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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1900)
iSTOSIA hjbjjc mipi ASSOCIATION . ..... i' cr-o KKr ( I II " I , IJ 1,1 willU VOL. III. ASTOlilA, OliKGON, 8ATIJKDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1900. o. 9i 0fW WE ARE SELLING AGENTS IN ASTORIA FOR BRI DG E, Superior Stool Ranges BEACH Sylph Heater (S CO.'h Olio Heater COLE Hot Blast Heater for Coal MFG. Dome Top Heater for Wood CO.'m Russia Iron Heater lor Wood Wo ftlso niniiufncturo a RuhhSii Ircu Queen Neater for Wooil. TIicmo foinjiriHO tliobent lino of stoves in the btnte. We sell no wcoiitl-cliiHs stoves. An in spection of our lino of atoves will pay you. ECLIPSE HARDWARE CO. NOTHING DONE BY CONVENTION v w mw tr mtw mp vv-m ip iv v4 Just Arrived from Gloucester, Mass. New Cntch Prime Mackerel New Cntch George CodflHh New Crop CranberrleH New Pack Canned Fruita and VegetableB TRY "ALPHA" PUDDING HEADQUARTERS FOR... HAY, OATS AND MILL FEED Ross, Higgms & Co. tHA h turn miitKiitit t it. Exchange of Views Occupied Yesterday's Sessions. MORE CONCESSIONS WANTED Striken liwllllof to Vlcltf oa Meu Tti PerCetl licrciM It Wiici-Eiffel Hutdred and Flliyevc Dclcgt let Prctctt. t ... P .U.1JBH-.-1 ..' I, 1.1 School Boohs and School Supplies Tablets, Pencils, Fens, Slates, Composition Books, Note Books, Sponges and T"fr . Everything Necessary for School Use ...GRIFFIN S REED... ASTORIA SOUVENIR CHINA in JUST FROM AUSTRIA in FOARD STOKES CO. "The World Owes Every Man a Living" Cut what eort of living in it yon get 3 with a pool stove or range iu your kitchen? lluy a Star Estate Range They iueure kocx! living W. J. Scully, Agent 41 7 -f - sy'x ' V mam wmli 1 1 IBS 431 BOND STREET fiCIMNTON. Pa.. Oct. 12.-K.lght hun. dred and fifty-seven miner who held In their hands th power to end or to continue th anthracite coal miners' strike which ha len In prirr'M for mnrt than three weeks ni't In conven lliin her t''lny for the purposv of con sidering (hi ten pif rent net advance In wage offered by the iterators, ond iuljiuriirl until tomorrow without tak )tK action on thlr employ.-' propo sition. Uoth of tmliiyt il'ii)n wi-rc devottfd to orKanlxmg tu.' c'nv.nllun and to mit-'. hm hy n'.any of tht- df.'triitet on tiw niln cnr' i-m.. ewlon. It wan not xi-ctil l.iat unythliiK wotiM br ilnii.. ouiii of an xi'hHiiir.' of Th'' conv(iitl(.n ent into nr-crct ht l.iii liul It m lnrm-(l from un auth'jr Itailvo aourrv that mthlnit of a l.-fl- iiiti' nature v.n miKintid. Krntn th trend of the r'murk if the dfh'KUva It wan Kath'-red that the ten tcr ctit iirotioritlnn im It now ittondi hi) very iitile charue of belon acc-pf-ed. The (leiKite m-em alnvt unnnl inoiu that the operatont ihould llrtl make ccncFMiona In other itrlpvanrtg l fore an lnrr-aa 1 aocepieil by the mine worker, (treat uln-xn wan laid on tho nivr-mlty of HlxiluhmK the add Inic rralv ml nubitltuilnK therefor the toniiMe bu.oln on which to lix the rale of tV'ltfe. William Bchrdbcr; th defaulting clerk, l to ba not far from New York City. The detectlvea for the nuiety company which la on the cletk'a bond, and the I'lnkerton detec tive Vive out that tny had no clue to hl wher'nbouta. Mr, Hchb-lnrier, during the aervlce of the replevin pa per on Mr. Hart and othera yenter dny. ntoiprl Ioiik enoiiich to aay: "We think we .?an layiur hand on HchreiPer wh'-n we want him. We want to be tun, thotitch, that he will not kill hlnmelf, and muni proceed care fully. I will not auy where we tiellev him to be but he I not In Korni." Mr. Hi hi' liner, when ake. to explain wh;U he meant by reference to poaal ble full I'll', aald: Oh, h'a a Ui-rman, you know." Wlih that remark Mr, Hchlelmer walk. Hi niyterloulv away. Another dldi jvery waa madj today at Ellzabethport bank which IncreaRea the it'enim of Defaulter Hchrelber to A lii.clnl to the Herald from Sum mit. N. J., taya: It I reported tonlarht that Wm. Bfhrether, the notorlou rlerk who ae cured the money of an Kllzabethn'rt bank, wa captured today at New I'rovlnee, three mllet from here. WILL OF WM. M. MICE. New York Millionaire Leavea Fortune for Advancement of Learning;. NKW YOUK. Oct. 12-The a-til of Millionaire Wm. Marsh Itlce waa flli-d for probate tmlay. It I dated Hvplem- The witni-Me are W. r. Wetherlee uml Win, K. Harmon. f Urooklyn. The exiNiiti'i are Win. M. Kli. Jr.. John U. I'artlne and Janie A. Maker, Jr. Uy the term of the will the execu tor Ret M.'HO in ciixh for the benefit of the tetatnr' brother. FreJiTlck A. itlce. and hi llrnt wife, t'harlotte. To ItOOHIOVKLT QUESTIONS BIXYAN. Wanta to Know to What Practical fjae Ilryan Will Put Hl Principle. KVAN8VILLK. Ind.. Oct. U.