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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1900)
TIIK MORNING AHI'ORIAN, 1 8A'J C'Kt A) . OC'COBKK: jm. $2.00 WALKING HATS . J $1.00 ' How .1o wo do it? l'erlini tlio tory wouM iiitcrt'Ht you, nixl ierhnjm wouldn't ; but tlio huU thuniMoIvcM are bouud to. Splal Sile His Week TIIF linnilllir. ACTAmilH IIIL iMUltlllllU rtOIVMrtll TCLCI'HONR 661. All contracts for iidvcrtminK In th Antoi lun uro iiiuJo on a nuur mitca of clrculutlon four times UrRcr tlinn tlmt of nny piipcr publlahed or circulated In Out nop county. TODAY'S WEATHEH. rOltTI.AND. Oct. U-Orton. Wuh and lilnho, poMlbly iliuwer tu- day. AROUND TOWN. D. J. InnnlU. city yirr!uy. of MWvlile, u In lh W. city It. Mill, nt Vd'iuliia, wna In the y-tiruy. liar r-Mirt: VirV nrlbwt: Until; clew; tar, imoolh. John Unit, of (VntruJIu, 1 mkIhIitpJ t the rnrkur 1Ium. W. II. l'rtiryi, if Vancouver, Vfth Wi In the city yn.t rilny. M. K. lnvln nml wife, of t'nlun, ar rriWrrrd at the IKvlilitlt. MIni Kmlirr MiM'nnn lft ymtcrday lor htr liuMta In Mr.Mlnnvllln, Prt 15-cnt mettJ. Jtlilni Run lies tauranl, (12 Coinrtivrciai trtt Own. TtiomiMHtn, of P-ai1c, wa In tht city mi bualnin yrairrtlay. Jfffi miaurantlh Uriwrt and ttt. A trial will convince you. A. P lnnltn and wlf. of Tort Unl, or lunii of Dig Occident. Ml I- rttia Fiumon t.-f t yintrntay on Vllt to frlt-nd In McMlnnvlll. Lotil-flmall black liif. dutiable re ward will I paid on Mum to John HUrk. Tim uti-anirr IV Nurt left out for Kurvka and Han rranriaco yralcrday inornliiK. jurtirr mi. Hmim. or cathioroM. wa In the city yeatenlny, allendlnir to orno IckmI bualneaa. J. N. lUrvy and C. L. Dow. of Iwl and (.'inrke, were In the city jxurvuy on buainem. Hlvrt A. ThainiaMqi, a native of Nor way, wa admitted to rltlsonahlp In county rourt ycaterday. ClllioDHhlu iiarra were laauml out of the county court yeaterday afternoon to Joaef Halnkl, a native of Ituaalu. Jai. Hurkc, of NtH-anlcum, him re turned fnir. lhe Olympl.-a. wtn-re he Went for the imrpoae of huntlnx. Mr. B. N. Arlioml. of "Portland, la vIrIIIiik bi-r dituirliters In thin city, Mra. U J. McVlcar and Mra. M. D. Bla Mr. Iure Whlnki'V Harper, Perfect Whis key llnrjur, Kvery bottle Kunranted llarp.r. Hold by Foard & Stoke Co., Aatorla, Or. The ltrltliih lark Invernena-ahlre, ivhlth left thla port loaded with grain on Mny Int. arrived at Liverpool on October loth. If you are not already a patron of the Occident Hotel barber ahop you will not regret Riving It a trial. Oath In connection. The three hlpa OreallA, Pentheallea and Portia are now about ready to go to ao and will probably art out with in a few (laya. The Htnte of Cnllfornla arrived In at 3 o'clock yeaterxloy afternoon and after dlachnrirtnir her frelnht for thla port, left up the river. Cream Ture Rye. menca'a flneat whlxkv. The nnlv nure gooda; guar anteed rich and mellow. JOHN L. CAULSON. Sole Agent. Bprecklca' new ateamor, the Sierra, nailed from Cramp' yard for Sun Fran cIhco Thurndny. Hii hn coal enough aboard to run her the entire trip. A dnnre will bo given by the Fore tera of America on Wednesday evening Octob. r 31. nt Foard and Stoke' hall. Tickets Tile; Indies with escort free. Conm-enHiiinn Fmnk Cuahman of Waaliingtnn. who tins been renomlnat cd by the rtepulillcnna of that stnte, will deliver a political at Hka inoknwn. on ihe evening of Monday, October 12. HT58T IB-CENT MEAL; BUN RESTAURANT. nisiNa IEECEMT PILLS Small Fills for Big Jilt like j INDIGESTION CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS 10 cents and 2i cents Dmrrlsts. - K!,.S,''t"" " I Th Mlawa Virginia an Flon-nc "rnalmri. ..f nlm,Vl ar In (h city and are attending the high school. Aatorla vlsltora to Portland ran ob tain copies of tha Iiallv Aatnrlan a the news atands of 1). ft. Klch, Fifth and Morrison Uriels and Hotel port land. For Kent Newly furnished rooms, with or without board, In private dwHIIng. Apply Mra. J. A. Hills, for mrly of Heaaiije. at 7 I'Taukiin ave nu, cor. Fifteenth Ht, The Fourth B grade In tl- Hhlvely n Imm Iiiii bn tnt inferred from Miss Foster's room to that of Miss Uurner, to lietter e'liiallse the number of stu dents under each ti-ucher The Frenrh bark Ia Fontaine elrar ed at the custom house yesterday for Uueenslown with Ulftf liuchels of wheat, valued at f 19.2 lo. Hhe crossed