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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1900)
TUB MORNING AHl'OfllAN, SUNDAY JDLV i, 1900. Ladles1 oncl ficntsV Datliln SuItSm v i . - ALSO C. H.COOPER Tin minivr nuv rnniw ivn rmTMivr. Hnrii Si; Or ASTOM. TODAY'S WEATHCIX. lKltTLAND, July M.-Wtmcrn Or. Sm anl Wnrn Waahlnirtim, futr. n! to warm today. i:atnrn Omiron, fair and utintlnuod warm. All conlructi for advertising In th Aatoiiun ar mud on m Rtiur ante ol clrculutlon (our tlnw larger thun that of miy puper published or clrculutcJ In Ctut op county. AROUND TOWN. Fresh buiu-rmlk at tho i.arlur. Horn? for nolo at (Uton'i tall Jc wain 30o a QUri at tha iarUr, Edwin Bliarp, of Tacoma, Is In the tity. 1 Kii- In H-inlin tho day at BuasUIo. F. E. Webster, of Han Francisco, I In th city. Mr. W. T. Cliutler Pnt ycatordajr In I'urtlanJ. I. 8. llavenl wa over from 8ven- ten ytaterday. John Dully, of Tacoma. la In th city oh a brief visit. Mr. and lira. Patterson, of Portland. ar vlalilna; In Astoria. ; Horn, In thla city, July tl, to tha wlfo of Bofua Jenan, a aun. Iteat U-cent meal. Itlnlnf Pun Ita laurant, (13 Commercial street. Jeff's reataurantlh largest and beat. A trial will convince you. W. O. Ooaalln la down from Port land on a brief business trip. John llarrlnirton came dwn from Pillar Hock ycaterday on business. Mr. and Mra. J. It. Bcoit. of Tort land, art In Aatorla on a brief vlalt. Mr. and Mra. II. W. doddard, of Portland or vlaltln friends In Aato rla, Bwret cream at tha Parlor, 10 cents a pint; Just what you want for ber ries. Tha brat and cheapest tallorlnf In tha city at A. KIUUNEN. t:t Com niarclal 8 treat. Morgan Trrry, of San Bernardino, Cftl., la In tho city. Ha la registered at the Occident. For Kent. Two or three furnished rooms for housekeeping; single room; ICS Tenth Street. Mr. and Mra. J. C. Conley, of Joa lh. Oregon, are In the city, ruesta at the Tarker House. R It. Hlnton, of nuke Oven, la spend ing a ahort time In thla city. Hla fam ily accompanied him. Wallace 8tuart returned to Shoahva ter bay yesterday after a brief visit to thla city on buslnesa. , aaaaaajaaaM For llcnt A Hx-room cottage on Fourth and Commercial street. In quire at lr5 Bond street. When you want a styusn new ami made cheap, call on A. KIUUNEN. 622 Commercial Street. HoHlyn conl Is the best and most eco nomical coal for hoiifltihoid use In As toria. Try It once and you will haw r.o other. Oeorge W. Sandorn, agent. Telephone Mil. nKST 15-CKNT MEAL; ' RISINO SUN KK8TAURANT, OVER 6,000,000 BOXES SOLD YEARLY aiABC. DUOi.U-i" id,... i. mum for evervthlwr. snd the reason for the rojiulnrlty of flwhnm'i Pllli 1. "rW '"r ALL ILKH)S AND NPBVOIja tMWHUr RS In a mora nilUfiioUinr nrnnucr sny proprietary medicine ? nlned M , tliu pulillo. H.-e. liain'a I'llli are broimlH before your notleo. anil, yer piaoea i 'iu n j y n . ,.,1.,., you mn tniorrow when the neeewlty Whetl.cryoun-ii ilmthern or n tekthV The n-iiwn lor their need Is olu-a ?nn'r yoiK'burb!, Krry y will .howgood juUcn. by taking them to wsuaU dose, sad doluu so I. us suupla a A D U of Uatimofllala, the fact boing that Beechom'a Pills recommend themselves. f (Mold everywhere, in bnxtM, to rear ana j oenta eacn. MlillHIWUIMIIIMHHIIinilllMHmilHIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIHM""! IIMIIIIIIHHIMMMMIII MIIHMIIU I Youths' and FJcn's ss Bathing Trunlis II. D, Blgler waa down from Port land yesterday on business connected with the Portland fiv Company. The llrltlHh bark. LUsle IMI went to -a yesterday morning, bound for the United Kingdom with a cargo of grain. A email plax'o at ClaUop for sate or rent. Suitable fr chlrken ranch. Ap ply to A, Tsui;. Parlor Candy Store. Dr. Tuttle will sen' aa Quarantine ortlter for Dr. Hustings during the Inter a abavnr on his annual vacation. FOU 8AI.H-Twa choir lota. N. 6 and , blink 34, MK'lure'a addition. lCiniulm Frank Fubre, SealtU, Wash. There