-(jiver- nor Itooitev.'lt concluded hi Indiana tour tonlicht. miklnic two apeechea In thl city ai'd iM-aklnK In both Initancea to lurtc..' audlencra. In hi" flrat teech I iniK'it (iovernor FUxmevelt put the folliinliitr o,uetlon to Mr. liryun: 1 If Iccte-l, Mr. liryan. will you pay the ohlluati'ina of the Nation In Bold or In allver? 2 Will you n-fu.' to accept the elec t:ral vote of North Carolina because obtained without the connent of th- Knveined, and will you now at once denounce tne action of your party aa ooclate who helped to nominate you for eKtnbliKhlna; by the contltutlon In North Carolina the doctrine that one man I good enouKh to iruvern another without hi connect? J- Will you denounoa your party a iixliitea In cimtrre w ho voted on June 1st. hint, that the national government vheuld not be given the power to oontrol trunt? You aay that all trimta I are bad. will you den'Hince a hypocrlt- ic yi'ur inrir tuoiociaiei w no nupporx you on that platform and yet them aelvea are benettciariea of the cotton bait. whUky and lc? trust? Thla question is not to be met by ayina; that there are trust in which Itepub llran ore Intereited This point la a ciue.itlon of (rood faith, or hypo.-rlj-. If ail trusta are a bad an yju represent, then what rlRht have you to he supported and be accepting the support of Senator Jone and Mr. t'nker? Croker. w ho to public denun ciation of tniFta. xdda private member ship In them. . . . m . . . EKYAN IX OHIO. Not u Cordially Itecelved Thi-re aa In Indiana and Illinois. MANY CITIES IN HANDS OF REBELS Situation in Wei Hai Prefecture Is Serious. CLAIMS FOR INDEMNITIES the executor I lo . f , l.l.t- for the ' ,hls Vuv.m. b. u. tlt f the teetator s tlt-r. Miner- I i ' " i , Vl! v Old, of MaaaochuiM-tta. Ten thou- S" 1J,1 ".L '"". "J" (a ml dollar are al left for the use of hi lter. Charlotte S. MiKec. of M,ihiii humitH. The executor are to be recompensed for their service by a five per cent coiiimlion on the value of the estate. All thf residue of the estate Ik be. (Iileathed to the Win. M. Klce Insti tute for the advancement of litera ture, science and art, of Houston, Texnt. Chief of Detective McCluskey today pave out what purport to be a copy of the mvond will. The orlKln il ,ill Is In the possession of Attorney Patrick, and Captain Me Cluskev'a copy I ore which Patrick furnl'hed to Captain Unker. Mr. Itlce's lawyer from Houston. In the first parnsraph of thla will Klce revokes all former wilU. He appoints hU nephew, William M. nice. Jr.. of Hyatt. Texas. James A. Hakr, Jr.. uf Houston. Tex a, and Alb.'rt T. Patrick, cf New York, a ex"cut r without vurlty. After maklnpr a few bequests, the comitiillnir tianicrnph of the will con cerning reads: "I iclve. ,levi.i and bequeath to Al- brt T. Patrick, formerly of Texas, all the rest and residue of mv estate, real, persiinul nnj mixed, heretofore or here after acquired and wheresoever situated." Tne will Is lated June 30, IMA. The Klce estate la estimated at tweeii Jti.OW.oiH) nnd JS.m'O.oOrt. bequests to other than Patrick legs than tl.00.Uioo. rOUTSMOITH. O.. Ott. 12.