out yilerdny afternoon at 1:30, Mrs. Air Hremlier recently received word thut her mother, Mrs. Hnrker, wns s-rlnusly III at her home In Orlll Canada, and h pn-parlng to go to her when she received a telegram that her mother had died. Possibly Itev. W. II. Iwit"llrette, i;ent for McMinnviile college will ix- cupy the pulpit In the lUiptlnt church tomorrow; If not the luistor will preach on the following themes: "Light," and "'An Invitation to Bupix-r." The mstor being absent from the It v In attendiinre at the meeting of synod, there will be no prenchlng sr vie In the Presbyterian church Run' duy. Hundny school and Young l'eo plus iniftlng at the usual time. It. C. Bchwarlt. charged In the Unit ed Htates court with violating the ma rlne Ittwa In piloting the steamer Mag' gls without the proper licenses, plead' d guilty yesterday, but sentence waa tix iK.e.l. hchwarts pllotnl the st'-om rr olf the southern coast of in-egon. There was an example of speedy mall delivery which, however, was n com mendubly accurate, yesterday morning when Letter Carrier Itu Hliea a horse ran away agnln. Although Mr. Hhea came out of the affair without seiious Inlury It was a rather tight aounik. The horse waa slightly hurt on one leg At the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morning Ihe service will be as follows: Sunday school at 10 a. m.; presetting at II a. m.; subject of the discourse will be "t'me and See." In the evening ihe pastor will discuss the following points: "Choice determines character, domestic happiness, poster ity and destiny." The usual morning service will be held In the Norwegian M. K. church of I ppcr Astoria tomorrow at 11 a. in. In Ihe evening at 7:45 p. m. the pastor will deliver his farewell er mon. as he will leave his charge here for rortland. whero he will become editor and manager of the Norwegian paper "Vdnebyrdet" (Testimony). The German government has this year put salmon on Its ration list, and already has mode several large ship ments to Ita quartermaster depots In hlna. Thla Is the first time salmon has been recognised by the German government a an army ration. Lam year the I'nlied States shipped HO.OoO ruse for the use of our army In the rtiiiippincs. Attention Is called to the advertise ment In another column of the New York Mutual Life Insurance Company. This Is one of the strongest companies doing business In this country and a comparison of their figures will be of Interest to those contemplating taking nut a policy. They are offering a new policy which has some excellent polnt of merit. The Synod of Oregon mot yesterday morning at the First Presbyterian hurch In l'ortland. Hev. H. A. Ketch- urn, I. D., la moderator. The opening prayer was offered by Rev. Marcotte. of thla city, ltetlrlng moderator Alex ander Foter, of Knappa, delivered an Interesting sermon lust evening. There la a Inrge delegation present from all over the state. Arrangements are being made for the eonMructlon of the large passenger car sheds which are to cover the trains arriving at and departing from the Un ion depot at Portland. All the prelim inary work will be done this fall, but actual construction work cannot be gin before next spring, owing to other nd more pressing business which the Northern inclllc Terminal Company has on hand. Reach A Powers' minstrels played to a packed house at Fisher's last even ing. The performance wns very sntla factory In every respect. The dogs went through some very clever paces, the trick bicycle rider did some funny stunts, the tumblers, the girls on the tight wire nnd many othor feature elicited enthusiastic and well-earned ap plause, and the entire company were well received. Latest advice from London, England, on the salmon mnrket says It con tinues very firm, and higher prices hnve been pnld. Ruslnesa Is restrlced on account, of scnrclty of supplies, the stock In first hands being practically xhntiNted. For forward delivery, price continue to have a hardening tendency In view of the large shortage on the various rivers, previous reports of which have been confirmed. Yesterday afternoon the county com missioners court examined plans for rebuilding the Walluskl bridge. They decided to ask for bid for the rebuild ing of same to be opened at the next session of the county commissioners' court on Tuesday, November 8. The