany. . 1 Th .nntlnl hntnA vIvmi htf ttin 1 . die of th Preabyterlan church, wH be held Friday evening, November 23. at 7:S0 o'clock. In the bament of th rhurch. Healde the fancy article, there will b tor ale home made cake, Jelllea, pickle, etc. Refrehment will alo be crved durin; the evonlnr. The table of th aalmon pack of Pu get aund that appeared In yeterday' Aftorlan ai.d for which wear Indeblfld to the Seattle Trade Register, wa in correct in one particular that of the pack of George St Barker" cannery. which we are Informed wa K.wo cases tnatead of 13.000. aa stated In the table. The auit of Constable Kelly vs. E. L. Qedde wa trl?d before a Jury In Jus tice . Brower'a court on Monday. The ault wa over certain monies alleged to have been collet-ted by defendant while In plaintiff' employ and not ac counted for In report of day' business. The Jury rendered a verd'et of not trul'ty. Th hoodoo that hoa seemed to b? upen the Robert Dollnr Is evidently slill In force. Late yesterday afternoon, while lylna; at the dock by the Pacific Sheet Metal Work, where she has been diachnridnv n. portion f h r cm-go of co:l. she broke loose and drifted clear einw th, Seaside cannery before an nchor could be dropped overboard and her progress stayed. It could not be learned Inst evening whether the ard ent was caused by her cable parting1 or tho dock giving way. A portion of hr steam pipes were In Portland to be repnlr-'d or replaced and she hnd no steam up, thus having to dopend en tirely upon her anchor. The Dollar was londert with 1500 tons of coal on the Sound for San Francisco and en countered heavy seas and shipped con- slderable water. When off the month of the Columbia ome of her steam pipes had become slightly damaged and It was thought advisable to put in here and take out a portion of her cargo and maks necemary repair. She expected to unlaid about 200 tons of cool, and. It I thouffht had not taken out over half that amount when the accident occurred. Hhe win iron.My be brnurrht bvk to the dock today to finish her work. irajcctsTS EvunrwiiKL PACKAGES 5101 X fAx X MvV? files' vs. ... NOT HAJCDLU Sfinf rirt nn ivrorn rorr Tjfjr iififlK orrntrrnr ooirr tifa& 863 EROAEWAY: Mol Sheriff Llnvllle and Constable went to Portland yesterdny morning to plead In the case for which they wre placed under arnwl about a month aa;". It will be remerrilxTHl they were ar-r-id for taking several sailor off one of tike shli here In the harbor while the shin a a in charge of a V. H. inar. hal. Tliey were admitted to f.'iOO bail tarh, and wefit to the metropolis ye t rilay to arwtwer to the charge. Tho delegate from thli city to the grand Mi- of the United Finnish Brotherhood of lh World at Ban Kran-rlw-o hsv returned. Tbey were Fred Wlckmin; John Tolkk and Charle Ijilty. Two of them Wer-j honored w-lth tho hlgh'-m oltlcea In the organization. Fred Wlckuian wa elected prt-sldent, and John Tolkka secretary. The elec tion f the two will cause all the busni' of the bnitherhod to be transacted here, Frederick H. Klnsey, one of the r gu bir trial Jurf-rs for the November term, and on of the Juror drawn yesterday morning In the Kuetemeyvr murder ruse, al Portland, dk-d suddenly within five minute of taking hi eat In the Jury b(X. Mr. Klnsey seemed to be taken with a fit of ame kind at first, and wa carried hurriedly to the clerk's uillce off Judge George' courtroom, where an attempt wa made to relieve him. It wa unsuccessful, a death fol lowed th? attack. Th Norwegian t.tamhln I'nlverae arrived In port yesterday morning from Hun Franr-lseo. She encountered heavy head wind nearly all of the time dur ing her trip up the rst and took five day In which to reach thl iiort She I a peculiar looking craft, sort of a st-ml-whalebuck. Hhe left up the river at nixm. where she Is under charter to the Oregon & Oriental HH'nmshln Com pany, to load flour for Vludlvostock. Hhe brings a partial cargo from San Francisco for the mine port. Th government transport Seward, the troop ship which served In Alas kan water all last sum-n -r as OeneraJ dispatch boat and recently returned to Seattle, la to be put out of commission luring the coming week and prepared for a general overhaul Ing and pnbably extensive repairs. Or ders to that effect have been received :y Major Ruhlln from the quarter muster general, the intention of the de partment being to retire the Seward until spring, wh-'n -he will be returned to the Alaskan service. Tacoma