will bo aervkca In the morn ing only In the Congregational church today. Pruhliir by llev. H. H. Ly mint; Sunday school after the morning ervki. Hemeniber we auarante our Ice cream to contain nothing but cream and augar and flavor. It Is fifteen cents per pint at tho Parlor. Cream Pure Itye. America's finest whiskey. The only pure goods; guar anteed rich and mellow. John L. Carl n, sole agent rtoslyn cool lasts longer, la cleaner and makea less trouble with stoves and chimney (lues than any other. Qeorge W. inborn, agent. Telephone 1311. A . " All members of th Order of Wash ington are requested to meet at Han thorn's hall at 1 p. m. today to attend the funeral of Comrade J. W, Peterson. The sentiment about town yesterday waa general that those In charge of the regatta acted wisely In changing the dates to the 23rd. 24th and 21th of Au gust. An order waa made directing the di vision of the personal property belong ing to the estate of J. W. Mlnakcr, de ceased, by Judge Gray yesterday In the probate court. The Oerman ahlp Rlckmer Rlckmer la on her way down the river. She carries a cargo of 110,(30 bushels of wheat, valued at l,200, bound for the I'nlted Kingdom. , The tug Wallula arrived In from the Sound yesterday with the pilot schooner Joseph Pulluer In tow. The Pulltaer In now ready for service again and will probably be put In commission outside the bar within a few dnya. IlepreaeMatlve-elect George Orton, of Portland la In the city. He la a delegate to the great council of Red Men. which la to meet here on Tuesday next, and will remain In the city until the ad Journinent of the council. Regular services will be held at the Presbyterian church today. Preaching by the Hev. W. F. Forbes, pastor of the Forbes Presbyterian church, of Portland, morning and evening. To thoa wno drink whlakey for pleasure; Harper's Whiskey adds est to existence. To those who drink whiskey for health"! sake, Harper'g Whiskey makes life worth living- Sold by Foard ft Stokea Co.. Aatorla, Alfred E. Sutton. Henry F. Comer, J. M. Parke, W. F. Matthews, A. U Powell and C. A. Whnll are among the Porttnnders In the city for the day They are registered at the Occident, The contract for the construction of the new stables of the H. F. Pracl Co. will probably be let on Tuesday next. The bids will be opened at noon on that day at the ofllce of Furguson Bros. Having returned from Salem, where he has been n attendance upon the grand lodge of the A. O. V. '., Chairman Stockton of the regatta committee is preparing to roll up his sleeves and press forward the arrange ments for Astoria's big carnival. rMri H.-ivafeson g O VI HO aM fa il tUU (Opart. The manifest of the schooner Louie waa filed yeat'erday at th customa houss, It ahows her cargo to consist of 7IM12 feet of lumber and 3,785 bun dles of lathes, loaded at the Kimppton mills for San Francisco. A letter ha bwen received by th regatta cotnmlttoe from Senator Mc llrld In which be tats that he doing alt within his power to hav th gov ernment detail two war vessels to As toria during regatta week. Th subject at th Methodist Epis copal church this morning; "A Rroken up Funeral on a Crowded Street." In the evening the subject will be, "Woe to the Women Who Bew Pillows in the Arms' Holes." Mrs, Alice Madison ha returned to her home In San Jose, CaJ after vis iting her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Fisher. Mra. Madison was a grandaughto of Sir Thomas Clark and a niece of Sir Knltk Clark, of London, England. The funeral of the lute J. W. Peter son will be held this afternm.n at t o'clock to his lata residence In t'p peitown and the remains Interred at Greenwood. The funeral will be held under the ausplcee of the Order of Washington. The remains of the late James Wright. of Skamokawa, who died at St. Mary's hospliul Frlduy nltrht, were tal:en to Portland on th train lunt evening for Interment. The member