-Wm. J. his lEht, torch- llaht procession consisting of men both 0,1 foot and horseback and was es corted to a square in the center of the city, where he spoke from a platform in the open air. The meeting was by far the largest of the day and It waa thoroughly cnthua. iastlc. The Republicans also had a torchlight )roce?l 11 In the city tonight with speeches In the public hall by Sena tor Spooner and W. 1. Hynum. As a umsequence the city waa full of red lire and political enthusiasm. The line of mnrch of the two parades were o arranged aa to not conflict and there was no physical clash. The majority of the meetings during the day were not so largely attended nor at demonstrative as those of the Indiana and Illinois tour of last week, Ualn threatened during the greater part of the day and this circumstance doubtless had a dampening Influence or the ardor of the crowds aa well as upon their attendance. Presetted by Mltilootriti Gcrmaoi Art Followlof Melhotfi Adopted ly Rut ilin It MiKBarlt-Cbi' km Retire. LONDON. Oct.12.-The Time ha the following from Hong Kong: in- situation Ir. Wei Hal prefecture a srloui. In tlx districti the cities are In the hands of the rebels. If an outbreak should occur In Canton its suppression would b dlflcult." INDEMNITY CLAIMS. WASHINGTON. Oct. 12. -The state department ha already received sever al claims by American missionaries and a large number of bus'pess men for in demnity on account of loss of property In China : - result of the Hoxer up rising. The dpartmcnt In each cas has noti fied claimants that, aa yet. It has not taken un for consideration any method of collection of such indemnity. GERMANS CONSTRUCT RAILWAY. NKW YORK. Oct. 12. A dispatch' to th Hrald from Berlin says: Tht German Navy League received a telegram from Tsing Tau Btatlng that the construction of the railway frcm Kalo t hou to Kaumt has been taken up again und-r German military pro tection. General Yuan Shi Kal rlred with his regular Chinese force to a distance of 40 kilometres from the railway when requested to do so by the German gov ermr. Herr Ja?schka. The Germans occupied Kauml. It seem that the Germans are tiow following the Russian method In Man churia. REFUGEES HOME AGAIN. CHICAGO. Oct. 1!. Mrs, M. S. Wood ward and her daughter. lone, who spent several months at Pekln aa the guests of United States Minister Conger and who were Imprisoned within the Brit ish legation during the long weeks of waiting and hardships while the H itj were menelnr them, arrived at their home In Kvanston last evening. Ttuy were accompanied by Mr. Woodward, who met them In San Francisco when they landed from the steamer Coptic on which they had made the trip from th Orient. The story of the trials and suffering of the white missionaries and the Chin ese convert In Pekin June 14. 13 and 16 Is graphically told In a letter Ju?t re ceived In Chicago from Dr. Maud Markey. a California girl and one of the Presbyterian missionaries In North the United States Express Company at Kavenna, Ohio. Karly In August last, Walte. who wa acting a agent of the express company at Ravenna, absconded with over ffl.OOO in money and bank notes. Three days before his departure he withheld from delivery every package of value that came through his of lice. When he thought he had enough money he took the train for the West and has since been the prey of shapp er. Beside n cash. Walte took with him a package of VXiO five-dollar cur rency note of the Second National Bank of Ravenna, conlgned to that Institution by the treaury department at Washington. The bills were In sheets nd lacked the signatures of the presi dent and cashier oV the bank. He also took a money order book of the ex press company upon which be hat since raised t200 by forgery. He arrived here on September 11 and Immediately began a career of dissipa tion. A his funds decreased he mov ed to Berkeley, where with his remain ing capital he became a hall fellow with the university students. The money finally gave out and he was ob liged to raise money on his book of express orders. One of these forged or ders came back to the First National bank and led to his arrest. EARNINGS FOR JULY. Report of the Southern Pacific Show Marked Prosperity. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 12.