court reserving the right to reject any nd alii bid. The location of the new structure will depend on the findings of the present aurvey of the Olney and Nthalem road. In tlvf opinion of wHl.known hop. buyers at Aurora the hop crop of the state will rem h at least W.W bales, an Inrrois of about lu.OOQ half over th yield of 1HW, Kxnet figure are not yet obtainable, but the buyers my that report so fur received warrant the fore going statement; also that the hops are of IIiih quality and sell readily at 14 and H cent a pound, with a few sules at Ui cents, I-flt year prlceg ranged from 4 to S cent per pound. Mm.. Mary Humpl.rys, wife of II. T. Humphry, of the city water work, whs committed to the state Insane asy lum at Salem yesterday afternoon. She was tiiken up on the train butt evening by Iieputy Sheriff Young and Mr. J. M. Olsen. Mr. Humphry Is 17 year of age and It ha Ixn-n necessary on several occasion before to take her to the asylum from whlrh he ha been a many time discharged t cured, and wa so temporarily. A complaint was entered before Judge Gray In county court yesterday al leging the Insanity of a Well-known wo man In t.'nlontown, lit. Fulton made an examination and declared the wo man perfectly sane. It developed dur ing the hearing that the action was largely a spite action resulting from some neighborhood quarrel In that sec tion and the judge discharged the cose, reading both partle a lecture agutnst bringing such ras- before the county court, aa the proer place to bring such trlul was In police or Justice court. The following ordinance will be In troduced at the next regular council meeting on Monday evening. To accept tii improvement of Thirty-eighth. Fif teenth and of Kleventh street. Provid ing fis; the Improvement of Tenth, Twelfth and Seventeenth streets. Among the other things to come up will be Ihe report of the city surveyor on draining a tract of Innd m-nr Thirty- fourth street In I'ppertown, This dis trict Is the one through which the old Adulr drain runs. The Intention Is to change the course of the drain to run through solid ground so as not to b fee led by the sliding ground. There will be a change In the ser vices at the Swedish Lutheran church on Sunday. The morning service will be conducted In the Knullsh languiige. beginning at H o'clock. Subject, "Al most a i'hritian." Kvenlng scrvlc at :45 In the Swedish languuKe. Special music at all the services. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Everybody Invited to attend. Confirmation class meets this iKaturday) afternoon at 1 o'clock. Tills evening (Saturday) at J. 45 the young people will render an Interest- lug program at the church, consisting of sever ul good recitations, violin, organ ami vocal music and an ersay on the subject "The Wonderful Sunbeam." No admission: everybody Invited. After the program the Horcas Society will Id a basket supper in the church basement. Light refreshment will al so be served. All welcome. George R. Lash, of Pendleton. In I'Miklng over some old txipcr. book. tc. recently, came across a .printed facsimile copy of a freight bill that has historic Interest. It la a bill of the first through freight consigned from I ortlind to St. Paul, and la dated Au gust 2S. mi. John Mulr I both con signor and consignee. He was at that lime general freight agent of ihe O. K. & I, company and wa located at ; cruiser and ore protected cruiser, at a Portland. He wanted the honor ofilctal ct of not exceeding $15,200,000. shipping tho first freight through be tween the two cities. The freight was horse, which wa In a car, and waa sent over the O. it. A N. to Wallula, thence over the Northern Pacific to St. Paul. The -oalroad men called the inlmnl the "Oregon Mare." Upon the waybill were pen and Ink aketches of the train, past, present and future. The situation In the salmon business seems lo be about this: The pack I anout N) per cent or what It was last year. All orders have been conHrmed on that basis, and deliveries will be made accordingly. The Alaska Packers' Association has made price at 92ic per doicn f. o. b. San Francisco for Alaska pink salmon, which 1 about oc higher than the opening prices last year, but this advance Is not con- Idered disproportionately high. In lew of the strong position of all de scriptions of salmon the strongest. In ract. ever known on the Pocinc coast. It Is said that no San Francisco price will be made on Medium Red or King. Outsiders Are selling Medium Red there t $1.05 and King at $1-15. The Sa- cramento river pack has all gone out f first hand at $1.50 for tails and $1.65 for flats. An adjourned session of county com missioners' court waa held yesterday. Among otner oustne transacted a por tion of the tax levies for the year 1900 were fixed. The levle made were as 'ollows: County, 13 mills: interest. 