of the local lodge of Musona accompanied the re mains to the depot. The regatta committee ho received M-rmiMMon from the government to In vite the life-saving crews at Point Adams and Cape Disappointment to participate In the regatta exhibitions. Only one crew will be allowed off duty on a given duy, however. In answer to a question as to the progress of work on the proponed ex- enslon of the Jetty, Major a. D. Heg irdt tatd yesterduy that work had been commenced and that there would be employment for a number of extra men for some time to come. The police department has began a crusude aiculnst the Idle element In the lower end of town and several will be compelled to leave town or suffvr the Hnulty of the vagrancy law. One of them was brought up before Police Judge Nelson yesterday afternoon and given hla choice of retting out of town or pay a fine of 120. He "got." Only two bida were submitted for the Improvement of the north half of Com mercial street, between . Seventh and Eighth streets. The bids were those of N. Clinton 4 8on for HJ5, and C. O. laimbcrg for 14.0, the committee awarJIng th contract to the former yesterday afternoon. A Portland, Oregon, lumberman makea the statement that the amount of logs dumpd Into the Columbia river from the Washington aide dally la 1,6.5,000 fe-jt, on the Oregon side 700,000 feet, and this does not Include about 100,000 fet at Vancouver. These fig ures wont do; they are too high, says the West Coast Lumberman. At any rate the annual output would reach 700.000,000 feet. A lively blase started lost night In the rulna of the building destroyed by Are at Twelfth and Bond streets last Sunday night. Hose company No. 1 waa called out and the Are extinguish ed. A few sparks had evidently been smouldering among the charred string era throughout the week. Smoke was noticed yesterday coming from the Place but the blase did not break forth until last night. The Stephens Addition baseball team will meet the Fort Stevens nine at the post today. The Portlanders will ar rive on the noon train and go to the fort on the steamer Mller. Astortans desiring to make the trip can return at 6 o'clock. No admission to the field will be charged. The gome promises to be an Interesting one, as the teams are quite evenly matched, J. H. Howard, great aachem of the Red Men of Oregon, who Is here to at tend the great council of the order this week, visited the lodge at Ham mond yesterday. Although the lodge was only recently organised It Is thriv (ng handsomely. Mr. Howard statea that the team work Is quite equal to that of any lodge In the state. The Astorlan office waa honored yes terday by a call from Lieutenant Scliwors of the United States cruiser Philadelphia, who has charge of a com pany of United States marines from the cruiser now quartered at Fort Stevens, during the practice cruise with the na val reserve. A number of the men were allowed to take In the town yesterday. They were a most orderly body of fel lows and made an excellent appear ance. BiUMi Consul Laldlaw, of Portland, has written to the regatta committee that there Is much doubt as to Ms ability to secure an English battleship to be present at the regatta. The present crisis In the Orient Is ascribed as the reason. The committee has been' hopeful all along of securing the presence of a British man-of-war for the carnival but they are not freatly disappointed In the failure of their at tempt. Tho Astorlan received a dispatch last nleht from Portland announcing the result of the Oregon state cham pionship tennis tournament, which was finished yesterday afternoon. Walter Pears' A touch is enough for cleanliness. That is why it lasts so. A. Ooss becomes champion In th sin gles, Mr. Ooss and Carl D. Lewis won th. men's doubles, and MU Halite!, of Los Angeles, was victorious In the ladles' single. Miss Halstead and Miss Floretta Elmore, of Astoria, won Irt the ladles' doubles, and