- The Southern Pacific has Issued a state ment cf its earnings for July, the first month of the prestnt fiscal year. The gross earnings amounted to t'.ZA'ui, H against H.HS.tlK for the same period of last year. For the same month, the earnings of the Southern Pacltlc of California, which Includes ail the Huntington lines in the state except the Central Pacific nnd South Pacific Coast, were Sl.461.041. In July of last year that company's rross receipts amounted to tl.407.9i The Central PaWflc's earnings In July last were tl.T4$.lll as against ll.jVJ,4U for the same period of the year before. RAILROAD DOWN THE NORTH BANK . Maps of Location Accepted by General Land Office. N. P. BEHIND THE ENTERPRISE TEN INCHES OF RAIN. Fearful Drenching Received by Province of New Brunswick. the ST. JOHN. N. B.. Oct. 12--The prov ince of New Brunswick has received a (earful drenching from a rain storm which lasted one hundred and eight hours and which In amount equals ten Inches. Not a train is moving on the Canadian Pacific railway between St. John and Vancebor, or on the branch lines t the road t St. Andrews, ft. Stephen. Frederlcton or Woodstock. The tie up Is due to washouts. Condi tions are the worst which have existed in the Canadian roads in history and thousands of, dollars exe represented in tho dauiamr-arlread' done and In lots of traffic. Coatlractloi Fran Vincouvtr tit Wtllula Will Besia it Ooct-Later Lint Will B Extetded Dowi la Moslt ol CalumMi. VANCOUVER. Wash., Oct. 12.-L. Oerllnger. president of the Columbia Valley Railroad Company, stated to-, day that maps of location and turvey f the Columbia valley line, extending from Walluli down the north side of the Columbia river to tide water, have bten accepted by the general land office here today. Gcrllng?r refused to say anything concerning the Intentions of the com pany regarding commencement of con struction, but it Is generally believed that the company Is getting ready to commence work !n the near future. ' Surveying parties have recently been over the line In tha vicinity of this city letting grade stakes and are now un- derstood to be proc'edlng eastward. The greater portion of the right of ay of th line between this city and Wallula has been purchased. The gen eral understanding here 1 that the Nrrthern Pacific Railroad Company is behind the nterprise. ROBBERY OF THE VATICAN. Recent Theft Said to Have Been Only a Blind to Conceal Former Stealing. ROME. Oct. 12.-A number of the papers here publish the extraordinary statement that the securities valued at China. Dr. Mackey ha oeen In China i",0V- "re- the tneft of whlcn from n little mr.K .hnn a v. nnH h, .... I the atican was recently reported to a little more than a year and her sta tlon was at Pao Ting Fu. She had gone to Pekln In the spring to secure a Chinese teacher and thereby escaped the death which befell the other mis s'onarlcs at h-?r home station. She was in th compound at Pekln during the assiult and bombardment by the Boxers. RUSH OF SETTLERS. Fully Ten Thousand People Entered ColvlUe Reservation on the First Day. are EMPRESS SERIOUSLY ILL. Emperor William Has Canceled All His Engagements. LONDON. Oct. 12,-The Berlin cor respondent of the Daily Telegraph rays: "I earn that the condition of the Empress Frederick Is precarious. Em peror W lillam has canceled all his engagements for the present. BREWSTER. Wash.. Oct l' Tha be- i rush of settlers into the Colville reser- nn , wii.-ui- ui 1,,-iw.wv acres, wnien n oiiened by the proclamation of Presi dent Mihinley on the 10th Inst., still continues. It was estimated that fully l'l.OOO settlers from ninny states rush ed Into the land of promise on the first dnv, and selected the best sites they could find for new homes. The stream of seekers after land still continues, am! without doubt the best land In the reservation will ell be taken up before the week cloaca. SCHREIBER LOCATED. Defaulting Bank Clerk Has Not Es caped to Europe. NEW YORK. Oct. 12.