and the Sound generally has been struck with a bllxxard and Is In the throes of a little Klondike weathe for a change. About eight Inches of now has fallen. Weather Obaenrer Hobb. of that place, issued the w-eath er report for the 14 hour following Saturday as "rain with southerly wind." but there waa a hitch In pro reeding somewhere and the southerly wind foiled to materialize. In fact the winds were northerly with a large N and he doesn't seem to be enjoying the game of "freeze-out.' and has grievance against the bureau for not furnishing weather to ault Its predic tions. .. An Important fact that nearly every one who has anything to ay on th question of granting common nulitf rates to Astoria, seems to overlook. Is that the distances from the wheat re glons and the wheat centers of Walla Walla and Pendleton, to Astoria and to beatuo and Tacoma are almost exact ly the same. This, together with the great advantage to this city of a water level grade all the way, only adds to the enormity of the crime of discrlmlna ting against Astoria. It Is against the natural order of things and it only await the time wh-n the question is thoroughly understocd and fairly Judg ed, when Astortu' will be vindicated In her claims. With the "Uncle Spruceby" Company, which camea to Fisher a opera house next Saturday, is the celebrated Spruceby ' orchestra of twelve solo' lets. This musical organization bat i world-wide reputation and ta under the direction of a talented leader and com poser of note. ' A vt'ry popular program Is rendered between the act. Two Pig bands are carried by this company, and a novel unique parade Is given at noon daily and Include a concert by tne comuinJU nanus, a carload of special scenery and mechanical effects are used. Thirty-five people are In the company, which Is the largest attrac tion ever attempted at popular prices, eeat sale opens Friday morning at urimn Reed's. Cf.i-ctor of t'utoms Fox hes rc-lv-cd notltl-tttlon fnfii th trenry de partmenl. ai Washington that the con tract for bullllng the laun-h for the customs iv-rvlce will not be let on the specification t.n which bids wer- re cently Miihnilttej. It Is utiderMood that spe-iricalloris will b prepared in Waih Ingto't and thcr? Is a porslliilltv that new bids will hav; ti be railed for. New com? from South B-nd to the effect that a verdict waa returned by the Jury In the of dates and Olson ihrad with the murder of '.'aptaln lleeson. of the launch Lenore. The Jury finds Gates guilty of murder In the sec ond d-gree, while Olson is acquitted. The verdict means Imprisonment for life, ft is thought that Gate ivlll ap peal. Mayor Bergman yentcrday Issued a call for a special m-eting of the coun cil to be held this evening. The meet ing Is for the purpose ,f paring a num ber of ordinance providing for the pay ment of several street contracts that have been completed. The meeting is also for the purpose of appointing a police commissioner In th much dis puted va-anry caused by the death of the late W. F. Schelbe. An alarm of (lie calM out No. 1 hone company and the Chemical In short order yesterday aft-rnoon about 1 o'clock. The fire proved to be In the Music Hall on Astor street, run by Charles Wise. The blaze orglnattd from a partially di-f-ctive flue and wa bidding fair to start a conflagra tion, but a few minutes work with the chemical put It out of business. This is th same place from which an alma wa turned In several months ago and It will probably be fixed up In mr substantial shape this time. Beyond a I little damage to the celling and walls by the Chemical and a little scorching of the roof, no damage waa'donc. O. OUFGON. MY DEWEY OREGON. Whence comes the dew. The misty, e-listenimr spray? The southwest winds. That drive King Frost away? They're from beyond The starry firmaments. Where God himself Rules mighty elements. O, OREGON. MY PEWKY OREGON. Where Is the state In Uncle Sam's domain. That beats thine crops Of flowers, fruits and grain, Of harriv men. Of red-cheeekod women fair. Where more balmy Invigorating air? O, OHEQON. MY DEWEY OREGON. Where Is the store. Within thy solid gates. That is a match FOR WIStE'S SWEEP SALE RATES? Who minds the rain? Who doe talks foolish bosh, So long as Wise still has a mackintosh. O. OREGON. MY DEWEY OREGON. Mackintoshes Reduced 25 per cent. HERHAN WISE, THE RELIABLE CLOT HI EH LIFE SAVED BY ELECTRIC LIGHT, An Interesting calculation ha recent ly been made which shows that when