R. B. Uenham, of Spokane, and Mlsa Cars tens, of Portland, in th mixed doubles. There waa much ability displayed by th contestants throughout. In the finals yesterday unusual Interest was displayed. In the ladles' doubles, Mis Halsted and Miss Floretta Elmore de feated Miss Morse and Miss Caratens, the scores being (-4 and t-(. In the ladlea' singles, Mlsa Halstead defeated Mrs. Cook by the score of 0-1 and (-2. In spite of the Increased capacity of the saw mills the logger are increas ing their output still more rapidly. In the Columbia, Grays Harbor and Pu get Sound logs are going Into the wa ter faster than they are being haul ed out. How long thla will continue without mill men setting their own price on logs la a question. The log ging has made big operators possible. There la practically no limit to what can be done by a company with plen ty of money to buy timber and machin ery. A short time ago. says the Oregon- ian, some one furnished the Oregonian with the definition of a miner's Inch of water. A few days after it waa stated that there are five different definitions of a miner's Inch of water In use in' Oregon, and that there had been some fifty decisions by courts in this state on the subject. Now. J. F. Halloran. publisher of the Mining and Scientific Pis, San Francisco, form erly of ths Astorlan, writes to the Ore gonian that "In California and Oregon a mlner'a irch la 1V4 cubic feet flow per minute. The plank is 1V Inches thick." J. A. Fas (abend, who has the con tract for preparing the great log raft at 6tella for the Robertson Raft Com pany, waa In the city "yesterday. Mr. Faatabend statea that the raft will probably come down the river on Fri day. The raft Is an immense structure built upon lines devised and patented by Mr. Robertson. It will be (00 feet long, f3 feet In width and 34 feet deep. It will contain 500,000 lineal feet of red and yellow fir, the timbers ranging all the way from 30 to 10 feet In length. Forty spar will be lashed to the top of the raft after It Is completed. Two tugs have' been engaged to tow the raft to San Francisco, one of them to be brought from the Sound. The Philadelphia crosaed out to sea last evening at 7:30 with the naval re serve boya for their annual cruise. Ninety members of the Portland dlvla lons arrived down on the noon train and early In the afternoon went on board the cruiser, which lay at anchor In the lower harbor. Only twenty-one of the Astoria company embarked. They were: Ensign Jones, commanding olllcer; Boatswain's Mate J. P. C. Up sher. Gunner's Mate Hayes Easter brook, Coxwain W. C. Hardle, Coxwaln Charles McEwan, Seamen ' Clifford Brown, Frank M. Connor, Edwin N. Cherry, Will Curtis, Joseph Hilton, Dennis Lucy, Herbert Hlbbs, Nets Lar sen, BvnJ. Marlon, Oeorge Robinson, Joseph Roberts, J. D. Taylor, J. A. Wereheim. Will Wilbur and Charles Wright. Early In the day a large quan. tity of fresh meat and provisions was sent aboard the cruiser and the boys wore broad 'smiles. Much complaint waa made last year among the members of the reserve because of the rations, which were the ordinary seamen's fare. The boys were not accustomed to salt horse and hardtack and when they reached home again were half starved. RECIPE FOR ICE MAKING. Any housewife by following the new recipe Just discovered will be able to make Ice easily. This new ice is cheap and quickly prepared, being composed of a kind of ammonia salt. With it, Ice cream may be frosen in a few min utes. So many wonderful Improve ments are being discovered that It brings Into prominence any Institution that remains unchanged. Such an ex ample Is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, the well-known remedy for weak stom achs. Fifty years has seen no change in It. While many Imitations have risen and fallen, this excellent medicine has remained unchanged and as a cure for Indigestion, constipation, dys pepsia and