-The Times says that from a statement let drop by Samuel Schlelmer, an attorney who represented the Elizabethport Bank, TO DISCOVER NORTH POLE. Wealthy New Yorker Will Send Two Vessels Next Summer. NEW YORK. Oct. 12. Wm. Zelgler. a wealthy citizen of New York, an nounced today that he would purchase two vessels fully equipped and man them and send thorn In quest of the north pole during the summer of 1901. The expedition la to be In charge of Evelyn H. Baldwin, who was a compan ion of Lieutenant Peary in his at tempts to reach the pole. ..REMOVAL SALE.. C. J. TRENCHARD, Commission. Brokerage, Insurance and Shipping. Custom House Broker. ASTORIA, ORE Aut W. F. A Co and PaolBo Expreu Co 1. For the next sixty days our entire stock of furniture and carpets will be closed out at less than cost. Call early and avoid the rush. CHARLES HEILB0RN & SON ANOTHER LIE NAILED. State Department Issues Correspond ence Relating tc Alleged Filipino RelatlDna With Dewey. WASHINGTON. Oct. 12.-A state ment Issued by the state department t3day says: "In a recent dispatch to the de- ! partment of state Rounseville Wlldman consul of ths United States nt Hong Kong, comments upon a letter as pub lished In th press of this country. July 22 last, addressed to George F. Hoar md R. Peulgrew, by J. Alexandreno, under date of Arrll 12.- 1900. and pur porting to have been written from St nukwan encampment. Philippine Isl ands. In that letter Alexandreno says: "In April. 1SS. in the absence of my chief. Aguinaldo. who was then nt Singapore, I solicited through the American consul-general at Hong Kong, Mr. Wlldman, to have some Inter views with Admiral Dewey. My peti tion was favorably received and I went with Andrea Garchiterena and another Filipino (Sandico) on board the Olyni pln in the bay of Hong Kons." 1 Then follows what purports to have 1 been n Interview between the writer and Admiral Dewey in which Dewev promised the Filipinos Independence nnd assure them that the United States would not take an Inch of the Philippines. Wlldman says: " As I am personally acquainted with the writer (J. Alexandreno) and am familiar with all his movements while he was In Hong Kong and conducted whatever negotiations there were be tween himself and Dewey, I think It my duty to place on record a triu state ment of the affair. Admiral Dewey never saw this man or had one word with him." The dispatch from Wlldman was re ferred to tl navy department for the information of Admiral Dewey who, in his reply, comments thereon as fol lows: '"Attention Is Invited to the follow ing extract from page 172. rep.ut of the Philippine commission, volume 1: No alliance of any kind waa entered Into with Aguinaldo, nor was any prom ise of Independence made to him then or at any othjr time. The game Is true of Alexandreno. whom to the best of irty knowledge I have never seen, and of all the oth.r Filipinos." YOUNG FORGER. Had a Gay Time at Berkeley, Cali fornia. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 12.-Bert Waite. 18 veara of see. who waa nr. rested at Unni Jjtiia n WVrinoqi. of the First National Bank of Berke ley, nas confessed to having robbed CLEVELAND NOT FOR BRYAN. State That His Financial Views Re main as in 1SD5. CHICAGO. Oct. l?.-rA special to th Times from Louisville. Ky.. says: Ex-President Grover Cleveland has replied to a letter written by Mr. John S. Green, cf thla city. Inquiring If the ' former prsident had changed his views on the financial question, as expressed In his letter to Chicago business men cn August 13, isr. Mr. Cleveland. In his letter, which Is dated Buzzard's Bay.- October 7. 1900. replied as follows: "I have received your letter inclos ing a copy of my letter w,rltten more than five years ago torn business: men of Chicago. I had not seen It In a long time, but It seems to me I could not state the ease better at this time if I should try. I have not changed my opinion as then expressed In the least." the Italian police, had been stolen some time previous to February last and were sold in that month on the Paris Bourse. They were stolen. It Is as serted, by order of an Italian capitalist. If the story be true, the more recent i nlture- etc- na8 a life Interest In the burglary was committed with the oh- dtv mansion, the Interest on a trust WILL OF C. P. HUNTINGTON. Nephew Receives One-Third of His S. P. Stcck and Widow Gets. Remainder, cS!" - , 1 j NEW YOUK. Oct. 12.