the electric light ha entirely dlxp aced gas, oil lamp and canJlea, there will be 1,000 less death annually, these be ing o much more unhealthy than elec tricity. In a like manner there will be far less sickness In tne world, w hen every one learns to check the Inroads of dyspepsia with Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. Constipation, indigestion, bil iousness, fever and ague and malaria are but danger signals proclaiming a diseuaed condition of the stomach. Good digestion Is at the laae of per fect nutrition. The Bitter strengthen the stomach. &nd cures all disorder arising from mal-nutriUon. Every one would do well to try It See that our Private Revenue Stamp cover the neck of tha bottle. RELEASED FROM QUARANTINE. Nine of the 360 quarantined passen ger and crew of 'the City of Seattle, now remain In quarantine at Williams H-ad. Those released Sunday Includ ed Captain W. A. Cornell and thirty nine passenger and thirteen of the crew, sixty-eight of the latter having been released Friday. Of the nine held In quarantine, six are affected with smallpox and thr?e with other diseaa e. Captain Connell and hia officers were given a testimonial by the pas rangers before leaving quarantine for the kind treatment accorded them. FOR GOOD ROADS. A national good roads and irrigation congress la being held In Chicago this week, i The two associations meet la conjunction, the first three days being devoted to road improvement and the last three days to Irrigation. During the present season, road con ventlon have been held in the larger cities of the states throughout the Northwest. The object of the Chica go meeting are similar to those of these conventions, that is. to promote more general interest in the Improvement of the public roads, to discuss the best methods of building and maintaining them, and to promote good roads legis lation In the various states. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Penlntular Land Trust Company to Jacob Jackson lot 13, block 115, Tay lor Astoria: J200. Patrick O'Harra to Joel Kindred- Iota 15. 16. 27, 2S, block , O'Harra'a ad Jltlon taWarrenton; S100. United States to Thoma Mitchell U1.V acres, in section 28, T 4 N. R 9 W; patent, - - , .-. .- - United States to the heirs of Tim D, Mahoney 160 acres in section 35, T N. R 7 W: patent. John D. Muhnney to John E. DuRols 160 acres in section 35. T 4 N, R W: $5. Robert Hill to Ben S. Olscn and John Anderson ti acres in N. A. Eberman donation land claim; )50. Joseph Barbow and wife to wllllam- ette Pulp & Paper Company 116.80 acres In section IS. T N. R 8 W: $37. Fisfrer's Opera House L. B. 8ELIO, Lessee and Manajer. A ttlOliF -IN Sheep's... ...Glothing The Portland merchant will take your money and then turn around and whack Astoria's Harbor every chance he gets. I OFFER Overcoats, Mackintoshes, Hats and Caps, Underwear, Sox, Men's and Boys' Suits, Overshlrts, Ties, Etc. At much less than Portland merchants sell the same quality of goods for. Our Sweep Sale Is the genuine thing It's the talk of the town JUST RECEIVED A Full Line of .STOCKFISH.. Helnzc's Mince Meat. Qneen Olives an! all kinds of Holiday Delicacies FISHER BROTHERS, s'H ASTOKlA, ORE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. SATURDAY, NOV. 24 The Great Xew England Success That funny Old Parmer. . . UNCLE JOSH SPRUCEBY Watch for Bij Parade at Noon Has Made Millions Laugh Superb Band and Orchestra ADMISSION Reserved seaU. 75 eta; Gallery. 50 eta. Advance sale of seats opens Friday morning; at Griiiin & Fefd't KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of which I Bottled beer for Tamlly um or kc Mr. John Kopp la proprietor, makes I beer supplied at any time DeUrny beer for domestic ft&d export trade. tin the city tree. . , . North Pacific Brewerg Fancy arid Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS, " TOBACCO AND CIGARS.... .. Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. A V ALLEN Tenth and Convnerclal Streets BEFORE YOU BUY A PIflflO OH AMW It will pay you to write EILER'S PIANO (TOUSE 0PFICE: 351 Washington St., Portland, Ore. . We are the great profit killers and piano price regulators of the Northwest, and with our special facilities can sell a tine piano or organ tor less money man you can get tnem eisewnere. write today. Catalogues for the asking. Our stock includes the three greatest American pianos the Kim ball, the Chickering and the Weber together with eight other good makes.