2 mills; state tax of lSt2. 2 mills; county road, i mills; county school. S mills: special bridge. 1.5 mills; scalp bounty, 2,. mills; a total of 26.75 mills. This Is live mill higher than the levy made by the court last year, two mils addi tional on the county levy, necessitated by the expense of the two elections, to make survey for mad and rebuild the Walluskl and Upper Necanlcum bridges, and three mill levied for roads for which there waa no tax In 1S99. There being no levy hist year left the city with no money to build crossings na it was at the request of the spec ial commute of the council that the three mills levy wu made. Resides the above levies there are yet to be made those for the city, school dis trict and state purposes, which In As toria wHI probably amount to 24 mills. It la also expected a special tax of about three mills for constructing new county roads will be asked for when the final levies are made In January. This will make the total In the city 53.75 mills. Last year It was 48.05 mills. Big Sale. Grey Enameled Ware Coffee PoU-l quart locll Coffee iota-3 iMnla ..... a 4 eta Rice Holler 48 eta Tea Kettle-J quart 40 eta lle Plate g Cla Cupa 6 eta UInIi run-io quart 40 eta BoapDitth tacta Wanh IliiNlti is ct Tea Iol-i quart S4 eta Cliaiuiiera a 8 eta FunnoiN i eta Dipper . icta Ladles 8 eta Vc are Cutting Prices all to Pieces During our IHjjt Clearance Sale, Q?82t Assrisu Importliis Tea Col 571 Commercial Street. Aatorla. Or. rears What is wanted of soap for tho skin is to wash it 'a ' m clean and not hurt it. Pure soap does that. This is why we want pure soap; and when we say pure, we mean without alkali. " Pears' is pure; no free alkali. There are a thou sand virtues of soap; this one is enough. You can trust a soap that has no biting alkali in it. All sort of stores sell It, especially druftKmu; all sorts of people uk it As a result of the examination of several bridges In the vicinity of Sea side on Thursday by Judge Gray and Commissioner Young the county com mlHsloners rourt during their session yesterday ordered a bon stick placed to protect the Upiwr Necanlcum bridge and also ordered one of the abut ments repaired. The foundation of this bridge I In very bad condition and al though It was constructed only about seven year ago. It will pruably have to lie rebuilt next year. It may be neces sary also to change Us location. It was phued on a bend of the. river and the course of thj ntream Is changing o that there Is dnng'T of the bridge being cut off. An examination of the O Han no bridge by the court showed that It was In much better condition than was expected. The foundation, which wa constructed twelve year ago of llr cut during the winter and covered with coal tar, is still sound. This bridge will be replanked In the near future The Indication are strong that Seat tle will have 'he building of one or j poaMbly more of the fourteen Immense warships that were recently authorized by congress. The Moran Lros. Co. are Increasing their plant and will compete for the contract on some of the vessels. If they succeed In -cur Ing the contract It will give steady employment to from 1.600 to 2.E.0O skill ed workmen. Increasing the monthly pay roll of the city by approximately tlOO.Ouo and adding at least 5.000 to Its Prmanrnt population. The fourteen vessels now authorized by congress In- elude six armored cruiser, three pro tected cruiser and five battleships, to cost not to exceed $51,757,000 In the aggregate. Of these the secretary of Ihe navy 1 authorized to order built on this coast at an Increased coast of not more thar 4 per cent over the lowest bid received on the Atlantic const, twa battleships. one armored Within a short time the misunder standing between the sailor boarding- house men of Portland and the ship owner will have been fettled. The case In the