-The citation for the will of the late Colli P. Hunt ington ate returnable today. Surro gate Thomas heard the lawyers In the proceedings for probating. The widow. Mrs. Huntington, receives all the fur- Ject of deceiving the authorities. This theory has produced a great Impres sion at the Vatican, but it is not gen erally credited. PINGREE SUCCESSFUL. C.ot His Anti-Railroad .Legislation Passed in Sp?clal Session. LANSING. Mich.. Oct. 12.-The spec ial session of the Michigan legislature which convened Wednesday adjourned this afternoon, having passed both measures submitted by Governor Pin gree. The Joint resolution uermits the submission at the election in November of a constitutional amendment author izing the taxing of railroads and other corporate property on their value in stead of up .i their earnings, as at pres ent, and provides that corporate prop erty shall be assessed on its cash val ue at the average of taxation paid by oth?r property In the state. bond of $500,000. two-thirds of all the Southern Pacific stock owned by Mr. Huntington. Henry Edwards Hunting ton, his r.ephew, receives one-third of the Southern Pacific stock, and one half of the residue of the estate. The Princess HatxfeMt has a life Interest In a trust bond of $1,000,000. Archer M. Huntington, his adopted son. and many relatives and friends are handsomely remembered. CIGAR MAKERS' STRIKE. Has I-asted Over Four Months No Settlement Is in Sight. and FALSE REGISTRATION. Ten Men Arrested In New York on the First Day of Registration. NEW YORK. Oct. 12. The first day of registration in Greater New York tnde-i at 10 o'clock tonight and the returns are not complete, but It is known that the first day's total will ex ceed that of the first day in ISStJ. when 139.225 voters registered. Ten men were arrested during the day for false registration. FAILURES FOR THE WEEK. Excess of Flfty-Nlne Over Correspond ing Week of Last Year. NEW YORK. Oct. 12. Dun's Review tomorrow will say: The failures for the week were 223 In the United States against 164 last year and 32 In Canada against 27 last year. NEW YORK. Oct. 12. Samuel Com port, peesldent of the American Federa tion of Labor, is In the city to endeavor to settle the cigar makers' strike, w hlch h)s lasted now for more than four months. He had conferences with rep resentatives of firms who formerly em nloved about 4u00 of the 5000 cigar mak ers who are still out. President Gompers said no definite conclusion In relation to a settlement of the strike with those firms had been reached and that he wold return to Washington and lay he pntlr? question before the "xecutlve committee of the American Federation of Labor. FAREWELL TO CONSUL. Australians Pay Tribute to George W. Bell. SYDNEY, N. S. W.. Oct. 12. Ten thousand citizens of Sydney assembled in tho town hall tonight to pay a fare well tribute to George W, Bell, the United States consul. YELLOW FEVER IN HAVANA. HAVANA. Oct. 12. One hundred and thirteen new cases of yellow fever have been officially reported since October 1st. RAID ON BOARD OF TRADE. Prominent Chicago Specu'ators Arrest ed for Gambling In Grain. CHICAGO. 111.. Oct. 12. Twelve prominent speculators on the Ch'cago open board of trade were arrested to day In a raid made by poilo.j on the open beard. Among them w?re Charles Alberton. president of the open beard. The general charge made Is "gamb ling In grain." It Is stated that eighty more warrants have been Issued In con nection with the attempt to suppress alleged gambling In grain and provisions. GERMAN TRANSPORT SAILS. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 12.-The Ger man transport Bosnia sailed today for China with eleven hundred horses for the German, army. . - WHEAT MARKET. PORTLAND. Oct. 12. Wheat. Walla Walla, 64cS55; bluestem. 57c& 57',-i. CHICAGO. Oct. 12. Wheat. Novem. bc-r. opening, 75, 75U; closing, 76. LIVERPOOL. cember. Ss 2d. Oct. 12. Wheat, De- METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. Oct. 12.-S!lver. G2tf; lead, unchanged.