biliousness, it la unequalled. See that our Private Revenue Stamp covers the neck of the bottle. TO REGULATE FISHING. Party of Legislators Arrive From Port, land to Investigate Matters. A party of newly-elected legislators of Multnomah county came down from Portland last evening for tho purpose of investigating the regulations gov erning Aching on the lower Columbia. The party is composed of F. A. Helt- kemper, Dr. Andrew C. Smith and Geo. Orton. They are accompanied by F. A. Bancroft, formerly a member of th legislature from Multnomah county. At 7 o'clock this morning they will leave on th El Kurd on a trip to the mouth of th river. Fish Commission er Iteed and Representatives-Elect John Hahn and B. F. Allen of this city will accompany the visitors. It is the purpose of the party to study the conditions at the mouth of the river and acquire all possible Informa tion concerning the regulations govern ing the various methods of fishing. In conversation with an Astorlan rep resentative last night, Mr. Heltketnper stated that he wa satisfied that new legislation waa necessary to protect the fishing industry on the Columbia river. He had noticed, he said, that the run of fish had gradually decreased, year after year, until today the Industry was a mere shadow of what It waa a few years ago. '"The object of our trip," said he, "is to gain Information so that we may act Intelligently to the advantage of those engaged In the buslnesa. When th matter come up before the legisla ture at Salem we desire to know how to act, and with proper Investigation on our part we will be enabled to work for the best Interests of all concerned, REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Grime Grove Land Company to H. W. Scott lots 1 and 13. block 3, Grimes' Grove; 1160. M. E. Freeman to H. W. Scott-all of lot 12 and east half of lot 11, block 3, Grimes' Grove; $600. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Grimes Grove Land Company to Kate D. Qo tra-lot 13 and 14. block (. Gniis' Grove 1 1(0 United States to Charles Iverson north half of northawt quarter of section 28, T 7 N. R W; pat ent. NOTICE. All men who bellve In the preser ration of the Republic and who are op posed to Imperialism and trusta an hereby invited to attend the ratifica tion of Bryan and Stevenson, to be held on Saturday evening, July 23, at which time a club will be formed, after which a dollar banquet will take place. The meeting will b held at Hanlhorn hall. Tickets for the banquet may be had from the undersigned. JOHN E. GRATKE, Chairman of Executive Committee. HERMAN WISE. Secretary of Executive Committee, STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Odd Felloes' Land ft Build Ing Association will be held at Odd Fellows' hall on Thursday, August 23, 1900, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors, and such other business aa may lawfully come before the meeting. G. REED, A.. J. MEGLER. President Secretary. Astoria, Or.. July 22. 1900.' Great Cut Price China Crockery Glassware Silver Plated Varo 20 Pr cct H Dinner Set 20 V cent, off Jardinieres 20 P01" cei- H Clocks 20 Pr ceot 'f Glassware 2Q ptr cent off Lamps 20 Pr ceat H Knives, Forks, Spooni HI gb Grade Stiver Plated Ware 30 per cent off aj Odds and Esti Grey Enameled Ware, prices away dows Table Glassware, prices away dows DINNER SETS 44 piece Dinner Set, S3.00 6o piece Dinner Set, f 4.40 loo piece Dinner Set, f O OB GLASS BERRY AND TABLE SETS SS, 40, 45, SS. TS, 9 Cta. per Set GLASS PITCHERS, SUGAR BOWLS AND SPOON HOLDERS S, to. 1.1. mo. as Cta. eacn . LEMONADE AND WATER SETS 45. SS. 65. TS. 9o Cta, per Set COG JtUT TO SF.G Good Time and Place to Bay Gftil Amerlcaa koitm h Ci 371 Commercial "Street, Astoria! PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. KEFORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank OF ASTORIA, At Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the close of business, June 29, 1900. RESOUrvCES. Loans and discounts $235,026.72 Overdrafts, secured and unse cured 1,321.67 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 12.500.00 Stocks, securities, etc 84,010.41 Other real estate owned 9,414.63 Due from National Banks (not reserve agrents) 4,007.97 Due from State Banks and Bankers 81.124.68 Due from approved reserve agents 116,013.29 Tr-ternal-Rpvenue gtnmp 909 Checks and other cash items. 