courts are be' Ing attended to as expeditiously as possible, and perhaps Inside of a month the event that caused the opposing a I . i t . tnn a, .u-aM.' nA n.a ..ill bc merely a memory. It Is understood that an arrangement la now under way whereby the allegations of "extortion," "bloodmoney," "stealing sailors," and similar strong phrases will lapse Into oblivion, at least for a time. The In dividuals making thla dJ are separat ed by thousands of miles, but the ca ble are being worked overtime. By the tarma of the negotiations under way the ship captain Is placed In a different position than heretofore, the transactions being carried on direct between the sailor boarding-house men and the shipowners. Another provis ion of the reported compact will be that the price demanded for sailors will decrease materially from that now In vogue. In fact, the price Is to be cut to less than half of what has at times been demanded. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY. When a few month more shall have passed we will then stand at the very thrffhold of the twentieth century, and the nineteenth will be a thing of the past. It will, however, be known as the century of Invention and discovery, and anions some of the greatest of thfse we can truthfully mention Hos tetter'a Stomach Rltters, the celebrat ed remedy for all ailments arising from a tMsordcred stomach, such as dyspep sia, Irdlgestlon, tlatulency, constipa tion and biliousness. It ha been one of the grtat(-et blessings to mankind during the rast fifty year as a health builder. Many physicians recommend it. Take their advice, try a bottle and he ccpvineed, but be sure to get the genuine with a Private Revenue Stamp over the neck 'of the bottle. Things are being shaped In the right direction for the anticipated transcon tinental rate war. The general pas senger agents, at a special meeting held in Chicago yesterday, failed to reach any agreement. They gave up the mention as a bad Job. As It now stands the Union Pacific must soon be forced Into the fight, and considerable fear is felt that when It does come In It will drop down upon the present rates with the force of a hundred-ton pile driver. This company is naturally In censed that the llurlington and the Northwestern, by making cheap rates In connection with the Northern Pacific, lire scooping in business from Missouri river points directly tributary to the Union Pacific. Its resentment may reach the point of retaliation, not only by quoting- cheap rates every day, but cutting them both ways. In the words of n general agent, "that will make the other reads jump sideways In a very lively manner." The reluctance of the Union Pacific to meet the cheap rales Is ascribed to the fact hat It has a larger local territory to protect than most of the othor roads. The North ern Pacific, the Canadian Paclflo and especially the Great Northern, have not so much business In the interior as the Union Pacific. The latter can not well afford to have the tickets scalped. Therefore, as long as there was a chance to "fix matters" the Un ion Pacific' beat policy, was to stay out, but since the agents' of the other lines will not agree uroh any plan of settlement, there Is only, one thing for the Union Pacific to do.' so say well posted railroad men. and that Is to meet the conditions. The road ha until next Tuesday to meet present condi tion, as that 1 the next cheap selling date for the one-way $25 rate. FINANCIAL REPORTS. City Treasurer and Auditor File Their Quarterly Report. The auditor repcrt show the re altor fr the nuarter ending Septem ber $0 were filed yesterday by Treas urer Carney and Auditor Nelson, and will be presented to the council on next Monday evening. The treasurer re' port show the clty'a financial condition to be a follows; Cash on hand at com mencement of quarter, $1,43 M; re ceipt, 1X611.87; disbursements. $16,. 419.76; cash on hand at end of quarter. $11,601.77. The auditor report show the re source and Indebtednesi of the city to be a follows: INDEBTEDNESS. Municipal bond (excepting treet) $179,050 00 Municipal treet bond 19.6M V, Warrant (excepting street)., 20.965 21 Street warrant , 2.637 70 Total Indebtedness RESOURCES. .