4.75 Notes of other National Banks 25.00 Nickels and cents 81.05 Lawful money reserve In Bank, rti: Sperle $87,433.00 Legal-tender note (7.00 87,(90.00 Redemption fund with V. 8. Treasurer per cent or circulation) CS.M , Total $H5,61,73 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $;.900.00 Surpiue fund 25,00.00 Undivided pronts, les ex penses and taxes paid.... 33,245.4 National Bank note out standing 1,500.00 Due State Banks and Banker 2,092.22 Individual deposit subject to check. .$385,ZSZ.05 Demand certificate of deposit $0,1TJ.4 Certified checks 24.00 465,(79.02 Total.,, $385,(1(7 J STAT3 OF" OREGON, Countr of Clatsop, as: I, 8. 8. Gordon, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement 1 true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. S. Bj GORDON, Cashier. Bubsrrlbed and sworn to befor me this 7th day of July, 1900. V. BOt.LL.INO, Notary Public. Correct Attest: Jacob Kamm. W. F. McGregor, William M. Ladd, Director. CALL FOR.WARRANT3. Notice Is hereby aiven to all parties holding; ClaUop County warrants en dorsed prior to July 11, 18)8. to present the same to the County Treasurer at his office. 164 Tenth Street, for pay ment. Interest ceases after this date. H. C. THOMP30N, County Treasurer, Dated, Astoria, Or., thla 13th day of July, im A genius Is a man who can do almost anything; except make a living. KOPP'S BEST A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure The North Pacific Brewery, of whicb f Bottled beer' for family use or ket Mr John Kopp is proprietor, make beer beer supplied at any time, delivery it (or domeeic and export trade. the city free. 4orth Pacific Brewery Remember That FISHER BROS. ARB SOlt AGENTS T0K F.IcCormlcIi fJoivers, Rambler Bicycles, Sharpie's Cream Separators and Dunbarton Salmon Twine IN THE NEW STORE Eilers Piano House Hoy Located at 351 Washington Street, Wear Eighth Street, Portland, ' A constantly increasing business ha3 made it necessary for us to secure larger quarters, and we have had . built for us the beautiful new "MUSIC BUILDING" At the corner of Park and Washington streets, where we have every facility for handling our wholesale and retail business. On our retail floor you will .always find the finest selection of nearly a dozen different makes of pianos and organs, among them the most valuable and costly instruments made in America the Chickering of Boston, the Weber of New York, and the Kimball of Chicago. . ' Before you decide on the purchase of a piano elsewhere it will pay you to investigate our instruments and our methods. Full par ticulars and catalogue for the asking. Write today. EILERS PIANO HOUSE OFFICE 351 WASHINGTON STREET. Portland's Leading Piano and Organ Dealers. Fancy and Staple Groceries FLOUR, FEED, PROVISIONS. T0B4CC0 AND CIGARS Supplies of all kinds at lowest rates, for fishermen, Farmers and Loggers. ' A V ALLEN, Tenth arid Commercial Streets WEDDING WEDDIflS CARDS VISITING CARDS BUSINESS CARDS COPPER PLATE PRINTERS VISITING CARDS Are yea hard to fit? I am art expert meaanrcr I have receive the nw PALL AXD WIXTCK SAMPLES iA!,:;i o ce::?AfiY. The "Beat on Earth" Tstlon Comprising the wellest nitlngs, trouserings, overcoatings, Testings, at right price. ... LET ME MEASURE YOU Many know bow to botcher clothe. Twenty ('JO)yeare' experience has tanghtme UOW todait EIGHT . . . mi ertiste CARDS fl. G. SMITH & CO., k ENGRAVERS, 22 and 23 Washington Ilnildin?, 4thjaml Washington Sts. ovr LiU's. 1'UiULAM;, Oiii-AtU..