$222,408 35 CaJh on hand ier treasur er's renort Ill Wit 77 Taxes outstanding 6.922 92 Street assessment outstanding 1&.292 54 Total resource $35,717 23 Lxcs of Indebtedness. $186,691.11. During the quarter licenses were col lected by the chief of police amounting to lilS.SO. segregated aa follows: Teams. $392; merry-go-round. $.V); hotl run ners, $1D: stable. $12.50; laundries, $60; pool tables, $.'J0; bowling alley, $4; fak ir during regatta. $155. THE GALVESTON DISASTER. An elegant volume containing the only complete and authentic account of the great calamity, told by the survivors, of upward of 000 pages and profusely Illustrated with a large number of en gravings made from photographs taken immediately after the disaster, etc. Price, only $1.50. A portion of the proceeds of the sale of this book Is nledged to be sent to Geo. Sayers. of lexas, for the benefit of the sufferer. A sample copy of the book may be seen by calling upon 171 as. Allen at Hart drug store or at 130 Seventeenth street. Send order to same address. Help the homeless. TO CIKC A COI D I ONE OUT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggUtu refund the money -f u fall to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 2Zc. A JOINT INCOME WHILE YOU LIVE THE NEW POLICY JUST ISSUED BY THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK Enables a man, not only to provide an Income for life to his wife, but secures an Income for himself as well. Under Its term a father may obtain life Income and at the same time contingently secure the same for a child. Or a brother may provide for himself and for a sister, or a son for himself and a oarenL It offer the very best form of Insur ance Investment at the lowest possible cosC and !t Is a contract whose ful fillment Is guaranteed by the Greatest Financial Institution of It kind In the world. For full Information as to details ap ply to SHERWOOD GILLESPY General Agent MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. of New York. Richard A. McCurdy, President Seattle, Wash., or WILLIAM. S. P0XD, State Manager, Portland. Oregon, or B. VAX DUSEX, Resident Agent, Astoria, Oregon. J. A. Fastabend, General Contractor and Guilder GO EAST VIA SHORTEST AND QUICKESTLINE TO St.Paul.Duluth, Minneapolis, Chicago and All Polna East DAILY TRAINS; FAST TIME; SER VICE AND SCENERY UN EQUALED. Through Falac and TourUt Sleeper Ulnlng and Bunet Smoking; Library Cars Tickets to points East via Portland and the Great Northern Ry on sale at O. R. A N. Ticket Office, Aatorla, or Great Northern Ticket Offlc 263 MORRISON STREET, , PORTLAND. For rates, folders and full Informa tion regarding Eastern trip, call on or address, . A. B. C. OB3NNISTON, City Pas, and Ticket Agent, Portland. ..School Begins.. Vacation time is about over and our children will be taking up various studies, but have you grown up people learned the lesson of . . ..." PRACTICAL ECONOMY when you get ready to buy for your boys their I invite you to call at my store and learn how you can sava fiO cents, 75 cents and $1 on Little Fellows' Suits, and from $1 to $2.50 on Big Boys' Suits, while our Men's Suits are reduced from f 1 to ?4.50. OUR SWEEP SALE IS NOW IN FULL BLAST. WE SUABLE -TO FARMERS AND PEOPLE WHO ARE HOT FARMERS We are Sole Agents for RUSIIFORD WAGONS." We guarantee that they have no equal for easy runningtrength and durability, and our prices are right Fisher Bros., Agts., Astoria, Oregon. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED. PROVISIONS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. Aa V AIwLtfa'BN Tenth and Commercial Streets KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Faoiflo Brewery, of whioh f Bottled beer for family use or kef MrJohn Kopp is propietor, makes beer beer supplied at any time, delivery it tor domestic and export trade. I the city tree. Korth Pacific Brewery WEDDING CARDS WEDDINGS Wi Q SMITH & CO., VIsmG CflSDS ENGRAVERS BUSINESS CARDS 22 and 23 Washington Bnilding, , ,.,-.- 4th and Washington Sts. over Litt'l, COPPEH PLATE PRINTERS PORTLAND, OREGON. VISITING CARDS qjimruiruvuwirinruinjw 2 V IflTPl v PORTLAND, OR. t The Only First-Class Hotel In Portland LEA & PERKINS' THE ORIGINAL WORCESTERSHIRE - Beware of Imitation It It hlghlr approved lor th very agreaM xet which it traptrtl to Soups. Fish. Came, Hot and Cold Meat, Salada, Web Rarcbiu, etc School Suits? X TTA w a TV t -v 5 Thli ilfutun li oe trery bouu iOHir DTOCA2TS SONS, Agenta, Kw Tori